Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Found the story here and then binged on Ao3/ Lots of fun! Long ramble spoilered.
First off, I really like your work and look forward to seeing more!

Next, on to critique:
The arguments about him printing a tranquilizer on-site have been hashed out, so I won't put them here; just note that I support them. With regard to the fight itself, I think it suffers from three main problems - (1) it's too long, (2) Bakuda getting her second wind feels a lot like railroading, and (3) the power descriptions feel awkward and clunky in combat.
(1) So, I don't think you needed to make this confrontation nearly as long as you did. While I liked the Uber and L33T parts of the battle, and the initial Bakuda confrontation, I don't think you needed to spend so much time on rescuing the Undersiders. Sure, for Lisa, because she was the first injured one, but after that I think you could have fast forwarded more. We ended up hearing about the deadman's switch several more times than we needed to when it got re-explained to every new Undersider, and generally I don't think reading about their conditions/rescue past Lisa really added anything new to the story. I would have preferred to see some of that glossed over - maybe cut down the bit about healing them? We know at this point how the nanomachines work; the extra description could probably have been cut. There's also the issue of the new powers, which I'll cover below in (3).
(2) The ending to Chapter 25 seems to indicate that "the boss suddenly received a powerup" or "you haven't seen my final form" which feels campy and untrue to Worm, where death by a thousand cuts is totally a legitimate thing (and basically how Taylor wins every fight). It reads as though a lot of the incremental damage they had done was suddenly wiped away. After she was already better prepared from our new Mystery Thinker, the second wind feels gratuitous to me. Especially after how long this battle feels to the reader. I can already see this battle dragging on another two chapters on this setup.
(3) The way you have him describe every new advance and advantage that each power brings is fine for the story, but not for combat. It's barely believable when in the middle of important dialogue and he takes 2-3 paragraphs to describe how wonderful, amazing, and gamebreaking his now power is. In combat or an emergency situation, it really only makes sense that he would seize upon only those aspects that are immediately relevant/useful. It would then make sense for him to do a quick recap when he reaches his apartment/safety to go over what he's gained. It would make the combat scenes drag less. Also, the way that he describes each new power is virtually the same. It's all "this is groundbreaking" or "amazing" or "I can reach new heights" and while I'm certain that it's all true to an extent, it's repetitive to read the same words several times each chapter. That said, I still like having the new powers described - just watch them for repetition. These things would probably lower your wordcount, which would also mean less emergency interruption and a more streamlined story.

What I like:
(1) I like how you portray him as a fairly fallible character, and I like that he makes fairly reasonable mistakes. His development is pretty good, and I look forward to him actually scaling into how dangerous he is right now. Heck, he's probably Tinker 10 already, and he acts like he's Tinker 5-6.
(2) I'm also a fan of how well you have handled his environment reacting to his presence and the ripples going outwards. I absolutely didn't expect the nightmare that is the current Protectorate/PRT/New Wave meltdown after his offhand comments to Amy. You did a really good job writing that.
(3) I mean, I generally like your story - I think the premise is interesting and the characters sympathetic. You write fairly well too. Keep up the good work!
10 Overhaul
10 Overhaul

I hurried back to my apartment and tried not to think about what Garment had been doing to my wardrobe. I've never been particularly fashionable. My strategy has always been to find something serviceable and run with it. When I was in college a T-shirt and jeans had practically been the uniform of the engineering class. I don't think I saw one person vary from it in my entire time there.

Clearly that did not work for Garment. I didn't know what she intended, but it made me nervous. I didn't like attracting attention and what she'd replaced my earlier clothes with was already at the limit of what I was comfortable with. I really didn't want to end up dressed up like some hipster just to keep Garment happy.

I guess I was her only model. I could do something about that. I had been able to build humanoid androids since I got my Grease Monkey power. High level synthetics required extensive development times, but I could cut down on that substantially by using cultured human tissue and repurposed neural matter to compliment processing.

Ok, no. I'm not building a borderline sapient cybernetic android just to avoid having to play dress up. A.I. was a dicey enough prospect to begin with, much less if you took those kinds of shortcuts. I'd promised myself I'd be responsible with any intelligences I created. I wasn't going to bring new life into the world only to explain that the purpose of its existence was distracting the fashionista.

Garment was part of my power. We were stuck with each other and I'd have to come up with a compromise we could both live with.

As I climbed the stairs to my apartment I felt the Celestial Forge. The Size constellation passed by without any successful connections. I put that out of my mind and continued to the closet to open the workshop. Garment was standing there defiantly. Well, 'standing' there. It was incredible how quickly I had accepted the illusion. Really she was a pair of floating gloves with everything else telekinetically suspended, but it was a lot easier to think of the entire collection as one person.

"Garment, what happened to my clothes?"

She gestured at the various items folded on the assorted surfaces or suspended on the wall as if to say everything was fine. She also shifted slightly to obscure my view of the definitely empty duffle bag that had previously contained my wardrobe. Instead I looked over to the cardboard box and cracked the lid.

Inside were the disassembled remains of clothing. I wasn't the best judge of things, but it didn't look like enough material to account for everything that disappeared from the duffel bag. Looking over the new items there were some familiar elements, colors or broad designs that had been integrated into new items.

"Did you remake all my clothes?"

There was a sense of pride and accomplishment in her stance with no hint of shame. Looking closer with the benefit of my abilities I could see the effect. Everything had been tailored to be completely bespoke. Not everything had made the transition. It looked like some items had been cannibalized for fabric and others had been trashed completely. There were some new items, the suit being the most obvious, but it wasn't as shocking a change as I'd been afraid of.

My personal style was definitely being altered, but that was mostly because I had no personal style to begin with. It was at least more subdued than I had been afraid of. There were no ridiculous runway flairs or poorly integrated vintage items. Miraculously it was not hipster clothing. I might go out in a shiny costume to fight supervillains but I still have standards.

"It's incredible that you managed all this since this morning."

There were some awkward qualifying motions from Garment.

"What?" I had seen everything stored both in here and in the workshop. What was she talking about?

There was the slightest gesture towards the Laboratorium door. Cautiously I edged forward and opened it.

Apparently I had badly underestimated Garment's crafting rate and her level of boredom. I probably should have clued that something was up when all of the items in the entry way had been designed for me. Garment had seemingly decided that my Laboratorium would function perfectly as a walk in closet.

I was honestly amazed at the quantity of it. Assuming she kept to her budget how was it possible to buy this much material for what I had given her? Actually, how was the cost decided? Wholesale direct from a factory was a very different number than the retail price at a specialty fabric store. Even so, the only way I could make sense of this is if she was abusing the international exchange rate in some way. Somehow she had purchased enough supplies to fill the entrance of my gothic technology lab with outfits.

There were dresses, coats, sweaters, shirts, pants, and shoes. Those I didn't have a problem with. What was bothering me was the hats. Only about a half dozen of them, and all nicely made. The problem was how Garment had decided to store them.

The other items were folded, hung on walls, or spread over computer altars. For the hats she had decided the Laboratorium had the perfect manner of displaying them. The half dozen cyber skulls nearest the entrance were all festooned with lovingly made women's hats. The worst was probably the bonnet with silk flowers sown into it. Its skull warbled towards me, one eye socket empty and the other with a cybernetic lens, and managed to look confused at what was happening to him. The other skulls weren't much better, particularly the one wearing a broad hat with attached peacock feather.

I slowly backed out of the lab and closed the door. How had she managed this? It had barely been four hours since she arrived. If this was the rate of work she needed to entertain herself then I was going to be both bankrupt and drowning in clothes within a few days.

"Uh, Garment?"

She stood there expectantly.

"Ok, uh, that's really nice work, but please don't store things in there. I'll find you a place to keep your clothes." Which would have to be outside my workshop. Or my apartment, since there was just no space for that amount of clothing. This would be getting complicated. Maybe a storage locker would work as a temporary option.

In the mean time I needed to find something for Garment to do that wouldn't require any additional money or storage space. What did normal people do to kill time?

I looked over at the laptop I had set up for Garment and an idea struck me.

"Would you like to watch some fashion videos on youtube?"

She seemed a little nervous around the computer but was still excited at the concept. I took it out to my apartment and connect it to the wifi. I loaded Youtube and, remembering her typing speed, did a search for 'Fashion'. Interestingly she kept up the illusion even when working on the laptop, giving the impression that she was curled up on the floor rather than just floating the gloves to the keyboard. With a bit of help she picked up how to use the track pad well enough and soon was working her way through a series of videos.

Setting aside the fact that I might be encouraging internet addiction as a solution to my problems, I took advantage of her distraction and returned to my workshop. I needed to get that bike in working order and install enough systems to keep my riding stable and provide some measure of cape support. I had barely started when Garment returned to the workshop and beckoned me outside.

She had a video loaded and was pointing to the section under it that said "Log in to comment or rate this video'.

This was a complexity I hadn't anticipated. "You want an account?"

There was a positive gesture. I got where she was coming from, but the idea made me uneasy. Considering the alternative was confining her to isolation I decided it was worth the risk.

"You'll have to be very careful." Before she could respond I continued. "Very, very careful. You can't say anything that will lead back to us, or share anything. Uh, I can probably obscure our location and set things up for safe browsing, but you shouldn't test that. Stay on this site for now and let me see the comments before you send them."

With her agreement I set to work. I dug into the best of my technical skills to manage a proxy chain that would hold up to most casual inspection, then set up and account. Her 'name' wasn't taken, so she was officially online as GarmentGloves.

I navigated back to the video and gave her the keyboard. She slowly began picking out letters.


She sat back and gestured to the screen.

"That's it?" Her reactions indicated that said enough and anything else would be too much work. I posted the comment and Garment navigated to another video and began typing once more.


I looked at the word and her satisfied movements.

"Are those what you want to say?"

She was affirmative and fairly smug about it.

"Anything else?"

There was a shrug and a dismissive gesture to the keyboard.

"Alright, if that's what you want I can leave you to it as long as you can keep it short. Remember, no personal details."

With her dismissive gesture and typing speed I didn't imagine she'd be sending her life story to anyone in the comments section. I left her to the laptop and headed back. Interestingly she didn't seem to be getting any better at finding letters on a keyboard and took the same ponderous approach every time she typed a reply. I really need to get her a typing course or computer class or something.

On my way back to the workshop I felt the Celestial Forge move and the last constellation I had yet to identify came into reach. My power was able to link to the smallest of the motes, but with it I could classify both it and the constellation.

The final constellation was called Magitech. It dealt with the integration of magic and technology. At this point I was pretty well past the concerns I had about magic. I could carve runes, make potions, and had a possessed set of gloves binging youtube videos in the other room. I wasn't going to get caught up on the semantics of what my power was calling things. Whatever reality warping power capes used also seemed to fall under that category, so it would all come out the same.

The new ability I received was called Mechanist. It came with some decent mechanical knowledge, middling by my standards but still somewhat useful. The big thing was the knowledge of magitek.

Ok, since I was just talking about semantics I need to break down the entirely arbitrary definitions I was working with. Magitech was the integration of magic and technology on any level. Magitek was technology specifically powered by magic. There were some advantages, things that were possible when using magic as a power source, but mostly it was just machinery that ran on magic rather than chemical, thermal, or electrical energy.

When I say that it runs on magic I mean directly on the magical energy. If I built some magitek to draw from a lightning rune it's going to be pulling the energy that empowers the rune, not the electricity the rune is putting out. On one hand it means I could run the devices from any magic source, on the other I can't actually integrate the effects of whatever magic I'm using into the device. It's all just fuel.

Conceivably that principle of fueling machinery from any magical source could even include parahumans. There's a dark thought and that's another thing to file away in the 'too horrible to consider' drawer.

The level of understanding I had gotten from this mote was pretty basic. I would only be able to build simple devices, but that should be enough for a power source. I could use this to finally sidestep my energy problems. All I needed was a concentrated source of magic and I would be able to power just about anything. The only question was what I would be able to use?

My runesmithing would let me make a weapon that could provide a decent level of power. The connections would be difficult and I'd need a fairly large weapon to hold enough energy. If I wanted to run my bike from this I would basically need a zweihänder jammed in the engine. The new potions I could make would also count, but they would have variable power outputs and I couldn't accurately predict how long they would last. Plus they were so useful I'd hate to waste them as fuel. For the best option I would have to go to my original alchemy.

There was an alchemy formula I had never attempted that was Call Up. It creates a small crystal called a call bead. Call beads are links to massively powerful magical entities and allow free manifestation of their abilities to anyone who expends the crystal. The process of linking them and the implications of the power would have scared me off the concept even if the components weren't so difficult to obtain.

But my new ability was designed to work with a crystalline material called magicite. Magicite was, somewhat distastefully, the concentrated remains of a powerful magical creature. Like a call bead it could be used to access the power of another creature. The principles for integrating magicite into a device should, in theory, work for a call bead.

It won't be as stable as a full magicite crystal. The call bead would degrade as it expended its power, but I should still be able to get a titanic amount of energy from it. At least as much as a magicite shard. The only problem is creating the beads.

The Call Up formula requires two reagents, meteorite and dry ice. I had pretty much written off getting either of those before I dealt with Tattletale. Along with all the essentials for crafting the knives I had been able to add all the reagents I hadn't been able to track down. The limestone block may have been an odd addition, but no one's going to find it strange for a tinker to ask for gunpowder, ethanol, dry ice, or meteoric iron. Well, strange by the standards of tinkers.

Because of that request a small freezer of dry ice and some pieces of meteorites had been included in my supplies. Now, I had a highly finite supply of these materials. I would be running on a very limited resource and probably only be able to make six or seven beads. But that thinking was from this morning, before I had gotten the ability to duplicate myself.

With my duplication potion I could copy all the materials I was holding. The copies could then use the Call Up formula and generate as many beads as they could before they dissipated or expended the reagents. As long as I could brew that potion I effectively had infinite magical fuel.

Unlimited Power!

But I still needed to prove the concept. I hadn't even seen a call bead yet. All this was theoretical. Furthermore I needed to calibrate the magitek device to the power source, so I at least needed a single sample to start. Also I didn't get any feedback from my copies. I needed a sense of how the beads formed in order to properly integrate them. No matter what I would have to make at least one call bead without the duplication potion.

As I prepared to combine the formula I felt my passenger's excitement building. Mostly the strong emotions were reserved for capes, but he was probably even more invested in the Celestial Forge. This would be a major step forward. Even if I had to do it with a specific type of technology this would address all of my power source concerns. No more worrying about fuel or the complications of building a micro-fusion reactor. How far I could take it would depend on my examination of the call bead, but this was a massively significant project.

I put on some protective gloves and collected a piece of dry ice and a chunk of meteorite. Carefully, in an open area of my workshop, I combined the two reagents. The formula glowed brighter than any had before. Rather than the light spreading out it condensed to a single point. Slowly a blue crystalline substance began forming around it until a bead about two centimeters wide was floating in the air in front of me. I placed a hand beneath it just as it began to dip and the tiny object fell into my palm.

On basic inspection it looked like a plain glass bead, but if you looked closely you could see the faint glow in its center. There was something both enchanting and terrifying about that glow, like you were looking at light shining through a tunnel from an unimaginable distance rather than being generated by the bead itself.

I had done it. I had a massively powerful magical object, one that should be able to run every system I could want from my bike. But now I needed to analyze it.

Unfortunately my Laboratorium would not be helpful with this. Actually, I'm going to reclassify that as 'fortunately' since that meant I wouldn't need to deal with the behatted cyber skulls just yet. The Laboratorium was designed to measure physical effects. It could measure highly obscure physical properties that I barely understood, but it couldn't actually gauge magic, only what magic could do. The most it was capable of was identifying when something was magical. Without activating the call bead it would be no help.

Instead I had to assemble a basic magitek calibration system. Fortunately all of my other abilities made this a trivial task and I completed what would have taken at least a day in less than half an hour. With the apparatus in place I could start to gauge what I was dealing with.

As an expendable item it seemed a call bead was capable of immense power output, but only for a short time. When I say immense I really mean that. In theory I could dump all the bead's energy in one massive burst, but it would completely destroy whatever system it was attached to. I just didn't have the materials or technology to channel that kind of power. What I could make would barely be able to handle one tenth of that. If I was going to use this as an ongoing power source rather than for massive discharges I was going to need to moderate energy flow to the slightest fraction of what it was capable of. Fortunately even at that diminished level it would be able to run every system I had considered installing on my bike while also keeping the motor at max output. For civilian operation the bead could last for months. If I took it into combat or ran serious systems from the engine then the lifespan would be severely diminished. By serious systems I mean the type of ECM jamming that normally comes from naval ships. This could even open up installed weapon systems, or that motoroid idea I had largely dismissed.

Though building something like that would require a lot of programing support.

I was also going to be limited to vehicles or large devices. The best magitek core I could build was the size of a small engine block. I didn't have any powers that would help me shrink that down, so this kind of power source would be limited to things big enough to accommodate something like that. Bikes, robots, and base systems were on the table, handheld devices were definitely not. If I wanted to run a man portable device off this kind of energy it would require a Ghostbusters backpack for the power source.

This also wasn't going to be as easy as shoving a call bead into my bike's engine. Magitek meant every aspect of the device was powered by magic. The engine wasn't driven by an exploding fuel air mixture, it was turned by magic. The lights weren't powered by electricity from a battery or alternator, they were powered by magic. Various auxiliary systems weren't maintained by power transfer from belts, pressure, or gears. They all ran on magic. The energy was basically a cheat mode for all kinds of complicated technology. I could even build a magitek cogitator to imprint control procedures onto directly, allowing high functioning automation without any use of microprocessors.

That last application was beyond me for the moment. It was at the very limits of my skills with magitek. Also, without a preexisting control program to work from I would be flying blind and could easily end up with a rampant machine. Instead I would need to install an alternator to run a series of electrical systems. That would allow the control program to run in a normal computer environment. It would add extra complexity, but also allow much easier development of the support system.

I had to completely rip apart the motorcycle and start fresh on a new engine. With my powers that was utterly trivial and the bike pretty much flew apart. In addition, my Rationing ability allowed me to squirrel away every part, linkage, and potentially useful scrap material. Anything I ended up dumping from the bike I would be able to find another application for later.

As I was working I felt the forge again. This time it connected to a small mote from the Resources and Durability constellation. It was called Repair Savvy. In addition to even further boosting my mechanical skill it enabled me to make repairs for all of my weapons, armor, and personal equipment drastically easier. Maintenance for them would take minutes instead of hours. It didn't help with design or new construction, but corrective work, assembly, or minor modifications could be accomplished in a flash. Combined with my other abilities I might even be able to work fast enough to repair equipment in combat situations.

What counted as personal equipment was somewhat arbitrary. Cars or other large vehicles didn't, nor did anything that had to be installed into a location. A laptop would, but a server wouldn't. A desktop was right on the line and would see very marginal benefits. Motorcycles were in a similar situation where the application was mixed and therefore marginal.

However, if I did that motoroid conversion it would suddenly completely qualify for that power's effect. At that point it would fall into the armor category as well. A motoroid counted as very heavy power armor. It was just on the border between power armor and mecha, but it still counted. Incredibly it was right at the limit of what my duplication formula could copy in terms of personal equipment. That meant drinking a duplication potion while in armor mode would provide all of my copies with their own sets of power armor.

I would still need to sink the time in for design and construction, but I could churn out something barely functional and then get Repair Savvy's acceleration on all maintenance and refinement processes. It was unbelievable that I could drastically accelerate the construction of my bike by adding the ability for it to transform into a suit of power armor.

At times like this I really, really loved my power.

I mean this was cheating, but it was cheating in a way that is practically an engineering tradition. This is the principle of something absolutely, totally being completed by the deadline, it just needs a few touch ups. Over several months. At a cost equal to half the original project budget. It was the equivalent of the 'fix it in post' or 'patch it later' mentality. I was kind of proud that such a core element of design and construction was included in my power set.

All I needed to do was build something that technically qualified as a motoroid.

My powers already allow me to work blindingly fast while operating to an impeccable level of quality. When I pushed myself to get something just 'functional' as quickly as humanly possible, well let's just say things were happening in the workshop that defied grace, dignity, and the laws of nature. I'm pretty sure I could feel my Decadence power crying at what was unfolding before me. Strangely it was my Black Thumb power that was really shining through. I may have been driven to a bit of maniacal laughter as I took a hammer to the cycle frame in order to wedge in a magitek drive converter. Hastily built thaumic servos were shoved into gaps cut in the structural metal with my monomolecular pen knife and roughly welded into place. Anything not necessary for it to qualify as a bike or a motoroid was left out. The control system was nothing but a hastily coded series of servo operations connected to a hotwired laptop.

The entire thing was a mess that the combined efforts of both of my style perks couldn't save. When it was finished the bike actually looked worse than it had in the lot. The casing didn't fit together, the wheels were off alignment, the shocks had been torn off, and the seat was a mess of jagged metal. With a great deal of apprehension I activated the transformation. Sparks of thaumic discharge scorched the floor and nearby equipment leaving streaks of soot that glowed faintly green. The bike lurched like it was having a seizure, then slowly started to split in a way that reminded me of a John Carpenter film. I was half afraid it would fall apart on the spot, but with a series of shudders and no shortage of discharged magical energy eventually it pulled itself into a vaguely humanoid form.

It was hideous. The thing looked like a design that had been rejected from one of the Earth Aleph Transformers movies because theaters didn't want to deal with the inevitable nausea it would trigger in their audiences. It was like someone asked 'what would happen if a robot could get cancer and herpes at the same time?' and then turned the answer into a modern art sculpture. It looked like someone had taken the results of an industrial lake dredging and molded them into a mockery of the human form.

With a final shudder the armor opened up revealing the compartment for the driver. There were continuous sparks of thaumic energy jumping back and forth inside it and the whole thing had a wet and greasy look. Enough spikes and loose wires were present inside the compartment for it to easily have been mistaken for a medieval torture device.

With a spray of hydraulic fluid from the outside of the right leg the entire machine began to list to the side. I watched helpless as the hulk tipped past its point of no return and impacted the ground with the sound of a plane crash.

It was hideous, but from the feel of my power it was just enough to qualify for my latest ability. That meant I could do repair and maintenance work at such an accelerated rate I would be able to get it in top form in no time. And as long as no one saw it at this stage I wouldn't have to admit to falling into the worst of newbie tinker design practices.

Of course that was the exact moment when Garment rushed into the workshop. I suppose an event that sounds like a demolition derby meeting a trash compactor will attract some attention. On one hand it was a relief to know that she would have been there for me in the event of an accident. On the other hand the way she reacted when she saw what I'd done to my bike made me feel like she had caught me doing something indecent.

I didn't know a set of animated clothes could look like they were about to break into tears. She ran off in horror before I could say anything. Eventually I found her in the Labratorium surrounded by the nicer dresses she had made. It was as if she was trying to create a barrier against bad taste.

She met my attempts at an explanation with accusatory stares. Well, accusatory body language. When I promised I could fix it she made a dismissive gesture and went back to checking the seams on one of her gowns.

Suddenly I felt like I was performing a penance. I returned to the workshop and looked down at the twisted mess of a motoroid. Yeah, that definitely counted as a sin against nature. And on the scale of sins against nature I was guessing this thing would be near the top of the list. I got to work.

There are varying levels of maintenance, from tune-ups to minor services to overhauls. What I was doing here was about two steps past a complete rebuild. It only technically counted as maintenance because there was a physical object that I was working on.

The Greeks have the story of the ship of Theseus that was maintained by replacing every damaged component until none of the original ship remained. What I was doing here didn't go quite that far. I was keeping the tires.

Machinist would let me completely rebuild an aircraft in a single night. I was currently working about a hundred times faster than that. I was leveraging levels of technical understanding I had never explored while moving faster than should have been humanly possible. My Rationing power kept even a single bolt from going to waste as parts were replaced, refurbished, or full on fabricated. I swear I could feel blisters forming on my fingers. My muscles ached and head spun from how quickly I was moving.

The electronics were reworked. Software was transferred from the laptop to a custom made control computer. It was then deleted and rewritten with a prototype neural net designed to train itself in vehicle control. It was wired into the magitek systems with properly calibrated adapters rather than the equivalent of penny fuses that I'd been using before.

Through it all I was letting my style powers run rampant. Everything was being designed to an impeccable standard. I was really feeling like I needed to make up for my earlier performance, despite still believing the rushed quality of the early work to be fully justified.

When I took a short break for some lunch I found Garment had made her way back to the laptop and did her best to convey the idea that she was glaring at me while I ate. During lunch my power missed a connection from the alchemy constellation and my reach continued to grow. I powered through a quick meal to the sound of red carpet fashion commentary followed by the slow typing of a one word comment.

Really, really needed to get her a typing class.

After I cleared my dish I was right back to work. Systems were rearranged, tuned, refined, and tested. The control program was put through pathfinding and dexterity tests. Key components and structural pieces were replaced with custom formed hyper alloys. The entire magitek core and drive system was rebuilt from the ground up to improve efficiency and peak output. Every part that had been overlooked or ignored in the previous build was added in exquisite quality. The entire assembly was precisely aligned, polished, and presented in the best and most efficient manner possible. Even the seat was perfectly aligned for both comfort and control.

By the time I was done it was early afternoon. I had spent nearly two hours on the overhaul, which was accelerated to about two hundred hours thanks to my power. But that was two hundred hours at my typical level of proficiency and accelerated work. For a normal person that would be... I have no idea. Normal people don't do this kind of project. Not without a team of experts and an extensive research budget.

The point was that despite the rough start I had managed a bike that would have taken weeks of work in a few hours. It was light on support systems or weaponry, but was more advanced, refined, and powerful than anything I would have dreamed of having ready at this point. I checked on the progress of the control program. This is something I'd envisioned as a fleet management program for when I had multiple vehicles to operate. Right now it was learning motorcycle operation through simulated scenarios, but eventually it would be capable of piloting assistance for anything I could build.

I would definitely need that assistance because this bike was fast. It was fast on a level that normally required a streamliner body shape and miles of salt flats to pull off. I was cheating with advanced knowledge of wind resistance and some variable geometry in the paneling, but this thing could definitely break three hundred miles per hour. Not that I would ever see those speeds inside the city, but it was incredible to think I was operating on the level of Armsmaster's motorcycle, only with less gadgets and better acceleration.

Also my aerospace knowledge had let me break out some surprises for the motoroid form.

Finally, it was good enough that I felt like I had made amends for my earlier design. When I left to get Garment she gave me some skeptical gestures, but reluctantly came along. When she saw the rebuilt motorcycle she approached it with the attitude of a dog show judge. It was carefully observed from every angle. The material of the seats was evaluated. Exposed machinery and wheel wells were checked. She stepped back and made a 'continue' gesture.

At my prompting the bike began to transform. This time it was smooth and seamless. Within a second there was a robot standing where the motorcycle had been parked. The wheels were positioned above its shoulders exposing the integrated turbine blades with variable angles of attack.

Yes, it could fly. No, it would not be flying. My experience with piloting was nonexistent and the fleet program was still trying to learn 'motorcycle'. With a lot of simulation and practice it could be an option in the future, if I didn't mind significantly stressing the machine's energy reserves. Until then it was just future proofing, though in a pinch it could provide a jump assist. If I was lucky I might even be able to land somewhat gracefully when I used it.

