Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

First, while Coil won't care that Aperion mastered the world, he will very much care that he was just mastered, and couldn't avoid the effect due to timeline shenanigans which means Aperion is now a threat to him when he wasn't before.
Coil might be now in a state of panic, because perk might have affected only one timeline (suddenly one timeline has emergency national news, and another does not) without any actions from Coil that could have caused it. Such situation might have frightening implications for Coil.

Hell, Dragon herself is probably shitting ALL THE BRICKS right now.
Alexandria is supposed to be immune to master effects as well. As is a bunch of other parahumen. PRT will be panicking simply from the fact that the effect ignores any defenses.
From appearance this is an effect that associates words. That can be used in some disturbing ways (like harming educational system), even if it just associates titles to people it still can do a lot of harm. And that's without taking into account how precise the effect is (recognizes meaning, a very specific person and not just sequence of sounds).
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Great chapter.

I think the title thing can be explained as a Trump effect to make sure that nobody can claim to be him. And that nobody can claim to not know that they were talking to a fraud.

The Teacher ability is great and opens up many things. Good that he has his duplicates available with the new demands of his time.

Peak ADVENT Technology (XCOM 2) 200:
Before you defected you were working in some of the most top secret black projects any human had access to. You have an encyclopaedic knowledge of all ADVENT technology, minus some of the genetic manipulation techniques and basically anything that would give away ADVENTs dark secrets.

Not sure about ADVENT tech. But, I would think that this gives him the ability to stomp Dragon and Saint. To free Dragon.

Thanks for the update.
Also, I have to say, the Forge is straight up shoehorning Joe into becoming the ultimate anime chuuni lord.

You don't say. Really?

Why are people so excited for the Avid Glove? Is there a jumpchain meme I'm missing???

For a while there, it was the last perk in the Clothing Constellation, meaning to obtain it was to unlock the Capstone Constellation. He since added a single other perk to the Clothing Constellation, as has been mentioned above. Also, it is yet another 100pt perk out of the way, as soon as all of the single 100pt perks are gone LordR will only roll for perks after 200pts are gained instead of every 100pts, which will make the larger perks easier to obtain.

By the way, from my calculations, there are two single, non-repeatable 100 pt perks left, (checks notes--The Toolkit from Sabaton and Titan Engineering from Titanfall) as well as one that is attached to a 500pt perk that might need to be rolled as well (that would be Technical Training from 40K). He doesn't actually need to get the 6 remaining Star Trek Perks to activate this effect.

Edit: There are also two more possible master effect accusations that could come as freebies in the upcoming Forge perk gains. One is Imposing Declaration of Title from Asura's Wrath. This is very like one he already has, except the description of the perk does not include the ability to turn it off. I wonder if the Balance Bangle could be used to turn off that ability alone. Hey, maybe it could turn off the Fallen London one as well. Would that make the haters calmer? (Apeiron: Uh, everything is under control. Situation normal.
PRT: What happened?
Apeiron: [flustered] Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?)

The other potential perk is the sort that LordR might leave out, since it would change how he writes. It is called Oi!, from Titanfall, and will make all those in Jozef's "faction" talk in a recognizable accent. And maybe other factions might develop one as well?
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Hold up, does this mean that scion and other dimensions know this name as well?
I think only if they did knew him by his cape name? But don't sure.

Awww! He didn't get the selection of fruit.
Um, what?

More importantly does he have the TOP SECRET Advent Burger recipe ??
Nope: "encyclopaedic knowledge of all ADVENT technology, minus some of the genetic manipulation techniques and basically anything that would give away ADVENTs dark secrets." :p

'can parahumans run a stable society'.
That's possible. One might argue that BB isn't exactly stable, but compared to the most Earth Bet... Welp.
Although, if they wanted to see a parahuman(s) running a stable sociaty, they, as I said, could've put, for example, Eidolon's civilian identity as a major somewhere. (yes, that's a joking example, but they do have more members than just Triumvirate, Contessa and Dr. Mother, they have options).
So, we kind of returning to the original idea I mentioned:
"can Cauldron created vial-parahuman took over the city without it fully descend into parahuman feudalism", or something along those lines

