Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

He's going to get a nice visit from Truth for a little chat about using souls. Again, March is getting blind-sided by an Outside Context Problem.

(I swear Truth will have a field day in Earth Bet)
Not necessarily; human transmutation opens the Gate Of Truth but medical transmutation is far more conventional. Even for the combination of human beings; That Fucker Tucker was able to make human Chimera without losing body-parts after all; fixing up March's body doesn't seem that different from that.
And fith, Leet is getting inspiration from Bakuda, for the same reason Bakuda got inspiration from Leet when she was building her own dead man switch (it was mentionned by Lord that inspiration from Leet is why Bakuda's dead man switch in BCF is stronger than the one in Worm). Granted this is probably the weakest explanation, because Bakuda's is laser focused on recovery, so she is not helping Leet directly.
Honestly I'm surprised that Bakuda is struggling with anti-cancer research as much as she is; I would have thought that the dimensionally exotic equivalent of Chemo would be a lot easier then, for instance, a bomb that interacts with nervous-systems to the exclusion of all other kinds of tissue. I'd expect it to knock out all of her senescent cells, or even just lagging-behind or inefficient cells, while it's at it as well.
Parian's power is much more than controlling clothes. It can control living matter too. The issue is that the only living matter it can control has to formed of fibres, or little strings, or patchwork.

Guess what Tetra is.

The real question though is whether or not Parian just got mind whammied by seeing a part of a consolidated area-mind. Did she just see into the forge?
...Ah fuck me Joe used a privacy curtain to keep his Workshop hidden; if there's any Shard liable to send a connection down through Tetra to it it would be the one connected to Parian.
My understanding is Emma canonically can't trigger due to lack of Corona Pollentia.
Neither could Taylor before [Queen] migrated.
One thing I would like to point out is that while SB and SV have a Zero Tolerance policy about under eighteens, in the Real World the age of consent throughout New England is sixteen. So while Parian getting together with Flechette might be a bit skeevy, it was by no means illegal. Also, I'm pretty sure Parian is an undergraduate which would make her 21 at most.
Isn't the rule Half-Plus-Five or something like that? The ethical one I mean.
However, earlier on when Joe met Uppercrust he predicted he would only need 3 days to track Bakuda's signal through shardspace to find the ABB's lair.
Joe already cracked the code; none of the bombs will go off unless he wants them to now. The only delays are:
  1. Uppercrust's three days to get the hostages moved out of the area so Joe can work on removing the bombs without tipping off Bakuda.
  2. An unknown amount of time to trace the signal back to its source in the dimensional sea er, passenger realm and set up to invade the ABB pocket realm through the back door that they can't even conceive exists.
For 2. my personal hope is that he manages to time it to coincide with the governor telling Bakuda to go fuck herself and signing the Kill Order live on video call.
I'm not even sure the clones get Oni Lee's power, I don't remember a clone cloning itself. And if they do, they don't get a trigger vision (they couldn't work if they were stunned for a few seconds after spawning), so it's a copy instead of an artificial trigger.
Oni Lee's power is "create a clone in line of sight, then turn to dust". It is the ORIGINAL that remains for a few seconds before turning to ash. The (imperfect) clone then continues on, with a little bit less initiative, creative thinking ability, and so on.
No doubt they were building to something. Winding him up for the big reveal of who they were and what they had in store for him. They were wasting a tremendous amount of time on this, especially considering how far behind the loss of their last truck had put them. And despite Jack's direct orders to grab the first truck they could find and return immediately, instead they were happy to indulge in the pointless tormenting of a random civilian.
I was thinking about what the rest of the S9 is doing while this is going on and then realised... Jack is parahuman-omniscient. He must be just... sitting there at the camp, entirely aware that his underlings violated his orders and are currently wasting time on playing with their food, and, much like Apeiron, wondering when they'll finally get on with it.
In terms of response, Dragon already had a suit in the air and was prepped to drop onto the first sign of parahuman violence. That might have been enough to reassure me about the coming conflict, but unfortunately the Dragonslayers were also mounting up to counter her. It provided two more fronts that Survey needed to monitor, stretching her capacity for live observation to its limit.

