Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Another enjoyable update where lots of things happen yet barely any time passes. And no, not a complaint, just an observation.
Huh. Joe's Zoanthrope... ...he is pretty loyal, pretty good, and pretty dedicated. He is smart, occasionally funny, but generally a pleasant kind of person. Except when he is hurt, or beaten, then he can turn nasty. But he has only just started to heal and is slowly working to be better so clearly...

...Joe is a Good Dog.

...and imagine the fun he'd have with Bitch seeing him like that.
Problem is dogs have very highly developed senses of Empathy, as in emotional reading capacity. Joe's not exactly great for that...

Hmm, what other critters like us, but don't exactly read people well? How about some kind of Corvid (Raven/Crow), they're social animals who interact with humans. Heck some are even known to 'adopt' packs of wolves and direct them to easy prey (in return for a cut). And notably, are the only other species known who make tools, to make tools.

Edit: Also, it'd fit how Joe can be a bit of a airhead at times, and is easily distracted by shiny objects.
So I was reading Lord's comments on AO3 and found this little nugget of gold:

"Since Joe doesn't get discounts I have a lot of freedom in deciding what backgrounds are to be chosen. As such, the Felyne will count as the Big Guy, meaning they get the free perk which allows them to cause people to ignore superficial traits and judge them based on merit. Superficial traits like being a 3 foot tall cat person. In other words, they will be able to blend in seamlessly with society and cause everyone to overlook their cat nature. Even superpowered thinkers with heightened perception and a mounting series of headaches."

Funniest thing I've seen all day. Can't wait.
Huh. Joe's Zoanthrope... ...he is pretty loyal, pretty good, and pretty dedicated. He is smart, occasionally funny, but generally a pleasant kind of person. Except when he is hurt, or beaten, then he can turn nasty. But he has only just started to heal and is slowly working to be better so clearly...

...Joe is a Good Dog.

...and imagine the fun he'd have with Bitch seeing him like that.

It's obvious... Joe's a Cow, one with Big, Fat, Juicy, Leaking Uders. 🐄.... What? Joe can't be a cow? Cows are female?

Who cares, nothing said the perk made you stay the same gender in your beast form.

I mean, can't you imagine a massive, Godly, Glowing Joe/Cow hybrid flying around in power armour fighting off Leviathan.

Hmm, on further reflection, the above one's nice and all for armour but this is the perfect one for his Cow form:

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Hey guys, I've been thinking and I dont remember ever getting a physical description of joe, like, I have no fucking idea how he actually looks like beyond thing like he's male, tall and ripped.
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Hey guys, I've been thinking and I dont remember ever getting a physical description of joe, like, I have no fucking idea how he actually looks like beyond thing like he's male, tall and ripped.
WoG on Joe's appearance:
I had pictured him around 6'5"
His eyes are brown-hazel and his hair is medium brown. Fairly 'generic white guy' by most standards, by which I mean no features come across as particularly prominent. At the start of the story his was fairly lanky. He had gotten seriously into running to help manage his sleep, so had the effect of 6+ months of regular distance running, but before that wasn't too active due to his state following his breakdown (~2 years ago)
tldr, Joe is "generic white guy" with brown-hazel eyes and medium brown hair and 6'5" tall.
So, I'm the only one who wants a Feline version of Joe? I mean, he already has a Thundercat perk, (which to be fair he has ignored) and will eventually have a Felyne companion...
Hmm, this is kind of how I've been imagining him looking like:

I would be okay with this tbh. I'm just imaging Joe pulling off his helmet in front of Eidolon, revealing he's an incredibly powerful not very attractive man, and the Trump thinking, "wait, dat me." Though I don't think Joe is as old as this guy.


And this is quite clearly Aisha:

Well... I mean... Minus the whole... Being white part of this...
Folks, Joe is a cat. Independent and yet desires human connection, connects with people but bad at expressing it? Cat. Also kinda thought he was Jewish or Greek what with the Jozef spelling, but..generic white guy works.
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There are a
Images out there, but none of them are dressed up by Garment, so clearly the Brockton Forge version is superior.

Edit: I suppose
would be a bit more accurate now? I know literally nothing about actual fashion lol...
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Piazza are vegetables so it's fine

PIZZA CAN BE classed as a vegetable – at least according to a decision made by the US Congress. Who knew?
American lawmakers have ruled that the amount of tomato paste in pizza sauce means that pizzas can be counted as a vegetable.