So. This is Fiat-backed 'You can teach anyone whatever you know.' Good god he is fuuuucked
To be fair - not anyone. "those far below you" still meant to be at least sapient, I 99,9% sure. But yeah, that freebie is pretty significant. Also, as @Sterlyn said, he can only teach skills. I.e. FMA alchemy is on the table, but fiat-based effects, or things that require magic/psionic/other power to function - not (until he'll be able to grant those powers, I mean).

edit: when I edited the comment before posting, I accidentally deleted the emoji. Restored now.
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The one you are saying he still needs to get, where any single piece of armor applies its protection to his entire outfit is like one of the first powers he got way back in the day. I remember chapters where he had a bunch of different pieces with different properties, some resistant to heat or electricity, others to withstand impact, etc.

This is the perk they mentioned. --> Fashion Nonvictim (The World Ends With You) 200:
For you, there is no such thing as suffering for the sake of fashion. As long as you wear fashionable clothing, you will always be perfectly comfortable no matter the weather. You can make ill-fitting clothing look good on you with a couple subtle pins in the right places, and it'll always be comfortable no matter how big or small it is. Even in the thick of battle, you will be no worse off for your lack of armor- So long as you wear a single peice of armor, like a shoulderpad or gauntlet, your clothes will protect you as if they were a suit of armor made of the same material.

And the perk you are thinking of, is this one.

Fashion (Highschool of the Dead) 200:
Your clothing and entire body acquire defensive properties equal to the most superior protective items you have currently equipped. Emphasis on protective item- an iron or steel ring won't give you metal-tough skin- the minimum is things like knee pads from extreme sports, helmets- even an apron would count, though all that'd do is protect you from the dangers of a kitchen...
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Would joe revealing his power and how it functions calm people down or freak them out even more after this?
Let's see:
Apeiron: "Well, I actually get random powers at random times, that may or may not have worldwide effects, and I can't predict what and when I'll get. The one that scare you so much was free addition to most minor power I can get, and most of the powers still there are rather big. Oh, and I also can't turn off most of the powers I receive!.."
Everyone: (insert "Sorry I need to leave that universe for a bit BYE!" gif)

always reacting to events happening and not making any kind of plans or setting goals.
That's a part of his anti-precog defense strategy. When you don't have long-term goals, they can't predict your long-term goals. :p
And that's only partly joke.

One of the potential free perks from Fallen London was this one:

-And a selection of fruit. There's pears, apples, plums, ooh peaches! Haven't had those in a while. The Peaches of the Traitor Empress are delicious and best eaten for breakfast.

There was also the possibility of receiving the story of your life in book form, which has the slight chance that people reading it might think they were you.

Edit: I just had a thought. Since both the fruit and the book were gifts for the end of that jumpchain, perhaps they will still arrive with the next shipment of gifts from his Fallen London contacts, as a reward for completing the perks from that jumpchain. How often do those arrive again? And to be totally meta about it, the book he receives on his life story could be... an up to date (and possibly updating) copy of this very story right here.
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Honestly what I'm really looking forward to is Joe's response to Victor, who can deal almost incalculable damage to Joe if he just lets him copy his.skills. thing is, as soon as he even tried to start coping just skills Joe will know due to his power scanner, so does he just decapitate Victor? Obviously not in character, but it would be the most sensible thing to do . Just threaten him to "look but don't touch"? Joe can even detect if Victor is trying to see what skills he has, I think was mentioned in a previous WoG regarding Victor, so does he be proactive about it? Honestly what I really want is Minitriurisation to just absolutely blindside Joe and render all of this speculation useless but it's a fools dream, at this point..
Interesing fact is that Title is only added when people learn/know about Apeiron The Cape/Parahuman. Not when they learn/know about Joe a college dropout. That would imply that being Apeiron is more important and true to himself with being Joe added as an aftertought. With would run opposite to his claims that he realy wants to go out as Joe from time to time. Its more likely that such is another thing he was convinced should be truth(needed to live double life with other one being 'mudame/normal' one) while in reality he feels that being Apeiron is his true self with Joe part of his life brining only bad things.

