Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I don't understand why Cauldron is a massive threat (new to the thread, my apologies if it's been covered) - Joe is generally aware that the source of the powers is a problem, and he's approaching the weight-class of "people who could plausibly wreck an Entity's day". In theory they should be able to reach a negotiated arrangement once someone tells him that Scion is the cause of the problems.

The passenger has the views most common to that fandom which for Cauldron likely means it sees them as pointlessly cruel idiots and it certainly doesn't like them. More generally Joe's precog countering at that point or rather all the way until he got ocp at the rock meeting was limited to his perk gains being unpredictable and them introducing new stuff that the precog shards lack data to model. Due to this he was vulnerable to Contessa stopping by and manipulating or strong-arming him for a while. Joe's personality and views also means he really wouldn't like stuff they get up to like leaving the Siberian free hoping to drive people to the prt and to use vs scion or their treatment of the case 53s.
As a guy who just finished binging this last night (and thus most desperately in need of a fix, having mainlined it the last few days), let me 1000% agree with everyone in the thread in supporting your move to bi-weekly. Do what you gotta do for your sanity.

Yeah, I guess it depends on how you define "disruption to the world at large" - he's gone from trigger to "the guys who show up to Endbringer fights get an emergency briefing" in less than a month and in that time he caused Dragon, March, and the Teeth to relocate, and dropped a TON of info on powers/passengers on the world. But he hasn't taken over a city or really disrupted Cauldron or taken out a Class S Threat yet (soon....)

But in terms of "kept to himself in terms of power displays" it sounds like at least one and possibly both of his livestreamed fights went viral online.

I don't understand why Cauldron is a massive threat (new to the thread, my apologies if it's been covered) - Joe is generally aware that the source of the powers is a problem, and he's approaching the weight-class of "people who could plausibly wreck an Entity's day". In theory they should be able to reach a negotiated arrangement once someone tells him that Scion is the cause of the problems.

The reason why Cauldron wanted to keep the End of the World Prophecy (which may never happen here anyhow) on track was because the world was slowly collapsing and it wasn't clear that the world would be better off if Golden Morning happened in 2025 instead of 2013. But in a "Joe can punch out Endbringers, is Simurgh-immune, and is doing an uplift" world, you've got way better odds of tackling Scion. Heck, if Joe starts handing out the powers he can hand out, that's almost as good as vials - he can give the powers to potential heroes and there's no/less mental trauma. Only downside would be the similarities of the powers he can hand out.

Eidolon, on the other hand, probably wouldn't react well to that though.
The problem with all of that is contesa's power is malicious. At least according to ward, so it probably would hinder that result.

On an unrelated note, is there a shattered limiter capstone in the worm jump doc? Wondering if Joe can get that.
Well it's not as though anything can be done to make him more helpful or less of a threat; he left the Nine, he's working on stabilizing/cultivating the economy, he's helping the cause most relevant to humanity surviving as much as he can with the best allies he could. If he was claiming to be a hero he could be blamed for not living up to that as much as he could but he doesn't so it's not like he's being a hypocrite like a lot of heroes are.
Yeah but doesn't the CF react based on fanon/fandom concepts? Like how it really wanted Joe to be friendly with the Undersiders
's very possible :
- The Endbringer attack will happen earlier
- The Simurgh will be the one to attack
I don't think it was this thread but someone brought up a comment from Wildbow where he said that the endbringers don't attack in the same 123 pattern, it's more along the lines of BSLSLBSB It could literally be either one of the other 2 statistically and historically inuniverse, I've been consuming worm content for over 10 years now and I never knew this until this week, that's crazy
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I don't think it was this thread but someone brought up a comment from Wildbow where he said that the endbringers don't attack in the same 123 pattern, it's more along the lines of BSLSLBSB It could literally be either one of the other 2 statistically and historically inuniverse, I've been consuming worm content for over 10 years now and I never knew this until this week, that's crazy

I just checked the wiki for the list of known Endbringer attacks and it looks we don't know enough about the attacks earlier in 2010 (there would be anywhere from 2-3 attacks between the Simurgh Christmas-time 2009 attack on Madison, WI and the Behemoth attack in Nov 2010) to rule anything in/out. There are a lot of holes in the Endbringer attack list during the B/L/S era (we only have 3 listed attacks between 2004 and 2010, the rest are missing), but the longest gap for any individual Endbringer appearing was Behemoth Aug 2002 to Oct 2003, which is 14 months. So definitely they can do things like that, but it's not completely random - if an Endbringer hasn't attacked in about a year, they're probably next up.

