Something I slammed together after the discussions about infantry in this thread for the anniversary. (It's still 4th March somewhere in world so it counts

Bonus Interlude:
>[]Flesh and Faith
>>[]On the ground
>>Accessing combat video log
18:22:09 (GMT), 1st November 57 Post Impact (2069CE)
UN North East Theatre Area A
UN NE, AA, 2nd Army, 1st Div, 4th Infantry Brigade, 1st Battalion, SPC Timothy Wong
>>[Camera resolves into video from a low angle view. Helmet is likely resting on ground. Air is hazy, likely ash and snow.]
Male 1: "Man, I like, can't wait for warm food."
>[Identified; SPC James Ng]<
Man 2: "Hell yeah, the sarge is cooking up a storm!"
>[Identified; SPC Eugene White]<
Woman 1: "Look at that spread, we've got burnt ration bars, boiled ration bars, wet ration bars, annnnd plain ration bars!"
>[Identified; SPC Denise Yeung]<
Woman 2: "You babies complain about the food one more time and back at base you'll be sleeping in your armour… on the armour racks."
>[Identified; MAJ Eleanor Han]<
Man 3: "Ah c'mon sarge, why the hell can't we eat back at one of the fobs?" >[Identified; SPC Warren Smith]<
MAJ Han: "Just 'cause we have proper overhead presence doesn't mean that we're clear. We're going to stay away from the camp for a while."
SPC Smith: "I'll bet you my new long rifle that nothing happens in the next-"
>>[TACNET Alert: Incoming orbital debris: all units, seek cover.]
>>[Camera angle changes, helmet registers connection with powered armour. SPC Wong has put his helmet on. Camera angle shifts to reveal the other 5 members of the 1st Infantry Battalion inside a deep crater surrounding cooking pot full of unidentified substance. Unidentified substance tentatively classified as food. Crater likely created by orbital artillery or high penetration bomb]
MAJ Han: "So about that brand new Four Thousand XL you have waiting for you back at base-"
MAJ Han: "Specialist Smith, don't think that-"
SPC Yeung: "Oi, fuck off mate! Get yer own, I called dibs on the wet ration bars!"
SPC Wong: "Should we be moving?"
MAJ Han: "Everyone butto- dunno why I bothered asking. Stay put FNG, we're already in the best cover around. STRATNET projects the debris will miss."
>>[Camera angle changes, revealing falling debris. Identified; UNSF CV-31 Zemarain]
SPC Smith: "Bugger. One of ours this time."
SPC Wong: "Looks pretty bloody close, sarge."
MAJ Han: "Nah, it'll miss. Look at your TACNET display."
SPC Wong: "That debris is coming right at us."
>[Observation: SPC Wong's analysis suite cannot currently accurately determine current direction and likely impact point of the orbital debris. SPC Wong's analysis suite has highlighted the 1st Infantry Battalion's location as an "At risk" zone. Only Major Han carries communication equipment capable of resolving STRATNET broadcasts.]<
SPC Smith: "From your point of view yeah, but the computer says they'll miss."
SPC Wong: "But shouldn't we be on the move anyway?"
>>[SPC Wong begins spin up process for thruster engines mounted in his armour]
>>[Explosions in background as debris begins impacting]
MAJ Han: "Right. Pick a direction. How will you know you're not going to die running that way?"
SPC Wong: "I-"
Man 4: "Ey, someone grab the pot before-" >[Identified; SPC Anton Krauss]<
>>[Camera shakes, nearby explosion from large piece of debris. Hissing and banging noises, likely shrapnel impacts on armour]
>>[Shrapnel strikes cooking pot, knocking it over]
SPC Krauss: "God fucking damn it."
>>[Shrapnel ceases]
>>[1 minute passes without movement or speech]
MAJ Han: "Fucking hell, I spent like half a minute cooking that..."
>>[MAJ Han begins scraping spilled rations into her bowl]
SPC Wong: "Wha- you're still gonna eat that sarge?"
MAJ Han: "Yea? The gravel adds texture and s'not like I'll get sick from chewing some rock."
>>[TACNET Alert: Incoming orbital debris: all units, seek cover.]
MAJ Han: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it."
SPC Smith: "Going to miss us again, sarge?"
MAJ Han: "Yep. Bit closer this time, though. Everyone hunker with White."
SPC White: "Alright, here's how it goes, Yeung and the sarge to my left and right-"
SPC Yeung: "
>[Laughter]< Fuck off, we're in armour you dipstick."
>>[1st Infantry Battalion move to north-east side of crater]
MAJ Han: "Twenty to impact."
>>[Camera angle changes, revealing meteorites. Identified; Antagonist Carrier 4-25]
SPC White: "One of their drone spitters; glad to see the Space Forces doing something other than choke on cock for once."
SPC Smith: "You're just jealous they fly with the Three Hundred all the time."
