Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Joe could give a portal to Taylor that lead to a room with a bazillion portals going all over the world, and voila, simultaneous global reach for Taylor. Bug clones for days all over the world.

...on second through, this is a terrible idea, isn't it ?

Also, Joe about to walk into an important meeting with a healthy amount of banked points. Any bets or hopes on what power(s) he'll end up latching onto? I'm hoping for Erudition or Truth myself.

Strong spark. Nothing's better than turning Apeiron into a mad scientist in the middle of an important conversation.

(...losing an arm to Truth is pretty good too, but Truth is a 800 CP perk.)

Oh my gosh yes. We are getting out of the frickin workshop and messing with some status quos once again bois.

Finally. The status quo shaking chapters are by far the best parts of this fic.
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The thing I was most excited about is everyone unlocking their Auras. I've been wanting that for Garment ever since Jozef first got an Aura himself.

Joe is slowly putting the pieces together regarding Taylor, now he just needs to realize what Amy's power actually does, what modifications she needs to make in regards to Taylor, who Taylor needs to fight, and why Flechette is needed for that fight. (Also what Taylor's power's upper limit is) Admittedly, that's a lot of things he needs to figure out but he is slowly making progress on putting things together so far and has done good work on assembling the pieces.

But there is still one very vital piece to Gold Morning he is missing. Would any of that have even mattered if Scion had not been bullied into suicidal depression? And to do that, you need Oliver. Hopefully when he takes out the Travelers he isn't so wholesale that he doesn't notice...
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Every time a chapter ends with Joe just sitting on 600 points I get a gray hair.
Strong spark. Nothing's better than turning Apeiron into a mad scientist in the middle of an important conversation.

(...losing an arm to Truth is pretty good too, but Truth is a 800 CP perk.)

So hate to pop your bubble but not quite there was 100 banked and per my count as I read through the chapter it went up to 800 by the end, taking off the 400 for the pr perks and we have 400 banked making the next roll 500. Admittedly I didn't double check so I could have missed one but it does make sense since that's 7 rolls and while the chapter was 16k that includes the authors note and perk descriptions which don't count and the first roll was a fair bit in so at most there's maybe an extra 100 but that still means sitting on 500.

I also feel obligated to point out while there are tons of safe perks to get even big ones such as the 600 cybertronium forge since its a warehouse facility tho the transformers body may cause some worry; a disruptive perk like you describe is always a possibility because monstrous strength is only 100 and synchronicity event is in 3 constellations and is only 300.

Truth also won't cost an arm when you get it you get a choice of 4 loses but all Joe's perks are treated as post jump so he won't lose anything other than the 800 to buy it since the loss goes away post jump.

As a general comment too oof he got a memorial album for Symphogear Kande's the extra info that comes with it especially if compatible with the library will probably reveal some nasty stuff.
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Only if you mean satellite far away. Problem is that ANY portal will effect her senses and alert ger that portals are opening in their vicinity

Satellites are a no-no. Big sister Ziz is watching.

Truth also won't cost an arm when you get it you get a choice of 4 loses but all Joe's perks are treated as post jump so he won't lose anything other than the 800 to buy it since the loss goes away post jump.

Truth was noted by Lord as being one of the rare perk where he was tempted to not respect that rule, just because Joe building himself an arm would be cool.

The other one would be Hard science, the perk that turn him into an To Aru esper. Joe would start at level 1 and ramp up very quickly.
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Quick question about this. Will this be following KLK logic where Kamui can be extremely dangerous to the user so, in their activated state, they have a signature skimpy appearance to minimize surface contact with the user's skin, which reduces the chance of being overwhelmed by the Life Fibers.....or will Joe's bullshit SuperTinker powers and boons make it a moot point? Because I kinda want to see the gags about saving the day in a skimpy outfit.
But there is still one very vital piece to Gold Morning he is missing. Would any of that have even mattered if Scion had not been bullied into suicidal depression? And to do that, you need Oliver. Hopefully when he takes out the Travelers he isn't so wholesale that he doesn't notice...
He won't need Oliver. By the time be actually gets around to fighting The Warrior / Scion / Zion Survey will be so powered up and inhumanely beautiful that Scion will think she's The Thinker / Eden reborn.

