Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

One of the things I didn't like about the PRT's initial assessment was them trying to jam a square peg into a round hole regarding teleports. They concluded that since the group is a cluster and one member has such overwhelming stranger abilities that every other member clearly has the ability to get to and from places unnoticed instead of them being able to teleport where they are going to which is why they weren't noticed along the route.
They're not wrong about the group's stealth. Fleet moves silently too fast to see, Survey has shapeshifting for perfect disguises, the Matrix can move around as a droplet, Teigu Proto Aima can be inside or worn by anyone, Lethe has the obvious Stranger ability, Tybalt has divine-tier infiltration skills, and the entire group can use Apeiron's Elf cloaks.
Plus good old fashioned cloaking devices/invisibility fields and sound cancelling. Y'know. Just in case.

Edit: suddenly I want Aisha to build herself a Federation phase-cloak, because why not?
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I mean, really, Uppercrust and his people are also far from being "clean" and Joe shook hands with them no trouble. Get rid of the worst, rest can go grab their paycheck.
To be fair, Uppercrust's clean and beneficial deeds vastly outweigh any ill he's done personally. And even then Joe did not agree to deal with his not-so-clean people, therefore Ferrona running around playing murder maid, cleaning everything.

Rune on the other hand probably hits negative in her karma bank, even if she somehow managed to not kill anyone in her years of throwing rocks at people. Still, if her kill count is close to zero (doubt it, big rocks kill people) then Uppercrust's Elite might'he accepted her even with their new morality standards, alas Damsel managed to poach her right when she started to have deeper doubts, but before she started really thinking about her options. And joining with DoD won't help Tammi any in regard to getting a good ending.

Or maybe it will? There is a chance that Ashley plans actual consist of showing off her powers and making a strong impression of her skills and personality, to then use those impressions for better chances at a deal with Apeiron. Kind of cape version of practical interview. There are more of chance that she just plans to build a gang and bail from the city, but the way she acts happy when a member of CF shows trump powers is mighty suspicious.
A random thought:

Joe: Dr. Campbell, I'm worried about my presentation powers affecting our therapy sessions, so I've made you these power nullifying cuff links. Wear them, and you will be immune to all mind-influencing powers.

Dr. Campbell: Thank you, that's quite thoughtful.

Dr. Campbell:.........

Joe: Doc?

Dr. Campbell:.....oh my God.

Joe: Doc, what's wrong?

Dr. Campbell: OH MY GOD!

Joe: What? What is it? What's wrong?!

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Honestly, I hope they revise the team's stranger ratings. One of the things I didn't like about the PRT's initial assessment was them trying to jam a square peg into a round hole regarding teleports. They concluded that since the group is a cluster and one member has such overwhelming stranger abilities that every other member clearly has the ability to get to and from places unnoticed instead of them being able to teleport where they are going to which is why they weren't noticed along the route.
Actually, I believe they did at consider the possibility that it was Mover powers instead of Stranger. It was just that Lethe's power combined with the cluster theory made them lean more towards Stranger as opposed to Mover, but considering they considered Fleet to be the Mover primary in the cluster, I don't think they'd be too surprised to find that some Celestial Forge members could move in supersonic speeds or even teleport.

Honestly it's probably just more hopeful thinking on their part. In some ways, powerful teleporters can be even scarier than powerful stealth capabilities.
Funnily enough, Tybalt's Stranger power is one of the things Joe can't build to counter. Fiat is king no matter what after all.
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Did no one in the forge notice the stone discs or did they get destroyed before they arrived?
I had thought survey destroyed the platforms because she noticed to hey were created through alchemy.
Because it was created just by alchemy means that the crafting process didn't leave any traces left. Alchemy isn't like a power that leaves traces behind. There are no residential traces of it after a crafting session.

About Assault's offer. What would have happened if Battery wouldn't have interrupted him extending a collaboration offer to the Celestial Forge? What would have been the consequences and implications for both sides?

