Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

That said. Even a weapon that would kill him, quite likely would not kill an Endbringer. If you follow the WoG, then they're mass is something like a small galaxy on it's own in total. Though apparently you only need enough firepower to shatter a world to kill one. Though it is worth noting, that is shatter, as in deathstar outright. A mere biosphere killer won't do the job.
In fairness, many people find that WoG dubious at best. If you consider that Wildbow said that even Saitama's surface busting punch could kill an Endbringer, anyone with any understanding of how physics work knows that even that absolutely cannot propagate through something with the the mass/durability of a galaxy. Although talks with Lord says that he'll be following the WoG so I guess that ultimately doesn't matter, and considering Joe's possible tech or magic or magitech, he'll kill them anyways.
Though apparently you only need enough firepower to shatter a world to kill one. Though it is worth noting, that is shatter, as in deathstar outright. A mere biosphere killer won't do the job

Yes and No, The force needed to shatter the endbringer is necessary only to pierce through the hilariously dense core.

Does he have to break the core or could he isolate it somehow?

It would make for a nice experiment as accessing hyper-dense matter from endbringer shardworlds would give him access to rare materials for his tech.

If you consider that Wildbow said that even Saitama's surface busting punch could kill an Endbringer, anyone with any understanding of how physics work knows that even that absolutely cannot propagate through something with the the mass/durability of a galaxy

Saitama's fist follows physics when it wants to, he is actually a reality warper which just uses his fist to warp reality as far as I am aware.
Saitama's fist follows physics when it wants to, he is actually a reality warper which just uses his fist to warp reality as far as I am aware.
Wildbow didn't state Saitama as the exception, he's even stated before that String Theory's Drivers could greatly harm to kill endbringers, Wildbow simply stated that a surface wiping attack could kill an endbringer which contradicts his other WoG and hence why people don't take Wildbow's WoG as seriously.
In fairness, many people find that WoG dubious at best. If you consider that Wildbow said that even Saitama's surface busting punch could kill an Endbringer, anyone with any understanding of how physics work knows that even that absolutely cannot propagate through something with the the mass/durability of a galaxy. Although talks with Lord says that he'll be following the WoG so I guess that ultimately doesn't matter, and considering Joe's possible tech or magic or magitech, he'll kill them anyways.
Personally , I just assume that you can't kill them without exotic focused attacks or even if you kill them with just kinetic or normal attacks the world will end .

The problem with trying to kill the endbringers in a story with brute force means that you have to deal with a long line of contradicting WOG and people saying that that wouldn't kill them , so to just make it easier either have sting kill them or just have a fiat backed kill or just do something so overkill no one can say they wouldn't not survive ( like the annihilarg from ben 10 ) that no one can argue against the kill
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Personally , I just assume that you can't kill them without exotic focused attacks or even if you kill them with just kinetic or normal attacks the world will end .

The problem with trying to kill the endbringers in a story with brute force means that you have to deal with a long line of contradicting WOG and people saying that that wouldn't kill them , so to just make it easier either have sting kill them or just have a fiat backed kill or just do something so overkill no one can say they wouldn't not survive ( like the annihilarg
from ben 10 ) that no one can argue against the kill
Fair enough, Joe has exotic in spades. Although it does remove the cool spectacle of an epic 1v1 brawl showdown in an isolated dimension. But these are things to kill, not things to have a cage match with (no matter how awesome that would be). If you were gonna go the kinetic route, the best thing to do is drag the Endbringers into an isolated dimension where you could let loose (preferably somehow have everyone watching because that sounds like something that Joe's perks would do)
One weakness of the Endbringers is that they may have the mass but not the volume of a galaxy and Full Metal Alchemist Alchemy appears to be limited by volume and complexity not mass. He probably could Scar them, if he learns enough about their composition.
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One weakness of the Endbringers is that they may have the mass but not the volume of a galaxy and Full Metal Alchemist Alchemy appears to be limited by volume and complexity not mass. He probably could Scar them, if he learns enough about their composition.