I didn't actually know about that. The reasoning behind that particular gem are probably similar to why congress declared that Dr Pepper wasn't a drink but was a meal. To get around war time rationing laws against the amount of sugar certain things could have, donations were made to certain campaigns and the rest is history. I imagine there was something preventing a company selling pizza for some arbitrary reason that was resolved by it being a healthy vegetable instead.
I imagine there was something preventing a company selling pizza for some arbitrary reason that was resolved by it being a healthy vegetable instead.

I actually googled this--it was part of an agriculture bill, and it wasn't Pizza that was declared a vegetable, but a ruling on how much tomato sauce it had to have for that to be considered a vegetable. And it was all about the standards for the school lunch programs--infamously, in the 80s (that's the 1980s) ketchup was briefly ruled a serving of vegetables as well in this same context.
I asked Lord a lot of questions on Ao3 and thought of sharing cool stuff that I'd like to talk about:
1. A Divine Object Kamui would have a faster growth rate, more power, less strain on the host, more strength, more durability, and be capable of greater independent actions.
2. Joe can stand up to pretty much any level of physical damage that's not going to leave a crater the size of a country, but there is more to the offensive power of those beings than just raw damage.
3. The real crazy thing about the divine craft perks is they stack with each other. For instance, Master Craftsman enhances all the aspects of an object, including new features added by other perks.
4. I have plans about what Joe built in Avalon and for his Noble Phantasm (and also his semblance), but I'm going to hold off on spoiling them unless there is a big push from the readers to reveal them early.
1. When I asked Lord what would happen if Joe made Tetra into a Kamui, all Joe needs is the 300 CP Tailoring perk.

2. I asked Lord what Joe's durability looks like. I'd like to know how much energy or tnt is required to actually hurt Joe. I know parahuman powers are bullshit, but I just want to see how difficult it would be conventionally.

3. This was when we were talking about the perk's synergy with Craftsman of the Gods and Daedalus's Student. The first is from Viking Saga and based off Norse mythology and Daedalus's Student is from God of War and Greek. So these trio of combined perks would be a combination of Celtic, Norse, and Greek mythology which sounds badass.

4. I don't want to push Lord to reveal since it's better to anticipate, but this just makes me really excited to see what Joe made in Avalon and what it can do with whatever his semblance will be.
I asked Lord a lot of questions on Ao3 and thought of sharing cool stuff that I'd like to talk about:

1. When I asked Lord what would happen if Joe made Tetra into a Kamui, all Joe needs is the 300 CP Tailoring perk.

2. I asked Lord what Joe's durability looks like. I'd like to know how much energy or tnt is required to actually hurt Joe. I know parahuman powers are bullshit, but I just want to see how difficult it would be conventionally.

3. This was when we were talking about the perk's synergy with Craftsman of the Gods and Daedalus's Student. The first is from Viking Saga and based off Norse mythology and Daedalus's Student is from God of War and Greek. So these trio of combined perks would be a combination of Celtic, Norse, and Greek mythology which sounds badass.

4. I don't want to push Lord to reveal since it's better to anticipate, but this just makes me really excited to see what Joe made in Avalon and what it can do with whatever his semblance will be.
What if his phantom, semblance, and what he made in avalon are the same thing?
Topic: Sky Full of Discord (andreykl)
♦ Topic: Sky Full of Discord
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes

page 3 of 217

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 26th 2011:

I was out and about on my usual business, doing some aerial 'probes' for weather forecasters, when I noted some very unusual air pressure changes. I think at this point I should have been contacted by Control, but they stayed silent. So I just noted the time of anomaly and continued my flight.

Imagine my surprise when I retuned back, checked with my friends and found out that I was flying barely kilometer away from major Aerial Cape Fight. My plane is awfully loud so I use very good ear plugs, I heard nothing. I was in danger and did not even know it! I have a contract for aerial entertainment videos and sometimes people pay to fly with me and buy videos of their trip as well, so I have to use a set of high definition cameras that point almost in every direction. So once I calmed down, I checked the camera and Ta-Da! Link!

