That's... a very odd way for the PRT to look at it.On the macro-level I can't see them doing anything but benefiting from it. Just one external threat among many to keep them in line.
That's... a very odd way for the PRT to look at it.On the macro-level I can't see them doing anything but benefiting from it. Just one external threat among many to keep them in line.
Yep, pretty much. As to be exact:When Joe figures out that Flechette is in a cluster with March, he goes over how easy it was to think that she was just a blaster with supporting powers (since they were all in line with her blaster power). So the implication I'm picking up is that the PRT doesn't know. One, because there are PRT erroneous statements about Flechette's powers being all related, and there aren't any credible rumors of her being a cluster trigger. And two, if the PRT knew she was in a cluster, and if they knew she was in a cluster with March, they would have easily picked up on the connection to March's powers going wonky because of the call gem. Instead, the way Flechette and Weld are talking about her seizure is a complete mystery. Their best theory is that it was some weird bomb effect that didn't affect Shadow Stalker or Weld.
The PRT have Flechette on only console rn due to the random seizures while they figure it out, because they don't know why that happened. Considering the distance from C69 and that she was the only one affected by things, they have concluded it to be a separate issue, despite no obvious cause.Chapter 62 Summit Consensus said:And then there was the real point of concern. March's connection with Flechette. The plan she had, her destructive long-term goals, had been dangerous enough, but the threat she posed to Flechette was the kind of thing that could compromise the safety of the multiverse. And the reason for that threat was clear.
Well, fairly clear. It was a high confidence theory with the backing of my passenger and supported by Survey's extensive analysis. I doubt I would have stumbled on it if not for her visit the previous day. That casual use of her power playing out in front of all of my sensor systems, revealing the titanic amount of power that sat behind her blaster effect.
It was a staggering amount, beyond what even my sensors could fully quantify. The kind of power that could bring down anything, blow through any defense, stop any opponent. The kind of power I had seen before and first hand.
Cluster triggers. It was the kind of thing that would have been easy to miss. Flechette had multiple powers, but her supporting powers involved accuracy and the 'timing' of her shots. It was something that was close enough to the primary intent of a ranged blaster cape that it could have been dismissed as a supporting secondary power, not evidence of additional connections.
Chubster Interlude time!
AFAIK, Joe's ability to teach is supernaturally good, but can't teach that can't be taught - i.e. things that are an intrinsic part of him. The reason he can teach people to use Alchemy is that it is explicitly, by fiat, mentioned as teachable.Question about Joe's ability to teach, he can teach someone any of his perks? If so am I the only one who hopes he teaches the Undersiders evermore alchemy (bitches dogs with glory girl force fields or the haste ability he used against Oni Lee. Hell Rachel if she gets her aura unlocked she might pull a Ruby and unlock her packs aura. Try to imagine if Brutus or Angelica got something like zweis semblance
Apeiron, through a megaphone: "We have you surrounded! Come out and receive several complimentary doctorate level educational courses!"If he's going to teach the Undersiders anything, it would be meditation and maaaybe the self-defence parts of his martial arts (which Taylor will likely immediately use to dropkick Butcher with or whatnot) as well as giving them a good basic education (university-level, maybe a doctorate or two).
... and now I got a picture of Professor Bitch, growling at her bad students and giving them treats and headscratches if they do well. Of course, no one complains because then they get sent to Professor Khepri who has a very, VERY strict policy about no bullying on campus. And she is always watching. Always.
Katsujinken will be way more interesting.So I was viewing the Subnautica Gauntlet jumpchain and I found this little tidbit interesting, "Second, you gain the favor of marine life everywhere. Skittish fish will be friendly, intelligent fish will be helpful, and predatory fish will be ambivalent. Supernatural entities with major ties to water are affected, though results may vary." Would Joe be able to interact with Leviathan with this? Just curious since I don't know if Roust counts gauntlet rewards.
Fiat does not care about the incapability of any participant to have a dialogue. It says there will be dialogue so there will be!Katsujinken (Free): Those who follow the path of "Katsujinken" or "life giving fist" hold that the true purpose of martial arts is to protect those who cannot protect themselves and improve the lives of those around them. People who follow this viewpoint view the death of their opponent as tantamount to defeat and shun those who purposefully kill. By embarking on this path, you develop a kind and calm demeanor, capable of setting just about anyone at ease. So long as you hold to this philosophy, you will be able to have a brief but significant dialogue with your opponent before any act of open combat.
would leviathan communicate through water-puppets, pantomime, or somehow growing a mouth just to talk with Apeiron?Katsujinken will be way more interesting.
Fiat does not care about the incapability of any participant to have a dialogue. It says there will be dialogue so there will be!