Oh, definitely, but that would require both alchemy and alkhestry and understanding the composition of the endbringers, as even the difference between metal and flesh could stop Scar.

It may not work entirely if the composition of the layers is different enough

So it would require a tattoo and probably not be useful on any of the enbringers save leviathan, and even then it would probably not destroy him entirely, as scar never destroyed something the size of leviathan in one blow

count on that the fact that it may teach contessa,ziz or even scion to make human sacrifices by witnessing it, dooming as all

same with his xenobiology power it will only be useful in / with hindsight
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He has alchemy, alkhestry, really advanced scanners and material knowledge. He even has knowledge about dimensional folded material, multitasking,2 other alchemists of his skilllevel and lots of booster perks.
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Once I thought that you could logic bomb these guys. But here cape effect are interpreted as magic. So no idea.

Otherwise would be extreme funny (to me). To make behemoth for example. Almost kill itself by making him trying to interpret how to deflect a curse that shift reality just a little bit for just a moment (or making it believe that it did). Something truly bizarre like 2+2=fish and let it own power/balance hurt him badly.

Because when you are that heavy, using that many dimensions to exist. Something should have to break.
Wonder if we'll get an update this week? Wouldn't blame Lord for taking a week or two off seeing as it's Xmas.
Y'all didn't actually read that WoG. Wildbow specifically said that Saitama's punch only works on an Endbringer because it operates by fiat.
He has alchemy, alkhestry, really advanced scanners and material knowledge. He even has knowledge about dimensional folded material, multitasking,2 other alchemists of his skilllevel and lots of booster perks.

Still, it may not be enough if the tattoo formula can only affect a single material at the time as an inbuilt limitation

Scar's tattoos were the pinnacle of alchemy, as they allowed a layperson to use alchemy on a level that let him kill several trained alchemists, and even that had the limitation of only working on a material at the time.

It may very well be the ceiling for what you can do within human alchemy, at least in a combative capability.

Also, remember that anything that requires you to touch leviathan for over 1/10th of a second is an unusable plan on the face of it

We never saw alchemy working in space-time itself outside the philosopher stone. It may very well be impossible with normal alchemy even if you know how to manipulate time and space itself.

Once I thought that you could logic bomb these guys. But here cape effect are interpreted as magic. So no idea.

Otherwise would be extreme funny (to me). To make behemoth for example. Almost kill itself by making him trying to interpret how to deflect a curse that shift reality just a little bit for just a moment (or making it believe that it did). Something truly bizarre like 2+2=fish and let it own power/balance hurt him badly.

Because when you are that heavy, using that many dimensions to exist. Something should have to break.

It's one way I believe you can deal with entities. Using SCP-536 if the effects spread across all dimensions, you basically create the equivalent of a kidney stone clockblocker affected.

Honestly, the entities would be very fragile to reality warpers, as they probably need physics to act very specifically to function

as complexity makes systems inherently fragile as a basic rule

Wondering if there is a Jojo stand perk, the op stands would work on the entities no doubt
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you know, a good "weapon" to "kill" an endbringer is a slipspace drive
just punch them into the portal and close it after they go in
no way for them to escape and most likely it will never be a problem
you know, a good "weapon" to "kill" an endbringer is a slipspace drive
just punch them into the portal and close it after they go in
no way for them to escape and most likely it will never be a problem

they are specifically resistant to teleportation, the only reason a vortex grenade may work is because of the warp being completely foreign to the entities

It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but they probably dealt with teleport/ weaponized FTL drive enough to know how to deal with this version of it

Honestly, I think you may need a tesseract vault, or at least a scaled-down version because of the sheer mass
they are specifically resistant to teleportation, the only reason a vortex grenade may work is because of the warp being completely foreign to the entities

It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but they probably dealt with teleport/ weaponized FTL drive enough to know how to deal with this version of it

Honestly, I think you may need a tesseract vault, or at least a scaled-down version because of the sheer mass
The C'tan do not operate under conventional physics any more than the Endbringers do, and yet simultaneously and fortuitously do manipulate the material dimension through 'mundane means', I.E sufficiently advanced physics and engineering, so technically like the Entities.

