Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I don't understand what you are talking about. give an example of what people think or do that they shouldn't and the what you think they should do
The person I was originally replying to asked why don't more people ask for stuff from Joe, he loves to hand stuff out. I was saying it doesn't matter that Joe in truth loves to give people things and will generally hand you the answer to your problems on the spot if you ask him to, people's perception of him is this big scary motherfucker that is practically a human-shaped Endbringer solely held back by vague made up rules and whims. Essentially faerie queen but worse due to most official policies are to disregard those rules whenever possible.
Any body know where I can download the Pdf version of BCF?

I've been trying for a while now (on and off for the past 3 weeks) at AO3 but nada.
Any body know where I can download the Pdf version of BCF?

I've been trying for a while now (on and off for the past 3 weeks) at AO3 but nada.
I think it might be too big for what AO3 uses to generate pdf files. I tried to grab it a month ago and couldn't get it. You could download the epub and convert it to pdf with one of those online conversion websites.
I think it might be too big for what AO3 uses to generate pdf files. I tried to grab it a month ago and couldn't get it. You could download the epub and convert it to pdf with one of those online conversion websites.
I tried that once. Waited an hour to convert but it then said error. Haha.
Cant remember which site that was, but I'll try again later.

Btw, thanks for replying dude.
I downloaded the EPUB from AO3, ran it through Calibre to convert to PDF. It's 20MB big, and about 8500 pages long. Part of the problem is that the EPUB from AO3 needs work before turning into a PDF. The Margins are a bit wide, and the break between paragraphs is huge (like 4 lines instead of two). It also took about 12 minutes to do the conversion, so quick format edits and regen to test them are NOT an option.

It's possible to turn it into something usable, but not particularly easy, nor simple. I'm not gonna try since I don't really need it PDF'd myself.
The person I was originally replying to asked why don't more people ask for stuff from Joe, he loves to hand stuff out. I was saying it doesn't matter that Joe in truth loves to give people things and will generally hand you the answer to your problems on the spot if you ask him to, people's perception of him is this big scary motherfucker that is practically a human-shaped Endbringer solely held back by vague made up rules and whims. Essentially faerie queen but worse due to most official policies are to disregard those rules whenever possible.
oh so it was just my reading comprehension that failed got ya. intent tone and nuance through text is hard.
Another short Omake. This one is a continuation of That Other Fleet by Knaka

Omake: That Other Fleet II
The ringtone of his cape phone woke Miles up at 3AM. Again. Steeling himself, he answered. "This is the independent hero Fleet from Carson City, what's your emergency?"
"Heeey Fleet
❤︎. Can you take me for a ride?"
"Wrong number miss. Good night." He hung up and just barely stopped himself from throwing his phone at the wall. He almost regretted handing out business cards with an emergency number in his early days. But they had helped establish his identity and had legitimately saved a few lives. A few hours after the announcement of the Celestial Forge his emergency hotline had become some kind of meme or dare. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since.

"This has to end." He got up and logged into PHO, ignoring the thousands of PMs cluttering his inbox. Instead he opened a new chat.

Private message to FleetOfWheel:

Fleet: This attention is driving me mad. I'm just a small town hero. I don't mind rebranding and letting you have this account handle. Just please make the calls and messages stop.
FleetOfWheel: You have a deal.

Miles blinked his bloodshot eyes. He reread his message. Did he just make a contract with the Celestial Forge? Naw, he was being paranoid. The Celestial Forge would do some tinker wizardry to screen his emergency hotline, then he'd rebrand and make a new PHO handle. That should let him get back to his laid-back, low-key life.
He had a good feeling about this.
Two days later
Headline of The Nevada Appeal:

Funny omake!

The phrase "Carson City's own Strider?" reminds me of those little middle-of-nowhere towns that advertise stuff like "Worlds largest concrete model Ferris Wheel" and similar bucholic extravagance.

My guess is Warpdrive was also gifted the Apeiron equivalent of convention chotkys to career renovating results.

I bet the smallest little bit of thing touched by Apetech would make any shard open the floodgates, given the physics breaking effects tied in. People would be jumping up in tier.
Funny omake!

The phrase "Carson City's own Strider?" reminds me of those little middle-of-nowhere towns that advertise stuff like "Worlds largest concrete model Ferris Wheel" and similar bucholic extravagance.
Thanks, that's what I was going for.

