Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

He probably knows enough about the law not to break it in average situations, and how to leverage it by skirting the rules in ways that it's difficult to get called out on or suffer punishment for.

The problem is this is not an average situation. Even if it was just Emma attacking Taylor here, it is definitely not an average situation. But it's not simply that. It's far more complex. It involves a Ward, which drags in the PRT, the nature of the bullying campaign and how many officials were involved, the degree of corruption and negligence at many levels of authority, the school, the city, the PRT, and what it likely catalyzed.

Alan is going to be out of his depth pretty soon.
So Emma has caught the attention of a god, the negative attention of a god. Some reading of Greek myths, and some bible stories, to get caught up on why this is a fantastically bad position to be in.
Someone pointed out that Alan is a divorce lawyer, so do we know if he actually has much knowledge of criminal practice? There's a (pretty funny) chance that he's throwing these threats around and has absolutely no idea what he's doing, since it isn't his area of law.

I can see Alan not having a good grasp in criminal law. This however is like 1st year prelaw information. The difference in criminal and civil law is one of the most basic things you learn about. He probably even knows people in the prosecutors office and would have a pretty good idea on if they would try to charge his daughter. He obviously passed the bar in the state so him being so pants on head stupid about this doesn't really add up.

As to the previously brought up issue on if the Heberts "press charges" or not. So the cops do not need to tell you why you are being arrested. All they really need is probable cause that a crime has been commented. Taylor bleeding all over the place with obvious defensive wounds and Emma with bloody hands and torn up nails is more than enough probable cause to arrest her. This would be necessary regardless as her hands and clothes would likely be evidence in any case brought forward by the DA. The DA would likely want to know if the Heberts want to assist in the case but with just what they already have it isn't really necessary and that is without the tape. The DA would likely get the Barnes lawyer to plead down and get her mandatory therapy and likely a protective order with just the evidence the cops have gotten with the tape it likely wouldn't be much more. Unless Emma loses her mind infront of the judge or the locker issue gets brought up and everyone throws Emma under the bus she is likely to get a slap on the wrist atleast criminally. Civilly though unless the entire criminal case is sealed the Barnes' are likely kind of screwed.

Now then this is all based on a layman's understanding of the legal system here in the US. A Lawyer would likely point out a lot of stuff I have gotten wrong or missed that would change things. However an assault and battery case against a minor with enough money to afford a good lawyer. Yeah I don't see her doing much more then pleading down to a lesser charge and getting her record sealed when she turns 18.
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"The watch can emulate a camera point from scanner data. Make it look like someone was recording the fight." Joe offered.

Taylor gave her head a slight shake. "No. There were too many people. Wherever you set the angle, someone would realize that nobody was actually there." She slumped. "And it's not like we were lucky enough to have someone recording things."
I feel like Taylor is too used to being around competent people, and being extremely aware of all her surroundings herself. Given that Emma noticed a crowd building up, I don't think high schoolers would remember that the person next to them was or wasn't recording given that they'd be way more focused on the confrontation, plus the police might miss them/wouldn't be able to get to them that day so it could be after multiple days. Taylor would remember, Joe would remember, Lisa would remember, hell, even Alec would probably remember! Average high school teens probably wouldn't.

Although I'm not a police investigator, I have no idea how effective scene recreation is, let alone when used on teenagers.

"Oh." Joe said. "Hold on."

"What?" Taylor asked.

"Someone did record it." He said. "That was 'lucky'." He put an odd emphasis on the word.
Also this. Given the later anger Joe has for Emma, what with her choice words, I feel like he'd consider it 'lucky' if she was slapped with the book in full.

Random thought here, does Joe's supernatural Luck have an impact on the power rolls? It feels like a semi-decent way to get a perk Roust might want either because it'd be fun, or because it'd be good for character/plot.

"Ah yes. How 'LUCKY' was I for my power to give me anti-stilling knowledge a few milliseconds before I got hit with a Stilling beam, just enough time to craft a shield against it."

Someone pointed out that Alan is a divorce lawyer, so do we know if he actually has much knowledge of criminal practice? There's a (pretty funny) chance that he's throwing these threats around and has absolutely no idea what he's doing, since it isn't his area of law.

You know, that makes me wonder. What kind of divorce lawyer is Alan? I'd assume there are a bunch, like being a lawyer who fights the opposing lawyer over who gets the house and cars, or one who advocates for why this person is better to take care of the children, or one who sits down with the clients and helps them amicably sort through problems with the process and who gets what. He might deal with proper criminal charges because his clients soon to be divorced partner assaulted them, which I assume would be a part of the divorce proceedings in that case, etc. He actually has quite the wide possible branch of knowledge if you assume he takes on all sorts of clients, but he probably doesn't do that.

