Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Hmm.. some very interesting conversations here which basically boil down to the nature or lack thereof of free will. While there can be some disagreement about its existence in our world, I believe it is pretty clear that Earth Bet and surrounding alternate Earths are of a pretty deterministic/causality based nature. Otherwise, if everyone had multiple options to take for every action, poor Contessa's paths would rapidly become much too complex for one person to manage.

One perspective that has not been mentioned, though, is that brainwashing does not, in fact, always work. Not every hostage becomes Patty Hearst. Some people break instead of bend, and wind up either too insane to be useful, too physically damaged from the torture, (or dead), or simply off themselves at earliest opportunity. I would say that people like this simply don't even appear in Contessa's vaunted paths because they are of no use to her except maybe as the bodies of her victims--like the persons with Kenta when he triggered for example. Only he did so..the rest just died.

But, we are probably drifting from subjects relevant to this particular story, so I don't think I'll pursue this concept further...
When there is (as far as I can perceive) an issue with the direction the story is taking long-term (that being too bloated with power growth to actually go anywhere), and an equally invalid option to letting it be (that is, cutting out all munchkinry and description entirely), then an option that falls between the two would by definition be a compromise. No other people needed.
That would be true, since the compromise would be between the two stances... if you were the author.
But you're not. Which means you're saying "I want this. Or failing that, I want this."
Which, as mentioned, is just a demand and a lesser demand.
Nah, I hate to say it, but I agree. This fic has developed a bit of a problem with the tech development and word count feeding back into each other.

Apeiron has so many powers built up that he keeps having to rework his tech, and that involves describing all the different effects that go into it, which ends up building enough word count to pull out more powers that then force him to rebuild everything again and the accompanying word count. It just loops repeatedly and he keeps on building and building and accruing more powers without ever going out to do anything with his stuff before he find something else new to work on.

Like I really do hate to say it because I still do like the story and have high hopes for it, but a lot of it has become just tech development filler. At the start of the chapter I was impatient to get through the Leet section to see what the MC would be up to, but then it was just endless tinker work and doing nothing with it like many other chapters, and then in retrospect it felt like the Leet part was way more meaningful and interesting.
Yeah, I skimmed at least a 1/3 of this chapter and I really don't think I missed out on anything important. I love this story, but it's a problem when your readers eyes just start glazing over as they move past endless repetitive fluff, particularly when it's become habit with this story.
I predict at some point, an inevitable song will be playing.

Can you guess? Builder...

But back to the fic, Aperion can do all they do, I await all the different groups teaming up and claiming Aperion cannot multi-task.

The results..

Garment will open her shop, Accord will be watching and immediately see her shoes.

Will he accurately gauge the ability?

Will he want a pair?

I say clothing "Nazi" will show up but be unable to talk down her fashion sense, except that Garment should work for them instead.

The things you learn...

I wonder what this will result in. There are at least four possibilities:
1. Faultlines' crew will seek payback, otherwise their mercenary reputation will not survive losing to joke duo (and due to general parahuman mindset)
2. Faultlines' crew will do a sensible thing and get out of the area that is way too hot.
3. Faultlines' crew will go to ground/turtle up to protect Labyrinth from second attempt.
4. Faultlines' crew suffered injuries and will seek Apeiron before doing something from the list above.
Perfect chance for Apeiron to heal more Case 53s and get all the non-PRT ones on his case as well!

EDIT: And maybe Labyrinth, since he can fix other mental problems as we saw with Regent.
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so ive been too deep into the 40k lore and found several weapons who whilest may not kill the endbringers might be useful against super-heavy capes

these are not nessesarily weapons that the imperium uses in large quantities but are weapons joe may have available, i am not saying that they will kill and endbringer, im

Relics of the Dark Age of Technology, Adrathic Weapons are believed to be all but unique to Terra. Adrathic weaponry uses a potent but dangerously unstable directed energy beam to sever the internal bonds of matter, causing objects caught in their path to unravel in a spectacularly destructive manner, leaving only a flaring after-image of what was.

Such weapons were legend during the Age of Strife, and devastating wars were fought on anarchic Old Earth solely over the possession of some unearthed cache of Adrathic Weapons and the promise of the power they held.

When the Emperor came to dominion and ended Old Night on Ancient Terra in the Unification Wars, all Adrathic Weapons were given over to Him on pain of death, not simply to the one who retained them but to their entire land and nation such was the importance He placed on controlling this technology.