Granted, those are mostly used to contain just Shards of C'tan, but I mean... a C'tan Shard probably is comparable to an Endbringer, right, seeing as how a full-on C'tan is basically an Entity on heroin?
they are specifically resistant to teleportation, the only reason a vortex grenade may work is because of the warp being completely foreign to the entities

It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but they probably dealt with teleport/ weaponized FTL drive enough to know how to deal with this version of it

Honestly, I think you may need a tesseract vault, or at least a scaled-down version because of the sheer mass
Slipspace drive halfway through the core would probably work, simply because of the begining of the twist, would have to use it against the smurg first in order for it to work though.
Anyway the simulations that coil/ simurgh/ path to (my shard) victory are probably still facing the easiest to scary 'cape' or the 'cape' that would kill them for real.
The funniest part to me is that he still acts like a tinker with all those special rules/ bending of the physics of a power so I assume that they can extrapolate him. Only that with so much magic being mixed by him and with not head and tail for how many he will use. Because when he start to really get the magic tech and magic tree. Well these guys are for a 'wonderful treat'.

And this guy already have two 'summon bigger fish' in the form of Satan and Zion (if he does use the grey goo or other stuff that break the setting completely).
Edit: wording.
The C'tan do not operate under conventional physics any more than the Endbringers do, and yet simultaneously and fortuitously do manipulate the material dimension through 'mundane means', I.E sufficiently advanced physics and engineering, so technically like the Entities.

Granted, those are mostly used to contain just Shards of C'tan, but I mean... a C'tan Shard probably is comparable to an Endbringer, right, seeing as how a full-on C'tan is basically an Entity on heroin?

Yes, the C'tan they have shown us are in between entities and endbringers, but given the sheer difference between entities and endbringers, that's probably a very wide range

Let's call the scale down vault a Tesseract Coffer

Slipspace drive halfway through the core would probably work, simply because of the begining of the twist, would have to use it against the smurg first in order for it to work though.

I don't think that is how the S-F drive work, here is from the wiki.

The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine functions by creating ruptures, referred to in some sources as wormholes, between normal space and an alternate plane known as slipspace (also known as slipstream space and Shaw-Fujikawa space).[6] The engine creates ruptures by using high-power cyclic particle accelerators to generate microscopic black holes. Because of their low mass, Hawking radiation gives them a lifetime of around a nanosecond (or potentially a little longer than a whole second)[7] before they evaporate into useless thermal energy. In that nanosecond, the engine manipulates them into forming a coherent rupture between normal space and the slipstream.[8] A major component of the drive is a set of "slipspace capacitors" which have to be charged before a jump, presumably to accumulate enough power to run its particle accelerator.[9][10]

The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine generates a quantum field, which prevents the ship and its occupants from being directly exposed to the eleven-dimensional space-time of slipspace, instead translating the ship's presence to the foreign physics of the Slipstream and "squeezing" it through the higher dimensions.[11] Maintaining the quantum field requires an enormous amount of constant calculations, with larger vessels requiring significantly more such calculations than smaller ones. For example, the slipspace translations for a Phoenix-class colony ship require 4.3 quadrillion calculations of the quantum field per second.[12]

A human slipspace drive does not actually "accelerate" a spacecraft through slipstream space; this is performed by the ship's conventional reaction thrusters. Thus, ships with more powerful conventional engines are also faster within the slipstream.[13] When active, a Shaw-Fujikawa engine emits alpha (helium nuclei) and beta particles (fast electrons).[14] The coordination and plotting of slipspace jumps, referred to as astrogation, requires an enormous amount of calculations which require a navigation computer or an AI to successfully conduct.[15] However, the basic jump parameters can be calculated by a human.[16]

The elements Selenium and Technetium are used to manufacture Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engines.

