Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

And Backuda's specialty is broad enough that she might be capable of making healing grenades (especially with the boost she got) and probably can do something like a grenade-launching prosthetic leg, or a rocket leg.
All of her "bombs" have been, at least broadly speaking, destructive. Also, the boost she got, it was temporary, though I suppose it could return if she feels extreme inferiority or whatever her trigger event was based upon. But I believe her trigger event did *not* involve physical danger or damage, or fear of such. So her headspace shouldn't be that close to her original trigger event anymore, assuming the injuries she sustained have some kind of psychological impact on her. On the other hand, facing abject defeat and overwhelming proof of her own inferiority, I suppose there is a remote possibility of a second trigger?
If she can turn people into glass, then logically speaking, she should be able to turn people healthy with one of her physics defying bombs.
If she can turn people into glass, then logically speaking, she should be able to turn people healthy with one of her physics defying bombs.
Turning people to glass is a lot less complex and less nuanced than intricately understanding and reversing damage to diverse biological forms. Not to mention shards hand out healing powers very rarely, why would they give such a potent and easy one to a bomb tinker.
Turning people to glass is a lot less complex and less nuanced than intricately understanding and reversing damage to diverse biological forms.
Yeah, but turning people into glass like Bakuda does, does not fall under "explosive" as much as "one time use" and "area of effect".

So, following that logic she should be able to create a one time use healing device.
Yeah, but turning people into glass like Bakuda does, does not fall under "explosive" as much as "one time use" and "area of effect".

So, following that logic she should be able to create a one time use healing device.
Well she can already make a time stop bomb.
Maybe she'll make a rewind bomb and turn herself back to how she was a day earlier.
Now I'm picturing her doing that and accidentially resetting her memories along with her body.
Yeah, but turning people into glass like Bakuda does, does not fall under "explosive" as much as "one time use" and "area of effect".

So, following that logic she should be able to create a one time use healing device.
All her 'one time use' 'area of effect' things are destructive in nature and combat-oriented, I don't see how that lends itself to making a healing effect. She is a tinker not a magic user that can make whatever effect she wants with a one time use device. Though the author has already buffed her a lot so who knows maybe she can make healing bombs despite everything to do with parahuman powers and shards being against it.
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...Bruh, the amount of stuff this guy can get up to with his new shit.

Guy could probably make an entire crew of Transformers at this point, with the only limit being Fleet.

He better start brewing them double potions, and leave one clone to make more cause that stuff would be great for the rapid progress he's gonna need.

Also ngl I kinda wanna see what would come out if he made a Valkyrie Core, sadly that wasn't included in the old Celestial Forge.
clones are vary sshort lived 5 mins at most
True, but considering how much he was able to get done before, combined with his most recent powers, he is essentially a one man factory. Remember those knives that he struggled to make in time? At his current level he can mass produce them infinitely (because of Workaholic).
clones are vary sshort lived 5 mins at most
8 minutes and 43 seconds to be exact. I Think.
True, but considering how much he was able to get done before, combined with his most recent powers, he is essentially a one man factory. Remember those knives that he struggled to make in time? At his current level he can mass produce them infinitely (because of Workaholic).
The guy's probably a tinker 13 going on what I heard about T15

It has been added to the revised version.
Which section? Also I think the author said something about not adding new stuff to the original selection?
The guy's probably a tinker 13 going on what I heard about T15

Which section? Also I think the author said something about not adding new stuff to the original selection?
Well I wouldn't go that far yet, by virtue of Simurgh and S9 still being a threat. However on AO3, someone asked what the rating would be for the full Forge and Lord replied this:
"It's tempting to make some glib answer like 'tinker: Yes' but the fact is that power ratings are to define threat response and once you cross the S-Class threshold they don't really matter that much. Joe is already capable of s-class threats in AI development, the Generator Rex Nanite event, Gray Goo, and Life Fibers. Once they're calling in literally everyone they can deploy and declaring a villain truce the PRT rating numbers don't matter as much as the specific counter measures.

The highest rated tinker in cannon is Tinker 15 who's rating is, unsurprisingly, tinker 15. The character is basically Noelle as a tinker, controlled by his shard while kept half conscious as a check for the designs. He was able to build almost anything and could secrete any materials necessary for construction. He built a tower that would have torn the atmosphere off of the the planet in multiple universes if it hadn't been destroyed. With the full Celestial Forge Joe would be much more powerful than him.