These weapons have remained in His care ever since, and only His own personal weaponsmiths gained and kept the knowledge of how to replicate them in small numbers, much to the jealousy of the Mechanicum of Mars.

A Conversion Beam weapon fires a beam of antimatter which induces a subatomic implosion in its target, with the beam itself gathering power over distance up to a terminal point of beam instability. By using the energy stored in atomic bonds, a Conversion Beamer can annihilate creatures, vehicles, or nearly anything its beam reaches, provided it is given time to build to critical mass.

When fired, a Conversion Beamer expels a stream of neutron-bombarded antimatter particles, beginning an atomic chain reaction that converts any matter the antimatter touches into an equivalent mass of energy in a blazing beam that hurtles towards the target. As the escalating antimatter/matter reaction travels, more and more air molecules are converted into a deadly blast that finally consumes the target in an explosive release of pure energy.

As such, the Conversion Beamer is equally effective against large targets as well as small ones. The further away a target, the more effective the Conversion Beamer proves as it is given more time to escalate in power. However, the antimatter beam is so dangerous that it has to be held very steady to achieve its effect without endangering allied troops, so the weapon cannot be used on the move.

The Eradication Ray is a directed energy weapon deployed by the Adeptus Mechanicus that spells death to any caught in its pallid light.

Those on the periphery of its cone-like emanations find themselves discorporating, melting like smoke into nothingness.

Those unlucky enough to be close to the muzzle are simply rubbed out of existence.

also called Graviton Weapons, are devastating graviton-based personal and vehicular weapons employed by the Adeptus Astartes based on ancient and forgotten technology dating back to the time of the Dark Age of Technology. Manipulating the very nature of gravity itself, Grav-weaponry turns a target's mass against it, crushing it to pulp under its own weight.

This is especially shocking when used against heavily armoured infantry like Terminators, as the hapless warrior is brutally crushed by the bulk of their ceramite plates until only a crimson trickle remains. Space Marine Chapters are among the few warriors of the Imperium to be gifted with the use of Grav-weaponry, and it is considered a sacred honour to wield such a potent weapon.

All Grav-weaponry fires a stream of graviton particles which affects the local gravitational field of a target area, making the targeted object either far heavier or lighter depending on the weapon's setting. The Grav-weapon also creates a bass rumble as the waves affect the local air pressure, causing the air to vibrate.

The effect is generally non-lethal and can be used to incapacitate foes who need to be captured alive, but the power of the Grav-weapon's highest settings is sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour.

Some living targets will be affected more variably; a very large creature may be killed under excessive weight, but most targets will either be slowed or completely immobilised.

A Grav-weapon is very useful when fighting in a voidship or a null-gravity environment, as well as during demolition and siege work. This is because it is particularly effective against massive objects such as bunkers or fortifications, where the building's great mass can be used against it, causing it to collapse.

The Graviton Singularity Cannon creates a quantum singularity in the fabric of space-time that tears its target and the surrounding area apart with extreme gravimetric forces. The weapon is extremely effective against any target that is trapped in the singularity, however it is especially effective against vehicles, the more massive the better.

The Graviton Singularity Cannon is violently destructive, but potentially unstable and hazardous to its user since every time it is fired there is the risk of the singularity collapsing, resulting in the outright destruction of the Knight that wields it.

Helfrost Weapons are a type of specialised weapon class that is deployed solely by the Space Wolves Space Marine Chapter. These weapons are powered by rare crystals found only in the most remote corners of the Fenrisian wilds. Helfrost Weapons fire a beam of sub-zero energy that can instantly encase enemies in blocks of ice close to absolute zero, colder than the vacuum of space.

Unless the foe can move away from the beam or break free quickly if hit by it, they might remain trapped within their glacial tomb forever, or even shattered into a thousand frozen pieces. The beam of energy fired by these weapons can either be a focused beam for use against large single targets, or a dispersed beam effective against groups of enemies.

An Ordinatus Ulator carries a trio of Volkite Culverins as its secondary armaments, but its primary weapon is the Ulator-class Sonic Destructor. A terrifying weapon whose origins lie in the shadows of the Age of Strife, these devices, though inferior copies of the unique armament of the great Primus Ordinatus Mars, still operate on an order of magnitude far beyond anything mounted on even the largest super-heavy tank found in the Imperium's common arsenal.

