Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Note that sex traffickers and E88 are human. But anyone who has shed innocent blood to climb the E88 ladder has lost the right to be considered anything more than outside the law, bereft of the protections of the natural rights of liberty. Likewise, anyone who participates in the kidnapping, breaking, and forced sexual servitude of women (well, anyone pretty enough to be of use in a brothel, so young men are potentially at risk, so are children of either sex) has lost the right to be considered anything more than outside the law, because it may not be murder but that shit is beyond vile. As in, 'fate worse than death' has been a historical euphemism for good reason, levels of beyond vile.

The only reason they aren't dead or rotting in jail is because of cape protection.


I don't recommend that Joe use those Castlevania perk rituals, because that may well stain his soul beyond redemption. Besides, I suspect the soul of a thoroughly-damned human isn't worth as much to hell as the suffering of an innocent or trying-to-be-good. (They want the vile to keep on doing for as much of a century as possible, see, and hell will get them in the end anyway. The innocent and the righteous? Other mortals don't need that kind of example to follow. If they can't be tempted quickly, better to send them on to heaven than risk them sticking around and spoiling dozens of others, even if someone's personal tempter is going to be stuck in a lake of brimstone for a thousand years for failure in that regard.) So if Joe wants a demon-leather jacket and demon-bone buttons to decorate it, he's much better off if he sets up to raid hell as an avenging angel type. Meaning he'll need to reverse engineer the rituals to work out from first principles how to force open a conduit whereby he can invade the Pit, instead of inviting one of its denizens up here.

That said, I don't much see the point. Demons aren't handsome or sexy, they're repulsive. Likewise, the whole point of the Devil is that even when he's telling the truth on one level, it's to sell a lie on a much more important level. He's only 'sympathetic' at comic book levels of shallowness.
Yeah any group that do those activities race creed or species are predators and threats to the public safety. The fallen do all that and add worshiping monsters who routinely commit mass murder. Hell the boardwalks enforcers(possibly subvertef by coil) routinely kill people (left unconscious in alleyd on cold night to die of exposure) and tossed in the bay.

Nonsequitor but has lord gone over prt loadout? I know its fannon that they all have contsinment foam but in cannon the standard loadout seemed to be a side arm, a rifle or semi automatic, grenades with the occasional trooper who had a contsinment foam sprayer. Didnt dragon use reverse enginereed bakuda confosm grenades to make dome of her own.

I kinda hope one of the new perks is inner lining
  1. Inner Linings (Final Fantasy XIV) (100): A customer came to you one day with a strange request for you to make a leather jacket which would be thinner, enough so that it would take multiple jackets to equal the bulk and weight of a normal jacket. As strange as that request was, when you watched him enchant the various jackets it suddenly made sense. Instead of trying to enchant a single jacket multiple times, he would wear multiple jackets enchanted once. But you can improve on that idea. Instead of attempting to craft multiple thinner jackets, you've opened up inner linings in existing pieces of work. As you predicted, while the ease of stacking enchantments has gone up, the overall durability of the item has dropped by a bit. Perhaps with time and better materials, you could rectify the second point. Having so many inner linings also helps quite a bit when it comes to deeper pockets, which is a nice side effect
The gangs of BB are the worst
The E88 are literal nazi's
The ABB are sex traffickers and make use of sexual slavery
And unironically the merchants are druggies that are headed by galaxy brain skidmark ( he DID create the most successful parahuman creation process in Bet)
And coil the bond child kidnapper
Almost everything we know about the Brockton Bay gangs comes from Taylor's perspective, an unreliable narrator who barely knows anything about the gangs. The worst things the Merchants were accused of is kidnapping people and forcing them to become addicted to drugs, which always seemed utterly absurd to me. I always thought it was an excuse given for people who became drug addicts. Maybe a parent trying to absolve their kids addiction. "Oh, the Merchants forced my son to take drugs! He never would have done so willingly." Something like this happens in canon Worm with some teenage boy. I forget his name. A girl asks Skitter for help finding her brother that was kidnapped by the Merchants, but it turns out he left to party and get high.

I can imagine a teenager caught with a stash of drugs and making up wild excuses to their parents. "I didn't want to do those awesome drugs! The Merchants made me do them. They pinned me down and injected the sweet smack into my arm and I was yelling all the different ways I'm supposed to say no to drugs. You gotta believe me."
Remember wher her brother left with the merchants he sexualy assaulted sierra friend cutting him up with a broken bottle

Infestation 11.3
And I was left alone. I guess I was saved by the long hours at the shelter, I wasn't spending half as much time in the house where they got exposed to the mold. I had to find a new place to stay. A guy from the shelter heard my story, offered to give me a room in the church. Near here. I was grateful, I took it. My brother got out of the hospital, and he came to stay with me. He got the cot, I got the floor. A day and a half later, they came."