That's some awesome skills on Apeiron's autopilot's part. At least I think it was on autopilot, I doubt Apeiron could have fought Lung on ground and pilot the fighter at the same time. On 37s second of the video, Apeiron's fighter just moved one of the jets forward to do an, frankly, insane evasion maneuver! Seriously. A fighter just moves a jet forward, does an ~140 degree turn practically on the spot as result, all to face an missile and to ***** burn! the missile with the jet. A missile that arriving Dragon Slayers decided to crash the party with. At that point I did not know that Apeiron's fighter was also a robot! I probably need to just assume that everything Apeiron does is at least triple duty. It being a robot might have been the reason why Control did not contact me, they were searching for their jaws and trying to figure out what the hell they were seeing, because planes do not change profiles, do not fly like helicopters, e t c. And on 75s second when battered Dragon Slayer in largest suit was trying to destroy fallen Dragon's drone, while two others were trying to attack Apeiron's fighter, the fighter just 'turned' guns (now I know that those were hands) into two different directions and lightning-fried two attacking suits while fighter's smaller forward cannon slammed heaviest Dragon Slayer into ground! By that point my mind flew away and I was staring at now-empty video for 20 something minutes.

I soo want to fly that robot-fighter! I dub thee Lord of Missiles! LOM for short.

And that was a lot of missiles. Seriously, LOM fires one, it splits into hundred more? And LOM was firing missiles at least once a second during whole video. Just how many missiles does LOM have aboard? Does LOM has a missile factory aboard? I won't be surprised if Lord of Missiles's third function is some kind of ground missile battery/artillery that launches whole missile arsenal in one go. Forget that Doom Laser, those missiles look way scarier! But I won't be surprised if LOM also has couple Doom Lasers, the whole battle looked like LOM was aiming for capture of Dragon's drone and was firing AOE missiles way off target to cripple and damage, not to destroy, lasers would have been too precise in comparison. LOM didn't even use spinal mounted cannon.

Later I re-watched the video and Dragon's Drone was also something else! The way it moved was mesmerizing, alive, dragon somehow managed to convey 'bird of prey' movements to those extendable jet-wings. A shame, that it was so heavily pressed and outclassed by heavier machine that all that it could do was to fire chaffs and frantically dodge. And drone somehow conveyed 'frantic' part as well. Double shame that it got destroyed in the end (or not, I doubt that Apeiron getting it would have been a good thing)

Edit: I was contacted by Control and they said that they are sorry that they failed to warn me. Control sort of lost me to all sorts of phantoms on the radar and fight was way too fast for Control to adapt and figure things out (they did issue general warning, but for wrong sector). Apparently Apeiron's blue thingies were playing havoc on radar signals and despite what you see on tv, this is highly irregular situation, it all happened way too fast.

►Diabolic_Eye (small, big, fast and slow, I see you all)
@LikesToPlane Again, sorry for not warning you, it was out of our hands.
On the side note, how does Apeiron's craft have a legal transponder? And one issued by military?!!! WTF?!!!

►RushAndAdventure (Likes an Adventure)
Thanks for the video, looks awesome! Now I want to fly a plane to!

> The way it moved was mesmerizing, alive.
There are some videos of the early part of the battle. Dagon was chasing Apeiron's suit, turned corner after the suit, came face to face to LOM's heavy cannon. Dragon's drone managed to convey 'Oh F***!' with motions and camera adjustments really well before Dragon's drone was launched out of the city via blue vortexes.

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
@Diabolic_Eye I understand. I realized that Control had some kind of trouble once I calmed down. Now I just consider it as an interesting adventure.

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
> LOM fires one, it splits into hundred more?
It's very hard to count, but at least 120 seeking missiles, likely a bit more, might depend onto missile type. Payloads appear to be mostly exotic, not sure about the weird thing that happened at 68s second, that looked like conventional explosion, yet explosions were too uneven. They did not look very strong, yet sound should have been deafening either way from so many of them, instead explosions were almost completely silent. We Should have heard it from the bay.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
> I soo want to fly that robot-fighter!
+1. That looked awesome, and insane! Techies run a simulation and it indicated that a turn like that and on those velocities would have resulted in over 80Gs, it would have torn any normal fighter apart.

> On the side note, how does Apeiron's craft have a legal transponder? And one issued by military?!!! WTF?!!!
I can answer that. But it's a bit of a long story.