Using a Plasma Reactor akin to those found on Battle Titans to power a directional sonic transduction generator of staggering force, it emits a varying waveform of destructive sound energy able to shatter the most resilient materials. The annihilating wave-pulse traverses the battlefield wreaking havoc in its path, the particular effect of its design meaning that the larger the target struck, the more damaging the wave's impact.

A Photon Thruster Weapon is a class of directed energy weapons employed by the Myrmidon Destructors and the Thallax cohorts of the ancient Mechanicum. The secrets of their construction and operation were closely guarded by the Tech-priests of Mars.

When fired, a Photon Thruster Weapon unleashes a howling, needle-thin beam of pure blackness that is able to pierce the densest forms of matter and destroy the most heavily armoured warriors and vehicles. The power source for these weapons are considered extremely unstable and are little understood even by their operators.

At times, the weapon's power source can fail catastrophically, resulting in the wielder being consumed by raging black flames.

power weapons are strange as they are given the same name to several unrelated weapons, the one im mentioning is the molecular destabilised, found in sword axes and picks

Power Weapons are rare and greatly coveted personal close combat weapons that are used on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium by many different intelligent, starfaring species including the Imperium of Man, the servants of Chaos, the Orks, and various kindreds of the Aeldari.

Among the Humans of the Imperium, few members of the Adeptus Mechanicus retain the knowledge necessary to make these deadly weapons, and those that are in existence are often hundreds or even thousands of standard years old.

Only the most powerful and influential warriors of the Imperium possess a power weapon as a result of their rarity. Inquisitors and high-ranking commissars or Astra Militarum officers tend to possess them, as do members of various noble families with potent political clout and wealth. The Space Marines make use of many of the power weapons in existence, as is their right.

Power weapons generally exude a hazy field of bluish energy that wraps around the primary impact region of a melee weapon, be it a sword's blade or warhammer's head, which is capable of disrupting the molecular bonds of matter when it strikes. These weapons may be constructed to appear as a primitive, simple melee weapon, with the power field generator concealed within the hilt or haft of the weapon.

Once the power field is switched on, however, the obvious humming sound given off and the blue light emitted gives the secret of the weapon's true nature away. There are special variants of these "traditional" types of power weapon, such as Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn's power sword, which had no actual metal blade, just a hilt that projected a blade of pure energy.

Another such variant is the Eviscerator, an enormous chainsword where the adamantium chain blade emits a weak power field.

The most notably effective use of a power weapon is the chainfist, which is a combination of a power fist and a chainsword which usually protrudes from the back of the hand, just above the knuckles. This weapon is capable of cutting through even the toughest of armour on battle tanks or starship bulkheads.

Chainfists are so massive and encumbering (limiting their effectiveness against enemy troops), not to mention energy-inefficient, that they are normally only ever seen on Space Marines equipped with Terminator Armour.

The most potent known standard power weapon is the massive power fist mounted on a Dreadnought. It is more powerful than its infantry equivalent since the Dreadnought is unencumbered by its weight and is able to strike quickly, while it is also just as effective as the chainfist when used against heavily armoured vehicles.

A Power Pick is a simple tool used for mining and construction activities on many Imperial worlds. Power Picks are simple enough in design. They bear a low-quality molecular disruption field powerful enough to shatter even ceramite like glass.

Because their members are so often concentrated on mining and industrial worlds, Power Picks are often used as a melee weapon by the warriors of the Genestealer Cults. They are particularly favoured by the Genestealer hybrid mutants known as Aberrants.

Power Spear
An Astartes Power Spear

Throughout history, the spear has consistently proven itself a deadly and efficient weapon, and the Imperium of Mankind honours its legacy of bloodshed through various creations such as the explosive-tipped hunting lance and the power spear.

Officers in certain Astra Militarum Rough Rider regiments prefer to wield power spears over weapons like cavalry sabres, or even wield them as a secondary weapon for use after a hunting lance charge.

This is a one-handed melee weapon.

Power Sword
Adeptus Astartes Power Sword

A Power Sword is a power weapon that has been shaped into a sword of varying lengths and designs crafted from one of any number of different materials, though usually adamantium.

When its power cell is activated, often by touching a control located on the hilt, the blade is sheathed in a lethal corona of disruptive energy.

This energy field allows the blade to carve through flesh, bone and most forms of armour plate alike, making a power sword a highly effective Imperial close combat weapon. Power Swords are used by all members of the Imperial armed forces, including the troops of the Astra Militarum and the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes.

