Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

So, does the Calling Card effect only work on video? Because if anything warranted it's use, this did, yet GG watching it live saw nothing unusual. Well, okay, Lung dying was unusual, but you know what I mean. Since Calling Card acts outside of time, it would be the only way to see this in detail since it happened FTL. Can't wait to hear how it was labeled by the effect....
Joe is the one with the Calling Card perk. That attack was all Fleet, from conception to execution.
Professor Apeiron (Darkchespin)
OMAKE: Professor Apeiron
(this is set after joe wakes up, and for some reason nothing has happened for a few days. Negotiations with the S class threat led to a single concession: Apeiron now works as a tinker in the PRT co-op program as a college professor, with all the benefits(tenure). Dragon is there making sure the scoundrel does his job.)

I was not ready for this. The last time I was here I fucked up two people's social lives and made numerous fails at being a college student. Now I am a professor. Why did Joe clone #3 do this to me? At least Dragon is here, I still need to find whoever is mastering her. Shit, I need to start the class. Time to focus on not making any innuendos.

"Hello class. I am your new professor for engineering. Please ignore your textbook. It is too basic for me to teach you anything interesting. Here are some ground rules. Number one: Ignore my posing, it is a thing I physically can't control. Number 2: Anything you have learned before now is probably not totally correct. That's just how it is, but hopefully you can deal with that. Number 3: I will not be letting anyone near the giant robot.

So, today's lesson is on Minovsky physics."

Oh shit, everyone has no idea what I am talking about. I forgot how far ahead of the curve Minovsky reactors are. Oh no, what do I do? Screw it, explain it from the very beginning. That's the only way anyone will understand what I am talking about.

"Minovsky physics is related to a single reaction that creates the particle responsible to the continuous EMP effect over the North Docks during "the fight" as you call it. The reaction in question is Helium-3 and deuterium reacting together to create Helium-4, a single proton, and the Minovsky particle which I will explain in depth later. This is a nuclear fusion reaction. Do you notice something strange about this besides the M particle?"

The class was silent. Eventually one of my old friends from college, Alan decided to bite the bullet.

"There are no neutrons being released?"

"That is partially correct. No neutron radiation is the main benefit of this reactor type, but I am getting ahead of myself. This is a clean nuclear fusion reaction. The main issue is finding the Helium-3 atoms needed to fuel the reactor, but you missed one key detail. There should be eventual deuterium-deuterium reactions which eventually cause neutrons to be emitted. This is where the Minovsky particle comes into play.

The Minovsky particle is an elementary particle like a photon or an electron. The M particle gets produced in the inner wall of the helium-3 reaction. Its main properties are a near zero rest mass though its mass does change with its potential and kinetic energy, the ability to carry either a positive or negative charge, and its natural tendency to spontaneously arrange themselves into regular cubic lattice fields called I fields. I fields are the reason the docks had a continuous EMP for a while. It takes around 29 days for an I field to naturally disperse enough to allow for normative electromagnetic communication.

I am explaining the basis for what I am talking about before we get into the nitty gritty of the reactors. I built a few to show what size they generally are though it could theoretically be miniaturized further."

I proceeded to whip out four hyper compact minovsky reactors I built for this class. I built four which meant I got twenty of them after workaholic activated which was more than the number of people in this room who are even in the engineering program. For some reason, the minute after they announced I was teaching, a bunch of people signed up for this class. Said signees were all most exclusively female, so it's probably my class sparking the love of science in people. I think I saw laserdream, but there are a lot of people in this room. I could totally be mistaken like that time I forgot what laserdream looked like.

"please don't overuse the generators when testing what they do. I don't need campus losing all functionality from EMPs."

This would appear to be a really dumb way to deal with teaching the dangers of I-fields and Minovsky physics, but I have AI who can monitor all the reactors. Thank you Survey. The reactors were heavily throttled barely capable of charging a phone, but this was needed to not overload anyone. The provided tablets gave specific data on what was happening with the reactor on the subatomic level. Again, thank you Survey.