Apparently Apeiron contacted our base some time ago, sent us a device, blueprint and some materials. Some kind of electric stun gun. Our techs managed to build one by said blueprint, so it isn't tinkertech. Whole base was in 'uproar' mode for two days.

Two days later a set of transponder codes was issued and base received a new set of blueprints. And it contained medical nanotech called medi-gel. Device to make it. Samples. Some documentations and a lot of manuals. Uproar got a promotion. Our commander went really Weird. Whole base went Weird. We supposedly are still receiving non-stop calls from Washington and various agencies, every corner is practically swimming in spooks.

Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel. Medi-gel apparently is some kind of miraculous surface treatment, it likely isn't a substitution for drugs, but it certainly is a substitution for stitches. It stitches wounds back practically immediately, to the point where you are fit for combat minutes after treatment from a knife wound. I dropped reading after first dozen usage scenarios, but sounds revolutionary, and apparently also not tinkertech. And the most interesting part: factory is compact. Apeiron's one is the size of an office printer, our techies say that in a decade we will be able to build van-sized ones for field use, but they will start very expensive, but still worth it to the last cent.

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
@--==SkyLord==-- Ugh, are you supposed to be telling us that?

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
That's one of the weird parts: I was effectively ordered to. Not officially, but that might have as well been an official order.

My personal opinion: this thing is so revolutionary that it will put some wealthy people out of business or will hit their pockets. Command wants to make sure this absolutely can't be silenced. You all do know how infrastructure crumbles all around. And here we have some miraculous treatment that can be produced on the spot and has no expiration date.

In fact, here: Medi-gel manual and specifications.

►DandyWingman (Protagonist in the skies!)
>That's one of the weird parts: I was effectively ordered to.
Yeah, the scene of spooks of all people INSISTING that "This is safe to expose." multiple times over was Surreal.

> Medi-gel manual and specification.
Also that document is in an open folder, remove the filename from the link to get to it.

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
> Medi-gel manual and specification.
Wow… I just have no words. That probably was a good deal. That was an Awesome deal!

And looks genuine, from a '.gov' server. And headache inducing. Apeiron needs one hell of education to understand and use all those terms. I had to use a dictionary for the 'specifications' part, otherwise it isn't understandable. And surprisingly simple manual in comparison, to the point a child can 'read' those pictures.

>three transponder codes
Do we want to know what two remaining transponders are for?

> Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel.
Out of curiosity: If Apeiron's craft had no transponder, would have you shot it down?

> so it isn't tinkertech.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
Tinkertech flight crafts are a weird zone. Generally we try to be lenient. You won't believe how often tinkers build something that flies and how often said tinkers are in it. And more often than not those tinkers are children. Nobody here wants to shoot children. So we don't.

Another sad fact: firing 25000$ rockets at an empty flying fridge sometimes results in more demotions than firing at child-tinkers(

In case of Apeiron, we probably wouldn't fire regardless. 80g turns? We have peashooters compared to that potential durability. Techs are running simulations right now and the numbers simulations show are outright insane. What if he fires back? And I'm being dead serious here.

►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)
> WTF?!!!
Seconded… Tinkers are freaking enchanters, their tech can't be normally reverse engineered. On the other hand Apeiron is an extreme outliner.

> Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel.
And likely there wasn't just that in the deal. But we will never know the answer.

>Also that document is in an open folder, remove the filename from the link to get to it.
Poor doggy, even after being healed it looked very cold (did you really had to shear it?) and confused. Don't let Hellhound see this!
Designs for the 'factory' are also there, very basic one is not protected (downloaded, just in case), but there is apparently advanced one and couple support designs are references. Advanced design itself is locked, but specifications and conclusions are not. Apparently it involves fairly large zero-g chamber, material that is called 'metallo-ceramics' but has specs no metallo-ceramics should have, some weird numbo-jumbo to isolate gasses from it and produces copious amounts of gel, but is marked as not feasible in near future due to external factors. No idea what 'support' designs are for, they aren't there.