Relic Blade

A Relic Blade is a large, two-handed power weapon often resembling a sword, axe or glaive that is surrounded by the same matter-disrupting energy field as other power weapons. They are large and unwieldy in combat and are required to be wielded two-handed.

The Relic Blades are almost equivalent in quality to Artificer Armour for power weapons. Many were constructed during and just after the Horus Heresy. As a result, only a Space Marine of great and faultless service may wield one. They provide a strength bonus that is not as great as a power fist's but makes up for it by being faster than the unwieldy power fist.

Relic Blades are only used by Space Marines, the most famous being Vulkan He'stan with the Spear of Vulkan,which is actually a highly ornate and well crafted Relic Blade.

Space Marine Honour Guards use Relic Blades the most (in some instances whole squads wield them), due to their long and distinguished military careers. Certain Space Marine Veterans and Captains have also managed to earn the right to wield a Relic Blade.

  • Astartes Anti-Plant Missile - Astartes Anti-Plant Missiles are a stronger variant of the standard Imperial Anti-Plant Missiles. They release a vicious cocktail of toxins, viral agents, defoliants, and anti-fungal agents on detonation that can reduce even the hardiest flora to a foul-smelling muck in minutes. These missiles are typically used to deny the enemy cover and to clear landing zones and fortification sites.

  • Blind Missile - Blind Missiles explode with a burst of dense dark grey smoke, including IR (Infrared) bafflers and broadband EM (Electro Magnetic) spectrum chaff, all designed to block eyesight and even advanced visual detection. This effect is short-lived though, but while it lasts it provides excellent cover for advancing forces.

  • Haywire Missile - Haywire Missiles use a violent EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) to disrupt all electrically based devices nearby, including energy weapons, Power Armour, force fields, Bionics, and most vehicles. All electrical devices including energy weapons, bionic systems, and vehicles within the blast radius of this missile cease to operate for a long period of time, as if their power had run out.

  • Hellstrike Missile - The Hellstrike Missile is an air-to-surface missile commonly mounted on Imperial attack and assault craft used in support of ground-based operations. These weapons use a solid propellant core to deliver a high explosive load, designed to effectively penetrate even well-armoured targets. Because they are generally launched from fixed wing aircraft, these missiles often strike their targets with a speed that substantially exceeds that of rockets fired from ground-based platforms. Hellstrike missiles may not be loaded with unusual or exotic warheads.

  • Hellfury Missile - The Hellfury Missile is an anti-personnel, air to-surface missile deployed on Aeronautica Imperialis aircraft like the Vendetta heavy gunship and the Valkyrie gunship. Each Hellfury warhead is packed with dozens of incendiary sub-munitions which are designed to be released in an airburst across a wide area. The Hellfury Missile was designed to serve an anti-personnel function and is particularly useful in assaulting enemy troops dug-in behind cover or large hordes of basic infantry moving across open ground, such as Ork Boyz and Tyranid ground swarms.

  • Melta Missiles - Melta Missiles are fired from a Salvo Launcher. Their warhead contains a massive Melta charge similar to a Melta Bomb in effect that emits a furious, high-intensity melta beam when detonated. This beam is a searing blast of heat that can rip through heavy armour and fortified positions alike.

  • Minefield Round - These shells are designed to splinter open at the highest arc of their trajectory, releasing a plethora of sub-munitions with two impact triggers. Once the first is sprung upon contact with the ground, the second trigger deploys -- awaiting only a single, unlucky step to unleash its powerful explosives. Easy and safe to use from a distance, Minefield Rounds are an effective way to lay down a protective cordon around a bunker or other defensive location. These rounds can only be used in either Mortars or Missile Launchers, and cannot be thrown.

  • Photon Flash Missile - Photon Flash, or simply Flash, Missiles detonate like a small star, blinding anyone nearby and overloading most vision protection systems such as those in visors. Anybody caught without eye protection is usually left temporarily blinded and defenceless.

  • Astartes Plasma Missile - Plasma Missiles are the larger incarnations of Imperial Plasma Grenades, and are highly effective against most foes. A single salvo of Plasma Missiles can easily turn enemy troops into a smoking crater. It is for this reason, however, that the user of Plasma Missile weaponry must take care when firing one of these dangerous weapons to make sure that he and his comrades are sufficiently out of harm's way. Plasma Missiles utilise a deliberate plasma containment failure that erupts into a blast of white-hot energy upon impact. The dense plasma core of the missile is rarely entirely consumed in the initial explosion and will leave behind a glowing, energised orb that acts like a miniature sun; leaving the immediate area of the impact unapproachable for some time. Plasma Missiles are especially effective against vehicles as the plasma core can stick to and quickly penetrate most vehicles' armour.

