The Gala part 2
Rebecca kept a close eye on the assembled capes. She'd rarely seen so many together outside of Endbringer fights, and the tension between heroes and villains was familiar.
The high fashion on display and the feel of the cool night air against her bare throat were not.
"Any luck telling what's on the other side of the orb?" she asked David.
"No," he said curtly, glaring at the issue the PRT and Protectorate had been trying to see through since shortly after the Celestial Forge had purchased the plot of land.
Overnight an enormous black orb had appeared on the land, one that dwarfed the size of every other building in the area. Every attempt to discover what was going on inside the orb had failed.
"Hey," said Keith, in a comforting tone. "Almost time. Besides, I see Khepri here. I doubt he'd put her at risk." He'd be the one to talk to Apeiron on behalf of the Protectorate, as Apeiron had shown the ability to tell when someone was attempting to manipulate him, and Rebecca no longer knew what it was like to try and influence everyone she talked to.
David harrumphed.
Rebecca was about to respond when she was distracted by the sound of a large bell. Everyone's heads turned towards the orb where the sound had originated from. After a moment, the front of the orb ripples, and eight figures stepped out.
The Celestial Forge.
Rebecca glanced towards the note she had written on the inside of her helmet. 'THE CF HAVE 8 MEMBERS'.
Good, she hadn't been strangered.
With that she looked back at the Celestial Forge. What should have been framed in darkness shone as Apeiron's knack for beautiful creations showed itself once more. Each member wore outfits that wouldn't look out of place at a high-end fashion week, and each outfit was perfectly tailored to them.
At the head of the group, Apeiron stood, perfectly confident and in control, and opened his mouth.
Why the hell did I think this was a good idea?
I stared at the Triumvirate, the childhood heroes of just about everyone I knew, and prayed that Classy Contortionist hid any sign of how nervous I felt.
"Welcome guests!" I said, my voice carrying perfectly through the crowded street. "I am honored that so many chose to come to my little get together. Today, I have invited everyone to celebrate the end of some of the worst monsters the world has ever known, murderers that delighted in bringing terror and pain."
I gestured at my team and continued. "We saw what they desired, and we refute it! For those who wanted tears, let there be laughter! For those who wanted sorrow and fear, let there be joy! For though there will always be people who want a world of misery, as long as we can still smile, we have won!
And so, welcome to the Hellfire Gala!"
As I finished my little speech, I let my shadow magic fade from the forcefield Sphere, allowing it to finally be revealed, and allowed my pride to grow as I heard the appreciative oohs and ahs at what my team had been working so hard on.
I just hoped it would be enough for the plan I'd come up with at therapy a few days ago.
"So how are you feeling about the party?" Dr. Campbell asked.
"Annoyed," I said. "I get why I have to do it, but just because I get it doesn't mean I enjoy it."
"Unfortunately, life is full of that sort of thing," he commiserated.
"I know," I said, "it's just, when is it going to be enough? I freaking killed the Slaughterhouse Nine, and people are still assuming that one day I'll take out the government. When are people going to get that I'm not evil?"
"Many people believe you to be on the side of the angels. At the very least, those you rescued from Bakuda certainly do."
"Just not the people in power," I said, and tried not to sound bitter.
Dr. Campbell watched me for a moment, then he said, "Joe? Let's try a thought experiment. Tell me, in five years from now, how would you like people to treat you? Not what you are doing, but how you are treated."
My first thought was to be seen as a hero, like those I had looked up to so long ago. But… these past few weeks had really torn away the glamour of hero work. I would always look up those who risked their lives for others, but the politics had soured me on the rest of it.
And truly, were those people happy? Maybe it was just Brockton Bay and the state of emergency over the past month, but it seemed as though most of the heroes I had met since dawning my mask had been absolutely miserable.
Then again, the villains weren't much better, and even if I didn't have to act like them I still didn't want to be seen as one.
I suppose… the happiest cape I had seen, who wasn't one of my own team members, had been Uppercrust.
"I guess that I'd want to be treated like Uppercrust," I said, trying it out. "Sure, not everyone likes him, but everyone respects him and his work. And nobody is mentioning kill orders regarding him.
"And honestly, he has it pretty good," I said, warming up to the idea. "Aside from money, he has plenty of time to tinker, does a lot of good in the world, and has friends."
