Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

It seems PHO has already discovered his civilian identity, the secret lovechild of Hero and Alexandria.

Really, Tattletale ought to be embarrassed she was out-supersleuthed by randoes on the internet.
Admittingly I don't have much hate for the PRT/Protectorate as others do, but I find their opposition to our MC to be quite a nuisance. Honestly I just hope to eventually get some cooperation between them because, while Joe will be a god by himself eventually just imagine if he can outfit every hero with amazing equipment that may compliment their powers
Velocity: Impact rune gloves and gauntlets so he can just knock out every villain in the city before they could even react
Dauntless: Copy his equipment's effects so that he can move it to even better equipment Joe can make for him (things would be even better when Joe can make Dauntless charge faster)
Battery: Impact everything to make her hit like a truck and perhaps an invincibility effect to buy her time to charge
Armsmaster: I don't even have to list why being able to get into a working relationship with him would be great, especially since this would give Apeiron a line to Dragon whom he can help and work with.
Honestly, I would be happy if that were to happen, but considering that this looks like it was engineered by Piggot and Armsmaster I dont see this happening.

Piggot because of her hate of capes, especially those that could become S class threats like Joe can.

Armsmaster because he is doubling down on his assessment because his pride cant take that there is a new cape out there that is already doing stuff that completely outclasses them.

The reason why I am looking forward to the confrontation is that I know that the PRT won't back down unless they get Joe on a leash. Which frankly would just be a hindrance to what he can really do.

After all do you think that they would let him build half or the stuff that he is working on right now? Hell if they found out about Fleet and Survey they would demand that he get rid of them because they are AI.
I just read it to the last point yesterday. And here is a new portion of technoporno, stretched over 21k words. Amazing.
No offense, I unexpectedly liked the text, but the amount of technical details and completely unnecessary details per square centimeter just physically kill any possible reading pleasure. I don't think I opened America with this statement - dozens of people have already said the same thing before me. I'll just be another of these dudes, okay?
Also, the amount of words that were literally spent on the Duet of Idiots and Bakuda, to be honest, upset me. Or rather, not so much the waste itself (but this too), but also the fact that at the very end - After All This - they made the Classic Escape of the Villain !! Heck. If during the next one they are met by the protoganist does not shoot them with an annihilator cannon or, at least, shoots them in the kneecaps with an explosive large-caliber projectile, I will be seriously upset.
In the meantime - power technoporno. Hooray?
Seriously, I would be very grateful for more human chapters where human people are human and discuss current things and show their reactions. For example, a PHO head half the size would be a blessing.
Honestly, I would be happy if that were to happen, but considering that this looks like it was engineered by Piggot and Armsmaster I dont see this happening.

Piggot because of her hate of capes, especially those that could become S class threats like Joe can.

Armsmaster because he is doubling down on his assessment because his pride cant take that there is a new cape out there that is already doing stuff that completely outclasses them.

The reason why I am looking forward to the confrontation is that I know that the PRT won't back down unless they get Joe on a leash. Which frankly would just be a hindrance to what he can really do.

After all do you think that they would let him build half or the stuff that he is working on right now? Hell if they found out about Fleet and Survey they would demand that he get rid of them because they are AI.
You make a good point, a shame though, I find being able to create/do things to help people to be far more satisfying. I just wonder how we can get everyone to cooperate other than using coercion. I feel like Armsmaster will have to concede though, there's no way he can deny that Apeiron is a tinker anymore. The thing I'm curious about is just how many losses the PRT will take before they decide to accept help from Apeiron.
As for Piggot, I'm not sure, she seems irrational until you have to realize that: Villains outnumber heroes by a large margin, the most potent capes (other than Cauldron capes), are either evil or insane, the dude called her insane and has put her career in jeopardy because (from her eyes) he says it passingly without evidence other than having a thinker power.
Although she is making it worse for herself in our eyes, masters are very dangerous and honestly really put everything into question, no-one likes the idea of someone you trust stabbing you in the back because they were Simurghed or told to by some psycho cape that felt like abusing their power

But overall yeah, Joe gotta kick some ass and takes some names if he wants to be the savior of the Earths.
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Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Right, and I forgot about all of those little teenage girls who are built like supermodels, move like death, and can shred a Protectorate Ward without a second thought, so LADY Khepri is obviously 14 or 15 years old.

Taylor NEED to read that comment, it would do so much good to her self-esteem.

"I doubt it." She said with confidence. "When I talked to him he seemed kind of embarrassed about how he spent the day, like I caught him goofing off. He's probably taking it easy for a while. We should have a few days before we see any more surprises."