  • Stasis Missile - Stasis technology is rare and unusual in the Imperium. Developed by the Adeptus Mechanicus, these rare weapons are generally not issued to combat troops as it is very expensive to construct. At the heart of a Stasis Missile's warhead is a small time-warp generator that creates a self-replicating time-warp or stasis-loop centred upon itself. Everything close to the exploding missile is condemned to relive the same instant time and time again, effectively trapping that section of space and time in a single moment and making the scene appear frozen to observers further away. The effect of the time-warp field weakens as the distance from the missile impact increases. As such, farther away from the impact site the loop becomes longer and longer, so that while time is slowed down it does not wholly stop. Troops within this outer area appear to move far slower than normal bur can still move and act although in a restricted fashion. A stasis-loop lasts only for a limited time, but may persist for several minutes.

  • Virus Missile - Virus Missiles house powerful biological toxins which can break down biological systems in moments before leaping to neighbouring creatures to infect them. They can quickly kill scores of people before mutating into a non-lethal strain or running out of victims near enough to be attacked.

A Neutron Laser Projector is one of the most powerful and rare weapons that can be found mounted on a tank of the Imperium, for its power levels are comparable to that possessed by Titan-grade directed energy weapons. Due to the weapon's rarity, the Neutron Laser Projector is usually only mounted on the equally rare Valdor Tank Hunter, which allows the vehicle to fulfill its role as a devastating super-heavy tank hunter. However, during the bygone era of the Horus Heresy, the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer design also featured a twin-linked Neutron Laser Battery as its primary armament.

The neutron energy beam emitted by a Neutron Laser Projector's ray collimator is capable of rupturing enemy armour on a molecular level, often resulting in the target vehicle being vaporised in a massive explosion. Only the most heavily armoured super-heavy tanks and Titan-scale vehicles can hope to survive the forces unleashed by this weapon. Even if the target is not destroyed outright by the initial beam, the neutron energy of the attack will overwhelm and disable the target vehicle's electronics and systems temporarily with a storm of electromagnetic radiation.

Despite the Neutron Laser Projector's sheer power, the weapon suffers from two serious drawbacks. The first is that the Atomantic-Arc Reactors needed to power the weapon are inherently unstable and can cause an apocalyptic explosion if damaged or destroyed. This is most problematic for the Valdor Tank Hunter, where the sheer bulk of the laser and its power source push the limits of the interior space available in the venerable base design of the Malcador heavy tank. For the Valdor, this means there is little reactor shielding present to prevent a disastrous rupture of the engine's containment vessels; this often results in either a complete failure of the vehicle's drive systems, or in a massive detonation of the reactor. The second problem is that should the neutron beam fail to transfer its energy discharge entirely into its target, a dangerous feedback can occur to the cannon itself, which can cause damage to the vehicle's hull and electronic systems. On a Valdor Tank Destroyer, the weapon also suffers from a severely limited firing arc, for the projector can only be moved horizontally across a span of 22 degrees. Nevertheless, vehicles mounting the Neutron Laser Projector are greatly valued by those few Imperial Guard regiments fortunate enough to possess them, and are venerated as holy relics by the Adeptus Mechanicus Enginseers who tend to and maintain them.

The Neutron Laser's technology was originally reverse-engineered from wreckage originating from a Dark Age of Technology battlefield, and was recovered at a great cost from the Forbidden World of Deep Hyades VI by Mechanicum Explorators from the Forge World of Galatea. When first presented before the upper echelons of the Mechanicum, some controversy was evident about both the weapon's provenance and safety for dissemination into the armed forces of the Imperium. However, despite the weapon's instabilities, it offered itself as a potential rival weapon to the more common Turbo-Laser weapon systems found on Titans and Shadowsword super-heavy tanks at the time; for it was both more compact in size and possessed an enhanced ability to inflict collateral damage. Shortly before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st​Millennium, detachments of vehicles armed with Neutron Laser Projectors were delivered into the service of a number of the Space Marine Legions for comprehensive battlefield testing and trial, although they were soon to turn their own destructive power against the Imperium's own war machines, rather than that of the alien.

