Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

it's been a while. can I get a reminder of what happened with Joe and Dauntless?

Joe was out doing libations for the two heroes trapped in the Butcher.

Dauntless approached and opened up a dialogue against standing orders.

They talked a bit. Joe enchanted Dauntless's lance, and Tetra made a connection with Dauntless as this was right after her human upgrade.
it's been a while. can I get a reminder of what happened with Joe and Dauntless?

Dauntless was out on morning patrol while Joe was chilling at the spot the Butcher died waiting for the sunrise. Dauntless chose to ignore protocol and have a personal, causal chat with no manipulations where Joe made a social faux pas so used Infusion on his arclance to give it an affinity for Dauntless's boosts as an apology before the sun rose so Joe did his libation. Of course Dauntless then chose to later report the whole thing to the national office who have taken Joe's mention of Dauntless should get some rest as a contract so enforced it all while scheming how to set up more encounters where he gives out boosts.
Of course Dauntless then chose to later report the whole thing to the national office who have taken Joe's mention of Dauntless should get some rest as a contract so enforced it all while scheming how to set up more encounters where he gives out boosts.
The PRT continues to think Joe is some kind of Fae creature and completely misses the point.
They're allergic to the idea that trying to predict him and think up the 'perfect' plan is less likely to work than just casually chatting to him, because they're too reliant on their Thinkers to be willing to act without then.
You know, the PRT may be better off in Joe interactions if they actually fully committed to the Fae idea. Full on act like his is some kind of incomprehensible chaos entity that is willing to make deals. He will hold up his end of a bargin but he may not fulfill it how you would expect. Still far worse than just going up to talk to him, better than what they are trying.
They're allergic to the idea that trying to predict him and think up the 'perfect' plan is less likely to work than just casually chatting to him, because they're too reliant on their Thinkers to be willing to act without then.
I eagerly await when Apeiron reveals Thinkers have been heavily hoodwinked by Jack Slash's Shard, that all the PRT's enmity towards him are due to enemy action. They probably can't be expected to know better, but that depends on how excusable that reliance is.
Boston was closer to New York or Chicago than the department that was a few hours' drive away.

Well, depending on the state of Boston's traffic.
Your geographic scale here seems to be off. It shouldn't be longer than about an hour from downtown Boston to anywhere on the NH coast, after subtracting Boston traffic delays, because I-95 runs in that direction. It's a few hours' drive from downtown Boston to the near side of New York City, again under light traffic conditions.
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Your geographic scale here seems to be off. It shouldn't be longer than about an hour from downtown Boston to anywhere on the NH coast, after subtracting Boston traffic delays, because I-95 runs in that direction. It's a few hours' drive from downtown Boston to the near side of New York City, again under light traffic conditions.
The original quote is not about geographic distance, at least not directly. It is a reference that these two more distant departments had a better relationship with Boston than their 'neighbor' Brockton Bay.
The original quote is not about geographic distance, at least not directly. It is a reference that these two more distant departments had a better relationship with Boston than their 'neighbor' Brockton Bay.

The original quote is very much about geographic distance when talking about how long the drive is from Boston to Brockton.

Of course...

Your geographic scale here seems to be off. It shouldn't be longer than about an hour from downtown Boston to anywhere on the NH coast, after subtracting Boston traffic delays, because I-95 runs in that direction. It's a few hours' drive from downtown Boston to the near side of New York City, again under light traffic conditions.

With how Brockton Bay's geography doesn't really match up at all with our understanding of New Hampshire and the fact that Brockton Bay has a small mountain range to the west, it could be that I-95 doesn't exist as it does on Aleph. Earth-Bet is an alternate universe, even without the Capes.

Another explanation is that the few hours drive could be also attributing to the current state of emergency the region is in. With how bad the blackout was, there could be tons of traffic out and about just from all the construction crews working on the power grid. Road closures would definitely lengthen any drive.
I sympathize with Armstrong about having to deal with the language barrier(s) that exist between him and the various hostages from different countries.

I think it says a lot about Director Piggot and her department that they had no one capable/ available/ assigned to translate any of the languages of the hostages.

Even if you remove this hostage incident & its suddenness, the fact that they have no one capable of translating any of the languages of one of the biggest gangs that existed in their city is a really bad red flag.
I eagerly await when Apeiron reveals Thinkers have been heavily hoodwinked by Jack Slash's Shard, that all the PRT's enmity towards him are due to enemy action. They probably can't be expected to know better, but that depends on how excusable that reliance is.
That could technically be used by the PRT as an excuse to roll back some of their policies (and not only about Apeiron) without loosing that much face.

I mean, "Sorry, but our analysts all got misled by an S-class villain with a global reaching Master power, that no one saw coming" is a pretty solid excuse.
Apeiron is already planning to reveal that particular bit of information (which is still a hit to the PRT reputation), so the smart plan would be to milk it as much as possible.

(and there might also be some unexpected consequences on the moral/reaction of the Think-tank)
No, I meant the question I was answering was why don't more people ask for stuff from Joe, he's nice and hands stuff out whenever he can. I was saying it doesn't matter what Joe is truly like when what people believe Joe is like is too scary to handle meeting let alone ask something of.
I don't understand what you are talking about. give an example of what people think or do that they shouldn't and the what you think they should do
That a bit off current topic, but I was struck by though.

Joe has an overly controlling mother, two bitchy sisters, and his story has him going from nobody to top of the world with the help of a mystical being.

Joe is Cinderella.
Yeah but which Princess is he going to marry?
Well, in BCF Garment is Queen of Fashion and Crystal can be considered an heir to the New Wave movement.

Where this question gets hilarious is in ECF, considering in Europa you can't turn a corner without coming across some princess or heir to some sort of royalty. Stepping into mechanic's shop - there Heterodyne, going in circus show - there Warrior Princess, getting attacked - there Pirate Queen, going for a swim - there, you guessed it, Queen of England. You swam too deep.