"That's good!" Dr. Campbell said, and I was happy to feel that he was genuinely happy for me, instead of trying to find a way to direct me to hero work. Not that he would, but it was nice to get confirmation that at least one person who knew who I was outside of the Celestial Forge was trying to make sure I could do what I wanted, not what they wanted me to do.
"Now, how do you think Uppercrust got to where he is?"
"By providing an essential service, that no one else could," I said. Even with the rest of the Elite's… issues, that made sure that he was always treated fairly and respectfully.
Dr. Campbell smiled at me. "And do you think you could do the same?" he asked.
"Yes," I said. I most certainly could.
"I feel as though I should apologize for your outfit," I told Legend as we led the way into the venue. "I should have known what Garment would try to do considering all the times she's tried to get me to wear barbarian chic."
He laughed good naturedly and looked down. His outfit had been military inspired, but instead of having his insignia on his chest, his coat had instead been cut to show a deep cleavage in a lightning bolt shape.
"Honestly, I can't complain," Legend said. "And my husband certainly appreciated it. Besides, it's not like she's focusing on one gender."
He waved his hand at Alexandria, who was wearing something best described as fantasy armor meets Jessica Rabbit, with a metal bustier dropping into a long black split leg skirt. The look was completed with a black cape, metal gauntlets and boots, plus her signature helmet with added metallic details.
Eidolon walked stiffly on her other side, the only one of the Triumvirate who could be considered more dapper than sexy, with a full body emerald green suit with gold mesh cutouts, and an emerald scarf with gold details that flared off the shoulder into a long, trailing cape.
"Also, I can't say it doesn't fit the venue," Legend added, gesturing around us.
With the use of my team's alchemy skills, I'd made the floor and decorative Grecian columns out of jet-black marble shot through with gold. Lighting was not only provided by golden spheres atop the columns and the grand hearth fire at the center of the floor, but also the river of lava that lazily wound its way throughout the space.
"Yes, well," I said. "I took the theme of hellfire and rather ran with it. Don't worry," I raised my voice, not that I needed it as everyone was listening and could hear me clearly. "The lava river is surrounded by force fields so no one can fall in. Likewise, the Rainbow Racetrack is also surrounded by forcefields designed to slow down anything or anyone that hits them in order to prevent injury."
I could feel the amazement through alkahestry as people looked up at the Mario Kart-inspired racetrack that floated above everyone's heads, clearly visible as the venue could technically be considered outdoors. From here, it reminded me of a stable aurora borealis.
"I'm assuming that the racetrack is the promised entertainment?" Legend asked.
"Part of it," I said. "I've also included lava-proof boats if anyone wants to go on a lazy river ride, and a mecha-basketball court towards the back, with playability via sign-ups." Aisha had been very insistent on finally being able to trounce people in mecha-basketball. "Lastly, I am well aware of the many requests to be able to fight me and mine. To that end, I have designated several combat arenas throughout the venue. You may book these through signups, although the only member of the Celestial Forge you may fight is Kataklyzien, and any annihilator capes will not be able to join in. In order to prevent harm and follow truce, everyone who wishes to fight must wear one of the protective armor suits."
I smiled at Legend. "In this case, so long as everyone is able to follow the rules, I will allow for other people to fight each other in the designated combat arenas."
"Will you be fighting in any matches?" Legend asked.
"I may be willing to put on a demonstration match towards the middle of the event," I said.
"I hope that you do," Legend said. "I'd love to see what you are capable of when it's not an emergency."
I laughed as we reached the buffet tables that surrounded the hearthfire and stopped. The Matrix walked behind the counter, while Kataklyzien, Fleet, and Survey went to their stations at the combat arenas, Rainbow Raceway sign-up area, and basketball court respectively.
Meanwhile, I turned and faced our guests.
"Again, thank you everyone for joining me!" I announced. "Behind me are the buffet tables, and if you would like anything special, please feel free to ask the Matrix, and don't be shy. They love a challenge, and we may or may not have been able to recently synthesize dinosaur meat.
"As one last note before I set everyone free, I would like to let everyone know that at the end of the Gala I have a special announcement, so please, stick around. Now, with that taken care of, please, eat, drink, and be merry, for finally, finally, the threat of the Nine is over!"
People cheered and started moving out to explore.
One of the duplicates contacted me over the implant to say that the Mantic generators were up, running, and collecting energy from everyone's emotions.
I felt my smile broaden.
If I could pull this off? I was going to be Untouchable.
AN: Yeah, I'm gonna need to do a part 3. Let me know if you want to see inspo pics for the Triumvirate's looks.