Few members of the highest echelons of the Adeptus Mechanicus understand this temperamental technology. As is the norm with many powerful relic technologies from the time before the Horus Heresy, very few Forge Worldsare still able to produce or maintain them, though Mars, Laethe-het and Cryaxus III are three which still possess the capability. Even though the weapon is very powerful, only a scant number of the oldest armoured regiments of the Imperial Guard or units of the Space Marine Chapters have access to vehicles equipped with the Neutron Laser Destroyer amongst their assets in the late 41st​ Millennium.

Transonic Weapons are a specialised type of weapon utilised by the warriors of the Skitarii Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus. When activated, these weapons emit a low, insistent buzz that makes stomachs turn and eyes vibrate in their sockets.

When they strike armour, these weapons adjust their hostile sonic field to match the armour's resonant frequency, quickly slicing right through it and, in the case of the feared Chordclaw, turning muscle, bone and fat to jelly.

One thing that a lot of people forget is that the perk does not give you all tech from all of the empire of man. It gives you all tech that has ever been used in Hive Necromunda (whatever)
One thing that a lot of people forget is that the perk does not give you all tech from all of the empire of man. It gives you all tech that has ever been used in Hive Necromunda (whatever)
That's actually even better, considering that there's some DaoT stuff on Necromunda. You know, I'm curious what it would be like if Joe was inserted into Warhammer 40k universe (let's give him immunity to warp corruption and precogs just to make it fair). We've talked a lot about different scenarios on the BCF discord on what it would be like from Joe, the general consensus is that given a bit of prep-time and getting some allies, he would survive and eventually thrive.
One thing that a lot of people forget is that the perk does not give you all tech from all of the empire of man. It gives you all tech that has ever been used in Hive Necromunda (whatever)

there may still be grav-weapons, at least if the imperial fists have it, same with the conversion beamer (if the astral claws have it in the boondocks then the fists will have it in their reliquary in segmentum solar),

power weapons are common enough that genestealers have power picks,

missiles are manufactured by to the guard and the

Necromunda also possesses several examples of AI:

and extensive use of biotics (from Necromunda: Underhive Wars) :

Name & Icon Description
Antibody ProfusionThe user gains +50% Healing Received.
Ranged Mastery: HeavyThe user gains +25% Ranged Critical Damage with Heavy Weapons.
Blood Flow RegulatorThe user gains +35 Max MP.
Parting Gift (Implant)Grants +20 Melee Critical Chance while Heavily or Gravely Wounded.
Agility Chip+5 Agility and Max Agility.
Strength Chip+5 Strength and Max Strength.
Toughness Chip+5 Toughness and Max Toughness.
Intelligence Chip+5 Intelligence and Max Intelligence.
Willpower Chip+5 Willpower and Max Willpower.
Alertness Chip+5 Alertness and Max Alertness.
Melee Prowess Chip+5 Melee Prowess and Max Melee Prowess.
Ranged Aptitude Chip+5 Ranged Aptitude and Max Ranged Aptitude.
Accuracy Chip+5 Accuracy and Max Accuracy.
Synaptic Tuning+25 EXP Bonus at the End of Turn.
Fear Suppression Module+30% Stress Resistance.
Adrenal Accelerant+30% Stun Resistance.
Ballistic Matrix+25% Ranged Precision on the next Ranged Attack if the user misses a ranged attack.
Optimized Reflex ArcsWhile Engaged, the user gains +10% Melee Evasion.
Danger Stimulant+15% Critical Hit Resistance
Stress-Tensing TissueUpon entering a Hazard Zone, gain +20% Hit Resistance.
Structural AnalyzerInflict +200 Damage to Destructible Elements.
Neural ShieldingWhen Stunned, the user gains +35% Critical Hit Resistance.
Melee Enhancer: One-Handed+10% Melee Precision with One-Handed Melee Weapons.
Melee Enhancer: Two-Handed+10% Melee Precision with Two-Handed Melee Weapons.
Ranged Enhancer: Pistols+10% Ranged Precision with One-Handed Ranged Weapons.
Ranged Enhancer: Rifles+10% Ranged Precision with Two-Handed Ranged Weapons.
Ranged Enhancer: Heavy Weapons+10% Ranged Precision with Heavy Weapons.
Neuronal Sensitivity+15% Ranged Evasion and Melee Evasion but loses -75% Healing Received.
Calming Chip Removes and prevents Shellshock, Megalomania, and Heroic Idiocy Injuries.
Nano Machines Removes and prevents the Unknown Disease injury.
Machine Attunement +20% Weapon Reliability.
Genetic Imprinting Prevents the Severed Arm, Severed Leg, and One-eyed injuries.
Immortal Conditioning Prevents the Death, Subdural Hematoma, Unknown Disease, and Multiple Traumas injuries.
Pristine PsycheNullifies the effects of all Vices.
Cardiovascular Regulator+10 MP if Kneeling when a New Round begins.
Terrain AnalyzerReduces the cost of Overwatch and Ambush by -100% AP on the first round.
Muscle-Tensing Capacitors+15% Melee Critical Hit Chance on the first Melee Skill of each round.
Fibroblast Stimulator+30 HP if Heavily or Gravely Wounded at the Start of Turn.
Phalangeal Actuators+25 Damage added to the Active Ranged Weapon on the next attack.
Adrenal Injectors +50 Initiative on the First Round, +25 Initiative on the Second Round.
Nerve Inhibitor Prevents Heavily or Gravely Wounded.
Kinetic Transference Upon receiving Melee Critical Damage, gains -15 AP cost of Strike.
Vector Diagnostics Upon receiving Ranged Critical Damage, gains -15 AP cost of Shoot.
Quick Thinking Reduces the cost of Jump, Vault, and Kneel by -15 AP.
Weapon Maintenance Database Reduces the cost of Reload Weapon and Field Repair by -15 AP.
Tactical Survey +10 Max MP.
Offensive Survey +10 Max AP.
Melee Mastery: One-Handed+25% Melee Critical Damage with One-Handed Melee Weapons.
Melee Mastery: Two-Handed+25% Melee Critical Damage with Two-Handed Melee Weapons.
Ranged Mastery: One-Handed+25% Ranged Critical Damage with One-Handed Ranged Weapons.
Ranged Mastery: Two-Handed+25% Ranged Critical Damage with Two-Handed Ranged Weapons.
Offensive Carrier+25 Melee Precision and Ranged Precision while carrying an objective item.
Soothing Vibes+35% Chance of resisting the Pinned effect.
Critical SurvivalAfter receiving Critical Damage, the user gains +5 Critical Hit Resistance.
Defensive Carrier+25 Hit Resistance while carrying an objective item.

