Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Which 2 perks allow him to crack bakudas code
He's already on track to cracking the code due to the pseudo-spiritron supercomputer, but any perk that helps with reverse engineering and xenotech would help him break the code really quickly. Xenoarchaeologist and Retro-Engineer are the big ones and Erudition and Certified Tech would help too.
"So what perks do Joe need to completely crack Bakuda's code?":
Joe is going to be able to crack Bakuda's code eventually with just his current perks. Going to composite cybertonium/spiritron computing is going to be enough to break it with enough time, but any major reverse engineering perks will close things out fairly quickly. Xenoarchaeologist from Stargate or Retro-Engineer from MCU would be enough to wrap things up, since those are 600 points perks devoted to reverse engineering.
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Same with cures - not curing all diseases with a snap of a finger (I'm not even sure Joe would ever be capable of doing this)
He could probably do that, there are perks that deals with mixing systems, so if he can do a grand scale ritual with some of his initial healing magic, upgraded, he can probably do it. Or just go nanomachines heal everybody and allow them to feel it when he snaps his fingers.
However under the banner of anything that can be considered War (i.e. diplomacy, shadow wars, and open conflict) tybalt has less tools but the ones ty has are slightly sharper then joes to continue the analogy
On the actual battlefield, your tools analogy reverses. It's Tybalt who could slot into any job in the army, except for those limited by verbal fluency, and do it better than whoever actually has that job. Joe, meanwhile, is merely twice as good as his Star Trek junior officer training with genius intellect and perfect efficiency would allow. But he has perks to perform beyond that for specific tasks like logistics plans or fortification.
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He could probably do that, there are perks that deals with mixing systems, so if he can do a grand scale ritual with some of his initial healing magic, upgraded, he can probably do it. Or just go nanomachines heal everybody and allow them to feel it when he snaps his fingers.
Of course. Let's do a planet scale non-consent healing application on everybody. I'm sure that the billions on Earth Bet will accept "it's fine. It's a bit complicated but its perfectly safe." /s
At this point of plot MC has long since lost the last plausible justifications for not simply making a global surveillance scanner, to easily and efficiently solve any local problems that are bothering him. On one hand the idea is entirely too obvious with his current intelligence, on other - ethics simply don't apply when you have free access to AI technology. AI that can be ordered to only report the offenders that are fair game by his moral code and forget all else.

This would obviously be a major hit to most active plotlines, but... it's a huge gaping hole in logic that needs to be resolved somehow.
i really feel like there Isn't a pressing need to address why the protagonist doesn't just build the global spy network that automatically judges and solves all problems. i think you misunderstand what 'Artificial Intelligence' means and what the ethical implications of that are - AI are intelligent, Autonomous beings. It's exactly the same as saying that Joe should lab-grow an ultimate super-human to manage a global spy network and then act to solve anything that Joe would deem a problem, and that the fact that joe hasn't done this is a glaring issue with the plot that Needs to be resolved.

it's silly. you're a silly person for suggesting this.
i think you misunderstand what 'Artificial Intelligence' means and what the ethical implications of that are - AI are intelligent, Autonomous beings.

You're ignoring that AI are also artificial. As in, human designed, and not limited to 'human' nature. They also get to skip a lot of evolutionary artifacts. It is perfectly possible, especially for someone of Joe's caliber, to design them with an inherent love and desire to do whatever task you are making them to do. That they would find genuine fulfillment in accomplishing that task, that it triggers whatever reward mechanism equivalent they have, and doesn't trigger whatever monotony/boredom, if they even were designed to have those emotions in the first place. Basically working their dream job; something they would choose to do even if they were allowed other options. Which is why you can even give them those options, and if they don't take it, fine, try again.

That said, most of the work should probably be done by VIs/'dumb' AIs instead, only moving it up to a more intelligent/sapient when something is actually found and needs verification and confirmation to act. And any AI Joe makes would have access to so much processing power that this task would take very little of their overall attention and effort, leaving them free to indulge whatever hobby's they happen to have. No different than anyone else working a job to earn their living really.

It worked out for Fleet, Survey, and Matrix even without directly creating them to love what they do, so it's probably fine to not even bother and all his perks will probably make it work out anyway even if he just made a generic AI and asked it to fill that roll. Assuming Survey doesn't want it for some reason. But the possibility is there and I'm not sure I would consider ensuring that your creation loves their job would be immoral. A little dubious, but not that much worse than a family expecting their kid to take over the family business and training them young, effectively indoctrinating them into it. Especially if the AI is allowed to say no/quit, and was made to be capable of liking other things too.
Hmm. A couple of interesting discussions going on here.

First: about the who is better at being a War God... we kind of already had a prototype of this discussion by comparing what Jozef can do and what Garment can do via her expertise in fashion. I seem to remember that it went something like, Jozef could make clothing stronger, longer lasting, and even more beautiful than just Garment alone could, but that she could do better at making things fashionable, by designing clothes that perfectly fit a particular time, culture, and place. Of course, I think that was before he got Touched by the Protoculture, so he might even do better in that area now. The point, though, is that both of these things are beside the point. Jozef alone and Garment alone can't compare to what they can make together. As it should be, because Garment is just as much a part of Jozef's powers as Build Rome, or Divine Child, or the Workshop its own self. Asking who is the better God of War, Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer or Tybalt, would be like asking which is the better crafter, Apeiron without his right arm vs Apeiron's right arm.(assuming he is right handed, we could also assume that the majority of his crafting has been done predominately by his right arm). Tybalt himself is an intrinsic and inviolable part of Jozef's power.