I really needed to step up that aspect of my work. Unfortunately, it was contingent on my final resource bottleneck. Spiritual energy was needed if I was going to extend the level of oversight I had placed on the Slaughterhouse Nine to anyone else. Which was the entire point of this enterprise. Get out, meet people, feel human, and then use that spiritual recovery to expand your psionic divination network across a larger portion of the villainous community.
Ah, gotta love Joe being a dumbass. Now just hear me out, or! he could use his goldly tech skills to create a bunch of possibly magical Big Brother Vis to take the strain off Survey instead of waiting, hell get his clones to do it.
I have to say, I do love March's master plan here. LordRoust has elegantly devised a way for the Uber&Leet/March/Bakuda group to potentially become not complete pushovers, which relies entirely on canon parahuman mechanics. If it wasn't for the fact that Joe is eventually going to outscale the shards themselves, March might even have had a sliver of a chance.

Also Tetra becoming a model is great. Did not see it coming, but it makes perfect sense and is genuinely hilarious.
Joe has already outclassed the shards and probably scion himself, the only thing preventing it from being 'shown' is the author stacking plot thread after plot thread at the same time creating a non-euclidean plot knot and giving Joe zero time even with time manipulation bullshit.
I was thinking about what the rest of the S9 is doing while this is going on and then realised... Jack is parahuman-omniscient. He must be just... sitting there at the camp, entirely aware that his underlings violated his orders and are currently wasting time on playing with their food, and, much like Apeiron, wondering when they'll finally get on with it.
Imagine how they would each react if they found out they were both thinking the same thought at the same time.
Joe would of course be suitably horrified but I bet Jack would be delighted by the unsuspected streak of ruthlessness in dear Apeiron. Y'know, before he realised that something was deeply wrong.
Not necessarily; human transmutation opens the Gate Of Truth but medical transmutation is far more conventional. Even for the combination of human beings; That Fucker Tucker was able to make human Chimera without losing body-parts after all; fixing up March's body doesn't seem that different from that.

Honestly I'm surprised that Bakuda is struggling with anti-cancer research as much as she is; I would have thought that the dimensionally exotic equivalent of Chemo would be a lot easier then, for instance, a bomb that interacts with nervous-systems to the exclusion of all other kinds of tissue. I'd expect it to knock out all of her senescent cells, or even just lagging-behind or inefficient cells, while it's at it as well.

...Ah fuck me Joe used a privacy curtain to keep his Workshop hidden; if there's any Shard liable to send a connection down through Tetra to it it would be the one connected to Parian.

Neither could Taylor before [Queen] migrated.

Isn't the rule Half-Plus-Five or something like that? The ethical one I mean.

I don't think alchemy can actually fix March tho. Patch up her body sure but her main issue is she is being controlled from the version of her in the shard which suffers from unpredictable lag. That's also something I highly doubt Uber could manage to fix and even if he could is probably close enough to reviving her for him to meet Truth since it's moving her soul from it's afterlife to her body.

Bakuda is under high stress and has the cancer mainly in her hands in addition to also working on things like the hostage negotiations. She also is probably leery of using anything on herself again and working with whatever resources Leet chooses to let her have.

Doubt Parian's shard can trace it because the connection is the divine connection she gained from Craftsmen of the Gods and as such is an ocp to the shards.

Emma triggering is highly unlikely because she didn't either when she was atked by the ABB or in canon a month or two down the line when Taylor was uninterested in her which also made Emma snap and atk her and then was revealed to be Skitter which broke Emma enough to turn her into a shut in that never left her bedroom. Changes due to it being bcf are also fairly unlikely because QA canonically budded over a month from the current in story day which included things like the endbringer atk and more fights against the ABB so is unlikely to be brought that far forward and Sophia similarly hasn't really encountered enough extra to bud.

The social convention you are referring to is half your age plus seven is the ok range. In the previous discussion discord insisted it was doen on the older and not the younger so Parian is 21 at the youngest which puts her range at 17.5-24.5. The same discussions placed Fletchette at 17 though unknown for how many months. This means even by that convention it's probably iffy because that's also ignoring the months for Parian when she may be 22 or even older if she missed years for any reason such as taking a gap year or difficulties from moving and just 22.0 places her lower bound at 18.

Joe already cracked the code; none of the bombs will go off unless he wants them to now. The only delays are:
  1. Uppercrust's three days to get the hostages moved out of the area so Joe can work on removing the bombs without tipping off Bakuda.
  2. An unknown amount of time to trace the signal back to its source in the dimensional sea er, passenger realm and set up to invade the ABB pocket realm through the back door that they can't even conceive exists.
For 2. my personal hope is that he manages to time it to coincide with the governor telling Bakuda to go fuck herself and signing the Kill Order live on video call.