EDIT: just realized this was in response to someone suggesting it could be the Simurgh. By normal Worm rules, it couldn't be the Simurgh because she just attacked in late February. Of course, if this is disruptive enough to throw out the rules (as the jump doc for Worm says you're allowed to do) then it might not matter what the previous pattern was. I had been assuming that it would be Joe disregarding his passenger's warning not to kill an Endbringer that would change the rules, but I could be wrong.

the End of the World Prophecy (which may never happen here anyhow)

Chubster is aware of the "various doomsday clocks for human civilization" in his third interlude (65.4). I'm not sure this necessarily maps to Dinah's prophecy (as opposed to Thinker projections of the current deterioration), but it's at least weak evidence, maybe?
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@LordRoustabout, I think you place too much stress on yourself. So it's my first post here, but I just wanted to say BCF, although it started off as an experiment has really become a rather realistic take on a minor antagonist and has created an excellent character-driven story of almost two million words. Looking forward to the inevitable S9 takedown. About your new biweekly schedule, if you feel that it allows you to exert your full effort on what would take other writers weeks or months, then all speed to you. But smaller chunks like 5k chapters also might work and allows for a more consistent pace for newcomers to follow. Your updates have been my source of hope on Thursday and I am sure everyone who has liked your story also agrees. Thank you for all your work
...This is kinda contradictory, but whatever. My point was that I found it interesting that Joe's passenger didn't react at all to the numberman, though then tbf Joe didn't decode the address at the time.
I'm not sure how it is contradictory? Except that it contradicts people who are wrong? Like being protected from Contessa is a way to make Cauldron less dangerous to you but them not having Numbers Man isn't; he's their accountant; if they need a hitman they have lots of people to call upon; they don't need him for that.
Yeah but doesn't the CF react based on fanon/fandom concepts? Like how it really wanted Joe to be friendly with the Undersiders
That's sort of why I would think that it wouldn't react to him; I'm not entirely up to date on the Worm fandom but I'm pretty sure that anyone with a opinion of him at all has that opinion of him. The opinion that he's basically just a economist at this point.
I don't understand why Cauldron is a massive threat (new to the thread, my apologies if it's been covered) - Joe is generally aware that the source of the powers is a problem, and he's approaching the weight-class of "people who could plausibly wreck an Entity's day". In theory they should be able to reach a negotiated arrangement once someone tells him that Scion is the cause of the problems.

The reason why Cauldron wanted to keep the End of the World Prophecy (which may never happen here anyhow) on track was because the world was slowly collapsing and it wasn't clear that the world would be better off if Golden Morning happened in 2025 instead of 2013. But in a "Joe can punch out Endbringers, is Simurgh-immune, and is doing an uplift" world, you've got way better odds of tackling Scion. Heck, if Joe starts handing out the powers he can hand out, that's almost as good as vials - he can give the powers to potential heroes and there's no/less mental trauma. Only downside would be the similarities of the powers he can hand out.

