Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

You have no idea how much I want this shit to just show up out of nowhere and fuck Joe up. Absolutely wreck him.

Joe: *Pretends to be an unstable parahuman mercenary because it benefitted him in the moment like a boss*

Joe: Okay, time to clear up my reputation with the PRT.

Forge: "Ding Ding! It's Crazy Time!"
*Joe somehow arranges a peaceful meeting with the PRT/ Protectorate.*

Joe: So I just wanted to say...

Celestial Forge connects to The Truth and the PRT/ Protectorate watch with horrified expressions as a GIANT EYE sprouts from the ground and eldritch arms grab Joe, dragging him into it.

As the PRT/ Protectorate starts to panic, Joe reappears a few moments later sans one limb/ hand and blood pouring from where it used to be.

Joe: *Joe starts to patch the wound* As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I'm not a Master and...

PRT/ Protectorate: What the Fuck was that?!?!

Joe: *still bleeding* Don't worry about it.

PRT/ Protectorate: What happened to your arm/ hand?!?!

Joe: *sighing in frustration and still bleeding* I had to give it up in order to leave. Now as I was saying...
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Celestial Forge connects to The Truth and the PRT/ Protectorate watch with horrified expressions as a GIANT EYE sprouts from the ground and eldritch arms grab Joe, dragging him into it.
I hope that the he actually gets summoned to see Truth. Though since all perks are post jump he won't lose a limb.

Though it would be if it happens in front of tattletale. It would be interesting to see how her power interprets that.
I hope that the he actually gets summoned to see Truth. Though since all perks are post jump he won't lose a limb.

Though it would be if it happens in front of tattletale. It would be interesting to see how her power interprets that.
I think he'd still lose a limb/ hand, but with the "wound" healed over because the Celestial Forge will act as if he'd lost it but never found a way to get it back.

There is a WoG that said he'd be able to use his other Perks to make a new one, so it won't be too much of an issue if it happens in private instead of out in public and/ or during combat.
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I think he'd still lose a limb/ hand, but with the "wound" healed over because the Celestial Forge will act as if he'd lost it but never found a way to get it back.

There is a WoG that said he'd be able to use his other Perks to make a new one, so it won't be too much of an issue if it happens in private instead of out in public and/ or during combat.
I believe based off of what others have said every time this has come up, the perks act as if its posed jump. So no lost arm
I want Joe to get the Titan blooded perk, just so that if he fights lung they can go full kaiju battle where Joe then has Fleet bring the jet only to have it then transform into power armor. With his motorcycle then showing that on top of being power armor, it's also a gun for the jet based power armor.
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I think he'd still lose a limb/ hand, but with the "wound" healed over because the Celestial Forge will act as if he'd lost it but never found a way to get it back.

There is a WoG that said he'd be able to use his other Perks to make a new one, so it won't be too much of an issue if it happens in private instead of out in public and/ or during combat.

The truth gains access to her shard and starts fucking with tata by giving her vague philosophical responses that only raise more questions than answers, making her progressively more annoyed/scared for his own amusement

Tattle "what the fuck was that!!!"

"it was God
it was The World
it was The Universe
it was All
it was One
it was "You""

Tattle "*screams in horror and impotent rage*"

I want Joe to get the Titan blooded perk, just so that if he fights lung they can go full kaiju battle where Joe then has Fleet bring the jet only to have it then transform into power armor. With his motorcycle then showing that on top of being power armor, it's also a gun for the jet based power armor.

"He is secretly an endbringer," says the PRT intern, believing the theory that endbringers are out of control powers, similar to what would eventually become titans
I honestly want the MC to ask for a S rank truce. After he deal with March I mean. why?
because I think if he post something in the forum/send to PRT the follow mensagem.
'I want a 20 days truce to prepare the gear to fight the endbringer'. Or something better worded to say that nope, all this was his personal gear.

And not what he would bring when there no rulers/laws to stop him :D
edit: wording and grammar.
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I think he'd still lose a limb/ hand, but with the "wound" healed over because the Celestial Forge will act as if he'd lost it but never found a way to get it back.

There is a WoG that said he'd be able to use his other Perks to make a new one, so it won't be too much of an issue if it happens in private instead of out in public and/ or during combat.
I believe Lord said no lost limb. Though if he tries to do it manually instead of wait for the perk he should lose one.

As for healing, his nanites from generator rex should be able to heal any missing body parts. or using evermore dark alchemy.
That's not going to work, lord said that he would not be able to heal the limb, and that he would have to replace it with a synthetic one
He can get it back by making a philosophers stone. He has a new perks that would allow him to to that without using humans. Plus he might be able to use call beads or something else as the exchange instead of one of his limbs/organs.
He can get it back by making a philosophers stone. He has a new perks that would allow him to to that without using humans. Plus he might be able to use call beads or something else as the exchange instead of one of his limbs/organs.
A word of God go's something along the lines of this, The waste not perk requires practice to work so he would still have to use souls and humans souls are not considered a rare ingredient.
That's not going to work, lord said that he would not be able to heal the limb, and that he would have to replace it with a synthetic one
The number of tinkers and 'tinkers' that need a synthetic limb is really raising in the bay :D
edit: the worse part is not only someone *cough leet cough* is stupid enough and probably envious of talents/good taste that he don't have ^^.
...and all those shards yelling 'do it', 'do it you coward' :p
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A word of God go's something along the lines of this, The waste not perk requires practice to work so he would still have to use souls and humans souls are not considered a rare ingredient.
No what I mean there are other perks that straight up say you can use them to make philosophers stones. There is more than one way to reach the same outcome.