"The Merchants?"

She nodded. "They attacked the church. Nine or ten of them. We outnumbered them, but they had weapons, and they caught us by surprise. One of them threw a molotov cocktail through a window. There were other families there, families with kids, so I grabbed a fire extinguisher and tried to stop it from spreading. Spraying around- I couldn't put it out, didn't want to try in case I just spread it around, so I just contained it, for all the good it did."

She shook her head, "They came through the doors and began attacking people, one of them grabbed my brother, I- I panicked. I used the extinguisher to spray towards them and tried to pull him away. I couldn't, and others were approaching, so I left him and I escaped through the broken window where the bottle had been thrown inside. When I got back an hour later, there were fire trucks and police and ambulances there. My brother was the only one missing. The others were there, but badly hurt. Burned or cut up, beaten. Derrick, the man who'd invited me to stay there-"

She broke off, and she stopped walking, turning away so her head was facing away from me.

I waited patiently. When she'd turned back so I could see her face and started walking again, I gently asked, "Dead?"

She shook her head. Quietly, she said, "They cut him up with a broken bottle. The doctor said they bent him over and shoved it between- he'll have a tube running out of his stomach and into a bag for the rest of his life. And he might never walk again. You understand?"
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Oh yeah they did kidnap a bunch of people.

Still seems weird. Finding people to buy drugs is like the last problem you would have in a city like Brockton Bay.
Or they spliced the lightweight stuff with harder stuff to get people addicted to hard drugs. Or both?
Hello and happy holidays everyone.

I have some bad news. I had hoped to have a chapter ready for this week, but everything leading up to the holiday had left me with limited time to write. The current chapter is only half finished, and rather than try to rush something out tonight I've decided to take an extra week and use some of my time off to complete it properly and get it polished. I'm sorry for missing this week's update, and for the late notice, but this way I can promise a proper (and longer) chapter next week.

My thanks to everyone who supported the story, and have a happy holiday season.
Hello and happy holidays everyone.

I have some bad news. I had hoped to have a chapter ready for this week, but everything leading up to the holiday had left me with limited time to write. The current chapter is only half finished, and rather than try to rush something out tonight I've decided to take an extra week and use some of my time off to complete it properly and get it polished. I'm sorry for missing this week's update, and for the late notice, but this way I can promise a proper (and longer) chapter next week.

My thanks to everyone who supported the story, and have a happy holiday season.
It's cool take your time and try to polish it more
Thanks, I keep forgetting the reference doc exists and will now bookmark it.

This is a powerful 100 point perk!

Talented (100cp): You are an expert at any non-combat related skill. Cooking? You can make a five star meal with low rate ingredients.
It's been said by others but this only applies to tailoring. Garment will be happy.
I'm hoping that when Joe gets Armsthift that he does get an identity (especially since he already has so many quality boosts that his weapons won't break anyway)

One of the only possible charisma boosts on the Celestial Forge would be from the Lord Identity, but any of these except Discipline/Soldier would potentially be useful. I'd really hope for Charm/Lord or Tactics/Tactician. Tactics would really help out with battlefield control, since Joe is so good at smashing that he doesn't really need bigger/better missiles or whatever (expect for Endbringers).

What Identity do you guys think that he should have?
Joe never gets backgrounds or associated free perks. Looks like I forgot to update the reference after Lord clarified that. I've updated now.
Yeah any group that do those activities race creed or species are predators and threats to the public safety. The fallen do all that and add worshiping monsters who routinely commit mass murder. Hell the boardwalks enforcers(possibly subvertef by coil) routinely kill people (left unconscious in alleyd on cold night to die of exposure) and tossed in the bay.

Nonsequitor but has lord gone over prt loadout? I know its fannon that they all have contsinment foam but in cannon the standard loadout seemed to be a side arm, a rifle or semi automatic, grenades with the occasional trooper who had a contsinment foam sprayer. Didnt dragon use reverse enginereed bakuda confosm grenades to make dome of her own.

I kinda hope one of the new perks is inner lining
  1. Inner Linings (Final Fantasy XIV) (100): A customer came to you one day with a strange request for you to make a leather jacket which would be thinner, enough so that it would take multiple jackets to equal the bulk and weight of a normal jacket. As strange as that request was, when you watched him enchant the various jackets it suddenly made sense. Instead of trying to enchant a single jacket multiple times, he would wear multiple jackets enchanted once. But you can improve on that idea. Instead of attempting to craft multiple thinner jackets, you've opened up inner linings in existing pieces of work. As you predicted, while the ease of stacking enchantments has gone up, the overall durability of the item has dropped by a bit. Perhaps with time and better materials, you could rectify the second point. Having so many inner linings also helps quite a bit when it comes to deeper pockets, which is a nice side effect
Final Fantasy XIV is excluded probably partially because that jumpdoc is bizarre and confusing.
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