Isn't that just infinity?TLDR. Joe would be receiving infinite power, raised to infinity, times infinity, plus infinity, simply because his workshop would be trying to match Spiral.
Isn't that just infinity?TLDR. Joe would be receiving infinite power, raised to infinity, times infinity, plus infinity, simply because his workshop would be trying to match Spiral.
I mean. I don't think Joe plans on giving Taylor anything at the moment, mostly because he assumes she'll somehow manage to use it as a weapon. Once she says the word, Joe'll come and give aid, but that hasn't happened yet. Given Taylor's apparent temperament it might not happen at all.Now Joe, be reasonable about this. Let's not use Lung's arm to make Taylor a Raiment of Escalating Defense. I don't care how safe it would make her and that it'd be great practice making Teigu, everyone's gonna be extra terrified if the Swarm Queen can shapeshift into an invulnerable dragon because of you.
Joe gave her a pretty sharp knife and regretted it. Gave her a bag of holding and she made it an insect carrier. I don't think Joe is going to make the mistake of giving her anything he doesn't absolutely have to.Now Joe, be reasonable about this. Let's not use Lung's arm to make Taylor a Raiment of Escalating Defense. I don't care how safe it would make her and that it'd be great practice making Teigu, everyone's gonna be extra terrified if the Swarm Queen can shapeshift into an invulnerable dragon because of you.
Borrowing some results from set theory, it is possible for an infinite number to be smaller than another infinite number. Raising infinity* to an infinite power** does that over the exponent. Formally, this means making a set with size equal to the infinite number in the exponent, then taking the set of all subsets of that set, then the set of all subsets of subsets of that set, and so on infinitely... which results in a set that's demonstrably larger than the original.
Aw no Seductive Body for free. *sad noises*
any "all or nothing" cape can kill him with enough luck, planning or allies. He hasn't worked on it, He's just getting stronger.Finally caught up, and honestly his passenger is starting to irritate me. At this point, Joe outclasses pretty much anything in the setting. Author fiat is the only possible way anyone except maybe Scion could give him any challenge at this point, which is why I'm still baffled that Bakuda hasn't been dealt with.
Finally caught up, and honestly his passenger is starting to irritate me. At this point, Joe outclasses pretty much anything in the setting. Author fiat is the only possible way anyone except maybe Scion could give him any challenge at this point, which is why I'm still baffled that Bakuda hasn't been dealt with.
Also can't wait to get out of the workshop. It's very noticeable that when he only has one or two people to speak to, the narrative just falls into tens of thousands of words of rambling about idle thoughts they might be having. When he's out and interacting with others things actually progress and the world feels more immersive and alive. Just let him go hang out with people or talk to people or something.
Okay, looks like my reply will be a bit messy. I apologize in advance for it.Finally caught up, and honestly his passenger is starting to irritate me. At this point, Joe outclasses pretty much anything in the setting. Author fiat is the only possible way anyone except maybe Scion could give him any challenge at this point, which is why I'm still baffled that Bakuda hasn't been dealt with.
Show Comment | Archive of Our OwnBakuda's dead man's switch couldn't be broken in canon, and this time she's been cribbing Leet's work to try to upstage him. It is a major obstacle, basically a mega-project exactly in line with her field of tinkering. Joe might be able to crack it, but without a major reverse engineering perk it will take a lot of time and effort.
So parahuman powers and passangers is very strong. Despite having something like a powerplant from a starship it only managed to alter a parahuman power a little.Chapter 69 said:"Maybe." I said. "Parahuman powers, even basic ones, are already pretty high up there in terms of magic. Like, just trying to emulate your power in a magic system would be a legendary undertaking. I'm not sure a regular striker would make enough of a difference to be noticeable."
"But these aren't ordinary, right?" She asked, taking the set of ankle boots from the drone.
"Not even close." I said with a grin. "Normal strikers run off a small internal combustion engine. These are using a substantially more advanced power plant."
"How advanced?" She asked with genuine interest.
"Something that wouldn't be out of place on a starship." I replied. "There's a limit to how much can be converted and transferred, no matter how powerful the engine, but it's about as strong as I can make it."
