Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Need help tracking down new possible perk.

WoG said this week

I have looked and found a jumpchain document for Inukami here Inukami Remake
but it has no mention of a "Talented" perk, let alone a "Talisman Adept" perk.

So does anyone know where we can find the info on this new possible perk? Joe becomes a magical girl for 100 points? I bet Garment would love to work on that outfit.

You could have just looked at the Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference document here which has links to most the jumpchains documents already. Only a few are missing such as the original Dead Space.

Inukami jump document is here:

You could have just looked at the Brockton's Celestial Forge Reference document here which has links to most the jumpchains documents already. Only a few are missing such as the original Dead Space.

Thanks, I keep forgetting the reference doc exists and will now bookmark it.

This is a powerful 100 point perk!

Talented (100cp): You are an expert at any non-combat related skill. Cooking? You can make a five star meal with low rate ingredients.
would chimera creation work on case 53s?

I mean, being a lion man would be better than a being in a permanent breaker state, and definetly better than being whatever echidna was

I don't think he could heal Echidna, mostly by the same reason Rex has a limit on how many nanites he can remove from someone, too much mass, too complex a system

honestly, there are very few cases 53s he can't fix, mostly the non-biological

I made a list of fixable 53s:
  • Black Forest: Yes

  • Brickhaus: unknown

  • Chantilly: my god would Garmet love her, she is made of lace and is very nice and lacking in the bitterness associated with case 53s, is say no, but still good friends

  • The custodian: no, how would you even heal that?

  • Echidna: probably not because of size/density, but he may regress her growth significantly, possibly due to the body transplant so common in fics, not sure he would risk it with krause being a simurgh bomb

  • Egesa: id say yes, probably

  • Egg: Yes, would probably do him a lot of good just to make his body symmetrical and stop the leakage

  • Engel: Yes, but probably will not want to

  • Fen (& peat): id say yes as their bodies are said to be organic, they may survive if the story about a cure to case 53s gets out, heck most wondering case 53s will go to the bay

  • Gregor the snail: yes, you can make his skin less transparent/ more pink, and that would already be an enormous improvement, and removing his spiral growths and finger nails

  • Gully: easiest one, change her features and proportions a bit and she will be a sexy Amazonian lady

  • Gwerrus: yes

  • Hunch: yes

  • Mantellum: I'd say yes, but his power may be too strong for that.

  • Matryoshka: probably another great friend of garments. Here is a description of her power:
    • "Matryoshka can turn herself into a mess of ribbons, and when inactive she has a humanoid form with horizontal lines across her body.[2] When absorbing an individual, some of their memories and appearance are absorbed into her costing some of her own. This effect can be repeated, but holding on to anyone too long 'digests' them.[3] This can lead to the obfuscation of her personality as more memories and experiences are added to her own, shifting her."

  • Newter: like Mantellum he may have difficulty due to the hallucinogenic properties of his skin, even if you just give him better/conscious control it is a huge boost

  • Sanguaine: probably, i mean his only difference is skin color, so he may not even want to risk it, he may be an anialathor cape though as he is spoken of in the same breath as flechette
    "Too many others were capable of delivering the hurt, but were too fragile: Browbeat, Shadow Stalker, Lady Photon, Purity, Laserdream, Brandish and others I didn't know. The Ward with the crossbow, some guy with crimson skin."

  • Shamrock: probably some internal weirdness, may want a checkup regardless

  • The slug: probably not he went, along with too many crimes

  • Softball: Yes

  • Subject 3016: maybe not, only messing with the powers directly

  • Sveta: yes, the precious little angel deserves the best

  • Thud: no

  • Trainwrck: probably

  • Wendigo: no
Thanks, I keep forgetting the reference doc exists and will now bookmark it.

This is a powerful 100 point perk!

Talented (100cp): You are an expert at any non-combat related skill. Cooking? You can make a five star meal with low rate ingredients.

So, does the perk mean you become an expert in one non-combat related skill, or an expert in all non-combat related skills? It's worded kinda confusingly.
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I'm hoping that when Joe gets Armsthift that he does get an identity (especially since he already has so many quality boosts that his weapons won't break anyway)

Armsthrift Fire Emblem: Awakening 400 "Your weapons just don't seem to break and you know how to care for them well. Even immensely fragile things are unlikely to break in your care. Guns won't jam and swords never lose their edge"

May come with an identity and corresponding free perks from the jump

One of the only possible charisma boosts on the Celestial Forge would be from the Lord Identity, but any of these except Discipline/Soldier would potentially be useful. I'd really hope for Charm/Lord or Tactics/Tactician. Tactics would really help out with battlefield control, since Joe is so good at smashing that he doesn't really need bigger/better missiles or whatever (expect for Endbringers).

What Identity do you guys think that he should have?

The 100 point perks here are freebies to an identity

Here is the original

Fire Emblem Awakening [JumpChain]

2489 views on Imgur
It'd be funny if the identity he gets from Tactician is just straight up Robin.