Other than that, while Law is very much written in stone, the opinion of the judge and jury presiding over on the exact meaning of said laws are very much not, and can be swayed. He probably has a lot of experience with that, but so do most lawyers.
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Alan is panicking. He just walked in and found his daughter and her (ex-?) best friend covered in blood and the police are taking her to jail and his (ex-?) best friend is furious at him and he has no idea why this is happening (but he suspects it might be his fault). So he panics and goes on the attack to try to put Danny on the defensive without considering the situation.

He's not acting like a proper lawyer because he isn't one right now, he's a terrified father trying to take control of a bad situation.
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This right here is my only issue with this chapter. The way Alan acted with Danny is not the way any lawyer would act in that situation. The fact that Emma had physical evidence on her person would have resulted in her being arrested and taken to the station at minimum. What charges she gets would be up to the prosecutor. Also his comment on Danny not being able to afford it doesn't logically work as Danny wouldn't have to pay for the criminal case.

Now if Danny setup a civil case which he can and likely should then any lawyer taking the case would likely take it on contingency.

Alan canonically have a massive blind spot when his daughter is concerned, so trying to threaten Danny is perfectly in character. Alan knew it was empty threat, but it was worth a shot to protect his perfect daughter. Trying to win without fighting.

It worked once after all.

I wonder who the heck Annette's parents are. Danny shouldn't have to worry about Taylor being taken away from him. O.k. right after her death and his breakdown and years of apathy, they really should have made contact with Taylor. If they had any interest in Taylor, they could have poached her back into the family. I got the vibe that Annette was cut off when she married Danny, and they didn't really socialize much with her parents.

That was depression speaking. It warp your mind.

Random thought here, does Joe's supernatural Luck have an impact on the power rolls?


One of the most basic rule of Jump-chain is that Jump-chain mechanics cannot be influenced by perks (or anything the Jumper do). They are completly ironclad. It's basically "fiat-er" than perks.

(The only exceptions are getting your Spark, because it ends the chain, and supplements, because those are basically your benefactor changing the rules for you.)
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The spark end the jumpchain ?,are talking about the girl genius adventage ?

No, it's another concept entirely.

The jump-chain Spark is originally a reference to Magic, where a spark allow a planeswalker to move between planes. In jumpchain, getting your spark allow you to unlock your full power (when something is too bullshit even for a jumper, it get locked behind the spark), choose your destination freely, and generally transcend your nature as a jumper.

From a writing perspective, getting a spark is effectively the end of the story. It's the jump-chain version of "and they lived happily ever after".

A common origin story for a benefactor is "he was a jumper that got his spark, and now he want to help the new generation".
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The reward for completing an Endjump is getting an Oldwalker Spark. That's Spark as in Planeswalker ala MtG, not Girl Genius, although the Strong Spark of Girl Genius fame is included in v1 of the Celestial Forge.

The Celestial Forge v1 ALSO includes an Endjump initiating Perk, from Gurren Langann, meaning completion of that would result in Joe getting Ascension to Pre-Mending Planeswalker-hood.

That is, in effect, the abilities displayed by your typical Planeswalker (Land magic, summoning creatures, binding lands and drawing Mana from them, and traveling the multiverse in nigh unrestricted fashion) but also includes... 'godlike' power is honestly an understatement. Local Pantheons consider you an extinction level threat when you come in like a tourist snapping the reality warper's equivalent of pictures.
Alan also seems to be falling into the very human behaviour of treating an unfamiliar situation like a familiar one. A divorce lawyer rarely sees a criminal court (excepting a few outliers) so he is panic defaulting to treating things like a civil court.

And the tactic of "dragging things out until one side runs out of money" is sadly not that uncommon in divorce cases, particularly nasty ones.
Here's what the Youth Guard has done in Brockton Bay so far:
  1. Investigating why the Wards were confronting the Undersiders at the bank without adult support (ch. 12), probably including a longstanding pattern of similarly problematic deployments.
  2. Improving Wards accommodations (ch. 16.1)
  3. Accountability for Weld's overnight stay at the bottom of the bay (ch. 26 addendum)
  4. Blocking attempts to isolate Weld after his recovery (ch. 33 addendum)
  5. Blocking further unsafe Wards deployments, including one against Apeiron (ch. 30), loosened after the emergency declaration
  6. Investigating whether Flechette has been inappropriately sent against March, and if so preventing a recurrence (ch.33 addendum). I would assume this has been concluded post-Ungodly-Hour.
  7. Enforcing limits on Wards' duty hours (ch. 30 addendum), and chastising Vista for previously ignoring them
  8. Overseeing Amy's M/S confinement (ch. 32 addendum), with some responsibility for her case even after the transfer to offsite holding (ch. 97)
  9. Investigating whether Amy is owed money for healing work (ch. 33 addendum)
  10. Investigating the apparently deficient oversight of Shadow Stalker and Vista (ch. 33 addendum)
  11. Documenting all injuries to Wards, previously routinely skipped due to Panacea. (ch. 35 addendum)
  12. Advising that Amy be transferred from M/S confinement to a less restrictive holding area (ch. 37 addendum)
  13. Investigating the PRT's mishandling of the locker incident and the subsequent inappropriate attempt to get Taylor to sign an information release (ch. 98.1)

