Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

What about normal villagers? They will both be spawned by Joe powers and definitely going to die because of zombies if he doesn't help them, like they always do
No, Joe's Minecraft perk will only give him access to the Nether by allowing Nether Portals to be built within the workshop. There's no indication the Overworld will be accessible, and there are no Villages in the Nether.
here in lie the fundamental flaw with translating Minecraft to real life, you can't make a villager farm because people can't survive in a big box without food and breed like rabbits

if you put people in a box, they would climb on each other shoulders and pull the others out, so you can't add realistic humans with villagers
That's not translating Minecraft to "real life" though. That's assuming the world of Minecraft actually functions on pure game mechanics, and that people from other dimensions would literally be stepping into a game-world if they travelled there.
I remember someone saying on Quora that you could have infinite energy with a single Redstone block, but that's dubious
I believe Lord has commented on this. I don't really remember what he said, but I'm fairly certain it was a de-confirmation of any infinite energy red-stone shenanigans.

Does anyone have a link to this post, or am I misremembering it existing?
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I'm afraid I have some bad news. I ran into some delays tonight and it looks like I'm not going to have the chapter ready in time. If I wrote until the last minute I might be able to get something finished, but as much as I like holding to my weekly schedule I don't want to put out something rushed. Sorry for the late notice, and I can promise a longer chapter next week, closing out the interludes before we get back to Joe in the following chapter.
I'm afraid I have some bad news. I ran into some delays tonight and it looks like I'm not going to have the chapter ready in time. If I wrote until the last minute I might be able to get something finished, but as much as I like holding to my weekly schedule I don't want to put out something rushed. Sorry for the late notice, and I can promise a longer chapter next week, closing out the interludes before we get back to Joe in the following chapter.

Maybe this has been asked already but is there any reason you can't just finish tomorrow and post it then instead of a week from now?
I missed something...did Joe get minecraft powers? Damn it, I'm going to have to reread that review chapter... Joe's ADD got so hard to absorb that I just skimmed the last half until he quit thinking and did something. You should have called that chapter:

"Yo dawg, I heard you liked derails, so I got you 15 of them just for this chapter."

It's a little wordy, but it's far more accurate than "review".
I'm afraid I have some bad news. I ran into some delays tonight and it looks like I'm not going to have the chapter ready in time. If I wrote until the last minute I might be able to get something finished, but as much as I like holding to my weekly schedule I don't want to put out something rushed. Sorry for the late notice, and I can promise a longer chapter next week, closing out the interludes before we get back to Joe in the following chapter.
To be clear, I don't think anyone's too upset, Lord. If anything, it's reassuring to know you're still keeping to your schedule and writing consistently. Delays are fine as long as we know you still care about this story, you know?
I'm afraid I have some bad news. I ran into some delays tonight and it looks like I'm not going to have the chapter ready in time. If I wrote until the last minute I might be able to get something finished, but as much as I like holding to my weekly schedule I don't want to put out something rushed. Sorry for the late notice, and I can promise a longer chapter next week, closing out the interludes before we get back to Joe in the following chapter.
Oh no... I guess we will just have to live with the disappointment of waiting another week for what is months worth of content from mere mortals. How terrible.
Roustabout, it's fine - the last chapter and interlude totalled, what 40k? That's half the length of most books for one chapter and a bonus. You're all good man, relax.
Maybe this has been asked already but is there any reason you can't just finish tomorrow and post it then instead of a week from now?

Lord has to work I'm pretty sure. And they generally keep to the schedule they set. We'll get the chapter when they can post and they feel it's ready. It'll be Gucci.

Edit: Hope the rest of your week goes well Lord, and thanks for the heads up :)
I missed something...did Joe get minecraft powers? Damn it, I'm going to have to reread that review chapter.

After a lot of searching through the thread, as far as I can tell, no, he did not. Unless it was buried 7+ chapters ago and never brought up.

From what I can tell,, this guy:
Okay so let's say he makes a few really stronk Withers.

Brought up the idea of withers out of nowhere. Then this other guy:

the golem-type lifeforms available to Joe once he has Minecraft metaphysics could be pretty interesting.

Just started off about "when" Joe gets minecraft like it's guaranteed to happen soon and then everybody started riffing off of that. I too was incredibly confused.
Lord says he couldn't get the ready chapter in time for the weekly update but that same chapter is likely already in the 10k word count if not close to it already. Let us all just sit back for a moment and appreciate that fact.
Its not the delays that are really bothersome. Its the subverted expectations that are a pain.
If Roustabout's schedule was every 2 weeks, it would be the greatest thing EVA!
But since they have expectations for themselves on the order of EVERY SINGLE WEEK, when they can't meet their incredible and laudable goal to the volume and quality they desire, there is a sense of disappointment and a brief moment of a rug being pulled from underneath. thus, I am not mad, just disappointed.
I think Lord is planing to make the next chapter the size of a small novel, not that I'm complaining.
I hope everything goes well with whatever delayed you, Lord. You should take care of yourself, I don't know how you write so much. I would have definitely ended pulverizing my wrists from writing so much in your place.
Thanks for doing the research. I have been putting off reviewing 'review' since the headache from the first read was still there.
Minecraft would be cool, but I don't think it would be cartoonish. That's just how it got represented in our world, much like the original star trek set design exactly matching Joe's blueprints, but real world stuff led to the finished product being different than the reality it bled over from. Or maybe it's the other way around.
I've read a couple minecraft crossovers that make extensive use of nano machines and pocket dimensions to make it work. I'm curious what kind of lore would be given for wtf a Steve really is. My guess is some kinda remnant of an advanced civilization that did a lot of work on cybernetics. Or maybe genetics, Steve's abilities could be the result of splicing in some enderman and those chest things...
wtf a Steve really is
An avatar for an Eldritch Being taking amusement in interacting in a limited sense with a world below theirs that nonetheless bears some resemblance with what they know. Something far beyond the other inhabitant's understanding that death has no hold over, that purposefully limits itself but if it so chooses could become a god of creation, immortal and untouchable. (Yes, I rediscovered the wackiness the is Elder Scrolls lore recently, what with CHIM and Zero Summing and the like. Why do you ask?)
Lord, your chapters are so big you could take a month break with no warning and I wouldn't even blink
The delay is fine for me and so is the content what is really starting to bother me is the pacing of the story seems so slow.