Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Alright. Let's assume, that by some cosmic miracle, that Joe loses to whatever idiots the PRT throws at him.

They have him. Now what? They don't know where his workshop is, can't access it and will probably have him under sedation or something for a while so that whoever authorised that suicide mission has enough time to scratch their head and wonder what to do now, *insert plankton png*.

They already have gotten 'evidence' of another cape working with Aperion via the Gundam, presumably still with access to that robot, the drones, the motoroids with the laserbeams, and maybe a stockpile of exotic missles.

Somewhere in Brockton Bay. In a hidden workshop they can't find.

And remember, they have Aperion. Now what? They now have another cape, outfitted with Aperion's arsenal and army, and a giant mecha, out for their blood.

They don't even know about the AI for god's sake!
Don't forget that they also believe that his technology is unstable and fail-dangerous on a strategic level.
Is there a Pokemon jump inside the celestial forge? That Pokemon Omake made me want to get one and I'm sure they would be a fantastic animal companion. Joe will need to cuddle with something for therapeutic reasons with the family meeting approaching
He should make some better therapy things for his therapist. Maybe also adopt all of Bitches doggos. Possibly even make a few extras as dedicated emotional support floofs. In fact floofs for everybody. Taylor gets some moth floofs.

Possibly a Lamp of moth floof projection spawning as well so that she can floof people with them but it'd probably be important to have semi-sapient ones that love her enough for her to feel through her powers.

Speaking of his therapist though he might want to get a assistant AI, or some other created being, to help him out and/or get his help with the Undersiders. Particularly Alex. I suspect that suddenly having his coping mechanism torn away like he's had is bad for a persons health. Or possibly good for their health if taken advantage of to develop better coping mechanisms and emotional responses. I'm not a fucking therapist. I don't know these things. That's kind of the whole point.
Possibly a Lamp of moth floof projection spawning as well so that she can floof people with them but it'd probably be important to have semi-sapient ones that love her enough for her to feel through her powers.
And that's how Joe accidently created the Radiance. A sentient moth like floof (with lasers) that can fade in and out of people's minds with the purpose of making them feel better.
And that's how Joe accidently created the Radiance. A sentient moth like floof (with lasers) that can fade in and out of people's minds with the purpose of making them feel better.
The Neathbow would probably be useful for doing that wouldn't it? Probably a good idea to avoid sapience though if at all possible. Just have them stay as close to being mindless projections as is possible.

Edit: I know that Fallen London has dream invaders already but I feel like something like a animate memory might also work.
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the real problem is that kill order basically burns every bridge Apeiron with any legal organization
That's not an immediate kill order.
Pre-signed kill-order is a kill order that was approved but is not yet in effect and condition to it to becoming active in Joe's case is deployment of more WMDs. Blasto has a pre-signed kill-order that will become active in case Blasto makes something that can self-reproduce. The reason why such 'conditional kill-orders' exists is because Courts/Authorities take a while to approve such things, 'a while' during which target will have capacity to spam more self-reproducing tech, fertile monsters or deploy more WMDs 'unimpeded'.
It should be technically possible to safely work as a rogue or an independent despite having one. It is not yet active despite being signed (empty date field?) and has no bounty (yet).
But how on Earth does Piggot not see that giving a Kill Order on Joe is gonna backfire spectacularly.
Piggot is between an 'anvil' (PRT/public) and a hammer (Apeiron/whole situation), she merely choses what she thinks is safer. Besides pre-signed kill order might not backfire, it's not like Joe is planning to use WMDs.

Joe: Ok, no WMDs or kill order becomes active. I can work with that. WMDs are so obsolete anyway, nowadays I throw around localized singularities.
A pre-signed kill order on Joe is likely to backfire, but Piggot can't know that.

