I can't see how, without rewording Can't Stop The Clock, you can kill her. You can certainly wear her down but not kill her because it operates off current Health. So even if you're hitting her with attacks that only do 1 damage eventually she'll drop to 5hp at which point all attacks just reset her to 5hp. Admittedly by the point she reaches 5/7,500 Health she's going to clinging to life by the literal barest of margins but solidly Not Dead.
This all made worse by the spell that lets her reset back to her state at the start of the fight.
Well, actually, it just hit me, but an Auto Kill attack could do her in.
That's about it, though. I didn't really expect her to be canon when I made her so I didn't put much effort into balance.
So basically stuff with Supremacy and auto-kill.
There're about 5-ish MGs who could kill her, then.
Red Rose, Madama Morte, Rei, Atlantis Blade... and I swear to god there was another one with one of the two, but I can't remember her name.
Hey, could you guys do me a favor and look through the various sheets for those who have abilities related to analysis? Specifically the analysis of others' abilities?
I'd do it myself but I'm dead tired right now and only being kept awake by the music I have looping in the background.
Hey, could you guys do me a favor and look through the various sheets for those who have abilities related to analysis? Specifically the analysis of others' abilities?
I'd do it myself but I'm dead tired right now and only being kept awake by the music I have looping in the background.
So basically stuff with Supremacy and auto-kill.
There're about 5-ish MGs who could kill her, then.
Red Rose, Madama Morte, Rei, Atlantis Blade... and I swear to god there was another one with one of the two, but I can't remember her name.
Hush of the Grave
-10% chance of instantly killing target.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Silence
Ability: Kill by Modifier
Flight: Level 10
-Max Flight speed of 90 mph.
High-Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-Pitch Black is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.
Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate enemy attack.
-Reduces end damage taken by 50%.
-If damage taken would exceed 20% Pitch Black's max health, reduce it to equal 20% max health.
-Pitch Black may gain XP simply by having some peace and quiet for an extended period of time (roughly 1 XP per 15 minutes of silence and stillness).
Hey, could you guys do me a favor and look through the various sheets for those who have abilities related to analysis? Specifically the analysis of others' abilities?
I'd do it myself but I'm dead tired right now and only being kept awake by the music I have looping in the background.
Passage of Time
-Gaia is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface. Every thought, every idea, and every concept. As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously through the collective experiences of the entire Human Race as they fight across different dimensions.
Thanks to this Gaia knows the ability of every magical girl ever as well as they do and likely has a very good idea as to the abilities of everything that has ever set foot on her thanks to them thinking about their abilities.
Much like Gaia's Passage of Time this ability makes knowing the abilities of others a piece of cake. Only it's on a universal level rather then planetary one. About the only way I could see of hiding from this would be only using/learning-about/ect abilities when outside of time or abusing precog to test the abilities in futures that don't happen.
Nothing is True
-Void is capable of seeing both the past and present in it's entirety, simultaneously without any negative consequences.
Infinity Calculation
-Void is capable of using past knowledge to calculate the possible paths the future will take within an error margin of 0.000000000173%
I don't think I really need to explain how being able to almost perfectly, one in 578 billion change of an error, predict the future on top of knowing the past and present makes analysis of abilities a piece of cake.
Mentes Cognatio Machinas
-Magical Girl Clockwork Prism can intuitively understand machinery and mechanical devices, but lacks comprehension of things like body language, emotional cues, and basic socialization outside of rote memorization.
Elementary, My Dear
-Magical Girl Insight may devote a single action per round to observing a foe, and discover one new element of their character sheet per action spent.
All Paths Lead to the Same Destination
-Chronos is capable of using knowledge and magic to determine the various ways the future can unfold with extremely high accuracy.
Academic's Intuition:
Level N/A
-Mystic Detective and her allies can, with a single glance, determine what Affinities a creature, weapon, or spell has, as well as what Extra Abilities a spell or weapon has.
Diamond Mind
Level 3
-Game Queen is capable of thinking 30 times faster than the human baseline. Doesn't help with people. Great for Video Games though!
