Thanks for the omake, and the reminder of just how much more dangerous 3am thinking has become as the story progress. Considering it started at the point of giving Taylor a magic murder sword that is a very concerning prospect.
'What if 3 am thinking happened?' is the perfect excuse for just about any omake silliness we could want to write.
Joe using classy contortionist and inexplicable innuendo to deliver the classic tsundere line with devastating memetic force? 3 am thinking. Joe dressing as Sailor Bubba instead of taking a rule 63 potion? 3 am thinking. Joe pulling it off regardless because his sailor fuku was made with all the perks? 3 am thinking.
Joe's clones doing wacky shit that he feels he needs to follow through on? 3 am thinking and the knowledge that they won't have to put up with the fallout.
Having a drag race with Squealer that results in seducing her away from Skidmark and fixing all her myriad health issues? 3 am thinking but at least she's not Professor Hebert's daughter or a friend thereof.
Giving Gully a 5-foot-tall naiad-type body with bark-brown skin, green hair, a soprano that sounds like a cascade of silvery bells, a perfect complexion and facial beauty that's beyond human without seeming unnatural, and sparkling eyes that one would gladly drown in? 3 am thinking to not realize the size of the C53 pilgrimage that's about to start.
Piggot waking up one morning a hundred pounds lighter and with all internal organs present and in tip-top shape? 3 am thinking.
Glory Girl's tiara suddenly looking more amazing than ever, with her aura control issues mysteriously clearing up? 3 am thinking.
Wet-tinkering some mechadendrite interfaces so that Joe can 'when in Rome' while using the Laboratorium? 3 am thinking.
Telling PHO that his shaker aspect sometimes conjures equipment, and he hadn't had time to properly upgrade his Gundam yet? 3 am thinking, yet so tempting at times. (Also, explaining that his 'only I can do this' stuff is due to his shaker power figuring out alternate reality physics setups that permit human life while also permitting exotic science effects.)