The threat response to the full Celestial Forge would be something like open the Birdcage and start handing out the good Cauldron vials for free. So far we've only seen the relatively cheap items from the forge. They get a lot more powerful and they compound on each other. Here's a scale of higher level items.

500 Points: Titan's Blood (God of War) Mastery of an element, titan powers, ability to sense disruptions in the planet and can take a form that's 45 feet tall, super strong, and super durable.

600 Points: Strong Spark (Girl Genius) Spark on the level of a Heterodyne or Wulfenbach, reality warping science that also comes with that fun mental instability.

800 Points: Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist) Lose an arm, get Hohenheim level alchemy mastery, no circles necessary with all the squishier aspects included (Philosopher stone creation, Making homunculi, ect)

1200 points: Maker (Darksiders) Take the form of one of the Makers from Darksiders with supernatural powers of creation. Make matter from nothing, life from clay, or spells from ideas of the mind."

As you can see with the last one, this isn't even tinkering anymore, this is straight up godmode.

Also the author said that they wouldn't add anything on a whim, but if the Forge is officially updated then they would consider, in fact, I believe they are chipping into the new Forge as well.
There's a link a few pages back, is a project where the community is updating the CF with the newers and updated jumps, in the section is toolkits and knowledge I believe.
....I really hope you're not talking about the Valkyria Chronicle stuff.

I was thinking of BAHHSCQ's Valkyrie Cores, the ones with a built in pocket dimension that upgrades stuff. Also integrates technology

Also the author said that they wouldn't add anything on a whim, but if the Forge is officially updated then they would consider, in fact, I believe they are chipping into the new Forge as well.
Well, that's a spark of hope. Valkyrie Cores can get hilariously fun to customize since they're pretty versitile in application, from Battleship Cores to Arcology Cores.
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Bakuda (Deceased) Lieutenant of Lung. Half-asian tinker, member and once-temporary-leader of the ABB. Specialty in advanced bombs, including gravity, time-stop, physical distortion, cryogenic and flesh-to-glass transmutation effects. Imprisoned in Birdcage and summarily killed by Lung. Resurrected as Glaistig Uaine's puppet.

quoted directly from Wildbow's website, cast section. as you can see her specialty is Advanced bombs, just as a heads up if you ever want to speculate original cast powers that's where you should go first, that way you know and aren't taking your guesses from the half remembered depictions after reading a lot of fanfiction.

based on this and the twist that I've seen in this story I believe it to be possible for healing bombs but don't actually see it happening due to, in this story, it seeming to be that her bombs are random for her. I mean she knew what her bombs did most of the time but it seemed like the descriptions through the story lead to her not knowing what she's making until after the fact, only being able to direct what it will be used for. (by used for i mean implanting, grenade launcher, mortar, and rocket launcher [as there were rocket launchers used for the drones])

it should also be noted that she didn't make the grenade launchers, mortars, rocket launchers or anything else that propelled her bombs, she just made the bombs, nothing else.

but really everything is speculation at this point, I just want to see how the MC will deal with the ABB now, or if someone else will like in cannon.
Omake 2 (Mystical Arcane)
Hey guys, I've decided to try my hand with Sterlyn at making a PHO board.

Unfortunately, I don't know shit about it, anyone else wanna chip in?

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♦ Topic: Khepeiron vs Unlimited Fashion Works (UFW, Kaleido, By Design, Fashionable Chemistry)
In: Boards ► Capes ► Shipping
(Original Poster) (Verified Shipping Troll) (Verified Insane)
Posted On Apr 17th 2011:
So, earlier a few days ago, I saw the Garment introduction, as did the rest of you.

I also saw the Apeiron introduction.

Now, I heard what Apeiron said about Khepri, but I also, through mystical means, feel as if Apeiron is engaged to Garment instead.

So, dear PHO boards, entertain me with your words as you argue about who Apeiron is engaged to!

I mean, with an outfit like that, I'm thinking of turning homosexual...

(Showing page 1 of 42)

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Khepeiron is obviously the most official, I mean, did you HEAR what Apeiron said about Khepri?

Just another pedophile in the bay.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Shut up, Void. Now, on the subject and discussion for shipping, this is a relatively new one! And oh boy, I am delighted!

Now... The ship that I support, and am in one hundred percent agreement with, is obviously Kaleido. And I know you're questioning my thoughts, so let me tell you why!


