But we won't know which April until he posts it.

Re: Drones. I don't think we know much there, we know the UN deploys combat drones in mass formations and construction is likely done the same way, however Anna is so damn fast she nearly finished before the others could arrive and they might have deployed the Drones.
Its a safe bet they exist, combat drones exist because there aren't enough valks, the low priority building work is almost certainly even more heavily drone focused.
Theres probably a large variety of designs for different scale of work or roles such as bulk transport.
We do know they got Builder Drones. Several different sizes too. When Anna was going on the mission to uppgrade the various shanty towns into proper towns she noticed that there was far fewer drones assigned(as in, barely any) than a mission like this should have.

So she started looking across all Builder Drone Assignment in the entire UN(that security clearance comming in handy again!) and eventually figured out that the UN was diverting something like a third if not more of the entire Builder Drone fleet to the moon to work on the G-Gun.

Then when she was working in the ruined Arcology(Sydney IIRC?) there were several mentions of Builder Drones running around.
I rarely post in this thread, but when I do, I aim to provide.
Nice. Though I did originally think Office of Millitary Intelligence Section Three was a tentacle swordfighting against a polearm, but now I think it's a needle and a spool of either thread or ribbon and I'm still not sure what the second shape is. Maybe someone who knows more about sewing would recognize it. But an eye, a magnifying glass, and a lighthouse are all quite appropriate symbols for intelligence work, so I'm probably just missing something.
Wait a minute!

does that mean Ana has a seat on UNSC?

It was addressed in an earlier (main story, I think) post somewhere, but the short version is: most of these laws were written under the assumption that Jatayu Sen would hold the number 1 slot in perpetuity. So e.g. I think she's Marshal of the Armed Forces as a separate thing, but a lot of her powers come through her position as Rank 1 Valkyrie, and no one really thought too much about it when deciding which descriptor to refer to her by [EDIT: in the laws and regulations].

If Anna ever tries to force the issue by exerting that paper authority without Sen's cooperation, that's kind of a constitutional crisis and how it ends would depend on how many backers each claimant can put together. Luckily for everyone involved, Anna seems to have zero interest in politics at this point.

(IIRC a lot of this was referred to in the second reconstruction-with-Marianne posts, where Marianne explains to Anna that she can absolutely push back on things the UN wants her to do - i.e. she can use that maybe-position every once in a while without instigating a crisis.)
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It's also worth noting that the same three people have held the ranks directly below Sen for decades, so even if she fell in battle, the expectation would be that one of those known quantities would succeed her.

Presumably there were contingencies in place for shifting powers if someone more talented but less skilled at leading started working their way up the ranks and looked like they might overtake her... except even that isn't what happened, as Anna showed up out of nowhere, already in possession of the skills to take the position, which was not something anyone had considered possible.
Actually, Anna exerting that paper authority, even without Jatayu Sen's backing, can go a long way. It just mostly depends on if her exertions of that authority are sensible. There'd be no real issue if she used her authority during an emergency and the decisions on force disposition are sound for example, or she shifted the UN's strategic direction for good reasons (like the Guningagap project not bearing out).

It'd be different if she fucks up, but so long as she doesn't arguing the Rank One Valkyrie shouldn't also be the Marshal of the Armed Forces is a difficult one. Not least of which because Jatayu Sen might complain about it. She found being both the Rank One Valkyrie and the Marshal of the Armed Forces very useful, after all, and she's either trying to get her ranking back or she's deliberately not doing so because she'd like a break from the responsibility. And she's not stupid, she knows where the designation of Marshal is going once Anna doesn't hold it any longer.
or she shifted the UN's strategic direction for good reasons (like the Guningagap project not bearing out).
Point of order: I'm given to understand that Anna is supreme tactical but not strategic commander. In the field, she may issue or countermand any orders under the assumption that she can think far faster and more thoroughly than most other field commanders. At the strategic level, there may be other powers granted to the Rank One Valkyrie, but she doesn't get to countermand the construction of the G-gun, as that is very clearly a long-term strategic initiative whose merits can be debated at length.

She can order entire army groups to maneuver based on the assumption that "I know best, but there's no time to explain", but she can't use that power to decide on what type of drones will be produced tomorrow.
Point of order: I'm given to understand that Anna is supreme tactical but not strategic commander. In the field, she may issue or countermand any orders under the assumption that she can think far faster and more thoroughly than most other field commanders. At the strategic level, there may be other powers granted to the Rank One Valkyrie, but she doesn't get to countermand the construction of the G-gun, as that is very clearly a long-term strategic initiative whose merits can be debated at length.

She can order entire army groups to maneuver based on the assumption that "I know best, but there's no time to explain", but she can't use that power to decide on what type of drones will be produced tomorrow.

Yeah, that's the power of the Rank One Valkyrie, ordering the forces on the field around and telling higher command they need more forces and/or where the reinforcements need to go.

The Marshal of the Armed Forces? That one can tell the UN 'the Guningagap project is a boondoggle that will not work and here is all the documentation that says so, and as such and by my authority the project is canceled'. It's a military construction project, she can pull military support from it, she's the highest military official after all.

Now, right now, Anna's Marshal of the Armed Forces authority is extremely theoretical, but on paper she can do that. She could also just say 'the Guningagap project is canceled', but that would've gotten Jatayu Sen relieved of her rank without a damn good explanation too. Even if for Jatayu Sen that explanation could just be 'my gut feeling says it is not going to work', but that is because Jatayu Sen has a long history of working that job and as such an established track record and political weight to throw around, which Anna does not.
Fair, it was probably not the best example I could've used.

It's pretty clear the UN is banking heavily on the gun as a strategy though, and seems less focused on preparing another major military campaign. This is understandable, because the Alaska campaign wasn't exactly a walk in the park and they've taken severe casualties too. If nothing else, they need to rebuild their forces before they can do so, which might well be happening out of view of the players.