Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Doesn't work.

1) The interior may be extradimensional, in which case it might not work on an Endbringer.

2) Endbringers usually count as either living or nonliving depending on what's most favorable for it. Pokeballs don't work on nonliving things, so it probably wouldn't work (although you could argue that certain Pokemon resemble mechanisms enough that this isn't true).

3) The Pokemon series goes through great pains to tell us that we're not enslaving the Pokemon (because otherwise it looks a lot like that). Pokemon actually like to be in the ball. If the Endbringer doesn't like being in the ball, it's entirely possible that the ball won't confine it.

4) Pokeballs don't work on things that aren't Pokemon anyway.

A popular fan theory is that they that Pokemon can turn into energy on their own, which is how they evolve with that white glow (or when they come out of the eggs), and what differentiates them from regular animals (besides moves).

You know, when it comes time to upgrade Armsmaster, the best place for it would be Joe's cybernetics lab. (See chapter 23 for his exploration thereof.) If Dragon gets taken to the Volcano Lair as part of freeing her, I could see her chatting with Survey, mentioning what her husbando is up to, then running several seconds to model the most effective puppy-dog eyes to hit Joe right in the feelz.

Of course, she may already have arranged for him to heal the Protectorate capes by then. A few days of M/S gets them back out on the streets far faster than months of recovery and PT, after all. (I've mentioned this before.) Snarling at Apeiron about his dastardly deeds in sidelining Panacea in order to sideline all the heroes might work to ask for help while technically merely berating him.

New thought: If he can analyze Miss Militia's gun as a magical effect, can he similarly analyze Othella's boosts? All of them would be nice, but her regeneration gift would be very much worth figuring out how to copy and then churn out potions thereof in industrial quantities. Maybe have a version that slowly heals over the course of a couple of days, which get sold to civilian medical establishments, while favored customers get the insta-regen version. Market in hypo-spray packaging and you have something usable in Endbringer fights, which ought to buy a lot of 'no harm no foul' past-burying from any PRT director not named Piggot.

And since Natural Alchemy works great with changing shape, Gully can have much of the makeover she was hoping for, assuming she can get ahold of Apeiron to make her plea.

they mostly work by empowering other people, I don't exactly know how power works, but I'm assuming that is the shard giving healing to whomever she chooses

it might be more helpful to look at lizard tail, though I don't think he has powers yet

I believe that organic case 53s should be more useful since even if all else fails he can make them into chimeras, which will at least give them more appealing traits (Lions are more likable than tentacles). If he can't fuse them with corpses/ use alkahestry + an insane amount of data processing to help them, that is.

Ah yes, dear Watson, you show your face to me again... :V

On this note, if you want to market and roll out a product that will sell to a large body of interested parties (Hospitals all across the country, emergency / disaster response units / the military / cape groups) then you're going to want medi-gel. Quickly seals any gaping wounds but also fully capable of doing more than plugging leaky bodies. Low-to-zilch infection rates, sealed against a variety of substances and contaminants, have minor regenerative properties.

Thing about NEPEA-5, like the matter of Containment Foam, that stuff is just so ubiquitously useful that you will get as many lobbyists trying to allow you to sell the stuff as you would others trying to shut it down.

It depends on the strength of the lobbying group and the product in question.

With Medi-gel, insurance companies and hospitals will try to buy it.

It's possible that pharmaceutical companies will try to block it just to not set a precedent of tinkers producing medicine, and the PRT will lobby to have more control over capes.
Medi-gel is probably easier to mass-produce, but its effect depends on if it obeys the fiction layer or the gameplay layer. Still, might be good to market through Dragon, once Apeiron 'masters her into being friendly towards him'.

As for Othella, I assume Joe would need to scan her while she's using her power. Shard bullshit is treated as flavors of magic, after all, which he can scan for research purposes. Finding her to do the scan . . . does E88 do public healing for 'their' parts of Brockton Bay? Otherwise, have Survey use drones to find E88 cape fights and work out her patterns.

In the event that he can make regen potions, be nice to mass produce them. Unfortunately, that's often difficult with magic, so it might be more of a 'use a clone to do the work of hundreds in an instant, over and over again, to build up a stock'. On the other hand, Singing healing effects into . . . oh, how about bespoke pillows that never have to be washed, despite wicking away skin-dust/sweat/blood/excess-oil, etc., providing repose as if nestled in the arms of a comforting angel, etc., i.e. Divine Construct / essay in the craft tiers of effort. Put in a 'returns to proper owner if stolen' fiat. Donate where they'd be helpful: Protectorate, Wards, PRT, hospitals, shelters, Danny's bed, and so on. Present as if the work of Garment.