Once more Garment did that show judge thing, moving around and evaluating the robot from every angle. I had a feeling she wasn't sold on every design choice, not for quality, probably for style reasons. She did have a better handle on that kind of thing thanks to her powers. Still, she couldn't criticize the workmanship even if the design wasn't fashion forward.

When she backed off again I signaled the fleet program and the front paneling opened up. The pilot compartment wasn't anything like the nightmare it had been before. Parts of the seat were redistributed to cushion key points and everything was clean and ergonomic. I slid back into the armor and let it close around me. This was a bit weird as it was my first time driving it. I moved a bit unsteadily, but the fleet program kept me from falling. Garment gave me an approving gesture and motioned for me to continue.

Ok, this was the hard part, and if I had gotten any part of it wrong it could rip me in half. I mean, I was sure I didn't get any part of it wrong. Like half a dozen technical powers were backing me up on that, but knowing how bad it could be if things did go wrong was still a bit nerve-wracking.

I had to rely on Fleet to coordinate most of this. With two short steps the armor leapt into the air and shifted around me. With a slam of shocks I landed, seated on the back of the fully transformed motorcycle.

It worked. And I hadn't even dislocated an arm. Excellent.

Garment was clapping and I finally felt I had redeemed myself for earlier this afternoon. She did approach the bike and run a glove over the unpainted metal of the paneling then made a quizzical gesture.

"Right, I wanted to talk to you about that." I climbed off the bike and moved to one of the workshop's tables. "Your material summoning thing can generate dyes, right?"

She made an obvious gesture.

"Ok here's my idea. Originally this was going to be my civilian identity bike, but it got a bit away from me."

She sarcastically indicated a small amount with one hand.

"Yeah, I know. So I had to choose between cape vehicle or civilian, but then I had an idea." I showed her the plans. "I built variable geometry paneling to help control air flow and drag, but that means I have limited control over the shape of the bike."

I signaled the fleet program and the panels shifted around, contracting and expanding, changing angle. In the span of a few seconds they were able to create the impressions of three different shapes of motorcycle.

"That's not enough to fool people, but if you can generate some thermochromic pigments I should be able to alter them to respond to the magitek drive. That will let the bike change color. That way when it changes shape it will appear completely different. I can ride it as a cape and a civilian and no one will make the connection." I'd also have to fold away the license plate, but that was trivial with all the other modifications.

She looked thoughtful, then rubbed a thumb and forefinger together. I should really learn to expect this.

"Fine, what do you want for it?"

She gestured towards the paneling on the bike, then to herself.

"You...want to choose the colors?"

She gestured in the affirmative.

Well, she would probably do a better job than me. "Ok, it's a deal."

She waved a negative with one hand and indicated two fingers with the other.

"You want something else? What?"

She ran over to the bike and jumped on the back of the seat, then made motioning gestures with her arm.

"You want, you want to go for a ride."

That triggered a bout of excitement.

I looked at her awkwardly. "Uh, there might be a problem with that."

To that she gestured to herself, then to my helmet, then seemed to indicate a full body.

"You can cover up?"

There was even more excitement at that.

That could actually work. Biking gear with a full face helmet was one of the few outfits in which she'd be able to pass for normal in the outside world and interact with people. I looked at the door. I didn't want to keep her prisoner, and she'd already subjected herself to half a day of youtube's fashion community for a hint of escapism. I doubted that would hold her forever.

"Ok, it's a deal. Work out the cost for what you need. Oh, and while we're out we can find a place to properly store your clothes."

She gave me a quizzical gesture.

Why? Because those skulls in hats are going to give me nightmares. "Because I don't think the incense in there is good for the fabrics."

She froze and looked momentarily panicked. She gestured emphatically, indicated two hundred dollars. As I was getting the cash she hastily, but still to a great standard of quality, drew a painting guide on the plans for both versions of the bike. As soon as she had the money the pigments appeared and she ran off to save her wardrobe.

As I was working on applying and modifying the pigment I felt the forge again. This time it was the Quality constellation and I connected to a small mote called Stylish Mechanic. In addition to giving me even more mechanical proficiency it provided another boost to design skills. Not only would everything I fixed look clean and pleasing to the eye but it opened up a bunch of weird and awe inspiring design possibilities without compromising function.

All together it was a fairly minor ability, but still compounded with the rest of my powers. My level of mechanical proficiency was approaching ridiculous heights and I had no idea if there was even an upper limit.

The painting process still counted as maintenance, so I blazed through it. Apparently my powers could even cause complex compounds to set faster if it wanted to. Not that I was in any way complaining about the convenience.

Garment had picked a white body color with blue highlights for the civilian mode and a rough extension of the black, grey, and silver of my costume for cape mode. It definitely came together better than what I would have chosen.

I exited the workshop to find all of Garments clothes piled in the entry room, and all of my clothes and a good amount of my furniture back in my apartment. She looked very pleased with herself.

"Ok, are you ready to go?"

She held out a finger, then gestured for me to stand back. I did so and with a flourish material began to appear in the air around her. I had never watched her make a complete outfit from scratch before. The effect was fascinating. The materials just appeared out of thin air as they were needed. Thread stitched itself into seams as it was conjured. Nothing was summoned as a completed item of clothing but some small pieces like zippers, snaps and buttons appeared completely intact.

The outfit came together one piece at a time. A white turtleneck sweater was assembled at blinding speed. Then a set of motorcycle leathers, jacket and pants both in pink and white. Probably with more detail and intricacies to them than I would have bothered with for a disguise. She then made a pair of boots in the same colors and watching those assemble themselves from based components was fascinating. Finally she conjured the components of a pink helmet with a mirror visor, assembled piece by piece in front of me.

It was interesting to watch, but it also meant she could summon synthetics, plastics, and any number of other materials. Nothing high tech by the look of things, but still an incredible resource I'd be able to draw upon.

With everything created she began rolling down the cuff of her opera gloves to transform them into something more conventional. I knew everything was just show and there wasn't really anything but suspended clothing between the gloves, but she had put so much work into the illusion that watching her 'change' her clothing somehow felt intrusive.

"I'll just be in the workshop."

I retreated to the pocket dimension and looked at my motorcycle. It was beautiful, and not just because of my style perks. It felt like the first proper piece of technology I was responsible for bringing into the world. Like a real tinker I had taken an ordinary vehicle and turned it into something terrifyingly powerful.

It also occurred to me how terrifyingly powerful this thing actually was. The original bike had a fairly strong engine, but now it was running from a magitek converter drawing energy from a crystal linked to the realm of passengers. I was taking what might be the most powerful bike in the city out with nothing but a half trained A.I. to stop me from laminating myself to the side of a building on a single missed turn.

I considered the soccer shin guard I was wearing under my now designer jeans. That would not cut it. I needed something better.

God bless that Rationing power. Because of it absolutely nothing had been wasted in the construction blitz I'd just put myself through. I had burned through most of the stock of metals I needed for hyper alloys but with every scrap saved and recycled there was more than enough to build a replacement for the plastic padding in my shin guard. Luckily this counted under my maintenance power, so I was able to complete the work blindingly fast. I even improved the fit to make it less obvious that I was wearing a shin pad under my jeans.

I felt the protection increase. The way my Fashion ability's reinforcement worked was oddly intricate. I had higher resistance to initial damage from the harder hypermaterial of the shin pad, but the bulkier build of my bracer let me absorbed more abuse. It was hard to explain, the best analogy would probably be to think of it like an RPG with armor and hit points. It meant there was still an advantage to large and bulky protective items.

One aspect of that power I had been overlooking was the fact that it took the most superior properties of the protective items I had equipped. It wasn't that useful when I was scrounging for materials and couldn't have done any better than strapping a chunk of steel to my body. Now that I had proper supplies there was the potential for multiple pieces allowing combined protection. One for hardness, one for compression resistance, one for bulk, one to be chemically inert, one for heat resistance, and so on.

The only problem was that the pieces would share protection with me and my clothing, but not with each other. I could make a panel of tantalum hafnium carbide that would keep me safe up to seven thousand degrees Fahrenheit, but every other protective item I had would have melted or probably boiled away long before then. Composite defenses would be useful, but I needed to remember it would never be perfect invincibility.

Garment rushed into the workshop now 'wearing' her pink and white motorcycle outfit, though without the helmet. She frantically gestured for me to follow her and led me out to the kitchenette. My cellphone was ringing.

I looked over at the caller ID. Dr. Campbell. My guts wretched. He was not actually one of the people I had made a point to cut contact with after my trigger event. Actually he had probably been one of the more stable influences in my life. Still, the thought of talking with him brought up a wave of anxiety that I desperately wanted to put off.

When I didn't immediately pick up the phone Garment gestured to get my attention and pointed towards it. When I still didn't take it she started tapping the 'Dr." part of the name on the display. Eventually the relentless concern and effort she was displaying broke down my resolve. I pulled the phone off its charger and answered the call.


"Good afternoon Joe. This is Dr. Campbell."

"Good afternoon."

I felt my power fail to make a connection to the Alchemy constellation and ignored it, staying focused on the call.

"I'm calling to confirm our session tomorrow afternoon."

I let out a breath. I had completely forgotten about that. I was still under my parents health insurance thanks to the technicality of a clause about 'college enrollment' that would be active until the end of the year. There was a limited allocation each quarter for therapy, so I hadn't seen Dr. Campbell since early March.

If I was honest those four weeks without checking in probably had no small contribution towards the conditions of my trigger event.

"Uh, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it."

I didn't want to go. I didn't want to get back into any of this. I was fine. I had moved on. And I had important work to do. Bakuda could attack at any time. Every minute of preparation increased my chances to contain the damage, maybe even prevent it. I couldn't take time away from that.

"Joe, I heard about what happened a couple of weeks ago. I think it would be a good idea to check in and make sure you're doing alright."



Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Of course. Of course he'd want to talk about my trigger event. This, I could not deal with this. Not now, preferably not ever.

"Actually I, I'm doing a lot better. I don't think..." I dropped off. I didn't even want to talk about this, much less think of it.

"Joe, I've always said your commitment to your recovery was extraordinary." Yeah, for all the good it did. "It's wonderful that you're doing better," he didn't sound like he'd been completely convinced that I was actually 'doing better'. Stupid insightful doctors. "But it would still be a good idea to touch base and make sure you're on good footing going forward."

God damn it I didn't want this. I was doing fine. Since my trigger I had... I had leaned on my passenger so much I ended up building weapons for supervillains. I had nearly fallen apart the first time that relationship was called into doubt. I had gotten in massively over my head and was scrambling to try to keep my head above water.

I was not doing fine.

I felt the gentle reassurance of my passenger. It had become obvious that the link was a double edged sword, but it did try to push me towards healthy behaviors, and right now it wanted me to go to therapy. I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Garment doing her best to convey concern through body language.

Why did I have to be surrounded by supportive people who wanted the best for me? I swear, if my driving A.I. started expressing concern for my mental wellbeing I was giving up on this whole cape thing.

I sighed. Just last night I had been laying this out to Amy. Everything I had learned suggested that mental health was not the priority it should be in the cape community. If my passenger was right then Director Piggot was most likely traumatized and unstable. Brandish had issues from childhood that she was now inflicting on the next generation. Amy needed serious help and just wasn't getting it. Could I be critical of them and neglect my own health?

Yes, I would just need to be a giant hypocrite filled with self-loathing and blatant contradictions.

If I went I would have to talk about my trigger event. I could probably dance around the cape stuff, but the rest of it... God I did not want to do this.

I felt my passenger's concern and looked at Garment's worried gestures. I took a breath.

"Ok Dr. Campbell. I'll be there."

"Thank you Joe. I'll see you tomorrow."

I hung up the phone and felt the life drain out of me. It was probably for the best. Not dealing with this would only set me up for bigger falls later. But I hated every aspect of it, including the fact that I hated it. Recursive self-hatred was a wonderful thing. But Dr. Campbell was so insufferably nice and supportive that there was no way I could skip out now. He was probably the only competent person I had seen through the whole mess and I owed it to him.

I could spare an hour tomorrow evening. I doubted anything serious was going to happen on Saturday night.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The mood whiplash from the joy of having completed such a big project to all of this being dredged up was jarring. I wasn't sure how to deal with it.

Garment crept towards me. She was holding a beautifully made white motorcycle jacket with a bomber collar, and what might have been my helmet after she had gotten through fixing the fit, design, and color scheme. She gingerly held them out like an offering.

I gave her a weak smile.

"Alright. Let's go for a ride."

Jumpchain abilities this chapter:

Mechanist (Final Fantasy VI) 100:
You know how regular technology and magitek function and can repair it if it breaks down. You'll still need the tools and supplies, but at least with this you'll know what you're doing with mechanical technology. This knowledge can be used to build basic examples of it too, but don't expect to be able to copy anything too complex without getting your hands on the blueprints.

Repair Savvy (Outlaw Star) 100:
Your skills in mechanics are top notch. Your weapons, armor, and personal equipment are all easy to repair, and maintenance of all of them takes mere minutes instead of hours.

Stylish Mechanic (Gurren Lagann) 100:
In addition to knowing how to repair and create mechanical devices you also have quite a knack at making anything you work on look good. Any time you fix something it'll end up clean and pleasant to look at, and you can easily come up with humorous or awe-inspiring designs for vehicles and devices.
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Really enjoying the story.
I have a newbie question though.
Jumpchain. Where is it from?
I googled and got very little and confused.
Jumpchain. Where is it from?
I googled and got very little and confused.
Jumpchain is from 4chan. It's a linked series of CYOAs.

Here's the first one.

The key part is the bit at the bottom, where it gives you the option of moving on to another 10-year adventure. All Jumpchain CYOAs have something like that, so you have an adventure in a setting that gives you powers, then you jump to another setting and have another adventure and get more powers, and so on (hence, a jump-chain). Eventually, if you survive long enough, you approximately become a god.

There are more than 1000 jumps.

It's quite the rabbit hole to fall into. The author of this fic is using a curated list that went through this massive collection of CYOAs to assemble a set of the best crafting-related powers from hundreds of fictional worlds. The protagonist has access to a power that gives him random items from that list, based off a loose impression of power level, assuming he has the word count to spend on the relevant random result.

Hope that helps!
11 Power Trip
11 Power Trip

Garment retreated to my workshop and I sealed the entrance before leaving the apartment. If I was going to do this more often I'd need to find a better option than just hunting through back alleys for an unobserved door. Maybe something like what I pulled with the van would work, find a parking structure that I could use to access my workshop so people wouldn't wonder why a motorcycle was constantly entering or leaving.

While I was heading towards the alley I previously used I felt the Celestial Forge move again, bringing the Alchemy constellation close by. This time I was able to connect to a mid-sized mote. The ability was called Deranged Alchemist. This, this was proper alchemy. Not component spellcasting, not the brewing of a quarter dozen potion types. This was the real deal.

In addition to all the medieval chemistry you could possibly want there were sparks of significant power. The most important was the ability to transmute materials. The rituals were a little elaborate, but with work I could transmute just about any material into a substance of the same alchemical base. I couldn't turn lead into gold. I could, however, turn gold into platinum.

Setting aside the prospect of bringing WEDGDG down on me for disruption of the precious metals commodity market this would address a serious number of my supply problems. My workshop only restocked basic materials, but those included iron, lead, tin, and copper, four of the seven base alchemic metals. With some transmutation work that opened up effectively unlimited supplies of most of the metals on the periodic table. Unfortunately I was still limited on the ones I'd need to transmute from mercury, silver, or gold, but this had bypassed a massive hurdle for my supply chain.

There was another aspect to this power that I was a good deal less excited about. Among the alchemical knowledge I had received from this ability was a comprehensive understanding of the alchemical studies of Paracelsus, specifically those concerned with the creation of life. In short, I could make homunculi.

There's a distinction between wet and dry tinkers that's so stark people don't even bother with the 'dry' classification. You're either a normal tinker or a wet tinker. Homunculus creation was the wettest of wet tinkering. It worked by a variation of preformationism where you basically grew a tiny version of a creature from the hypothetical tinier versions of that creature that existed within their living bodies. Considering I was pretty sure I could already manage to build a cloning tank this application was both disgusting and redundant. The power was called 'Deranged Alchemist', and apparently for good reason.

There may have been some advantages if you got deep enough into homunculi research, but I was perfectly happy keeping my hands off on this one. It would be hard enough figuring out the alchemical transmutation alignment for elemental neodymium. I didn't need to dive into a field of tinkering I'd been specifically trying to avoid since I found out what my powers would have been without the Celestial Forge. I really didn't need this after the call I just had. I'd been reminded of that stuff more than enough for one day.

Setting aside the horrible wet tinker aspects of this power there was an interesting element to it. This was actually an entire discipline unto itself. I was coming into it with master level understanding, but there was the potential for development, refinement, and even new discoveries. The holy grail of this particular system was the creation of the panacea. That is, the medicine that cures all illness and extends life, not copies of the new wave cape, though with the homunculus stuff I could conceivably make small copies of the New Wave cape and I'm not thinking about that anymore. Combinations of homunculus distillation with parahuman biology had terrifying implications that I'm just not going to into right now. The non-horrible point is that there's actually room for development and refinement in this particular discipline. It's closer to the science related powers that allow new designs and discoveries than my previous two alchemy abilities which were strictly limited to the knowledge they provided. The formulas from Evermore Alchemist could be refined and improved in effectiveness, but I couldn't develop anything novel. This actually had the potential for new discovery.

That would be a daunting prospect and something I normally would never have considered attempting, but I also had two intelligence boosting powers and the second one was specifically designed to allow me to become the foremost mind in any field. While I doubted there was much competition for the title of 'foremost alchemist' the end result was a massive increase in my ability to develop this craft. I wasn't sure what direction I would actually be taking my research. The panacea was well out of my reach at the moment and I would be having enough trouble figuring out transmutation principles for metals medieval alchemists didn't even have names for. I wasn't likely to manage anything that would exceed the combat potential of my Evermore Alchemy, at least not without more research than was practical to consider with the scope of my current problems.

This was also truly the final nail in the coffin over the whole magic thing. The rituals needed to successfully transmute materials had an overwhelmingly mystical bent. I would never be able to dress them up as anything scientific. We're talking circles, candles, placed reagents, chanting, and possibly robes. I'm really hoping I can avoid the robes, partially because I'll be doing this in my machine shop and loose clothing is a death sentence in that kind of environment, but mostly because I don't want to find out what Garment's reaction would be if she saw me trying to cobble together a set of alchemical vestments.

The world is not ready for a line of designer cowls.

There was also some medical knowledge tied up in this mess, but it was seriously archaic. Barber surgeon skills or diagnosis by humors, that kind of stuff. Just enough to facilitate the squishier aspects of the power without providing any real proficiency in terms of modern medicine.

As much as I would have liked to get back to my workshop and start transmutations I had promised Garment a ride. The bike also needed a test run since there was no way I was having my first experience on something that powerful be a cape fight. The fleet program would also need all the training I could give it if it was going to be more than a glorified cruise control option.

I found a decent access point in the same alley I had stored my bike. Hopefully if anyone in the neighborhood had been watching me put it away this would negate any hint of cape shenanigans at play. In its civilian mode the bike still had the same broad features of what I had purchased, just seriously cleaned up. Providing no one was filming me when I drove in then it would probably pass any level of casual inspection. That was of course assuming a level of engagement that just wasn't present in this part of the Docks, so I was feeling pretty confident about this.

When I opened the door to my workshop Garment was standing in the entryway wearing her full biker outfit, complete with helmet. The illusion really was perfect. If I didn't know for certain it was a telekinetically suspended set of clothes I would have been completely fooled. I guess knowledge of fashion at her level gives you an understanding of how clothing is supposed to sit on a human body. By the way she arranged the outfit she was able to give a flawless impression of a rather pronounced female figure. The only thing that looked slightly out of place were the gloves, which were still that overly pure, almost unnatural shade of white. They had shifted from form fitting evening wear to the look and shape of white leather motorcycle gloves. I had no idea the extent of her shapeshifting abilities, but apparently she could adapt them to the most appropriate option for the situation.

She had cleared a path for the bike to exit the workshop, but with it in a much cleaner and less greasy state she wasn't demonstrating quite the desperate defense of her clothing she had shown before. I wheeled the bike out of the workshop with a slight amount of assistance from the fleet program. Technically it should have been able to manage this itself with automated steering and gyroscopic stabilization, but I wasn't ready to risk it so early in the program's development. When I rolled it into the alley Garment hopped onto the back and excitedly gestured towards the open road. I sealed the workshop before turning to her.

"Ok, this is a quick run around the city and maybe a few errands. My permit doesn't allow me to carry passengers or be out after sunset. Still we should be fine as long as we don't get pulled over."

She made and excited gesture and pointed towards the road.

"I'm serious Garment, I know you're excited but we need to keep this low key. This is a trial run and I don't want to attract too much attention."

She gave me an adamant nod and turned to the street again.

"Ok, one last thing." I reached into my jacket and pulled out a fold of bills. She immediately perked up. "This is emergency money. I don't anticipate anything happening out there where you'll need it, but if something does happen I'd rather you have the option. There's three hundred dollars here, so it'll be enough to cover most expenses, at least to get you someplace safe." She nodded furiously. "Garment, this is emergency money. It is not for you to immediately spend on materials. Do you understand?"

She paused in reaching for the cash, then slowly nodded. Without being able to speak it would be difficult for her to use it, but if we got separated for any reason it would at least give her some options. I handed over the money and she tucked it under the hem of one of her gloves.

"Alright, let's go."

I mounted the bike and engaged the drive. I would be managing things until the fleet program developed enough to start assisting. With that in mind I carefully pulled down the alley and out onto the street.

It didn't take long after we were on the main roads for me to realize things were not going to go the way I hoped. I probably should have seen this coming. Either 'low key' was not part of Garment's vocabulary or, more concerningly, this was her idea of holding back. If that was the case her base level of engagement was probably a city wide rager. In retrospect my idea of avoiding attention had been doomed from the start. A white and blue super bike with a pink clad passenger clinging to the driver wouldn't have been subtle even if said passenger wasn't trying to engage every driver, pedestrian, and feral animal that crossed our path.

That was bad enough when we were on the side streets. When we pulled onto Bayside and started riding parallel to the boardwalk things were definitely getting out of hand. Garment alternated between standing up with her hands on my shoulders to get a better 'view' of the area and leaning back to wave at anyone willing to engage her. A convertible nearly veered off the road after Garment spent a quarter mile leaning back and waving at the driver.

Apparently my power had decided to curse me with an extreme extrovert.

The entire endeavor was about as far from avoiding attention as humanly possible. Eventually I pulled into the parking lot of one of the clusters of boardwalk stores just for a break. That turned out to be of mixed success as we shifted from endangering traffic to being a public spectacle for every tourist, boardwalk patron, and teenager that walked by. I may have badly underestimated the quality of work I'd done on my bike. I had to field a stream of greetings, compliments and the occasional technical question. Garment preened at the attention but I couldn't help but feel like I was under a microscope. The occasional click of camera phones didn't help. Come on people. This is a cape town. Is a motorcycle really that remarkable?

The Celestial Forge moved again and my power failed to connect to a mote from the Quality Constellation. I put it out of my mind as Garment communicated through gestures to a tourist that yes, it was perfectly alright for him to take a picture and she would be more than happy to pose for it. I stayed buried in my jacket and helmet to hide my discomfort at the entire situation.

I may have found a flaw in my plan to use the bike and as innocuous civilian transport. This thing was stark, unique, and memorable. If I really wanted to go with that idea I would have painted it in faded shades with fake rust and rode it in the drabbest outfit I could get away with. As I watched Garment pose for another picture I realized that plan was doomed from the start.

Apparently I had become one of those assholes who swings down to the boardwalk to hang out in designer clothes next to a car with a minimum price tag of a hundred thousand dollars. All I needed was some arm candy and the transformation would be complete. There was probably no better evidence of how much we had accidently embraced boardwalk culture than the fact that we were taking up a prime parking space for an overly expensive café and no one was making a fuss. Even when a hulking team of boardwalk enforcers passed by we got nothing more than a smile and wave with one of them commenting "Nice bike.".

Eventually I managed to pry Garment away from her adoring public and get back on the road. The time spent dealing with Boardwalk patrons seemed to have sated her somewhat as she was marginally more subdued as we looped south along the coast. This was mostly a test ride and a chance for Garment to see the city, but I still had a few things I hoped to accomplish.

What I was going to do was a borderline violation of the unwritten rules, but considering the people I was subjecting it to had tentatively revealed their identities to me I would probably get a pass. The boardwalk ran nearly the full length of the bay, meaning I could get a sense of the entire city as I rode its length. By concentrating on the items I had made I was able to feel out their relative locations.

Some were easy to place while others were a bit more vague. My dagger and half of my karambit, the knives I'd made for Alec and Brian, were still in the direction of their hideout, so I was willing to bet they hadn't been moved. My Bowie knife was further north, so that was probably a second location for Rachel away from the Undersiders' lair. My experimental wind blade and impact baton were deeper in the Docks, probably at Taylor's home. I could feel my stiletto somewhere Downtown, but I'd need a closer sweep to find where Tattletale was storing it. The other half of my karambit was clearly at the Rig. Whether it was being studied or stored I couldn't say, but that would be taken care of when it repaired itself tomorrow. Finally the hairpin was somewhere downtown, so most likely kept at the PRT headquarters. I doubted Panacea was still there so it had probably been handed off as evidence.

I cringed at the idea of that rainbow flower pin being used to prove my identity. It seemed like a good idea at the time, do a bit of craftwork to give evidence of tinkering rather than just a material sample people probably wouldn't even look at, but it turned into a game of 'what's the most I can do with a single material?' and ended up with my style and Smithing perks running wild. I had a feeling that thing would be an ongoing embarrassment on the level of taking a steel club with me on my first night's patrol.

When we reached the south end of the Boardwalk I turned left and started circling through Downtown. This route had me brushing against campus which is something I wasn't too comfortable with. There was minimal chance I would run into anyone I knew, but there were still bad memories connected with the area. Getting that close to the university did result in a significantly different tone for the city. Brockton isn't exactly a college town but the student population is large enough that the immediate area around the campus is clogged with businesses devoted to student college goers. Generally that means cheap take out, coffee shops, and bars that do the bare minimum in terms of checking for fake IDs.

The point is the tone of the city changed around the campus and Garment picked up on it right away. Whatever level of restraint our stop at the Boardwalk had granted her melted away as she did her utmost to grab the attention of any student she could. At least this close to the university this kind of nonsense was less likely to be remarked upon given some of the crap college students could get up to.

I shifted one street over and ended up on a road lined with mid-level stores, probably designed to suck as much money out of the student population as possible. Nothing more exceptional than what you'd find in an average mall, but for Garment it was like I'd spread the treasures of the world before her. At her prodding I reduced my speed to the minimum I could get away with while she took in every window display on the street.

My power failed to connect to a mote from the Vehicles constellation as we eventually ran out of stores for Garment to ogle. With how much she had been moving around on the back of the bike if she had any actual mass to her instead of being completely suspended I probably would have spun out three times by now. Also I really hoped that no one had been watching the rear shocks too closely because that would make it clear my passenger was effectively weightless.

Following the sense of my stiletto led me to a mid-range apartment building. Well, mid-range for Downtown. It would be positively opulent by the standards of the Docks. From the feel of things my knife was in an apartment about two thirds of the way up. It seemed like a likely location for Tattletale. Comfortable without being over the top and common enough to avoid garnering attention. I wasn't sure if she was living alone, but I couldn't really see her maintaining a villain career under parental supervision, and my passenger seemed to back that up. I might be able to nail down the exact apartment if I circled a few times or got inside the building, but I was already at the limit of what I was comfortable with in terms of violations of privacy and the unwritten rules.