Which was a serious statement. Still, given the power source that parahumans actually drew from, it would take a lot to meaningfully impact things. Passenger Space exploration was still in the early stages, with Survey's compressed program still transferring through the quantum link, but the sheer scale of the place was telling of what I was actually dealing with. Parahumans didn't operate with even a fraction of their power's full potential. Working around or enhancing those limits was a substantial challenge, but fortunately one my work could address.
This means that passengers and powers is a real deal. They are powerful and have many different expressions of it.She shifted slightly as she spoke. "Um, like control how it spreads. Exclude people from it, or include them in the effect. Maybe, that's still hard to do, but this is a really big difference."
It seemed strapping a starship power core to each leg with a combined output that outpaces entire civilizations was enough to slightly modify the application of a parahuman ability. Really, powers operated on a different level. It was no wonder my own tinker power had been such a game changer.
And another quote.On the topic of dealing with Noelle through remotely operated drones, that kind of thing would absolutely kick the hornet's nest. Joe was able to kill Lung, but that took an attack that was visible from three continents. His regular drones are powerful, but trying to put down or contain Noelle with them is extremely risky, particularly when you consider the rest of the Travelers and the fact that they'll stop holding back if Noelle is threatened. Then you get the risk of a Noelle rampage, meaning more capes dragged into things. Even in canon Lisa wasn't able to properly convey the risks associated with Noelle, only getting an A-class response rather than S-class, and leading to a much worse situation overall. Joe saying "Fine, I'll send in the drones." Is one of the responses she's worried about.
With this I mean that sure Apeiron has enough firepower and almost overpower anything in the world. But he doesn't have enough information, leverage or enough technology to do it without massive potential collateral damage.Joe's strongest weapons are in no way hand held. He can make Transformers grade planet busters, scaled up with Always a Bigger Robot and then enchanted with everything you listed. Right now, power is less of a problem than preventing collateral damage that would remove a large portion of the planet. Additionally, if we're talking absolute destructive capability the Vortex Grenade is still the most dangerous thing he can use against any single target, but has it's own nightmare when it comes to collateral damage.
So he cannot just act with a lot less care as that will inevitable create a lot of panic and people probably make many stupid decisions across the organizations that is watching him.Chapter 33 said:"As do I." Kaiser agreed. "On more serious business, what can we expect from Gesellschaft with respect to the current situation?"
James frowned behind his mask. "I'm afraid they are likely to be fairly reserved in their support." He saw the shift in his friend's eyes and elaborated. "Please understand, these are people who have lived under the threat of the Blasphemies for years. The prospect of another Mad Scientist tinker on an unpredictable trajectory has them on edge."
When Apeiron finally can unleash his best he will be ready for all organizations in the world's response to him fooling precognition powers and behavior models. He said this chapter that he will do it at the latest one week later, as its Coil who primary makes it so that Apeiron needs to hold into his mercenary persona.
I thought VS battles was like, infamous in the fictional character vs fictional character fights community for being inaccurate and bad or something?Okay, looks like my reply will be a bit messy. I apologize in advance for it.
Bakuda and remnants of the ABB is playing Whac-A-Mole with Apeiron. He can crush them but he needs to find them first. You read that they had gotten Dodge's pocket dimension tech and that they are careful of their cybersecurity. So their soon to be released magic divine stealth spy drones will cover the city to search for his opponents while Survey searches the web.
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By this I mean that in canon it wasn't even broken despite having weeks to do it (I think it was three weeks). Apeiron will be will be able to do it with his new computer.
If you check on VS Battles on Zion and Warrior Entity you'll see that it has exceptional abilities. In canon it wasn't overpowered, it let itself be defeated.
People aren't going to line themselves up to fight a fruitless battle against Apeiron. If they are going to line up they will be either having something they think they can use against him or use tactics to avoid fighting him directly.
So parahuman powers and passangers is very strong. Despite having something like a powerplant from a starship it only managed to alter a parahuman power a little.
This means that passengers and powers is a real deal. They are powerful and have many different expressions of it.
To quote LR's in a comment from Lisa's Interlude.
And another quote.
With this I mean that sure Apeiron has enough firepower and almost overpower anything in the world. But he doesn't have enough information, leverage or enough technology to do it without massive potential collateral damage.