(Do we remember Path to Munchies? Troll the Protectorate with deliveries of meat lover pizza that's both sublime and supernally healthy.)

Of course, if Joe does too much he ends up on the radar of various malevolences, which is why I suggest some trolling, to keep up his status as a cheeky rascal.
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My first ever omake (or mini-omake)

Let me know what you think:


The size constellation came around and I connected to a moderately large mote. It was called Miniaturization/Efficiency, it had two parts and also one of those minor attached motes that came with it. The main power gave me the ability to miniaturize *anything* to an insane degree. We're talking fusion reactors the size of a watch battery, and not the piddling reactor that I got in that laser gun, the one I showed off to Dragon? Yeah, no this is a reactor that could run power armor and was as big as three dimes. Maybe one dime with all of my other perks working on it.

But wait there's more! Like what the mote is called I also got a huge efficiency boost due to the miniaturization, I could power much more than normal because of all of the minimized systems, and I could fit more subsystems in of course due to the extra room.

The second mote that came along with it relieved me so much. It was called Outside Context Problem and it was kind of on the nose there. It made me unable to be viewed by almost all precogs, from Ziz to Zion (Scion?) to someone I had never heard of called Contessa, and all of the lesser precogs too. Honestly it was a little worrying that there was some powerful precog out there that I'd never heard of who was good enough to be in the same sentence as the fricking Simurgh.

An additional important piece of information was that Coil's power worked weirdly, different enough that it was specifically mentioned that this power that would give a zero-sum error to every other precog on the planet (universe?), but Coil's precog would still work. I'd really need to keep an eye on him then.

The first mote also came with a whole library of tech. Tinkertech actually. I had plans for all sorts of things, predictive algorithms for combat or social situations, I could probably put together a lie detector with this. I could make a halberd like Armsmaster's or upgrade my motoroid as a Tinkertech bike like Armsmaster's or build powerarmor... like Armsmaster's? Wait a minute, now hold on here.

"I have a copy of Armsmaster's power?"

It made sense, he was known as the Miniaturization Tinker, and this power was called Miniaturization/Efficiency. I knew that the Celestial Forge has the power to make me the best Tinker in the world. I had even claimed that title already, but if this was Armsmaster's entire power in a single medium sized mote... how many powers did I have already? Forget stronger than Dragon, I should be stronger than the entire Triumvirate. My mind shied away from that thought.

"Wait, is Armsmaster immune to precogs?"

Survey: "Survey says no."

Miniaturization/Efficiency Worm 400 "You can miniaturize anything down to levels that any sane man would consider impossible. A fusion reactor the size of a watch battery would be the absolute minimum of what you are capable of, and you'd be able to make it far smaller than that. Your power also makes you a master of technological efficiency, anything you make needing barely any energy to run compared to what it should and continue to do so for a very long time. These specialties also make you a master of nanotechnology and similar pursuits. Of course you aren't barred from building something big like a giant robot, just that it'll be impossibly efficient and crammed full of more weapons and subsystems then should be possible

Outside Context Problem (Free): It'd be boring if you were to just die right at the start so for free you'll have a selective immunity to the powers of a few rather nasty plot device level opponents that by all rights would probably want to kill you right out of the gate. Contessa, Ziz, and Zion's precog doesn't seem to be able to pick you up, instead returning a zero-sum error whenever they try to force the issue. They won't notice this until you garner enough attention for them to try and then they might take further measures to see what the problem is. But at the moment you'll be safe from being instantly killed due to the threat you pose to their plans. This works on all shard/entity derived precog. Your peculiar inter-dimensional nature just messes up their ability to predict you. Coil is an exception due to the weird nature of his power."
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Do we remember Path to Munchies? Troll the Protectorate with deliveries of meat lover pizza that's both sublime and supernally healthy
Piazza are vegetables so it's fine

PIZZA CAN BE classed as a vegetable – at least according to a decision made by the US Congress. Who knew?
American lawmakers have ruled that the amount of tomato paste in pizza sauce means that pizzas can be counted as a vegetable.
Piazza are vegetables so it's fine

PIZZA CAN BE classed as a vegetable – at least according to a decision made by the US Congress. Who knew?
American lawmakers have ruled that the amount of tomato paste in pizza sauce means that pizzas can be counted as a vegetable.
Are food items that cook different ingredients really classified as if they were a stand alone food type like broccoli or beef?
It depends on the strength of the lobbying group and the product in question.