See the Twists and Turns
-Grants the target the ability to see the near future. Lasts for (level divided by 2, rounded down) turns.
Level 8
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Passion
Ability: Boost-Other | 10-Second Precog
Reader of Fate's Tapestry
-Sora can use magic and known information to make predictions as to what will happen in the near future. Accuracy of information helps improve accuracy of predictions.
Precog, even limited in temporal distance, is great for working out what people can do. An obvious example would be precogging what would happen if you attack the target in a variety of ways.
This one is a bit questionable but depending upon if she can command then dead then it's useful for interrogating enemies and if she can't it's useful for learning about enemies from fallen allies.
-Shining Scholar uses magic to determine the target's current health, Affinities, Abilities, and the Affinities and Abilities of any weapons or spells the target has.
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Library
Ability: Analyze
Passage of Time
-Hydaelyn is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface. Every thought, every idea, and every concept. As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously.
Lives Measured
-The Purpose is completely and totally aware of every event in-line with the concept of "slavery" as if he itself was experiencing them. Every thought, every idea, and every concept.
As for Supremacy Zone's damage negation: "So long as Solid Core can be considered 'in the air' she is immune to all damage from ground-based sources, though they can knock her out of the sky." This only works if the opponent firing at her is, as stated, 'on the ground' or 'not over six feet off the ground'. AOE effects, and knockbacks from anti-air fire can knock Solid Core through a loop, causing her to crash, and thus rendering it moot.
Similarly to how certain abilities will bypass IC's "ignore damage below 99% of max hp" effect, are there any abilities that let an attack from the ground ignore this part of Supremacy Zone?
Tell Me A Secret
-This spells enables the caster to determine what something that the targets wants, and what they'd be willing to do to get it. Higher levels increase data gained.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Lust | Manipulation
Ability: Scan
Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate enemy attack.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 1)
-Luxuria is able to track and react to objects moving up to 90mph.
Aura of Befuddlement
-Luxuria creates an aura that hampers her enemies thoughts, makes them more likely to give into their desires, and makes it harder for them to hit their targets.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
Ability Term: Extend: this allows a weapon to extend to hit further away than it normally would.
Lust is meant to be based on the desire for things, such as bloodlust, the lust for knowledge, etc. Actual physical lust isn't really something she uses all that much, if ever.
(Independent) Magical Girl Acedia
Maria Doe
Health: 2450
Base Damage: 1050
Base Resilience: 875
Magic Modifier: 350
Affinity: Sloth | Effort | Legend
Sword of Hypnos
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Sloth | Effort
Ability: Armor Pierce | Double Hit
Without Sleep, There Is No Life
-Kills the target, then causes Acedia to gain one Sloth Counter.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sloth | Effort
Ability: Auto Kill
Sloth Counters
Level 7
-Acedia may hold up to the ability level's worth of Sloth Counters. Acedia may expand a Sloth Counter to increase the effectiveness of an attack by the attack's base power multiplied by the number of Sloth Counters used.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 1)
-Acedia is able to track and react to objects moving up to 90mph.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
Aura of Sloth
-Causes all enemies to become tired. Doubles all enemy actions needed to negate an attack from any source.
Sloth is supposed to be neglect of talent, so that's reflected by her not having a skilled trait, but being really scary when she's got enough Sloth Counters.
(Independent) Magical Girl Superbia
Lucy Crossing
Health: 2100
Base Damage: 1225
Base Resilience: 1225
Magic Modifier: 700
Affinity: Pride | Body | Legend
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Pride | Body
Ability: Juggernaut
Behold My Glory
-Increases offensive and defensive power. Increases ATP by 1.
Level 7
Base Damage: 1400
Magic Modifier: 1400
Affinity: Pride | Body
Ability: Boost-Self | Level-Stack
Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action. When affected by Behold My Glory, reduce the needed amount of actions by 1.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Superbia is able to track and react to objects moving up to 180mph.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
Prideful Performance
-Whenever Superbia kills an enemy, reset her ATP.