Lisa, Lisa, LIsa you've seen nothing yet, barely the tip of the iceberg.
As I tried to work out where this place sat in relation to the entryway and noticed a door at the end of the laboratory. A large, gothic, over decorated door.
I tried to work out
The next time I used the neural interface I could help upgrade that program to a reliable level or recognition, but for an independent development it was pretty impressive.
level of recognition
That suggested it was an active concealment effect, not just becoming transparent with the same refractive index and air.
index as air.
The duplicates were fresh, clean, and possibly even counter as chipper.
even counted
It did seem like the design powers provided some assistance is the drafting of transmutation circles and arrays.
assistance in the drafting
An omni-tool couldn't make another omni-tool, or anything on a similar level of complexity level.
of complexity.
"So what's next?" I looked over at muy duplicates.
at my duplicates.
My smirking duplicates had just returned heaving under the weight of the other half or Garment's price for her assistance. I don't know if she actually understood
of Garment's price
Stitches of novel and immense complexity dances into seams that were either totally invisible or perfectly complemented the outfit.
dance into seams
Garment slipped off my hands and mimed pulling on the stunning silver gown. Not merely a dress, but a full on magnificent gown.Once again I found
gown. Once
The skill, care and planning that hand gone into it was astounding.
had gone into
The duplicates that stepped out looked down at their barbarian armor clothing, then over at garment, who was still enjoying the scene.
over at Garment
The Laboratorium scans were able to confirm that increased in density and structural augmentations were occurring in place of just getting as swole as possible.
that increases in
Which was why training shifted from running around the workshop like a crazy person to sparing practice in the Garage.
"How bad was it for the Protectorate? I was the footage of the fight on the Rig and Lung's escape, but not the full impact."
I saw the footage
Outside of them, well I doubted I could say or do anything that would help the freed constricts.
I had pushed through a day or unfocused training and general upgrades
day of unfocused
Maybe he should shift to pentending to mishear it as 'appear on'. That seemed to be popular online, and presented all kind set up opportunities.
pretending to mishear
kind of setup opportunities.
He watched Lisa discomfort at the idea.
Lisa's discomfort
In the video they diminished, harmless sounds
they were dimished, harmless
Wow, this chapter sure brought a big boost in the protagonist's powerset and productivity, even if it was most of a chapter spent entirely in his dimensional space talking to himself (and Garment). T'was an enjoyable ride anyway, and the continued characterisation of his various powers (eg; Transformers dismissal of human technology, the clones being willing to argue or snark at the original, Garment in general, the little AI he made) is a delight to read.

Kinda curious how he'll rescue Weld, now, without the guy ending up fused to whatever submarine vehicle protag invents. You can't make wooden submarine, right?
And that though brought me back to my massive list of projects. I had a lot of work to do, and hopefully this time I would be able to get some more cooperative help since I was now properly fed and rested.
I honestlye did not expect it to look so appetizing.
missing space
"Yeah, well this wasn't my idea." It wasn't their idea either. I could blame future duplicates for the actions of past duplicates, meaning I was bringing into existence short lived intelligences with no accountability. I was damn lucky this was the worst to have come from it. "Are you good for the project?"

I would train with life fibers for ten minutes, the gorge myself to try to feed the augmentations being inflicted on my body, review the progress of my duplicates, including any little side projects they decided would be fun last minute additions, then repeat.
then gorge?
"How bad was it for the Protectorate? I was the footage of the fight on the Rig and Lung's escape, but not the full impact."
saw? watched?
Tattletale seemed to consider before answering. "We're managing. Taylor was still unsteady last night. She's going to rest for a few days, take some time to recover." Good idea. I wish I had the same option. "The rest of us are alright. Brian's been a bit off since last night, and Rachel and Alec are keeping to themselves, but they'll come around." That sounded more like an optimistic guess than a certainty."
extra quote?
But that wouldn't work. I needed to stay on top of the ABB. Outside of them, well I doubted I could say or do anything that would help the freed constricts.

He shoved his laptop away from him and struggled to breath.
Hey OP?

Just a heads up for you.
So long as Taylor is 15-17 years old in story, make sure the perceived romance between her and the MC doesn't really happen.

Let it remain as a shipping joke for the media.

The instant you even imply MC and Taylor might ACTUALLY try dating or something, the mods on Sufficient Velocity and Spacebattles will shut you down.

I am 99% sure you are aware of this due to comments made in story, just figured I could assure myself you are aware by warning you myself.

I love this story, it is the most well written Worm fic currently being consistently updated, so I don't want it shut down from stupid accusations of pedo writing or something.

So be careful with that, and I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
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Kinda curious how he'll rescue Weld, now, without the guy ending up fused to whatever submarine vehicle protag invents. You can't make wooden submarine, right?
That's easy enough to do. Weld doesn't have any trouble with Ceramics or non metals. Given his alchemy he can just cover his armor in a powder of graphite dust and then transmute it into a thin layer of diamond.
Hey OP?