Replied On Apr 17th 2011:

THIS USER HAS BEEN GIVEN AN INFRACTION. Why do you constantly type in caps? This is the 7th time you've done it and screamed at another user.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Why is it always cats with you?
►Flechette (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
I think Garment's cute...
I also gave her my number.

►Tattletale (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Garment is... an odd character.

Apeiron's outfit, though, does have influence from Garment so the two have connected and have probably been around each other before, to what extent I don't know. Garment also has some weird... Body, possibly a case 53.

Oh, and no, Apeiron doesn't see Khepri that way.
But Khepri definitely sees him that way. *wink*
►Regent (Verified Cape)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Oh? Is Tattletale lying?

Obviously, Apeiron has a thing for Khepri.
I mean, I've seen the heart eyes he gives her.

And she loves him right back.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Oh you fucking assholes, talking shit to me.
Also, 3 capes? So Garment's either gay, straight, or bi.

Great, useful information. *Sarcasm.*


Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Apeiron's packing, I can see his muscles through the suit. Holy shit does he look fashionable.

Look, like it or not, if ANY of these girls gets him, THEY'RE LUCKY.

LOOK at that fashion sense, the CARE he has towards his clients, and his VOICE!

Oh my, the fucking VOICE.

►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Alright, I love that dude's entrance, but it's obvious he has a thing for younger women.
My vote's on Khepeiron.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:

►Broodmare (Banned)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?!

That image is NOT meant to be displayed to human eyes.
P.S. Your art skills are TERRIBLE!
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
I am the 14th comment.

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
I came here to roast 14ReasonsWhy.

You are the ultimate pile of shit that no one ever likes, you're the motherfucker who actually thinks you're worth anything. I'll tell you what, motherfucker. I've decided I'm going to find you and butcher you.

You are the ultimate pile of uneducated trash that ever existed and it's a shame I have to waste my talents sniping you online.


►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Stop it. This is getting derailed.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Whyyyy :(
It was funnn~!
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Wait, someone was talking about me?
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
I tell you, Garment is fake. Khepeiron all the way. Also, Apeiron looks like a retard.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 40, 41, 42
Hey guys, I've decided to try my hand with Sterlyn at making a PHO board.

Unfortunately, I don't know shit about it, anyone else wanna chip in?

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♦ Topic: Khepeiron vs Unlimited Fashion Works (UFW, Kaleido, By Design, Fashionable Chemistry)
In: Boards ► Capes ► Shipping
(Original Poster) (Verified Shipping Troll) (Verified Insane)
Posted On Apr 17th 2011:

A frighteningly accurate deception of unmoderated online interactions. Also proof that if Scion had a PHO account he would have started his extermination 5 years earlier and considered it an act of mercy.

Got a title for the omake threadmark?
Stop dawdling and get to building you suicidal loon. Everyone now knows about you and are coming. Stop procrastinating!!

You aren't a Tinker! You are a bloody Nascent Godling of Mad Science and Creation! Stop acting like a Worm peon before it leads to you getting shanked by Contessa and the Simurgh. Get the damned teleport working so you can keep your Domain sealed without impeding travel into and out of the workshop.

NB: this is meant to be a comedic take on your character's latest chapter. The actions he makes after his trauma induced epiphany . LordRoustabout

Speaking of shanks I now have decision for tomorrow's dinner proteins lamb shanks and Rocky Mountain oysters with a side of Visayan pork dinuguan. Thanks amigo
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This chapter was definitely fun at the later parts, but the first third definitely felt like a slog because it really feels like its trying to justify yourself for Simian and trying to cover for any possible avenue of attack for potential critics. I also really don't like how it tells us about the recap instead of just showcasing it (especially since it isn't from an interesting nor relevant perspective), even if it can't showcase all the damage at once. I'd rather not know how far the extent of the damage was until later chapters where he might visit wealthy areas, an interlude or chapter with New Wave, or an interlude with Gallant. It really reads like you've taken his criticisms to heart, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's affecting your writing in a negative way.

But thankfully, after that, it gets much better and I absolutely love Garment being a hero, it definitely makes me happy. I really hope Garment gets more attention and does some Rogue stuff, with possibly a collaboration with Parian. I'm eager to see what happens with Flechette but don't try to fill the next chapter with it, because he really needs to deal with making stuff, even if that can be hard to balance. I know that whatever you've got in mind with Flechette will likely be interesting, just try to get some stuff built. I'd really like it if the character made something for her as a sort of peace offering, I think it'd be fascinating.