P.S. Blasto found about his by browsing stolen PRT database, it didn't go public. But in Apeiron's case it looks like Piggot was going to 'air' it.
Honestly, I think Uppercrust owes Piggot a small apology, he's basically wrong about the idea that having contacts in or lines of dialogue with the Brockton Bay gangs would have been useful.
It would have been immensely useful. A proper contact inside ABB and Piggot would have known about Lung tracking Undersiders (after Undersiders stole from Lung). Instead of just Armsmaster on the scene, there would have been a whole 'welcome party' and a lot earlier.
The latest perks would cover the construction, but does Joe have designs for city-scale shields? I was thinking of Armorer, but forgot it's just personal equipment and not the hive's Void Shields.
Not sure about designs, but he has Scientific background for StartTreck shields, those should be reasonably easy to deploy on large scale.
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I have been a member on imgur for months, but I just now realized that it provides tools for you to make memes quickly and simply. In celebration of this realization, have a currently relevant meme. Link
Piggot is between an 'anvil' (PRT/public) and a hammer (Apeiron/whole situation), she merely choses what she thinks is safer. Besides pre-signed kill order might not backfire, it's not like Joe is planning to use WMDs.

Joe: Ok, no WMDs or kill order becomes active. I can work with that. WMDs are so obsolete anyway, nowadays I throw around localized singularities.
A pre-signed kill order on Joe is likely to backfire, but Piggot can't know that.

But Piggot can know, and rationally deduce, a more likely scenario (from their perspectives) of how a pre-signed kill order that's been leaked could backfire. One of the WMD's after all was the Death Laser Joe used to shoot down highly volatile ordinance. Soooo Bakugo-err, Bakuda's last stand and she launches all the last bits of her volatile.

Press: Major damage was done to Bakuda's last volley of ordinance. Apeiron, why didn't you shoot them down?
Joe: Well, you see, PRT Director Piggot has a Pre-Signed kill order that prohibts me from using anything classified as, in their eyes, a 'WMD', unfortunately that includes my anti-Bakudo ordinance laser. Sooo, sorry about that but it was out of my hands.
Press: Major damage was done to Bakuda's last volley of ordinance. Apeiron, why didn't you shoot them down?
Joe: Well, you see, PRT Director Piggot has a Pre-Signed kill order that prohibts me from using anything classified as, in their eyes, a 'WMD', unfortunately that includes my anti-Bakudo ordinance laser. Sooo, sorry about that but it was out of my hands.
Better yet, if the pre signed kill order hasn't leaked yet and she has warned him about it then he can just play a record of her/her command forbidding mc using tactical weapons even against high priority targets. He can play the 'see, I'm so good doggy that does what the smart PRT says.' 'I'm controlled and directed purpuse.'
If you're talking about Mannequin, his name was Alan Gramme.

Alan Grant is the doctor in Jurassic Park.
Plot twist: he did indeed mean to say Alan Grant. Alan Grant happens to be a mad biotinker that focuses on extinct creature's.

Let's be real though, the Nine would be at least 35% less lame if you replaced Mannequin with a motherfucking dinosaur.

Though, sadly, not even riding on the back of a T-Rex would be enough to make Jack cool.

I really, really liked the 'pragmatic old man' bive he was giving too (though I don't really know is he is old at all), that I felt that any moment he was going to say 'bitch, please' helped too.

Judging from the timeline cues referenced, Uppercrust is probably in his early or mid 40s. Older than most (active, living) capes, but not exactly elderly.

This is fucking delicious.

Most stories which take Piggot to task for not getting herself healed leave an awful taste in my mouth, but hearing it from a character like Uppercrust - someone who has his biases, but has a justifiable reason to hate her behavior by the same measure - both makes it a lot more understandable and a lot more moving.

I'm going to guess that has to do with most stories brushing aside any actual reasons (both good and bad) she has for not getting healed in favor of ostentatiously "proving" how smart and sensible the protagonist is compared to everyone else, sometimes with a side order of coercing Piggot into being healed against her will and treating that as an unalloyed victory for the MC. :V

That said, my favorite version of it was in Projection Quest, where Taylor's autonomous projection was (at the time) kind of a manipulative asshole and pulled the "coerce Piggot into accepting healing" thing without permission and behind Taylor's back for reasons that seemed to be mostly wanting to flex on the PRT without anyone being able to claim harm was done. Like yes, thank you, if you're gonna go that route at least have the narrative acknowledge it as a dick move.
If you're talking about Mannequin, his name was Alan Gramme.