Then you get Fleet big brother interrupt…
Quick question about this. Will this be following KLK logic where Kamui can be extremely dangerous to the user so, in their activated state, they have a signature skimpy appearance to minimize surface contact with the user's skin, which reduces the chance of being overwhelmed by the Life Fibers.....or will Joe's bullshit SuperTinker powers and boons make it a moot point? Because I kinda want to see the gags about saving the day in a skimpy outfit.

...Joe wasn't able to skimp on the skimpy outfit of the Strikers because of... *check notes* "mana circulation". Well, he was able to switch bare legs for a very tight pant but that's barely an improvement.

So yeah, I expect, nay, I demand a skimpy Kamui. Plus it's an excuse for Barbarian Chic.
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So yeah, I expect, nay, I demand a skimpy Kamui
I mean, think of all the Blue Screens it will cause......the question now remains....who will use Tetra? Because Apeiron and Lethe both have armor and Tybalt.....yeah as much as I love the War Cat...I can't see him in a fantasy battle stripper outfit.
I think my favorite part of the Fortune energy disucssion was the bit about what it would mean to live in a world where Luck was a real tangible force. I'm glad Joe didn't get bogged down in the potential existential crisis but it's a reasonable thing to think about.

I do love how Arcane Craft just keeps coming up, it's a bit like the Duct Tape of the forge at this point.

I'm intrigued by the notion that Joe could duplicate Fortune Energy. I'm also curious what the dozen problems that turning Joe's personal reality into a divine realm would solve are. Seems like you would need to make everyone in the Forge a God for that to be safe though. Also it gives up the option of having visitors.

The recent focus on the Zoids has been interesting. I'm wonder how they'll come up in later chapters. I guess Joe could ride a dragon to fight the Nine but I think that might be a little much. I hope Aisha enjoys riding her unicorn around the city even if it's pretending to be a motorcycle at the time.

I admit it's feeling a little odd that Bakuda's Signal still hasn't been cracked. I guess it's coming but it feels like the goalposts have been moving. Way back in the chapter where Joe found out about Dragon it seemed like it was nearly cracked and then he said he could crack it with Cybertonium computers and then we were told that Spritiron would be the key and now even Spiritron is going to take a while. Sorry for complaining. On a more speculative note it's looking a lot like her signal is based on shard communication. That kinda makes sense but it does make me confused as to how Joe's improvised containment for Bakuda's bombs way back at the beginning of the story was at all effective. Maybe it wasn't effective and she just wasn't paying attention to him.

Duplicates allowing the Glove to enhance the glove is a nice touch.

The portals revelation was a nice one, I was kinda wondering why it wasn't brought up as a possibility last chapter but it makes sense that Joe didn't know before it was tested.

I'm curious what the different charachters' semblances will be I guess they'll be discovered over time.

I'm intrigued by the fact that Survey is attending the meeting with Uppercrust. Maybe that was mentioned previously though.

Rolls Analysis:
First a correction. Last chapter I said Joe ended with 400 points I managed to forget to subtract the cost of Burning Bright so there's actually just 100 points banked meaning:
Magitech (200): Magitech starts at 400.
Knowledge (300): Joe had a 1 in 14 chance to get 3/4 of the remaining Star Trek Skills every other perks costs at least 500.
Vehicles (400): Vehicles starts at 600
Personal Reality (500-400): The most unexpected part of this roll to me is that Lord allowed Joe to roll Music Collection for the 50cp bonus perk. I was expecting that to only be rolled with it's other half the Movie & TV Series Collection. I guess that means Movie & TV Series Collection is available for a later bonus roll. To explain that comment when Joe rolls a cluster that doesn't add up to a multiple of 100 in value that triggers a bonus roll among the available 50CP perks to keep Joe's balance as always a clean multiple of 100.
Quality (200): There was a 1/5 chance for Joe to secure another Unnatural Skill. The patterns in randomness are always amusing for a while it seemed like there was an Unnatural Skill every chapter and now it hasn't been seen since Chapter 78 over thirty chapters ago.
Knowledge (300): This is identical to the roll above.
Vehicles (400): Vehicles still starts at 600 I'm confused by the last comment about having a full tank of reach though.