That's what I said Joe predicted he needs 3 days to trace the signal through shardspace to locate the Bakuda's location and that's why their schemes that should be ready in 3 or 4 days aren't going to matter because they'll be located in 3 minus a few hours even if no perks accelerate that which sectional time already might and taken down shortly after.
I am surprised at several things?

The long time the S9 members are tormenting the guy Drone, will they flip for him or run away?

Garment is doing a Live appearance. Accord knows the schedule in advance and knows she is connected with Celestial Forge. Will he show up at some point?

Future Joe "I cannot stay in my apartment or workshop, let's visit Taylor."
Fourth, capes going against Apeiron get a boost from their shards (the Sechen range). Basically their shards want data, so they release their limiters as much as possible. It's even more important for Leet, because for once he is working with his shard rather than against it (for most of his cape career, Leet shard was trying to kill him because he was too conservative).
Leet is also a Free Tinker, so a Sechen range boost is way more impactful for him than it would be to a babytier Tinker like Chariot here.
I already explained why and how they are moving so fast and why it doesn't matter but I'll repeat this much the plans the ABB have don't really matter because they just got predicted to be 3 or 4 days away from being possible to implement. However, earlier on when Joe met Uppercrust he predicted he would only need 3 days to track Bakuda's signal through shardspace to find the ABB's lair.

Joe's predication is not only due first but is the one that can be sped up with there already being things like sectional time gained that can help speed it up. Due to this it is very likely their plans won't matter because they will be crushed before the earliest possible time they could try them.

I was speaking for clones and shards in general which includes things like the S200 Bonesaw made in canon after invading toybox. Shards having that attitude is also the reason for things like how only one twin needs to trigger for both to get the same power from it such as the Valkyrie twins except in cases where both twins trigger at the same time or where they are very close.

Oni Lee's clones don't get his power I was simplifying it to explain why you couldn't cut them open to experiment. However, the full detail is that they aren't clones how they are normally thought of. What really happens is his shard effectively creates a new version of him at a place he can see and the old him can act for a few seconds before it falls apart. These old versions can't spawn more versions. Of course given that's how his power works it could be argued the new version is effectively a clone of him which does have his power. This repeated copying is also the reason for his personality death because he's effectively copied himself thousands of times by this point.

They also don't want them for studying as I covered I am pretty sure they want them to try the cluster draining trick which is why they were talking about boosting themselves to Apeiron's lv. Of course while I have also covered why they won't get the opportunity to try and drain the clones I also don't think it will work because I don't think the drain would work without the connections between capes of a cluster.

At most I could see it only working on clones of themselves but then they'd need to keep the clones alive and around themselves and such a thing would still leave them far from Apeiron's lv unless we were considering something like him from his first night out or at the storage yard.

It also wouldn't really fix the Butcher's issue if it even works on them with them already being an unstable gestalt. Even if it works somehow for them despite the powers the clones would have including unbreakable skin (reminder the drain is usually set up by the one getting the boost covering themself in the blood of the other and lying together for ages) and if the others can't hijack the boost (the 2 heroes probably could now) it would just boost them enough they are unlikely to die but the voices would still be there along with the unknown case of when she dies of old age and will probably attract Apeiron's attention and he can easily shut it down.

Discord conversations recently placed Fletchette at 17 and Parian as 21 or 22 due to being in Joe's academic year based on when her birthday is but also possibly older if she'd needed to miss years due to moving to another country and learning the language.

However, there are still moral issues beyond that there. Lily used to be a domineering control freak which ruined her last 4 or 5 relationships so due to that and possibly their cluster bleed of giving away any bits of themselves they don't like about themselves she decided to be an absolute doormat in her next one.

Fortunately for her that worked out because Parian is so messed up she would only agree to a relationship were she had full absolute 100 % control over each and every decision which is very skeevy when you consider the age gap and possible cluster bleed. It doesn't apply here but it is also very skeevy that a fair number of self inserts know all this and then still try to get them dating.
Oh I'm not questioning if Joe will win. He's long passed the Superman threshold. At this point it isn't 'if he will win' in a fight, it's more about the cost in collateral and the schemes involved. Since sometimes bad people can negate the impact of losing, or even actually turn a profit off of a story's protagonist pulling a win.

