There's a chance Cherish is deliberately underselling Apeiron to bait Jack and the rest into a vulnerable posture, no?
I think it's like. Irrigo makes you forget, Volant sticks in your mind, and... apocyan makes you remember things? The fallen London wiki wasn't very helpful but I think that's the gist of things.
Cosmogone is like nostalgia, apocyan is like dreams of greater things iirc.
Man, that's confusing. I'm gonna need to find a cheat sheet or something to keep track.Cosmogone is like nostalgia, apocyan is like dreams of greater things iirc.
A wicked smile crossed his face. "And they will never see us coming."
Like the previous posters said, the S9 come strutting in to BB like they're hot shit but they don't realize they're walking right into Survey's web. It's quite easy to spot them too. Any large container that can haul Crawler's fat ass will be a dead giveaway."Yeah, the Slaughterhouse Nine is definitely coming to Brockton Bay." I said as I finished reviewing Survey's analysis.
RIP Jack, you psycho bastard will not live. And to any other competitor that tries to think of themselves as Celestial Forge's equal."For something like this? Absolutely. I don't want to just defeat the Nine. I don't want this to be close enough to even be considered a fight. I want an offensive that leaves them no hope for escape, much less victory. I want them to lose without even understanding what they are up against and for their destruction to serve as a warning for any who would follow in their footsteps. I want to destroy the Nine as a concept. If that means the Protectorate looks at what I brought to bear and decides their only option is launching an S-Class response that involves opening the Birdcage, canceling kill orders, and making a deal with Nilbog, then so be it. We will deal with that, but no matter what, no matter the cost, Jack does not walk away from this. Not this time."
Apeiron Clone: Laughs in Mental Fortress.Shoring up obvious areas while leaving gaps in his armor unaddressed."
"Like mental effects." Cherish agreed emphatically
Apeiron Clone: Cackles uncontrollably in Mental fortressunless he's as unstable as Cherish believes him to be."
"He is." She restated firmly
LordRoustabout said:Apocyan was as far removed from cosmogone as violant was from irrigo. Cosmogone was soft and sedate while apocyan was sharp and aggressive. The color looked greenish-blue in recordings, but in reality it burned with the promise of the future. Not the warm thoughts of comfortable days, but the beating drive to an ambitious and unknown future
Huh... I didn't think WOOHP and Center tech would be so heavy. The Center's teleportation is thinking back pretty dam nice but the new ideas is the expulsive power interaction option.Gadgeteer (Totally Spies/Martin Mystery) 600:
Not only do you have the knowledge and resources to produce all of WOOHP and the Center's gadgets quickly and efficiently, but you'll never run out of ideas for new gadgets, and you'll be able to incorporate any other technologies you know seamlessly
Her info on him was three days old. You know what that means.S9 will soon be S0. Cherish will probably go insane when she realizes the true power of Joe.
I didn't get it.
Okay, so from what I've gathered, the color Apocyan is a magical eldritch color from a London taken by bats. It either induces dreams of greatness or lets you photograph memories/dreams. From this, I've concluded that the purpose of the catsuit is to induce and photograph great dreams of Apeiron, presumably in female form, in a catsuit.
The first step and they whiffed it."And they will never see us coming."
"Yeah, the Slaughterhouse Nine is definitely coming to Brockton Bay." I said as I finished reviewing Survey's analysis.
I just want see Joe show his GodBody to the whole world. XDJesus, another annihilator cape in Brockton. The stake's keep escalating! We've got the potential for the biggest clusterfuck this city has ever seen which will be resolved with Joe revealing his actual capabilities. The hype!
Tactically, it's the difference between a strike and an ambush - it's not inherently less effective to choose to ambush.Tybalt doesn't see anything wrong with that on a tactical and strategic level? How about Shatterbird's singing and Bonesaw's plagues fucking up BB because Joe was content to wait, Joe keeps on mentioning "he'll deal with the fall out later" I guess a wrecked plague wridden city is just one of those.
Joe no.....Just no. Use your goddamned drones or build a fucking sattelite, find them, then drop a black hole bomb on them while they are passing between towns