Familiar - Anna, Sandra and Setsuna
My status as a semi-lurker is pretty much toast at this point, but this thread is worth it. I seem to be forming a habit of posting after midnight.

Here's another contribution to the thread, this time in the form of fanart. I drew these about a month ago, but yesterday was the first time in a long while that I had access to a scanner.

Original sketches:

Sasha - Valkyrie Frame Durga
So I drew this on the bus today. I would have made it through Photoshop/Illustrator, which I'm actually good with, but my laptop is being repaired and it won't be back for another week or two, so instead have my sketch of Durga-chan munching on an Antagonist.

I copped out on the whole eating thing by making it so that it was her arm that was turning all flow-y, rather than the layer under her armour plates. If I did this digitally I probably would have went with some distorted liquid-metal kinda thing, but again, the best I can do by hand is her arm turning into I big chomp-y mouth.
I fucked up with her jetpack/thrusters by making them too bulky. At the time I did it because I realized that the HPP's were going to cover most of it up, but now it's just wound up looking like a big backpack.
All in all, it's no masterpiece, but I think I can still be proud of it when I compare it to some of my other drawings. It could have been a lot worse.

I may get around to doing a digital version at some point once I get my laptop back.
Familiar - Project Valkyrie Core Volume Two
Alright, the second one is complete. I think I'll do one more after this, and then take a break from drawing for a while.

Now available in stores nowhere near you, Project Valkyrie Core manga Volume Two!

Here's roughly what the patch on the shoulder looks like:

And here are the flat version and some rough drafts:

So yeah, one more volume and I'ma cool my jets on the fanart for a while. Last one's gonna continue the pattern of two characters, guess who.
Familiar - Valkyrie Frame Durga Concept Study
Maybe the scene where Anna loads up on bread, or perhaps one of those double-page splash images like Kojiro using his final attack on Anna's thumb.
Oh, I get what you're saying now, like a scene from inside one of the volumes, instead of just covers like I've been doing.

... Hmm, maybe I will do something like that, though I'm afraid to do anything involving expressed Valkyrie suits. I'm not really sure what they're like. They've been described before, but I'm not sure if they only slightly bigger than the pilots like say the Iron Man suit, or if it's like Infinite Stratos in that the machines about double their size.

Edit: Added some sketches of a more lithe build. These are some examples of a size closer to Iron Man. So like this, or more mass?

Edit x2: Goddangit, I said I was gonna slow down on the art, too.
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IntoLight - Infantry Powered Armour
So, I decided to try and sketch out parts of the power armor the normal soldiers use. I'm a meh artist, so this isn't that good. Compared to Renu and Familiar's art, this is crap.

Oh that high note, enjoy.

I feel like the armor should be a little bulkier, but oh well.

So, I tried to draw a bulkier version, and this is what I got. You can tell I stopped trying on the left arm, but meh.

Be warned, I am still a crap artist.

I swear I will draw something related to the main cast next.
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Familiar - Project Valkyrie Core Volume One
Paint.NET has been my best friend for the past week or so, and this is the result:

Now available in stores nowhere near you, Valkyrie Core manga Volume One!

Here's the title:

And here are the flat version and some rough drafts:

Should I do another volume?