Loved the chapter. It was especially awesome reading from Rune's view. She knew that it wasn't smart nor even good for a long healthy life if they didn't leave immediately much to her constipation when her elder members didn't share her same revelation.
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If someone who can't be posessed kills the Butcher, or the Butcher commits suicide, the Butcher might just connect to the nearest cape.
I mean, that depends on if Joe allows that. Joe has more or less admitted he has ways to capture/contain butcher without killing them, and since there is a 'soul' component involved and he basically can manipulate souls. If Butcher tries to off herself in his or Tybalt's presence, odds are they'll just be like, "Yoink. Mine now. No more Butcher."
so yeah even during the S9 I would imagine he is going to be holding back to levels people can't imagine.
Except I'm pretty sure Joe has pretty much said that they won't be holding back against the S9 (when the Forge actually makes their move) to make a point.
And even then Joe did not agree to deal with his not-so-clean people, therefore Ferrona running around playing murder maid, cleaning everything.
I don't know why referring to Ferrona as 'murder-maid' made me chuckle, but now I'm picturing this capable cape being forced into a maid outfit (while still wearing her normal costume) as a joke at some point.
What I don't get is the shards freaking about the fight and telling jack slash? Wouldn't Aisha shard already have snitched about the forge abilities?? And if Aisha shard can't snitch, why keep her on the dark about the s9 plan?

1) Aisha was excluded from the planning against the S9 due to warnings from Joe's passenger. They don't know if her shard can snitch, so it's a sensible measure.
2) Jack knows about Fleet's true form when he showed it to... I think it was Gregor ? It was when Fleet and Kat visited Faultline.

I mean one of Joe's many strategies for "Break glass in case Leviathan attacks the city" is just to have Tybalt handle it, so yeah even during the S9 I would imagine he is going to be holding back to levels people can't imagine.

Honestly, I hope they revise the team's stranger ratings. One of the things I didn't like about the PRT's initial assessment was them trying to jam a square peg into a round hole regarding teleports. They concluded that since the group is a cluster and one member has such overwhelming stranger abilities that every other member clearly has the ability to get to and from places unnoticed instead of them being able to teleport where they are going to which is why they weren't noticed along the route.

Rating are meaningless when you need specific countermeasure.
And another instance of blatant author's handwavium for the purpose of making things illogically worse that they should be. While Victor could've copied the skill to draw pretty circles, there is literally no way for him to use Alchemy or Alkahestry because they rely on a unique source of power - The Gate (of Truth) - that reside in the souls of the people of another universe.

PS: IIRC the difference between Alchemy and Alkahestry is that the first was purposefully altered to depend on the pipe network of full of Red Stone under Amestris and/or use the energy of tectonic movement outside of it, while Alkahestry utilized Dragon Veins (aka Ley Lines) as a more natural source. But without The Gate it's impossible to use either.
No, Amestrian Alchemy has never been allowed to draw on Father's philosopher stone in any way shape or form. Father specifically uses it as a barrier to block off tectonic energy, not as a public power source, because that would be stupid and counterproductive to his goals - Father's not going to spend his own fuel to subsidize other people's activities.

You're being a pedant over something that isn't even true.
Krieg is just a discount Accelerator, yeah? His power seems to be a vector control if I recall correctly, which can be used to direct wind, I guess, as a side benefit of the forces he has influence over.

The fight was very good and I am looking forward to chapter 100.

He wishes Krieg's power is altering the kinetic energy of things around him so he could make approaching him like wading through a pool but it's short range, gets weaker the further from him it is, is not that strong to begin with and is kinetic energy only, throw a fireball at him and he's screwed.

I mean one of Joe's many strategies for "Break glass in case Leviathan attacks the city" is just to have Tybalt handle it, so yeah even during the S9 I would imagine he is going to be holding back to levels people can't imagine.

Honestly, I hope they revise the team's stranger ratings. One of the things I didn't like about the PRT's initial assessment was them trying to jam a square peg into a round hole regarding teleports. They concluded that since the group is a cluster and one member has such overwhelming stranger abilities that every other member clearly has the ability to get to and from places unnoticed instead of them being able to teleport where they are going to which is why they weren't noticed along the route.

Tybalt could stalemate Levi naked when he was rolled add in the perks he's gained since then, his perk items, Joe making him items, Joe upgrading his perk items, rwby aura + semblance, fma alchemy, other teachable things like ninjutsu and the soon to be completed nanite healing matrix and Tybalt could stalemate Levi while holding back a lot.

I think while wishful thinking and the missing yet for their no teleportation assessment it was fair enough simply because if Apeiron could teleport you have to consider why didn't he? Especially considering the ungodly hour where he ran across the city, tried to bail when the motoroid went down, got caught in the sting sphere, was set to be executed and then Lethe carried him away.

Rune on the other hand probably hits negative in her karma bank, even if she somehow managed to not kill anyone in her years of throwing rocks at people. Still, if her kill count is close to zero (doubt it, big rocks kill people) then Uppercrust's Elite might'he accepted her even with their new morality standards, alas Damsel managed to poach her right when she started to have deeper doubts, but before she started really thinking about her options. And joining with DoD won't help Tammi any in regard to getting a good ending.