Since Superbia is supposed to represent Pride, why not give her some abilities that encourage that pride?
(Independent) Magical Girl Invidia
Eloise Valois
Health: 1575
Base Damage: 875
Base Resilience: 1050
Magic Modifier: 1050
Affinity: Envy | Library | Legend
Rainy Blade
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Envy
Ability: Mode Change | Double Hit (sword) | Curse (Umbrella)
Spell Steal - (Insert Spell Name Here)
-This spells enables Invidia to copy the spells cast by others. She can only copy spells that she has seen cast herself, cannot copy spells if their level is above Spell Steal's level, can only copy the spell she had specified, and cannot copy spells from Epic or Divinity tier Magical Girls. Standard Library spell effects take place whenever she targets someone with an Affinity she does not have a spell for.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Envy | Library
Ability: Scan | Copy
Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate enemy attack.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Luxuria is able to track and react to objects moving up to 180mph.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
Affinity Override
-Able to use spells she doesn't have the Affinity for.
Invidia's spell is based off of what I think a lot of people who only know the bares bones of Library magic would think - that they have to copy other to be useful. The weapon's because I was feeling like adding in something silly.
(Independent) Magical Girl Gula
Grace Washington
Health: 3850
Base Damage: 700
Base Resilience: 1225
Magic Modifier: 1400
Affinity: Gluttony | Time | Legend
Temporal Trident
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 4 (started with 3)
Affinities: Time
Ability: Triple-Hit | Armor Pierce
Time For A Feast
-Gula's next three attacks do additional damage.
Level 7
Base Damage: 700
Magic Modifier: 700
Affinity: Gluttony
Ability: Vampire | Juggernaut
Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 1)
-Gula is able to track and react to objects moving up to 90mph.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
It's Meal Time
-Causes all attacks to be treated as if they possess the Slow Ability.
New Ability Term: Slow.
-prevents the affected from moving as fast as they can via temporal shenanigans. Reduces ATP and max flight speed.
Gula's based on Gluttony, so adding in something to increase her Vampire attacks seemed like a good idea to me.
(Independent) Magical Girl Ira
Lucy Wild
Health: 3500
Base Damage: 1225
Base Resilience: 875
Magic Modifier: 525
Affinity: Wrath | Fire | Legend
Blazing Fang
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Wrath | Fire
Ability: Ignite | Armor Pierce
Flames of Hatred
-Increases damage and defensive power, and causes all of Ira's attacks to gain the Murder Ability.
Level 7
Base Damage: 1050
Magic Modifier: 1050
Affinity: Wrath | Fire
Ability: Boost-Self | Murder
Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate enemy attack.
High Speed Combat (Lvl 1)
-Ira is able to track and react to objects moving up to 90mph.
-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.
Flames of Fury
-All attacks with the Ignite ability are treated as if they are three times stronger.
What with how redheads are stereotypically depicted as having short fuses, how could I not make my Wrath stand-in one?
(Independent) Magical Girl Avaritia
Nan Black
Health: 2450
Base Damage: 700
Base Resilience: 1225
Magic Modifier: 1225
In all honesty, college has started back up for me, so I probably won't be able to output as many MGs as I have. If I still make MGs, my rate of production is definitely going to slow down. Have to focus on my grades first, y'know?
Health: 350
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 40
Affinity: Computing | Logic | Story Maker
Modern Arsenal Magical Girl Machine Code does not fight alone. She fights with an arsenal of drones and 'bots at her front.
Level 5
Base Damage: Varies
Magic Modifier: N/A
Attacks Per Turn: Varies
Affinities: Computing
Ability: Swarm Networking | Auto-Assault
Command Override Machine Code may override any machine's actions to do exactly what she wants it to do. Even contrary to to certain laws of physics. Some Top Gun instructors who heard about this lamented that she'd be a fantastic fighter pilot if she weren't so coldly logical.
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Computing
Ability: Total Control (Machines) | Target by Level
Machine Logic: Transistors inside a microchip have two states: off and on.