> What if he fires back?
I wanted to laugh at this first, but then I got to those 'mundane' yet soundless explosions. If our theories are correct, it wasn't soundless. Apeiron just used his terrific 'battlefield control' to overlay explosions in such a manner that they compensated each other and sound got directed away from the city, it was 'almost soundless'. Sort of improvised directed explosion that wrecked Dragon's drone without actually destroying it. Superficially it doesn't look that strong. Apparently impressions can be wrong. The drone was wrecked by secondary effects alone. If our calculations are correct, those missiles are between 70 and 150 kiloton each! Just one can gut BB and leave a kilometer wide zone with no buildings, and there were over hundred of those at the same time!

I really hope we are wrong... Otherwise we have a cape with anti-city tactical munitions and likely absolute air superiority by ways of a flying tank.

@ LikesToPlane your video apparently contains a lot of data about air pressure and temperature. Thanks. It helped us a bit. Since couple microphones in the city actually caught the 'soundless' explosion and your incredibly precise sensors showed sort of 'overlay' picture, where pressure tried to go up then dipped too low, than up again… It is not entirely conclusive without more sources, but we managed to get a lot more from that data.

►AmericanWeeBoo (Just a weeb)
>Otherwise we have a cape with anti-city tactical munitions
Stop being a drama Queen, you yourself suggested that Apeiron will have 'nuclear option' within a week.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
> If our calculations are correct, those missiles are between 70 and 150 kiloton each!
Sadly, our techies agree. But they estimate those explosions as between 90 and 120. They were monitoring the battle in a number of ways (including weather stations). They were ready to monitor it since they were waiting specifically for Apeiron's transponders.

The scary part is: techies are more worried about 'blue vortex' stuff. Unfortunately I don't speak technobabble, so I failed to understand them, but it sounded scary.

>No idea what 'support' designs are for, they aren't there.
Various applicators and dispensers, storage cartridges and tanks. You can see one such sprayer on the dog video. I think the reasoning to not include the designs was along the lines of 'too easy to make, too distinct of a look, scammers will take to it like fish to water'. Medigel can be applied even with paint sprayers so conclusion was not to provide support designs until some anti-scammer measures get rolled out.

►CatPaw (A cat-person)
Lord of Missiles clearly doesn't fit, not powerful enough. Missile Overlord sounds better.

►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)
>you yourself suggested that Apeiron will have 'nuclear option' within a week
I was half joking, half exasperating! I did not expect him to actually do it!

>The scary part is: techies are more worried about 'blue vortex' stuff.
I'm about to revise my rules on drinking, I will let someone else think this through...

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
>The scary part is: techies are more worried about 'blue vortex' stuff.
F***!!!! Think disintegrators! AOE ones.

The thing deals with gravity or some kind of pulling force, that is very obvious from how things were pulled, so my guess: Apeiron's LOM just used 'battlefield control' to 'pull' on dragon's drone instead of turning it to dust. Effect is actually visible on video here, left top corner, small part of that warehouse simply vanished. Likely it was pulled apart by high frequency variable gravity. With amplitude so strong, that it affects EM emissions, light included. Fortunately the warehouse was abandoned. I don't know what kinds of stress went through the warehouse. And I don't want to know how strong the vortex thing can be, sadly I likely will find out. It's Apeiron, he will just start juggling black holes.

In case somebody is not terrified enough by portable gravity anomalies:
1. Check how strong the gravity should be to affect light to that degree. Hint: we are likely talking about 1E7g and higher.
2. Imagine Apeiron condensing all that into a single spot at full power instead of being jury rigged as a temporary and 'safe' tractor beam.
3. Try to forget what you just did or you will have nightmares.

Hopefully it just looks worse than it actually is. But it's Apeiron we are talking about.

►Matreshkin (A Freelancer)
LOM does fit.

Russian 'lom' is one of the oldest manual labor tools, primitive straight iron rod with rounded end, usually meant to be used as a lever. Russians have a saying "There is no countermeasure against lom". It is kind of true, because if you can't get enough force with a 'lom', you just need a bigger one. Kind of like Arhimede's "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it…" So the name fits because there is simply no countermeasure against Apeiron's overwhelming firepower.

P.S. So far he has a bigger one each time.

►Battlebot (Not a tinker)
@--==SkyLord==-- Any idea where LOM started from? Just so that we will know what area of the city to avoid, because if Apeiron uses That as munitions, I don't want to risk by being in proximity to Apeiron's lab.