Nothing says traumatized like being the vessel for a Demon God. :V
Gully: easiest one, change her features and proportions a bit and she will be a sexy Amazonian lady

Lord Rustabout has mentioned (either here or AO3) that fixing Gully will not be easy. Even more human looking Case 53s have a lot of crazy mutations underneath their exterior. It's probably better to say that they are an alien stuffed into a bipedal shape, but their underlying biology is completely different from human or even earth animal biology. Also, the Case 53 powers are actively causing the mutation and resist any sort of changes. Weld's body kept morphing back to his previous state and resisted any improvements Joe tried to make. If changing Gully to be more humanlike was as simple as plastic surgery, you can bet Gully would have already done it.

I bet Case 53 bodies try to heal and regenerate over any plastic surgery done to them. So if you cut off an extra limb from a Case 53, it starts regrowing from the stump fairly quickly (maybe in weeks?).

The only powers that would allow Joe to cure a Case 53 would be high level magitech powers or magics dealing with curses.
Lord Rustabout has mentioned (either here or AO3) that fixing Gully will not be easy. Even more human looking Case 53s have a lot of crazy mutations underneath their exterior. It's probably better to say that they are an alien stuffed into a bipedal shape, but their underlying biology is completely different from human or even earth animal biology. Also, the Case 53 powers are actively causing the mutation and resist any sort of changes. Weld's body kept morphing back to his previous state and resisted any improvements Joe tried to make. If changing Gully to be more humanlike was as simple as plastic surgery, you can bet Gully would have already done it.

I bet Case 53 bodies try to heal and regenerate over any plastic surgery done to them. So if you cut off an extra limb from a Case 53, it starts regrowing from the stump fairly quickly (maybe in weeks?).

The only powers that would allow Joe to cure a Case 53 would be high level magitech powers or magics dealing with curses.

Still, any change would be very good for them, and if he can't do that he can always try to make them into chimeras, might make them better at dealing with society a bit
I just had a dum idea but is it possible that joe can make (scar from full metal alchemist) ordinance that upon contact performs two of the three parts of the full metal alchemist process analyze, and dissasemble but not reassemble when used. That would be something capable of taking chunks out of an endbringer even of its skeleton maybe. But if its a smart enough bomb to transmit analysis before disasembly than it might be possible for the thinkers to figure out a way past its durability ?

Even with the knowledge that killing an endbringer would be bad. I think when the siren goes off joe will decide it needs to be done anyway. He is likely to also assume its there for him and all the deaths he might be responsible for. Guilt, fear, and rage.

If Taylor is boosted in range with enough bugs she might be able to coordinate a better response with tattletale beside her receiving apierons telemetry.

Hmm the simurgh turned cody into a zizbomb to kill tattletale and accord might have been a secondary or tertiary target.

Even after behemoths death they stayed on the cycle but cjanged there tactocs. Simurgh got the cui higher ups in the plane then the levoathan, beheamouth, simurgh cycle finished leading to tohou and tge others being inserted in the cycle.
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One of the only possible charisma boosts on the Celestial Forge would be from the Lord Identity, but any of these except Discipline/Soldier would potentially be useful. I'd really hope for Charm/Lord or Tactics/Tactician. Tactics would really help out with battlefield control, since Joe is so good at smashing that he doesn't really need bigger/better missiles or whatever (expect for Endbringers).

Oh sure. Give the PRT ANOTHER reason to yell RUDE GOLBERG THINKER! or MASTER! in his know, that would be hilarious actually. I think Focus or Discipline MIGHT be the more useful ones though.

And speaking of aliens stuffed into bipedal exactly is Panacea going to react when she tries to use her powers on Joe only to realize he has a Triple Helix gene structure? Cry Alien? Might actually give the PRT relief if so, would explain why he is so unexplainable. Of course this might lead to war with the Mutant Jesus faction soooo.....
Most of his tinkering is not magic. However, he has several perks that are. Identity(Mage) itself comes with a freebie spell.
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As I said earlier, Gully is probably best handled by a series of 'natural energy' potions with permanent body-changes as the 'side effects'.

The thing is, this isn't easy. Joe would have to scan her, invent a potion to fix one aspect of her unwanted biology, scan her again to see how it affected everything that connected with the newly-adjusted biology, invent a new potion to fix the next aspect he'd then choose to adjust, etc. All while keeping her body from going into a failure spiral as things stop working the way the passenger had set up.

EDIT: Given that this is Joe we're talking about, 'isn't easy' may well mean 'requires all of two days of his dedicated attention'. You know, about the same amount of time that it would take him to design and manufacture a powered armor suit for Aisha from scratch. (Would it take longer if he did it all by hand for the Divine Construct property to full express itself? Dunno. He's got a lot of 'this takes less time/material' perks by now.)
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i would think that the best way to cure a 53 is that you need to remove the shard Then you try to heal

healing and keeping the power active will be super hard but the nanomachines might do it if they stay inside of there bodies