Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Rest in peace SJ.

Interludes like this always remind me that parahumans should all be getting help not running around in costumes and doing the violence.

While it is tremendously unlikely (because it would basically have to be a conscious decision on his part) Joe being revealed as Apeiron would probably cause some sort of insane cascade trigger in Sabah as she freaks out and her shard instantly and immediately goes full throttle on her brain trying to figure out Mr. Entropy is a non-issue git gud man and subsequently turns her into a proto-titan or something. Just. Ouch.

This also wouldn't be ideal for Joe's mental health but he's in a much better place and also the eldritch abominations plugged into his brain are a lot more supportive.
Honestly, I thought that Sabah would've Second-Triggered from that confrontation. Or maybe that would've happened if Mrs. Gartenberg opened her mouth to say something while Parian was still in the room...
Honestly? That was dangerously close to her trigger event to not be close to a second trigger.

A long period of buildup over a situation she has little control over, combined with a person holding social power over her trying to press her (from her perspective) into a situation she doesn't want to be in. People aligning against her because of her avoiding conflict causing communication issues, and the very real threat of her or people close to her coming to harm over it. Only a slight push and we would have a second trigger on our hands.

Also, my heart goes out to SJ, some of their work was how I got into fanfics in the first place.
Bro i was about to go to sleep for school now i gotta stay up to read

thx tho ill add more later

I love how accurate this is to the world of worm
but i absolutely hate how much could be fixed with a few (admittingly uncomfortable and possibly violent) conversations
but its written so well, filled with trauma and misunderstandings that make it not unrealistic due to cape life and cause
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Happy new year, happy new chapter!

Well, the chapter itself not so happy. More along the lines of Sabah digging herself so deep she was one scoop away from a second trigger.

Instead of Tetra finding her, have her suffer a loss like her father (which was the first final straw) and boom.

And while I've got pity for her, it's hard to dredge up sympathy seeing how maliciously she was throwing life ruining accusations at Joe.
Is Sabah over-reading Joe as some sort of crazy stalker or did he actually enter creepy guy zone with her in college?

No. But remember, Sabah TRIGGERED over the mess that happened between them. It wasn't the fault of either of them, just stupid misunderstandings that snowballed.

But Sabah, like any other cape, HAS BEEN TRAUMATIZED BY IT.

And she was very, VERY close to losing it again before Survey and Tetra were able to head it off.
Rest in Peace SJ...

And yeah this was painful to read... And Sabah was juuuust this close to second triggering, even her powers were being boosted... Yikes.

Yeah, if Survey knows Pariah is Sarah than this incident might be enough for her to tell Joe about her since it could be a problem in the future, even if he doesnt want to know.

Ugh Sabah... You tried to push your problems away in a incredibly shitty way instead of confronting them and instead ended up worse than before....

Really hope Survey pushes this to Joe and he doesnt act like an idiot an go 'bUt tHe UNwriTTen rUleS'
Its impressive how different and subjective is Parian's perspective on most things. It's almost like she is in another reality, i don't want to call her crazy but she is losing her hold on reality. Brockton Bay has a population of 350,000 people and there must be hundreds of volunteers in that kind of event, accidentally being in the same place as a guy that lives in Brockton even if you had an awful experience with him doesn't mean anything, it has nothing to do with her.
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Is Sabah over-reading Joe as some sort of crazy stalker or did he actually enter creepy guy zone with her in college?
From what I understand it's a combination of things. Joe wasn't trying to be a creeper, but through a combination of not getting the very subtle dismissals (more of a 'I'm busy then' than a 'no'), being egged on by the other people in class, and him also not being on the best medication that seriously messed with his head at the time, he kinda kept making offers to go on dates and showing up at most of the functions she was at. That combined with the fact that the other classmates kinda treated her like she was the one being the ass, and joe didn't notice that happening. So basically extreme social pressure on a Situation that Joe was partially oblivious to, or didn't understand the scope of until it's broke down.
Is Sabah over-reading Joe as some sort of crazy stalker or did he actually enter creepy guy zone with her in college?
The read is he was a bit creepy, but out of ignorance, and it wouldn't have spiralled if either of them had been direct.

Also Sabah's personality even before triggering appears to have been paranoid with a strong tendency towards thinking the worst of people she doesn't happen to like.

Essentially, she's an unpleasant person with a self centered world view. Hardly uncommon, but it makes her victimization mindset grating.

On that note, Nazi sympathizer slanderous Parian was hilarious and on point.
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For a while there I thought Parian was going to Second Trigger from a situation of her own creation.

Honestly Sabah paranoia is pretty typical for a Worm parahuman. Makes reasonable capes like Uppercrust stand out even more.

Regarding Uppercrust's rationality, did his illness calm down his Shard? He had to dedicate an incredible amount of time and effort to employ his parahuman abilities in new and unique ways just to function in daily life. Did that keep his Shard happy? Makes me reconsider other parahumans and how personal challenges might have moderated their behaviors.

Final home of the tapestry? I'm guessing it will be hung on the wall of the Centre or moved to a public building like City Hall. Then stolen by Accord.

How many people have figured out that Apeiron is Garment's musician from that performance?

And how many viewers developed an unexpected hand fetish? (I think it would be hilarious to see a blushing Crystal repeatedly eying Joe's hands during their date, marveling at his strong dexterous fingers, the interplay of his forearm muscles, the precision and control, the nimbleness and speed, etc, etc.)

Ultimate burn from Garment: You are so disgusting that she refuses to fix your outfit.
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o7 SJ-chan.

Now the chapter first off nice to see this again, secondly Sabah, dear, dear doll girl, we all know that with the trigger trauma and that pesky alien poking at your brain meats you can't really see it but in the words of Elasta-girl "THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!".
All in all loved it can't wait for more.
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God damn it, Sabah.

All Parahumans are broken in so many ways. And the weight of her trigger event remains.

Hopefully Survey can manage things. Because she obviously knows who Parian is. And everything dealing with the issue.

Cape drama at its worst.

Hopefully things will be better for Sabah are things calm down. And Delphine works to try and get her some actual help.
Hey actually, since Pariah was actually coming close to a situation similar to her trigger and ever recived a boost in power... Doesnt that mean Survey noticed this? Since she can detect stuff like this.

I feel like getting close to a second trigger is something that would be noticable to Survey, even more so co sidering how close she was to Pariah.

You cant tell me she wouldnt have noticed anything.
The way her mood was constantly turning for the worse over every little thing it makes me wonder if her shard was trying to force a negative relationship with Garment because wow this is difficult to see.

What an absolute mess. Probably the closest to second trigger we've seen someone get and still miss so far, other than the Undersiders.
He had easier to deal with whenever he spent time at home.
had been

Sabah felt a wave of frustration as a surge of bad memories welled up in her mind. All the time that year when she had to deal with Jozef. Even with the contrast to Tetra and Delphine, it wasn't something she liked to think about. And it was a contrast. No matter what Jozef had thought about his family, they were clearly good for him. He had easier to deal with whenever he spent time at home. In the wake of holidays or long weekends he would be more reserved and less talkative, but that would always fade and she'd have to deal with him again.

I've leaned towards neutrality and understanding that Sabah has her own issues for this fic, not trying to make her the villain when clearly both sides had issues. Glad when things were handled reasonably.

This made me verbally call her a bitch on reading. Being glad that he shrank into his damn shell whenever he was with family.

Her worries about a guy that wanted her back when, getting the Elite to get her for him were far more understandable, that's the kind of thing to be very afraid of. Hanging with a villainous group could very easily get hypothetical former college classmate to take on more warped and villainous perspective and desires even if he's a nice guy now.
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