When Apeiron finally can unleash his best he will be ready for all organizations in the world response to him fooling precognition powers and behavior models. He said this chapter that he will do it at the latest one week later, as its Coil who primary makes it so that Apeiron needs to hold into his mercenary persona.
Practically the whole world is watching him and only the fact that he holding on to his own word and own rules makes them be able to sleep at night. It was said that at least Gesellschaft is on the edge according to chapter 33.
So he cannot just act with a lot less care as that will inevitable create a lot of panic and people probably make many stupid decisions across the organizations that is watching him.
I don't know, at this point he should easily be able to deal with Noelle and Bakuda's nonsense.
I don't know, at this point he should easily be able to deal with Noelle and Bakuda's nonsense. He's already exploring other dimensions, he's got multiple literal godlike powers, his new upgrade from Asura's Wrath could let him survive in an event horizon, he has multiple unchained AI helping him, and his endless building upgrades means that anything he makes at this point should take seconds at most. As for the Passengers sure the author can make them as strong as he wants, but then it runs into the dumb "Frodo gets a lightsaber, Sauron gets the Death Star" trope.
Multiple LR quotes about Noelle and C53 treatment said:Noel is a very dangerous prospect for Joe to even approach. Additionally there are more issues with that application in that it's less an out of control power and more a shard driving 95% of the body and power. She's also the hardest monstrous cape to treat short of Ash Beast, and that's not even getting into the mess of what an accidental clone of Joe would look like.
6 Tybalt's clones would 'only' be normal Felynes with some of his skills and knowledge, though that's not exactly a relief. Remember that Palicoes can meaningfully contribute in fights against the kind of things you see in Monster Hunter. A swarm of clones Felynes is going to be a serious threat even if they lack all of Tybalt's powers.
(pre 600 pointers Magitech perk)
Physical aspects of Case 53s would largely be trivial at this point, but the factor of their powers would be the challenging aspect, particularly if they have some form of ability expressed through their philology. Some of the worse off Case 53s are basically held together by their power, often in ways that don't have a biological mechanism that can be interacted with. Those would be difficult to heal, or to make sure any healing sticks or doesn't spiral off into some new variation.
Chapter 103 wog said:Show Comment | Archive of Our Own
Thank you, corrected.
A number of people have raised the possibility of Joe using remote drones as a way to deal with Noelle. The problem with that is that you only get one chance, and you'll be going against the Travelers. The Travelers aren't a soft target. Lisa doesn't know that Joe's suits are made out of divinely crafted impossible metals, but she does know that Sundancer can destroy just about anything when she gets serious with her power. She knows the range and versatility that Genesis can bring into play, how much firepower Ballistic can put out, and how Trickster can turn any tactical situation into a nightmare. And, possibly most significantly, she knows how powerful Noelle is. If Joe's attack doesn't instantly take her and the rest of the team down then you're looking at a rampage, a very bad one since their last hope was just squashed. Maybe Noelle won't get the Celestial Forge, but is she cuts loose and starts churning out clones of the other Brockton capes she can reach it will still be a disaster.
Additionally, Lisa is not susposed to be acting perfectly rationally here. There's a difference between not being stupid and still being subject to stress, biases, and emotional concerns. One of the main reasons Lisa wants Joe to hold back is so that SHE can be proactive. Her power is working again, meaning she can actually understand and influence the situation, something that wasn't available to her when March was active.
Another important thing to remember is the actual timeframe here. It has been one day since the summit. A single day. Lisa is asking for a few more days to be able to build a strategy to properly deal with the situation. Since that situation isn't currently volatile, it's not an unreasonable request. I know the pacing of the chapters compared to the passage of time skews things for readers, but that doesn't change the rate at which thing are happening for people in the story. With daily check-ins and the advantage of the scanner things will be closing on the Noelle issue, they will just take time to play out.