-All technology is doubled in power if operated by Machine Code. Provides a 25% boost to all technological Affinities nearby. Can no longer feel emotion, granting immunity to emotion-affecting abilities.
Tactical Predictive Modeling:
-Can predict with 100% certainty an enemies actions if their full abilities are known. For every piece of incorrect or missing information, accuracy is reduced by 5%. When Machine Code's Prediction is accurate, she can order her Arsenal to sacrifice three of their collective actions to nullify an enemy action or may override the initiative order and act first. If nothing is known about the enemy, the prediction is guaranteed to fail.
Strategic Predictive Modeling: Forewarned is forearmed.
-Machine Code can also predict the movements and actions of Brigades up to 95% of the time. This is contingent on having accurate data on all belligerents in a battle. When a correct prediction is made, boost all friendly units stats affected by the prediction by 25%.
And here is a fine example of Machine Code's Modern Arsenal. Crystal has dibs on the rest of the drones by the way should she ever appear.
(Machine Code) Super Heavy Infantry Vehicle
Health: 1,250
Base Damage: 350
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: N/A
Multiply Redundant Systems: Many engineers who saw first saw Machine Code's work thought she overdid things. When the 'bots then came back operational despite horrific damage, they ate their words and cake in celebration.
-Super Heavy Infantry Vehicles work at full capacity at all times until destroyed. Ignore all damage modifiers.
Elemental Backup
-Runic Arrays automatically activate defenses against Elemental Attacks to render them useless.
Blessed Weaponry
-Bonus Damage against Demonic Enemies.
Character notes:
After a year of working with Machine Code, the Unified Light is well aware of the fact that she is coldly logical. They have made deals and contracted her accordingly. Frankly, she's a lot closer to a merc than your average MG. If you've seen Darker than Black, think about the Contractors and the Syndicate, but with drastically less shady intentions. They actually even tried to get her to see a therapist by making it a stipulation in her contract before realizing after two meetings with her therapist that nothing would change besides irritating Machine Code.
Her drones and bots are specially constructed by Machine Code, with the Pillar providing all the materials necessary to build them. After seeing the performance of the first test batch of 5 (costing 500,000$) in live combat, the Pillar was interested in procuring more, but ran into the fact that Machine Code's programming was pretty much incomprehensible. As one programmer inspecting the code later said, "It's Magic, we can't explain shit." So direct copies of her work are impossible. On the plus side, some of her pieces of work have since been shipped out to serve as inspiration for improvements in the Pillar's autonomous drones, and is being pursued with a modest budget, most of which is for paying programmers to create new software for a planned mass-produced version of Machine Codes 'bots. They expect it to take three to four years to create something with 75% of the effectiveness of the average Pillar rifleman in certain roles. Particularly where discretion is not needed nor advised.
On Predictive Modeling, this ability is what turns an otherwise mediocre Magical Girl into a strategic asset. Her ability to predict how a battle will turn out 95% of the time has helped inform Commanding Officers what the correct decision in a battle is. Unfortunately, that success rate only exists in a perfect situation where Machine Code starts with all the information on both sides. The reality is that currently, with Earth under siege and the situation turning fluid, her predictions have turned sour due to a lack on reliable information on what exactly the Dark is up to.
Team Binary, Machine Code's team, is nominally there to protect her from any and all threats. And for the first month, they did! They deployed with her to several battles before losing two members and all the drones along for the ride, annihilating several brigades from the 18th Legion. At which point, Team Binary's CO realized that Machine Code could've done the same thing, back at base. Now the three remaining members still 'protect' her. Although generally they're really protecting the ignorants who try to interact with the hikkikomori otaku that is Machine Code when they're not babysittingassisting her with whatever she needs.
Passage of Time
-Aphrodite is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface. As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously through any probes that land on her surface.
Seeing the past and future alone is enough to be here. Being able to copy all an enemies' spells and abilities, and thus know what they are, also qualifies. That she can just say "I know all your abilities" and then have it be true is really just overkill.
