Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Lisa isn't actually asexual btw. She would probably still enjoy it. If it wasn't for her power getting in the way. So it's not quite the same.
Okay, a question has occurred to me.. Garment made a matching weaponized boot/costume set that seems to match Apieron's set. Did I mistake that? Did the "Putting on the Reich" perk not affect both of them? And if it does, when exactly does Garment plan on fighting by Joe's side instead of, you know, as a literal part of his costume? Won't this affect her about to be opened business if she is associated with someone the PRT seems to think is villainous?

My other observation.. it seems the only free soundtrack perc LordRoustabout has agreed to is the Swat Cat's one. Any speculation on whether there might be others approved? My thoughts are that it is a fairly limited soundtrack, and therefore won't add much work to LordR's writing chores, whereas a more extensive selection, like Bayonetta's, God of War's, or Indiana Jones's would be more effort matching tracks with scenes. Or maybe it is just more in line with LordRoustabout's taste in music...
For some reason the idea of the next time he appears at a Marche fight and the Imperial March starts loudly playing for all to hear just gets me laughing my butt off. If his costume even remotely seemed to resemble Vader's at the time it would be epic.
For some reason the idea of the next time he appears at a Marche fight and the Imperial March starts loudly playing for all to hear just gets me laughing my butt off. If his costume even remotely seemed to resemble Vader's at the time it would be epic.
Yeah with his persona as a cape. Imperial March is something that he can play in many kinds of occasions.
But if he does so there a really big 'threat' of him and many others quoting SWs. Which probably would make PHO views as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in awe and then were suddenly silenced with even more awesomeness ^^.
Edited: sorry about the reply that I decide to not post (and then forgot that sw keep that) is was about path (to my shard) victory. So the SV and spacebattle already discussed everything to is to discuss and is not longer relevant to the correct topic.
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Ward is also a rancid pile of garbage and the only good characters to appear in it were Barfbat and Chugalug.

I think takes like this on Ward are a bit extreme, to be honest. But there's no real point in my arguing against an opinion, so you do you.

My other observation.. it seems the only free soundtrack perc LordRoustabout has agreed to is the Swat Cat's one. Any speculation on whether there might be others approved? My thoughts are that it is a fairly limited soundtrack, and therefore won't add much work to LordR's writing chores, whereas a more extensive selection, like Bayonetta's, God of War's, or Indiana Jones's would be more effort matching tracks with scenes. Or maybe it is just more in line with LordRoustabout's taste in music...

This seems like a good time to correct a misconception I've been seeing a lot in this thread. The Swat Cats perk isn't really a soundtrack perk. It doesn't produce music. It just makes guitar riff noises and such when Joe does something cool. As his clones demonstrated, stringing together multiple instances of these noises only results in a discordant mess.

I may be misremembering this, but I believe Lord has mentioned on AO3 that all free soundtrack perks he has included within the forge are currently locked behind a powerful perk from a series with music based technology. I can't quite remember what the series was... maybe symphogear or ar tonelico? Perhaps someone else can recall, or tell me if this is even a thing at all.
Hmm.. I'm guessing that would be Pagan Science from Senki Zesshou Symphogear. It pretty much mandates music and mentions a soundtrack as well.
You've managed to uncover some of the secrets of old, the very same knowledge that underlies 'Sakurai Theory', the theoretical basis of the Symphogear system. With this knowledge, many of the more mysterious functions of the Symphogears become clear. You can repair and install new functions into Symphogears, that manipulate existing features, like forcing a berserk state or tuning it to raise synchronization coefficients. What's more, your glimpses into Sakurai theory indicate some possibilities of inducing Human-Relic fusion, but to complete the theory you'll need an existing test subject...
Possible Free Perks:
Attuned [Free]
Well, not just anyone can start singing and activate a relic! While there are ways to artificially gain attunement – the LiNKER drug and Human-Relic fusion coming to mind – you're going to gain a high natural level of attunement, allowing you to activate and use a Symphogear without artificially increasing your synchronization coefficient. Be warned though, your synchronization still isn't high enough to completely prevent the backlash from singing your Swan Song.
The Song of Your Heart [Free]
In addition to an improvement to your singing skills and ability to compose songs you are no longer reliant on your mouth to deliver your songs. You may freely sing and speak simultaneously, as your heart broadcasts your song (plus appropriate musical accompaniment) without necessity for such things as atmosphere, breathing, or instruments. This can be freely toggled but doesn't require further concentration once activated unless you wish to use non-Relic based singing abilities alongside it.
Signature Genre [Free]
Something we've noticed amongst the wielders is that the musical accompaniment created by their Gear tends to follow a certain genre unless working in tandem with another wielder. What's that? You don't have one? No problem! See the table below for what your genre begins as, although much like the Symphogear, it evolves over time and with your character. You could easily begin with Celtic music and end with generic pop, but if you still don't like what you have, we'll also let you play any soundtrack perks you might already have.
Calling Card [Free]
You spent a lot of time coming up with your combat techniques. It's only fair to name them! When you make an attack that's above par, time almost seems to freeze for a second, and all those onlooking instinctively recognize the name and intended theme of the technique. This effect can be toggled.​
There's also this:

Song Science (Ar Tonelico) (600CP)
Before there was Song Magic, in the golden age of the First Era it was discovered that three materials, Parameno, Grathnode and Ardel, allowed for the conversion of sound into magic. From this, came the Tower and all its glories - as well as the eventual destruction of the world. Long forgotten, you have a complete theoretical knowledge of the true underpinnings of Song Magic, Reyvateil biology and the Tower as was understood at the height of the First Era. With sufficient resources, you are capable of creating or altering reyvateil, and repair and alteration to Tower hardware, something it has gone millennia without. With resources comparable to a superpower, you could potentially could raise your own Tower or complete Metafalss.
Song Science allows for the precisely targeted creation of energy fields and semi-permanent matter, such as fireballs, giant swords, force-fields or functional computer systems allowing a Tower to sing itself into existence from a seed. It can apply this to control the weather, manipulate gravity, create life, transmute existing material into new objects, broadcast power with no loss rate within its range, mirror a Halfblood's mind on the SH Server in real-time, convert matter into digital data and vice versa. It cannot create permanent matter, which is mediated by the Wills of the Planet allowing it to become a part of their body.
Source: Celestial Forge
Why not just join Toybox? (theflyingbiscuit)
I think i confused somewhere, but i can't figure out where.
It looks like Joe is flirting with TT, not her listening in. There is the problem.

At that point, why not just join Toybox? The infrastructure's already in place, and it's got an established name, reputation, and connections.

Benefits (?)

"So if I wanted to join Toybox, what are the benefits of joining?"

"Well for starters we have this swanky dimensionally sealed hideaway to tinker in safely..."

Joe clone two considers the value of adding a hot spring to his second house in his dimensionally hidden volcano.

"No, I think it would be too much. Better to work on adding anther lava surfing track."

"... recognized name and reputation..."

"You have seen the videos', right? Apeiron is all over the news as the scariest tinker in the city, in any city. There is reasonable discussion of him matching the original Protectorate (or is it Quadumvirate) given enough time.

For the price he is asking for we get a piece of artwork built by the greatest tinker capable of leveling a tank, lasting until the earth dies, and auto repairing itself, for less then one percent the value and rush delivery. Why are we discussing this?"

"... resources ..."

"Look I am telling you with this armor you could fall asleep in magma. It would be a bit uncomfortable, but it would be possible with a bit of focus." Apeiron says.

"But what if I break the component you spent so much on?"

"It took me about three minutes and it is made entirely of a material on hand. Honestly, I probably could have made it so you could accidently fallen asleep in the center of the sun, but it would have cost you more."

"... and tech sharing."

"So your laser gun required a full day to make and can't even core a tank?" Apeiron asked

"And yours can?!"

"I built this gun in the time since we started talking and I would have to modify it to set the power low enough to only core the tank... but your stuff is nice to."

"In return, we ask for a fee of 33% of the proceeds of any tech you sell. So what do you say?"
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That photogenic posing skill he picked up--from someone else's perspective who doesn't know he has that power, will they think that he's going out of his way to do those poses and get the best "camera angles" or will it all come off as natural and just somehow everyone always views him from his best angles and natural poses?
33%? (Crake)
or because they are too effective against armor in a Doylist explanation
Doyle strikes again! :evil:
"In return, we ask for a fee of 33% of the proceeds of any tech you sell. So what do you say?"
"33%? Uh, how about I retain all proceeds and intellectual property rights, make all marketing decisions regarding my products, and you pay me a fee to declare me as part of your organization as an affiliated business partner?"

"... that's ..."

"And I'll even do your other marketing. What are you paying your current marketing department? I'll underbid them by 10%."

