Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Would Garment reject Emma, do we have any clues on her relationship with Taylor, although the emotional pain of Joe will also be a factor
Would Garment reject Emma, do we have any clues on her relationship with Taylor, although the emotional pain of Joe will also be a factor
Joe would react uncharacteristically frosty, and Garment would notice and readjust to not involve Emma.

Even if he doesn't ask to remove Taylor's assaulter who shit-talked Professor Hebert's memory outright, he'd still be uncomfortable with her presence and it would be noticed, since he's always physically involved in Garment's events.

If it's before actual hiring Garment sends her away with a note and a clothing gift, since GG would probably consider not putting Joe in an unpleasant situation a higher priority than Emma's ambitions.
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She'll have the stress of one of her models 'ditching at the last minute' (assuming video of Emma's psychotic break doesn't start popping up) highlighting that Parian's 'obviously not ready for the big leagues' to the assorted patrons.
If she's working with high-school-aged models and isn't prepared to deal with one of them flaking out on her at the last minute, then she is in fact not ready for the big leagues and deserves what she gets.

Avatar Taylor might be the one where Annette's mother is hard business lady who needs no man. After Annette's father abandoned them.
It is; I read it just a couple weeks ago. (Or at least, I can confirm 'hard business lady who needs no man' and 'teaches Taylor business'; I don't recall if Annette's father abandoned them.)
Angry Paperwork. Alan Barnes may be a lawyer, but Danny Hebert can do contracts too. Whether this was nudged in front of his face by Joe or not.

Also Emma is modeling for Parian, not Garment. If Garment kicks her out, it might make Sabah freak the hell out. Dominoes :D
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Angry Paperwork. Alan Barnes may be a lawyer, but Danny Hebert can do contracts too. Whether this was nudged in front of his face by Joe or not.

Also Emma is modeling for Parian, not Garment. If Garment kicks her out, it might make Sabah freak the hell out. Dominoes :D
Does Sabah have any fondness for Annette? Because, you know, she could just coincidentally find that recording in front of herself.
Does Sabah have any fondness for Annette? Because, you know, she could just coincidentally find that recording in front of herself.
Not likely, Annette was in the English/Lit department, and becoming Joe's faculty advisor, as he was in a different department, was actually a very unlikely occurrence.
Sabah was in Engineering at the time, and switched to Fashion around the same time Annette died, so while Sabah may have had her as a teacher for a class, that would be the extent of it.


"Hello Mr Hebert. Your wife was a favourite teacher of mine at university. In response to learning of this recent incident, I am offering your family a Contract. A token payment of one dollar will be sufficient for my records."


"Hello Mr Hebert. Your wife was a favourite teacher of mine at university. In response to learning of this recent incident, I am offering your family a Contract. A token payment of one dollar will be sufficient for my records."

What would that contract be for ? And depending on the offer, it might be easier to give him in his civilian identity, because Danny already knows Joe.
Easy solution; Peras Contract™
-Peras is the old greek word for 'Limit'.. at least I think it is?

No one would suspect someone going by the Greek name that means Limits to be Apeiron. Nah, that is simply impossible, after all when they think of Peras they don't get [The Enigmatic Artificer] blasted into their minds. So they obviously can't be Apeiron. The fact their hyper-competent and actually fufill one hundred percent of the contract to the letter... well that's just as very, very amusing coincidence.

Not going to lie I can see this as potential Omake Material. Say with like a few people 'clicking' that this must be Apeiron but no one believing them because its' obviously not him. Like Missy, and Carol, and Sabah. They form some sort of secret team to undercover the proof that Peras=Apeiron but are foiled in humourous ways by a pair of Gloves.
-Sabah dislikes Apeiron right? Or do I have that wrong?
--I'm thinking of Garment just being a pair of floating Gloves and then pulling out a 'Garment Dress™' and having some Phineas and Ferb Doofenshmirtz moment of 'GASP! Garment the Gloves!'.

This post totally escaped its' intended purpose.
Doesn't mean Danny has to tell people?