Instead I pulled off and started towards the docks. From my sense of the hairpin I was certain it was either in the PRT headquarters or somewhere very close by. The last two points I wanted to check were the knives I'd made for Taylor and Rachel.

My route took me through the residential area of Downtown. Really it was only considered Downtown to set it apart from the economic conditions of the Docks. This was where upper middle class homes slowly merged into the areas of truly ridiculous wealth and borderline mansions that made up the south edge of the city. The stark wealth divide was probably as much of a driver of the unrest in this city as any of the parahuman gangs. The shift from the shipping industry to tech firms may have only resulted in a slight net reduction of the city's economy, particularly if cape tourism was taken into account, but it resulted in that money becoming much more concentrated. The way the city had gone from largely having a common cause and identity to being driven by a few high power individuals and corporations almost felt like an analogy for the impact of capes on society as a whole.

Huh, maybe driving by the college had gotten me in an essay mindset again. That was definitely the kind of thing my parahuman studies professor would have eaten up.

We approached the kind of upscale version of a strip mall you would find in this part of town, the kind filled with big box stores and chain restaurants. It reminded me that I still needed supplies for my potions. Well, for both of my new alchemy powers. There were enough stores that I'd be able to find everything, but there's also no way Garment would be allowed inside with her helmet on. I was ready to give it a pass, but she must have seen me looking because she gestured for us to pull into the parking lot.

I found a decent spot roughly central to the stores I'd need to visit and turned to Garment. "There are some things I'm going to have to pick up for my next projects. Are you alright waiting out here?"

She gave me a dismissive wave and gestured towards the other shoppers. In this area the general public tended to be slightly more fashion forward than the docks. Garment seemed perfectly content to hang out and people watch while I shopped.

"Alright. Will you be ok if someone tries to talk to you? I'll be as fast as I can but..."

Garment shoed me away and I took the hint. I left my helmet on the bike and headed for the stores. I needed supplies and materials for potion making. Let's add that to the list of sentences I never thought I'd say as a tinker. Really all I needed was a heat source and a container, plus a set of ingredients. The components for these potions were already fairly mundane. With the benefit of my Deranged Alchemist power my options expanded in terms of what I'd be able to use in the brewing process. When you considered my transmutation ability I could probably pull this off with a camp stove, handful of condiments and some soft drinks.

That may have sounded irreverent, but I was totally going to try that. I doubted even the most ardent monitoring for tinker purchases looks for suspicious quantities of sugar and mustard. I mean, most of the potions would end up tasting like barbeque sauce, but trust me, that's one of the better possibilities I was looking at here.

I started with the camp stoves. They were easy enough to find along with some tins of Sterno. I grabbed a few other odds and ends that would let me set up a remote lab as well as what I'd need for my transmutation rituals. Well, most of what I'd need. Enough to manage. I'm not going full dark acolyte over this. I accept the necessity of the candles, ritual markings, chanting, and reagents. I'm not dressing like Emperor Palpatine every time I want to prep some titanium stock. I can take the efficiency drop in exchange for not having to do this nonsense in a dress. It wasn't like I was working with a limited supply of base materials.

Really I would have done best with a dedicated ritual space and properly equipped chemistry lab. The problem was both were off the table for the immediate future. Barring a lucky connection with the Celestial Forge I was at the limit of what I could manage with my extradimensional space. Setting up a facility in the real world would require a secure location, acquisition or manufacture of all the necessary equipment, and trusting I would be able to access it without being discovered. While that wasn't impossible with my skillset I was also under a time crunch. I had no idea about when Bakuda would strike, which meant I couldn't afford to sink time into convenience projects that wouldn't yield direct results.

The full shopping trip ended up requiring stops at a hardware store, housewares chain, and briefly ducking into a sporting goods outlet. I was on my way back to the bike with a set of bags when I felt the Celestial Forge move again, this time bringing the Size constellation within reach. The strength of my power had grown to the same level as when I was able to connect to the Life Fiber Spool and had just enough reach to form a connection to one of the larger motes in the constellation.

Unlike with the Life Fiber Spool there was no doubt about the applications of this power. The mote was called Master Builder and may have actually been underselling itself. It represented an absolute mastery of an entire field, no, innumerable fields of science and technology from an entire galactic age society. The information covered everything from new theories of spatial dynamics to mind numbingly advanced designs for robotics and computers. There were theoretically perfect energy storage medium along with more weapon systems than I could count. The technology on display ranged from mundane to world shattering and had all been dumped into my mind at once.

That was actually the problem. With most of these powers the information I received came in a largely human context. It was either raw knowledge, experience, instinct, or something similar. This information didn't take any of those approaches. This was raw data burned directly into my mind in a manner that I could barely process. If I was trying to manage this without my intelligence booster powers I might have been floored on the spot. As it was I was still left reeling as I tried to process the sheer breath of information that my power had granted me.

There was one aspect of this ability that would have left me absolutely livid if I had gotten it at any earlier point. Most of this technology was dependent on a very specific material. Cybertonium was an incredibly advance engineered metal that was crucial to the production of just about every level of technology granted by this power. It was an amazing material by any metric. The fact that it functioned as a room temperature superconductor was one of its less impressive qualities, especially when you considered what was possible in terms of transwarp integration. The absolute nightmare involved in producing it would have relegated most of this information to background theory for my other projects. However, that was before I became a true alchemist.

I would be able to transmute base metals into cybertonium. When I said 'would be' I meant it was technically possible and therefore took this technology from a series of projects which could only tantalize me to something I could actually accomplish. I just had to get very, very good at transmutation.

For this I could live with the Emperor Palpatine cosplay, no matter what Garment ended up doing with it.

If I could seriously get this technology off the ground it opened up more options than I had ever thought possible. Aside from the personal equipment I would be able to make or the massive potential for upgrading of my other technology it would be 'relatively' easy to build a scaled down version of an interstellar teleportation array. That would allow me instant access to any point on the earth's surface. It would be a massive project, but also a complete game changer in terms of mobility and S-class threat response. And sadly something I would not have anywhere near enough time to accomplish before Bakuda decided to go bomb happy.

The stress of managing so much new information had me stumbling along the final stretch to Garment and the bike. Fortunately she saw me coming and was able to rush over to help me along.

"You doing alright there?"

I shifted my attention to a blond man loading what looked like an unassembled boxed up crib into the back of a nearby minivan.

"Yeah," I did my best to pull myself together. The information was still burning in my brain in all its inhuman glory, but I was able to put on a somewhat normal front with a bit of effort. "Just a bit dehydrated."

I fished a sports drink out of one of my shopping bags and cracked it open. I had actually bought it to have a convenient potion container, so this was as good a time to drink it as any. Probably better seeing that it would buy me a few more precious seconds of recovery time.

The man nodded and shut the trunk. "You have to watch out for that." The day wasn't particularly hot, but it was bright enough that the excuse didn't fall completely flat. He gestured towards my bike. "Not a bad machine there. That a custom job?"

"I've had to put some work into it." I agreed. There was a faint buzzing from my passenger but between keeping up with the conversation, putting on a brave front, and dealing with the fact that my mind had just been filled with enough machine coded blueprints to sustain an entire civilization I was having a bit of trouble figuring out what the problem was.

He walked over and took a closer look. "I've got a BMW R1200 myself. You should really stick with German engineering. Better performance and a quarter the upkeep you need with these rice rockets."

I shrugged. My passenger was still trying to get something through, but the information from the Master Builder power had barely settled and it was all I could manage to keep up with what this guy was saying.

"I enjoy the upkeep. To be honest I'm probably better at that side of things than I am on the road."

He seemed to be considering something. "I can respect that. If you can keep this thing running I have a friend I should introduce you to. I know he'd love to meet someone as skilled at you."

There was a spike of alarm from my passenger, but I was still having trouble placing his concerns. Blissfully we were interrupted.

"Justin, can you give me a hand with Aster?" A shortish woman with mousy brown hair had pulled a stroller alongside the van and was lifting a baby girl out of it.

"Be right there, Kayden." I did my best not to show how relieved I was for the chance to recover. This information, the way it was being delivered, it was like it had been designed for a computer, not a human being. Actually, even with the immense array of technology there was a stark lack of biological applications, not even the inclusion of basic life support in most of the designs. I was developing some serious questions regarding the context of this information.

The man, Justin, helped Kayden with the stroller while she secured Aster into a car seat, then took to account to store it in the trunk. There seemed to be some kind of professional relationship between them, but it didn't appear to be affectionate. Were they work friends or something like that?

"Got caught up in bike talk." He gestured to my motorcycle. "You know how it is with gear heads."

Kayden nodded, but there was a slight pause when she saw the model of my bike. Still she pressed on and smiled at Garment. "I guess you must be used to that kind of thing?"

Garment gave her a shrug and a dismissive gesture. At Kayden's confused expression I broke in.

"Sorry, she doesn't speak."

The woman's expression darkened. "No English?" Her eyes were jumping between Garment, the bike and myself with a concerning look to them.

"Uh, no. She doesn't speak at all."

"Mute." The muttered word came from the blond man who immediately looked embarrassed for having said it. Kayden shot him a warning look and he cleared his throat and turned away. As I watched the exchange between them my head cleared enough that I was finally able to piece together what my passenger had been trying to communicate.


Somehow I had managed to stumble across two Empire capes in their civilian identities. I wasn't sure who Justin was but the complex arrangement of emotions surrounding the woman perfectly matched up with Purity. I was about eight feet from the most powerful blaster in Brockton Bay. The baby in the minivan explained some of the conflicting feelings from my passenger, but I doubted that made her any less dangerous.

More pieces from the earlier conversation were falling into place. I was fairly certain that 'friend' Justin wanted me to meet would be Victor. There was a lot of concern around Victor. Too many of my powers didn't follow standard tinker rules. I really wasn't sure how much that skill thief would be able to take if he got a free shot at me. I was fairly certain my magical skills and anything directly facilitated by the Forge would be beyond him. I believed that a lot of my seriously advanced technology required support from my power for part of the fabrication process, but I couldn't be sure. Even without those abilities there were enough 'mundane' skills to take someone within spitting distance of a tinker rating, and I wasn't about to give the Empire that advantage.

It also occurred to me that I was standing in front of at least one senior Empire cape, even if her current membership was a bit debated, with a hyper advanced motorcycle and shopping bags full of eclectic supplies. And the motorcycle was registered to me with my home address. I was a single guess on the part of either of these capes from a forced recruitment attempt.

It would be against the unwritten rules, but within that technical area where people are willing to dance if it means serious advantage, and the Empire was desperate for a tinker. After the debut of "Lord Khepri" the only two parahuman teams in the city without a tinker were the Empire and Faultline's crew. I was confident I could personally resist any recruitment attempt, but if my identity was exposed that meant they could try to coheres me through family members. That is, providing they were willing to completely defy the unwritten rules, not just dance on the line. I wasn't willing to take bets on the restraint of a bunch of white supremacists. I might not have the best relationship with my family at the moment but that was a long way from wishing super Nazis upon them.

Could I take these two? I had no idea who Justin was. The best I could say was probably not Victor. Possibly Krieg, Crusader, or Fog. I wouldn't really want to test my passive defenses against any of those capes. Purity was an offensive nightmare. My only hope of countering her was my Reflect formula, but unfortunately I only had reagents for some healing alchemy, and I'd grabbed those mostly as an afterthought. I needed to maintain a better loadout. Depending on who I was facing my power armor might be able to handle them, but the A.I. was so green I wouldn't trust it to walk in bipedal mode, much less fight. This was a bad situation all around.

Miraculously Kayden seemed to interpret my borderline panic as offense rather than rushed combat assessment. "I'm sorry about him." She sent the man another glare. "He has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth on certain topics."

"Don't worry about it. We should get going anyway." I handed Garment the bags and mounted the bike. "It was nice meeting you." I lied.

"Like wise." She gave me a half-hearted wave as I pulled out of the parking lot as fast as I could without attracting suspicion.

There was some irony at my panic over the Empire potentially disregarding the unwritten rules while my power blatantly flaunted the secret identities of every cape I came across. I guess when you get down to it the knowing wasn't the problem, it was what you did with it. Hopefully the fact that Purity had a baby daughter at home would be enough to keep her from trying her luck with the conventions that prevented this city from turning into a warzone.

I kept moving until we were well into the South Docks. Garment had picked up that something was bothering me and was reining in her usual enthusiasm, though that was probably helped by our transition to a part of the city that was significantly less prone to enthusiasm. My power missed a connection to the Clothing constellation as I pulled into a quiet alley and opened a link to my workshop. I stored the purchases and sealed the door before turning to explain things to Garment.

"They were Empire capes. The woman was Purity, I'm not sure who the man was." That got me some confused looks. Right, how much did Garment know about the local situation? "The Empire are the local Neo-Nazi cape team. Purity is one of their stronger capes, flying blaster. She has a body count, enough for the three strikes rule but not as bad as some of the other capes. She's split or on hiatus with the main group or something like that. I'm not sure how much risk we're at from that encounter, but I don't think she suspected anything."

Garment proceeded to make a series of complicated and difficult to decipher gestures that seemed to be indicating a level of disapproval over Kayden's fashion sense and how that implied unfavorable things about her character. At least that's what I was able to take away from her movements. I mentally added sign language lessons alongside the typing course I needed to arrange for Garment.

I gave her a smile and we mounted back up. "There are a couple more places I want to drive past, then I think I know where we can find a storage place for your clothes."

That lifted Garment's spirits and we pulled back out onto the city streets. As we made our way through the docks I started closing in on the enchanted blade and baton I made for Taylor. It was in one of the older neighborhoods of the docks, full of family homes that were mostly going into disrepair or being sold off for whatever they could bring in. Honestly it was about what I expected when I first saw Taylor. I made a point of not actually driving past her house since I was even less subtle here that I had been on the boardwalk, but with a couple of passes I had a relatively good idea of where it was located.

After that I followed the sense of my Bowie knife north into the more industrial areas. As we rode I considered the implications of my latest power. It was clear this was a big one. It was the strongest power I'd gotten so far both in what it cost and the level of technology it provided access to. It made the best technology my Grease Monkey power could put out look like a joke. This was the stuff of literal science fiction. There was actual faster than light technology possible through this power.

The problem was I would be running into the standard tinker dilemma, where I had to build the tools to build the tools to build the tools to build my technology. Even if I managed a stable supply of cybertonium I would estimate I was at least four layers deep on that particular nesting doll before I could start breaking out the serious tech. And that steady supply of cybertonium was not guaranteed. The best I could say at the moment was that it was technically possible to produce with alchemical transmutation.

If I did manage the higher level technologies this power could put out then that would be a game changer. The GroundBridge alone would be revolutionary, but there were unbelievable advances possible in robotics, energy management, weaponry, transportation, and more fields than I could name. This was a fundamentally disruptive power, I just needed to last long enough to pull it off.

Without some resource or assembly power I would be slogging through this tech base for weeks, and I didn't have that amount of time. The whole city was on a ticking clock, so I needed to focus on what I could accomplish with what I had, not the dream technologies I wished I was able to produce. The level of robotics knowledge provided by this power was immense. In fact a lot of it felt almost... medical? Anyway, I would be able to refine the previous work on my bike a great deal. Adapting this to integrate with magitek would be a challenge, but it should be possible, especially for the mechanical portions of the upgrades. There was also the potential for serious refinements in A.I. development and my computer hardware setup, both in my bike and for what I was using generally. More than enough space for improvement there. Human computer science was a joke.

Ok, how concerned should I be that I just felt the need to classify every other computer system on the planet as being a product of 'human computer science' and didn't automatically include myself in that category? That seems like something I should keep an eye on.

My sense of the Bowie knife spiked and I shifted my attention back to the surrounding area. The location became clear when we passed a house with obvious signs of numerous dogs. The kind of signs you get from dogs that are let into a yard as a substitute for taking them on walks.

I sped past before anyone could recognize me, and also ignored the Celestial Forge as it missed a connection to the Size constellation. I didn't know if she was still there or if she would connect me with a random biker seen outside her house, but the bike stood out glaringly in this environment. Fortunately my next destination was a strait shot past Rachel's home/hideout/dog shelter.

There were sets of storage lockers scattered all over the city. During the first economic crash they had acted as temporary housing for people who couldn't afford rent but had just enough not to end up on the street. Given the entrepreneurial spirit of Brockton Bay you had dozens of cheaply made storage facilities spring up all over the place. Given that these were being treated as apartments without plumbing, sanitation, or security the inevitable happened and a series of high profile disasters led to the city cracking down on the pseudo apartments. By that point there were more than enough abandoned buildings to fill the need and the population migrated to even cheaper and less secure accommodations.

The consequence of this is the city having a ridiculous excess of storage facilities. They aren't terribly profitable but probably bring in marginally more revenue than whatever else the land could be used for. When your primary competition is abandoned warehouses pretty much anything is a step up.

Brockton University isn't exactly internationally renowned but we had enough students from out of state that storage over the summer months was a concern. I'm pretty sure the storage facilities charge students as much for a summer as locals paid for an entire year, but that revenue is probably the only thing keeping these places from turning into derelicts. The fact that they actually advertised on campus pretty much proved that.

I was heading to the most remote of the storage places I remembered from my time as a student. It was past the train yard and probably saw less traffic than any other facility in the city. Lord knows what was stored here since I'm pretty sure everyone who came out this far had something to hide. I only remember it from the horror stories of people who considered using it. The place ended up as something between an urban legend and inside joke for my class after that.

I put it out of my mind as we approached the storage facility. I seriously felt it would be the most remote and secure place to store both Garment's wardrobe and various pieces of spillover from my workshop. My passenger begged to differ.

As soon as I saw the place dread started building. It was like something out of one of the stupid stories that would circulate around my class, only this was coming from a cosmic being with access to information beyond my understanding, not the guy who didn't know when to let a joke die. I took one look at the collection of storage units and decided whatever was going to happen here I wanted no part in it. I was within spitting distance of being able to build a subspace pocket. Now was not the time to be taking chances on the storage yard of deadly portents.

So that wasn't going to work. I could try to find a more centrally located storage unit to tide me through, but those had things like attentive staff, security cameras, and foot traffic. One of those I could bypass with no effort, the other two would be more of an issue. Ultimately my best option might be to follow the Undersiders' lead and start an offsite base in an abandoned building. I had the advantage that I would be able to manufacture most of my equipment onsite or sneak it in using my workshop key. The trick would be finding something unlikely to be disturbed, but still accessible.

I actually had no idea how the Undersiders maintained any semblance of security in their base. Yeah, it would be stupid to approach the lair of that many supervillains, but someone must have noticed the foot traffic and been tempted to investigate. At the very least moving in that much high end electronics must have attracted some attention.

The answer was most likely tied to their boss. I wouldn't be surprised if everything in that area was owned by him through shell companies. There were probably ways to decrease the chances someone would wander upon them. If every other building in the area was both abandoned and inhospitable then the odds of someone investigating that particular factory in enough depth to find their hideout was remote. Tattletale probably had something to do with it as well, likely some kind of prediction based on appearance and the local character or something like that.

So where did that leave me? I needed a place where I could set up a, and I still can't believe I'm saying this, potion lab. I also needed somewhere to secure Garment's clothes. Those were not likely to be the same location barring extensive renovations or a very lucky find.

Actually, for potion brewing the factory I'd used for the first access to my laboratorium could do the trick. It had enough chemical smells that I doubt any more would be noticed and was big enough that I could obscure the potion vapors with a minor amount of engineering. I had no idea what its ownership status was, but the place had clearly been abandoned since the first crash of the local economy. Subtle access might be a bit dicey, but the industrial estate was big enough that I'm sure I'd be able to rig something. The obvious chemical contamination was a concern, but I had safety equipment from my workshop and extensive healing abilities beyond that. I also had enough alchemy knowledge to put together a decent idea of what sort of contamination I would be dealing with.

As I was heading back towards the docks the vehicle constellation swung towards me and my power connected to a small mote called Mechanic. It was another mechanical skill booster with some additional electrical understanding, this time particularly geared towards criminal enterprises like hotwiring or bypassing security systems. The big aspects of this power were the ability to rebuild vehicles perfectly even after they had been nearly destroyed and a drastic reduction in the complexity of tools required for the maintenance of anything, not just vehicles. A basic set of handheld tools from a portable kit would be able to manage the most complicated maintenance procedures of the most advanced systems imaginable. It didn't help me with manufacturing, but being able to use the same basic toolset to maintain everything from computer systems to energy weapons to spacecraft would be an incredible advantage.

I decided I was probably overthinking things with my secrecy concerns. Access might be dicey, but for the moment all I was going to be storing was Garment's spill over wardrobe. Someone happening upon that wouldn't find it any more remarkable than the contents of any other storage locker. To that effect I headed towards a storage facility in the same general region as my apartment, not close enough that I'd be running into people I knew, but close enough for convenient access.

They had a locker available. Every storage facility has lockers available. It's the advantage of having such an overbuilt industry to draw upon, even if it started from such a bad place. I picked out one that was as deep in the maze of storage units as possible to minimize the chance anyone would stumble upon us while we were loading the unit. I had to fill out a rather extensive form with a lot of agreements about what could be stored, liability for violations, and notice of seizure in the event the terms were breached. It was incredibly comprehensive, but the manager didn't even look at it when he took my deposit for two months and didn't even spare a glance at my driver's license. He gave the two of us a slight squint as he handed over the key, then shrugged and went back to his paper. I guess there were advantages to the general level of apathy the economic downturn had created.

I figured two months of storage should be more than enough. By that point I'd either have subspace pockets figured out or have secured better accommodations. I led Garment through the rows of storage units to the one matching my issued key. When I unlocked it and pulled up the sliding door Garment was less than enthusiastic at the sight of the stained concrete floor and cracked celling.

"No, I'm not asking for another one. Look, you can tell the stain was from the previous tenant. There's no sign of water ingress at all. You'll be fine."

There were questioning gestures and a vague indication towards the north side of town.

"That was because I was getting a bad feeling. Something's happening there and I didn't want anything to happen to your things."

She seemed to indicate that this was at best a marginal step up from my previous assessment.

"Look, every storage facility is going to be like this. The only ones that might have better units will be the places Downtown that are designed to be climate controlled for antiques and stuff..." She started gesturing excitedly. "...which we won't be able to book tonight, probably don't take cash, and likely need an accounting of everything stored in them."

Garment still seemed to be indicating it was worth the trouble.

"Also I need to start alchemy tonight. So either we use this storage unit or your clothes end up next to the room where I'm mixing transmutation catalysts."

Garment looked more conflicted than I'd ever seen her before, constantly glancing at the storage locker, then away, miming the shifting of her weight from one foot to the other.

I took a breath. "I'm not asking for you to just dump them in there." She perked up. "You can have a budget for tarps, garment bags, those kind of things."

Garment rallied, and immediately jumped into negotiations. She may have had more luck if I didn't know what she'd been able to pull together for a frankly insultingly meager amount of cash. In the end I talked her down to under a hundred dollars and still felt like I was overpaying. I was also a little concerned on how my default solution for dealing with any problem involving Garment had me throwing money at it. It wasn't as bad as it seemed seeing as she was basically a link to a worldwide marketplace of clothing and clothing related raw materials. It just seemed like the kind of thing I should be careful about.

I accessed my workshop through the door of the storage locker opposite ours and kept watch while Garment summoned what was almost certainly an excessive amount of protection for her wardrobe before loading it into the locker. The number of layers and quality of the tarps and protective sheeting meant it would probably outlast the storage facility itself.

As she worked I considered the monumental amount of power I had acquired on this trip. What did it say when the least significant ability I'd been granted allowed me to grow human beings in jars? My Master Builder power was so strong that you'd think it would make everything else I'd received irrelevant, but it seemed my powers didn't work that way.

Every power I had stacked with every other power. You'd think multiple powers that gave mechanical aptitude would become redundant, but every one opened new applications and skills. Even though I could now work on cosmic level machines my early powers were still providing benefits. Even abilities that would otherwise provide me the skills of a mechanic or just give basic repair abilities now let me apply that level of experience and aptitude to the insane levels of technology that were within my reach. There was a myriad of ways that skills and knowledge could express themselves. Each supporting power subtly improved my ability to work with all the other technologies I'd been given access to.

I guess it made sense, really. Earlier skills hadn't become redundant when Grease Monkey gave me the power to build anything the cyberpunk genre could come up with. It looked like even taking things all the way up to space opera didn't create any serious irrelevancies.

There was also the possibility to combine and integrate the technologies of different powers. Grease Monkey might not have any technology that could touch what Master Builder was capable of, but I could integrate that higher level of tech into everything from hard suits to cybernetics. In fact, the technology of Master Builder seemed unusually sterile. It tended to ignore organic life outside the odd containment vessel or analysis system. There was some information on technorganic technology, but it was treated with a level of caution that fell just short of it being considered blasphemy.

Combinations had immense potential but I was a long way from being able to pull off that kind of technological integration.

As Garment was moving the last of her creations and securing them with a care and thoroughness you didn't normally see outside hurricane zones the Forge moved again and missed a connection in the Quality constellation. I checked my watch and saw we had killed the last of the afternoon. Actually, I was due to check the messages on the phone Tattletale had given me. That thing had been scanned for tracking devices, powered down, and secured in my workshop. Before now I'd had to rely on insane levels of caution in place of technical skill. Fortunately that wasn't the case anymore.

Garment agreed to watch the entrance of the workshop while I worked. Well, she agreed to stay in the entrance, though seemed to be gazing forlornly at her packed up clothing rather than standing guard. Fortunately this wouldn't take long.

Even when not working with the most sophisticated technology I was capable of my level of understanding had expanded to the point where I could assemble an advanced device almost instantly. It took some effort to break down and reconfigure the cell phone, but compared to what I was now capable of working with this was child's play. I was altering the integration with the cell network to obscure the location of my call. Also adding a stronger signal, improved call quality, and extended battery life. What I was doing was almost certainly a violation of electronic communication guidelines, but the odds of it being exposed were slim in the extreme. Still, I had a phone that I could carry with me without worrying about being tracked by anything less than a serious thinker power or a tinker specialized in communications or surveillance.

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders as I exited the workshop and resealed the door. My bike may have been my first real technical project but this was proof that I would be able to bypass the fears that had haunted me since I got caught up in this mess. I wasn't ready to take on the Undersiders' boss yet, but this was one point of vulnerability I had been able to completely patch. There were other points of weakness I was still justifiably paranoid about, but this was proof that I could deal with them, eventually, with the help of my power.

Garment sadly helped me lock the storage unit and I powered up the phone. A list of voicemails and text messages jumped out at me. Ok, I'd been expecting this, and I still stood by my actions from the previous night, but it was time to face the music.

Most of the texts were some variation of 'call me' or 'call me immediately'. Not a lot of creativity, and frankly I expected better from a thinker of Tattletale's assumed caliber. There were a few from Brian that basically amounted to 'please call Lisa' with an increasingly pleading tone.

Well, we were in an empty storage facility and I had an effectively untraceable phone. I pulled up her number and placed the call. Might as well get it over with and find out how well she was taking this situation.

Her first words upon answering the call served to resolve that mystery.

"What the fuck did you do?"