My guess is Warpdrive was also gifted the Apeiron equivalent of convention chotkys to career renovating results
I figure Fleet did some scans of Miles' mover power and had fun designing some vehicle that takes advantage of it. End result is slightly less excessive than his FTL motorcycle.
I'd like to think that Fleet would understand the issue, and if he doesn't, Joe would. So, since they asked in good conscience, the Celestial Forge helped him out. Whatever else they are, they're pretty much Good Guys, after all, and this feels like resolving unintentional consequences for someone completely uninvolved.
They're allergic to the idea that trying to predict him and think up the 'perfect' plan is less likely to work than just casually chatting to him, because they're too reliant on their Thinkers to be willing to act without then.
This is going to be shifted like crazy when the anti-thinker nature of the s9 comes out.
That could technically be used by the PRT as an excuse to roll back some of their policies (and not only about Apeiron) without loosing that much face.

I mean, "Sorry, but our analysts all got misled by an S-class villain with a global reaching Master power, that no one saw coming" is a pretty solid excuse.
Apeiron is already planning to reveal that particular bit of information (which is still a hit to the PRT reputation), so the smart plan would be to milk it as much as possible.

(and there might also be some unexpected consequences on the moral/reaction of the Think-tank)
I predict that the entire think tank is going to be thrown out because of this. More usefull thinkers would be folded into other agencies, and the prt's whole reason for existing starts to crumble because they effectively just lost the rights to thinkers. Not long before brutes get folded into police/private security etc. etc. etc.
It's not a pdf but I was able to download the story in the app
Me too, but's read aloud option is (currently) wack. Each update makes everything worse. Really sad turn of events.

I downloaded the EPUB from AO3, ran it through Calibre to convert to PDF. It's 20MB big, and about 8500 pages long. Part of the problem is that the EPUB from AO3 needs work before turning into a PDF. The Margins are a bit wide, and the break between paragraphs is huge (like 4 lines instead of two). It also took about 12 minutes to do the conversion, so quick format edits and regen to test them are NOT an option.

It's possible to turn it into something usable, but not particularly easy, nor simple. I'm not gonna try since I don't really need it PDF'd myself.

You can download html version from AO3, adjust it to you liking, then "print" it to PDF in browser.
Ooohhh~ im trying that when I get the chance.

Thanks for answering guys.
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"by the way is your 7th member hare?." Armstrong ask looking at the papers that says The Celestial have a 7th member with a stranger power.

"who?" Aperion ask in a confused voice. utter horror spread on Armstrong face wondering what the 7th member could be doing.

unknow to him Aisha is in the corner of room. happy she convince Joe to go along with this 'harmless' prank. giggling as she enjoy her Matrix made ice cream.
Apeiron: Depending on how you count our auxiliary members there are dozens of us.

Armstrong: Breathing into paper bag.

"Survey has been debating whether the lesser AI cores should be listed on the org chart individually or as a drop-down spreadsheet."

"But since we can't seem to slow the rate at which they're being created, we're probably going to have to go with the spreadsheet."
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The Kerbals, the Titan AIs, the Wishes (sorta), the machine spirits and especially the servo skulls of the laboratorium, the hundreds of jarred souls, the denizen species of the underground, whatever the Joeplicates put on Planet Aisha, …do the Super Sea Snails count?

"But yeah, all those aside if you're only counting what you guys call S-class threats there's only eight of us. Unless you count all three of Survey separately, and all *quick instance count* 475,334 major and minor Fleet variants. Or the Matrix's 700 billion individual nanites, of course."
The Kerbals, the Titan AIs, the Wishes (sorta), the machine spirits and especially the servo skulls of the laboratorium, the hundreds of jarred souls, the denizen species of the underground, whatever the Joeplicates put on Planet Aisha, …do the Super Sea Snails count?

"But yeah, all those aside if you're only counting what you guys call S-class threats there's only eight of us. Unless you count all three of Survey separately, and all *quick instance count* 475,334 major and minor Fleet variants. Or the Matrix's 700 billion individual nanites, of course."
"Membership of the Celestial Forge currently only numbers three…

After the announcement that The Matrix is a nanite collective, the protectorate collectively bluescreens and Apeiron takes over until they all successfully reboot. More good deeds get done in the interim hours than have occurred since the protectorate was founded. Apeiron considers it a minor success before moving on to grander plans.