Neil didn't have good supporting powers. At least he hadn't. Not until the last week. A lifetime of careful power management, of knowing exactly how far he could push himself before he would cause more harm than good, was suddenly having to be reassessed. And all because his body was soaking up Apeiron's mystery particles like a sponge.
Lightning crackled around him as he moved through the air. Unlike normal electrical discharge, the bursts held a geometric shape, moving at sharp angles to each other, like they were being conducted by an invisible grid.
Because they kind of were. The entire problem with the blackout field could be tied to charged particles that bound themselves into an ordered arrangement. And Neil's entire power was based around charged fields bound into an ordered arrangement.
Okay, usually it was millimeters from his skin, not the mess that had been happening, but he could feel the way his power was working. Really feel it, in a way that never happened before. Or that he never paid attention to. Like moving a single joint on a pinky finger. Never considered and never practiced, until it suddenly developed unprecedented strength and overturned your entire view of the world.
Okay, it wasn't that excessive. Give him an ability like this twenty years ago and he would have thought it the most incredible thing to ever exist, but there was too much happening. Too many capes finding new applications for their abilities or breaking through limits. It was the kind of thing that was more than a little concerning, considering who had set things off.
Those were misplaced concerns. That is, he thought they were misplaced. There was no way to draw a line between every incident of a cape rising to a new level and Apeiron's actions. Not in a direct sense, at least. Still, having a suspected power tinker in the same city where that kind of thing kept happening was more than a little concerning.