In this case... all these things going off at once, or near each other will generate a lot of chaos, and, importantly, do a lot of damage to one of the big things Joe is trying to accomplish as of late, which is de-escalating the situation. If anything decisively neutralizing so many threats will be a massive loss to that goal, since it'll scare the piss out of people even more than he already has. And he's only really made serious steps to the S9 and Taylor components of the mess when it comes to neutralizing the threats discretely.
And he's only really made serious steps to the S9 and Taylor components of the mess when it comes to neutralizing the threats discretely.
I think "discreetly" is the wrong description for Joe's planned handling of the 9. That's going to be very indiscreet, but presented as fitting into the more optimistically bounded models of Apeiron. (As opposed to the "bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye" models, which are more accurate but not good for his goals.)
It's Half-Plus-Seven and it's not like it's a law. Legally once someone hits sixteen they can date whoever they like, with a few exceptions.
That sounds more correct.
I was thinking about what the rest of the S9 is doing while this is going on and then realised... Jack is parahuman-omniscient. He must be just... sitting there at the camp, entirely aware that his underlings violated his orders and are currently wasting time on playing with their food, and, much like Apeiron, wondering when they'll finally get on with it.
He may very well have been making it happen because of a desire to show up exactly when this Shard-interaction-gambit-pileup is going to kick off.
I don't think alchemy can actually fix March tho. Patch up her body sure but her main issue is she is being controlled from the version of her in the shard which suffers from unpredictable lag. That's also something I highly doubt Uber could manage to fix and even if he could is probably close enough to reviving her for him to meet Truth since it's moving her soul from it's afterlife to her body.
Ah so that's why she'd want access to Noelle; either because lacking a local brain means that the her in her Shard could pilot all of them or to clone some brains based on the version of her in the Shard.

I think that her and Uber could fix up the connection between her body and Shard though.
Bakuda is under high stress and has the cancer mainly in her hands in addition to also working on things like the hostage negotiations. She also is probably leery of using anything on herself again and working with whatever resources Leet chooses to let her have.
I'm sure that she can fuck around with cancer bombs and end up with enough test-subjects to test things to he satisfaction. Especially if they still have Oni Lee; even bed-bound he should still be able to teleclone between beds to test-fire her tech.

She might even be able to end up with a Entity Avatar style anatomy-garden to test her effects on.
Doubt Parian's shard can trace it because the connection is the divine connection she gained from Craftsmen of the Gods and as such is an ocp to the shards.
It doesn't need to mess around with the connection; it just needs to mess around with threads and attaching energies to them.
Butcher made the reference to it. Uber might be why all of Leet's tech fails so damn quickly! Uber can actually use Leet tech, but any non-tinker that touches/users tinker tech apparently has a usability barrier and puts it on a timer.

The Butcher was impressed that Uber could even use Leet's tinker tech. She didn't make the connection that he may have been why Leet's tech failed so quickly.

Leet's so used to Uber being there that he'd never think of tinkering or pulling stuff off without Uber.

At first glance, I thought Uber was mastered by March. He wasn't though. Uber has thinkered himself screwed. Currently, he is heavily simping for March. Uber is a jack of all trades, wearing mental masks and using various mental tricks to get through things.

Leet depended on that for their team to function. The last we saw of Leet, internally he wanted to leave and take his friend with him. He was being heavily gaslit by March and Uber though.

I'm surprised that we found out that much about March and her current condition from Uber. Uber might have been bluffing through some of that.

So Leet's game grid. At first, I thought Tron. He doesn't know of Log Horizon, SAO, or many of the other similar settings. Tron is it. I can see being uploaded to a virtual game server being Leet's solution for healing Bakuda.

Emma and Taylor are both thankful that Joe wasn't around. Joe would have gone critical. I was more amused at the Tetra modeling vengeance thing. Doesn't even matter if Tetra does well. As long as Tetra has fun and doesn't do too badly, its all good from their end.

What's really ironic is Parian or her models may be the ones looking into Emma and why she wasn't there. They knew the girl. Might be a bit worried that something happened to her. Then they are the ones finding and spreading that video.

I can see Emma becoming a meme. While everyone else was pulling together to make BB better and all that through Garment's show, why was this one local model not there? She apparently was more of what we'd refer to as a gang recruit in mindset. BB is really built differently. Aspire to be better, yet so many end up Emma.

I can see Emma having only been a minor local model at best. Sadly for her, I can see this video going viral and national. No one would want to touch her for PR reasons. That'd be more background fortune energy stuff.

