Krieg is just a discount Accelerator, yeah? His power seems to be a vector control if I recall correctly, which can be used to direct wind, I guess, as a side benefit of the forces he has influence over.
The fight was very good and I am looking forward to chapter 100.
He wishes Krieg's power is altering the kinetic energy of things around him so he could make approaching him like wading through a pool but it's short range, gets weaker the further from him it is, is not that strong to begin with and is kinetic energy only, throw a fireball at him and he's screwed.
I mean one of Joe's many strategies for "Break glass in case Leviathan attacks the city" is just to have Tybalt handle it, so yeah even during the S9 I would imagine he is going to be holding back to levels people can't imagine.
Honestly, I hope they revise the team's stranger ratings. One of the things I didn't like about the PRT's initial assessment was them trying to jam a square peg into a round hole regarding teleports. They concluded that since the group is a cluster and one member has such overwhelming stranger abilities that every other member clearly has the ability to get to and from places unnoticed instead of them being able to teleport where they are going to which is why they weren't noticed along the route.
Tybalt could stalemate Levi naked when he was rolled add in the perks he's gained since then, his perk items, Joe making him items, Joe upgrading his perk items, rwby aura + semblance, fma alchemy, other teachable things like ninjutsu and the soon to be completed nanite healing matrix and Tybalt could stalemate Levi while holding back a lot.
I think while wishful thinking and the missing yet for their no teleportation assessment it was fair enough simply because if Apeiron could teleport you have to consider why didn't he? Especially considering the ungodly hour where he ran across the city, tried to bail when the motoroid went down, got caught in the sting sphere, was set to be executed and then Lethe carried him away.
Rune on the other hand probably hits negative in her karma bank, even if she somehow managed to not kill anyone in her years of throwing rocks at people. Still, if her kill count is close to zero (doubt it, big rocks kill people) then Uppercrust's Elite might'he accepted her even with their new morality standards, alas Damsel managed to poach her right when she started to have deeper doubts, but before she started really thinking about her options. And joining with DoD won't help Tammi any in regard to getting a good ending.
Or maybe it will? There is a chance that Ashley plans actual consist of showing off her powers and making a strong impression of her skills and personality, to then use those impressions for better chances at a deal with Apeiron. Kind of cape version of practical interview. There are more of chance that she just plans to build a gang and bail from the city, but the way she acts happy when a member of CF shows trump powers is mighty suspicious.
Even if Rune isn't say Purity who has a large bodycount her karma is still pretty bad simply because she's the Empire's transport allowing for fast deployment and retreating of groups which makes her an accomplice to everything they did using that.
Damsel's also dumb because she's basically banking on her power meaning they were taking her seriously because they couldn't just dismiss her. Except they can because the forge have things like rwby aura making them follow the mainstream anime/cartoon/games thing where they all have enhanced physical abilities. While worm doesn't and Wildbow made sure to heavily nerf speedsters in general such that the best ones are the ones with fast flight (Vicky can fly at 60 mph and Laserdream and Purity are faster) which doesn't effect how fast they can think or move their limbs. Damsel may have a strong blast with decent AOE but that's basically all as the only other thing she has is using the recoil to propel her around, the same recoil that's already knackered one of her wrists.
It's worth pointing out here that while Damsel got out of it with just a tattered costume that's due to Othala's invincibility Rune fell from a far lower height than Damsel did and got messed up from it. Despite her attitude had Assault and Battery not come in when they did Survey would easily have stomped her.