Jumpchain abilities this chapter:

Deranged Alchemist (Van Helsing) 300:
You have mastered the medieval forerunner of chemistry, and know the transformation of matter via elaborate rituals and mysticism on top of your scientific approach. The greatest secrets of Alchemy still elude you, such as the fabled Panacea, but that can be found in due time. (Hint: Nobody's found it. At all.) However, you are capable of transmutation of many materials (although it requires that said materials be the same base) and can create Homunculi from following Paracelsus' studies into alchemy.

Master Builder (Transformers) 400:
You've been programmed with mastery of Cybertronian science allowing you jury rig any tech you see, as well allowing you to quickly build even the most complex Cybertronian tech within a reasonable time period. Smaller devices are almost instant, larger devices take some time and more components. However with enough material you can build a temporary space bridge. Despite your mastery of Cybertonian science, creation of a Spark and therefore intelligent life, organic or inorganic is beyond you.

Mechanic (Fast and Furious) 100:
Machines, especially ones that go fast, just speak to you. You have no problem fixing up and tuning any motor vehicle, and can rebuild them after the most devastating crashes. You can keep anything in top condition with just a few simple tools. Of course, you also need to understand the electronics, so hotwiring cars (and sometimes, alarm systems) is not a problem either.
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Huh, apparently spoiler word count is there in the inline editor for the forum, but having nothing outside still invokes the "reply is too short". Oh well.

Yeah, the fight has run off quite far in those four chapters. It feels less like a single encounter and more like an entire day of small scale war waged between two major tinkers. Though yeah, maintaining any semblance of pacing sounds difficult when the main character's power is more or less "constant random growth". The current length is a bit on the higher end and just barely feels okay, but the last part makes it sound a bit worse than what it was probably intended.

The way Bakuda recovers and gets backup definitely invokes feeling that there's going to be either a few more chapters worth of the same fight. Or that the villains will curbstomp the main character and co and they have to run away, in rather anticlimatic way. Though this one is mostly guessing and opinion.

The "unhackable pacemaker watchdog" and "no tranqulizers" is somewhat understandable, honestly. Was mostly my nitpicking from being a bit frustrated and irritated at the way it went and so.

After what happened in Bakuda fight so far, hopefully Coil, Levi, S9 and etc won't be much of a problem. This version of her is honestly pretty overpowered, as it sounds like she had quite a few dozens of bombs in this fight alone, which is either putting all into one place or having way too much stockpiled. Addition of March here made Bakuda from a menace into a basically S9 level event, and thankfully she did not get to start messing more than in this small area...

Alsolad to hear that canon is going off the rails. By the way, the Coil interlude was actually somewhat okay, which is quite the achievement. Usually, he's annoying and frustrating as hell and any interlude with him that is not him getting caught is just more frustration and desire for him to just be finally gone from story. Yet here he just makes plans you can expect of Worm. Which means that a lot of the awful things are his fault and getting rid of him is going to fix a lot, hooray. Kinda kept wondering in interlude if Joe running off was a "oh we are in simulation" reaction from not-shard and just faking it for Coil. And is magic really magic, and precogs somehow can deal with it, or is it just some not-shard effects?

Also curious, why did Joe ended up getting "run away" feeling towards Scion when considering if he could fight him with all the power of Forge? That he NEEDS Taylor for this sounds a bit strange, and highly limiting on the power of said Forge. Is this meant to be Worm-only fic and I misunderstood "Jumpchain" premise? Though even then there's so many problems in Worm, beyond BB and Scion...

I was honestly going for that 'tinker war' feel with this fight. I think part of the problem is people went into it expecting one or two chapters of conflict, not a major arc. So it was probably a problem with set up as well as pacing. Also ending on the 'villain gets up' moment probably wasn't the best move in this kind of writing medium. This is the first story I've posted online, so there are some nuances to episodic writing I'm picking up on, and the final part of a chapter has a big impact on how the readers react.

Glad the Coil interlude went over well. I don't like the character, so we probably won't be revisiting his perspective anytime soon. Still, I felt it was necessary for perspective on what was happing in the higher levels of the city. The reaction to his men was a solid "nope" message from the not-shard telling Joe unconditionally to GTFO.

One part of this fic is that, as an aspect of local metaphysics, parahuman abilities are being treated as magic, and vice versa. This is mostly to keep every magitech perk from being useless. It means anything that affects powers affects magic and likewise for magic affecting powers. Hatchetface would shut down the enchantments of a weapon and an alchemy formula that reflects magic also reflects parahuman abilities. It only applies to things specifically defined as 'magic', so generic supernatural abilities, psychic powers, or weird fiat backed skills aren't affected.

There was an element of miscommunication over the Taylor-Scion prediction tied into a lot of elements including the ambiguous nature of Scion's canon power and affection the passenger felt for Taylor. I've gone into this in the Ao3 comments, but basically the Khepri/Golden Morning is the only confirmed way Scion was put down. Everything else is a theoretical victory, so has less confidence behind it. The nuance of that was lost in the limits of the passenger communication and the entire concept will start showing cracks once the passenger's predictions get less accurate due to butterflies.

The biggest problem I had with the fight is that the damn main character had a bloody enhanced matter printer so the lack of tranquillizer is a copout. Especially as your new printer can make anything your base printer can and more because it is from Mass Effect. Your character has the experience, muscle memory and knowledge of an experienced combat engineer whose been through multiple campaigns. And yet the moment combat starts he acts like a bloody green recruit. You can't build up how much experience and skill he has and then have him throw all that away to act like a twit. That ME pistol you upgraded should have ended Bakuda's threat three seconds after Lisa told him about her toe rings. The SI had multiple clear shots at Bakuda. The pistol can fire everything from incendiaries to radioactive polonium rounds flash forged by its fabricator. He should have blown her leg off with incendiary rounds.

He keeps saying I'll kill her if I have to but fails to act in neutralizing her threat. Going for showy, flashy moves with his robot instead. Your SI wasted his numerical superiority and high ground. Bakuda could not be tased okay then. Why were your SI's drones not disabling the other combatants? Your ME drones can emit Massive EMP discharges and can block signals. Jammers should have been the first priority of the drones after AAM duties.

NB: 237 words are too short and add nothing to the thread? You (SV devs and owner) paid too much to whoever designed the algorithm that governs this counter.
@LordRoustabout don't mistake my frustration for hatred of the story. Outside of several irritating sections I quite enjoyed your story.

The main character definitely isn't handling this situation as well as he should be. The military memories and instincts are helping him, but he's only had them for a few hours and never experimented with them before this fight. He's feeling confident because he has the mentality of having been in combat before, but this is still only his second cape encounter and that's clashing with his pervious mindset and the shifting objectives of the fight. His new experience is keeping him from freezing up or shutting down, but he's not leveraging it to its full potential.

A problem is we only see things from Joe's perspectives. He also doesn't currently have anyone he trusts with the details of his power who could act as a sounding board for ideas and strategies. The mistakes he's making won't be apparent until he has time to reflect on them. That said, I get how four chapters of someone making sub-par decisions without awareness of them comes across as very frustrating.

@Arimai I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. A big benefit of crossposting here is the faster responses and better interaction to help recognize when something isn't working or is being poorly conveyed. As such I really appreciate your feedback on this work.

Found the story here and then binged on Ao3/ Lots of fun! Long ramble spoilered.
First off, I really like your work and look forward to seeing more!

Next, on to critique:
The arguments about him printing a tranquilizer on-site have been hashed out, so I won't put them here; just note that I support them. With regard to the fight itself, I think it suffers from three main problems - (1) it's too long, (2) Bakuda getting her second wind feels a lot like railroading, and (3) the power descriptions feel awkward and clunky in combat.
(1) So, I don't think you needed to make this confrontation nearly as long as you did. While I liked the Uber and L33T parts of the battle, and the initial Bakuda confrontation, I don't think you needed to spend so much time on rescuing the Undersiders. Sure, for Lisa, because she was the first injured one, but after that I think you could have fast forwarded more. We ended up hearing about the deadman's switch several more times than we needed to when it got re-explained to every new Undersider, and generally I don't think reading about their conditions/rescue past Lisa really added anything new to the story. I would have preferred to see some of that glossed over - maybe cut down the bit about healing them? We know at this point how the nanomachines work; the extra description could probably have been cut. There's also the issue of the new powers, which I'll cover below in (3).
(2) The ending to Chapter 25 seems to indicate that "the boss suddenly received a powerup" or "you haven't seen my final form" which feels campy and untrue to Worm, where death by a thousand cuts is totally a legitimate thing (and basically how Taylor wins every fight). It reads as though a lot of the incremental damage they had done was suddenly wiped away. After she was already better prepared from our new Mystery Thinker, the second wind feels gratuitous to me. Especially after how long this battle feels to the reader. I can already see this battle dragging on another two chapters on this setup.
(3) The way you have him describe every new advance and advantage that each power brings is fine for the story, but not for combat. It's barely believable when in the middle of important dialogue and he takes 2-3 paragraphs to describe how wonderful, amazing, and gamebreaking his now power is. In combat or an emergency situation, it really only makes sense that he would seize upon only those aspects that are immediately relevant/useful. It would then make sense for him to do a quick recap when he reaches his apartment/safety to go over what he's gained. It would make the combat scenes drag less. Also, the way that he describes each new power is virtually the same. It's all "this is groundbreaking" or "amazing" or "I can reach new heights" and while I'm certain that it's all true to an extent, it's repetitive to read the same words several times each chapter. That said, I still like having the new powers described - just watch them for repetition. These things would probably lower your wordcount, which would also mean less emergency interruption and a more streamlined story.

What I like:
(1) I like how you portray him as a fairly fallible character, and I like that he makes fairly reasonable mistakes. His development is pretty good, and I look forward to him actually scaling into how dangerous he is right now. Heck, he's probably Tinker 10 already, and he acts like he's Tinker 5-6.
(2) I'm also a fan of how well you have handled his environment reacting to his presence and the ripples going outwards. I absolutely didn't expect the nightmare that is the current Protectorate/PRT/New Wave meltdown after his offhand comments to Amy. You did a really good job writing that.
(3) I mean, I generally like your story - I think the premise is interesting and the characters sympathetic. You write fairly well too. Keep up the good work!

On critique:
(1) I've realized the serious need to shift writing style between 'day in the life' chapters and 'combat chapters'. There's a pacing aspect that wasn't handled well. I could have cut this by half and still hit the same beats. It's partially tied to the structure of the writing exercise that started this work which definitely leaned towards a more contemplative style that doesn't work well with a desperate push through a combat zone.

(2) That is a moment that would have been better served as part of the next chapter, or at least not the closing cliffhanger. Sort of ties to the pacing problems I've been working on, but also part of the nature of posting chapters isolated from each other.

(3) The integration of power descriptors is tricky during the normal narrative and I see how it kills the pace during a fight scene. Noting a new power and setting it aside for later contemplation would be the best way to handle it moving forward, excluding things that have an immediate impact on the situation or the protagonist.

On the rest I'm glad those elements came across well. I think it's tricky to have a character make understandable mistakes without having them come across like a blundering idiot. The societal ripples and plot butterflies are also something I've enjoyed exploring. Glad you're enjoying the story and thanks for the feedback and commentary.

This is my favorite chapter so far. The interactions between them are so good, and he comes off as a mumbling crazy person is how I like it. Thank you for your work.

Thanks. I think my favorite part of that chapter was that Joe was just blundering in with vaguely good intentions rather than trying to craft the perfect interaction to fix all of Amy's problems in one swoop. In the process he may have helped a little, but caused to many more problems without realizing it.

Really great so far! (Caught up to the extra chapters in a binge XD)

One thing though, and maybe someone can help me, is where you get the ability descriptions and point cost from. I didn't see any expanded descriptions on the link to the doc, nor the cost. Is it simply a matter of researching the source (ie. Mass Effect, 40k) and whipping something up on your own? If so, some of the names and even the source seem pretty generic. For example, I have no idea what "Architect's Eye (LOSS)" is at the top of the doc, and not having much luck on searching. If I'm just blind to something, it wouldn't be the first time tho

@HallowedA was able to explain this well, but for reference LOSS is apparently Legend of Spyro and the document and perk 'Architect's Eye' can be found here. It was actually one of the perks I had to exclude from my rolls because I don't know the setting well enough to incorporate powers from it into the story. I've had to do that with about half of the entries. There is a drive of all of the jump documents available, but you can generally find the details on a jump in question by just doing a google search for the setting name + Jumpchain.

Really enjoying the story.
I have a newbie question though.
Jumpchain. Where is it from?
I googled and got very little and confused.

As @Blackshard covered Jumpchain is a CYOA about moving from universe to universe collecting items and abilities from each one until you reach a point where you want to return home, remain in a particular universe, or attempt to ascend to a higher level. A whole system of variants, rules, and supporting supplements has sprung up around it. For a lot of people the documents created are the interesting part since they break down the broad abilities and significant items from each universe and odds are you can find one for even the most obscure fandoms.

Because there's such a wealth of content there's a lot of potential to be had with the abilities presented even if you don't stick to the chain of worlds format. That's a big part of what I'm doing here, taking a four year old compilation of crafting abilities and using it as the basis for an alternate tinker power.
12 Conference
12 Conference

I pulled the phone away from my head to give my ear a chance to recover from Tattletale's borderline scream. I made a note to recalibrate the speaker. My custom work on the device had boosted the output a little too much, though it did an excellent job of conveying the thinker's mood.

"I'm guessing this is about my visit to the hospital last night." I kept my tone level as I spoke. This didn't feel like the time to push my luck.

"You're God damn right it is. Do you have the slightest idea what you've done?"

I took a breath. "I told you, I knew what I was signing up for, but things weren't sitting right. I took it upon myself to resolve them."

"Resolve? You seriously think you resolved..." She cut herself off and I swear I could hear teeth grinding through the phone.

"What?" There was a spike of anxiety worming itself into my mind. I knew there would be repercussions to this, but from the way Tattletale was acting I doubted it was something as simple as a new cape revealing himself without alerting her in advance.

"We need to meet. I can't do this over the phone. There are things I need to ask and apparently a lot more things that you need to know."

Well, that didn't bode well. This was clearly more than just petty frustration. There was an actual note of concern to her voice that contrasted uncomfortably with her usually smug demeanor. I still didn't believe that Tattletale had my best interests at heart. That said we were entangled enough that if something was bothering her this much there was no chance I would be insulated from the fallout. And vice versa, I suppose.

How bad could this have gone? Revealing a new tinker and healer was big news, but it shouldn't have cause any major disruptions. Othala had been active for years without provoking any major response. Even Leet was rumored to have some level of healing tech, if just to explain the shorter recovery times from the massive array of injuries he and Uber were usually sporting after their broadcasts.

Something else was going on here. Was it connected to the rest of our conversation? The only thing that jumped out at me was my predictions about Bakuda. If anything was happening on that front I needed to find out immediately.

"I can head over now. Should we meet at your place?"

"God no." There was a frustrated sigh through the phone. "Alec figured out something was wrong and has been making an ass of himself all day. I can't deal with that right now. Meet me at the courtyard two factories over."

"I'll be there..." The call cut off. Okay, how comfortable did I feel going into this? Not very, but when calibrated to the usual level of discomfort I felt on things surrounding the Undersiders it wasn't that bad. I was less concerned about an ambush than I was about how serious this news could be. I was acutely aware of how much of a ticking clock I was on in terms of the ABB's response. Really I should have pressed Tattletale for information on them earlier, but I had been both exhausted and heavily preoccupied yesterday. I was going to have to make up for lost time.

I turn to Garment who seemed to have finished saying goodbye to her locker full of protectively cocooned outfits. "Change in plans. I've got to get to a meeting."

She gave me an affirmative gesture and we headed through the maze of lockers back to the entrance. The attendant raised an eyebrow when he saw us but didn't say anything as we climbed on the bike and pulled out of the parking lot.

The sun was getting heavy in the sky as we headed towards the docks and our shadows were beginning to stretch across the road ahead of us. I sped along a rough approximation of the route I had trudged the previous day and felt relief over no longer being shackled to the sidewalks and bus. Still, all good things must come to an end, particularly if you weren't willing to parade your new transforming super bike in front of a thinker with questionable loyalties. I started looking for quiet alleys when we were a few blocks away from the Undersiders' base. Fortunately this area was rife with them and was low traffic enough that I didn't need to worry about running into anyone while accessing my workshop.

With Garment's clothes and most of my furniture removed the entry room was looking cavernously empty. A five meter cube was actually a serious amount of space, which was evident by how easy it was to park the bike. I could probably have ridden it straight in with no real issue.

I considered my next move. I was fairly confident about this meeting not being a threat, but I didn't want to get caught off-guard like I'd been with the Empire capes. Even if Tattletale wasn't a threat at this point there were any number of other things that could go wrong. I needed to bring some reagents with me, and my motorcycle jacket wasn't a good vehicle for that.

Actually it would be best to leave the jacket all together. I didn't know how much information Tattletale would be able to pull just from my presence. Leaving my motorcycle and showing up with a jacket that says 'I own a motorcycle' would be kind of pointless.

That did leave me with my earlier problem. The consequence of bespoke clothing was distinct lack of baggy pockets. I might be able to manage the reagents for a few formula, but they would be blindingly obvious in these clothes. Using any of my belt pouches or bandoleer would only be more blatant. It looked like I would have to go into this a bit under equipped for my liking.

Garment gave me a quizzical gesture when she saw me removing my jacket.

"Tattletale is really good at picking up information. I don't want to tip her off more than I have to." I folded the jacket over my hand only for Garment to take it and store it with much more care. "I don't want to give her any concrete hints about the bike, and since I don't have a change of clothes that means going in a t-shirt."

She made a signal for me to stop and moved over to a storage trunk that had been spared her purge of the entryway. If I remembered correctly it contained a few books, loose writing supplies, and various other items I couldn't find a place for. It was basically my junk drawer.

None of those items were present when Garment opened the lid. Instead the trunk was filled to the brim with clothes which proceeded to float out and circle around me.

"I thought you left all of that at the apartment."

Garment seemed horrified by the thought. Apparently she'd taken the precaution of ensuring I'd have an adequate wardrobe in the event something like this came up. Well, adequate by Garment's standards, positively excessive by the metrics of any reasonable person.

The various items were spinning around me as Garment looked on in considerations. She seemed to be leaning heavily towards the suit, and while that may have been a power move for most negotiations it wasn't something I wanted to get into with Tattletale.

"Look, I just need a different jacket, one with enough pockets that I can take some reagents with me incase anything happens."

Garment seemed a bit disappointed, but relented and produced a dark grey jacket with epaulets on the shoulders and two sets of front pockets. Also another shirt because apparently my current one didn't go with it at all. Given my history her constant criticism of my appearance and dress sense seemed like the kind of thing that should bother me more than it did. That was probably because, unlike what I was used to, it came from this odd place of encouraging improvement rather than leaving things at the insult. It was kind of weird, but in a good way.

The jacket was still slightly fitted, but the pockets were enough for me to carry a few sets of reagents without being obvious about my loadout. It occurred to me that I could have just asked Garment to make me something new. With the speed she had demonstrated when sewing her current outfit she would probably have managed a coat that could conceal half my stock of reagents while also being incredibly fashion forward. I guess I still wasn't used to having someone that capable and dependable at my disposal.

I checked the time, then nodded to Garment.

"Right, I need to get moving. I'm going to have to leave you in here for now."

Garment placed an arm in front of the door and shook her helmet before indicating towards herself.

"Uh, no. Definitely not. I can't take that risk. There's no way Tattletale won't be able to see through this." I indicated to her biker outfit. "If she finds out then that means their boss finds out. I'm not putting you in that kind of danger."

She mimed thinking for a moment, then indicated an idea. She reached up and pulled off the glove from one 'hand', then folded it and indicated the inside pocket of my coat.

Right. Of course. I had gotten caught up in the illusion. Garment didn't need to hold this shape. I could take her as the gloves and she wouldn't be impaired in the slightest. I didn't know if she'd be able to see or hear anything from inside my jacket, but I didn't know how her senses worked to begin with. Or what the range of her telekinesis was. Or the limits of its strength. Or exactly how much information she could get with her fashion divination thing. Actually the only power that had even been close to properly explored was her ability to exchange money directly for materials. Everything else was still kind of nebulous.

"Okay, that works, but you have to stay quiet." She made a sarcastic motion towards where her mouth would be. "You know what I mean. Don't do anything to give away your presence. I don't know how good her thinker power is. She might be able to pick something up just from how I'm behaving, so please don't make it any easier for her."

Garment nodded, then appeared to take off the other glove with an invisible hand. She placed them in the inside pocket of my jacket and 'patted' the outside of the coat. Crazy precise telekinesis. Which apparently could extend through fabric because instead of having the biker outfit collapse in a pile she started to mime taking it off, which prompted me to turn my back to her again. I'll give her credit, she could really sell that illusion.

When I turned around her helmet and outfit were neatly placed on the desk with the boots sitting on the floor next to it. It was a little odd still knowing she was there but not having anything to focus on.

"Garment?" In response my jacket straightened itself and I felt wrinkles smooth out of my clothing. "Alright, good. But none of that when we're outside." There was the slightest tug on my sleeve in response.

I sealed my workshop and entered the docks in an outfit that, while less flashy, was still leagues above my normal style. While covering the last few blocks all my previous concerns flowed to the forefront of my mind. Was there any chance the ABB had an inside line on the PRT? I would give better odds of the Empire having a mole, but you didn't stay a successful gang without some information sources. If they had gotten tipped off that a tinker was working to counter them they could have accelerated their plans. One thing everyone knew was not to give a tinker prep time. My knives had more than proven themselves and if they expected to be facing that level of force I could see them doing something drastic and stupid.

What about the rest of what I'd said? There were barely any details on the Undersiders, so if Tattletale was upset about that I had little sympathy for her. They had ditched their low profile with that public job and the breadcrumbs of information I shared were nothing compared to their public demonstration.

This could be about my rushed debut. I had made a pretty strong statement by taking credit for the knives and demonstrating my formulas. Without context on their requirements or limitations they could have come across as a lot more dangerous than they actually were. Escape might have looked like a serious and unrestrained teleportation power and Force Field could be mistaken for total invincibility if all you saw was the first hit being negated. I had been keeping that formula up continuously as a precaution ever since. The hope was that it would buy me enough time to get something else deployed in the event of an attack. What kind of brute rating would tanking a hit from Glory Girl net you? God, I hoped they weren't going wild with the threat assessment.

As I neared the meeting place I put those thoughts out of my mind. I needed to be on point for this discussion and dwelling on hypotheticals wouldn't help now. It was easy enough to figure out which of the industrial buildings Tattletale had been talking about. This area of the Docks was littered with them. I made my way into the large loading yard of what had probably been a supply building for a nearby abandoned factory. The yard had high concrete walls and reminded me disturbingly of one of those old style prisons, the types that were built like fortresses. The sinking sun stretched the shadows of the walls over the area leaving only a sliver of the far end illuminated. The blaze of light served to highlight the form of Tattletale, perched on top of a loading dock and staring down at me as I entered the yard.

I wondered if she made a conscious decision to go for the most dramatic placement possible, or if it was something she instinctively defaulted to. Was it part of her power, or did she just have a personality that liked to make the biggest impact she could? Either way the fact that she seemed to be trying to at least subconsciously create a power dynamic in this discussion wasn't a good sign.

As I approached I was able to make out the long skirt and tightly buttoned jacket she was wearing along with an expression that did not look happy in the slightest. She waited for me to reach her side of the courtyard before even acknowledging my presence. Slowly she descended the steps from the loading dock, but stayed high enough to let her keep a height advantage over me. It was a transparent power play, but this close I could see a disheveled edge to her appearance. It was enough to make me a bit nervous. Whatever she wanted to talk about had clearly been weighing on her, and would probably be weighing on me in short order.

She stood there seething for a few moments before finally speaking.

"You healed Panacea."

There was a serious amount of stress on the word 'healed'. I kept my expression neutral and nodded in response.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?"

I watched for her reaction. It was hard to tell where she was going with this. I couldn't conceive of a situation where she would want Panacea to stay injured. She seemed to be struggling to determine just how to handle the situation.

"Do I have a problem with Panacea no longer being hurt? No, I do not have a problem with that. That might be the only part of this that I don't have a problem with."

I didn't like where this was going. "What, did people have a bad reaction when she showed up without injuries?"

There was a brief flash where Tattletale seemed to return to her usual smug expression before the weight of the situation bore down on her again. "Panacea didn't show up without injuries. She hasn't shown up at all. That girl hasn't left the PRT headquarters since you pulled your little stunt."

"What? But that..." I checked my watch. "that was like twenty hours ago. What kind of debrief are they doing?"

"Debrief." Tattletale muttered the word under her breath before turning back to me. "You hit her with an unknown healing effect." Her tone shifted slightly on the word 'healing'. "Did you really think they were going to let her walk out of there without checking for every possible complication?"

"Oh, right." Ok, that made sense, but even with all the tests they could perform and assuming they would have called in specialists, what could possibly be taking this long? "What, are they holding her for the results of blood cultures or something?"

"No, they finished the tests in a few hours." I waited as Tattletale stood on the steps to the loading dock looking down at me and clearly enjoying my confusion. It became obvious she wasn't going to provide more information without prompting.

"So why hasn't she left?"

"She's being held under Master Stranger protocols."

She was clearly delivering the information to maximize the impact. I wish I could say that I was above the manipulation, that I wasn't letting her get to me, but it was so shocking I just didn't know how to react. I ignored her obvious pleasure at seeing the effect of her announcement and pressed forward.

"Why the hell are they using Master Stranger protocols?"

"Do you want the reasons chronologically or in order of significance?"

I grit my teeth. "This is serious."

"Yes. Yes it is. I'm glad I finally have you on the right page." I gave her a harsh look and she let out a sigh. "That 'debrief' you mentioned? It took place under Armsmaster's new lie detector. Apparently she had an adverse reaction to some of the questions. 'Emotional Instability'. It was enough for them to order a Voight-Kampff assessment and a period of isolation."

"They can do that?"

"They can if your guardian consents. Brandish has been dealing with the rest of the fallout from your little chat. She was more than happy to hand her daughter off while she played damage control."

"What fallout?"

She gave me a condescending look. "Here's a hint. Brandish and Photon Mom aren't speaking to each other and Manpower moved out of the Pelham house."

I blinked. "They actually got into that stuff?"

Tattletale grit her teeth. "They got into everything."

"Everything? Seriously?"

She seemed split between enjoyment of my confusion and frustration at my ignorance. "An unknown cape shows up with claims of serious power including thinker insight that provides information on other capes and the Protectorate. What did you think they were going to do?"

Not this, which was clearly stupid. I figured they would be focused on the Undersiders more than me. A new parahuman appeared that not only has some serious power but also the ability to gain inside information on hero teams? Of course they would freak.

"You're getting it now. Good." She gave me a hard look. "They got the closest thing to a transcript that they could squeeze out of Panacea, then set about verifying as much of it as they could. As an 'assessment of the claimed thinker power'."

The full weight was starting to hit me. "How, how bad is this?"

The blond girl let out a slow breath. "It's not good. Their 'verifications' have probably caused more chaos than the information ever could. Not just in New Wave, the Protectorate's scrambling."

I tried to remember what I'd done that could have set them off, but Tattletale cut in before I could piece things together.