I'm been skimming the comments. I don't care about any 800 cp perks. Heck, I don't really care about most 600 cp perks. I like the freebies and 100 CP perks that seem to have far more effect on him. I also like how perks mesh. I'm not really a fan of the one massive perk. Let's be honest. Joe usually overhypes them in his head. It's the cheaper stuff that usually blindsides him and hits harder.

I was meh when I read about the time control perk. The important part of it? It's accidentally forcing him out of the warehouse. The idea that he could ignore a perk never crosses his mind. He has to use them to his best effect.

It may have meant more earlier, but he has so many speed perks and that computer time thing, that this doesn't really matter.

I'm curious about what else Joe might do to Emma. He should make a brainstorming list and share it with Taylor. Giving Emma minor amounts of bad luck would be more than enough. Fortune Energy comes in both good and bad luck. What's great is screwing over Emma actually would end up getting Sophia as well.

Joe's issue is that he is trying to moderate his vengeance. He doesn't want to go full Greek God levels of punishment on the girl.

Can Joe create an Irony curse? That's something that Emma and Winslow need.

I wonder what the Butcher will come up to distract Joe with. It's amusing reading that. He was majorly distracted by Taylor. He is annoyed by the S9. Sabah stunned him, but he made it through without an incident. He even got flirted with by Crystal. That time perk seemed to give him a slight headache at most.

Seems like the only way that Joe could be properly distracted for more than an hour or two is with a Forge Perk.

I liked how Survey was trying to drop a hint about Sabah being Parian to Joe. She was amusing herself with it. If Joe wanted to know, he'd ask. He really doesn't want to know.

Joe doesn't have the ability to measure his MC Density. I'm not going to say that it takes the divine blessings for him to notice. It's more like he can tell when other people flirt or take interest in each other. When it comes to himself though? He's utterly blind to it.

It's the entire Males from Mars and Females from Venus thing though. It's more like Joe is from Pluto and if you want to communicate with him in that manner you need Jupiter-sized signs.

So, Joe mentioned that the entire Gully thing might get worked on tomorrow. He is a tad too busy for that today. Wasn't that before the time perk though? I think he needs to shove her in the warehouse and have Duplicates play fairy godmother with her and presto: Disney Amazon Sex Goddess Walks out of a random door.

He could do it within 5 minutes an hour would be more than enough time.

You know. I'm surprised that he doesn't have two copies of BB sitting in his warehouse already. Why two? One to stash everyone when the need for an evac happens. The other is to plop down and swap with the existing BB. Then he'd just swap the people back into their upgraded city. Problem solved.
Was it petty of me to consider going forward with this primarily as a way to make things worse for Emma Barnes? Maybe, but I could still remember everything she said about Professor Hebert. The fact that she said that to Taylor, and the smug look on her face as she did.

Did Jo have an encounter with Emma where he heard her talking shit about the mom? The implication seems to be referring to the incident at the school But I thought he said he was not going to look deeply into that until he talked to Taylor.

Kinda unclear to me, sorry.

Sorry if this was already brought up, I'm about to get on a plane.
People seem to think that Uber will be running into Truth. Which... I guess that can happen, if he makes a mistake, but as far as I understand FMA alchemy, manipulating souls is completely fine. You can put them in stones and use them as batteries, you can even put them back in their bodies if those bodies are still intact. In fact that will happen naturally. Souls want to return to their bodies if that's an option. You can bind them to objects, have them pilot suits of armor around, and put multiple souls in the same body. There's nothing stopping an alchemist from messing around with souls to their heart's content.

Uber's goal is completely possible.

As long as he knows what he's doing, that is.

It's a ridiculously difficult procedure, more complex than anything anyone but Father and maybe Hoenheim did in the canon show. Fixing a body as messed-up as March's is basically on the level of Homonculus creation, and transfering her soul from her shard and into her newly built body may be as difficult as the Ling-Greed transformation was, and Uber, unlike Father, isn't a knowledge spirit born from the living universe, nor does he have centuries of experience with alchemy and a philosopher's stone 500.000 souls strong.

But he does have a parahuman shard, which we all know are completely bullshit.

And the fact that March's Shard is probably all for resurrecting March means he might actually be able to manage it.