Eidolon, on the other hand, probably wouldn't react well to that though.
I mean, if you look at Forge-chan's reaction to Cauldron, it's specifically "The full on, hands off kind of bad that made it dangerous to even look at."; It was warning Joe not to look into Cauldron to any degree, and also telling him to warn Weld to not do so either. (Joe later says to Weld "What I got from my power suggested you probably wouldn't back down from that point unless I laid everything out.")
My point was that, at the time, Cauldron was a big threat to Joe, so I just found it interesting that his passenger never responded.
I'm not sure how it is contradictory? Except that it contradicts people who are wrong? Like being protected from Contessa is a way to make Cauldron less dangerous to you but them not having Numbers Man isn't; he's their accountant; if they need a hitman they have lots of people to call upon; they don't need him for that.
You were simultaneously arguing "Numberman, a Cauldron affiliate, shouldn't evoke any fear" and "Joe only didn't feel fear because Contessa was now defended against". Felt kinda contradictory to me.
That's sort of why I would think that it wouldn't react to him; I'm not entirely up to date on the Worm fandom but I'm pretty sure that anyone with a opinion of him at all has that opinion of him. The opinion that he's basically just a economist at this point.
I will say, the fact that he's rather undefined in Fanon is a good point.

Might be best to end this discussion, given that it was only ever meant to be an observation initially.

Like for example, killing the S9 with one member having the [BROADCAST] Shard to tattle to all the other shards including the EB's about Apeiron being an Irregular.
Y'know, Joe already attracted Scion's attention with the M particles.
I'm unsure of how Scion will react to Broadcast suddenly screeching about King Of Arms' host, but last we saw Scion he was headed to see Kevin Norton.
That's sort of why I would think that it wouldn't react to him; I'm not entirely up to date on the Worm fandom but I'm pretty sure that anyone with a opinion of him at all has that opinion of him. The opinion that he's basically just a economist at this point.
And thus the greatest true threat to humanity after all…

But yeah, unless you give him a spinal transplant, the ability to turn into a teenage girl, and Nanoha magic, he's basically a nothingburger to most fics.
Not the particle, but the portal to shardspace.
Maybe, but Scion harvested the M particles first. That may have just been for visibility reasons, but he took a pretty big sample.
46.2 Interlude Collin said:
He was about to ask Dragon for advice on their next step when a thrum of golden light shone forth from Scion.
"Limited area, but the field's been cleared within it. Maybe half of the surrounding block and about a hundred yards out into the bay." It was a very 'Scion' thing to do. Trivially remove a problem, but only an arbitrary portion of it, likely with no intent to ever deal with the rest. "I don't know why he-"

She suddenly stopped talking as a golden glow spread across the ground. Looking up at the figure of scion was like staring into a spotlight. Colin kept his eyes squinted, relying on his sensors and cornea displays to perceive his surroundings.

Through them he saw the world begin to change. Under the golden light the inconsistently colored crystal shifted from a bloody crimson to a brilliant red. The brilliance grew as every exposed surface began bleeding light and heat.
And then it was gone. The heat, the light, the energy. The entire yard sat as ruined and twisted as before, like the sparked inferno had never happened. Colin lifted his head and found the golden man looking down at the center of the effect. A faint pulse of light rippled out from Scion's body and the man turned towards the south of the city for just a moment. Then, without warning, he vanished, leaving a rapidly fading trail of golden energy extending towards the ocean.
I mean, if you look at Forge-chan's reaction to Cauldron, it's specifically "The full on, hands off kind of bad that made it dangerous to even look at."; It was warning Joe not to look into Cauldron to any degree, and also telling him to warn Weld to not do so either. (Joe later says to Weld "What I got from my power suggested you probably wouldn't back down from that point unless I laid everything out.")
My point was that, at the time, Cauldron was a big threat to Joe, so I just found it interesting that his passenger never responded.
You were simultaneously arguing "Numberman, a Cauldron affiliate, shouldn't evoke any fear" and "Joe only didn't feel fear because Contessa was now defended against". Felt kinda contradictory to me.
What you say seems to imply that Contessa is only dangerous as a extension of being a member of Cauldron instead of things being the other way around. This is a completely unfounded belief and I hope that you expressed it in error instead of actually believing it.
Might be best to end this discussion, given that it was only ever meant to be an observation initially.
Man I haven't said anything against the rules; you want to drop a topic you go right ahead but I'm going to keep replying to comments on it be they yours or otherwise.