"Here's one tidbit. The Protectorate is going to do a Ward exchange. Aegis and Gallant are being cycled out to give them 'time to recover'."

"Ok, you can't blame me for that." I may have made the knives but I didn't plan the bank job or put them into action. The thought of it brought back the waves of frustration connected to that particular debacle. The absolute stupidity of the Undersiders' plan. The moronic response from the Wards. The insanity of a system that let teenagers manage something that serious. Kid Win's artillery based attempted murder. Taylor's excessive force. Glory Girl's recklessness. Taylor's other excessive force. Tattletale's clandestine activities. Panacea's threats of inflicting terminal illnesses. Taylor's third excessive force. Regents destruction of property. Taylor's forth internet famous excessive force with a side of 'Oh God, why did I give her a magic weapon?'.

"No, I'll give you that one." She conceded. "Something like this was probably coming anyway, they've just accelerated things. The point is who they're exchanging them with."

Once again Tattletale seemed more than happy to leave me trying to figure things out until I ended up begging her for information. She was probably doing everything she could to get me to bear some of the stress she'd endured over this mess.

"So who are they being traded for and why is it my fault?"

"Aegis is being sent to Boston in exchange for Weld. Case 53 ward, living metal guy. Gallant is going to New York and the Brockton team is getting Flechette, a striker/blaster." She looked me square in the eyes. "Boston and New York. Can you think of any reason those teams in particular would be eager for some outreach?"

Yes, God damn it. Was every random statement I made being picked over by the PRT.

"You can probably count on every random statement being picked over by the PRT."

I hated when she did that, and from the look on her face she probably knew it.

"So in addition to changing the local roster and throwing New Wave into chaos you managed to get Director Piggott under review, both for questioning her mental competence and that stuff about ward actions. They've got priority action from the Think Tank to assess this. Oh, and someone leaked all of this to the Youth Guard, so they're up in arms and probably mobilizing for a full investigation."

"Ok, I get it. I've kicked the hornet's nest here. Everyone's up in arms and I probably screwed myself over six ways from Sunday. Why are you so upset about it?"

"Because they think I did it!" Her voice echoed around the small courtyard. I let it die down before I even tried to piece that together.

"Sorry, what? How the hell does that make any sense?"

She grit her teeth before replying. "The prevailing theory is, rather than dealing with two thinkers appearing out of nowhere, they just have a single powerful one. That debrief included everything they could get out of her, including what happened in the bank." There was just the slightest hint of regret in her tone. "The idea is I sent you in with a script of things to say in order to cause disruptions, since it apparently fits my 'modus operandi'." She shook her head. "Which also means all the chaos you unleashed with your stupid stunt is being attributed to me as well."

Tattletale didn't seem like the most humble person in the world and I had a hard time seeing the problem she'd have with being thought smarter than she actually was. "Is that a bad thing?"

She gave me a sour look. "They've provisionally increased my rating by two points. Thinker 8."

And things fell into place. "That's bad."

She actually laughed. "Yes. 'Bad'. That's what you could call it. Engagement only by full teams of parahumans. PRT priority on evacuating civilians. Oh, and I get specific countermeasures."

"What are you looking at?" I'd heard about some of the custom measures in place for high rated capes and they were universally severe and unpleasant.

She looked grim. "At the moment it's mandatory audio blackouts. Noise canceling earplugs with radio link between team members. Zero engagement permitted. In the event of capture complete mute and blinder restraints."

God, that was severe. No wonder she was pissed. Countermeasures of that level were just asking for something to go wrong. "They're going to dial those back eventually, right? Classifications need approval, it's not like local directors can just hand out anything they want."

"Eventually can take a hell of a long time. And meanwhile I get to live with all the fun that new classification brings with it." She gave me a vindictive look. "We both do."

Right, the girl stuck in the PRT because she got nervous during an interview, which was apparently enough for them to assume I had mind control powers. "You know I don't actually have master powers."

Her expression softened slightly. "Yeah, I picked up on how you felt about that. Panacea, she's kind of messed up."

I nodded. "I got that from my powers."

"Yeah, but like specifically messed up." She gave me a direct look. "Amy's in love with her sister."

I stared at her. "Glory Girl? Seriously?"

She nodded. "Probably tried to keep from admitting it and got flagged as an outside influence. There was wonky stuff around it on the tests, so it came across as unnatural."

Suddenly things fell into place. "Fuck."


"Fuck, so that's what it was about." I grit my teeth as the full implications hit me.

Tattletale gave me a very annoyed expression that from her elevated position came off like an irritated cat. "Care to share with the rest of the class?"

The act of directly asking for information seemed almost physically painful for her. I considered if I should share what I'd figured out. Well, at this point it couldn't do much more harm.

"My power warned me about being close to Glory Girl. I wasn't sure why, I figured it was either some specific power interaction or it meant that her aura..."

"Her aura induces emotions. Long term exposure, especially for a developing brain, changes emotional response and conditions reactions. Holy shit, Glory Girl brainwashed her sister."

I cringed at how excited she was over this. I could only imagine what she was planning to do with this information. Still... "You think if that comes out I can avoid being labeled as a master?"

She took a breath. "Probably not, at least not before my 'engagement procedures' get rolled back. This is going to take ages to get sorted. Even if tests came back clean they could still have held her for up to twenty four hours. With this level of uncertainty and the fact that there actually is a mental effect in play it could take days, potentially even weeks before they figure out what's going on and clear her for release."

God damn it. That would weeks with the best healer the city, actually probably the entire country, out of commission. A disaster in any situation, much less when there was a bombing spree in the works. And with suspicion on my abilities I doubt they're going to be comfortable if I try to step up and fill the gap.

Tattletale was watching the dance of emotions across my face with more enjoyment that was probably appropriate. "Plus, even if you get cleared for Panacea, there's still that thing with Persephone's Rainbow."

I looked at her blankly. "I'm sorry, Persephone's what?"

She grinned at that. "You haven't been online since Alec showed that thread. The PRT were too slow with official statements so the cape fans started coming up with their own details. They've got names for everything you've made."

I felt a twist of concern. "The internet named those knives? The internet?"

Tattletale seemed way too happy about this. "Oh yes. Taylor's knife was dubbed the Scarab's Fang."

"That name makes absolutely no sense."

"And baton is the Lance of Ammut."

I cringed. "Which is clearly not a lance. And what does it have to do with a crocodile lion thing?"

She ignored my questions and happily continued down her list.

"For Alec and Brian you have Usurper's Plot and Perdition."

Those weren't completely terrible providing you could get past how over dramatic they were. "What about you and Rachel?"

She showed her teeth. "Mine was named Ad Hominem."

"Attacking the person, not the argument?" Tattletale seemed quite pleased about that. "And Rachel?"

"Well, it was going to be something along the lines of Bastard, but another name won out in the end."

I took a breath. "Which was?"


"Clarent. As in the king Arthur sword Clarent?"

"It did bring down a knight and sent him scurrying to New York to try to buy some new armor, though he's probably dressing that up as a noble quest or something."

That broke me out of my train of thought. "Hold on, buying armor? I thought he made that himself?"

"Oh, right. Gallant's not a tinker. Empath who can shoot emotion blasts. The armor was made by Kid Win. He just had the money to pay for it and the maintenance. With Kid Win both on review and trying to rebuild what he lost in the fight Gallant needs to find somewhere else to buy his powers."

The phrase 'buy his powers' triggered something from my passenger, but I didn't have the time to figure out what it meant at the moment. From Tattletale's reaction she clearly saw it, but elected not to comment on the matter.

"This is getting off topic. What the hell is Persephone's Rainbow?"

She really seemed to be enjoying this. "PRT techs seem to follow PHO threads and decided to stick with that naming convention. Persephone's Rainbow is what they dubbed that little token of affection you gave Panacea."

I felt my guts twist. That stupid over decorated little trinket. Why hadn't I just handed over a material sample?

"Alright. So they named it something stupid." I ignored how she was grinning down at me. "What does that have to do with mastering people?"

"Apparently..." She drew out the word. "Some technician spent fifteen minutes staring at the thing while 'fascinated by the iridescence of the petals'. It was enough to raise warnings of a possible memetic object and triggered containment protocols with staged and controlled assessments."

I stared at her blankly. "They think I can tie mind control effects to objects?"

"Yes, that is the theory they're working with."

The weight of the situation was bearing down on me. "I have to deal with a master rating because one girl didn't want to admit a crush and somebody else stared too long at a piece of jewelry?"

"That's right." Her tone had absolutely no sympathy in it.

Well this was horrible. "So they think I'm a master tinker." She shifted to an expression with a cruel edge to it. "What?"

"Right now they have you with provisional ratings in master, thinker, mover, brute, and shaker."

I ran through the list, connecting the classifications to the various abilities I'd demonstrated. "All that on top of tinker?" She stayed silent. "As a tinker sub-classification?"

"Nope." She gave me a vindictive look. "There's no tinker classification."

I looked at her in shock. "How the hell did that happen?"

"Apparently, according to Armsmaster's assessment, the items he was able to examine didn't demonstrate conventional signs of workmanship. Furthermore there were indications that suggested the 'direct application of a parahuman ability'. His recommendation was for a shaker classification."

Damn it. This is why I've been holding off any public announcement. They'd only seen the magic bullshit, not all the work I put into those things. "What, they think I just willed these things out of the air?"

"That's about it." She grinned wider. "Oh, and they're also suggesting the power profile indicates a second generation Empire cape."

Well, that was just... "Fuck."

"Ex-act-ly." Tattletale was looking vindicated, but there were signs of exhaustion leaking into her expression. I knew she had some inside access on the Protectorate. How long had she been digging into this? I was guessing this meeting was as much about sharing the pain as it was about informing an ally to pressing developments.

Did we even count as allies anymore? She was clearly irate, but nothing indicated she wanted to break off our arrangement. I could only guess at what her boss thought of this mess, but if he was using the Undersiders as a cat's paw then that elevated threat assessment would be nothing but an advantage for him. Response procedures like the ones they'd approved for Tattletals could let him bait the Protectorate to a level that just wasn't possible with a conventional team. Depending on the length of his reach I could see him taking steps to keep the classification from getting resolved.

I looked up at Tattletale and considered my next move. I still didn't particularly like or trust her, despite my passenger's feelings on the matter. Still, her self-interest was probably served by keeping me in the picture. I could count on that at least.

"So, where do we go from here?"

She deflated a bit at the question. "For the moment? We both try to avoid the fallout. Oh, and you need to get yourself a cape name post haste."

Right, they had a tendency to come up with their own labels for new capes. I grimaced at the possibilities that could be in the works. "Have they stuck me with anything yet?"

"Officially you currently have an incident number, but if you don't get a proper debut within the next few days there's a good chance you're going to get stuck with Mammon.

I blinked in surprise. "Seriously? Isn't that like a greed demon or something? How the hell does that work?"

"Remember all that online nonsense? The discussion somehow made it over to a jeweler's forum. That started a debate over the appraisal of the workmanship on what you made for us." Her tone was vaguely accusatory. I had the feeling she still wasn't that happy with my personalizations for the knives. "And it was a big number. That got posted back on PHO. Between that and you're stunt with the hairpin there's this association with corruption and wealth. That led to somebody thinking it would be clever to mash the concepts together. Hence, Mammon"

I felt almost ill at the idea. Taylor hadn't looked that happy with her cape name, but Egyptian god was a lot better than demon lord. Honestly I was surprised that name was still on the market, what with the Fallen running around.

"I'll make sure to come up with something." Suddenly finding the perfect name was a lot less important than just getting a non-villainous one. Really, anything would be better than being stuck with that moniker.

She nodded and looked me in the eyes. "As for our arrangement we have something to discuss." She walked down the steps and closed the last of the distance to me. "Healing. How much?"

I couldn't' hide my surprise. "Excuse me?"

"Terms of arrangement. Price and schedule negotiation for services. What do you charge for healing?"

I blanked. "Aren't you upset I kept this hidden?"

She shook her head. "I knew you were keeping some things from us. I didn't push on the subject. If I had maybe I could have given some advice that would have let you avoid this mess. That's on me, but it's not what we're talking about here. Things are going to be harder for all of us going forward." She said the last sentence through gritted teeth. "So, what is it going to cost us for that thing you threw at Panacea last night?"

I looked down at her, but only saw the stress that had been clearly wearing on her for the last day. I didn't particularly like our arrangement, or how naturally manipulative Tattletale was. With my passenger reigning in his reactions I could process that better. Still, I needed support to make it through the coming storm. She had illicitly sourced but essential information I absolutely required. Plus Taylor was still important. I couldn't afford to cut off my support.



"Yeah, market rate. Work out what the cost of the medical care would have been for whatever the issue is. That's what I'll charge. You'll just get it all at once instead of needing weeks of recovery."

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You know that's robbery right? That you could get away with charging so much more for that service?"

I nodded. "Call it a good relationship discount." I glanced towards the exit of the yard and the city beyond it. "Maybe it'll be incentive to keep me informed enough to manage what's coming."

She seemed to understand and took a moment to consider things. "Piggot? She's blacklisted you. Even beyond suspicion over your healing. No support, resources, or collaboration from the local Protectorate. She ordered limited contact and priority dispatch response for any appearances. Officially you're wanted for questioning, which is as much as they can do now, especially with the scrutiny she's under."

Well that was awful. I think my passenger was probably right about his assessment. Still, I hadn't intended to poke that particular bear this early. I put that out of my mind and shifted to the topic that was my original concern.

"Thanks for the heads up." I swallowed. "What about the ABB?"

Tattletale thought for a moment. "Piggot doesn't want to take any action that would validate your predictions. The other departments have eyes on her now, and her reputation was pretty shaky to begin with."

Right, and that was before I questioned her sanity. Shit, if I had accidently made things worse by trying to warn Panacea...

"Do you have anything on the ABB?"

She shook her head. "They've been unusually quiet. Some feelers going out, but whatever is happening they're still preparing for it." She looked directly at me. "Your power says it's going to be bad."

It was barely a question, but I nodded in response. "One of the worst I've gotten so far."

"I'll see what I can find, but it might take a few days. Lung isn't planned to be moved until next week, and the Protectorate is mostly focused on tomorrow's presentation of the new Wards."

"Thank you." I fished out my cellphone. "I've managed a secure line, so you can reach me if there's an emergency. I can work on something for the rest of the team..."

"Don't worry about it." She let out a sigh. "You really put your foot in it, you know that right?"

"Yeah. I'm not sorry about healing Panacea, but the rest of it could have been handled better."

She scoffed. "That's an understatement."

"But I'll deal with it."

"If you say so." She didn't sound convinced.

I nodded grimly. "Call me if anything comes up."

She gave me a reserved nod. "Take care of yourself."

We went our separate ways as we left the factory yard. I took a longer route through the docks than was necessary as I picked over the conversation. Things were significantly worse than I'd feared. Just twenty hours after I'd given the first hint of my power and things were going off the rails. I hadn't thought I would have a good reputation with the Protectorate after working with the Undersiders, but a blanket contact ban seemed counterproductive. Even if the goal was to bring me in that kind of thing would just make it harder.

Enough questionable decisions had come out of the local PRT that I had seriously wondered if they were compromised. My passenger wasn't giving me that sense and you should never attribute to malice what can be blamed on gross incompetence. At any other point I would have called the local director being under review a good thing, but we were headed into a disaster and needed all the help we could get.

Then there was the Undersiders' boss. This nebulous criminal overlord who I knew nothing about. There were only a few types of parahumans who consistently worked from behind the scenes. Nothing I'd seen indicated he was a master or tinker, so that just left thinker.

A thinker making a power play meant things would get complicated. What's more, the fact that he had a stream of information on me when I knew nothing about him was nerve wracking. Really I only had one defense, and it's the same one used as a standard PRT countermeasure for thinkers. The same one I've been employing against the strongest thinker on the planet.

Limit available information.

See, there's a terrifying element to being a tinker, particularly a strong tinker. Most people would assume that your top concern should be a visit from the Slaughterhouse Nine. They had a serial killer who specifically targeted tinkers with the power to change the world. They also had Bonesaw, who not only permanently tainted wet and medical tinkers in the eyes of the public, but took an active interest in anyone working in that field.

That was terrifying, and something I was certainly concerned about, but it wasn't my biggest concern. The problem wasn't Mannequin. It was the person who had turned Sphere into Mannequin. The Simurgh.

Endbringers were largely thought to be random in their attacks, but there were signs of direction. Hits to vital resources, major initiatives, or even specific individuals who had a chance to change the world. It didn't always match up, but then who could track every possible cape in every city? When one of the Endbringers could see the future what hope did anyone have? What could a normal person do against someone with the power to predict their every move?

This was the kind of thing that ended up debated and discussed extensively online. There was one solution that was believed to be at least sort of effective, and anyone could do it. No matter what, no precognition was perfect. There were blind spots. Scion was the best known one. There was anecdotal evidence about being able to disrupt foresight powers by timing your actions based on Scion sightings. The Endbringers were another, but no one wanted to try to base their plans around them. There was a third that was significantly less well known than the other two.

Apparently precognition couldn't predict the effects of a trigger event. There was even less evidence for this than the other two possibilities, but rumors suggested foresight thinkers had been stumped when they encountered a fresh trigger. Still, that wasn't the kind of thing you could count on to disrupt precognition. It wasn't like a person got new and unknown powers with enough frequency to be able to use it as a determining factor for their future actions.

That is, unless they were connected to a massive celestial array of powerful tinker abilities that were continuously being granted to them.

I didn't know what my next power would be. My passenger, who had the capacity to predict future events, didn't know what my next power would be. From the look of things Tattletale couldn't figure out the array of powers I was being granted, much less predict what was coming. Everything I knew about how this operated suggested that it was my only hope to disrupt precognition.

The principle was simple, do nothing that would attract attention until you got enough power to handle the situation, then act immediately and without restraint. For the Simurgh that meant avoiding anything that brought down Endbringers. So no commercially released tinker tech, no global scale projects, and no mass uplift. As appealing as the GroundBridge project was it would be limited to personal use, not mass transport or deployments. There would be no wide scale deployment of technology, not until there was no doubt that I could handle whatever they could throw at me.

It wasn't a guaranteed strategy, but it was the best idea I could come up with. If it didn't work then there was nothing stopping that bitch from dropping out of the sky, destroying everything I'd done, jacking all of my technical knowledge, and mind warping me past the point of no return. It was the only plan I could come up with to get the slightest bit of agency over my life.

If that strategy was good enough for the Simurgh then it should work on any thinker. It didn't matter if they worked by analysis, precognition, spying, or modeling. I was basing my actions on something that I could not predict, that to the best of my knowledge no one could predict. With the Undersiders' boss it was the only plan I could come up with to deal with the anxiety over my complete lack of information. Endure his presence until I was sure I was strong enough, then strike immediately. It might not work perfectly, but it was the most thinker proof stratagem I could come up with.

Once I had taken enough turns through the city to be sure I wasn't being followed I found another alley. I picked a convenient door and accessed my workshop. There was a tug at my sleeve and I took Garment's gloves out of my jacket pocket. They floated in a way that gave the impression that someone had taken them from my hand, and then appeared to be pulled onto the hands of someone in front of me.

Once again the biker outfit started being picked up and put on in a way the made it feel intrusive to watch. I diverted my eyes until I saw the helmet get picked up by a now fully 'dressed' Garment.

"So," I turned to her. "What did you think of Tattletale?"

Garment's gestures seemed to indicate Tattletale's jacket, skirt, and shoes with a fairly negative take on them.

"Really? I thought she looked pretty fashionable."

Garment patted me on the arm in a gesture that suggested she was dealing with a particularly slow child.

"Alright. Anything else?"

She gave me an irreverent motion. Fashion had been critiqued, so what else was there? The sense I got was less that she didn't care about any of the other aspects and more that she trusted me to be able to deal with it. It was actually a pretty big vote of confidence and came across as fairly reassuring.

I changed into my other jacket and wheeled the motorcycle out into the alley. Garment jumped onto the back as I sealed the workshop. As I was getting ready to mount up I felt the Celestial Forge again. It was another mote from the Size constellation and a big one at that, the same strength as Life Fiber Spool or Master Builder. When the connection was made I found out exactly how strong it was.

The mote was called Nanite Removal and Control. It was tangentially connected with Nanite Sciences, but much more powerful. This wasn't information on nanites, this power actually filled my body with them. Innumerable atomic scale machines were now bonded to me at a molecular level. There was even some aspect of the power that would continually replenish my supply if it was ever depleted. The nanites were unprogramed so if I wanted to use them for manufacturing, physical enhancement, or more esoteric functions I would have to find a safe method of extracting them and code the functions into them directly. However, there was one nanite application that I could manage. I had the full breath of nanotech healing at my fingertips.

Direct application of my nanites could address almost any medical issue, up to full mutations. Shockingly I might actually be a better healer than Panacea. This kind of healing could easily address brain damage and even managed to cheat on conservation of mass by rebuilding body parts from nothing but nanotech. She would still have me beat on whatever her other biological control powers were, but this healing was massively more potent than what my Light Alchemy could manage.

The third aspect of this power was just as powerful. Nanite Removal and Control. That was the name of the ability and completely described its core aspect. I could control any nanobot or nanite based technology I encountered. I could even absorb nanites into my body in massive volumes. It was an even more flagrant violation of conservation of mass than what my healing could manage. Unfortunately it was an aspect of the power rather than a technology that could be recreated. It would remain on the same level of mystery as my workshop key or Fashion reinforcement.

With that control aspect all my fears regarding rampant nanotech were suddenly a lot less significant. Even if I decided to make something catastrophic like gray goo I would be able to directly control the technology in the field, or just absorb the nanomachines for later reprocessing. This one power shaved months off of my schedule. The only remaining elements of the nanite project were the construction of the containment vessel and the programming of the specific application.

I looked down at my hand and focused on activating the nanites in my system. There was a sound reminiscent of an electric motor as glowing blue lines spread across my arm like printed circuitry. I could feel the tiny machines inside my body checking for damage and making incidental repairs. That was another point. I could heal myself. It took focus and wasn't as good as regeneration, but it addressed every possible medical issue from injury to infection to poisoning. As long as I was conscious I could manage a complete restoration in a matter of seconds.

It was a powerful ability and a big step forward, but it wasn't enough. Not enough to act against the Undersiders' boss, not enough to take a stand against the Endbringers. Not enough to oppose any of the other major factions that were operating in the world. But it brought me a bit closer. There were more powerful motes than this one. With enough of them I could afford to make a real change.

Until then I would have to endure. I would make what difference I could at the level where it was safe to operate. I didn't like it, I wished I could do more, but it was my best chance of being able to make things better, someday.

I mounted my bike and rode off in the direction of my apartment. I was going to have a busy night.

Jumpchain abilities this chapter:

Nanite Removal and Control (Generator Rex) 400:
Many in this world would consider this is your most important ability, you can control nanites and absorb them into yourself, reverting dangerous mutations and can help people regain control of themselves. At first however this power will only work on willing targets, and will not work on incurable, especially virulent nanite infested EVOs. However with training and time, your powers can grow to circumvent these rules. Your greatest limitation is the fact that as you absorb nanites your reservoirs fill to the breaking point, causing dangerous flare ups and renders your abilities unstable. You can purge these nanities, but figuring out how to do so in a safe way with a large amount of unstable nanites may take some effort.
After this Jump your nanites can be used to heal people, whether of wounds, diseases, or possibly even mutations or others turned into a monster. Success will vary depending on factors, a mystical curse is probably beyond your nanites, a really out of this world super virus might be cured, but that's iffy.
If you happen to run into other nanites in other jumps, you could control and manipulate them as well.
Garment would be absolutely terrifying if she wasn't focused on fashion. It isn't a huge leap to make that the argument that all personal equipment contributes to a persons sense of fashion.
I read this start to finish today and it was excellent.

I do want to address the MC's mindset. Frankly he is way to much of a dumbass for his currently level of intelligence. There have been multiple powers that enhanced his intelligence and he continuously blunder is to pretty stupid situations. I mean come on... getting caught openly shopping for tinker stuff?

Bruh, the MC isn't even affected by tinker cravings.... that is the real reason most of them get caught because they get so caught up in their tinker mindsets. MC doesn't have that excuse, except he has flaunted it x10 more.

Dude skipped down and publicly bought a motorcycle. Then next day he is seen in a brand new/beef-up bike. Lmao.... I can't...

Also I don't really understand the point of his passenger fawning over the Taylor. The MC without a doubt has the tools on hand to build a weapon to kill Scion. Taylor won through pure luck lol.... idk it just doesn't make sense to me that it is putting the MC in harms way for a person who is kinda the all time last resort.

Also the fanning over Lisa, wut? Lisa has very few redeemable traits and her likableness come from her friendship with Taylor and unleashing her more unsavory feature for people we tend to not like in the story. Lets not even bring up Alec, dude is a sociopath and is only liked b/c he is chill with Taylor, yet his passenger like him? He doesn't care for any of the Undersiders and has a history of rape.... not really what I'd consider fan-boy material.

Overall my impression of the passenger has gotten worse over the course of the story. The number of logic leaps the MC could made was too meta for me and I'd rather you just have an SI instead of this convoluted way of giving him meta knowledge.

Not to mention the inconsistency we've seen the MC pay attention to his passenger. During Amy's scene, the impression I got was that this dude was in tune with his passenger like a Jedi is with the force. Then turn around and have him ignore the power that ONLY pings with a parahuman during a convo with 2 randos asking about his tech? Once again my issue with his intelligence is highlighted.

I'm unimpressed by the nonstop powers too. Let me ask my fellow readers this, how many of you remember all the MC's powers? I can remember only like 5 of them and I just binged this entire fic. Way too many powers and way too fast. If this was spread-out more, then it would be fine, but you just keep throwing more and more and more.

I can't keep up!! Not to mention the addition of these last silly powers. I mean a sentient pair of gloves and some Life Fiber? Errrr I mean if you want this to be comedy, by all means! But you've ruined a lot of the realism factor you were trying to show. For real though, money is no longer a challenge since the gloves can just make the material.....

My biggest recommendation... space out the plot more. Too much too quick. The plot written so far should have been spaced out over weeks/months not days.Also don't be afraid to not follow cannon's timeline. It is a crippling factor for so many stories and the way the MC has changed this I can't see this following cannon much longer.
Dude skipped down and publicly bought a motorcycle. Then next day he is seen in a brand new/beef-up bike. Lmao.... I can't...
You know that people can repair motorbike from 'terrible condition' to 'just off the conveyor belt' level in reality, right? Without needing fancy tinker powers to give them knowledge? I felt that was entirely reasonable, as story elements go, and he's even got cover of being a motor enthusiast due to the chat he had with multiple mechanic at the old vehicle store he got the bike from.
Overall my impression of the passenger has gotten worse over the course of the story. The number of logic leaps the MC could made was too meta for me and I'd rather you just have an SI instead of this convoluted way of giving him meta knowledge.
The reverse is true for me, as I'm finding myself quite enjoying the concept of a MC who lives in Worm given nudges of plot knowledge with no real context behind them. The protag has outright said he only gets emotional beats from his passenger, so has to guess at what any reaction could mean, which adds a nice layer of uncertainty and prevents exact meta-knowledge elements.