Alan Grant is the doctor in Jurassic Park.
Thank you, corrected.
was for
Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
I think this was meant to be sphere's name which is Alan Gramme.
Thank you, corrected.
The biggest problem with Joe trying to rebrand into a new hero persona would be... the quality of his work, and his uncontrollable 'special effects' perks.
"I am 'Endless' the new hero of -" *smash cut of the words "ENDLESS THE HERO" appears in everyone's vision* "Brockton bay.. why is everyonelookingatmelikethat? I'm not Apeiron! I swear!"

I see one way to change the Kill Order meeting that would be really easy to twist: Give Lung the kill order. If it's retro-actively applied to him due to his size, then everything Apeiron did to take him out was justified.
Thank you, corrected.
Drunk / Religious Rambles

Thanks to Katillno on Discord for the idea!
Thanks for the omake.
This is a continuation of my Never Again omake, in light of Uppercrust's visit and LordRoustabout not getting Joe out of the Workshop yet in canon. (Meaning he could still spend a day cleaning up Dust spillage, spend all night working on Minovsky containment research until 3 am thinking occurs, and lead a squad of a dozen teenage witches in leotards and Striker Units to clean the Docks up the next day. It's obviously not going to happen that way, but it hasn't been invalidated yet.)

Emily Gives Up​
Thanks for the omake, and the reminder of just how much more dangerous 3am thinking has become as the story progress. Considering it started at the point of giving Taylor a magic murder sword that is a very concerning prospect.
Digging up PRT data to refute them is only gonna lead to further charges, but I was inspired:
A Response / "Reconsider."
Thanks for the omake.
This was written at a time so late it was early. I apologize but only a little bit.

The Most Powerful Llama in the Universe
Thanks for the omake.
Can't find my original post so I'll just copy from a doc I made
Also sorry for reposting the same questions this the only time I'll do it but these questions plague me

So the person Joe gives spiral energy to is limited to not be able to surpass him right? Is that limit gonna disappear once Joe triggers the endgame scenario just like the limit on how many people he can give spiral energy to? Also are the descendants of those he gave spiral energy to or his own descendants gonna just have spiral energy not influenced by the forge? Or how about people and species not at all related to those he gave spiral energy to getting spiral just because it's saturating the universe?
Not that I really expect people to be able to surpass Joe by then especially with the rest of the forge in consideration just don't like the thought of spiral being limited
Also will Joe once his spiral energy rises enough and in combination with other perks of his be able to fully understand and control the forge, perks, and fiat effects maybe make his own?
Granted I know that's extremely late game maybe epilogue even just wanna know.
Probably uses mobile. Signature does not show up on mobile. I think Lord should make an informational post that has links to the discord, tvtropes, tvtropes wog page, wiki, AO3 and FF, Forge pastebin v1, etc.

Just as an FYI, signature does show on mobile — but only in landscape orientation.
Let's be real though, the Nine would be at least 35% less lame if you replaced Mannequin with a motherfucking dinosaur.

Though, sadly, not even riding on the back of a T-Rex would be enough to make Jack cool.
Mannequin is the kinda man who one day decided that he was going to build himself a mech and he was not going to let his arms and legs stop him. I liked him so much better when I recognized that he best not thought of a as a cyborg, but a small-ish mech that just so happens to look vaguely human and is piloted by every organ he could not find a way to get rid of.
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Thanks for the omake, and the reminder of just how much more dangerous 3am thinking has become as the story progress. Considering it started at the point of giving Taylor a magic murder sword that is a very concerning prospect.
'What if 3 am thinking happened?' is the perfect excuse for just about any omake silliness we could want to write.

Joe using classy contortionist and inexplicable innuendo to deliver the classic tsundere line with devastating memetic force? 3 am thinking. Joe dressing as Sailor Bubba instead of taking a rule 63 potion? 3 am thinking. Joe pulling it off regardless because his sailor fuku was made with all the perks? 3 am thinking.

Joe's clones doing wacky shit that he feels he needs to follow through on? 3 am thinking and the knowledge that they won't have to put up with the fallout.