It seems that they run miniaturized black holes as a source of power, just to run those things and if you are a sci-fi nerd like me, then you know that they are even higher in the tech tree than anti-matter, something I don't think the MC would mess with.

for reference

The quantum field may be another problem as how such a thing works around an endbringer is up in the air, not to mention that level of computing may be above even Aperion's capabilities.

Not to mention it releases radiation that is significant in space ship terms, probably not good to stand near it

Dangers and risks
Human slipspace drives are considered black boxes which are very difficult to repair or maintain after they are activated for the first time. Kurt-051 considered slipspace drives dangerous, noting the aforementioned radiation and that spacetime was said to distort around an active device.[8] Dr. Halsey also observed that in the past, several technicians had simply vanished while manually adjusting a drive. However, such adjustments were still often necessary by the late 25th century, as the superconducting magnets that aligned the drive's acceleration coils tended to drift out of phase and the electronic systems designed to control them often malfunctioned in proximity of the drive core due to exposure the warped laws of physics around the device.[18]

A ruptured slipspace drive can create slipspace "splinters" in normal space, eventually consuming the drive and the entire ship which the drive was placed on.[19] Mechanical failures like Slip Termination, Preventable, or STP, can also occur with Slipspace drives, usually resulting from poor maintenance.[3] An improperly mounted Slipspace drive can also result in catastrophic accidents. This was the case with a colony ship en route to the Cygnus system around 2550: as a result of a maintenance failure, the drive transported half the ship into oblivion, killing 700.[20]

When a similar slipspace rupture was induced by Jorge-052 to destroy the Long Night of Solace in the orbit of Reach, it created an EMP effect that disabled all satellites within its range.[20]

Atypical uses
There have been several occasions where a Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine has been used for purposes other than those intended.

Experimental transitions
The UNSC has twice attempted to execute under-powered slipspace transitions. They were both unsuccessful, leading to the conversion of the trial spacecraft into "atomized bits".[32] In 2547, Dr. Catherine Halsey used the slipspace drive of the UNSC frigate UNSC Tripping Light to conduct an experiment on building an abstract fractal within slipspace for AI housing.[33][34]

Although two human ships utilizing the Shaw-Fujikawa engine are suspected of having successfully executed an in-atmosphere slipspace transition, this has not been irrefutably confirmed.[35][36]

During her journey to Onyx, Dr. Halsey performed a risky manual adjustment on the drive of Beatrice through a minute turn of one of the drive's supercooled superconducting magnets, resulting in a 32-percent increase in coil power.[18] She was also able to recapture the particle accelerator energy in the ship's plasma coils by plotting the exit vector through a saddle point in the mathematical function representing the jump trajectory, although there was a risk of coil overload involved.

Weaponized uses

An uncontrolled slipspace rupture engulfs the Ardent Prayer, destroying the Long Night of Solace along with it.

Slipspace drives may also be used as improvised, if highly expensive, weapons of mass destruction. By momentarily generating an uncontrolled slipspace rupture within a kilometers-wide radius, the device forcibly transitions any matter in the affected area into slipspace.[20] Projections of the Insurrection's escalation into a major war suggested that with unrestricted access to slipspace-capable craft, any hostile colony would turn them into weapons against Earth.[38]

In 2531, the UNSC Spirit of Fire reused the nuclear reactor from its slipspace drive as an improvised bomb, in order to induce a supernova in the miniature star at the heart of the Etran Harborage. Sergeant John Forge was forced to stay behind and detonate it manually due to damage to it and the improvised bomb worked perfectly, destroying the shield world after the Spirit of Fire escaped.[39][40] In the same year, the Office of Naval Intelligence used a partially deconstructed drive to cause Kurt-051's thruster pack to malfunction and send him flying into space so he could be secretly rescued and recruited into the SPARTAN-III program.[8]