Plus he can sub in some shard space energy from the call beads or something else. Also with his perks he would need fraction of the souls of he was going to use them anyway, not that he would.

Plus he can use it as a ritual to sacrifice clawer from the S9 to kill it and get a philosopher stone.

Also setting up a ritual around Ellisburg to get rid of Nilbog and his army without any fallout. Since everything in there would be sacrificed.
No what I mean there are other perks that straight up say you can use them to make philosophers stones. There is more than one way to reach the same outcome.

Plus he can sub in some shard space energy from the call beads or something else. Also with his perks he would need fraction of the souls of he was going to use them anyway, not that he would.

Plus he can use it as a ritual to sacrifice clawer from the S9 to kill it and get a philosopher stone.

Also setting up a ritual around Ellisburg to get rid of Nilbog and his army without any fallout. Since everything in there would be sacrificed.
if this take long enough to he to see the animes and etc.
would he try to well. send a clone so that they sell their abilitie of using alchemy?
Seems unnecessary. But I can see one clone try that before his demise and bringing the (hehe) truth of that question^^.
if this take long enough to he to see the animes and etc.
would he try to well. send a clone so that they sell their abilitie of using alchemy?
Seems unnecessary. But I can see one clone try that before his demise and bringing the (hehe) truth of that question^^.

The clones all have the same aura, so I get the feeling they don't actually have different souls from Joe. Fucking with the Truth seems ill advised under such circumstances. Best stick to pure fiat when it comes to dealing with the mysterious being that exists to be smug at people who try to circumvent natural laws.
Omnipotent Bastards aren't actually Omnipotent. They're just Bigger Fish in a sea of Even Bigger Fish.

Consequentially, if they act really smug instead of inscrutable, they either have not run afoul of anything that can take a bite out of them yet, so come-uppance pending, or they are a very, very bigger fish, so if you're hoping for them to get a come-uppance... consider what you're inviting to your Multiversal neighborhood, why don't you?
Omnipotent Bastards aren't actually Omnipotent. They're just Bigger Fish in a sea of Even Bigger Fish.

Consequentially, if they act really smug instead of inscrutable, they either have not run afoul of anything that can take a bite out of them yet, so come-uppance pending, or they are a very, very bigger fish, so if you're hoping for them to get a come-uppance... consider what you're inviting to your Multiversal neighborhood, why don't you?

I mean, I get that with certain god cliches and all, but it doesn't seem like the right way to treat The Truth.

The Truth isn't really a character who has opinions and does things. It tends to act smug, sure, but that's only ever in cases wherein it's reacting to a very specific thing a mortal has done. It's all rote interaction, and so its greater existence outside such circumstances, if it even has any, is totally unknown. God is only something it says humans think of it as, right? Along with a bunch of other varied labels.

I doubt I could find it at the drop of a hat, but I watched a video once that made a pretty good argument for "The Truth" being nothing more than a reflection of anyone who comes into contact with the platonic plane of ideas from which everything is derived. Not an entity in and of itself, but just an expression of the true laws of the universe as filtered through the perception of a single being. Which is why it always looks like a silhouette of that person, and why it always says it's "you."

Of course, it's not like the series ever gave a solid answer, so I guess Lord can do whatever he wants with it. I guess Father's final conversation with it might imply it's a bit more than what I've said above, if I'm remembering it right and you take it a certain way. But just having it be a regular old asshole god-being that could be slapped down like something out of greek myth doesn't feel very in tune with the themes of Fullmetal Alchemist, at least to me.
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Omnipotent Bastards aren't actually Omnipotent. They're just Bigger Fish in a sea of Even Bigger Fish.
The truth from FMAB is everything. Look up the truth on that wiki.

IDK if I would call them omnipotent since they don't directly affect anything. Regardless if it's due to restrictions or due to no desire to do so.

But Truth is omniscient. It knows literally everything. In exchange for a sacrifice people are able to glimpse as some of that truth.
I mean, just going off trends, if it's an individual, as much as anything could be said to be an individual rather than some kind of metaphysical eddy reflected off the eye of the beholder, with the person in question interpreting that contact with something it was not meant to know in full as a rationalization for why their newfound knowledge is extensive yet so incomplete, being the fact that there was a "gatekeeper" informing them quite rudely "you'll take as much of the Truth as you can handle"...

This is of course kind of a moot discussion, it's obviously not meant to have a definitive answer, being subject to extensive reader interpretation is the point. I also don't think it would sincerely add anything to this story to dive deep into it... let's face it, we all know why we're here, and what we're all about.
05:41 UTC and no word from Lord.

I do hope nothing has happened to them, since they are usually so regular with either chapters or informational updates.
let's face it, we all know why we're here, and what we're all about.

Not quite sure what you're implying here, but one of the most attractive things about this fic to me is all the the deep dives into crossover interactions between technologies and magic systems and such. It's one of the things most every other crossover fic I've ever read has ignored, and I've always cherished the few that did choose to do it and did it well. If Lord ever wants or needs to take it in that direction, I think an attempt by Joe at learning more about The Truth could be very interesting. Even if... no, in this case, especially if we're still left will no solid answer after a lot of interesting in-story discussion and/or experimentation.