Additionally, the mere presence of the Youth Guard is apparently restraining Shadow Stalker's extralegal violence. This isn't on the agenda itself, according to Vista in the ch. 30 addendum, it's just a side effect of the investigations.
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That wouldn't even be necessary; if there are videos of it going around then there are videos recorded somewhere; even if they need to be recovered from deletion that's a option.

Man can you imagine if instead of being the best lawyer possible Survey decided to be the worst lawyer she possibly could be for that case while still actually winning the case? Like straight-up South Park levels of bad law-practice?
Survey using the chewbacca defense for defending taylor in front of the jury.
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3) And Joe's curse against finding secret identity will probably shut down any attempt to link Khepri and Taylor
AFAIK, he's only cursed knowledg of his own secret identity; I don't recall any mention of him applying similar protections to anyone else, and while he might have done so without mention for his own team, I feel he'd probably ask before doing so for Taylor.

Unfortunately if she contacted Sabah like she tried to contact with Apeiron then it is directly probably. unfortunately, 'I didn't know' rarely change people minds, so Parian will get a facefull of bad press
I doubt it's likely to impact Parian like that. It's not like Emma is strongly associated with Parian's brand; she was just hired for a single modeling gig which hasn't even happened yet.
AFAIK, he's only cursed knowledg of his own secret identity; I don't recall any mention of him applying similar protections to anyone else, and while he might have done so without mention for his own team, I feel he'd probably ask before doing so for Taylor.

Unnatural Skill: Curses had provided the means to implement a blanket solution. It was extreme on a level I had never attempted before, both in terms of the scale and severity of the effect, but this wasn't something I could waver on. It wasn't just about me, it extended to my family and everyone I knew in my personal life. As frightened as Tattletale might be about the idea, it extended to her as well. If I was compromised that could spill over to the Undersiders, including Taylor.

From Chapter 97
I doubt it's likely to impact Parian like that. It's not like Emma is strongly associated with Parian's brand; she was just hired for a single modeling gig which hasn't even happened yet.

Bear in mind this is Parian's first 'Big Break'. A way to shine on her own despite being horribly overshadowed (unintentionally) by Garment. She'll have the stress of one of her models 'ditching at the last minute' (assuming video of Emma's psychotic break doesn't start popping up) highlighting that Parian's 'obviously not ready for the big leagues' to the assorted patrons. The public confrontation she just had with Joe (who is possibly, and cluelessly, responsible for her Trigger Event) the nice volunteer who's making sure everything is working right for the event.

I would NOT be surprised if Sabah Second Triggers by the end of this.
Bear in mind this is Parian's first 'Big Break'. A way to shine on her own despite being horribly overshadowed (unintentionally) by Garment. She'll have the stress of one of her models 'ditching at the last minute' (assuming video of Emma's psychotic break doesn't start popping up) highlighting that Parian's 'obviously not ready for the big leagues' to the assorted patrons. The public confrontation she just had with Joe (who is possibly, and cluelessly, responsible for her Trigger Event) the nice volunteer who's making sure everything is working right for the event.

I would NOT be surprised if Sabah Second Triggers by the end of this.
Mhm, not quite:
1) Parian actually held very little expectation of this event, remember she suggested it expecting Garment to overreach and to fail while Parian quietly gets off scotfree from such a failure. Even considering the event's success, Parian wouldn't want her Big Break to be in a Garment event because she would see it as something Garment can take advantage of later on. That is, Parian's actual goal is to get past this event with as little damage to her as possible, and if it is seen as a success for her, she would see that as a loss instead of a gain. That's basically Parian's relationship with Garment in a nutshell - she has all to gain from being connected to Garment, but because of her paranoia she is inclined to think of it as poison instead of a benefit.