Having a drag race with Squealer that results in seducing her away from Skidmark and fixing all her myriad health issues? 3 am thinking but at least she's not Professor Hebert's daughter or a friend thereof.

Giving Gully a 5-foot-tall naiad-type body with bark-brown skin, green hair, a soprano that sounds like a cascade of silvery bells, a perfect complexion and facial beauty that's beyond human without seeming unnatural, and sparkling eyes that one would gladly drown in? 3 am thinking to not realize the size of the C53 pilgrimage that's about to start.

Piggot waking up one morning a hundred pounds lighter and with all internal organs present and in tip-top shape? 3 am thinking.

Glory Girl's tiara suddenly looking more amazing than ever, with her aura control issues mysteriously clearing up? 3 am thinking.

Wet-tinkering some mechadendrite interfaces so that Joe can 'when in Rome' while using the Laboratorium? 3 am thinking.

Telling PHO that his shaker aspect sometimes conjures equipment, and he hadn't had time to properly upgrade his Gundam yet? 3 am thinking, yet so tempting at times. (Also, explaining that his 'only I can do this' stuff is due to his shaker power figuring out alternate reality physics setups that permit human life while also permitting exotic science effects.)
Just as an FYI, signature does show on mobile — but only in landscape orientation.
Lol, yeah, I've been informed already. Got a lot of replies on that. Probably should put an edit in that post to let people know I now know. Still, I appreciate the FYI. When I was first informed, I checked and then found that Lord had at some point added the wiki and tvtropes to his signature. Also I'll read in landscape mode more often from now on.
But Piggot can know, and rationally deduce, a more likely scenario (from their perspectives) of how a pre-signed kill order that's been leaked could backfire. One of the WMD's after all was the Death Laser Joe used to shoot down highly volatile ordinance. Soooo Bakugo-err, Bakuda's last stand and she launches all the last bits of her volatile.

Press: Major damage was done to Bakuda's last volley of ordinance. Apeiron, why didn't you shoot them down?
Joe: Well, you see, PRT Director Piggot has a Pre-Signed kill order that prohibts me from using anything classified as, in their eyes, a 'WMD', unfortunately that includes my anti-Bakudo ordinance laser. Sooo, sorry about that but it was out of my hands.
Or alternatively he could play chicken with their willingness to put the order into effect.

Completely unre...Partially relatedly I wonder if it would be a viable and/or good idea for Joe to make some crops or something that would be able to incorporate Minovsky Particles into their metabolism. It seems like both a good containment method, a good food production method, and a good way to dispose of the particles more quickly then they otherwise would.

Edit: properly unrelatedly did Joe Name Tetra, in the sense of applying a Elven Enchantment to her, or her act of feeding upon him during the March/Oni-Lee synergy event?
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Or alternatively he could play chicken with their willingness to put the order into effect.

Completely unre...Partially relatedly I wonder if it would be a viable and/or good idea for Joe to make some crops or something that would be able to incorporate Minovsky Particles into their metabolism. It seems like both a good containment method, a good food production method, and a good way to dispose of the particles more quickly then they otherwise would.

Edit: properly unrelatedly did Joe Name Tetra, in the sense of applying a Elven Enchantment to her, or her act of feeding upon him during the March/Oni-Lee synergy event?
He can't just give names out willy nilly, he has to name them during the creation process. So... no.
Completely unre...Partially relatedly I wonder if it would be a viable and/or good idea for Joe to make some crops or something that would be able to incorporate Minovsky Particles into their metabolism. It seems like both a good containment method, a good food production method, and a good way to dispose of the particles more quickly then they otherwise would.
Hey. Plants are self-replicating. KILL ORDER!!!11 :V
Machine army is just nanomachines so Joe would be pulling a harbinger.

While I wouldn't be surprised if they had nanotechnology I'm pretty sure that they're closer to Transformers, more specifically Typhon as done by the Transformers, then just pure nanotech.

That's kind of beside the point I was trying to make though. I meant that more along the lines of how they would react to the intelligence behind the Machine Army what with his responsibility toward his own AIs.

Edit: unrela...Possibly relatedly could Joe use Call Beads to connect others to his own power?
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