Survey is ignoring me because of "somehow still not having cybertonium" even though I have had time to work on the alchemy. I should deal with that later. Aisha is a bad influence for a nice AI like survey.


Oh great, everyone thinks I just strategy tranced in the middle of my class. This is not going to look good no matter what happens. As if my powers wanted to make my life worse, which was very possible I rolled one of the strongest perks I have ever received, Equivalent Exchange.

Equivalent exchange was as powerful as master craftsman. That's just a fact. It was from the alchemy constellation and was flavored like cubes for some reason. Everything in context to the power just felt like cubes. Weird. The power itself was the most broken thing ever. I now had the ability to make indestructible equipment. WHERE WAS THIS A WEEK AGO!?!?!?! I NEEDED THIS!!!

This power was actually more powerful than master craftsman. Indestructible equipment would include a shin guard which would then reflect back to me and make me indestructible. This wasn't even the most powerful part of this ability. There was so much violation of the laws of thermodynamics my head hurt. I was violating them before, but now its just blatant "go create matter," instead of the infinite number of materials in my workshops and workaholic which had required some work to be done. This power let me automate the violation of the fundamental laws of the universe.

This was bonkers, but I need to move on. I am teaching and it looks like I am planning to pull a Bakuda right now. The student in front of me looked concerned but wasn't afraid I would murder her which was nice. Dragon on the other hand was noticeably angry, but I don't know why. I had more insight into her AI which was going on about some weird tangent about "students distracting Apeiron from the important things like me", but honestly, I didn't really feel like looking deeper into how dragon and her AI interacted. It's not my place after the Skulls almost killed the AI.

"what can I do you for?" Fuck. I made an innuendo. This is bad. I am going to lose the job I just got. She didn't seem to notice as she went to respond to my question.

"why are you teaching us about advanced nuclear fusion reactors? We can't make them. It's tinkertech."

I am insulted. All the tinkertech I have encountered was garbage, and this buffoon thinks she can insult my work? I cannot stand for this.

"Oh, you sweet summer child, I'm not a tinker. I'm Apeiron. This is completely reproducible by your hands the same as mine. I'll show you just hand me your groups reactor and I will go through the process slowly."

She ran off to go get her groups reactor when I realized that I knew her from when I was in college. We played DnD on Thursdays before I had to withdraw. I don't really remember her name which is mildly annoying, but things happen. I only remember the bad parts of college vividly. That's why I remember Sabah and my issues instead of game night.

Oh, she's back. Alan was with her group, so I was at least correct about her being adjacent to my old friend group. I have no idea why no one else was having questions, but everyone else seemed to just be staring at me which was weird. There is a cape that is here as a student. The mystique should be gone by now, and the staring was exclusively at me. Are there no Dragon fans in this class?

Now for the small reactor I made. Normally these are two meters tall, but with the power of gadget master and savvy sultan, it was portable enough to be carried by three college students. Hooray for bullshit miniaturization!

"I am going to strip the reactor down to its barest state. You won't be able to follow my movements, but that's not an issue. You just need to focus on what comes next." And then the reactor was disassembled. Just like that, I was done. I took longer talking then returning the reactor to base components. I of course only took like a second to complete this, but now I had the exact number of materials needed to walk someone through making a reactor.

I don't know if my power-based miniaturization is replicable by someone that isn't me. I should get some extra materials to be safe. Probably should just move this to somewhere that isn't a lecture hall. This could be a good teaching moment, give someone a practical demonstration outside and then more people will learn from that one person and then the people they taught can teach it Ad Infinium.

"Alright, now for the Fun part. We need to go outside to properly facilitate this experience, but this shall not be private.

Now we will be going outside for the best part of this class, learning how to make the technology yourselves!"

Hi everyone

Here's another fanart, My take on Apeiron's Motoroid
You can see a bit of influence from gundam and ironman. :)

This took me a long time to finish. Hope you guys and gals like it.
This is absolutely fantastic. I am constantly impressed with your talent and the quality of your work. Thank you the amazing artwork, and for all the time you dedicated to it.