Amy, typically known as Limitless Horizon, leaned back and rubbed her eyes. "Your code is bad and you should feel bad."
"Rude," muttered Machine Code, not taking her eyes off the small stack of devices she was watching.
"I'm happy you actually wrote something object-oriented for us. It's a step up from your custom machine code for unique chips, and actually allows for some decompiling. But your source code... well, you've got method 't' in class 'b' that increments int 'sc' in class 'q' which is accessed by a small army of classes and methods which don't seem to do anything else. They don't return anything or send any commands." Amy sighed, "and for all that it's still better than when you submitted drone code in binary lambda calculus."
"The methods do something. When the registers hit certain values it triggers some actions and inputs through purpose-built components."
Amy twitched imperceptibly. "You should refactor. use descriptive names instead of single characters, use booleans instead of letting some random regi-"
"It's not random, I know where it all goes."
"What if it overflows?"
"That's intentional, there are some implicit loops that I control that way."
"Why." Amy took a breath, "Doing that misses the point of this exercise. It's supposed to let me examine the code without having to know the circuit diagram down to the transistor level."
"That's no fun. Besides, I can do a lot more per clock cycle this way."
"Well, this was pointless on my end." Amy put the laptop back, perched precariously on a humming server rack.
I'm suddenly having flash backs to some of the abominations I called programs back when I started out. I'm still not entirely sure how I managed to get a computer to fail at performing basic operations.
Amy, typically known as Limitless Horizon, leaned back and rubbed her eyes. "Your code is bad and you should feel bad."
"Rude," muttered Machine Code, not taking her eyes off the small stack of devices she was watching.
"I'm happy you actually wrote something object-oriented for us. It's a step up from your custom machine code for unique chips, and actually allows for some decompiling. But your source code... well, you've got method 't' in class 'b' that increments int 'sc' in class 'q' which is accessed by a small army of classes and methods which don't seem to do anything else. They don't return anything or send any commands." Amy sighed, "and for all that it's still better than when you submitted drone code in binary lambda calculus."
"The methods do something. When the registers hit certain values it triggers some actions and inputs through purpose-built components."
Amy twitched imperceptibly. "You should refactor. use descriptive names instead of single characters, use booleans instead of letting some random regi-"
"It's not random, I know where it all goes."
"What if it overflows?"
"That's intentional, there are some implicit loops that I control that way."
"Why." Amy took a breath, "Doing that misses the point of this exercise. It's supposed to let me examine the code without having to know the circuit diagram down to the transistor level."
"That's no fun. Besides, I can do a lot more per clock cycle this way."
"Well, this was pointless on my end." Amy put the laptop back, perched precariously on a humming server rack.
In all seriousness though, the Doylist reason I had her programming work be incomprehensible was that if the Counter Force had a viable way to supplement or replace the average soldier with semi-autonomous drones for an affordable price, they'd be all over it, and since she's been around for about a year now, they'd be in full mass production already if they had programming that could be reverse engineered. Instead, they're just in limited production minus any microprocessors for Machine Code to finish and then use at her discretion.
Seeing the past and future alone is enough to be here. Being able to copy all an enemies' spells and abilities, and thus know what they are, also qualifies. That she can just say "I know all your abilities" and then have it be true is really just overkill.
Alibi Block Equaliser is capable of appearing anywhere, including in space, sealed rooms, other dimensions, inside bodies and/or minds and is capable of doing all of this simultaneously.
I didn't even notice that mistake until now, but this is true (in the edited to canon section). I am still credited in the non-canon section though. @crystalwatcher
Health: 350
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 40
Affinity: Computing | Logic | Story Maker
Modern Arsenal Magical Girl Machine Code does not fight alone. She fights with an arsenal of drones and 'bots at her front.
Level 5
Base Damage: Varies
Magic Modifier: N/A
Attacks Per Turn: Varies
Affinities: Computing
Ability: Swarm Networking | Auto-Assault
Command Override Machine Code may override any machine's actions to do exactly what she wants it to do. Even contrary to to certain laws of physics. Some Top Gun instructors who heard about this lamented that she'd be a fantastic fighter pilot if she weren't so coldly logical.