Also what the hell was that about dropping topics that were based on observations meant to mean? That's the exact opposite of how discussions are meant to work; you and several other people talk about observations and implications there-of.
Not the particle, but the portal to shardspace.
That, by the way, was more of a function of Sting which is a highly known factor. A internal factor, which Eden was meant to deal with, at that.
Man I haven't said anything against the rules; you want to drop a topic you go right ahead but I'm going to keep replying to comments on it be they yours or otherwise.

Also what the hell was that about dropping topics that were based on observations meant to mean? That's the exact opposite of how discussions are meant to work; you and several other people talk about observations and implications there-of.
I didn't accuse you of breaking rules or anything like that, I don't know where you got that idea.
All I initially said was "huh. interesting that Joe's passenger never reacted to Numberman", and now it's a bizarre argument about exact threat levels & fanon interpretations which seems to be going nowhere. I might be wrong in that, but from my perspective it doesn't feel like this argument has progressed whatsoever.
Either way, I'm gonna stop engaging with it now.
Not sure if this is just me clinging too much to Real World legal principles and not Worm Logic, but I'm not sure you could actually get lawsuits against Vicky very far.

IRL, to win a lawsuit you have to (a) demonstrate that the defendant did something wrong, (b) through negligence, recklessness, or intention, (c) you were meaningfully injured, and (d) money can make you whole. I feel like we can roll right through (a) and (d) - getting emotionally manipulated sucks, and probably some sort of therapy could help if you were hurt.

Going with point C first, I feel like it would be hard to prove actual injuries? Like, what you think about Canary's situation, her ex-BF got pretty seriously injured & traumatized. But aside from (presumably) Amy and (maybe??) Mark, what sort of damage could Victoria have actually done to people she interacted with? You'd have to get to either serious emotional distress, or some sort of monetary loss. If it went un-noticed until one of the most powerful Capes on the planet used a highly-targeted Thinker power, then I doubt that people were that impacted - if people were routinely buying her things because they were in love with her or constantly having nervous breakdowns when she looked at them funny, someone would've noticed.

But I think B is the real killer - there's no evidence whatsoever that this was intentional. Which means you're left with things like negligence or recklessness. But Victoria got her powers tested (according to the last Interlude) and was told it was safe. That means she exercised appropriate care and diligence, which makes it really hard to prove negligence. Canary, on the other hand, knew that her powers could affect people she talked to, she just didn't mean to use it at that particular moment.

I mean, sure, people can file whatever lawsuits they want, but they're probably getting tossed pretty quick, and Carol would know that as a lawyer (or would be able to talk to a lawyer friend to get their opinion).

Canary got railroaded in large part because she looks like the Simurgh and she's a Rogue making money off her dangerous powers, not a Hero who discovered an accidental downside to her powers. I imagine the PR will be challenging but this feels way less "completely screwed if this gets out" than I think Carol's been implying. Though I suppose her perception is warped because she's so close to it.
Fair enough, I'm not familiar enough with Law to say one thing or another on this. However even if legally there is nothing that can be done to Victoria... there is still the court of public opinion, who I don't think would take all that well to know that Victoria's Awe/Fear Aura isn't as safe as they were told it was.

It wouldn't matter that it would require long-time exposure along with a still developing brain for any actual lasting side-effects, the most likely to actually be effected outside of her immediate family are perhaps people in her school -who she shares what roughly seven and a half hours a day, and are still growing both physically and emotionally.

Sure the impact is again quite likely minimal to nothing but people aren't going to care about that. All they'll care about is the fact that it could be dangerous, and that their children were possibly the most susceptible to lasting side-effects. Emotion can be blinding.

Though I could be wrong. I think Victoria if, no when it get's out that her power's weren't as safe as they were supposed to be nor are they a 'Shaker' power but 'Master' power instead along with the chaos and fear brought onto 'Master' powers by the Canary case... she won't be in for a the best of times.
Fair enough, I'm not familiar enough with Law to say one thing or another on this. However even if legally there is nothing that can be done to Victoria... there is still the court of public opinion, who I don't think would take all that well to know that Victoria's Awe/Fear Aura isn't as safe as they were told it was.