Non Canon Omake

Why PR is in PRT
Thanks for the omake.

OMAKE: Professor Apeiron
Thanks for the omake.

I know this is "March should be Dead" post number 1,000 on this page. I'm trying to help it be understood why there is overwhelming dislike for the events that played out around March.
If you won't allow Joe to win then there is NO point in him fighting.
This was a very expansive post, and one that lead to revisiting of a great deal of the material I tried to put to rest with my previous post. I understand that, given the scope of this post there must have been some significant emotions behind it, but it did come immediately after I said:

Frankly, I'm tired of talking about March.
This was actually something of an understatement in the interest of maintaining a civil tone. I have been dealing with this situation for the last five weeks. I have made multiple attempts to address my reader's concerns both in response posts and in a series of interludes intended to convey a more accurate picture of the events in question. I have been fielding this issue through feedback on multiple sites ever since I posted the chapter, a significant chapter that was the product of considerable effort over two weeks, and only led to the need for more effort following posting it.

I am more than tired of talking about March. I am exhausted with this subject. The amount this took out of me caused me to seriously consider taking a break from the story, or at least stepping back my posting schedule for a while, perhaps shifting to a series of interludes. I decided that I wouldn't consider doing so until I had finished the Vicky interludes and provided full context to the events of the last chapter and hopefully put the matter to rest. However, it seems that multiple public statements and over 45,000 words of additional context is not enough to resolve this matter.

I appreciate all of my readers, and want to resolve this issue, but the fact is I do not have time for this. I have commitments beyond this story and time I spend dealing with this issue is time when I am not writing. At this point I don't know what I can do other than push the next chapter back a week and spend all the free time I would have devoted to it instead addressing public concerns over March's fate. If it would resolve the matter I might be willing to do that, but as it stands I don't believe even that would be enough to satisfy the readers who keep raising this issue.

The one point I find particularly contentious is the implication that I did not think out the scene in question, that I ignored established rules of the setting in favor of pressing a particular outcome. Given the amount of work I have put into this story I am less inclined to be charitable in the face of that assertion. As such, I am starting to lean towards statements that are more blunt and confrontational in comparison to the tone I try to maintain. Still, I will try to curate my response as much as I can.

I do not want to start another round of arguments, but I am more than done with this topic. More than five weeks of this has burned through my patience. Every minute I spend on this issue is one I am not spending on the next chapter, and the next chapter needs all the attention I can give it. The aftermath of the attack is complicated, and structuring a chapter with multiple points of view while the main character is incapacitated is not an easy thing. I do not want to end up with another delay, and this kind of discussing has become a time sink that I can't afford.

The community that has developed on this site has been wonderful. The insightful commentary, creative omakes, and incredible artwork are something I am very grateful for. I do not want to step back from the thread, I do not want to take a break from the story, and I do not want to let down the people who have invested their time, effort, and talent into this story. I want to keep this going.

If someone @'s me I will try to reply, so I hope I have addressed your post on some level. I do not think I will be speaking on this topic again, mainly because I would rather use the time to address reader questions or work on the coming chapter. I have been trying to stay civil and understand where people are coming from through all of this, but at this point I don't know what else I can say on this matter without shifting into more inciting language.



Pardon me, @LordRoustabout. I know there's a lot of insane chatter going on in the thread right now, mostly repeating the same old phrases in a tired cycle of dusty drudgery, but please don't allow that to discourage you. This is a lovely fic, an amazing work of fiction (multitudes better than most published works of fiction that I've read), and your writing in this fic has moved me to tears (of joy and sorrow both) on far more than just the one occasion.

I apologize if pinging you is a violation of privacy, or some other social protocol, but I just wanted to let you know how much I love your work, and to do my meager best to show my support. Fight on!
Thank you, it does mean a lot to hear that. I understand most people communicate through likes, but hearing more detailed responses is really helpful. Do not worry about pinging me. I will try to address any direct questions or comments when I have a chance to do a sweep of the thread, so please feel free to reach out.