Who needs any of that when you're an extremely precise macrohydrokinetic? Leviathan could turn the very sea into a speaker.would leviathan communicate through water-puppets, pantomime, or somehow growing a mouth just to talk with Apeiron?
would leviathan communicate through water-puppets, pantomime, or somehow growing a mouth just to talk with Apeiron?
I think it only guarantees that Joe will be able to communicate with his enemy, so we can't necessarily assume that everyone else would be able to follow. Or even perceive that the conversation is taking place.Who needs any of that when you're an extremely precise macrohydrokinetic? Leviathan could turn the very sea into a speaker.
It's likely to depend onto Leviathan being counted as Alive due to perk being tied to protection of life. And even if it does, a 'dialogue' can be a lot of things, for a wolf a 'growl' likely counts.Fiat does not care about the incapability of any participant to have a dialogue. It says there will be dialogue so there will be!
Who needs any of that when you're an extremely precise macrohydrokinetic? Leviathan could turn the very sea into a speaker.
"Keep killing the reefs and I'll break your fucking knees. What? Wrong Earth? Fuck."Leviathan: I'm Leviathan, and I speak for the sea.
Apeiron: Oh boy
Which Destiny Jump? There are like 4 right now and I think more.Eeeeeeeeee
"Keep killing the reefs and I'll break your fucking knees. What? Wrong Earth? Fuck."
I remember seeing that the Destiny Jumpchain has been lost to time and so it's perks can't be used in the CF ages ago but while looking for perks for my CF add on I found a destiny jump. Was that like a different one or did people just not check reddit for some reason?
Finally, Leviathan can show the world the splendor of Magical Girl Levi-tan!Who needs any of that when you're an extremely precise macrohydrokinetic? Leviathan could turn the very sea into a speaker.
While looking for it I've found that there's at least 6, and the jump I found was the one made by Digi Desperado. Also I might've found the Destiny jump that they were talking about (Made by DOOM-Knight009, there's also one made by an unknown author) and a way to get it back -but the person said that they won't teach it because it violates google use terms so unless anyone knows what that means it's a lost cause, if it helps it's on google drive.Which Destiny Jump? There are like 4 right now and I think more.
"Keep killing the reefs and I'll break your fucking knees. What? Wrong Earth? Fuck."
I remember seeing that the Destiny Jumpchain has been lost to time and so it's perks can't be used in the CF ages ago but while looking for perks for my CF add on I found a destiny jump. Was that like a different one or did people just not check reddit for some reason?
Well, in terms of the Destiny Jumpchain used in the Forge, it has actually been found. It's just that the perk included is, well, garbage and Lord doesn't want to add (What I mean is stuff that isn't listed in the original Forge Doc, anything that is unavailable to Joe right now is purely based on Lord's lack of knowledge of the setting) anything new to the forge beyond what he has already added (Capstone booster and Personal reality). Maybe in the future, we'll get Destiny perks in the Celestial Forge.I remember seeing that the Destiny Jumpchain has been lost to time and so it's perks can't be used in the CF ages ago but while looking for perks for my CF add on I found a destiny jump. Was that like a different one or did people just not check reddit for some reason?
What was the perk?Well, in terms of the Destiny Jumpchain used in the Forge, it has actually been found. It's just that the perk included is, well, garbage and Lord doesn't want to add (What I mean is stuff that isn't listed in the original Forge Doc, anything that is unavailable to Joe right now is purely based on Lord's lack of knowledge of the setting) anything new to the forge beyond what he has already added (Capstone booster and Personal reality). Maybe in the future, we'll get Destiny perks in the Celestial Forge.
Wrong Leviathan. This one isn't a Siscon.Finally, Leviathan can show the world the splendor of Magical Girl Levi-tan!
Pure art(free all) The visual arts may not be your thing, but that doesn't mean you can't be good at it. With this, you will be able to adorn any object you possess with paint or some other kind of marker and make it look good. You can paint armour, vehicles and weapons. Depending on what you portray, it could evoke different emotions. From fear to inspiration. You must have some skill at drawing or painting, and something to draw or paint with.
Pure art(free all) The visual arts may not be your thing, but that doesn't mean you can't be good at it. With this, you will be able to adorn any object you possess with paint or some other kind of marker and make it look good. You can paint armour, vehicles and weapons. Depending on what you portray, it could evoke different emotions. From fear to inspiration. You must have some skill at drawing or painting, and something to draw or paint with.
Basically, you just do everything better. Unfortunately, it's redundant in the Forge as it is currently. What surprises me is that even in that Jumpchain, there are other perks that would fit better, like The Golden Age drawback reward which would cost 800 but give you access to all Destiny's Golden Age tech, which is as extensive as it is bullshit. And it wasn't included at all.
Hey, we live in an enlightened society. If the mass-murdering macro-hyrdrokinetic speedster kaiju self identifies as a magical girl, i say let them.