Because why do Apeiron needs Joes parts in his life? Apeiron The Enigmatic Artificer could easly stop bothering being Joe with his problems without any negatives. Its only some mistaken superstition that makes him bother with such fual life when everything bad in his life came when being Joe or as results of trying to be him and act on things he was forced to belive in.
1) I suspect that the Passenger just goes "when Coil involved, assume you are in similation".
2) They definitely can, at least sometimes, recognize similation. But their "similation recognition" might be purely logical based. When Coil's mercenaries starting to indiscriminately shoot civilians or blow up shit, you can safely assume that's a throw-away timeline.

I don't so sure about it. As you can remember, he hesitates sometimes.
So, I think the situations looked like:
Coil mercenaries appears. Passenger tells Joe to flee, because they recognizes that mercenaries mean Coil and Coil mean troubles. Joe following his anti-precognition strategy at work - "I'm not going to do anything untill I'll get the (next/right) power", and fleeing.
Coil orders to start shooting, or whatever, to see if Joe would try to protect/save civilians. Passenger tells Joe to flee, because they recognizes that mean they are in similation. Joe hesitates for a bit. Passenger yells "THINKER DANGER! FLEE!". Joe fleeing.
Don't forget that Joe trusted his Passenger way more when Coil tried that. That was mostly before the Aegislash, when Joe's trust in their assessment of personalities took a big hit. And definitely before the March, i.e. before he learned about the imperfection of the "precognition" his Passenger have.
Late response, but I think that Forge-chan, being a fucking ROB, is aware of the separate fiat connections? He is limited to what Joe sees, but I don't think he can be duplicated by Shards or anything.
As for the running, that was following Chapter 12, which is when he meets up with Tattletale to discuss meeting up Amy. Post Aegislash. Also when has Joe timed ALL his actions with his power? Stuff like working on projects sure, but when an active conflict is happening? IDK about that. In fact, while we didn't see it from his perspective, the moment he was done with Dragon he ran to stop the effects of Lung.
When he ran, he had already constructed the basic motoroid iirc. He could've shown up with that, and tried to stop these crazies, using his newly obtained Nanites to heal who-ever he could. Even without it, he had rune weaponry that would have been very useful on top of the Energize formula.
Joe was big on being a hero back then, still kinda is, so I can't see him just running away. Unless his passenger was warning him to levels that wouldn't make sense. Coil nonsense can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that it is imperative that you never do anything ever, unless it's about denial of information. In most situations, lives > denial of information, even to Forge-chan.
Honestly what I'm really looking forward to is Joe's response to Victor, who can deal almost incalculable damage to Joe if he just lets him copy his.skills. thing is, as soon as he even tried to start coping just skills Joe will know due to his power scanner, so does he just decapitate Victor? Obviously not in character, but it would be the most sensible thing to do . Just threaten him to "look but don't touch"? Joe can even detect if Victor is trying to see what skills he has, I think was mentioned in a previous WoG regarding Victor, so does he be proactive about it? Honestly what I really want is Minitriurisation to just absolutely blindside Joe and render all of this speculation useless but it's a fools dream, at this point..
Using your power on others is against the truce. Joe could easily just turn to him, without raising a weapon, although he could, and be like "Stop using your power on me.", and Victor would be courting death if he continued.
That disposable timeline, so he don't need to care that double could learn something about him or his plans from the interrogation.
So I could honestly see him just sending a subordinate in his place so Joe doesn't look at him or a body double of him directly, or even manages to hear his voice.
With the watch's defense there's no timeline where he can violently interrogate her. Still don't know how the simulations handle Joe either.
The problem is - it's kind of useless to see "how parahuman can take over the relatively stable place", because after The Fight there rather unlikely to be any stable places.
There were so many problems. They weren't hands off, dropping Trainwreck there, selling vials to the merchants, interfering with The Nine etc. Completely ignored the ratio of parahumans to non-parahumans so if any humans survived the number with powers would be abysmally low (the Shards might change the rate but Cauldron has no reason to think that's a possibility). It fails for being unable to to be reproduced, inconsistent variables, interference, and for how totally different powers were from each other. Even if Coil could run a city it doesn't mean any other parahuman could. It doesn't even mean a similar power could.