Only things we've seen from him thus far as a combination of guesswork and extrapolation which matches up with plot knowledge, and it's all come across as reasonable to figure out. He's got a thinker power like Lisa, except for plot stuff :p
I'm unimpressed by the nonstop powers too. Let me ask my fellow readers this, how many of you remember all the MC's powers? I can remember only like 5 of them and I just binged this entire fic. Way too many powers and way too fast. If this was spread-out more, then it would be fine, but you just keep throwing more and more and more.
I'm fine with it, personally. The guy gets better at tinkering as time goes on (and the wordcount increases), and the way LordRoust has been characterising some of the new crafting abilities is actually kinda neat - the Transformers one giving him a bias towards human technology, for example, or the crafting gloves having a personality in general.
You know that people can repair motorbike from 'terrible condition' to 'just off the conveyor belt' level in reality, right? Without needing fancy tinker powers to give them knowledge? I felt that was entirely reasonable, as story elements go, and he's even got cover of being a motor enthusiast due to the chat he had with multiple mechanic at the old vehicle store he got the bike from.
In 1 day? Maybe on a TV show, but IRL that stuff takes weeks of hard work unless you ripped out all the parts and replace em.

Dude already had a history of buying weird stuff, this was like icing on the cake for confirmation. I

The reverse is true for me, as I'm finding myself quite enjoying the concept of a MC who lives in Worm given nudges of plot knowledge with no real context behind them. The protag has outright said he only gets emotional beats from his passenger, so has to guess at what any reaction could mean, which adds a nice layer of uncertainty and prevents exact meta-knowledge elements.

Only things we've seen from him thus far as a combination of guesswork and extrapolation which matches up with plot knowledge, and it's all come across as reasonable to figure out. He's got a thinker power like Lisa, except for plot stuff :p

Oh i certainly enjoyed the unique way it was put forward. But I dislike how every aspect of it seems to drive the MC into the cannon plotline and these are most certainly not "subtle nudges"

Take his attitude toward Bakuda for example. MC somehow drew the conclusion that without Lung, she was going to start just killing people and was going to do it soon? Sure I get the whole dread feeling causing concern, but I can think of dozens of way she could be scary other than resorting to mass murder.

He made plenty of perfect assumptions based off one feeling of dread. That ain't enough.

I'm fine with it, personally. The guy gets better at tinkering as time goes on (and the wordcount increases), and the way LordRoust has been characterising some of the new crafting abilities is actually kinda neat - the Transformers one giving him a bias towards human technology, for example, or the crafting gloves having a personality in general.

Nice! I do agree that he has been doing a nice job making unique powers to include in the story. Creating 3 new powers each chapter is a gratifying in the short term, but is harmful to the story/plot in the long run.

Take a look at the unfinished story graveyard we have on this site. So many are because because of this very pattern. The story always tends to lose quality after the challenge is gone and our dear boy wonder is certainly on that path.
It would be a great help if the Author made a informal post with all the powers Joe currently has. I have to backtrack frequently to confirm what some of his powers do.
It would be a great help if the Author made a informal post with all the powers Joe currently has. I have to backtrack frequently to confirm what some of his powers do.
Actually they made exactly that a while ago, Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference - Chapter 1 - Lord Roustabout (Lord_Roustabout) - Parahumans Series - Wildbow [Archive of Our Own] here is the reference for powers they use, divided by Chapter obtained, Constellation, and Cost
Omake 1 (andreykl)
@ Celestial_Mechanicus (Verified Mad Tinker)
Hello, I'm new tinker in town.

Call me Mechanicus!

And HERE is my proof of identity to get my 'verified cape' tag!

Without even glancing at comments, Colin clicked the link. He trusted Dragon to precheck the link for viruses before asking him to watch it. Video Started.

"Hello," said a man in stylish, tinker-looking suit "You might already know it, but my name is Mechanicus! And here with me" man gestured to a dark skinned couple nearby "Are Mike and Jessica. Since Jessica looks a bit dazed by whole situation, Mike, why don't you tell our potential public how we all got here? Just please, make sure camera has clear view over this workshop. And don't forget that we have little time."

"Ugh... Hello. My name is Mike, I'm not local. Erm..."

Mike was nervously looking at the camera, while Mechanicus was practically flying over what looked like regular car repair workshop, cars included. Arranging some tools, some metals and testing some equipment.

"Me and my wife are not local. We were visiting on what you would call medical tourism, hoping for Panacea to heal Jessica. Jessica had a cancer... you see... But with how large the list for Panacea is,"

Mike kept talking, meanwhile Jessica's mouth started to drop, because while Mike was all nervous and looking at the camera, for some reason barely reacting towards sounds of ongoing drilling, Jessica was looking at the tinker, and the sight was... certainly unique.

"All we could manage was to register and wait for... actually no idea how long, but by impression, it would have been too long... No point waiting for a miracle where there was clearly none, I... we decided to go home and... I was driving Jessica home, when the guy over there just stepped onto the road... Erm, I had no choice but to stop to not to destroy my car. My car certainly is not as durable as capes are, and I heard about this guy's relation to empire, so I assumed the worse, but I still would have needed car to run... Ugh... So I had to stop. I was really really scared, but still stopped. Then this guy comes closer, I almost pushed the gas when he was off the route, but he was too fast and came close to window before I had managed to react and then just said 'I offer free healing, need an assistant for a video for PHO. Zero danger sans potential PRT and Protectoreate raid'."

Meanwhile what was happening in workshop Colin could only call Madness. Tools were used in ways that made theoretical sense yet those ways had no right to exists on practice. Gas Welder to polish, Electric welder to polarize, wrench as a temporary grounding and simultaneously was fixing material in place, and screwdriver to guide coolant... Capital Madnes! Yet it was also efficient, not a drop of coolant was wasted, welder worked as long as it needed to work, no alloy that was becoming a blade was lost to the process. A blade... a blade was practically growing from alloys in those liquids. A blade Colin was familiar with, since Colin had a piece in his laboratory, a piece that was supposed to be a projection since it just vanished almost fourteen hours ago. And worst of all, Colin Understood. This walking violation of reality was not tinkertech, because he could repeat it. He will need couple weeks to make needed tools, but he Could repeat it!

"I was torn... a chance to heal Jessica. Jessica wanted to decline, but in the end I decided to risk it and demanded healing upfront and to be allowed to call PRT before we started... The only condition I got in return was to give it all to the video. So here we are... Jessica no longer feels any pains and we are in a regular car repair workshop, assis..." Mike made a mistake of turning and looking at the tinker. His eyes went wide.

"If I wasn't watching this myself," said Jessica who had time to process what she was seeing "I would have thought that this is a fast forward video."

"Agreed" said Mike "Are all Tinkers... em.. work like that?"

"I don't think so." replied Mechanicus "I won't be surprised if Leet works somewhat like this, but I suspect that most tinkers are a bit more mundane."

"I see... Are you making a knife?, you said you will start from tools first?"

"I will need to process one particularly tough alloy, it is in the corner of the table. Sorry, but I doubt it has official name, and it is sort of bastardized mix of what it should have been due to lack of tools. Well... I have troubles of coming up with name for this particular mix" replied Mechanicus, making finishing touches to the blade "Sorry, got derailed. Back to the blade. Is there a better way to prove that I'm that specific tinker than to repeat a work everybody recognizes?"

"Makes sense." pondered Mike "But it is a bit overwhelming that something like this can be used as a tool."

"It is a tool." Mechanicus took the finished blade and tested it on a nearby pipe. Blade met no resistance. "It depends onto person for it to become a weapon. Here," Mechanicus placed the blade onto the table and gestured to it "test it. But pick something up that looks useless. For example that pile looks like scrap, something from there should be good enough."

"Isn't this your workshop?" Mike took the blade and went to burnt looking stator.

"Nope," denied Mechanicus "rented it, same price as with you."

"You can heal." Stated Jessica while watching the blade go through heavy looking stator like it was made of butter "Why did you decide to sell weapons to Undersiders when you could have sold healing to someone else?"

"Lots of reasons. Mike, please, place blade back onto the table, I almost finished making it a handle." Mechanicus indicated the spot he wanted the blade at "I'm a tinker. That means that my healing requires resources. To get those resources I need money. Usual tinker dilemma - you need to start somewhere and healing is a bit advanced for a start. And even if I could start from healing, I would have needed to subscribe my methods for review which can take up to half a year, basically exposing myself to the world yet still without resources. And a tinker without resources is a vulnerable tinker. And even once I get certified I still won't be able to heal because according to Nepa-5 I can't get paid for such work and if I can't get paid I have no finances for living nor for resources to actually heal. And the moment I sell my healing to non-capes I automatically become villain. Selling tinkertech or services to other capes is somewhat of a grey area for a number of reasons, but to everyone else it is a no-go. That's a decent wall to bypass even without a number of limitations my healing has."

"So to avoid being labeled villain you had to go for semi-legal dial with actual villains?" verified Jessica.

"No. Fortunately selling tinkertech weapons to villains is still illegal" Mechanicus meanwhile was making something small.

"Then why did you do it?" asked Mike "and why not join Protectorate?"

"For the Protectorate - I got a bad feeling about them." Mechanicus made a pause to hit two, now almost complete, earrings with a large hammer and then continued "My power has a thinker aspect that helps with crafting. It is specialized in tinkering actually, as a result I can do what I do. I feel how engines work and where there are problems, I feel how much strength will be needed to do exactly what I want e t c. My feeling thing just happened to work on people as well and triggers a lot of warning bells for Protectorate. In particular I think I will not mesh with Armsmaster, at all."

Watching the man work, Armsmaster agreed. Envy was gripping him. Less then 10 minutes for the knife, one he wouldn't be ashamed to use in combat and as a tool. Five minutes for earrings. Potentially repeatable and mass producible. And this man's efficiency... no resources wasted, no time lost, commendable focus. Armsmaster prided himself for own efficiency, but here and now he felt inadequate. Armsmaster realized that here and now he was hating Mechanicus for what he himself couldn't be.

"Protectorate in other cities probably would have worked. But this city is my home. I'm not ready to leave it yet. As for Undersiders, we stumbled onto each other the night Lung was captured. I actually wasn't planning to sell them anything, but circumstances, some very heavy ones at that, and time limit forced my hand." Mechanicus handed finished earrings to Jessica "Beautiful earrings for a beautiful woman."

"Thanks you" said Jessica "They are indeed beautiful."

"They are yours" said Mechanicus as he made a holster for the knife in couple broad yet precise strokes of said knife "But you probably will have to either sell them or hand to Protectorate. It might be unsafe to hold onto expensive" tinker paused his work to indicate air quotes "'tinkertech' for a regular family." And then used return motion of his hand to somehow finish painting the holster, carried the finished thing over still hot welder to dry it, holstered the blade and then handled the knife in a holster to Mike. All in single move that clearly made Mike dizzy "And this one is for you, for the trouble. Same issue. Feel free to sell or hand of to Protectorate."

"That's it? That's all we were needed for?" asked Mike

"Yep. Protectorate accused me of being with Empire, you are my way of making them eat their words. No offence, just don't want to be associated with their bunch in any way." Mechanicus said then checked something on his wrist "Do you mind if I record you leaving on your car?"

"Shouldn't we wait for the Protectorate?"

"My sensors around the building and on the road weren't triggered. There are no protectorate vans or any motorcycles in 20km radius, so there is a good chance they won't be coming at all. Obviously I will still prefer to be on the safe side and leave before their potential arrival time runs up. But you two have no reason to wait either."

"Got it, thank you for saving my wife." Mike firmly took Mechanicus' hand into his own...

Armsmaster muted the video at that.

"Dragon... How?" he asked

"How does he violate reality so naturally?" Fortunately, Dragon understood.


"I'm afraid, I don't know." admitted Dragon "I already run some simulation, and I think I can produce those knives. Yet it isn't supposed to be possible to pick onto tinkertech so fast. He might be a thinker, but a thinker power either gradually leads you to answer or slams answer without context into you. Yet he was able to build fairly advanced knives and tech while sidestepping issues with tools. Essentially final answer with context how to get there. Besides there is no distinct theme, no specialization. Even thinkers are supposed to have those."

"I need to report this" said Armsmaster "Anything else I should know about?"

"Couple from the video contacted New York's Hero's museum two hours before video was posted and museum agreed to buy those items as long as there will be proof that this is tinkertech. It is very unlikely that Protectorate will be getting the items."
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12.1 Interlude: Thomas
12.1 Interlude: Thomas

In one universe Thomas Calvert sat in his office. The door was sealed twice over and the only people in this area of the base were Mr. Pitter and his pet. Here he didn't need to maintain the vestige of a supervillain. He could relax somewhat, but was far too paranoid to ever let his guard down. After all, paranoia was a virtue.

Unfortunately it was a virtue that had been enthusiastically adopted by his Tattletale. He had left her to resolve things with the new tinker after she had failed to predict his actions the previous night. She had of course chosen a meeting place that was unobservable from vantage points, blocked directional listening devices, and made laser microphones useless. It was one of her petty acts of defiance even in the face of his displeasure. She would have her little chat unobserved, and then he would debrief her on the table. You could never really trust information until it had been verified by a visit to the table.

In another universe Coil worked in his command center coordinating his men. The acquisition was going poorly, as his pet had predicted, but he had the luxury of examining exactly how poorly it would turn out. He had the advantage of learning his opponent's capacity without risk.

"Conventional weapons are clearly having no meaningful effect. Does the squad have any explosives left?"

The comms technician, a weasel faced little man, turned to him with deference. "Four fragmentation grenades and two claymores."

"Set up the mines and try to drive it into the kill zone." He doubted they would get anything close to a kill, but this was about learning and establishing the limits. The shambling mass recoiled as troopers started flinging grenades to try to drive it towards a nearby alley.

In the first universe Thomas reviewed PRT correspondences. His Tattletale was marvelous at ferreting out passcodes and backdoor accesses. What portions of her investigations she wasn't openly willing to share could easily be extracted during one of their little debriefing sessions. As entertaining as it was to watch the girl's shock at realizing her carefully concealed sources were open to him he did have to be cautious. It was clear she was beginning to suspect exactly what he was doing with his power. Even a full understanding would do her little good, but there was no reason embolden the girl over supposed offenses committed in abandoned timelines.

She'd been running herself ragged ever since word of the new tinker's encounter with Panacea had reached her, desperately searching for answers and trying to find a path through the chaos. Thomas himself may have been in the same mindset were it not for the reassurance of his pet. Dinah's predictions had confirmed his safety and the integrity of his long term plans, leaving him free to watch the aftermath and poke things in directions favorable to himself.

So many things that would have left him livid were no longer pressing concerns now that he had his pet. The tinker, for instance, would never have been allowed to remain in play. Such a late addition to the situation at such a critical time had caused no end of apprehension. Tattletale's assurances had mitigated things somewhat, but regrettably he had yet to get the boy on the table. You just couldn't trust someone without seeing how they behave after a few hours of ministrations from a skilled professional.

Thomas remembered his first attempt at interrogating the boy. A throwaway timeline had been used to check the tinker's touted durability. Whatever it was capable of in combat it failed to help him against a high velocity sniper round fired through the windshield of the van as he pulled out of the Undersiders base. Well, not completely failed. His head remained largely intact, which was something of note. Unfortunately the tinker had the sense to not carry anything identifiable with him on that particular endeavor. His men had found nothing but a pittance of loose cash and a key ring.

It was frustrating, but his identity was hardly secure. Between the information Tattletale had provided and searches of local records every aspect of his life would be uncovered within a few days, if not sooner. Once that happened things would fall into place. Everyone had their levers of control, whether they were vices, fears, loved ones, or just pride. And with this tinker there were unlikely to be many obstacles to bringing him in line.

The follow up attempt to capture the boy had confirmed Tattletale's predictions about his character. If he proved to be bold, adventurous, or daring that could have led to any number of wrenches being thrown into the machinery of Coils operation. Fortunately he was none of those things. The boy was a pure coward.

His highly active and possibly precognitive thinker power was an incredible risk, but only if it was directed properly. The boy did not captain his power, he was driven by it, and primarily driven through fear. It was a lofty claim, and one that would have been hard to accept if Thomas hadn't seen the results himself. At the first sign of his men the boy had fled. With no hesitation he abandoned thousands of dollars' worth of precious equipment in a desperate attempt to escape.

He'd had to use multiple timelines to confirm it, but the mere hint of the presence of one of his men sent the tinker scampering for safety without the slightest delay. It was fascinating to watch. Nothing could draw the boy from his flight. Even arranging situations where civilians were being slaughtered before him bought nothing more than a second's conflict before the boy bowed to his power and fled once again.

Thomas knew how strong his power was. It had cost him everything and put him into such debt that years of perfectly manipulating the markets had barely been enough to pay it off. Even after that considerable fortune in payments he still owed a week of service at a time to be chosen at the discretion of the power brokers. He had hopes of gaining enough influence to resist their demands, but that was still a lofty and distant goal. Despite the significance of his power its nature demanded he work in secret, deriving silent enjoyment as his opponents were outmaneuvered without even knowing how they had been beaten. He'd never had the pleasure of watching someone cower before the full might of his strength as a parahuman. That is, not until now.

This boy's power feared him. It drove him to flee the slightest hint of Coil's presence. The tinker clearly had no idea what he was running from, but he moved like the gates of hell had opened before him. An opposing thinker power saw the might of Coil in his full majesty and decided immediately that the only paths open to them was terror and submission. It gave Thomas a sense of satisfaction he had rarely been able to experience.

It still wouldn't have been enough to let the boy operate with impunity. Fear can drive people to strike out as often as it causes them to cower. Only his pet's insight had saved the boy from being resolved with the other loose ends. The percentage chances of opposition on any front were pitifully low regardless of what revelations the boy became privy to. Thomas remembered his pet's face as she cycled through the chances of the tinker attempting to rescue her in increasingly obscure situations and watching the numbers change by less than a percentage point.

He hadn't maintained that timeline of crushed hopes and tears. Thomas wasn't a NEEDLESSLY cruel man.

In the other universe squads Delta and Epsilon had arrived with improved munitions. The detonation of the claymores had barely phased the creature and what little damage they'd been able to cause to its shambling mass quickly repaired itself. One member of Beta squad had gotten himself entrapped, leading to a squad mate acting against orders to try to cut him free. Of course this failed and resulted in both men being lost. Coil would have to separate them for future missions. Comradery in defiance of the mission was unacceptable.

"Launch incendiaries and distribute extra battery packs to all active men. I want them prepared for mass laser fire."

The attack proved to be nothing more than a waste of good phosphorus. As Coil directed his men to maximize the damage of the opening salvo Thomas attempted to pick through the chaos still unfolding amongst the city's heroes.

It was a wonderful symphony of panic on every front. The tinker's works had already elevated what was intended to be a disastrous encounter for the Wards to a tragedy that would live on in the memory of the public for years. Had he done nothing else it would have still caused massive upheaval, investigations, and probably put Emily's career on life support. Instead, while they struggled with damage control for the previous incident, he had blundered in with such a perfect mix of power display, accusations, and speculation that Thomas could barely believe it. Still, he was never one to let a serendipitous situation pass him by.

He skimmed over a PRT assessment of the tinker's abilities. The display at the hospital had answered more questions about the boy's abilities than even Tattletale had been able to guess. The previous working theory was that he had a material science specialty. Hardened materials, reactive metals, and advanced metallurgy neatly addressed most of the feats attributed to him. His display in the hospital has disproven those assumptions. It also answered the question of how the van he had been issued was found emptied in the bottom of a parking garage when his men had been watching every exit.

They weren't dealing with a materials tinker, they were dealing with a matter tinker. A tinker with the ability to alter the substance of the physical world. A colossally powerful specialization, potentially only equaled by the legendary Hero, yet too meek to do anything of note with his abilities. In his short time he had been able to demonstrate teleportation, reinforcement, medical alteration, and material enhancement. With the slightest initiative any one of those could have yielded ten times the amount he had charged the Undersiders for his services. He would have been offended by the waste of potential if it were not so useful to him.

Of course the PRT was behind in their assessments. Thomas smiled to himself as he re-read their theories on the matter. Armsmaster's insecurity was a blessing on that front as the man would rather pull out his own teeth than admit a novice tinker was responsible for every feat that had been displayed. He had seized on aspects of the boys work to prove his case. Apparently the alloys used could not exist without corroding to uselessness in a matter of hours. Since there was no detectable effect at play the most likely explanation had to be a shaker power. And of course the idea had been snapped up by the entire organization as increasingly unlikely theories were proposed.

Some of that had been due to Thomas's interference. After her handling of the bank robbery and the Dallon girls interrogation there was a real risk that Emily would face suspension. That posed the unacceptable prospect of someone competent being assigned in the interim. No, the more attention placed on the tinker the less she would need to contend with, at least until the truth came out and the speculation would be another black mark against her. Thomas was confident he could hold off that particular event until it would be most beneficial to him.

Once the theories started flying it took barely any effort to keep them going. A cast pebble of supposition resulting in an avalanche of conjecture. He had nothing to do with the second generation Empire theory, though it had a certain logic. The Empire had more than its share of metal manipulators, durability powers, and the only healer cape in the city outside of New Wave. The idea was helped by the boy's decision to decorate his costume with metal plates and claim his first cape battle against the ABB's enforcer in defense of three Caucasian capes and one whose ethnicity remained unconfirmed.

He hadn't created or encouraged the theory, but he did make sure a complete copy of it found its way into the hands of one of the Empire's PRT moles. Whether anything would come of it, who could say? Perhaps Kaiser had an adventurous youth and didn't keep track of his paramours. It was a free opportunity to send rivals on a wild goose chase and Thomas wasn't one to let opportunities slip past unexploited.

"Concentrate fire on the humanoid portion. Ignore the lower mass." The purple beams were amassing some damage, but the penetration was shallow, the holes they burned into the creature quickly resealed themselves. Coil's men shifted to closely grouping their shots, but that only resulted in a shift in the creature as it brought more mass in the way of the laser fire. It lashed out at some of the troopers who we're too close or behind insufficient cover. One man was snared but managed to empty his power pack onto the unnaturally tough tether before he could be entrapped and scramble back before a second lash could reach him.

"I want a full analysis of damage, response, and a proposal of countermeasures. Immediately." Around him technicians and support staff scrambled while in the field more explosives were spent uselessly against the creature.

In the first universe Thomas perused a triply classified assessment from the Think Tank. Protectorate thinkers were tripping over each other in their work on this case. It would get sorted out eventually, but lasting damage and nonsense assessments would stay in circulation long beyond that. His Tattletale's increased threat rating was just one such example. He took even more pleasure in her frustration at the countermeasures she'd be facing than he did at the gift the PRT had handed him by rating his team as a priority threat. Between the spectacle at the bank and the presence of a thinker 8 their mere presence would demand the level of response usually reserved for the city's major gangs. That level of action couldn't sustain itself, but until someone saw to correct it he would be able to steer half of the city's protectorate with nothing but the appearance of his team.

Armsmaster truly deserved the credit for setting the thinker pileup into motion. It was turning a moderately confusing situation into a cyclone of chaos. The power dynamic between the director of Brockton's PRT and the leader of its Protectorate branch was anything but healthy. The man did a poor job of concealing his enjoyment when Panacea relayed the boy's prediction that Armsmaster might be difficult to work with, but Emily was insane, incompetent, a danger to her employees, and actively hostile to parahumans. The hint about their shared history in Ellisburg was just icing on the cake.

The Protectorate leader had decided to try to score some cheap points against Emily by sending the records of the debriefing to virtually every verification channel available to him. Half the thinkers in the Protectorate must have access to it by now. The absolute idiocy of that man is breathtaking at times. It's debatable if he even understood how his technology assisted interrogation came across, though the Youth League will no doubt be happy to inform him. The point is he deliberately took a video record of a teenage girl being grilled for information she either didn't have or could barely process and sent it to a group of people who largely triggered due to not having or being unable to process information. The fool had galvanized those capes to a level rarely seen outside a national crisis. This event did not warrant priority attention from the Think Tank, but after seeing the nature of the interrogation capes were volunteering their time.

Of course, that meant it was being conducted without the level of direction necessary to keep the team's lofty minds on track. There was no telling when or if they would yield anything useful regarding the situation. More likely they would drop off one by one as their outrage settled and other projects drew their attention. For the moment they were spinning theories that made the most ludicrous predictions of the local PRT look rational and sensible.

In the second universe Coil coordinated a sustained bombardment of anti-armor weapons that had finally arrived with Zeta squad. Much longer and the battle was certain to draw the presence of capes. While that would be informative it could be troublesome to sustain information flow in that situation. Regrettably the anti-armor weapons seemed no more effective at causing sustained damage than any other munitions tried against the creature. He started looking through the more exotic options brought with Zeta for testing.

Back in his office Thomas opened a newly arrived email. It was both simple and concise in the extreme. A picture and a number. It seemed Accord had become privy to the events of Brockton's Protectorate and was making a polite request, most likely with the implication that an impolite request was also a possibility.

It had been trivial to encourage lines of thinking that would become troublesome for the boy. Any fool could see the master concerns were a false positive, but they provided an excuse to prevent any outreach to the tinker. The Dallon girl was a wreck from her experience in the bank. Her encounter in the hospital may have mended her broken bones but it did little for her frayed nerves. Armsmaster had limited testing and only tenuous approval for the use of his lie detector. In any other situation its results would be immediately discredited. However Emily was desperate for any excuse to keep the girl contained, Armsmaster was overly proud of his technology, and poor Brandish was desperate to attempt any measure of damage control.

The woman's face was a sight when they informed her that they had chosen to independently verify details of the accusations with other members of New Wave. The poise of a lifetime practicing law couldn't prepare a person for the moment their world decided to fall apart. Manpower had apparently elected to confess everything to Lady Photon the moment they questioned him. While their marriage had spent years as a façade for the sake of public appearances the leader of New Wave apparently still had enough affection for the early days of their relationship to be devastated by the revelation. It ended with Manpower departing the household and Brandish being left to take the brunt of her sister's rage. That combined with the accusations of Brandish's mental health, parental skills, and some dark secret involving Marquis meant she would probably have signed her adopted daughter up for a witch trial if it would have let her get out of that building five minutes sooner.

Once one accusation of master effects had been leveled it opened the door for less well founded allegations. That brought things to Sebastian Slight, a notoriously unprofessional PRT lab technician who decided to cover for the fact that he was wasting time staring at a trinket by claiming to be fascinated. At least half the fault was on the lab manager who instead of reprimanding the tech decided to file an official report. With the recent charges and the rumors already flying suddenly a hairpin was being treated as a memetic object. Images of said hairpin seemingly were included in standard briefing packs, at least one of which was intercepted by Boston's most powerful villain thinker.

Thomas didn't see the appeal of the object, but he could admit his own limitations when it came to evaluating artwork. Thankfully his power hadn't caused the obsessive mannerisms that Accord was forced to deal with. He could appreciate the workmanship necessary for the level of detail displayed on the hairpin, as seemed to be included in every item the tinker produced. As signature styles went it was certainly more striking than the typical tinker drive to recreate the look of a Flash Gordon serial or Star Trek episode.

It seemed that whatever his own thoughts on the matter were, Accord had decided that the item was sufficiently elegant to be worth acquiring. It was incredibly rare for the Boston thinker to acknowledge the adequacy of another person's workmanship, much less express an interest in obtaining it. The price quoted was no doubt carefully calculated to ensure it was sufficient to be worth the trouble he would have to go through to acquire the item. Additionally, there was the unspoken implication in the message. This was an acknowledgement of Coil's rights in Brockton Bay. Should he reject the offer it would be a tacit approval for Accord to launch his own operation in the city to retrieve it. Given the complexity of the man's plans it was doubtful that would be his only objective. If he wanted to keep the Ambassadors out of his city he would need to complete this job.