Ignoring that doing so narrows down the 'Possible Apeiron Civilian ID' pool to a few hundred people, tops, if Taylor is healed and the Heberts don't disclose it, then what appears to have happened changes from Emma attacking Taylor badly enough to probably leave scars, to Emma scratched her. If the medical report and LE Officer's report also state that there should be scarring, then quite a few reasons to put the Heberts under a microscope pop up, starting with everyone's whose names are on those reports losing credibility otherwise.
It could even change how 12 people vote on Emma's future
On a reread I notice more and more how Taylor flip flops from trying to make her problems seem inconsequential and just "petty teenage things" to gaslighting herself into accepting Joe's help by making excuses like it being for the sake of her "mishon" instead of her accepting she desperately wanted someone to help her. It's kinda sad and heartwarming at the same time, though not as much as her barely excitating on wanting her dad to help, not call him, god forbid Taylor ever do something so bold, but having her dad see what happened and him, by his own volition, rushing to help her.

Easy solution; Peras Contract™
-Peras is the old greek word for 'Limit'.. at least I think it is?

No one would suspect someone going by the Greek name that means Limits to be Apeiron. Nah, that is simply impossible, after all when they think of Peras they don't get [The Enigmatic Artificer] blasted into their minds. So they obviously can't be Apeiron. The fact their hyper-competent and actually fufill one hundred percent of the contract to the letter... well that's just as very, very amusing coincidence.

Not going to lie I can see this as potential Omake Material. Say with like a few people 'clicking' that this must be Apeiron but no one believing them because its' obviously not him. Like Missy, and Carol, and Sabah. They form some sort of secret team to undercover the proof that Peras=Apeiron but are foiled in humourous ways by a pair of Gloves.
-Sabah dislikes Apeiron right? Or do I have that wrong?
--I'm thinking of Garment just being a pair of floating Gloves and then pulling out a 'Garment Dress™' and having some Phineas and Ferb Doofenshmirtz moment of 'GASP! Garment the Gloves!'.

This post totally escaped its' intended purpose.

What you wrote: Peras=limit

My latino ass: Peras=pears

Ape of steel: Dear sir, this is a fruit company, not whatever this handsome sounding Tinker fellow is about. Now, do you want a banana that gives you super powers without the baggage and gives you fabulous hair or not? Pipless watermelons? Regular melons? Yes, sir, those two count as special as it is.
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Never ever liked it when authors handle Emma like this. As a person who has a mental break that went unchecked for about 12 years before I got help (hurting other people emotionally, physically, and mentally) and that's without a continuous destruction influence like Sophia, that what I needed was help. Not a criminal record that would be almost guaranteed set me up for failure later on in my life.

Speaking from experience, Emma is completely blameless in this situation. The blame lies first on Alan, and second on Sophia ( I can't remember if it's canon or not that Alan and Emma never told the rest of their family) Taking it to court is possibly the stupidest thing you could do here considering both Taylor and Emma are victims. Followed closely by cutting ties entirely even after the person has stabilized. Doubly so if you had a positive/strong relationship with the person before their trauma I.e. Emma and Taylor, because that person is still inside and just needs help coming out.

And trust me, feelings of being abandoned DO NOT help with getting the good person to resurface. Quite the opposite
Never ever liked it when authors handle Emma like this. As a person who has a mental break that went unchecked for about 12 years before I got help (hurting other people emotionally, physically, and mentally) and that's without a continuous destruction influence like Sophia, that what I needed was help. Not a criminal record that would be almost guaranteed set me up for failure later on in my life.

Speaking from experience, Emma is completely blameless in this situation. The blame lies first on Alan, and second on Sophia ( I can't remember if it's canon or not that Alan and Emma never told the rest of their family) Taking it to court is possibly the stupidest thing you could do here considering both Taylor and Emma are victims. Followed closely by cutting ties entirely even after the person has stabilized. Doubly so if you had a positive/strong relationship with the person before their trauma I.e. Emma and Taylor, because that person is still inside and just needs help coming out.