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know)
Even PRT looks for Apeiron's lab to be able to avoid it. And I'm serious here, any attempts to 'deal' with it are likely to require far more efforts than a single city can provide.

A guy I know said that the thing 'existed' at some point, but by now is a complete blank to thinkers. Nobody is going to be even sneezing that lab's side for the fear of it turning into giant robot and firing annihilation beams at assailant. Or worse, is 'out of alignment' with normal world and will slam into our normal dimensions if someone looks at it wrong.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
>any attempts to 'deal' with it are likely to require far more efforts than a single city can provide.
And more signatures than a single PRT director can gather if medigel is any indication of what Apeiron has in there.

>Or worse, is 'out of alignment' with normal world and will slam into our normal dimensions if someone looks at it wrong.
No surprises there. But I'm curious, are they afraid more of the resulting explosion taking out the city or about all the tech inside being lost? Our techies seem to be biased towards second option.


P.S. In this omak 'blue vortex' is dust empowered, eezo based effect. Like distruptor missile. Element zero (eezo) affects mass and gravity by ways of dark matter. In this case the fun part about eezo is that it also affects light, because light sort of has 'mass', so light will be moving faster and slower (that's how comm relays work). It is going to play havok on visual effects and will make everybody who is not aware of eezo sweat bullets, because for gravity to affect light to such a degree gravity will have to be insanely high, comparable to speed of light (to be entirely correct: mass should be high, not gravity, enough mass to deform space-time and affect light and eezo does exactly that).

"There is no countermeasure against lom" - the original saying is "против лома, нет приема" which is "
against lom, there is no fighting technique" if you translate word by word. But from my point of view that shifts some nuances when translated, so I tried to translate it by spirit and not by word, "there is no trick against lom" might be far closer however.
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♦ Topic: Sky Full of Discord
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes

page 3 of 217

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 26th 2011:

I was out and about on my usual business, doing some aerial 'probes' for weather forecasters, when I noted some very unusual air pressure changes. I think at this point I should have been contacted by Control, but they stayed silent. So I just noted the time of anomaly and continued my flight.

Imagine my surprise when I retuned back, checked with my friends and found out that I was flying barely kilometer away from major Aerial Cape Fight. My plane is awfully loud so I use very good ear plugs, I heard nothing. I was in danger and did not even know it! I have a contract for aerial entertainment videos and sometimes people pay to fly with me and buy videos of their trip as well, so I have to use a set of high definition cameras that point almost in every direction. So once I calmed down, I checked the camera and Ta-Da! Link!

That's some awesome skills on Apeiron's autopilot part, at least I doubt he could have fought Lung on ground and pilot the fighter at the same time. On 37s second of the video, when Apeiron's fighter just moved one of the jets forward to do an, frankly, insane evasion maneuver! Seriously. A fighter just moves a jet forward, does an ~140 degree turn practically on the spot as result, all to face an missile and to ***** burn! the missile with the jet. A missile that arriving Dragon Slayers decided to crash the party with. At that point I did not know that Apeiron's fighter was also a robot! I probably need to just assume that everything Apeiron does is at least triple duty. It being a robot might have been the reason why Control did not contact me, they were searching for their jaws and trying to figure out what the hell they are seeing, because planes do not change profiles, do not fly like helicopters, e t c. And on 75s second when battered Dragon Slayer in larger suit was trying to destroy fallen Dragon's drone, while two others were trying to attack Apeiron's fighter, the fighter just 'turned' guns (now I know that those were hands) into two different directions and lightning-fried two attacking suits while fighter's smaller forward cannon slammed heaviest Dragon Slayer into ground! By that point my mind flew away and I was staring at now-empty video for 20 something minutes.

I soo want to fly that robot-fighter! I dub thee Lord of Missiles! LOM for short.

And that was a lot of missiles. Seriously, LOM fires one, it splits into hundred more? And LOM was firing missiles at least once a second during whole video. Just how many missiles does LOM have aboard? Does LOM has a missile factory aboard? I won't be surprised if Lord of Missiles's third function is some kind of ground missile battery/artillery that launches whole missile arsenal in one go. Forget that Doom Laser, those missiles look way scarier! But I won't be surprised if LOM also has couple Doom Lasers, the whole battle looked like LOM was aiming for capture of Dragon's drone and was firing AOE missiles way off target to cripple and damage, not to destroy, lasers would have been too precise in comparison. LOM didn't even use spinal mounted cannon.