There are also several drugs of interest: Drugs
After gaining Armsmaster perk (FirstPhilosopher)
In another timeline:

After gaining Armsmaster perk

Joe: "I'd like to let everyone know that I am a Tinker based Trump. I get powers that help me with tinkering in addition to a whole bunch of actual tinker powers, but they all stack to make me even better. Recently I got efficiency/miniaturization, which gave me Armsmaster's entire power. This is in addition to all of my other powers. I currently have a bunch of powers that are less powerful/worth less than Armsmaster's. I also have 17 powers which are equal to or greater than Armsmaster's power right now so I-" Joe stares off in the distance with that 'strategy trance' "-ah where was I? Oh right. I also have 18 powers that are equal or greater than Armsmaster's..."

All parahumans everywhere, including Eidolon: "BULLSHIT HAAAAAXXXXERZ!!! OP!! PLZ NERF!"
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I just had a brainstorm for an omake.

Joe shows up to the gym, where Mrs. Gartenberg is directing things, eyes focused since the Last Bake Sale.

"Vince? Why does Mrs. Gartenberg look like she is ready for a Fight?" Vince looks over. "Yeah, some 'Mystery Challenger' dropped off a lot of different pastries that sold out before hers did, now she is looking for them to win back her Title, once and for all as the Best Pastry Chef, she won it for 10 years before retiring, only making things to keep her hand in.. now she feels she has a worthy challenger"

Joe curses his having to leave unexpectedly thinking of the food he dropped off before.
Toybox aren't exactly paragons of virtue. Aperion represents an alternative to independent / reformed villian tinkers.
That said, Joe doesn't need a team. All he needs is examples of other tinker's work to study and he'll eventually build what they can better and faster.

Yeah, Toybox is morally gray at best. But I mean, with the Celestial Forge on his side, Joe would be running the place within the week. It's a win-win situation—Joe gets all the existing leverage and tech from Toybox, while the Toybox tinkers get Joe on their side. And given what we've seen of his personality, he'd be more than willing to help the more neutral up-and-coming tinkers.
while the Toybox tinkers get Joe on their side.
Some within Toybox likely consider that identity death. Toybox would stop being 'those cool mysterious tinkers' and become 'that group clearly led by the amazing unequaled tinker Apeiron, oh, he has some helpers too.'
Logically it is safest and smartest to ally with him. But I think a lot of them would feel threatened and upstaged.
Could still happen, but Apeiron is a very bright star to stand next too.
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So? Leet redemption Arc.