And trust me, feelings of being abandoned DO NOT help with getting the good person to resurface. Quite the opposite
I am fairly sure they'll do psychological evaluation later because I have MANY doubts that anyone in that room was qualified to check for this kind of stuff.

As for how blameless Emma is... Well, here's a thing: it's kind of loops back to more extreme example, namely Bonesaw. We - as readers - know damn well that its all Jack's fault and she CAN be fixed, she can be functional member of society again. But do you really believe that any of her victims would give a single fuck? For Joe, native of Earth Bet, Bonesaw is not a traumatized manipulated child; she is a monster straight out of worst nightmares. Assigning blame is difficult task in this situation. That's why courts - well, at least in my country - usually check if suspect is mentally stable and was fully in control of their actions. While Emma would probably end up with mandatory therapy, Taylor - and Danny for that matter - has every single reason in the world to NOT CARE and just want her removed, be it jail or whatever. Fact that Taylor was able to recognize how broken Emma is and dial down her response is actually fairly impressive.
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Doubly so if you had a positive/strong relationship with the person before their trauma I.e. Emma and Taylor, because that person is still inside and just needs help coming out.

And trust me, feelings of being abandoned DO NOT help with getting the good person to resurface. Quite the opposite
While Emma would probably end up with mandatory therapy, Taylor - and Danny for that matter - has every single reason in the world to NOT CARE and just want her removed, be it jail or whatever. Fact that Taylor was able to recognize how broken Emma is and dial down her response is actually fairly impressive.
Exactly. While Emma can probably get better with therapy, it is not Taylor's responsibility to make sure she gets better, and so long as she is around Taylor neither of them would get better. So Taylor wanting her gone is the right thing - it's nice to think that she and Taylor can eventually reconcile, but Emma burned that bridge a long time ago and Taylor has no impetus to fix that while Danny is just following her lead.

Sure, you can say that Emma isn't at fault and that her father/Sophia are to blame. But none of that would change the situation where Emma is the abuser here while Taylor is the victim. Being the victim of circumstances does not exclude you from becoming an abuser yourself - if anything, that is the pattern that generally happens. Carol was a victim too but she made a victim out of Amy, who in turn made a victim of Vicky in canon (who also did a bit of victimizing herself). Director Piggot was a victim of Nilbog, but any cape who worked under her in Brockton Bay suffered the results of her cape trauma. And so on and so forth. And it is never the victim's responsibility to make sure that the offender ends up better off, not when they have problems of their own as it is.

Though it is true that having a criminal record makes rehabilitation difficult, that's a cruel fact of reality, but remember this is BCF. Joe is literally at the cusp of invoking global uplift once he deals with all major threats. By the time that Emma gets a criminal record, everything would've shaken up enough that I doubt even she wouldn't be able to get the help she needs by then.
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Never ever liked it when authors handle Emma like this.
Great Grand-Uncle Schimmelhorn's Toolbox deals with this pretty well I think.
In the beginning of the Heberts civil lawsuit against the school, the reason for Emma's behavior is discovered. After some discussions she and her family are included in the suit on the Hebert's side while Emma is sent to a mental institution. Taylor and Danny reconnects with the Barnes family, but they all know and accepts Taylor won't resume her friendship with Emma, even if she does understand Emma's trauma.

As far as this fic goes, it seems to me it's clear to the people present that something is deeply wrong with Emma, so it's not impossible that she won't get a criminal record on grounds of insanity, and will instead get help, provided they can help her. I trust Lord to handle this with the care it deserves.
Also I think think something about the above paragraph feels funky. I know what I want to say but I'm not sure I'm expressing it properly. Sorry if it feels off to you.

it's kind of loops back to more extreme example, namely Bonesaw.
Can we not? There was already a big discussion about the ethics of Bonesaw earlier and I'm not enthusiastic about it restarting.
Second, hyperbole rarely if ever helps legitimise an argument. If you wan't someone to take your opinion seriously, avoid choosing the most extreme example right from the get-go.