2) Though Parian wouldn't appreciate Emma not being at the event, she has plenty of other models and so long as they too don't get stopped too I imagine she'll recover fine. It's not like she hasn't experienced enough failures in a career already to break that easily, plus it is not as though Emma is a big-name model where her part of the show relies on. Emma sees this as her big break, but as far as Parian would see it, it'll be a minor problem compared to having met Joe in the charity. It would contribute to her already stressful day however, and if Emma's video does get spread, unless Parian successfully distances her public image from that mess there might be consequences on the long term for her too. But considering Emma was just an on-call model chosen at the last minute and with a sparkling image prior to this incident, I'd imagine it would probably be easy for her to just say "I had no idea she was that kind of monster" and just wash her hands off of her.

3) Lastly, Joe is not responsible for her Trigger Event. He contributed, for sure the same way the incident between the two of them contributed to his Trigger, but like how Joe's Trigger was kicked off by finding out that he flunked out, Parian's Trigger was ultimately her father's death. Lastly, unless LR changed his mind sometime over the past few months, Parian is unlikely to Second Trigger from this no matter how terrible a day it would be for her. Second Triggers aren't just traumatic events after a first Trigger event - they have to directly parallel every aspect of your original Trigger, and without an analogue for her father's death she won't Trigger. Maybe if she receives a phone call that her mother died due to freak accident during the charity gala, but that would be highly contrived.
I hope whatever state Brockton Bay is in in this fic has laws against barratry. He just committed at least an ethics violation that could get him disbarred, if not a crime, in front of multiple witnesses including cops.

No idea about the laws there which would have deviations from 1982 (when scion arrived) to 2011 (in story present) anyway but in bcf the bay is in New Hampshire.

And this is why you don't attract the attention of the PTA. :V

I really wouldn't call them the PTA the Youth Guard are primarily designed to be opponents to the protag in PRT Quest to stop the director protag doing whatever he wants so from what I've heard overbearing busybody helicopter parents to kids that aren't their own is probably more accurate and their punishments aren't exactly that logical for example from what I've heard Wards getting fined when they report problems to the youth guard is common as the punishment they assign the prt.

Bear in mind this is Parian's first 'Big Break'. A way to shine on her own despite being horribly overshadowed (unintentionally) by Garment. She'll have the stress of one of her models 'ditching at the last minute' (assuming video of Emma's psychotic break doesn't start popping up) highlighting that Parian's 'obviously not ready for the big leagues' to the assorted patrons. The public confrontation she just had with Joe (who is possibly, and cluelessly, responsible for her Trigger Event) the nice volunteer who's making sure everything is working right for the event.

I would NOT be surprised if Sabah Second Triggers by the end of this.

It's not really as big a deal as you think Parian's main thing is her own show and then showing off some work of those tied to her. One model not being there (and not at the last minute since Emma atking Taylor happened 2 hours before Parian's section) isn't that big a deal. Parian also got Emma as a volunteer through an agency so they aren't that closely linked.

Sabah can't second trigger per wog without the death of a key supporting figure. Joe and the results of her snapping at him may have been a stressor and so a factor but her actual trigger was her dad's death.
I really wouldn't call them the PTA the Youth Guard are primarily designed to be opponents to the protag in PRT Quest to stop the director protag doing whatever he wants so from what I've heard overbearing busybody helicopter parents to kids that aren't their own is probably more accurate and their punishments aren't exactly that logical for example from what I've heard Wards getting fined when they report problems to the youth guard is common as the punishment they assign the prt.
That's basically because Wildbow has an axe to grind to authority. He literally cannot help himself. If he is to write someone in the position of authority and means well, he would place an asshole at an even higher authority than them just to be contrary.

In comparison, LR's depiction of Youth Guard is not the incompetent and actively harmful busybodies that Wildbow originally depicted them to be. Instead, they are actually the reasonable authorities whose goal is to really protect the Wards and other underage heroes from abuse and weaponization. Frankly, the PRT should've been that in the first place, but as Piggot's management of the Wards showed, their role really is a necessary presence.
That's basically because Wildbow has an axe to grind to authority. He literally cannot help himself. If he is to write someone in the position of authority and means well, he would place an asshole at an even higher authority than them just to be contrary.

In comparison, LR's depiction of Youth Guard is not the incompetent and actively harmful busybodies that Wildbow originally depicted them to be. Instead, they are actually the reasonable authorities whose goal is to really protect the Wards and other underage heroes from abuse and weaponization. Frankly, the PRT should've been that in the first place, but as Piggot's management of the Wards showed, their role really is a necessary presence.
I heard somewhere that Youth Guard originally was introduced in the PRT quest and basically they did in fact served as giant hindrance to any districts doing too well. If this is true, no wonder people write them in fics the way they do: I would be really mad at "Screw your progress" game mechanic too.