@LordRoustabout would you say that these recent events, confronting his own mortality, and now his surgery will make Joe reconsider his stance regarding wet-tinkering (on himself) for the better?

Not saying he should go full Astartes right of the bat, but a secondary organ ready to pump healing potion on demand, enhanced perception or being able to go into bullet time would have helped on the last fight.
Joe was already considering several enhancements, mostly using Generator Rex Nanites. Given that some passive regeneration would have made a big difference in the fight, that will be pushed forward significantly. The depth of what can be accomplished with just that technology is extreme. Combine it with Joe's other skills and things can get intense. Other wet-tinkering boundaries will most likely be broken by the duplicates through their attempts to heal Joe.

One thing that's important to remember is that Joe was actually dying during his fight with Lung. He was on a timer the entire time, and barely made it back to the Workshop before that time ran out. Facing anything less that 'city-killer Lung' would have necessitated immediate retreat as soon as Joe got control of himself. The current situation is serious, even for someone like Joe, and finding a way out of it without permanently harming Joe or Tetra is going to require diving further into medical and wet-tinkering principles that Joe himself was ever comfortable with.
. I am exhausted with this subject
I am giving you the world's biggest internet hug!

Also I find that the fact it was so controversial just shows how talented a writer you are. It takes a lot of effort and capability to make a story that we all love so much that we would all get so passionate over the situation.

All that said? I have very rarely read a story that has this amount of quantity and this large amount of quality, it is most impressive and all inspiring... Well done!

Lord I really appreciate all the work you put into this fic, and I appreciate that you are always trying to appease the people complaining about march. I think as of right now you have done more than enough fot the people criticisng the march situation and like you said it would be best that as of right now you simply ignore it since like you said anything you do wont please them so don't even bother wasting your time into something you and the majority of viewers dislike and instead focus more into what makes you and us happy, writing the story
The depth of what can be accomplished with just that technology is extreme.
If Joe and/or his duplicates finally get to properly program those freaking nanites things will seriously change. Even a small program that surveys his condition and automatically triggers the healing would give him valuable seconds.

Those little guys are pure bullshit and one of the things I have been waiting for is for Joe to properly use them. Rex as he was in the series would be classified as an A-lister, and that's as someone who never did much else with his shape shifting aside from mixing-and-matching "mundane" weaponry, Joe would be a different beast entirely.
Can we get a mod to put up a banner telling people not to talk about She-who-should-not-be-named? Or is that just a SpaceBattles thing?
Honestly on one side I'm tempted, but on the other hand I don't want this fic to become known as "That one fic that had to ban the bunny girl cause of complaints" because it deserves better fame than that.

I mean, I've seen plenty of fics ban subjects. It usually works better than expecting posters not to mention something they've been politely asked not to mention.
Firstly, amazing story Lord. I think I can speak for the majority of us that we all love the story and appreciate the massive amount of work you do to bring us this huge amount of quality content in such a short time frame. Secondly, how do you guys think the enhancements the clones are implementing into Joe's body will interact with the Master's body perk? Will they shift the curve of where growth becomes incredibly slow, or thanks to having unlimited growth be able to implement more enhancements than originally possible? Or something even more crazy?
I mean, I've seen plenty of fics ban subjects. It usually works better than expecting posters not to mention something they've been politely asked not to mention.
Not least because inevitably someone will read through only the story posts, by way of the thread marks, miss the argument Entirely, and bring it up again as a result. (This becomes less likely the more story posts that come after the point of contention, but never quite goes away entirely.)
Not least because inevitably someone will read through only the story posts, by way of the thread marks, miss the argument Entirely, and bring it up again as a result. (This becomes less likely the more story posts that come after the point of contention, but never quite goes away entirely.)
How about some sort of summary or link dump to pertinent comments by the author on the subject marked as an informational post. Label it "About the whole March thing" so if ever someone needlessly rethreads covered ground, they can be called out easily.
LordRoustabout. I get it. I do. I also hate to tell you... the salt will not stop. There will always, always be 'readers' who only ever skim over what you write. Who do not pick up on things, even when outright stated. Who establish a headcount and will not be dissuaded from it regardless of what you say in our out of story.