Truth doesn't block human transmutation. Truth steps in when you're going against the laws of nature. That's what Truth is. Truth are the laws of nature, and one of those laws seems to include the cycle of souls. You can't call souls back from the afterlife. At least not with alchemy, because there is no equivalent exchange. There can't be. Souls are invaluable, and they're uniquely invaluable, so you can't even sacrifice one soul to get another.

That's not a problem if the relevant soul is within your grasp though. Then you can manipulate it just fine as long as you know the rules.

Victor can't succeed because his goal is to resurrect a person who's soul he doesn't have access to.

Uber can succeed because March's soul is hosted in her Shard, and her Shard is probably helping.
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If it counts as resurrection, it is not an equivalent exchange period. If you try it The Truth takes away either what you most value, or fucks with the relationship you expect to have with that person.
The Truth
If it counts as resurrection, it is not an equivalent exchange period. If you try it The Truth takes away either what you most value, or fucks with the relationship you expect to have with that person.
The Truth
But since March is technically still very much alive and just pilots her body from other place it might be completely fine to drag her soul back from Shardspace and shove it back into her body
Oh I'm not questioning if Joe will win. He's long passed the Superman threshold. At this point it isn't 'if he will win' in a fight, it's more about the cost in collateral and the schemes involved. Since sometimes bad people can negate the impact of losing, or even actually turn a profit off of a story's protagonist pulling a win.

In this case... all these things going off at once, or near each other will generate a lot of chaos, and, importantly, do a lot of damage to one of the big things Joe is trying to accomplish as of late, which is de-escalating the situation. If anything decisively neutralizing so many threats will be a massive loss to that goal, since it'll scare the piss out of people even more than he already has. And he's only really made serious steps to the S9 and Taylor components of the mess when it comes to neutralizing the threats discretely.

My point is those things won't go off because Joe is set to locate their base hours before the earliest possible time they can have those plans ready to launch and that's assuming no perks since the point that prediction was made speed things up which some may already have.

They won't cause chaos therefore because they shouldn't get a chance to try them because they should just get quietly taken down in their pocket dimension. From there announcing they have been taken down is something Joe can handle however he likes but given it will probably be after the nine are taken down it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Ah so that's why she'd want access to Noelle; either because lacking a local brain means that the her in her Shard could pilot all of them or to clone some brains based on the version of her in the Shard.

I think that her and Uber could fix up the connection between her body and Shard though.

I'm sure that she can fuck around with cancer bombs and end up with enough test-subjects to test things to he satisfaction. Especially if they still have Oni Lee; even bed-bound he should still be able to teleclone between beds to test-fire her tech.

She might even be able to end up with a Entity Avatar style anatomy-garden to test her effects on.

It doesn't need to mess around with the connection; it just needs to mess around with threads and attaching energies to them.

While that is possible the main reason they want Noelle is that they want to try the cluster power draining thing on the clones as I previously described and explained. This is why Uber says it will let them all equal Apeiron though it won't as already explained. It's frankly a dumb idea which will never work as also previously explained.

The shard connection getting fixed is unlikely since Uber would have to advance his alchemy to the point of doing it in 2 and a bit days from scratch. Even if it can be done it also runs into the issue of the shard version of March being treated as her soul and shardspace as her afterlife so is likely to count as a resurrection attempt.

The ABB also don't have oni lee as they made clear here because his standing orders sent him off to a fixed longstanding location for medical aid.

To see into the workshop through Tetra Parian's shard would need to be able to detect and mess with the connection.

So, Joe mentioned that the entire Gully thing might get worked on tomorrow. He is a tad too busy for that today. Wasn't that before the time perk though? I think he needs to shove her in the warehouse and have Duplicates play fairy godmother with her and presto: Disney Amazon Sex Goddess Walks out of a random door.

The main ability being looked at to fix case 53s is the trigrams which has the end result be what is described and is unaffected by Joe's other perks. That means the only reason for her to come out looking like attractive is if Joe goes out of his way to describe at great length how she is to look attractive which is just not going to happen.
I think, at this point, that if Joe rolled Truth the part I'd be most excited for is him expositing to himself the answer to our perennial debate of what exactly incurs gate toll in this fic's interpretation of the rules :rofl:
I think, at this point, that if Joe rolled Truth the part I'd be most excited for is him expositing to himself the answer to our perennial debate of what exactly incurs gate toll in this fic's interpretation of the rules :rofl:
The CF perk list is very specific about what can be taken and basically none of it is more than 30 seconds inconvenience to Joe and that only because building a new arm one-handed is awkward.