During the Fall of Reach in 2552, remembering an accident involving an improperly-mounted slipspace drive, Spartan-III Kat-B320 of Noble Team devised a plan to use the UNSC Savannah's slipspace drive as an improvised "bomb" to destroy the Covenant CSO-class supercarrierLong Night of Solace, in lieu of nuclear weaponry, which was unavailable at the time. The bomb was transported by a Pelican into the hangar bay of the SDV-class heavy corvette Ardent Prayer, which was then hijacked and set on a refueling track with the supercarrier. The activation timer for the "bomb" was damaged in a firefight, so Jorge-052 stayed behind to activate it manually, while SPARTAN-B312 was forced out of the ship. When the slipspace drive was activated, a massive slipspace rupture was created, which caused Ardent Prayer, along with a large portion of Long Night of Solace, to be teleported into oblivion. With its entire midsection missing, the remains of Long Night of Solace crashed onto the surface of the planet Reach.[20]

so the points against it are:
  1. They are considered black boxes even by the people who made it, so I doubt they are that easy to make. They even spooky disappear people sometimes.
  2. radiation in very high doses
  3. and considering that EMP was in space and reached satellites hundreds of kilometers away, then it's possible they would have a greater effect than Bakuda's own EMP.
  4. It's just too bloody expensive, even for an interstellar empire.
  5. It's too potent, as a 1 kilometer wide slip space rupture would probably be considered too destructive even for an endbringer battle.
So in practice it's the same as throwing a nuke on the EBs , sure this nuke might work in actualy killing them, but will probably still be seen as a nuclear weapon.

Heck, at this level it may even leave a mushroom cloud, and I'm pretty sure the united states government would let no one detonate a nuke over its soil that wasn't them.
Yes, the C'tan they have shown us are in between entities and endbringers, but given the sheer difference between entities and endbringers, that's probably a very wide range

Let's call the scale down vault a Tesseract Coffer

I don't think that is how the S-F drive work, here is from the wiki.

The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine functions by creating ruptures, referred to in some sources as wormholes, between normal space and an alternate plane known as slipspace (also known as slipstream space and Shaw-Fujikawa space).[6] The engine creates ruptures by using high-power cyclic particle accelerators to generate microscopic black holes. Because of their low mass, Hawking radiation gives them a lifetime of around a nanosecond (or potentially a little longer than a whole second)[7] before they evaporate into useless thermal energy. In that nanosecond, the engine manipulates them into forming a coherent rupture between normal space and the slipstream.[8] A major component of the drive is a set of "slipspace capacitors" which have to be charged before a jump, presumably to accumulate enough power to run its particle accelerator.[9][10]

The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine generates a quantum field, which prevents the ship and its occupants from being directly exposed to the eleven-dimensional space-time of slipspace, instead translating the ship's presence to the foreign physics of the Slipstream and "squeezing" it through the higher dimensions.[11] Maintaining the quantum field requires an enormous amount of constant calculations, with larger vessels requiring significantly more such calculations than smaller ones. For example, the slipspace translations for a Phoenix-class colony ship require 4.3 quadrillion calculations of the quantum field per second.[12]

A human slipspace drive does not actually "accelerate" a spacecraft through slipstream space; this is performed by the ship's conventional reaction thrusters. Thus, ships with more powerful conventional engines are also faster within the slipstream.[13] When active, a Shaw-Fujikawa engine emits alpha (helium nuclei) and beta particles (fast electrons).[14] The coordination and plotting of slipspace jumps, referred to as astrogation, requires an enormous amount of calculations which require a navigation computer or an AI to successfully conduct.[15] However, the basic jump parameters can be calculated by a human.[16]

The elements Selenium and Technetium are used to manufacture Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engines.

It seems that they run miniaturized black holes as a source of power, just to run those things and if you are a sci-fi nerd like me, then you know that they are even higher in the tech tree than anti-matter, something I don't think the MC would mess with.

for reference

The quantum field may be another problem as how such a thing works around an endbringer is up in the air, not to mention that level of computing may be above even Aperion's capabilities.