It wouldn't matter that it would require long-time exposure along with a still developing brain for any actual lasting side-effects, the most likely to actually be effected outside of her immediate family are perhaps people in her school -who she shares what roughly seven and a half hours a day, and are still growing both physically and emotionally.

Sure the impact is again quite likely minimal to nothing but people aren't going to care about that. All they'll care about is the fact that it could be dangerous, and that their children were possibly the most susceptible to lasting side-effects. Emotion can be blinding.

Though I could be wrong. I think Victoria if, no when it get's out that her power's weren't as safe as they were supposed to be nor are they a 'Shaker' power but 'Master' power instead along with the chaos and fear brought onto 'Master' powers by the Canary case... she won't be in for a the best of times.

Yeah, maybe. But also, that seems like the sort of thing that people could agree to roll up into "ENE PRT didn't do its job for the last decade" pretty easily.

Especially if this is all past tense when it comes out. Victoria's power changed as a result of Case 69, which might solve the problem. Or Apeiron could easily fix it ("Vicky can turn her aura off" is orders of magnitude simpler than his last two power-modifying Named artifacts) if he could be persuaded (by the heroes who he actually kinda likes and legitimately did screw over).
Yeah, maybe. But also, that seems like the sort of thing that people could agree to roll up into "ENE PRT didn't do its job for the last decade" pretty easily.

Especially if this is all past tense when it comes out. Victoria's power changed as a result of Case 69, which might solve the problem. Or Apeiron could easily fix it ("Vicky can turn her aura off" is orders of magnitude simpler than his last two power-modifying Named artifacts) if he could be persuaded (by the heroes who he actually kinda likes and legitimately did screw over).

Part of the reason Carol has been going without proper food/sleep for a bit longer than healthy, is because she did finagle the system to make sure Vicky got listed as a Shaker instead of a Master.
Add in that the PRT can and will attest to that the very second their being culpable is brought up, decades of child psychology research stating that GG's aura probably did have some effect on her classmates, and the plaintiffs will likely win the 'preponderance of evidence' test with the jury.
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...Apeiron could easily fix it ("Vicky can turn her aura off" is orders of magnitude simpler than his last two power-modifying Named artifacts) if he could be persuaded (by the heroes who he actually kinda likes and legitimately did screw over).

This would require Apeiron showing up and offering to do so, or Vicky flying off and asking him, after she somehow learns he could.
Which do you think would have Carol freaking out more?
Canary, on the other hand, knew that her powers could affect people she talked to, she just didn't mean to use it at that particular moment.

Canary got railroaded in large part because she looks like the Simurgh and she's a Rogue making money off her dangerous powers, not a Hero who discovered an accidental downside to her powers. I imagine the PR will be challenging but this feels way less "completely screwed if this gets out" than I think Carol's been implying. Though I suppose her perception is warped because she's so close to it.

Canary needed to sing for her power to work even speaking in a raised voice wasn't enough normally but through a mixture of he'd been at the concert right before and according to wildbow wog Eden shards will apparently suddenly change the rules the power works by to screw over the host for their conflict causing thing with that being the example. I'd also argue Canary got way more than railroaded aside from the most blatant kangaroo court ever she had a nasty muzzle and manacles meant for high tier brutes chaining her to the floor all ending in the judge going under the three strikes act it is illegal for me to send you to the birdcage sucks for you though cause I'm doing it anyway.
Part of the reason Carol has been going without proper food/sleep for a bit longer than healthy, is because she did finagle the system to make sure Vicky got listed as a Shaker instead of a Master.
Given Carol spends a lot of time around Victoria, and has chronic mental health issues that might be argued to possibly make her more susceptible to (some sorts of) Mastering...

Carol could be argued to be incapable of making any statements about her daughter, except that she's a 'concerned parent', that anyone in power should be listening to... What's to be done about this, and who if anyone is to be blamed, is an... interesting question.