"Per advertisement?"

"No, I mean like, the entirety of your marketing department's overhead."

"... We need to discuss this with our attorneys."

"Take your time, but I'm currently in talks with Dragontech, so, y'know..."

"Like, after this?"

"No I mean, like right now. The only reason we haven't closed the deal is we're busy watching a tech expo and doing a livestream of us talking shop and upstaging the consumer electronics demo going on."


"I know, right? No head for business, but she's still the world's second best Tinker."

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For those people who want to know how the Bayonetta perks work, browse on over to the Youtube and search for some playthrus of the game. I myself wasn't familiar with the game, but boy howdy! You can quickly see what the perks are referring to...
Lisa isn't actually asexual btw. She would probably still enjoy it. If it wasn't for her power getting in the way. So it's not quite the same.
this is was a horrible post to read for several reasons
1. it resembles the way that horrible men talk to asexual women i.e. "You wouldn't say that if you did it with Me", "I can fix that", "just try it, you'll like it"
2. it also resembles the way that people deny the existence of asexuality i.e. "You're not asexual, it's just your [anti-depressants/trauma/alien-brain-parasite/etc]" (although this is largely due to Wildbow's old WOG saying that her asexuality was shard-induced, which I chose to ignore for my headcanon that I later learned was made canon in Ward)
3. Lisa is one of the few asexual characters I knew of before I went looking for them and I'd like it if you would just let me have a character that reflects an aspect of myself that I rarely see reflected in media
4. it's incorrect
5. the phrase "[x] isn't actually asexual btw" is almost word-for-word something someone has said to me about another person that I know, which brings a very personal aspect to the
So please don't say things like that! (I know that you saw the post about how it's explicitly canon in Ward, but that was still a sickening post to read)

Ward confirms that Lisa is actually asexual and only misattributed her distaste to the extra information she was getting from her power. I'd take that actual sequel information over old WoG information.
thank you for saying this so I didn't have to

Ward is also a rancid pile of garbage and the only good characters to appear in it were Barfbat and Chugalug.
it's fine if you dislike Ward but could you refrain from bringing that up when someone brings up something that Ward did Right (overwriting the horrible "power-induced asexuality" thing that was considered canon before Ward with some Actual representation (in a way that's very believable))

thank you for your time everyone.
It looks like Joe is flirting with TT, not her listening in. There is the problem.
Is it? I can't actually see it but okay.

On little less "stupid, off topic questions" note:

Who gonna be against Apeiron in the next battle?
Sure, it was probably to get them out of the city when Lung made his move against Apeiron so that there wouldn't be any question as to the credit for the attack, but it was a job he was confident he could handle.
So there's definitely will be Lung, and where is Lung there's Oni Li with his bomb collection and Dragon will most likely drop on party because she has the scoundrel to pursue.
Who else?

Also this:
It'll take at least a day before I have your hard suit ready, not to mention other equipment. Then I need to make sure you can handle it, because even with A.I. support there's going to be a lot of power behind it.
So who's gonna bet on how long it will take for Aisha to learn how to handle the Lethesuit?
Does she really have a chance to play a part in battle of the next chapter?
Lisa is canonically Asexual, and speaking in my experience as a sex-repulsed asexual, I think that it would just make her really uncomfortable. Also Lisa is underage and Joe is not, which would make it even more uncomfortable.
It's actually far worse for her then that. Near as we can tell she isn't actually Ace, but instead her power goes nuts at the first sign of romantic happenings and shoves as many disturbing facts into her head about what's happening as possible.

So... in a way it's less like she's Asexual, and more like her shard is, and very, very much wants to avoid any of that by proxy.

Edit: This isn't to say being Asexual is bad, just that the situation for her would actually be even more uncomfortable then it would be if she was sexual repellant asexual. Instead she has to deal with contradictory impulses between her own leanings and those of her mental roommate.
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Okay, a question has occurred to me.. Garment made a matching weaponized boot/costume set that seems to match Apieron's set. Did I mistake that? Did the "Putting on the Reich" perk not affect both of them? And if it does, when exactly does Garment plan on fighting by Joe's side instead of, you know, as a literal part of his costume? Won't this affect her about to be opened business if she is associated with someone the PRT seems to think is villainous?

I think the matching set is one of her transforming dresses that can serve as a cape, right? Can't have a cape that doesn't match his cotsume, after all, that'd be a terrible faux pas. Just terrible!