Just a heads up for you.
So long as Taylor is 15-17 years old in story, make sure the perceived romance between her and the MC doesn't really happen.

Let it remain as a shipping joke for the media.

The instant you even imply MC and Taylor might ACTUALLY try dating or something, the mods on Sufficient Velocity and Spacebattles will shut you down.

I am 99% sure you are aware of this due to comments made in story, just figured I could assure myself you are aware by warning you myself.

I love this story, it is the most well written Worm fic currently being consistently updated, so I don't want it shut down from stupid accusations of pedo writing or something.

So be careful with that, and I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
You make it sound like Kheprieron even stands a chance compared to the glory that is Garment x Joe
I stayed up way too late reading this, but I couldn't stop. I'm very tired right now, so I may have missed some things, or gotten some things wrong.

That was a harrowing though and
As I tried to work out where this place sat in relation to the entryway and noticed a door at the end of the laboratory.
and -> I
upgrade that program to a reliable level or recognition,
level of
and even that with Evermore Alchemist being able
remove 'that'
accurate representations of me than that night of
and possibly even counter as chipper.
or anything on a similar level of complexity level.
lose a level
on my omni-tool and the duplicates's followed suit.
drop the '
"For the record Metal element runes
all the other sections were in ' ', this one was in " "
size and detail work than the four extra copies produced
work that
at the cost of having you computer look like part
the light of the magitek converted in the heart
I looked over at muy duplicates.
I honestlye did not expect it to look so appetizing.
The skills Garment provided me complimented
Stitches of novel and immense complexity dances
but with the rate they were working on passive scans would
working, passive
scans were able to confirm that increased
bounds of what the duplication potion could effect.
affect? too tired to google the difference again
At a signal from the second duplicate motoroid
duplicate the motoroid
like a crazy person to sparing practice
I was the footage of the fight on the Rig
was -> saw
more like an optimistic guess than a certainty."
stray "
take point in whatever response ends of being
ends up
anything that would help the freed constricts.
I had pushed through a day or unfocused training
day of
laptop away from him and struggled to breath
More of the former than the later
He watched Lisa discomfort at the idea.

High speed and maneuverability in motorcycle form (Boardwalk Video)
Boardwalk video? Like the day he took Garment for a ride in his 'civilian' identity? The same ride where he took his helmet off to talk to Crusader and Purity? Ruh roh.
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Why is the durability listed as an item instead of a power?

►Tinker's Hoarder (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
This is not the place for that debate. Take the hereditary arguments to the cape's main page. Without convincing evidence to the contrary a tinkers durability will ALWAYS be attributed to equipment and not a secondary power.

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
"Convincing Evidence"


-Durability that resist everything but spatial attacks
-Color choice of costume
-Apparent age lines up perfectly
-Well equipped, supplied, and trained on supposedly first appearance
-Broad tinker specialization and rapid assessment of new technology

What more do you want?

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
"-Apparent age lines up perfectly"

Right, and when exactly was that nine month window of absence that would line up with that perfect timeline?

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
You think they couldn't have built some kind of artificial womb or cloning vat? It's basic logic.
Ah yes, Apieron the obviously secret lovechild of Alexandria and Hero
►Tinker's Hoarder (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Until evidence to the contrary is presented it is being assumed by this site that Apeiron and the Undersiders, including Lady Khepri, are minors and should be regarded as such.

And once again, not the place for that debate.

►Frayed One (Banned)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Right, I forgot about all of those military trained sixteen year olds with clear combat experience.

Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Right, and I forgot about all of those little teenage girls who are built like supermodels, move like death, and can shred a Protectorate Ward without a second thought, so LADY Khepri is obviously 14 or 15 years old.

►Frayed One (Banned)
Replied On Apr 17th 2011:
Dude, have you ever even MET a teenage girl?
Kheprion is a funny as shit gag for me and still gets a laugh for me

Good for Taylor's self-esteem though

I do agree, Joe really needs a PR person because he sure as hell not going to do it himself.