As for the latest chapter it was the best since the battle. Actual character interaction, Joe getting out of the house, dialogue, plot moving, useful introspection.
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Lovely chapter. It was great! It sure calm me down thinking about TT's panic when she detects Joe's assurance to bulldoze over everything if necessary. Tattletale definitely gets anxious when Joe fantasies about putting Taylor into a stasis field. All she can detect regarding his small smile and reassurance is that he will do something if Taylor gets over herself. Shame that Joe isn't putting pressure on her with this. Even more shame that his passanger hasn't taken a backseat regarding his confidence on TT.
First off I'm kicking myself that I didn't notice the name thing in the Fallen London Jump... I'm sure Lord intentionally didn't mention it so it would be a surprise.
so Cauldron as a group expect that post-scion, they're going to end up with Parahumans ruling in a feudal society, or at least that that's the most viable form of government for the recovery period afterwards. They want to see if it's possible for Parahuman Feudalism to be a stable form of government, given the nature of Parahumans.
So we've got these warlords in Africa duking it out, and that's good. but it's not a stable situation, and it's probably going to take a while before that's going to settle into a stable situation. Like, between "years" and "decades"
We don't have that kind of time on our hands, though. Our best estimates give us between 3 and 15 years before Scion decides to start destroying all of humanity.
So just looking over at the parahuman warlords in other locations isn't going to tell us what we need to know - 'can parahumans run a stable society'.
Thusly, Cauldron cheats a little bit. They set up the Brockton Bay experiment - letting the parahumans fight for control of the city without intervening, maybe giving coil a little push. That way, we can see if Coil or any other parahumans are able to subvert and manage an already-stable-city without fucking it all up, without spending decades we don't have waiting for parahuman feudalism to arise naturally.

Otherwise, I fall back on the adage "characters not thinking of something isn't a plothole"

the chapter dropped in the middle of writing this so I ought to comment on it. I loved the pacing in this chapter and the reveal of the Enigmatic Artificer thing - really kept me on the edge of my seat.

he explicitly said that the perk included a frightening knowledge of psionsics and psi-tech. There's no way he doesn't know how to make psionics.

seconding this - this is the point of the bit where he says that anyone who knows about Apeiron knows the title Enigmatic Artificer, and that if another person calls themself Apeiron it doesn't kick in.

wasn't this the last perk in the clothing constellation? isn't that why people were super hyped for it?
Why are people so excited for the Avid Glove? Is there a jumpchain meme I'm missing???
Checkout the rolls analysis below.

But, he just got a mindcontrol perk this chapter. He has to make it but the Avatar Project is literally a thing he can do. And that is psionics up the wazoo.
It said that anything hinting at Advent's dark secrets isn't included. I'm pretty sure the Avatar project is the darkest secret they have.

Rolls Analysis:
First roll of the day quality with 3 points. We narrowly dodged yet another Unnatural Skill/Minor Blessing roll which had a 1/7 chance of happening. We had a 1/7 chance of getting Syncronicity event which might have been useful since it boosts psionic powers
Second roll: we missed a 1/8 chance of getting Technomancy from Mage: The Awakening
Third roll: we got Peak Advent tech. There were a full 7 other possibilities out of 20 in the constellation. A number of them would have been cool but this was good too. Psionic tech tree is now unlocked.
Fourth roll: Alchemy could have gotten us the holy grail, Mixing Mixtures, which would have given us even more Joe clones running around, it could also have gotten us Fate Alchemy. Each had a 1/7 chance.
Fifth roll: We got Avid Glove. This is actually a really useful thing. The Avid glove counts as Joe's hands for the purposes of Fae crafting which means if he incorporates any sort of automated manufacturing tech into the glove I think that things produced count as Fae crafted. I'm not certain about that though. We also got the fun master effect and the boosts to memorization and teaching. Almost overshadowing that it was both in the fashion constellation and a unique 100 CP perk. One more power in the fashion constellation is all that stands in the way of the capstone constellation and there are only three remaining unique 100CP perks. Once we obtain those three there will be a much higher chance of rolling 600CP perks and 800CP perks are in the realm of realistic possibility.
Sixth Roll: Crucible of Eight Trigrams. Virtually the entire toolkits constellation was up for grabs here with the exception of the practically impossible 800 CP perk. The other prizes we missed out on were yet another super repair and salvaging power, a bunch of Lathe-Wrought Armor plating, and of course a lackluster additional roll of the workshop.
We ended this chapter with no CP at all due to the high cost perk rolled right at the end.