Not to mention it releases radiation that is significant in space ship terms, probably not good to stand near it

Dangers and risks
Human slipspace drives are considered black boxes which are very difficult to repair or maintain after they are activated for the first time. Kurt-051 considered slipspace drives dangerous, noting the aforementioned radiation and that spacetime was said to distort around an active device.[8] Dr. Halsey also observed that in the past, several technicians had simply vanished while manually adjusting a drive. However, such adjustments were still often necessary by the late 25th century, as the superconducting magnets that aligned the drive's acceleration coils tended to drift out of phase and the electronic systems designed to control them often malfunctioned in proximity of the drive core due to exposure the warped laws of physics around the device.[18]

A ruptured slipspace drive can create slipspace "splinters" in normal space, eventually consuming the drive and the entire ship which the drive was placed on.[19] Mechanical failures like Slip Termination, Preventable, or STP, can also occur with Slipspace drives, usually resulting from poor maintenance.[3] An improperly mounted Slipspace drive can also result in catastrophic accidents. This was the case with a colony ship en route to the Cygnus system around 2550: as a result of a maintenance failure, the drive transported half the ship into oblivion, killing 700.[20]

When a similar slipspace rupture was induced by Jorge-052 to destroy the Long Night of Solace in the orbit of Reach, it created an EMP effect that disabled all satellites within its range.[20]

Atypical uses
There have been several occasions where a Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine has been used for purposes other than those intended.

Experimental transitions
The UNSC has twice attempted to execute under-powered slipspace transitions. They were both unsuccessful, leading to the conversion of the trial spacecraft into "atomized bits".[32] In 2547, Dr. Catherine Halsey used the slipspace drive of the UNSC frigate UNSC Tripping Light to conduct an experiment on building an abstract fractal within slipspace for AI housing.[33][34]

Although two human ships utilizing the Shaw-Fujikawa engine are suspected of having successfully executed an in-atmosphere slipspace transition, this has not been irrefutably confirmed.[35][36]

During her journey to Onyx, Dr. Halsey performed a risky manual adjustment on the drive of Beatrice through a minute turn of one of the drive's supercooled superconducting magnets, resulting in a 32-percent increase in coil power.[18] She was also able to recapture the particle accelerator energy in the ship's plasma coils by plotting the exit vector through a saddle point in the mathematical function representing the jump trajectory, although there was a risk of coil overload involved.

Weaponized uses

An uncontrolled slipspace rupture engulfs the Ardent Prayer, destroying the Long Night of Solace along with it.

Slipspace drives may also be used as improvised, if highly expensive, weapons of mass destruction. By momentarily generating an uncontrolled slipspace rupture within a kilometers-wide radius, the device forcibly transitions any matter in the affected area into slipspace.[20] Projections of the Insurrection's escalation into a major war suggested that with unrestricted access to slipspace-capable craft, any hostile colony would turn them into weapons against Earth.[38]

In 2531, the UNSC Spirit of Fire reused the nuclear reactor from its slipspace drive as an improvised bomb, in order to induce a supernova in the miniature star at the heart of the Etran Harborage. Sergeant John Forge was forced to stay behind and detonate it manually due to damage to it and the improvised bomb worked perfectly, destroying the shield world after the Spirit of Fire escaped.[39][40] In the same year, the Office of Naval Intelligence used a partially deconstructed drive to cause Kurt-051's thruster pack to malfunction and send him flying into space so he could be secretly rescued and recruited into the SPARTAN-III program.[8]