Additionally to that, some of these people will even seemingly put in far more effort into screaming about everything you're doing 'wrong' then actually assimilating the content of whatever they're complaining about. People will always be wrong on the internet, and utterly unable to be assuaged regardless of any lengths to go to on their behalf.

Most will admittedly not be nearly that... vocal, or uh... let's say inventive in their arguments.

This is kind of the price of success really. Just basic statistics. The more people who are involved in something, the greater odds of the improbable occurring happen simply because of raw opportunity. If five million people watch a show, where there are 'one in a million' odds of someone being inspired to so something awful, then well... statistics state there are now five people doing something awful.

You have made note repeatedly that you never expected the story to explode like this. I get that, but unfortunately because it has exploded, because there are so many people reading it. Some percentage of them will not be paying full attention. Some of these people not paying attention will complain, and some of those people who are complaining because they didn't pay attention will be both loud enough to make huge rants, and stubborn enough to ignore anything that could prove their idea of things wrong.

You're going to have to well... learn to filter out the nuts like any other popular person.
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful. Do not make use of slurs.
what sir stone said there will always be fucking morons out there being fucktards. and to the mod about to sanction me I am not talking about the mentally disabled I'm talking about people who are willfully behaving like they are in fact having bouts of retardation of there own making
Just want you to know that I love your fic my fellow Lord, and that I am among those who simply wish to move past the March issue. I think I speak for us all when I say that the subject has been discussed to death at this point. If after all of this the naysayers still aren't satisfied, then there's nothing left for it. They'll never be satisfied no matter what explanations you give, so you might as well not waste your time and mental energy trying to please them.

Also I would like to check if you think you can have this week's chapter out, or if you need to delay?
Can we get a mod to put up a banner telling people not to talk about She-who-should-not-be-named? Or is that just a SpaceBattles thing?
LordRoustabout. I get it. I do. I also hate to tell you... the salt will not stop. There will always, always be 'readers' who only ever skim over what you write. Who do not pick up on things, even when outright stated. Who establish a headcount and will not be dissuaded from it regardless of what you say in our out of story.

Additionally to that, some of these people will even seemingly put in far more effort into screaming about everything you're doing 'wrong' then actually assimilating the content of whatever they're complaining about. People will always be wrong on the internet, and utterly unable to be assuaged regardless of any lengths to go to on their behalf.

Most will admittedly not be nearly that... vocal, or uh... let's say inventive in their arguments.

This is kind of the price of success really. Just basic statistics. The more people who are involved in something, the greater odds of the improbable occurring happen simply because of raw opportunity. If five million people watch a show, where there are 'one in a million' odds of someone being inspired to so something awful, then well... statistics state there are now five people doing something awful.

You have made note repeatedly that you never expected the story to explode like this. I get that, but unfortunately because it has exploded, because there are so many people reading it. Some percentage of them will not be paying full attention. Some of these people not paying attention will complain, and some of those people who are complaining because they didn't pay attention will be both loud enough to make huge rants, and stubborn enough to ignore anything that could prove their idea of things wrong.

You're going to have to well... learn to filter out the nuts like any other popular person.
I appreciate everyone's support. To clarify, I'm not trying to dictate what can be discussed on this thread. There's no need for a banner or any kind of official stance. Talk about March as much as you want, I just won't be part of the conversation. I've made an attempt to engage with my readers as much as possible, but this is a point where I will have to just step back. Anyone looking for more answers on the topic will not be getting them from me, and I regret having to take that stance, but it is what it is.

Mizuki_Stone is completely right. I didn't expect this fic to become popular, and I didn't have any strategies for dealing unsatisfied and vocal readers. So I am taking his advice and filtering them out. I have made all the effort I can spare to address this topic, and I am moving on. I still feel people should be able to vent on the forum, but I'm not going to engage them over the subject of March, or really any other contentious issues of chapter 41.