Question for Lord:
Are we missing a roll from the chapter or did we start with more than 100 points or is the comment about a full tank of reach not actually meaning 600 point perks can be obtained right off the bat?
And once again, blue balled by fate.
The workshop is shaking? Something big is coming! Maybe, finally, it's that Halo corve... it's a fucking theater.
Only if you mean satellite far away. Problem is that ANY portal will effect her senses and alert ger that portals are opening in their vicinity

She does have a range limit doesn't she? He could open a portal outside her range then have the stealth drones move inside to observe. A potential problem in this strategy would be detection by Mannequin who is like stealth god of Worm.

The other one would be Hard science, the perk that turn him into an To Aru esper. Joe would start at level 1 and ramp up very quickly.

This perk I'm really hyped for tbh. Most Esper abilities aren't anything much but the rarer stronger ones are really bullshit even in comparison to Joe's current build.

Stuff like Dark Matter's imaginary matter with imaginary physics. Air molecules turn people to salt on contact, ordinary unamplified visible light burns skin on contact, physics now works this way lol. It could add a lot to Joe's crafting.

Or Accelerator's "PHYSICS THE POWER" if I understand it and it has a direction even if it's somehow a subatomic interdimensional supernova then it cannot harm me. A very powerful all or nothing effect for Joe to grant out.
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I nodded. "It can work on animals or objects as well. With objects, they're kind of like the Tsukuyomi you get in Japanese folklore." I paused. "Actually, kami are probably a good baseline for this kind of thing."

You meant Tsukumogami, that's item spirit. Tsukuyomi's the god of the Moon. Also, you maybe should have joe use the actual term Kami since it's while technically correct be called god, it's not practical comparisson.

...when is Joe going to send Weld all those new song albums?

Weld would love them.

The PRT would freak the fuck out.

Especially reading Survey's critique and information on them all.
This was more than encryption, it was an entirely new method of conveying data, one that stretched beyond any single form of data transfer, or even any single universe. I couldn't fathom where her inspiration had come from, what kind of situation would call for communication of this level of complexity, this kind of density of information conveyed with this level of energy.

Surprised no one has commented on this yet.

Bakuda's signal isn't encrypted, it's Shard communication, and Joe is close to cracking it.

Can't imagine how that might have other impacts later on.
Quick question about this. Will this be following KLK logic where Kamui can be extremely dangerous to the user so, in their activated state, they have a signature skimpy appearance to minimize surface contact with the user's skin, which reduces the chance of being overwhelmed by the Life Fibers.....or will Joe's bullshit SuperTinker powers and boons make it a moot point? Because I kinda want to see the gags about saving the day in a skimpy outfit.
Like most things involving the Celestial Forge the answer is yes, but no. I don't remember what chapter it was covered in, but Joe was originally going to have to use a skimpy Kamui to prevent himself from dying, however between the demigod perk from PJO, Cyborg Hindu God body from Asura's Wrath, and the Dragon heart he himself build by combining a bunch of stuff (along with numerous smaller upgrades from other perks) he can now survive having a Kamui active on his full body, so won't need to use the skimpy mode even though he was initially prepared to do so because he leveraged his perks correctly. In the end this should make him even more powerful since more skin contact = more areaa for the Kamui to enhance. Finally, Joe is hypothesizing that he might receive an extra boost due to the Kamui counting as a God Robe, with himself counting as a God due to the aforementioned Cyborg Hindu God. However what that synergy will do is unknown, so he can only guess at what will happen, but the Kamui will probably be a full religious vestment that covers him while still allowing him to fight.