As for his right to "spy" on everyone and then act on that knowledge, you are comparing this to governmental prerogatives and saying it would be despotic. Actually, Aperion the Enigmatic Artificer, Fate-Blessed Divine Child of Hephaestus, is operating in an entirely different theatre-- a theological one rather than a political one. You could instead compare what right YHVH or Vishnu or Santa or Odin and his Valkyries have to watch people, judge them, and act on that judgement. Since no one else on Earth Bet seems to be competing in this area, to the point that there is Wildbow WOG that it is irrelevant whether people on Earth Bet even have souls, I think he has the literal Divine Right to operate as this planets sole existing Deity.
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As for his right to "spy" on everyone and then act on that knowledge, you are comparing this to governmental prerogatives and saying it would be despotic. Actually, Aperion the Enigmatic Artificer, Fate-Blessed Divine Child of Hephaestus, is operating in an entirely different theatre-- a theological one rather than a political one. You could instead compare what right YHVH or Vishnu or Santa or Odin and his Valkyries have to watch people, judge them, and act on that judgement. Since no one else on Earth Bet seems to be competing in this area, to the point that there is Wildbow WOG that it is irrelevant whether people on Earth Bet even have souls, I think he has the literal Divine Right to operate as this planets sole existing Deity.
Cool, im glad that anyone with the requisite power level has the right to declare themselves god-emperor of earth and effectivly enslave humanity.
Of course. Let's do a planet scale non-consent healing application on everybody. I'm sure that the billions on Earth Bet will accept "it's fine. It's a bit complicated but its perfectly safe." /s
? Well:
OP wasn't saying that he would or should do it, they're saying that he could
^ basically this (thanks by the way!), i never said that joe would/should do it, as my quote shows, i was just addressing the part were they didn't believe joe could heal everybody with the snap of his fingers, so i gave two possibilities that i saw as "reasonable" or believable enough for joe to be able, first that the snaps just activates the magic or two the snap is just theater and is technology the one that heals. But it was just that, ways i see that joe could theoretically use, no what i think he should do.
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to announce a delay. I'm not doing well and won't be able to get the chapter finished in time. I'm sorry for the late notice and will be working to get the full chapter ready for next week.
Don't worry about it as your health comes first.
Charity Gala Part 1 (Martian_Tech)
Charity Gala Part 1


Breathing in he prepared himself for what would be undoubtedly one of the most harrowing events of his life. More terrifying than staring down several March-equipped Oni Lee clones, more anxiety-inducing than running down the clock against Dragon, and more existentially dreadful than correspondence with literal devils from Hell!

He wasn't sure how he'd ended up here, wasn't his newest power meant to keep him from being pressured or manipulated by others? Yes, he knew that he was perhaps the only person in the city who could have planned, coordinated, and assembled a charity gala on such quick notice. He was aware of and accepted that, what still confused him was how Garment had convinced him to provide musical accompaniment for the gala.

He hadn't even been the one to decide his role for the evening! He'd entrusted the planning to his duplicates who had betrayed him, and by the time he'd realized what was wrong it had already been too late.

They had managed to convince Fleet, Tybalt, and Survey that this would be an excellent excuse to train his singing ability. The promise of Fold-Carbon would have meant that Fleet and Tybalt would have happily dragged him here for access to enhanced vehicles and weapons respectively. Meanwhile, Aisha, Garment, and Tetra just wanted to hear him singing in front of a large audience.

Looking in the mirror one last time before he went out on stage he still saw the same thing he'd seen all the prior times. Honestly, in the suit and tie, he was wearing he could barely recognize himself, looking back out of the mirror was someone almost entirely alien. Someone who he was forced to objectively identify as handsome, holding himself with an ease and confidence that he could barely dream of possessing before he obtained the Celestial Forge. Looking at the person in the mirror he took a deep breath and prepared to walk out onto the stage.

Weld POV

Weld was looking forward to this a chance to just get away from all the damage and trouble that he'd been forced to deal with. Yes, it wasn't the most heroic of thoughts but hey it'd been a long week and he thought that he was worthy of at least a little forgiveness. Ward events weren't exactly the best place to relax but at least it wasn't digging through a broken building trying to dig people out while avoiding large metal deposits.

But this, this had been something that he'd been genuinely looking forward to and more for than just the opportunity to get away from the disaster. He hadn't exactly been interested in Garment's videos the same way Kid Win had, and he definitely wasn't interested in her the same way Lily was. But one thing he'd been interested in was Boundless Music, one of the channels that supported her. Music may not have been as strictly necessary now that he was no longer so disconnected from people but he'd discovered that his love of music wasn't solely because there weren't many other sources of casual recreation for him.

Even though he could now connect with people on a deeper level he still loved music to a deeper level than anything else he could do. He'd been scouring the internet for new content to help reassure his interests, at the very least he has gained more sources to satisfy his hobby. Lily had recommended the channel to him and he'd been looking forward to the opportunity to hear him play in person.

Looking forward to the doors to the town hall he'd been waiting near he watched as the crowds began to flow inward, glad he'd been let in early as a part of security. The fact was that even though things had been calming down recently there was still a chance that someone could do something phenomenally stupid. Checking to make sure that there wasn't anyone preparing to attack in the crowd. Yes, the crowd had already been checked over but recent events had proven that the PRT wasn't exactly on its top game.

Brockton's wealthiest people, at least those who hadn't fled the city, were here as a show of support and a demonstration that things were returning to the status quo. There was a low-level background buzz of conversation as people waited for the main event to start. Hearing a slow musical tune began to build up in the background of the city hall he saw as the conversation began to die down and people prepared for the event to start.

AN: An Omake to help tide people over until Lord is feeling better, also does anyone have any better music recommendations? This was the first song I could find.
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