Additionally, I really hate the idiot ball trope being thrown around. It's somwhat justified in cases where people suddenly forget their powers, where key details of the plot are overlooked, where highly suspicious characters are suddenly trusting, or for other contrivances. The problem is it tends to get brough up whenever a character's flaws are impacting the story in a manner that readers don't like. I have had to field and excessive amount of accusations regarding that particular trope, so I am not at all well-disposed to it. That said, I do acknowledge the significance of it. If someone is raising that as an issue, then they are really highlighting the fact that their suspension of disbelief is being compromised. They're seeing things in terms of intended plot structure, rather than cause and effect and character interactions. I understand where the reference came from, but please, actually explain specific concerns rather than cite that trope because it is, by its very nature, extremely insulting to authors.
Frankly, Joe saying something to the effect of "Ha, no." and immediately mounting up would be more out of character than his decision to temporarily indulge Lisa's concerns. I know everyone wants to see Joe step up and solve every problem by cutting loose, but you need to remember, once Joe starts acting overtly, there's no going back. That kicking the hornets' next and he will not be able to stop until some form of equilibrium is reached. Even if he tries to step back, the reaction isn't going to die down and will probably just be worse without his direct involvement. It also means once he takes one major action he needs to be ready to follow up on every other outstanding problem he has to deal with, and not all of them can be resolved with overwhelming force. Given the level of response that overt actions are guaranteed to provoke, Joe making sure he is prepared for the major threats and has the resources to deal with the fallout makes sense, particularly since you are talking about a span (in story) of a few days. It's reasonable to not want to have to deal with Bakuda's hostages, Dragon's mastering, the Teeth, and Noelle all at the same time.
I'm sorry if this came across as confrontational, and I want you to know I greatly appreciate your consistent and incredibly work in proofreading the chapters. I am hoping that this was more of a miscommunication issue connected to impressions of the chapter rather than some fundamental and unresolvable frustration with the story. Really, going forward, all I promise is to try to be as receptive to criticism as possible.
Its valid concerns regarding that you don't want this to take too long.My only worry is that it's already taken nearly 1.5 million words for this first week. I also refuse to believe that none of the AIs or godlike beings on his team aren't already tracking Coil.
They surpassed Coil a long while back.
Well, I admit I meant this pageI thought VS battles was like, infamous in the fictional character vs fictional character fights community for being inaccurate and bad or something?
Speaking about Noelle, could she clone Tetra? Or would she be (most likely) drained to death the moment she absorbs her?
Wog:Question said:I had a thought. If Joe does get Noelled and he has Tetra attached to him, what would happen? Would she spit out a Tetra clone or would Tetra proceed to completely absorb all of the life energy that Noelle has? After all as far as I can remember she can only clone humans so that might give Tetra the chance. Just a thought if I am wrong in my assumption please point it out.
He could probably create an entirely separate alternate earth with that kinda stuff.Just a thought. Let's say that during the period of Worms how long timeskip Joe gets a long period of free time to work on projects. He decides to turn the Dyson Sphere into a Spiritron Matrioshka Brain. How powerful would it be and what kind of bullshit do you think he could accomplish with it?
Even IF the DS exists (which I still insist it does not), even with his construction speed, it would still take him years if not decades of constant work.Just a thought. Let's say that during the period of Worms how long timeskip Joe gets a long period of free time to work on projects. He decides to turn the Dyson Sphere into a Spiritron Matrioshka Brain. How powerful would it be and what kind of bullshit do you think he could accomplish with it?
According to Ao3 WOG, the Dyson Sphere does exist... but it exists in the way background details of a videogame level exist. It's there, but Joe can't interact with it.Even IF the DS exists (which I still insist it does not), even with his construction speed, it would still take him years if not decades of constant work.
As for power, maybe something on the Xeelee level.
Lord Roustabout on Ao3 said:7. The Dyson Sphere exists, but doesn't add any accessible space. It definitely exists because the perk specifically states that it does, but Joe didn't just get a 1 AU radius worth of additional space and 550 million planets worth of surface area. (That's also getting into the difference between a Dyson Sphere and a Dyson Shell, but it's clear what the perk meant) Basically, Joe has a star that he definitely owns and gets all the energy from in a useable form, but can't actually interact with.
Sort of like having an NFT, only it's actually useful.
Joe has enough extra senses to be aware of the star and the collection apparatus, but he can't modify or upgrade them in any way. On the plus side, the star is fiat backed to never deplete and he's receiving all the energy at 100% efficiency.