Later I re-watched the video and Dragon's Drone was also something else! The way it moved was mesmerizing, alive, dragon somehow managed to convey 'bird of prey' movements to those extendable jet-wings. A shame, that it was so heavily pressed and outclassed by heavier machine that all that it could do was to fire chaffs and frantically dodge. And drone somehow conveyed 'frantic' part as well. Double shame that it got destroyed in the end (or not, I doubt that Apeiron getting it would have been a good thing)

Edit: I was contacted by Control and they said that they are sorry that they failed to warn me. Control sort of lost me to all sorts of phantoms on the radar and fight was way too fast for Control to adapt and figure things out (they did issue general warning, but for wrong sector). Apparently Apeiron's blue thingies were playing havoc on radar signals and despite what you see on videos, this is highly irregular situation, it all happened way too fast.

►Diabolic_Eye (small, big, fast and slow, I see you all)
@LikesToPlane Again, sorry for not warning you, it was out of our hands.
On the side note, how does Apeiron's craft have a legal transponder? And one issued by military?!!! WTF?!!!

►RushAndAdventure (Likes an Adventure)
Thanks for the video, looks awesome! Now I want to fly a plane to!

> The way it moved was mesmerizing, alive.
There are some videos of the early part of the battle. Dagon was chasing Apeiron's suit, turned corner after it came face to face to LOM's heavy cannon. Dragon's drone managed to convey 'Oh F***!' with motions and camera adjustments really well before Dragon's drone was launched out of the city via blue vortexes.

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
@Diabolic_Eye I understand. I realized that Control had some kind of trouble once I calmed down. I just consider it as an interesting adventure.

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
> LOM fires one, it splits into hundred more?

It's very hard to count, but at least 120 seeking missiles, likely a bit more, might depend onto missile type. Payloads appear to be mostly exotic, not sure about the weird thing that happened at 68s second, that looked like conventional explosion, yet explosions were too uneven. They did not look very strong, yet sound should have been deafening either way from so many of them, instead explosions were almost completely silent. We Should have heard it from the bay.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
> I soo want to fly that robot-fighter!
+1. That looked awesome, and insane! Techies run a simulation and it indicated that a turn like that and on those velocities would have resulted in over 80Gs, it would have torn any normal fighter apart.

> On the side note, how does Apeiron's craft have a legal transponder? And one issued by military?!!! WTF?!!!
I can answer that. But it's a bit of a long story.

Apparently Apeiron contacted our base some time ago, sent us a device, blueprint and some materials. Some kind of electric stun gun. Our techs managed to build one by said blueprint, so it isn't tinkertech. Whole base was in 'uproar' mode for two days.

Two days later a set of transponder codes was issued and base received new set of blueprint. And it contained medical nanotech called medi-gel. Device to make it. Samples. Some documentations and a lot of manuals. Uproar got a promotion. Our commander went really Weird. Whole base went Weird. We supposedly are still receiving non-stop calls from Washington and various agencies, every corner is practically swimming in spooks.

Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel. Medi-gel apparently is some kind of miraculous surface treatment, it likely isn't a substitution for drugs, but it certainly is a substitution for stitches. It stitches wounds back practically immediately, to the point where you are fit for combat minutes after treatment from knife wound. I dropped reading after first dozen uses, but sounds revolutionary, and apparently also not tinkertech. And the most interesting part: factory is compact. Apeiron's one is the size of office printer, our techies say that in a decade we will be able to build van-sized ones for field use, but they will start very expensive, but still worth it to last cent.

►LikesToPlane (Original Poster)
@--==SkyLord==-- Ugh, are you supposed to be telling us that?

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
That's one of the weird parts: I was effectively ordered to. Not officially, but that might have as well been an official order.

My personal opinion: this thing is so revolutionary that it will put some wealthy people out of business or will hit their pockets. Command wants to make sure this absolutely can't be silenced. You all do know how infrastructure crumbles all around. And here we have some miraculous treatment that can be produced on the spot and has no expiration date.

In fact, here: Medi-gel manual and specification.