Carol should be put through careful Master/Stranger testing?
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"Vicky can turn her aura off" is orders of magnitude simpler than his last two power-modifying Named artifacts
It is so simple that Apeiron doesn't even need to get involved:
Those who are inclined to like her will be influenced to look up to her and respect her more, or even experience awe. Those who dislike her or who have reason to fear her have these feelings exaggerated, creating a sense of intimidation or even fear. She can shut this off, but the effect is described as being fairly subtle, and it is implied she usually has it on to at least some small degree.
Quote above is Wildbow's wiki edit on Vicky's page, regarding her powers, dating back to 2012. Funnily enough, modern version of wiki, when referencing same quote, says this:
It is possible that she cannot entirely turn this power off, leaving it always subtly active.
Then there this:
After Gold Morning she started exploring the utility of her Aura, able to completely suppress it. Letting out full 'blasts' to startle and confuse people, the aura was still the same as it had been however and could not be directed to hit only one person.
Theory that GG can't turn off her aura completely and statement that she can after she "started exploring" the same aura are within a couple paragraphs of each other. Is it just me, or it is a bit of a mess?

So she either just doesn't shut it off becouse effect is subtle enough already, or she is not exploring it hard enough. Both possibilities show a jarring amount of disregard towards emotion inducing aura, as sensible thing would be to learn to suppress it as fast as possible and use it only when needed. And as it's a sensible thing, off course no-one in Worm thought about it. That just consistent world building on Wildbow's part.

Anyway, TL;DR: Victoria either can suppress her aura already or she can with a bit of "exploring". And if she all this time could turn off her power, but did not, then it better not become public knowledge, becouse it obviously will not make case better for her.

Also-also, you get the problem wrong from the start:
Not sure if this is just me clinging too much to Real World legal principles and not Worm Logic, but I'm not sure you could actually get lawsuits against Vicky very far.
The interlude says clearly, that lawsuit is not against Vicky, it against PRT ENE. Becouse they let emotion manipulator run rampant in public without testing long term consequence of her powers (Actually, they have done that twice, but Gallant is not known and did not use his powers on civilians as much as Vicky did). That's clear negligence on part of their duty and safety of public, that will not be helped by PRT ENE's reputation descending to the depths of void and rest of PRT just disowning them as the incompetent one.

The only court that will pursue Vicky on this case is one of public opinion, and unlike normal one, Carol can't do much with this one, that's why she so worried.
It is so simple that Apeiron doesn't even need to get involved:

Quote above is Wildbow's wiki edit on Vicky's page, regarding her powers, dating back to 2012. Funnily enough, modern version of wiki, when referencing same quote, says this:

Then there this:

Theory that GG can't turn off her aura completely and statement that she can after she "started exploring" the same aura are within a couple paragraphs of each other. Is it just me, or it is a bit of a mess?

So she either just doesn't shut it off becouse effect is subtle enough already, or she is not exploring it hard enough. Both possibilities show a jarring amount of disregard towards emotion inducing aura, as sensible thing would be to learn to suppress it as fast as possible and use it only when needed. And as it's a sensible thing, off course no-one in Worm thought about it. That just consistent world building on Wildbow's part.

Anyway, TL;DR: Victoria either can suppress her aura already or she can with a bit of "exploring". And if she all this time could turn off her power, but did not, then it better not become public knowledge, becouse it obviously will not make case better for her.

Also-also, you get the problem wrong from the start:

The interlude says clearly, that lawsuit is not against Vicky, it against PRT ENE. Becouse they let emotion manipulator run rampant in public without testing long term consequence of her powers (Actually, they have done that twice, but Gallant is not known and did not use his powers on civilians as much as Vicky did). That's clear negligence on part of their duty and safety of public, that will not be helped by PRT ENE's reputation descending to the depths of void and rest of PRT just disowning them as the incompetent one.

The only court that will pursue Vicky on this case is one of public opinion, and unlike normal one, Carol can't do much with this one, that's why she so worried.

"Victoria Dallon will be sued into oblivion by half the students of Arcadia as soon as Weld's report is declassified, something we can't hold off forever. Even if the accusation is disproven there's enough cause for damages to be sought from everyone exposed. Even if the team wasn't already splintered it wouldn't survive that."
Chapter 29