Sandra/Anna/Shuri: A Pair of Aces and a Queen (Sorry I couldn't find any Poker terms for that, if someone knows, please tell me)
Full House. :V

Remember we're the equivalent of the self taught combat engineer. We can do incredibly complex stuff but we don't know why and have no terminology to discuss it. We also have big gaps in what others consider basic tactics, like fully utilizing logistics instead of scraping ammo together or fighting as a team.
So, Anna meet Isaac Clarke?
So I was rereading the story updates and paying more attention to what Durga was saying. Most of her direct comments are fairly close to Crush, Kill, Destroy for most things she labels as an enemy. If you look through the game of tag with Shuri's flight, Durga's thought/line immediately precedes Anna's switch to thinking of the girl she's chasing as 'it' instead of 'she.'

Durga also had some bleed through during the first day in the sims. When the instructor is hammering the point of the exercise home, Durga comments she hates what the instructor is doing. Anna's thoughts conform but are less hostile.

What I'm trying to get at is that every time Durga makes a comment that we can see, it has an effect on Anna's thought process. Often Durga kicks in when Anna would begin to have a breakdown or her thoughts veer in certain directions. After she comments, while not entirely mitigated, Anna's response becomes more mild.
What are you considering Durga's thoughts as opposed to Anna's? How do you know it's Durga?
What are you considering Durga's thoughts as opposed to Anna's? How do you know it's Durga?
There's two Not Anna types of thoughts.

There's the bolded ones, which are for Durga's influences.
You can tell they're Durga because they're extremely simple, much more "black and white" in regards to friend or foe, and focused on Anna's well-being.

-Then there's these thoughts between dashes-
These are repressed memories from her time in the town. Many of these are fairly short impressions/statements that pop up every now and then when Anna recalls something familiar such as being crowded around and asked questions.
Who says it's Durga as opposed to Anna, though?
Who leaves the morning reminders if Anna doesn't recall making them? Why did they change from "take a shower" to "take a bath" the next day after Anna had a PTSD flashback in the shower if they're prerecorded? I highly doubt Anna's that far gone to blank out when making messages for herself.
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That would be if the hand had a set of three and a set of two.
So that would be like, what, Superhuman/Yukari/Anna/Sandra/Shuri? :D
What Nidhogger described is literally called a Pair of Aces, Queen high.
I like this name, I'm very much in favor of it.
or... Queen's Knights?
That was my original idea, I decided against it because I liked the playing card theme.
God Hasn't Saved The Queen, So We'll Do It For Him?
I like it, but it's too much.
There's two Not Anna types of thoughts.

There's the bolded ones, which are for Durga's influences.
You can tell they're Durga because they're extremely simple, much more "black and white" in regards to friend or foe, and focused on Anna's well-being.

-Then there's these thoughts between dashes-
These are repressed memories from her time in the town. Many of these are fairly short impressions/statements that pop up every now and then when Anna recalls something familiar such as being crowded around and asked questions.

Who leaves the morning reminders if Anna doesn't recall making them? Why did they change from "take a shower" to "take a bath" the next day after Anna had a PTSD flashback in the shower if they're prerecorded? I highly doubt Anna's that far gone to blank out when making messages for herself.
So it sounds like we got more things in Anna's brainpan than that.

Durga - Mechanical, practical. Suppressing some memories so she remains functional
Surface Anna - :|
Subconscious Anna - Showing up sometimes when emotions force her to the fore, or it's completely safe.
I can sorta imagine Anna with the traditional harem protagonist accidentally seductive power. Only, instead of an oblivious dumbass, she's an oblivious badass.
Who leaves the morning reminders if Anna doesn't recall making them? Why did they change from "take a shower" to "take a bath" the next day after Anna had a PTSD flashback in the shower if they're prerecorded? I highly doubt Anna's that far gone to blank out when making messages for herself.
These were not in bold text. It could just be Anna going into murdermode.
Anna(and/or Shuri)/Setsunsa/coke-zero: Aces high, jokers wild

Anna/Sandra: Like, totally canon.

Anna/Setsuna: Something along the lines of "tsun-countered" or "Tsunredirected" only, you know, not bad.

Anna/Shuri: Why is everything on fire?
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Anna/Sandra: Like, totally canon.
I ship this, if only because Anna likes fluffy things and Sandra is a fluffy thing. I can see Anna actually being very light for her size, so one day she'll take a nap in Sandra's hair when she isn't looking, and Sandra won't even notice when she gets off the couch or whatever and takes Anna along. She'll just be walking around all day, looking for Anna, and everybody'll be looking at her funny because there's an Anna in her hair.
I ship this, if only because Anna likes fluffy things and Sandra is a fluffy thing. I can see Anna actually being very light for her size, so one day she'll take a nap in Sandra's hair when she isn't looking, and Sandra won't even notice when she gets off the couch or whatever and takes Anna along. She'll just be walking around all day, looking for Anna, and everybody'll be looking at her funny because there's an Anna in her hair.
That image was very cute but then I imagined anorexic!Anna because she didn't have the time to eat and now I'm sad.