SPC White: "Damn right I am, I mean, if the wife isn't on deployment up there, I'm busy slogging my way through the AG killbot hellscape."
>>[Explosions in background as debris begins impacting]
SPC White: "I wanted to join the Space Forces to spend more time with the wife, but noooo-!"
SPC Yeung: "Ah god, here we go
>>[Explosions in background grow louder]
SPC White: "UN Armed Forces were like, 'Oh Eugene~, you're so damn awesome, why don't you join the infantry?', and
bloody idiot I am, I did just that!"
SPC Wong: "I thought you said your wife was proud of yo-"
>>[Explosions in background grows louder. Shrapnel begins flying over the crater. Specialist White swaps to IR tight beam comms, likely because he can no longer shout over the background noise.]
SPC White: "She was, she did the whole jump-into-your-arms-thing-squeeing thing. She was so proud. I could practically hear her thinking, 'Oh hey, you are now, onnnnnnnnne fucking percent as badass as me'."
SPC Krauss: "Every single time we huddle we hear this…"
>>[Camera whites out as main body of AG Carrier impacts nearby.]
SPC White: "Then she ups and leaves for the front again. Bloody hell."
>>[Camera vision is restored.]
MAJ Han: "If you wanted someone to spend a lot of time with off the field, ya shouldn't have married one of the Three Hundred. They're busier than we are."
>>[Rapid drumming noises. Ejecta raining down.]
SPC White: "Mmhm…"
>>[Shrapnel ceases]
>>[32 seconds pass without movement or speech.]
>>[Object drops into cooking pot. Identified; AG Non-combat unit: Oddball]
SPC Wong: "One of their little repair drones?"
MAJ Han: "Looks like."
>>[Major Han grabs and crushes the Oddball in her hand, then drops it back into pot.]
MAJ Han: "STRATNET, are we sure nothing else survived the ride down?"
Female 3: "We're sure, Major. Don't worry, we blasted everything in your area -but you- good with rads."
[Identified; SQNLDR Kyrie Castiglioni, Commander; Sturm und Drang Squadron.]
>>[Loud rumble, likely sonic boom from passing Valkyrie Squadron]
MAJ Han: "
>[Indecipherable]< Sergeant… Well, good to hear then. Have fun hunting, Valks."
SQNLDR Castiglioni: "Roger, same to you, Infantry. Out."
>>[Specialist Ng begins scooping material from the cooking pot. Components include water, ration bars, gravel, dust and pieces of the Oddball drone.]
SPC Wong: "You're still going to eat it?!"
SPC Ng: "Well, uh… yeah? The Antagonist like, adds texture and I'm like, not going to get sick eating it."
SPC Wong: "Rocks I can believe, but an AG?"
SPC Ng: "Dude, it like, tastes pretty good you know?"
>>[Major Han joins in and brushes some pieces of the Oddball from her armour into her soup]
MAJ Han: "Want some, FNG?"
SPC Wong: "Well, not really- it looks really good though… why does that crap look so good to eat?"
SPC Yeung: "Aww, don't worry kid. It's natural."
SPC Wong: "What? Natural?"
MAJ Han: "You know how eating is one of the primal pleasures? Well the UN fucked something in our heads when they change us. It's only supposed to make us feel better when we're killing AGs, but eating Antagonists sets it off too."
SPC Smith: "So wait, we feel better eating AGs? Does this work with the other primal pleasures? What are they anyway?"
MAJ Han: "The hell you asking me for? Uh, sleeping, companionship, uh, I don't bloody know, sex-?"
SPC White: "Sex?"
SPC Ng: "Yeah dude. Sex. Like, sleeping with. Banging. Watching like, Webflix together. Doing the horizontal-"
SPC White: "I know what sex is you fuckbucket, but what- you mean- the UN made us horny for AGs?"
>>[18 seconds of silence]
SPC Yeung: "Hell no I ain't! Fucking disgusting is what that is."
SPC White: "Ye ever think about it then?"
SPC Yeung: "The hell I do! Sides, the hell would I be sticking up my cooter anyway? They're either gears and cogs, or they're shiny.
>["Shiny"; Slang term referring to High Level Antagonists]< If ye ever think that I'm gonna let a shiny that's not in a billion bits get close to me- well, no. Fuck you."
SPC Smith: "Alright, alright, but you ever think about eating a shiny?"
MAJ Han: "How the hell are you going to get pieces of a shiny away from the spooks to eat? Maybe after it's been sterilised by hard rads. Don't want one growing inside me and doing a chestburster."
SPC Wong: "Chestburster?"
SPC Krauss: "Shinies can regenerate. Imagine a piece of one trying to regrow from inside of you, eating you-"
SPC Ng: "Okaaaaay, like enough! Back to the subject of eating- you gonna take the soup, kid?"
SPC Wong: "…Alright, I'll take a bowl."