With Medi-gel, insurance companies and hospitals will try to buy it.

It's possible that pharmaceutical companies will try to block it just to not set a precedent of tinkers producing medicine, and the PRT will lobby to have more control over capes.

If joe rolled out medi gel, with how stretched thin the prt (and its healers) is I'm sure they will try to speed up medi gel, in story it's meantioned that New York and Boston are desperate for healing. however that is the sort of the thing would get ziz on joes ass if it isn't already. Pharmaceutical companies would 100% try to stop it from falling into the public hands but prt will be all over it.
If joe rolled out medi gel, with how stretched thin the prt (and its healers) is I'm sure they will try to speed up medi gel, in story it's meantioned that New York and Boston are desperate for healing. however that is the sort of the thing would get ziz on joes ass if it isn't already. Pharmaceutical companies would 100% try to stop it from falling into the public hands but prt will be all over it.

It's going to get to the point where Joe's like 'I know my passenger says its a bad idea to shoot down the big winged-bitch, but it is either that, or I become the next Mannequin. Hello Vorpal Missiles away!' *proceeds to launch his veritech fighter*
I now know why Joe didn't know that dragon was an AI it's Master Builder, Science! Mechanics and Science! Engineering(Transformers) making him think like a machine even he doesn't know how a regular human feels like In a advanced interface program he only knows how he feels like in it.
Medi-gel is probably easier to mass-produce, but its effect depends on if it obeys the fiction layer or the gameplay layer.
I mean, assuming it follows a more realistic example of game lore behind it, at a minimum, it's a top-class field dressing, creates a perfect seal between exposed wounds and not just dirt, but gasses and toxins, in addition to having some sort of, at the very least, mild rejuvenating effect.

If it's as effective as gameplay, of course, that means that you can slap a patch of medi-gel onto a soldier who is suffering from a painful and deep laceration or puncture or burn, and then shove them back into the fight immediately. But even assuming it's just your one-stop-shop casevac product, being able to lighten a medic's load is a significant advantage on its own.

It's kind of a either case of selling a product which is just a single order of magnitude more effective than anything else on the market, or given how it was so good that the Citadel gave it a bye despite it technically going against genetic engineering legislation, more likely you're basically selling something just slightly inferior to a generic health potion (and you would probably have an easier time marketing it as something a paramedic slaps on than you would as a red or blue liquid in a bottle).

Still, might be good to market through Dragon, once Apeiron 'masters her into being friendly towards him'.
On yet another note, while I'm sure we are going to get good mileage out of the whole "Apeiron is regarded as a Master by the ENE Protectorate & PRT" situation, I can't help but note that eventually someone has got to wonder about this.

If he's strong enough to evade capture or questioning and generally continues to operate with relative impunity, why hasn't he just mastered the criminal gangs into working for him if he's apparently 'worried about the Protectorate' coming after him? Or just electronically attack any networked security systems/suborn all recording devices and cut a path straight to the top of the PRT? One interaction between him and Piggot might get her to submit her resignation since she kind of backed herself into a corner there and it's not like she could prove to herself or anyone else she wasn't Mastered.

The only argument in favor of the devil's advocate is the idea that "even if he's not a Master, there's a chance he's a high level mastermind Thinker playing Rube Goldberg with the city".

But that's just the gravy on top.
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Real life being stranger than fiction, and capes all having some sort of trauma to work through - particularly first-gen capes! - by now the PRT should know that they can't count on capes to have rational motives for their schemes, so 'Apeiron operates under self-imposed limits' or 'Apeiron has user-defined goals that hinder him' is an all-too-plausible assumption. Particular with the Forge trolling him and playing Fashion Capes in the beginning.

Plus, any human organization is made of humans, and Piggot is in charge locally. If she wants a particular interpretation of the available facts, there are going to be all sorts of ways for her to pressure for that interpretation that don't show up in official reports as undue influence by the boss. Back-channeling exists for a reason (in fact, when it comes to command logistics for military organizations, a 'black market' run by the quartermasters is required to keep things operational), but power is always subject to abuse.

Worse, Joe's power keeps making new connections, which acts like fresh triggers as far as precog is concerned. So it always looks like he was sandbagging before and is showing off with each new public appearance. The conclusion of 'he's primarily a Tinker, but his Thinker and Shaker grab-bag keeps figuring things out and expanding what he can do' is hard for them to reach, because that's not how powers work. Remember that Tattletale (and her power) completely freaked out when Joe's power expanded in front of her.
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because that's not how powers work.
Yeah but... even with two decades of the finest minds in the world coming together (and mostly making inferences that no doubt have led them around in a carousel of assumptions) can't claim to know how powers actually work.