Reference doc is updated with new probabilities. I also fixed some errors that had crept into the formulas

Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference

Possible Perks Domain No. ,Constellation,Place in Domain,Place Overall,Name,Origin Jump,Min Cost,Cluster Cost,All Costs,Chance to Roll (Not counting CP required),Description,Perks available 12,Alchemy Constellation,9,294,Mixing Mixtures,Banjo-Kazooie,200,200,200,1.39%,Your created potions can be...
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Thanks for the chapter

Couple of corrections below.
If he was as strong a thinker and as Tattletale indicated there were any number of reasons for why that could be the case.

"The Empire had have brought Purity back into the fold, and a few other stragglers with her. The Merchants have picked up recruits from the aftermath of attacks, mostly fresh triggers or displaced capes, but they've doubled their starting lineup. Faultline will be there in force and Coil's committed to arrive, but nobody knows what that will entail."

If sensor access it is critical to a mission we can figure something out, but do not try to subvert the tech again.
Something tell me that when the Apeiron crew say that something is 'fire and bullet proof'. They actually mean that instead of 'fire and bullet resistant'


Edit: re reading that it is bulletproof and fire resistance. I will assume that tinker bullets don't count as bullets in Apeiron mind. And that he is thinking modern life bullets and not the many futuristic versions of bullets.
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I think that Forge-chan, being a fucking ROB, is aware of the separate fiat connections?
That returns us to the question "are Joe's Passenger and the Forge one entity, or two separate beings". So far, afaik, there was only speculations on that matter, and no clear answer.

As for the running, that was following Chapter 12, which is when he meets up with Tattletale to discuss meeting up Amy. Post Aegislash.
And that was when Coil used gas to knock out Apeiron. Running is Coil recalling previous interactions. That happened before that point. At least mostly, presumably, before the Aegislash, just because Coil still need to spend time for every attempt, an there was not a small amount of them.

Also when has Joe timed ALL his actions with his power?
From the Chapter 12:
I didn't know what my next power would be. My passenger, who had the capacity to predict future events, didn't know what my next power would be. From the look of things Tattletale couldn't figure out the array of powers I was being granted, much less predict what was coming. Everything I knew about how this operated suggested that it was my only hope to disrupt precognition.

The principle was simple, do nothing that would attract attention until you got enough power to handle the situation, then act immediately and without restraint. For the Simurgh that meant avoiding anything that brought down Endbringers. So no commercially released tinker tech, no global scale projects, and no mass uplift. As appealing as the GroundBridge project was it would be limited to personal use, not mass transport or deployments. There would be no wide scale deployment of technology, not until there was no doubt that I could handle whatever they could throw at me.
He may not time ALL his actions, but he definitely time all his proactive actions with the "when I will have enough powers".
And since usually, at least at first, he just asked his Passenger if he have enough power to handle something or no, and his Passenger overcautious about Coil, I have little doubt that they said Joe "No, you can't handle it. Run!" every time when he encountered Coil's mercenaries.

When he ran, he had already constructed the basic motoroid iirc. He could've shown up with that, and tried to stop these crazies, using his newly obtained Nanites to heal who-ever he could. Even without it, he had rune weaponry that would have been very useful on top of the Energize formula.
Joe was big on being a hero back then, still kinda is, so I can't see him just running away. Unless his passenger was warning him to levels that wouldn't make sense. Coil nonsense can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that it is imperative that you never do anything ever, unless it's about denial of information. In most situations, lives > denial of information, even to Forge-chan.
Yes, he could've. But if his Passenger told him "You not strong enough yet" every time, why would he?
Look, when he ran from the mercenaries that just shown up, there wasn't any sacrifices. When they starting wreck shit and kill people, his Passenger can be sure that's a simulation and denial of information >>> than simulated lives.
Sure, they can fuck things up with that kind of logic, if something force Coil to choose the timeline he intended to throw away. But that didn't happened yet.
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The Avid Glove, Tetra, Garment… There sure are a lot of sentient items of clothing in the Forge
Thank you for the fun chapter.

