It'd be an amusing development in the Faux chan-verse if this wasn't conceived as a harem anime, but executive meddling made them change after starting. But they'd already started the first steps of animation so they just gender flipped some characters and did minimal character redesign.
I do agree the skirt should be longer. And the female uniform has something going on with the shoulders that needs help. But those colors work great, and the styling of the chest of both is really nice.
And [x]Girly Kouji; Manly Anna
I wouldn't mind Anna being kind of muscular. It would make some sense, with Durga enhancements. And seeing females with significant muscle tone is kinda rare in anime. More trope subversion!
[X] Manly Koji; Girly Anna
If only because the other option would probably go too far. Anna is more manly than Koujirou, yes, but that's not saying much... (About Anna, that is)
So I was checking the athletic club section, because I thought that there was a comment on Anna's physique, when I noticed that these numbers don't make any sense.

>100m Sprints - 3.56s - Shuri Kravala< (28 m/s)
>200m Sprints - 6.82s - Shuri Kravala< (29.3 m/s)
>400m Sprints - 13.41s - Lesidi Traore< (29.8 m/s)

Lesidi averages a higher speed on the 400m than Shuri does on the 100m, and Shuri herself averages a higher speed on the 200m than on the 100m. What gives?
So I was checking the athletic club section, because I thought that there was a comment on Anna's physique, when I noticed that these numbers don't make any sense.

>100m Sprints - 3.56s - Shuri Kravala< (28 m/s)
>200m Sprints - 6.82s - Shuri Kravala< (29.3 m/s)
>400m Sprints - 13.41s - Lesidi Traore< (29.8 m/s)

Lesidi averages a higher speed on the 400m than Shuri does on the 100m, and Shuri herself averages a higher speed on the 200m than on the 100m. What gives?
They might be still accelerating when they cross the finish line.
I imagine it is because of the Voters Choice thingy the thread won?
Sounds reasonable.
The faster they go, the faster they can accelerate? Maybe it's that they have to slow down near the end in order to not hurt themselves, and the longer tracks let them go at full speed for longer.

I want Anna to remember how to run, so that she can run around everywhere because it's fun and she doesn't get tired nearly as easily as anybody else.
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That doesn't make sense with the average velocities compared to the distances traveled. The rates of change don't match up. If they did, the 400m would have an average speed twice that of the 100m (presuming constant acceleration).
While acceleration wouldn't be constant, I'd think their thrusters would be powerful enough that air-resistance, atleast at those speeds, would be negligible. So I'm actually stumped on what to say. Maybe Avalanche just made a mistake, not thinking it through (like most of us did when we say it).
The faster they go, the faster they can accelerate? Maybe it's that they have to slow down near the end in order to not hurt themselves, and the longer tracks let them go at full speed for longer.
Why would they accelerate faster when they are going faster? Should be the opposite, because of wind-resistance.
And since these tracks are made for Valks, i'd think they would have ample slowing down room on the other side.
So I was checking the athletic club section, because I thought that there was a comment on Anna's physique, when I noticed that these numbers don't make any sense.

>100m Sprints - 3.56s - Shuri Kravala< (28 m/s)
>200m Sprints - 6.82s - Shuri Kravala< (29.3 m/s)
>400m Sprints - 13.41s - Lesidi Traore< (29.8 m/s)

Lesidi averages a higher speed on the 400m than Shuri does on the 100m, and Shuri herself averages a higher speed on the 200m than on the 100m. What gives?

This is a phenomenon found in real life too. Because each race begins from a standing start, the time in the first 100m is slower because it includes accelerating from a dead stop. In real life the 400m isn't part of the phenomenon, but presumably valkyrie athletes have higher endurance or accelerate for longer.
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I drew a v/t graph the would explain these values.

By my (very rough) estimations, terminal velocity was reached at around 8 seconds, and was around 30 m/s.
They're RUNNING, with their feet. No frames, just the legs they were born with, only slightly modified by their frames. All muscle power.
Hmm, I was going to quote something Avalanche said earlier (about Valks and athletics) but upon looking at it myself, apparently they have to keep their Valks unexpressed, and it's anything they can do while keeping it unexpressed is free game rather than than anything in general.

I wonder if Anna can space-warp without her Valk expressed.