Voluta indomita
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Checking the wiki, there's WoG from Wildbow that tinkers enter fugues. Although all are diferent:Kind of a weird bet, considering that Tinker fugues are fanon. Weaverdice introduced Chaos Tinkers, some of which operate similar to the fanon Tinker fugue, but in canon there is not one single example of a tinker going into a fanon-esque fugue in either Worm or Ward.
You could argue that the Chaos Tinker variants in question were inspired by Girl Genius, which might be feasible.
Reddit sourceWildbow said:
- It varies from tinker to tinker. In the tinker's handbook, I break tinkers down into types. Every approach changes in little ways. By and large, however, it's a case where you get inspiration like any creative or engineer might, and as you decide to put it into action, the ideas fall into place in your head.
Some tinkers might tune out at some point in the process, they might get into the zone, black out, or lose track of time. Other stay lucid but might only do certain things at different points in the project because they 'feel right' or because of ideas in their heads about wanting things to stay balanced or to maintain a seemingly logical flow of A to B to C, conveniently skipping why it was seemingly logical in the first place - if pressed they would have a hard time explaining.
The viewpoint the reader gets isn't that far divorced from the viewpoint the tinker gets.
but that seems incomplete.
It seems incomplete because it is an incomplete process. In the background, the shards themselves are taking a hand in things, supplying an extradimensional limb to hold something in place that the tinker isn't wholly aware of, or a power-driven equivalent to a screwdriver in another reality that connects the aforementioned A to B. This is why tinkers have such a terrible time trying to teach others how to build their tech, and why another person can't just sit down at a table and copy everything the tinker does. ~~~ Wildbow.
Which goes hand in hand with the way Sparks "tinker", some go completely on the deep end, specially when untrained or new (or weak minded). Some enter an enthused extremely focused state, often to the detriment of taking care of themselves, disregarding other's safety or even their own. Others get focused, but still moderately capable of following outside events.
Heck, you could paint GirlGenius like another earth where the Shards went "let's only do Tinkers" in this dimension... Until you get to Queens... but there are several parallels.
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