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Computing
Ability: Total Control (Machines) | Target by Level
Machine Logic: Transistors inside a microchip have two states: off and on.
-All technology is doubled in power if operated by Machine Code. Provides a 25% boost to all technological Affinities nearby. Can no longer feel emotion, granting immunity to emotion-affecting abilities.
Tactical Predictive Modeling:
-Can predict with 100% certainty an enemies actions if their full abilities are known. For every piece of incorrect or missing information, accuracy is reduced by 5%. When Machine Code's Prediction is accurate, she can order her Arsenal to sacrifice three of their collective actions to nullify an enemy action or may override the initiative order and act first. If nothing is known about the enemy, the prediction is guaranteed to fail.
Strategic Predictive Modeling: Forewarned is forearmed.
-Machine Code can also predict the movements and actions of Brigades up to 95% of the time. This is contingent on having accurate data on all belligerents in a battle. When a correct prediction is made, boost all friendly units stats affected by the prediction by 25%.
And here is a fine example of Machine Code's Modern Arsenal. Crystal has dibs on the rest of the drones by the way should she ever appear.
(Machine Code) Super Heavy Infantry Vehicle
Health: 1,250
Base Damage: 350
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: N/A
Multiply Redundant Systems: Many engineers who saw first saw Machine Code's work thought she overdid things. When the 'bots then came back operational despite horrific damage, they ate their words and cake in celebration.
-Super Heavy Infantry Vehicles work at full capacity at all times until destroyed. Ignore all damage modifiers.
Elemental Backup
-Runic Arrays automatically activate defenses against Elemental Attacks to render them useless.
Blessed Weaponry
-Bonus Damage against Demonic Enemies.
Character notes:
After a year of working with Machine Code, the Unified Light is well aware of the fact that she is coldly logical. They have made deals and contracted her accordingly. Frankly, she's a lot closer to a merc than your average MG. If you've seen Darker than Black, think about the Contractors and the Syndicate, but with drastically less shady intentions. They actually even tried to get her to see a therapist by making it a stipulation in her contract before realizing after two meetings with her therapist that nothing would change besides irritating Machine Code.
Her drones and bots are specially constructed by Machine Code, with the Pillar providing all the materials necessary to build them. After seeing the performance of the first test batch of 5 (costing 500,000$) in live combat, the Pillar was interested in procuring more, but ran into the fact that Machine Code's programming was pretty much incomprehensible. As one programmer inspecting the code later said, "It's Magic, we can't explain shit." So direct copies of her work are impossible. On the plus side, some of her pieces of work have since been shipped out to serve as inspiration for improvements in the Pillar's autonomous drones, and is being pursued with a modest budget, most of which is for paying programmers to create new software for a planned mass-produced version of Machine Codes 'bots. They expect it to take three to four years to create something with 75% of the effectiveness of the average Pillar rifleman in certain roles. Particularly where discretion is not needed nor advised.
On Predictive Modeling, this ability is what turns an otherwise mediocre Magical Girl into a strategic asset. Her ability to predict how a battle will turn out 95% of the time has helped inform Commanding Officers what the correct decision in a battle is. Unfortunately, that success rate only exists in a perfect situation where Machine Code starts with all the information on both sides. The reality is that currently, with Earth under siege and the situation turning fluid, her predictions have turned sour due to a lack on reliable information on what exactly the Dark is up to.
Team Binary, Machine Code's team, is nominally there to protect her from any and all threats. And for the first month, they did! They deployed with her to several battles before losing two members and all the drones along for the ride, annihilating several brigades from the 18th Legion. At which point, Team Binary's CO realized that Machine Code could've done the same thing, back at base. Now the three remaining members still 'protect' her. Although generally they're really protecting the ignorants who try to interact with the hikkikomori otaku that is Machine Code when they're not babysittingassisting her with whatever she needs.