Or maybe it will? There is a chance that Ashley plans actual consist of showing off her powers and making a strong impression of her skills and personality, to then use those impressions for better chances at a deal with Apeiron. Kind of cape version of practical interview. There are more of chance that she just plans to build a gang and bail from the city, but the way she acts happy when a member of CF shows trump powers is mighty suspicious.

Even if Rune isn't say Purity who has a large bodycount her karma is still pretty bad simply because she's the Empire's transport allowing for fast deployment and retreating of groups which makes her an accomplice to everything they did using that.

Damsel's also dumb because she's basically banking on her power meaning they were taking her seriously because they couldn't just dismiss her. Except they can because the forge have things like rwby aura making them follow the mainstream anime/cartoon/games thing where they all have enhanced physical abilities. While worm doesn't and Wildbow made sure to heavily nerf speedsters in general such that the best ones are the ones with fast flight (Vicky can fly at 60 mph and Laserdream and Purity are faster) which doesn't effect how fast they can think or move their limbs. Damsel may have a strong blast with decent AOE but that's basically all as the only other thing she has is using the recoil to propel her around, the same recoil that's already knackered one of her wrists.

It's worth pointing out here that while Damsel got out of it with just a tattered costume that's due to Othala's invincibility Rune fell from a far lower height than Damsel did and got messed up from it. Despite her attitude had Assault and Battery not come in when they did Survey would easily have stomped her.
Even if Rune isn't say Purity who has a large bodycount her karma is still pretty bad simply because she's the Empire's transport allowing for fast deployment and retreating of groups which makes her an accomplice to everything they did using that.
Purity is a fully responsible adult who could (and, for a time, did) walk away.

Rune is a teenager hanging out with a bad crowd, not by her own choice but by that of her legal guardians, and getting pulled into their misdeeds.
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She had to wonder if the twins had the same kind of burning conviction to see the Teeth brought to justice that Kaiser had espoused. For Tammi it didn't really have any personal significance. Vanir had been well before her time. She existed as a shadow of the Empire's early years under Allfather, back when capes like Iron Rain were still a force in the city. She was clearly well regarded, but people didn't really talk that much about Kaiser's first wife. About Theo's mother.

Something like that would have been a sore subject anyway, but was probably worse after Kaiser remarried. And then even worse after the divorce, particularly considering his relationship with Fenja and Menja. From what Tammi heard, Heath practically raised the twins herself. Something like that could only make things more awkward between them, Theo, and Kayden.
Not sure who Heath is. I don't think they're mentioned again in this chapter, and it's unclear who it might be.
everyone else was frozen at the site of a member of the Celestial Forge entering the fray.
Site-> sight
The kind of causal power
causal -> casual
Survey has drawn forth a massive weapon
Has -> had

Older corrections, since I've been rereading.
hundred other tiny details that escaped consciousness notice
Consciousness -> conscious

woman in and red a blue costume
and -> a
tempting moment to try a deception strike
deception -> decapitation
or drawn-out responses from any or the ABB's capes.
or -> of
the recent chapter even goes into the fact that Purity is an example that the PRT will NOT just let you rebrand yourself and start over if you were a Nazi.

Purity didn't rebrand. She went from being a prominent villain in a neo-nazi gang that targeted minorities, to being an "independent vigilante" that mostly targeted minority criminals. She didn't even change her costume.
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I'm going to attempt a review of this chapter in two moderately famous quotes.

Joe Addendum: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Tammi Interlude: "It's a trap—there are two of them!"
Ambassador G'Kar from Babylon 5, and some random fishlips/froglips from the 1st Prequel.

I most definitely salute you for including G'Kar's monologue.
Purity: Hello, fellow White Woman! Thanks for assisting us by letting your Non-White Slave Pet dispose of the rabble!

Survey: You can't begin to comprehend how much it fills me with disgust and bile that we are concidered the same genome, nevermind gender.
NGL, I've lost track of where Joe's tech is now. I think he's supposed to be immune to annihilators now but does that apply across the board now? I assume so, cause Survey hardly seemed bothered.
I think while wishful thinking and the missing yet for their no teleportation assessment it was fair enough simply because if Apeiron could teleport you have to consider why didn't he? Especially considering the ungodly hour where he ran across the city, tried to bail when the motoroid went down, got caught in the sting sphere, was set to be executed and then Lethe carried him away.
That's easy (for them to jump to the wrong conclusions based on the data they have): Proto Aima is clearly the most versatile and broken teleporter anyone has ever heard of, just based on 30s of interaction with Dauntless, so she's clearly the "source" in the "cluster" but was previously unable to use that power possibly due to her unstable breaker state aka Death Mink Form, or because of being bonded to Apeiron somehow.