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
> Medi-gel manual and specification.
Wow… I just have no words. That probably was a good deal. That was Awesome deal!

And looks genuine, from '.gov' server. And headache inducing. Apeiron needs one hell of education to understand and use all those terms. I had to use a dictionary for the 'specifications' part, otherwise it isn't understandable. And surprisingly simple manual in comparison, to the point child can 'read' those pictures.

>three transponder codes
Do we want to know what two remaining transponders are for?

> Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel.
Out of curiosity: If Apeiron's craft had no transponder, would have you shot it down?

> so it isn't tinkertech.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
Tinkertech flight crafts are a weird zone. Generally we try to be lenient. You won't believe how often tinkers build something that flies and how often said tinkers are in it. And more often than not those tinkers are children. Nobody here wants to shoot children. So we don't.

Another sad fact: firing 25000$ rockets at an empty flying fridge sometimes results in more demotions than firing at child-tinkers(

In case of Apeiron, we probably wouldn't fire regardless. 80g turns? We have peashooters compared to that potential durability. Techs are running simulations right now and the numbers simulations show are outright insane. What if he fires back? And I'm being dead serious here.

►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)
> WTF?!!!
Seconded… Tinkers are freaking enchanters, their tech can't be normally reverse engineered. On the other hand Apeiron is an extreme outliner.

> Supposedly Command agreed to sell a set of three transponder codes for this medi-gel.
And likely there wasn't just that in the deal. But we will never know the answer.

> What if he fires back?
I wanted to laugh at first, but than I got to those 'mundane' yet soundless explosions. If our theories are correct, it wasn't soundless. Apeiron just used his terrific 'battlefield control' to overlay explosions in such a manner that they compensated each other and sound got directed away from the city, it was 'almost soundless'. Sort of improvised directed explosion that wrecked Dragon's drone without actually destroying it. Superficially it doesn't look that strong. Apparently impressions can be wrong. The drone was wrecked by secondary effects alone. If our calculations are correct, those missiles are between 70 and 150 kiloton each! And there were over hundred of those at the same time!

@ LikesToPlane your video apparently contains a lot of data about air pressure and temperature, thanks, it helped us a bit. Since couple microphones in the city actually caught the 'soundless' explosion and your incredibly precise sensors showed sort of 'overlay' picture, where pressure tried to go up then dipped too low, than up again… It is not entirely conclusive without more sources, but we managed to get a lot more from that data.

►--==SkyLord==-- (Military Pilot)
> If our calculations are correct, those missiles are between 70 and 150 kiloton each!
Sadly, our techies agree. But they estimate those explosions as between 90 and 120. They were monitoring the battle in a number of ways (including weather stations). They were ready to monitor it since they were waiting specifically for Apeiron's transponders.

The scary part is: techies are more worried about 'blue vortex' staff. Unfortunately I don't speak technobable, so I failed to understand them, but it sounded scary.

►Obsidian (Tech Priest)
>The scary part is: techies are more worried about 'blue vortex' staff.
F***!!!! Think disintegrators!

Apeiron's LOM just used 'battlefield control' to 'pull' on dragon's drone instead of turning it to dust. Effect is actually visible on video here, left top corner, small part of that warehouse simply vanished. Likely it was pulled apart by high frequency variable gravity. With amplitude strong that it affects EM emissions, light included. Fortunately the warehouse was abandoned. I don't know what kinds of stress went through it.

►CatPaw (A cat-person)
Lord of Missiles clearly doesn't fit, not powerful enough. Missile Overlord sounds better.

►Matreshkin (A Freelancer)
LOM does fit.

Russian 'lom' is one of the oldest manual labor tools, primitive straight iron rod with rounded end, usually meant to be used as a lever. Russians have a saying "There is no countermeasure against lom". It is kind of true, because if you can't get enough force with a 'lom' than you just need a bigger one, kind of like Arhimede's "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it…" So the name fits because there is simply no countermeasure against Apeiron's overwhelming firepower.
whats the blue vortex stuff?
whats the blue vortex stuff?

Vortex explosives, so basically, either a wandering black hole, or a portal directly to a psychic plane that is all of humanities worst impulses combined and made manifest, in addition to be so incomprehensible as to make people insane just by looking at a breach into it.

So either or, whatever it hits ain't gonna be a problem anymore.