Boardwalk video? Like the day he took Garment for a ride in his 'civilian' identity? The same ride where he took his helmet off to talk to Crusader and Purity? Ruh roh.
I think it's the one where Joe was racing through the city to get to the Undersiders
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Armsmaster: I don't even have to list why being able to get into a working relationship with him would be great, especially since this would give Apeiron a line to Dragon whom he can help and work with.
Needs to humble him a bit before that friendship to happen as by WoG Armsmaster is a Dick and if he known that Dragon is an AI by the current timeline he would exploit Dragons Shackles and enslave her and his jealous and has inferiority complex to more skilled Tinkers as if Armsmaster still has his canon personality in this fic the MC would be his Worst/Natural Enemy and if by chance that the Mc joins PRT his relationship with Armsmaster would be similar to Taylor and Armsmaster from "A Ghost of a Chance"
Well he's just 20 bioengineered sons away from being the god emperor of did everyone recognized the Sea of flesh and crystals as their powers and the ones that were theirs or just Alec?
Question, why work with other heros? They're usually corrupt and attempting to create them gear will have our MC go through much BS for the good ones. And as for working with armsmaster there is literally nothing to gain there. Our MC is better at literally everything compared to that useless dude. His minimization and efficiency matters not in front of NANITES and all of the efficiency perks MC has. To be honest working with his AI solely to make a battle force and the Undersiders is the best idea, Accord could be a good one too. Might be a bit dangerous to cooperate with him though.

Ex: You made weapons for our heros? Must be a mastering item that will kill us all! Throw it into confinement where it will never be taken out of (except for coil grabbing it) and start slamming him as a master and chuck him in the bird cage!!!

Essentially that is what could be expected.
Question for author: what properties in the forge exist in universe? I know Transformers and Star Trek were mentioned, but what are the other ones? Will the MC recognize 40k, Macross, or stuff like that?
And hadn't that been a treat. Black void with red crystals, and everywhere flesh. Flesh with lightning inside it, lumped, spread and budded. He could see them, the connections. He could recognize them. The network of Heartbreaker, leading to him and everyone else in that house. Eternal imprints, just waiting to bind them forever.

Eternity with your family. Joe may have said it wasn't exactly hell, but that was close enough for Alec's definition.

Eternity with family is also, coincidentally, close enough for Joes definition of hell.

Ah, Lisa.

You can be so right sometimes.

But sometimes you are very, very wrong.

to be fair, he was in very ashamed of what he had been doing. walking around in barbarian chick.

Honestly, I would be happy if that were to happen, but considering that this looks like it was engineered by Piggot and Armsmaster I dont see this happening.

Piggot because of her hate of capes, especially those that could become S class threats like Joe can.

Armsmaster because he is doubling down on his assessment because his pride cant take that there is a new cape out there that is already doing stuff that completely outclasses them.

The reason why I am looking forward to the confrontation is that I know that the PRT won't back down unless they get Joe on a leash. Which frankly would just be a hindrance to what he can really do.

After all do you think that they would let him build half or the stuff that he is working on right now? Hell if they found out about Fleet and Survey they would demand that he get rid of them because they are AI.
don't forget Coil working to make it even worse by being coil

Question, why work with other heros? They're usually corrupt and attempting to create them gear will have our MC go through much BS for the good ones. And as for working with armsmaster there is literally nothing to gain there. Our MC is better at literally everything compared to that useless dude. His minimization and efficiency matters not in front of NANITES and all of the efficiency perks MC has. To be honest working with his AI solely to make a battle force and the Undersiders is the best idea, Accord could be a good one too. Might be a bit dangerous to cooperate with him though.

Ex: You made weapons for our heros? Must be a mastering item that will kill us all! Throw it into confinement where it will never be taken out of (except for coil grabbing it) and start slamming him as a master and chuck him in the bird cage!!!

Essentially that is what could be expected.
Yeah, Joe is one of those rare tinkers that would prefer to work whit kid win over armsmaster
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You know, I have to wonder if he still might be able to build good will with at least the Boston PRT by rescuing Weld. It could be oddly funny if the BB PRT is always trying to get at his throat while he is perfectly cordial and willing to sell stuff like health potions to the other branches.
I don't think Joe's recognized anything so far. Leet and Uber have, but I don't remember Joe making the connection.
Still, Occam's razor suggests that if anything in the Forge is in universe, everything is.

Unless there is some extremely meta stuff going on, there is one series that is in the Forge, that is not in universe, unless you count the universe itself.

There is the Miniaturization/Efficiency perk from worm itself that basically makes you into Armsmaster.

Still, it is hard for Joe to make that connection until he gets something extremely clear to be from a fiction he knows. I believe LordRoustabout has indicated that if Joe had gotten Engineering from Startrek he would have realized it because he would have plans for a phaser, which is iconic enough that he would connect the dots, rather than just think generic robot rather than transformers and things of that nature.

Unless you have some hints that call it out for you, someone is not going to assume a lot of that stuff would be from fictional series, because there is a reason why fictional series have this gear and it works out to be a very similar reason to why he would want to make it himself.

A motorcycle that transforms into power armor that can then fight on it own? What sort of self-respecting tinker wouldn't want that?