So I was rereading the story updates and paying more attention to what Durga was saying. Most of her direct comments are fairly close to Crush, Kill, Destroy for most things she labels as an enemy. If you look through the game of tag with Shuri's flight, Durga's thought/line immediately precedes Anna's switch to thinking of the girl she's chasing as 'it' instead of 'she.'
Durga also had some bleed through during the first day in the sims. When the instructor is hammering the point of the exercise home, Durga comments she hates what the instructor is doing. Anna's thoughts conform but are less hostile.
What I'm trying to get at is that every time Durga makes a comment that we can see, it has an effect on Anna's thought process. Often Durga kicks in when Anna would begin to have a breakdown or her thoughts veer in certain directions. After she comments, while not entirely mitigated, Anna's response becomes more mild.