I have always felt statements about ignoring someone or something were a bit crass, and that's not my intention here. I'm just saying I won't be following up with anymore feedback regarding events that have already been covered several times.
Just want you to know that I love your fic my fellow Lord, and that I am among those who simply wish to move past the March issue. I think I speak for us all when I say that the subject has been discussed to death at this point. If after all of this the naysayers still aren't satisfied, then there's nothing left for it. They'll never be satisfied no matter what explanations you give, so you might as well not waste your time and mental energy trying to please them.

Also I would like to check if you think you can have this week's chapter out, or if you need to delay?
The status of this week's chapter will depend on how much writing I'm able to get done over the next couple of days. If there's going to be a delay I'll try to get the announcement out at least a day in advance, but I'm hoping it won't come to that.
You're going to have to well... learn to filter out the nuts like any other popular person.
In particular... often, if you find a topic that makes some subset of people yell at you, the worst thing you can do is stop and try to address their complaints in-story. Most of the time that just seems to result in keeping the same issue in people's heads for however long the ongoing attempt to address things takes, which just lets the complaints compound. Saying "I'm sorry you don't like my story choices, hopefully your concerns will be addressed as it moves on" is often the best course of action. Ultimately, if you don't think you want to change the story in the direction they're asking for, spending time and energy explaining in greater detail what happened is probably just going to drag things out. 🤷🏻‍♂️

(Not to say that people yelling at you can't be right sometimes, and maybe sometimes you have made a mistake... but that's the tough call to make.)
So... just going to weigh in, and say this is awesome. Also, I like how you handled March. Mostly because its just her going through with her Wards plan... likely sparked a bit early due to seeing some of Joe's tech and her shard feeding her info, and now it backfired to an important aspect changing, as she jumped the shark. Her survival after the events? Eldritch Shard Fuckery. Which, due to you writing it in a confusing and poetic manner, was a very good eldritch explanation :D

Looking forward to seeing how things go from here... and I LOVED the reactions to him!
As a mostly lurker, I kinda want to put in my two cents: I actually like the direction this story went regarding March. It allows March to be a continued source of conflict in the story which might other be wise lacking. If we rely on the more distant threats of Scion, End ringers, Cauldron, and the plot-armor-as-a-superpower character (Contessa), then I'm afraid I'd at least lose the sense of tension that's been present in this story for the last arc. Having March still out there as a para-zombie gives me a more visceral feeling of fear than these abstract threats.

Also, this story is what helped me break some of my fanfiction addiction. So many of my other stories just felt pale after binging this
Mizuki_Stone is completely right. I didn't expect this fic to become popular, and I didn't have any strategies for dealing unsatisfied and vocal readers
Turn the anxiety from vocal critics into joy. Get that schadenfreude.

"You thought March was bullshit before. I'll show you bullshit. Muhahahaha!" Writes climax where everything is going right for Joe but it's suddenly interrupted by March and brings him to ruin.

i feel like Wildbow cackled a lot when he wrote Amy as the Red Queen. "You think she's your precious woobie that can do no wrong. I'll show you innocence. Hahahaha!"
Do you guys think that March has soured Joe's perception of rabbits? Will Joe be able to appreciate the cute, fluffy potential murderbeasts? What about adorable bunny girls?
Since everyone is chiming in on this atm, just wanna throw out there that I actually quite enjoyed the way thing's played out with March. She was built up to be an incredible threat, and she was able to follow through with it, nearly killing Apeiron when to anyone else he would have been almost invincible. Now she is removed as a direct threat, getting a deliciously ironic fate bestowed upon her, while still leaving open the posibility of others using her to some other end going forward. My only complaint is that without an explanation from the fine folks over on discord, I wouldn't have been clear on what exactly happened to March in the end, but I guess that's just me.

Anyways, as everyone has been saying, this story is amazing! keep up the great work, and don't let the (very few) haters bring you down!