The price wasn't ungenerous, and upon completion would recoup the investment he had made in the new tinker several times over. It even presented opportunity for some small alteration to the PRT staff composition. The accusation of master abilities was a crippling drawback for the boy, but it would never be sustained. However, should a PRT tech who personally examined his work happen to vanish along with the item in question it would cast a shadow over every item the tinker produced for the foreseeable future. The removal of Mr. Slight would take some work to arrange, but would leave a position open in the heart of the PRT. One that could be filled by someone more malleable to outside influence. There was another technician who had been considered for promotion on the grounds of the excellent quality of his work and due to the fact that he had kept his financial problems well concealed from his superiors. Thomas had profited heavily from high risk investments, but had seen the markets destroy men with callous indifference. For many it was just a more dignified version of an addiction to the track, and just as exploitable.

He replied to the message with a confirmation and estimated timeline. He would also have to take steps to frame this event in a way that served to validate some of Emily's public concerns. While her inevitable fall was part of his grand plan for the city this incident had the potential to accelerate matters to an unacceptable degree. Should she be removed before he was able to secure his power base there was a remote chance someone competent would be assigned to the Director's office.

There were a number of areas where he would have to act, and in most of them he wouldn't even need to be subtle about his support. Emily was callous enough to assume ulterior motives for any action that favored her, but he could just present her with a few advantageous contracts when she confronted him on the matter. Additionally, she would assume that he would be even more eager to conceal the events of Ellisburg than she was. A consequence of his former comrade's insistence on seeing the worst in everyone was a failure to look deeper once she had found the first defect. It was an odd mix of being both excessively and insufficiently paranoid.

On the subject of paranoia the battle in the second universe was proving to be completely futile. The full brunt of Coil's arsenal, both conventional and tinker tech, had accomplished nothing against the creature. His men had been worse than useless as the number of captured rose higher. The thing moved through jerky shifts of its lower mass as if trying to drag itself across the ground. It contrasted harshly with the speed at which it was able to strike out at his men or act to defend itself.

One trooper moved forward with a last ditch effort, a chemical sprayer loaded with a combination of corrosive and highly toxic compounds. Under the cover of the last of the heavy weapons and final charges of tinker tech lasers the man rushed forward and hosed down the humanoid portion of the mass with caustic and poisonous fluid.

Finally the creature reacted as if it was actually threatened. With what might have been genuine panic it flailed, bringing up parts of its lower mass to shield its upper form. It was too late, the chemicals completely coating the creature's humanoid portion before it could react. Then it all went wrong.

The chemicals exploded off the surface of the creature as outer layers of its mass were flung free. Once separated they lost their exceptional toughness and were quickly consumed by the caustic substances coating them, but that didn't affect the trajectories which seemed directed towards every location his men had elected to use for cover. Coil heard screams through the com links as his troops were splattered with the most virulent mix of acids and toxins he had been able to mobilize. That was nothing compared to the fate of the attacking trooper.

The creature lashed out, not with the tethers it had used throughout the rest of the battle but with razor thin sinews that ensnared the chemical trooper. They were as thin as threads but had the same unnatural toughness as the rest of the creature's body. Unlike the previous entrapments these were fine enough to cut into the trooper's flesh and equipment. The man screamed as he was pulled into the shambling lower mass, caustic liquid pouring from ruptured feedlines into the open wounds the wire like material had dug into his skin.

He shifted to one of the wider video feeds and reviewed the situation. His men were scattered and struggling to regroup. All munitions had proven useless, with their one marginal success quickly turning against them. In the center of the scorched and broken street their opponent remained, unfazed by the attacks and repairing the damage of the chemical strike. The multilayered hooded robe was quickly restored to its unmarred state, creating the impression of a shrouded figure suspended upon a billowing mass of fabric. Half a dozen of his men were entrapped within the flowing folds of that material, restrained with thick ribbon like bands. Most had stopped struggling when it became clear they had no hope of escape, with the exception of the flailing screams of the chemical trooper. The substance of the creature was stronger than steel and composed of multiple layers that acted as ablative armor against any attack. It was a marvelous and impressive defense and quite the unexpected trick for the new tinker to have been keeping in reserve. Interestingly his over designed style was still apparent in the monstrosity, with the material wrapped and folded in elaborate drapings and bearing striking coloration and markings that hinted at embroidery.

Coil pulled up records of the start of the attack. His pet had been invaluable in enlightening him to the nature of the boy's defenses, but it was still useful to see them in person. Sniper rounds were not predicted to be as effective as in the previous encounter. Coil remembered the first timeline where his men had charged the courtyard. The first round stopped dead against the boy's head without the slightest reaction and follow-up shots merely knocked him down until he was able to activate his teleportation and flee from the encounter, taking Tattletale along with him. Use of explosives had a better success rate, but it was essentially a race against the tinker's ability to deploy countermeasures, and none of the attack scenarios resulted in a live capture.

Interestingly his pet had predicted that dispersed tranquilizer gas had a high chance of subduing the tinker, but a negligible chance of capture. She had been unable to illuminate the reasoning behind that contradiction, so it was left to Coil to see the results for himself. There is no simple or guaranteed way to safely deploy knock out gas. It is not chosen as a method of crowd control for a very good reason. The concentration that would incapacitate one man would be lethal to a smaller person or only marginally effective against a larger one. The quantity deployed to subdue the tinker had most likely been lethal to his Tattletale, but taking risks like that were a privilege of his power.

Coil watched the events play out on the video records from the start of the encounter. As predicted the boy quickly collapsed under the effects of the gas. On the surface everything appeared to be going perfectly. It would have been a simple matter to transport the boy to the base, administer a counter agent, and spend a few hours of spirited discussion regarding his motives and capabilities. Instead the extent of the tinker's paranoia had revealed itself in a defense of last resort.

As Coil's men approached the boy's clothing began to twitch, as if it was trying to drag him to safety. Before any of them could react a shroud of material spun itself around the tinker in a protective cocoon. With seemingly infinite resources of matter to call upon it extended the length of the robe, holding the boy's protected form above a billowing mass of layered sheets. The substance appeared thin as cloth but was infuriatingly tough and resilient. Damage done to it was quickly repaired and attempts at close engagement only resulted in the unfortunate trooper being entangled in ribbons of the same material before disappearing under the folds of the cloak.

The technology on display was fascinating. Whatever was directing the mass had the ability to demonstrate basic decision making and threat assessments. It was mobile, but just barely. The construct seemed to move through momentum of its summoned material rather than being able to exert force directly on its passengers. Folds of the fabric like mass would be pulled to speed and either drag or collide with the passenger to cause movement. It was fascinating, and potentially evidence of a Manton limit at work. The result was a lurching motion of the cloaked humanoid shape containing the tinker and stumbling dragging motions of the lumps representing his captured men.

Whatever sluggishness affected the motion of its passenger was not applied to its control of its own material. Billowing masses a dozen layers thick were able to move with the speed of a flag caught in a gale. The ribbon-like tethers that extended from the lower portion of the creature cracked like whips as they lashed out at anyone who ventured too close. There was little strength to the tethers, but the speed and toughness was enough to batter his men at long range and entrap any who dared to approach.

It was a fantastic defense and a true demonstration of the boy's exceptional cowardice. The technology that created this spectacle could have allowed him to become the most feared tinker in the city in short order. Instead it was used for a desperate last defense. How many resources had he committed to this? What was it that caused such power to be committed to desperate cowering?

There was a potential explanation for that behavior. Buried in the assessment of the Dallon girl's report was an offhand mention of a specific tinker principle, one everyone involved was pointedly avoiding mentioning out of fear of what it could mean. In his babbling regarding Gallant's supposed tinker status and the reconstruction of the boy's armor he had mused on tinker classifications. Focal tinkers and hyperspecialists, terms that most people don't ever bother with. Following that the boy alluded to another kind of tinker. Specifically those with a 'physical or mental cost' to their work, casually referencing something people either are ignorant of or avoid mentioning. The worst class of tinker; the mad scientists.

Before Ellisburg Thomas had put in his time as a PRT agent. You saw things in that line of work that did not bear repeating. A list of the worst momments would have to include any encounter with a mad scientist tinker. Tinkers whose work drastically exceeds that of their contemporaries, but at a vicious cost. He remembered a raid on the lab of one particular tinker who paid a literal pound of flesh for all of his creations. Another who descended into madness each time she began a project and never made it all the way back, the cost of multiple sessions compounding until she completely split from reality. Mad scientists were the reason for the existence of the Three Blasphemies and vigilance against them was the only reason there weren't eight or ten of the creatures.

No one talks about mad scientists. It would foster unrest in the public and drive capes towards dangerous actions. The best possibility was that the boy's thinker power allowed him insight into the nature of tinker abilities. A less appealing prospect was that he had personal experience with that kind of tinker, a situation that could easily lead to a trigger event. That posed the concerning question of what had happened and how far the damage went. The worst possibility was the boy knew the classification from personal experience, that everything he built was a step towards madness.

His pet didn't indicate that scenario was likely, but it was difficult to frame queries about the tinker's abilities in a manner that she could quantify. She needed to picture exact situations to give her numbers, and some things were difficult to present in that manner. In the first universe he skimmed through various thinker reports on the subject, most as garbled as the nonsense circulating the local PRT. Nobody was directly commenting on the possibility because it wasn't the kind of accusation to be leveled lightly. Fortunately Coil had the ability to put those fears to rest.

Put to rest for himself, that is. It was fully in his interest to keep the local authorities distrustful and fearful of the new cape. All he needed was a way to get the boy on the table and things would be sorted one way or another. No defense was perfect and everyone had their points of vulnerability.

In the other universe the Protectorate was beginning to mobilize against the boy's defensive construct. Velocity and Dauntless were the first to arrive on the scene. A shame. They were the most likely to be reasonable and the construct's programing had shown capacity to evaluate threats. It would have been enlightening to see Armsmaster try his luck against the boy's work. The construct wasn't standing down, but it was not attacking either. He men had been forced to retreat, cutting off his surveillance. It was unlikely he would be able to learn any more from this timeline.

In the first universe a report reached him. His spotter confirmed his Tattletale was concluding her meeting with the tinker. He dismissed the second timeline and began changing into his costume. It looked like it was time for them to have another chat. She could be so enlightening when provided with the correct motivation.
13 Exposure
13 Exposure

As I rode back towards my apartment I started tallying the work I'd need to do. I probably had a few days before anything serious happened with Bakuda unless she decided to jump the gun on Lung's transfer. I tightened my grip on the handle bar as I thought about how much I was banking on that assumed schedule. Putting those thought aside I focused on the pile of new technologies I needed to start experimenting with.

First priority needed to be nanites. My healing abilities were phenomenal, but there was so much more I could do with them if I could manage proper programming. Even without that I could still control them directly, though that would be ponderous and I'd need to monitor them through every task. To accomplish any of that a nanite containment unit needed to be my immediate priority. Once I had that I could start syphoning nanites from my body and amassing enough to actually complete one of my projects.

Not gray goo. Safer projects. Well, safer by nanite standards which was still pretty dangerous. This was really the ultimate dual use technology. I was going to have a hard time explaining how I developed nanite healing without going through all the intervening steps that would allow aggressive mutations or complete biological destruction.

There was a lot I could do with properly programed nanites, but my priority should probably be those life fibers. I might even be able to manage to make some progress on the problem of how to use them with my current nanite resources. Given how strong, how incredibly, overwhelmingly strong Master Builder and Nanite Removal and Control were I could only imagine what the ultimate potential of the life fibers was. I just needed to be able to safely experiment.

I also needed to check on my fleet program's development. I had a full day of driving and navigation to call upon. That might not be that much experience, but it was a big step up from the previous simulations that had been running. Also, I needed to upgrade the bike's hardware and software. After what I had learned from Master Builder the custom control system I'd developed suddenly seemed horribly outdated. I wouldn't be able to build top end processors without cybertonium, but with even basic nanite assembly I'd be able to yield massive improvements.

Right, cybertonium. I also needed to get to work on my alchemy. That meant setting up a ritual space, still not too comfortable with that concept, for transmutations and find a safe location for potion brewing. Damn did I need a proper base that wasn't just crowded around my workshop. Unfortunately I also needed the trifecta of security, anonymity and ease of access. At the moment I wasn't even at the point of picking two of the three. I'd be lucky to get one.

Case in point, we were nearing my apartment and I had to find another alley to store my bike. That was going to be trouble before too long. I couldn't rely on the apathy of my neighbors forever. Eventually someone was going to take an interest in where the overbuilt superbike was being stored each night. Additionally, while I had enough financial resources to resolve some of these issues, everything I would need to purchase would be a large enough commitment to attract serious attention. My bike was pretty much the limit of what I could get away with. Moving to a bigger or more accessible place would cause all kinds of problems of a tax and money laundering variety.

The Celestial Forge missed a connection to the Magic constellation as I was pulling into the alley. I ignored it and found a decent door to access my workshop. The fleet program had advanced enough that once I got it through the door it was able to navigate the rest of the way to the workshop. That was a very good sign for both pathfinding and AI development.

I said a temporary goodbye to Garment and re-sealed the workshop. In the later part of the day with shadows stretching out I was suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable in the clothes she had provided. This was not a well to do area and I had no idea what this outfit would have cost if it hadn't been manifested by a spirit of fashion. The fact that the colthes fit in at the boardwalk was probably not a good sign. I was confident I'd be able to handle anything this area could throw at me, but it was certain to attract more attention than I would want to deal with. Of course I'm confident that if I told Garment I couldn't wear clothes like this in this neighborhood she'd immediately start digging through rental listings for better parts of the city. I could probably at least find something less flashy than the white bomber collared motorcycle jacket I was currently wearing.

Thankfully I made it back home without more than a second look from my neighbors. When I opened my workshop Garment had changed back to her red evening dress with gloves in opera mode. She immediately headed to the laptop and opened up Youtube. My attempts to check on her were dismissed with a polite wave as she caught up on new posts from her subscribed channels.

I made my way through the unusually empty entryway of my workshop. I'd need to move the rest of my furniture back at some point. At least Garment had left the mattress, even if it was propped up against the wall. It hadn't been not fun the first time I had to move that thing in here from my apartment. I could handle interior decorating later, I had a nanite containment unit to build.

Actually, that joke about interior decorating reminded me of something. My Decadence power wasn't all about aesthetics. It could do interior decorating to an almost inhuman level, but could also optimally attune a space for any purpose. My workshop was still largely in the arrangement it had arrived in with the odd stapled on space for the pieces of equipment I'd gotten from the Undersiders. I'd been meaning to rearrange things since I started work on those knives, and that was before I was supernaturally skilled at efficiently utilizing space.

Probably what had been holding me back from rearranging the place was the size of the things I'd have to move in order to manage that task. The workshop came with its share of heavy machinery, not particularly advanced, but still serious industrial milling machines. I would need a forklift to shift them. Or a magically driven suit of power armor.

I could probably count this as additional testing. It was certainly needed. The Fleet A.I. was still massively unsteady when directing bipedal movement. Considering it was eight feet tall and close to five hundred pounds 'unsteady' was not an adjective you wanted to be dealing with. I had to take things ponderously slow and carefully shift the equipment in short bursts. It was like doing one of those sliding block puzzles, only more frustrating and without the picture at the end. The one definite benefit was the steady progress the Fleet A.I. was demonstrating. As the work progressed I could see the small corrections it was able to make in motion and placement. It was a long way from being independently combat ready, but I could probably trust it to walk across a room without tripping over anything.

When I finished I decided I needed to reevaluate my statement about not getting a picture at the end. The workshop looked amazing. It had that kind of sleek elegance that comes with efficiency, but also somehow ended up with both pleasing site lines and easy access paths. I don't think I had any of that tinker obsession going on, so the relief I was feeling was probably connected to how much easier my work would be from now on.

I heard a clapping from the door and turned to see Garment standing there with approving gestures. Actually, with the combination of my other abilities the workshop was now much cleaner and had a slight elegance to it. Still, I wasn't sure what had pried Garment from her videos.

I shortly found out as she pointed at an icon on the page of one of the Youtube channels she had been watching.


She gestured enthusiastically.

"Garment, Twitter is different from Youtube comments. Are you sure you want to do this?"

She switched to the next tab, a twitter account for a fashion journalist. I couldn't make any sense of it, but Garment seemed excited. At that point I noticed the rest of the open tabs. She must have had seventeen different twitter threads loaded.

This could go very wrong. On the other hand if she kept to her brief comments and didn't give any personal information the worst she was likely to endure was some nasty comments and a series of blockings.

"Alright, I'll get you set up, but be careful." She gave me a series of affirmative gestures as I started setting up the information for her account. It was easy enough to link to her Youtube and keep the information consistent. She also directed me to another open tab for her profile picture, some classic Hollywood actress. After a bit of her framing things with her hands I figured out she wanted it cropped down to the gloves.

Well, at least that was consistent.

As soon as things were set up she practically tore the computer from me as she immediately began typing out a response to a tweet on celebrity spring fashions.

Typing slowly, while continuing to search for each letter in turn. Even when she needed to type the same letter twice she would hit the key, then hunt through the entire keyboard looking for the key she just pressed. I was beginning to suspect there was something going on here that a typing course wouldn't be able to address.

Still, she seemed to be enjoying herself, so I left her to the commentary and headed back to the workshop. Nanite containment vessels are not that easy to build. I had to cannibalize the magnetic suspension rigs I had used to make the monomolecular blades in order to assemble a proper restraint field. I also couldn't get anywhere close to the vacuum conditions I'd need for optimal transfer, meaning every loading period would be extended from seconds to minutes. Finally the volume I'd be able to manage with my resources was severely limited. At best it might contain enough to program a group of nanites for a very specific application.

All those were problems I could address later. Just getting any active nanites out of my body would be a victory considering what I could do with them. Yes there were incredible things I could accomplish if I could program them for autonomous function, but even the direct piloting from my latest power would be incredibly useful.

When I was finished the results sat on a table in the center of my workshop. It was roughly the size of a bar fridge and composed of large plates of reinforced metal spaced with supports and power cabling for the internal magnets. The input port was a pair of handles that looped out of the front, hollow pipes with the closest thing to a vacuum I'd been able to rig. In theory I could activate my nanites and have as many as possible drawn through the conduits to the comparative small containment chamber in the center of the apparatus.

It was time to give this a try.

The nanites in my body were essentially dead weight. The ability to direct them to heal was completely independent of their programing or lack thereof. Because of that I couldn't direct them to anything else, so my only option was to flood my body with the largest activation I could manage and hope the containment unit could syphon them into the chamber.

I focused and blue circuit like lines began to spread across my entire body. They formed on clothing as easily as the surface of my skin, but my awareness showed them going much deeper than that. People have no idea just how small a nanite is. They hear the word nanobot and assume it's something along the size of a germ. Maybe a bit smaller, but somewhere in that area. There's a good reason for that, people just aren't designed to think on the atomic scale.

Each of my nanites was a roughly twenty nanometer diameter sphere of crystal surrounding a computational core running entirely on quantum effects. There were a few nano structures extending from the sphere, but they were unbelievably delicate. As in you could count how many atoms thick they were on one hand. These nanites were able to rewrite DNA on an atom by atom basis. That requires a level of fine manipulation most people can't even picture. Without my power I'm not even sure devices like these would be physically possible.

The activated nanites were much more responsive to magnetic fields than dormant ones were. The miniscule machines flooded through my body making tiny and incidental repairs to cells, breaking down pathogens, and processing toxins. The glowing bands near my hands bent slightly towards the handles of the containment unit as nanites were pulled through the vacuum tubes and into the central chamber. It was an odd sensation and not an entirely pleasant one.

I maintained a white knuckled grip on the conduits until the flow dropped off, the concentration of nanites falling below the threshold the system could affect. I took a moment to compose myself before reviewing the data. It looked like I had managed to transfer a little under three percent of my nanites. I could feel them being replaced by my power, but that would take the better part of an hour. At this rate of transfer and ignoring any refinements I was able to make to the system it would take roughly a hundred and fifty transfers to get a cohesive colony that I could start programing.

So roughly a week, and that was assuming I kept up the transfer schedule. It wasn't that bad. As I built up a higher concentration of nanites I would be able to start directing them through independent control. It would be a bit tedious, but there were all kinds of applications for that kind of work, especially with the rest of my crafting abilities.

I took a breath while I considered what to try for next. Alchemy, life fibers, computer upgrades, weaponry. It was too much to handle all at once. What would I normally be doing right now?

I'd be going to the gym. That wasn't a terrible idea. With everything Tattletale had told me I had some stress begging to be burned off. I'd skipped two days between my crafting blitz and the aftermath of the bank battle. That was something I'd absolutely promised myself I wouldn't do. I had options for physical enhancement now, but one of them was a week of nanite transfers away and the other was based on some questionable alien symbiosis. Neither of them would help me develop combat skills.

I needed some time to work out the details of my next project and let my nanites replenish. A quick workout would be a good way to handle with that.

It took me some time to find my workout clothes. It seemed Garment had rebuilt them along with the rest of my wardrobe. They weren't as intricate as some of the other things she'd made, but they had an air of dedicated exercise clothing rather than the old shorts and t-shirt I usually went with. The Celestial Forge missed a connection to the Time constellation as I was getting ready to leave, with Garment continuing her slow typing and barely bothering to wave goodbye as I made my way out the door.

I had missed two full days of workouts. It wasn't that bad all things considered. I'd been following online workout advice and allocating one rest day per week, so my missed time could be counted towards that. With the prospect of physical enhancements on the table I might be able to skip my conditioning work and focus on entirely technique. My God, I might actually be able to avoid my early morning runs. That life fibers project suddenly received a significant jump in priority. Of course I had no idea how I was going to hide super strength from people at the gym. I might end up having to cut ties with the place entirely.

The thought affected me more than I anticipated. In the time since my trigger this gym had quickly transitioned from being a discount fitness option to something of a refuge. It was actually nice to have a chance to blow off steam and clear my head at the end of the day. It was just social enough to be a comfortable point of contact while having enough of a directed purpose that it never got uncomfortably personal. Frankly I wished I'd found this place two years ago, but I know I wouldn't have been able to motivate myself to train like I had after my trigger.

That was a concern for later. I had over a week, probably closer to two, until I had a complete set of nanites ready. It was tempting to direct them for physical enhancement, but there was also all kinds of potential applications in construction, manufacturing, diagnostics, or enhancement of my other projects. There was enough draw on this resource to cover what I'd be able to generate for months, even if I was able to increase the efficiency of my storage and extraction system.

Instead I dove into my workout, focusing on footwork and combinations. I rhythmically struck the heavy bag as I considered what my next step should be. After the second offload I should have enough nanites to manage some micro-assembly. With the rest of my knowledge base I would be able to directly manufacture computer components. Not the best components I knew how to make, but the best I could do without a superconducting material with resonance patterns that extended beyond the material universe. With those complete I could improve my computing resources, accelerate the development of my A.I., and maybe even advance my interfaces for better direct control. It was a project that would start yielding results instantly and have serious advantages to getting deployed immediately. Thanks to the conservation from my Rationing power I would even have enough materials to work with so I wouldn't need to resort to alchemical transmutation.

My thoughts of computer architecture were interrupted by the sudden arrival of Aisha Laborn. I had the remote hope that she'd given up this nonsense after the last time, but apparently I wasn't in the clear yet. She had taken nearly fifteen minutes after my arrival to show up and I still had no idea who her informant was. I made eye contact with Doug who shrugged slightly. It seemed he was at least assuming I had no bad intentions, but was going to keep an eye on things just the same.

That was probably for the best because right from the start I could tell something was wrong. First off her outfit was completely different. It was still vaguely the same style, but she had switched the loud neon colors for a spectrum of grays. She had fewer pieces of jewelry with all the bracelets and lose pieces absent and even her piercings were more sensible. It almost looked like she was actually here to work out.

This could not be good.

Her behavior only compounded my concerns. Unlike last time she wasn't prancing in front of me trying to get my attention. There were no over the top pseudo-stretches or showy work outs designed to provoke a reaction. Most of the time I couldn't even see her, but she could see me. She carefully cycled through workouts and watched me like a hawk. It was so out of character for what I had learned to expect that it was actually a good deal more unnerving than if she had jumped straight into her teasing. I wondered if that was her plan, but Aisha didn't seem like the type of person to play mind games with that many layers to them.

The rest of the gym had picked up that something was wrong. The members who knew what to expect from Aisha were reacting to her drastically altered behavior and the newer members were reacting to the reactions of everyone else. It said something that Aisha had managed to pretty much shut down the entire place just by acting slightly less eccentric. Doug was actually looking seriously concerned and I'm guessing he was weighing the pros and cons of calling her father. I'm not sure how Mr. Laborn would react to a receiving call along the lines of 'Something is very wrong. Your daughter is behaving herself.'.

I tried my best to ignore her and focus on my projects. I still had to work out the alchemical transmutations I'd need for rarer elements in addition to the formation of cybertonium. I had a loose idea of how to form that super metal, but it would take something like sixty eight steps of incredibly precise transmutations. If I wanted any to work with in less than a month I would need to refine the process significantly. Unfortunately I wouldn't be managing any of that here.

There's a very disturbing element to the feeling that you're being watched. It involves this building sense of dread, subtle changes in the behavior of people around you, and a gradually ramping up of stress. It's one of those base instinctual things that was probably designed to allow our species to avoid being eaten by saber toothed tigers. The fact that it also triggers under the observation of a moderately difficult thirteen year old girl is either a bug in the survival programing or evidence of more foresight from natural selection than I ever gave it credit for.

The second half of my workout was thoroughly unproductive, not even helpful as a means of stress relief. Eventually I made a tactical withdrawal and ducked into the locker room when there was no chance of being intercepted. I stood under a borderline scalding shower and tried to figure out what the hell was going on here. Either Aisha had upped her game significantly or there was something new and concerning in play. I had no clue what it could be, and from the looks of things I doubted the rest of the gym had any idea either.

I stretched my shower as long as I reasonably could before I bit the bullet a, got changed, and packed up my things. I slipped out of the locker room ready to make a break for the exit in the event of an ambush. Instead I found the gym had returned to a semblance of its normal activity and Aisha was nowhere to be found.

"She just left." Came a rough voice. "You doing alright?"

I turned to see Doug in all his gruff glory leaning against the wall. The students he had been working with were packing up their things with the usual half-shell shocked expression Doug's training seemed to inspire.

"Uh, yeah." I took a breath. "Do you have any idea what that was about?"

The big man shrugged. "Best guess, she's playing with us. Girl's been in and out of this place since she moved back in with Laborn. She knows he has the regulars looking out for her so she tries something to throw us off every now and then. This is a bit more subtle than her usual plays."

I nodded. I hoped that was the case, but it seemed like there was something else going on. The idea that someone as seemingly random as Aisha would show up, treat me like a research specimen for half an hour, and then vanish didn't sit right, but I didn't have a clue what she was up to.

"Missed you the last couple of days. Some of the guys thought she managed to run you off."

I forced a laugh. "No, started a new job." He quirked an eyebrow. "It was a bit of a last minute thing, but the pay was good so I had to take it. Decent money but terrible hours."