I wonder if Dragon is going to crash Somer's Rock party or if Dragonslayers are going to be there and will keep Dragon away. But that's probably 3 or 4 chapters away.

P. S. I know this won't happen, Joe isn't one for such subterfuge (even if technically true), but decided that reactions would be hilarious:

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
What caused it? Seriously, why do I know that name?

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Why does everyone know that name?

►Apeiron (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
In my defence, I'm not the one to turn that on, Im not even in my Laboratory, but I know some curious children that are there and I'm on my way there ASAP to see if I can fix the situation.

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Are you saying that there are children in your laboratory, with access to your tech or asenal? And they are doing something?

►Apeiron (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011
Shit. Please, get there as fast as you can.


►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
What caused it? Seriously, why do I know that name?

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Why does everyone know that name?

►Apeiron (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Sorry, Second Trigger. Just got told that there's a big Villains-and-Rogues meeting at a local bar this weekend, and I'm expected to attend it and be sociable. *shudder*

►Weld (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Wait, you just fought Lung, almost died, but you got your second trigger from being invited to a party?
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That returns us to the question "are Joe's Pannenger and the Forge one entity, or two separate beings". So far, afaik, there was only speculations on that matter, and no clear answer.
This dances around the central question, which is how the passenger is duplicated in simulations. My answer is there is no duplication, it's just a fiat connection to the same passenger, which we have no reason to suspect otherwise. I literally don't see why it wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Suddenly there is another Joe going on a time-frame MUCH faster than the normal one? Very obviously a simulation.
He may not time ALL his actions, but he definitely time all his proactive actions with the "when I will have enough powers".
I don't think responding to being attacked is proactive. He's talking about not baiting threats/not starting shit until he can come out on top. Being attacked is very different, and again, you see this later with him running at what Lung left behind without waiting for a roll, following the hacking fight with Dragon.
And since usually, at least at first, he just asked his Passenger if he have enough power to handle something or no, and his Passenger overcautious about Coil, I have little doubt that they said Joe "No, you can't handle it. Run!" every time when he encountered Coil's mercenaries.

Yes, he could've. But if his Passenger told him "You not strong enough yet" every time, why would he?
Look, when he ran from the mercenaries that just shown up, there wasn't any sacrifices. When they starting wreck shit and kill people, his Passenger can be sure that's a similation and denial of information >>> than similated lives.
Sure, they can fuck things up with that kind of logic, if something force Coil to choose the timeline he intended to throw away. But that didn't happened yet.
Which is it? Is Forge-chan overcautious with coil or did they tell Joe to run to deny Coil info? Because I'm arguing the latter, and that it would be immediately obvious to the forge that a simulation is a simulation. Like, I literally said "In most situations, lives > denial of information, even to Forge-chan" in the context of Joe just suddenly running away odd, because I don't think Forge-chan would do that in normal reality.

Even if Coil chose a throw-away timeline like that for some reason, Passenger would not be restricted to the exact same advice or anything, because simulations are obvious.
I just had an idea.

Survey is his Lawyer.

He has access to 'Souls in a jar'TM.

If it was learned of, would it be an accusation of taking it from poor schmuck somehow?

Can you imagine Aisha making comments on how he has it on his shelf? What deals did he make to afford them?
"Right. So, for the start time, when you say seven o'clock, do you mean like actual seven o'clock, or Brockton Public transport seven o'clock?" There were other concerns about the meeting to address, and they were in addition to the complications of my latest power, but the question of when people were actually expected to arrive and start talking was one I wanted cleared up immediately. Fortunately, Tattletale got my meaning.

"It's going to be all over the place. Some people will want to get set up ahead of time, others are going to want to make the biggest entrance they can. That means parading their entire gang past anyone who's already in attendance." A ghost of a smile crossed her face. "Kaiser's probably going to have the Empire capes standing by and have people watching the place to make sure he can roll in with the maximum amount of drama."
Joe arrives at seven on the dot and places a forcefield barrier on the entrance/exit.
"Come on time or not at all."

Accord approves.:V