During the Fall of Reach in 2552, remembering an accident involving an improperly-mounted slipspace drive, Spartan-III Kat-B320 of Noble Team devised a plan to use the UNSC Savannah's slipspace drive as an improvised "bomb" to destroy the Covenant CSO-class supercarrierLong Night of Solace, in lieu of nuclear weaponry, which was unavailable at the time. The bomb was transported by a Pelican into the hangar bay of the SDV-class heavy corvette Ardent Prayer, which was then hijacked and set on a refueling track with the supercarrier. The activation timer for the "bomb" was damaged in a firefight, so Jorge-052 stayed behind to activate it manually, while SPARTAN-B312 was forced out of the ship. When the slipspace drive was activated, a massive slipspace rupture was created, which caused Ardent Prayer, along with a large portion of Long Night of Solace, to be teleported into oblivion. With its entire midsection missing, the remains of Long Night of Solace crashed onto the surface of the planet Reach.[20]

so the points against it are:
  1. They are considered black boxes even by the people who made it, so I doubt they are that easy to make. They even spooky disappear people sometimes.
  2. radiation in very high doses
  3. and considering that EMP was in space and reached satellites hundreds of kilometers away, then it's possible they would have a greater effect than Bakuda's own EMP.
  4. It's just too bloody expensive, even for an interstellar empire.
  5. It's too potent, as a 1 kilometer wide slip space rupture would probably be considered too destructive even for an endbringer battle.
So in practice it's the same as throwing a nuke on the EBs , sure this nuke might work in actualy killing them, but will probably still be seen as a nuclear weapon.

Heck, at this level it may even leave a mushroom cloud, and I'm pretty sure the united states government would let no one detonate a nuke over its soil that wasn't them.

I'm talking about a modified version of a drive, designed for one use with a smaller transition diameter, targeting the endbringers core. After all the drive doesn't have to be used again so it doesn't need sheilding.
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Im curious if the castlevania alchemy has anything that can boost or improve brians darkness abilities( darkness is a magic style i think in castlevania) with the scanned datz of the undersiders if he gives them a item like aisha im curious how things might differ.
I'm talking about a modified version of a drive, designed for one use with a smaller transition diameter, targeting the endbringers core. After all the drive doesn't have to be used again so it doesn't need sheilding.

The government would still fall on Aperion like a sack of hammers

if it's radioactive like a nuke, if it EMPs like a nuke, if it produces a massive mushroom cloud like a nuke then it's probably a nuke

or at least it's what the politician will see
Quick, A Distraction!

Hey, who wants to take bets on what everyone's reaction'll be when Jozeph slips and says something about "shit human tech?" Because I'm betting that Tattletale's going to be horrified as her power extrapolates a lot of shit that she really didn't want to know, Dragon's going to wonder if he's a new-ish AI in a robo body, and Weld's going to squee with delight because he'll think it's confirmation that his One True Idol is a fellow Case 53.
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Need help tracking down new possible perk.

WoG said this week

Another set of perks have been added. This is a less happy story. In seeing that the Clothing constellation was almost finished I looked over the excluded perks to see if there were any that could be easily added. Turns out there was the perk Talented that was only 100 points, and was from the same property as the Talisman Adept perk from the Magic constellation.

That property was Inukami.

Since the magic constellation doesn't have many low cost perks I figured it might be good to include, so I watched a few episodes. That was a mistake. So I jumped to the end of the series to see if it got better. It did not. At this point I was basically in sunk cost mode, and proceeded to skim through 26 episodes of bargain bin level Urusei Yatsura trying to figure out the magic system. Eventually I got enough information to be able to include it in the forge and seriously regret my decision to do so. Seriously, I would not recommend anyone doing the same and am moderately ashamed of the fact that I am now familiar with that work. But on the bright side, Joe now has the potential to learn Japanese style talisman magic, so I guess that's something.

I have looked and found a jumpchain document for Inukami here Inukami Remake
but it has no mention of a "Talented" perk, let alone a "Talisman Adept" perk.

So does anyone know where we can find the info on this new possible perk? Joe becomes a magical girl for 100 points? I bet Garment would love to work on that outfit.
All this talk about dimensional effects, physics bending attacks and gigaton explosions... it's like you guys never heard about Anti-(something) magic weaponry!

Joe just needs the right perks and a piece of the endbringers so he can make anti- leviathan/Behemoth/Simurgh weapons that bypass their defences, and are extremely effective against them by exploiting their metaphysical connections and concepts to attack directly their very existence.