Were any of the ABB types that had a bomb removed moonlighting as U&L minions?

I now imagine the minions that were let go are now looking for Jobs, such as Garments shop?

At least they get Uniforms! As done by Garment & the "Putting on the Reich" Fashion Sense.

Would Hugo Boss sue?
LordRoustabout said:
The innuendo power is going to be something Joe will be working to hold back as much as possible, and will probably see any slip as a personal failure or act of desperation. There is the hilarious potential that Tattletale will be able to tell he is struggling to contain some new ability that he is desperately afraid of. I'm not sure if the stress over that will exceed the ulcer that will come when she learns what said power actually is.
Aperion: *holding back*
Tattletale: oh fuck, it's something dangerous and crazy.
Aperion: *Unlimited Innuendo Works*
Tattletale: FUUUUUU~
the fact that 'My passenger suggested there may be something to Fleet and Survey's concerns that Dragon was using a third Artificial Intelligence.' wasn't in fact slapping him upside the head with the fact she is the AI is starting to come across as deliberate sabotage of his ability to deal with the situation at this point.

Joe always had the density of a harem protagonist.

Celestial forge have a 2.0 version would you take a look into it or are you just going to stick with the original version.

The author already stated he will stay on v1 unless Joe second trigger (and that Joe second triggering is EXTREMELY unlikely right now).

1. Faultlines' crew will seek payback, otherwise their mercenary reputation will not survive losing to joke duo (and due to general parahuman mindset)

Well, Uber and Leet are no longer looked as a joke duo. They are weaker than Apeiron, yes, but Apeiron is in a league of his own, and in fact Uber and Leet standing to Apeiron is pretty badass in itself. So no reputation loss here.
At that point, why not just join Toybox? The infrastructure's already in place, and it's got an established name, reputation, and connections.
Imagine that you were a barber. You work next to a guy who sells trucks and a doctor's office.

Now imagine that a do anything guy (and I mean anything) wants to move into your mall, undercut your price, beat your quality and speed, and run every shop on the street into financial ruin at the same time.

Also, he is on the cops' most wanted list for brainwashing people and would bring legal heat with that financial ruin.

Why would you want to have anything to do with him?
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Aperion: *holding back*
Tattletale: oh fuck, it's something dangerous and crazy.
Aperion: *Unlimited Innuendo Works*
Tattletale: FUUUUUU~
Lisa is canonically Asexual, and speaking in my experience as a sex-repulsed asexual, I think that it would just make her really uncomfortable. Also Lisa is underage and Joe is not, which would make it even more uncomfortable.
One thing that a lot of people forget is that the perk does not give you all tech from all of the empire of man. It gives you all tech that has ever been used in Hive Necromunda (whatever)

it would still give him civilian tech, most of which we don't know, such as a lot of Xenos devices and almost the entire Genestealer and the Necromundan 8th equipment, and tech from the imperial fists

so they are likely to have very good tech, especially if you include that imperial assassin and Sicarian Ruststalker have likely been deployed at some point in the history of hive primus alone.

and thats not even counting all the civilian tech we have

exemple: Seismic cannons are common mining equipment and I can absolutely see Joe making a weapon as strong as Ordinatus Ulator, as its basically just an upscale sismic cannon

Heck, he could make a sonic pistol as powerful as a heavy seismic cannon, but there my be a reason why they arent used as weapons of war, probably too heavy and shot range unless on a giant scale, or because they are too effective against armor in a Doylist explanation
Lisa is canonically Asexual, and speaking in my experience as a sex-repulsed asexual, I think that it would just make her really uncomfortable. Also Lisa is underage and Joe is not, which would make it even more uncomfortable.
Fact that Asexual people can get uncomfortable from seeing someone flirting with someone - understandable, after all that can be uncomfortoble for anyone sometimes.

But there something i can't understand in your reply:
Why fact of underage seeing someone flirting makes whole situation uncomfortable?

Do minors actually prohibited from seeing flirting in general? Is there some place where all and any romantic films restricted as mature-only? That sound strange to me, but somehow not surprising.

I think i confused somewhere, but i can't figure out where.