It's easier to say "we don't know what what we don't know" because that's the straight up truth. And while there's some principles about Trumps (Eidolon, Fairy Queen, et. al) which is congruent with those that they have managed to figure out, one is too out of reach to question (as though anyone would want to) and the other isn't talking, so basically it's just people making claims and organizations deciding those claims are arbitrarily good enough to build policy on top of.

Which I suppose makes it a bit moot, I guess from the PRT's perspective it's better to rot a few good apples with mismanagement than it is to let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
New Possible Perk!

LordR yesterday in the comments over on AO3 " Bloody Roar has now been included, adding Armor-Shift Manufacture which comes with the free perks Beast Change! and Martial Artist. I advise everyone to get the furry jokes out of their system ahead of time. "

I have no idea why he chose to add this perk at this time but it's hilarious. It's a 100 point perk, so chances are better to see it sooner rather than later.

Armor-Shift Manufacture (100 CP): A small machine - big enough to hold a massive pauldron or two - that gives any pieces of armor or clothing inside a specific quality: When their wearer changes form, the armor and clothing changes form with him/her.

Beast Change! (Free): You can freely access your Zoanthrope form, becoming a monstrous humanoid that is a horrific combination of human and beast. Reptile, mammal, avian, amphibian, piscine, it does not matter what. If it existed in Earth's lifetime, you can choose it. (Yes, this includes Dinosaurs. No, it does not include microorganisms.)

Martial Artist (Free): Pick one martial art from Earth's history & various cultures. You now know the basics of this art, as well as a few of the more advanced moves. More beneficially, you know how to apply this martial art to your Zoanthrope form - and combine the two into a deadly style of combat. Wrestling forms and dances are also accepted if they can be theoretically used in combat.

So, commence with the furry jokes.
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Huh. Joe's Zoanthrope... ...he is pretty loyal, pretty good, and pretty dedicated. He is smart, occasionally funny, but generally a pleasant kind of person. Except when he is hurt, or beaten, then he can turn nasty. But he has only just started to heal and is slowly working to be better so clearly...

...Joe is a Good Dog.

...and imagine the fun he'd have with Bitch seeing him like that.
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Huh. Joe's Zoanthrope... ...he is pretty loyal, pretty good, and pretty dedicated. He is smart, occasionally funny, but generally a pleasant kind of person. Except when he is hurt, or beaten, then he can turn nasty. But he has only just started to heal and is slowly working to be better so clearly...

Tends to be a loner and differs to the parents, particularly the mother, at least up till now, marking a hierarchy system. So more like a wolf then dog. He is also oblivious, dense and lacks knowledge of social ques. Not sure what that translates into in the animal world. Also he worries like a mother hen.
If Joe does get Beast Change, he's not going to be able to convince Weld or other Case 53's that he isn't one himself. They already think that, that would be the proof.
It's probably gonna exacerbate the situation if they see him transform back into a human. Y'know making them think he found the solution to their Case 53 forms.
I mean he's going to try to pursue a cure regardless, so it's really not that big of a deal, just an amusing misunderstanding liable to ensure the immediate loyalty of any and all C-53s he comes across, because now he's not just the 'Miracle Tinker' with the ability to heal their bodies back to normal, he's 'one of us'.

Mutant Jesus.
I mean he's going to try to pursue a cure regardless, so it's really not that big of a deal, just an amusing misunderstanding liable to ensure the immediate loyalty of any and all C-53s he comes across, because now he's not just the 'Miracle Tinker' with the ability to heal their bodies back to normal, he's 'one of us'.

Mutant Jesus.
The thing is that they'll probably be hoping/wanting human forms or something and knowing Joe's personality he would do everything in his power to do so.
The thing is that they'll probably be hoping/wanting human forms or something and knowing Joe's personality he would do everything in his power to do so.
Hell, Joe will acquiesce to any and every body-plan they want.

You want to be a centaur still, just, y'know, better looking? I got chu bruh.

What's that? You want to keep the gills? I can accomodate.

...huh? Robot limbs? I mean, whatever floats your boat, I guess. Gotta still be able to do those sick-ass rocket punches your mutant arms could do somehow, I guess.

Okay hol' up. Can we discuss this first before I graft a pair of tits onto your chest? You want to keep your other equipment, too?

...that's fine. No, no, that's fine. I can work with that. I'm a professional.