Not sure who Heath is. I don't think they're mentioned again in this chapter, and it's unclear who it might be.
It's Kaiser's first wife's civilian ID. It seems clear to me from the context.
Also I think it's supposed to be spelled "Heith" from the Norse "Heiðr."

NGL, I've lost track of where Joe's tech is now. I think he's supposed to be immune to annihilators now but does that apply across the board now? I assume so, cause Survey hardly seemed bothered.
He's Fiat immune to all "damage" now so you'd have to do something weird like directly target the soul or similar to even scuff his boots. But that's not why Survey was contemptuous of Damsel's abilities; she's Survey – she knows exactly how Damsel's power works, it's precise range, it's rate of action, and the maximum thrust that can be generated with it – and she knows exactly where not to be even if it could damage her body, as well as where and when to strike to take Damsel out of the equation. Because she also knows (better than Othala, even) when that invulnerability will wear off.
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NGL, I've lost track of where Joe's tech is now. I think he's supposed to be immune to annihilators now but does that apply across the board now? I assume so, cause Survey hardly seemed bothered.
Joe's immunity is a combination of fiat perks not something he can build but it's likely Survey has the defenses he built after the Ungodly Hour to keep someone from pulling an annihilator spam on him again. I think it was some sort of teleport effect from 40k.
Pretty sure Survey could just increase the gravity on DoD's hand to make her miss the shot, no need for anything more fanciful. Because I doubt DoD would have stood up if Survey didn't felt like it, no matter how much force her blasts have behind them to help her up.

Also data, delicious free data on annihilator class powers.
NGL, I've lost track of where Joe's tech is now. I think he's supposed to be immune to annihilators now but does that apply across the board now? I assume so, cause Survey hardly seemed bothered.

Armsthrift means his weapons and armour won't break beyond that tho it depends on the specific annihilator effect because he has things like 40k Lathe metal and Weld's selective Manton effect properties he applies as standard to everything he works on which limit what works.

Because it was created just by alchemy means that the crafting process didn't leave any traces left. Alchemy isn't like a power that leaves traces behind. There are no residential traces of it after a crafting session.

About Assault's offer. What would have happened if Battery wouldn't have interrupted him extending a collaboration offer to the Celestial Forge? What would have been the consequences and implications for both sides?

One of the disks was specifically stated to have the flaky alchemy marks on it and as I already said at least 2 were still around when Survey appeared tho it may have been 3.

Quite a lot aside from the obvious bit where all the Empire capes there get captured and thus the prt may learn about Tybalt's power altering but definitely would have learned more about Survey and Tybalt. Survey had basically said if you are offering this then it means that your whole department has withdrawn your previous policies against working with us. Those policies being the harsh ones with master concerns Piggot put in place to try to strongarm Joe after he healed Amy which made it basically impossible for him to work with people and were intended to force him to negotiate for their removal.

That would have removed a lot of the problems that are stopping Joe from acting openly in the bay and doing things like cleaning up the blackout field and collecting the dust. Additionally, it would basically be admitting he isn't a master and those concerns were wrong so it would be a huge blow to Piggot's rep only mitigated if it actually opened proper discussion with the forge though of course Piggot is still doomed and Joe's stance on her wouldn't help since he would still hold it against the local branch so she may even have been removed because of it.

There's also the fact that even if no civilians caught it on camera the Empire at least did with both audio and video so with some careful selection could make the prt look bad now due to how Assault and Battery strolled in and acted like the top dogs only to look bad and shady followed by getting shut down and the forge members leaving.

That's easy (for them to jump to the wrong conclusions based on the data they have): Proto Aima is clearly the most versatile and broken teleporter anyone has ever heard of, just based on 30s of interaction with Dauntless, so she's clearly the "source" in the "cluster" but was previously unable to use that power possibly due to her unstable breaker state aka Death Mink Form, or because of being bonded to Apeiron somehow.

If you are meaning that as part of the prt's previous assessment then that's unfair because that interaction happened after they made it.
Armsthrift means his weapons and armour won't break beyond that tho it depends on the specific annihilator effect because he has things like 40k Lathe metal and Weld's selective Manton effect properties he applies as standard to everything he works on which limit what works.
Because of Fashion he is as durable as the strongest peice of armor he's wearing. Since the armor is fiat backed indestructible so is Joe as long as he's wearing it.
See here for the full explanation: Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)