Doug nodded slowly. "People need to take what they can get in this city. You're a smart kid. Make sure you look after yourself out there."

It took me a second to figure out his meaning, but by that point he was half way across the gym. I wished I could dissuade him of that notion, but I actually had been working for a gang, one in service to some kind of parahuman crime lord. Trying to downplay that wouldn't do either of us any favors.

I really hoped I hadn't just tanked my reputation at this gym, but then again probably a third of the older members had what looked like prison tattoos. The implication that I was doing some kind of illicit work on the side would probably just make me fit in better. How Mr. Laborn would react I had no idea, but he seemed like the kind of man who could tolerate a lot as long as you held up your obligations.

The city was entering twilight when I made my way outside. The streetlights were on, but it was at that weird point where they weren't any brighter than the dimming ambient light and basically did nothing to improve visibility. That was probably why I didn't get any sense of the person sneaking up on me as I left the shadow of the gym.

"Hello Jozef." The name was as over-pronounced as the last time I'd heard it. I spun to see Aisha leaning against the mouth of an alley, a slight grin on her face as her eyes shone in the half-light of the early evening. She was wearing her workout outfit with a light jacket and one of those overly small backpacks on her shoulder.

"Oh, Aisha. Hi." It was unnerving. She had dropped all the teasing mannerisms and jovial attitude. It was like dealing with a completely different person.

She shifted slightly to block the path I was taking back to my apartment and looked me up and down. It occurred to me that her waiting in this location meant she knew the route I would take on my way home.

"Heard you missed training the last couple of days." There was a knowing gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah, something came up."

"First time since you started, right?" She looked at me dead on. "Heard you signed up one day and started training like mad. Like you were working towards something. What was the deal? Something happen that got you all fired up?"

God damn, I thought this girl could be unnerving when she was just being inappropriate. Somehow when she went serious it was a whole other level of unsettling.

"I just decided to give it a try." Damn it, I was bad at this. Yeah, I had been desperately training to try to get ready for cape life. Why was she picking at this? What the hell was she working towards?

She glanced off to the side and quirked her lips in a faint grin. "Lot of stuff happened while you missed your training. You hear about that thing at the bank downtown?"

I kept my face neutral, but I could feel blood draining from it. "Wards fought some villains, ended up losing, right?"

She nodded. "Wards fought the Undersiders. They showed up with a new cape and a bunch of weapons and shit. Went through the baby Protectorate like they were made of paper. They're calling it the worst loss in the history of the team." For some reason she seemed almost proud of that statement.

The Magitech constellation approached in the Celestial Forge and my power just failed to connect to it. I cursed internally, I really needed a better grasp of the powers from that constellation.

"Hey, what was that?"

I shifted my attention back to the girl in front of me. "What? What was what?"

"That thing you just did. It's happened every time we talked."

She picked up on that? How observant was this girl? "I don't know what you're talking about."

She gave me a flat look. "Uh-huh. What's that thing they say? Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence, all that shit. So what, is it part of your power?"

I swear I felt my heart stop. "What do you mean?" I was doing my best to play dumb but felt like I was doing a shit job of it.

"Your face looks good."

The non sequitur threw me for a loop. "Uh, thanks?"

"Really good." She moved in closer and my discomfort started to override my fear of being exposed as a cape. I wondered, if I just ran for it would that do anything to throw her off? Probably not, but it was looking like a better and better idea.

"I, uh."

She smirked. "Bruises like those should have stuck around for a couple of weeks. You were fine the next day." She glared as if daring me to challenge her knowledge of facial contusions. "Also, you took that beating really well. Better than you should have."

I desperately tried to come up with some explanation while also dealing with the implication of exactly why Aisha would have such a thorough understanding of those kinds of injuries. What the hell was I supposed to say? I heal fast? It wasn't as bad as you thought? I had been sparring with Vince. By every metric my face should have been hamburger by the end of the night. I was probably only saved from worse speculation by the fact that everyone minded their own business at this gym. Everyone but the unusually observant daughter of the chief coach who was apparently badly underestimated by everyone who dealt with her.

She looked at my poorly concealed distress and smiled. "Your acne scars are gone."

A hand flew up to my cheek before I could think to stop myself. I didn't have the worst case of acne scarring, but there were some flare ups when I was a teenager that I didn't manage as well as I could have. My fingers ran across smooth unblemished skin.

Light Alchemy did not deal with scarring, but medical nanites did. Boy did they ever. With the scale at which they worked breaking down and rebuilding collagen was trivial. My nanite healing is fairly precise and directed so it's not like this is a default effect, but if you happen to be ramping up every nanite in your system in the hopes of being able to syphon off a decent amount the effects can get away from you. At this point I doubted there was a shred of my body that hadn't seen some medical attention. The clearing up of years old pockmarks was probably the least of its effects.

Aisha's expression had turned smug. She was clearly confident in this, and that was largely helped by the terrible job I was doing at covering things up. The part of this I didn't get was why? Why was she confronting me? She wasn't going to the Protectorate, or the gangs, or the press, though most of them wouldn't touch a story about a cape's identity. She was confronting me alone in a rapidly darkening street with nothing but implications about my durability and potential involvement in a federal crime.

"If I was a cape..." She grinned at that. "It probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to confront me."

"Right, because you're SO dangerous."

"Capes are dangerous. This city, the things that are out there, you have to be careful. If you tried this on the wrong person who knows what could end up happening."

She gave me a critical look. "Are you telling me you're dangerous?"

"If I was a cape I could be." It was a paper thin denial of my status as a parahuman, but she didn't even focus on that part.

"I've been coming to this place for two years. That 'look out for Aisha' thing you've been doing? You're not close to the first. My Dad's recruited dozens of guys to his little protection detail, and plenty of them were scum. Some of them, they just wanted an excuse to hurt people while feeling good about themselves. Some of them wanted to get on my Dad's good side. Some of them just like the idea of having someone under their control. I've seen dangerous."

Her stance was completely unthreatened and she gave me a look that made me feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure why, but for some reason her not considering me a threat felt vaguely insulting. I mean, I fought Oni Lee. I could hurt people. Her just making a blanket implication that I wouldn't somehow felt intrusive. It was also a bit harrowing to think about the kinds of experiences that would build up confidence in that kind of ability to judge character.

I was at the point where a denial would do me no good, but at least I wasn't going to admit to anything. Nothing was going to be accomplished here, and she didn't seem to be pressing for any kind of extortion. "Look Aisha, you should get home. I doubt your father or brother would want you messing with capes."

The look she gave me was complicated. "You never met my brother?"

"No, he's never been here while I've been at the gym." I hadn't heard anything bad, but I wasn't really here to gossip and hadn't been a member for that long.

Aisha's grin widened until it looked like it might split her face in half. "Right." For some reason she seemed to be holding back a fit of giggles. "Well, I better get back to my brother. See you around Jozef."

She sauntered off leaving me standing there hoping this wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass. Of all the people who could have figured out my secret identity... well okay, there were a lot of possibilities worse than Aisha, but at least with them I would know what to expect. I had no clue what that girl's next move was going to be. She didn't seem keen on exposing me, and didn't have anything but incidental information. Enough to indicate I was a cape but nothing that would tie me definitively to what I'd done so far.

My passenger still liked her. In fact, he wasn't really worried about this whole situation. Whatever she was likely to do, running to the Protectorate was probably not on the table. Also, I think I could safely eliminate the chance of her selling me out to the Empire. She also seemed way too comfortable with the idea of dealing with a cape. I knew she had a hard life, but how far into the parahuman side of things did that go?

I could find out. I had more technical knowledge than anyone in the city, probably even beating out Armsmaster at this point. Once I finished my computer upgrades I could tear through the joke of digital security that was human telecom networks and find any information I wanted.

Ok, that was another case of me thinking of conventional technology as 'human' and not including myself. I really needed to keep an eye on that. The knowledge from Master Builder wasn't at risk of flooring me anymore, but there was no denying that is was from a decidedly mechanical perspective. Working with the technology of that power made it easy to fall into that mindset. I needed a way to remind myself. Maybe get a pickle jar and start putting quarters in it whenever I slipped up? I could call it the mental dysphoria jar.

Setting aside the obvious power related alterations to my mind, I needed to become more active in tracking what was going on in this city. I might be bribing analysis from Tattletale with criminally cheap medical care but that was too unreliable to be my sole source. If I had a better monitoring system I could probably have headed off some of the chaos in the city's hero community, or at least been prepared for it. They might have tinker level security on cape related systems, but there's no practical way to protect the entire internet, especially if I can get a serious computational set up.

For that I need to build a neural interface. I've had the theory for the technology since my Grease Monkey power, but now I actually have the capacity for it. Getting that rolled out would actually let me take advantage of the kind of hardware I can build, plus be a huge improvement for my A.I. development. I just need to make a series of sensors and transmitters delicate enough to target and read individual neurons along with an advance enough computer system to be able to map, process, and transmit data in a meaningful form.

Wow, a few days ago that would have been borderline impossible. Now it's just a matter of doing the drudge work.

When I got back to my apartment Garment was still slowly typing responses into twitter. I half wondered if she was still working on the same tweet, but a glance confirmed she seemed to have adopted the policy of single word replies she'd been using for Youtube comments. It might seem a bit odd, but this was twitter. I'm pretty sure someone runs a joke account from the perspective of Armsmaster's halberd. A glove account making single word statements to fashion tweets is basically par for the course.

I got a half-hearted wave as Garment continued slowly typing a reply to some account with a medusa head inside a circle for their profile picture. I left her to it and opened up my workshop.

The first thing I did was check on the nanite confinement. There was no degradation in the field strength and the nanites had maintained their integrity. It looked like this would actually work! I was a matter of days away from every nanite application I could ever want. I just had to keep maintaining the transfers.

On that note I prepped the chamber for extraction, grabbed the input port and activated my now restored nanites. I should have seen that detail with scarring coming, but it wasn't like they could cause any more changes. This was just going to be a regular medical overhaul every time I attempted transfer. The 'damage' had been done and at this point it was at most a preventative measure against pathogens.

Once again my skin lit up with glowing blue circuitry with the lines on my hand bending towards the containment vessel. I stood there, counting down the time as the process would ran its course. After a few minutes the transfer petered out and I checked the progress. Once again it was successful and now I had a high enough concentration in the chamber to actually attempt some nanoassembly.

This was going to be delicate work. For one thing I hadn't experimented with direct nanite control before. I had a solid understanding of the capabilities of the nanites, but there were so unfathomably many of them that wrapping my mind around the idea was a challenge. I basically had to avoid thinking about fine mechanics and only focus on objectives. Additionally I had to modify the containment chamber to give it access to raw materials. This had the risk of causing a containment failure and dispersal of nanites, but I was confident in my ability to make it work. It just meant I had another construction project before I could actually start the nanoassembly.

I elected to work directly in the containment vessel rather than try to manage a nanite transfer system. I was basically jury rigging most of this with the help of my Master Builder power and there was a lot of places things could go wrong. The easiest option turned out to be a pseudo airlock that I could attach to the vessel and use as an entry point for raw materials. Fortunately at an elemental level computer parts weren't that difficult to source. The doping agents were more of a challenge than the silicon, but easy enough to acquire in the miniscule quantities I'd need.

It took some creativity and another couple of high powered magnets to manage everything, but eventually I managed to fully load my raw materials into the containment chamber. With some apprehension I laid my hand on the side of the vessel and concentrated. Glowing blue lines spread from my hand across the casing of the chamber. I could feel the multitudes of nanites floating inside the containment chamber. I could extend my will to them and direct their actions. I could feel them strip the materials down to their base elements. I could feel the assembly process begin, layer by layer of silicon wafers manifested at the atomic level. I could feel the exhilaration of controlling the world on a scale that to most people is just an abstract theoretical landscape. And I could feel the Celestial Forge move again because it had absolutely no sense of propriety.

I scrambled to stabilize my crafting as all the reach I had built was used to connect to a larger mote from the Size constellation, one the same strength as Master Builder or Nanite Removal and Control. It was called Hybridization Theory and the power let me literally combine two machines into one. I could basically mash a pair of disparate devices into a single functional mechanism with twice the power they had individually. It was mind boggling what this was capable of.

There were limits. Hybridizing something that I had already hybridized would get complicated to the point of probably not being worth it. Merging two items with independent A.I.s would just be asking for conflicts. If I tried to work on items of significantly different scales there could be issues with power distribution that would require extra work to resolve. Beyond that this was flawless. It was the perfect combination of the features of any two machines I could want without impacting size, weight, power use, or any aspect of their individual utility. I could combine a tank with a fighter jet and not lose any functionality or advantage of either form.

This one power had effectively doubled the utility of everything I could make. Hell, if I just hybridized an item with a copy of itself I could instead just double the power of everything I made. I didn't even need a separate machine, I could build the hybridization in from the start. It would even be less resource intensive than constructing both items independently.

I looked down at my current work, the largely awkward set up from my attempts to merge a nanite containment and fabrication chamber. This power naturally lent itself to combining vehicles, weapons, and other large scale machinery, but it was just as effective at small scale applications. Applications like allowing a containment chamber to function as a manufacturing facility without compromising the integrity or function of either device.

I focused on finishing the processor I had been working on. Knowing the equipment I could now be using made the previously wondrous process tedious. Yes, I was doing near atomic scale construction of what was a true tinker level microchip, but I could now see every extra step that would be eliminated when I was able to overhaul the containment unit. The inconvenient placement of resources, the poorly positioned assembly space, even the tedious manner I had to use to extract my finished product from the chamber.

I looked down at the square inch of plastic coated silicon wafers. It was a good processor, but it was mind boggling how much design and careful assembly had gone into such a tiny object. Despite my best efforts I hadn't been able to get the transistors smaller than three nanometers. With my current supplies there were some limits I couldn't break. Maybe I should move on to optical processors? They were a big step up from what I was working with, but a lot more difficult to integrate into conventional electronics.

Also my design powers had run a bit rampant when I was finishing the casing. Most microchips made due with a plain plastic casing and printed label. They typically didn't have quite so much engraving in their design and I'm fairly certain the use of illuminated script for processor labels was against some standard industry practice.

I set the chip aside and got to work on my first hybridization project. It was strange watching this work with my level of technical knowledge. This appeared to be mechanically sound, but actually it was entirely facilitated by my power. Effectively it didn't matter how different or contradictory the devices were, I would still be able to perfectly integrate them. That's why stacking hybridizations wasn't possible. In order for that to work I'd need to reverse engineer the first hybridization and somehow get it to function without my power facilitating things. It was possible but would get more difficult the further apart the machines were in function and principles. I could probably merge two guns, look at the result, and build something that would function without my power holding it together. That example of a combined tank and jet would be significantly more difficult. Also, the more I nested the hybridizations the more complicated figuring out the necessary engineering would be.

None of that was an issue for this project. In short order I had a successfully combined nanoforge and containment vessel. This was something I could probably have managed with some design work and careful assembly, but with my new power I could basically mash it together and call it a day. I could easily feed in raw materials for assembly and extract finished products without any of that nonsense with attached vacuum canisters. Right now the only limiting factor was nanite concentration and my ability to direct them.

The new apparatus neatly fit in with the other equipment of my workshop. Once again I was thankful that this place seemed happy to cover the power requirements of anything that counted as crafting equipment. Without that the electricity draw of the magnetic suspension field would have been crippling. It was easily the most advanced fabrication device I had access to, even if the build volume was barely a hundred cubic centimeters. I was limited to very small objects, but considering that I essentially had to direct nanites on an atomic scale I'm not sure I could handle anything bigger. Not until I managed to devise some kind of automated construction programing.

My nanites had nearly recovered from the previous transfer and loading a third allocation would make construction substantially easier. Eventually the limiting factor would shift from availability of nanites to my ability to direct them, but that was a ways off and there were some potential methods to address it. I would just have to maintain transfers as my nanites restored themselves, which could get tedious, but the results were well worth it.

A nudge from my passenger made me realize I had forgotten to eat dinner. Weirdly I wasn't that hungry. Was that the nanite activations? I knew they cheated on conservation of mass and could work directly on chemical compounds. In theory they could restore a person's blood sugar, available nutrients, and energy reserves. I hadn't been thinking about it, but I hadn't really been thinking about anything but activating as many nanites as possible. I had gotten kind of complacent thanks to my understanding of the principles at work rather than the practicalities.

On reflection I wasn't feeling that burn in my muscles that I'd grown used to after a hard workout. I really needed to use my Laboratorium to start picking through exactly what this healing was doing to my body. Instant recovery was great, but there was a chance it would be effectively erasing the benefits of my workouts. It was too late for that now, but the next time I did a post workout healing blitz I needed to make sure I was under the best scanners I had.

Still, food was important. Even if my nanites were helping I didn't want to rely on them until I knew exactly what was happening and any limitations or side effects they might cause. I slipped out of my workshop past Garment who half waved at me while continuing to type. I moved into my kitchenette and checked what I had available in terms of provisions. There was a stark divide between my earlier supplies of cheap high protein foods, beans, lentils, canned tuna, and plain yogurt, all blankly labeled generic brands in bulk portions, next to the set of brand name and flavorful foods I had splurged on after my first payment for criminal services.

A better person than me would probably feel some guilt or conflict over this. But that theoretical better person probably hadn't been eating discount health food that tasted of wet cardboard for the better part of two weeks. I dove into the good food and felt no remorse.

Also, master level alchemy knowledge partially transfers to cooking skills. At this point I probably could have managed something decently appetizing even with my earlier ingredients, but with my ill-gotten quality food the result was positively succulent.

As I plated the results of my cooking spree I turned to find Garment waiting with her laptop held in front of her. I glanced at the screen and winced.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

She excitedly tapped the open page, then gestured at me.

"Look, that's a whole different beast from Twitter, much less Youtube. I know you're excited, but maybe give yourself a bit more time to get used to things online before you try it."

Her body language looked devastated and she made a forlorn motion towards the screen.

"Look, how did you even find that?"

She navigated to another tab. Okay, cape fashion Twitter accounts. That made sense. And wow, Garment had retweets? Who was retweeting single word commentary on fashion topics? Apparently cape fashion twitter accounts, obviously. Still, it seemed a bit odd even for social media.

Actually, checking her activity for the night she seemed to be handling herself fairly well. Considering how caustic these communities could get I was kind of impressed. I looked at the other tab and Garment's expectant motions.

"Alright..." She looked positively electrified. "But you have to be careful. I mean you need to review full terms of service, community guidelines, don't get into arguments. All that. And everything from before still applies, but even more so. No personal information or revealing details that could lead back to you."

All through my lecture Garment was making excited gestures of affirmation. I sighed and started filling in the sign up form. I confirmed her email and updated her account with the picture from her Twitter profile. Just to be sure I brought up all the site rules and guidelines and went through them with her. Finally, it was all set and I was certain I had done everything I could to prevent this from ending in disaster. I loaded the up main page for her new account.

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I handed over the Laptop and hoped for the best. Garment was practically skipping on her way back and settled in with a level of focus I hadn't seen from her outside of clothing design and assembly. She was still typing with the speed of a glacier. It was kind of odd seeing such excited body language contrasting with the slow methodical searching for letters on the keyboard.

My cooking proved appealing enough for me to finish despite a lack of appetite. Afterwards I cleaned my dishes and made my way back to my workshop. The first thing I did was complete my fourth nanite transfer. Once this computer project was complete I needed to work to improve the efficiency and draw rate. It was still a novel experience, but I'm fairly sure after the twentieth time I had to spend three and a half minutes grabbing transfer conduits while focusing on activating every nanite in my system at the same time it would wear a bit thin.

Once that was completed I started work on my computer system. The night was getting on and I would probably have to put my alchemy work on hold until tomorrow. Those potions might be amazingly useful, but there was a serious time sink involved in getting to a place where I could make them without being discovered. The abandoned chemical factory remained the best idea I had, but it took a long time to make that walk. Taking my motorcycle had been my plan, but in that neighborhood I would probably attract less attention if I showed up in full cape costume.

Weirdly, that unmarked van the Undersiders boss had provided would be perfect for that application. That is, it would have been if it wouldn't have exposed the location of my secondary base to a parahuman crime lord rather than just to the residents of one of the more run down areas of the Docks.

The Celestial Forge missed a connection to the Clothing constellation as the transfer finally concluded. With four transfers worth of nanites and a proper assembly structure I was able to fabricate computer parts at a greatly accelerated rate. My Rationing power was still effective at the nano scale and was proving to be incredibly useful. A major portion of this kind of work involved stripping down other materials. Since I wasn't working with pure elemental samples that meant I had to pick apart my feedstock to remove impurities or hunt for trace elements that I needed. Rationing let me make sure that any odd elements or useful compounds were properly squirreled away for later use. If you think that kind of thing is handy in vehicle manufacture imagine what happens when you're working on an atomic scale.

The real problem with working at an atomic scale was, well, you were working at an atomic scale. I could construct incredibly advanced components, but the more complex they were the longer it took, especially if I was building anything bigger than a grain of sand. I was manually directing everything. Holding the complete plans for a processor in my mind was hard enough. Without external reference I just couldn't manage construction of the more complex items I knew how to build. Actually, without the mechanical mindset that came with Master Builder I probably wouldn't have been able to manage this at all.

I could still handle assembly of processors, sensors, and various computer components. With some creative integration with the server parts I still had available and a bit of abuse of my latest power I was able to complete a combined computational core/neural interface. The work took long enough that I was able to make another transfer of nanites before I finished and it was close to midnight when I finally finished everything.

Despite the somewhat improvised and rushed job the project came together well. With my style powers it basically looked like a chrome throne positioned to overlook my workshop. Decadence had more than saved my rough work from looking anyway sloppy or unpolished, and that wasn't even counting the effects Bling of War and Stylish Mechanic were having. The point was that I now had a properly powerful central computer for my base, not that human crap I'd had to work with before.

Okay, that was another one. Probably time to start putting quarters in a jar.

Alien mindsets aside I had a proper mind-machine interface directly hybridized with the most powerful system I could build. That is, could build without getting into exotic physics applications. It was close to the level of those ancient church computers from my Laboratorium and much less creepy. There was still a little creep factor with the read/write access the thing had with the brain of anyone who sat in it, but that was the point. Proper speed-of-thought access to a digital system.

It was late and I needed sleep, but there was no way I was going to leave testing this until the morning. I climbed into the seat and started the neural mapping. It was a complicated process even with how technically advanced the system was. I had a conventional interface to help guide things and was working in machine code to build the framework that would let me directly access the computer with my mind.

Process came in a series of flashes. I was effectively writing and reading directly to my brain, an insanely dangerous process for anyone who didn't know what they were doing. Each calibration triggered a bout of synesthesia where I could suddenly hear the color purple or thought the room smelled like a fog horn. But with each flash I felt the connection grow deeper and more substantial until the room fell away and suddenly I was existing as a computer system.

The difference between building the interface and computer core separately and combining them with my Hybridization Theory power was immediately apparent. This wasn't directing commands to the system, it was like the entire computer was an extension of my body. I could feel every process running and sense its connections to every other system in the workshop and apartment, from the still running driving simulations on my motoroid to Garment's continued meandering through cape forums. If I could scale this interface down to a reasonable size I would be able to assume direct control of any vehicle I could create like it was my own body.

I needed to check on the development of my Fleet program and this was the best space to do that. I partitioned a section of processing resources and connected with the now laughably primitive control system piloting my bike. I was able to gain remote access through a virtual environment and see how the software was developing. I immediately found a major problem.

In a world where any tinker can churn out a shockingly well programed drone most people wouldn't expect there to still be a place for robotics engineering. Most people think that about science in general and are kind of blind to the fact that conventional technology advancement continues even when people are building laser guns and teleporters in their garages. Trying to get an actual non-tinker robot to develop certain skills can be challenging, particularly when you leave exploits in the environment for them to take advantage of. Try to teach a robot to avoid obstacles and it starts driving in a way where its sensors can't detect collisions. Train it to pick up green marbles and it will find a way to point its optical sensor at its own power LED. Those kinds of blind stupid exploits are all over the place and my A.I. had found its way into one.

It was designed to simulate piloting a bike effectively. It was also responsible for programing the test environment it was using to run simulations. In short it had managed to learn to perfectly drive a motorcycle without crashing provided it was on a perfectly flat straight road that was about fifty thousand miles long.

This was probably a consequence of leaving the program running without input for so long. With the processing resources of the core computer I could accelerate development, but there was still the problem of it potentially optimizing along another stupid path. It needed some kind of counter agent to actually drive improvement.

And I needed data management resources. Maybe this could present a solution to both problems. I set aside the Fleet A.I. and started work on a new neural network. It was basically a survey program, designed to analyze and simulate environments. I could initially feed it map data for it to create virtualizations of roadways for the Fleet program. It would help the other program's pathfinding development, and prevent those errors that grew in isolation.

The work came together slowly, but in many ways better than when I had set the basis for my fleet program. I was working with a lot more technical knowledge at this point and was able to make subtle optimizations that it was too late to include in the other program. It started basically, with a generation of flat 2D maps for the Fleet A.I. to develop on, simple geometric shapes. Eventually the two programs were playing off of each other with Survey designing simplified models of entire cities with rough three dimensionality and Fleet picking its way through them.

The development was fascinating to watch. Survey was pulling data continuously and starting to extrapolate details from incomplete sources, generating estimated road conditions and visibility estimates. Fleet was massively improving as well, actually stressing its handling and navigation skills.

I was in the middle of all of it. Incredibly I could practically sense the development of both programs and the feel of the artificial world being constructed around me. It was easy to get caught up in the sensations, but eventually the exposure became uncomfortable. There was an off-putting sense of motion, and disorientation in something like a rhythmic sense, almost as if I was being shaken.

Hold on.

I disconnected from the interface to find a frantic Garment standing over me. Concern spiked as I took in her appearance. I had never seen her this upset. It wasn't just the way she was moving. There was a slight delay in the way her clothing synchronized with her glove movements. It was like she was having trouble literally holding herself together.

"Garment? What's wrong?" She made some frantic gestures towards the workshop exit and I followed her trembling form as she led the way back to the apartment. I quickly checked my watch. 3:34am. Somehow I had completely lost track of time while connected to the system. What could have happened while I was out of it?

There was no obvious sign of disruption when I exited the workshop. The apartment looked fine, but Garment was frantically gesturing towards the laptop sitting on my old desk. I approached and immediately saw the source of her distress.

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In the reply field Garment had started typing something, but had apparently given up to come get me. The only thing there was a brief string of letters spelling out "I M SORRY".

I looked over the list of bans and infractions, then at Garment's distraught and much more importantly disheveled appearance.

"All right," I sighed and gave her a tired smile. "Let's see what we can do."

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Hybridization Theory (Zoids: Legacy) 400:
So one day you had a bit of spare time after your daily Zoid admiration hour. After taking a close look at your favorite Gojulas and your favorite Mad Thunder, you decided that if the Gojulas could wield the Mad Thunder's Magnesser Drills like an arm weapon, you could probably reenact that scene from the show you watched two days back on the professor's hi-def television.
Those mechanics can slap on parts and scavenge however they like. You can literally merge two machines together into one, with twice the processing power as before. Mind you, Zoids typically won't respond well to suddenly sharing a body with another core and another mind, but you'll have ethical uses for this...right?
For most mundane machinery, you don't need any power source besides your own, but be careful that should you make your machine too big, the internal power supply might not be enough to feed it.
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