While it's good for PTSD reasons, it's kind of a shame we don't get a roommate. If we got the superhuman later, it would have been funny if she tried to bring Koujirou over to steal a march, and Anna's just fucking there with her goddamm pillow fort trying to look composed but failing.
Superhuman: So here's my roo-... Anna what are you doing?
Koujirou: I'd like to know as well.
Anna: It's a pillow fort Kouji.
Koujirou: Isn't that a little weird for a robot valkryie? (Anna hugs the pillows tighter)... Ok then.
Superhuman: Let's go to your room instead Kouji.
Superhuman and Kouji leave room, close door behind them.
Anna is still smiling and holding the pillow fort. Cue fauxchan losing its head.

Also, how would the superhuman steal a march from Kouji? I think you mean kiss.
While it's good for PTSD reasons, it's kind of a shame we don't get a roommate. If we got the superhuman later, it would have been funny if she tried to bring Koujirou over to steal a march, and Anna's just fucking there with her goddamm pillow fort trying to look composed but failing.
I thought that might have to do with our rank, actually. The Academy does seem to give some privileges to Elite Valkiries and Aces. Wouldn't surprise me if that meant they got better rooms than the rest. And we actually have a rank instead of being just a talented cadet, so our room could be what officer's rooms look like in the Archology.
I thought that might have to do with our rank, actually. The Academy does seem to give some privileges to Elite Valkiries and Aces. Wouldn't surprise me if that meant they got better rooms than the rest. And we actually have a rank instead of being just a talented cadet, so our room could be what officer's rooms look like in the Archology.

Actually, that's a good point. Looking at Shuri and Sandra's profiles, we're actually the ranking member of the flight, funnily enough. I wonder how that works with Sandra as Flight leader.
Actually, that's a good point. Looking at Shuri and Sandra's profiles, we're actually the ranking member of the flight, funnily enough. I wonder how that works with Sandra as Flight leader.

First, this is a school. Standard rules do not necessarily apply.

Second, it's very plausible that Sandra would, in the field, actually hold the highest military rank, but Anna holds the highest combat rating. There's a difference.
The first is a general level of respect and a way to indicate and weigh command capabilities and authority, the second refers solely to your ability to kick Antagonist arse.
First, this is a school. Standard rules do not necessarily apply.

Second, it's very plausible that Sandra would, in the field, actually hold the highest military rank, but Anna holds the highest combat rating. There's a difference.
The first is a general level of respect and a way to indicate and weigh command capabilities and authority, the second refers solely to your ability to kick Antagonist arse.

That may be the case in the future, but currently we are a "United Nations Air Force Lieutenant (OF-1)" while she's just a cadet. It's unlikely she'll pass us up in rank until after we all graduate.
I am pretty sure our rank is for the administration to be able to justify our clearance level.
Or so the "living weapon of mass destruction" isn't ordered to blew up a city by a foot soldier. My guess is that when you are an asset that can fight type zeros the higher ups want you to be commanded only by people with enough authority to justify that level of force.

First, this is a school. Standard rules do not necessarily apply.

Second, it's very plausible that Sandra would, in the field, actually hold the highest military rank, but Anna holds the highest combat rating. There's a difference.
The first is a general level of respect and a way to indicate and weigh command capabilities and authority, the second refers solely to your ability to kick Antagonist arse.
We are a Liutenant of the UNAF. Sandra is a Cadet or maybe Junior Valkiry 3rd grade (whatever rank that equals to). She can give us commands inside the academy because she is flight leader, but in the actual field we would have a higher rank than her (unless her classified record is far more grandiose than we thought).
Well, no one in our flight knows about our actual rank, so it's not really relevant at this point. Maybe later in the story.
First, this is a school. Standard rules do not necessarily apply.

Second, it's very plausible that Sandra would, in the field, actually hold the highest military rank, but Anna holds the highest combat rating. There's a difference.
The first is a general level of respect and a way to indicate and weigh command capabilities and authority, the second refers solely to your ability to kick Antagonist arse.

She doesn't, though. We're a United Nations Air Force Lieutenant (OF-1), while Sandra and the rest are First Year Cadets, and Shuri retired from the Pakistani forces and her rank didn't carry over. Anna has the highest combat rating, but also the highest rank, despite Shuri being miles more experienced with military matters.

That said, I believe that Sandra would retain command, though I'm no soldier, so clarification from someone who knows this stuff would be great.
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It'd be pretty funny in a crisis situation if Sandra tried to pull rank though.

-Type Zeros approach-
Sandra: Anna, we've got to run!
Anna: Nope, can't do that.
Sandra: That's an order as Flight Leader!
Anna: Sandra, pls.
It's more likely we'd pull rank.

Aleksandra Cambridge (C1-FL) [PerAcCadets S4F1]: Everyone pull back! Anna, what are you doing?!
Anna Sanchez (C1) [PerAcCadets S4F1]: You move, I'll hold it back!
Aleksandra Cambridge (C1-FL) [PerAcCadets S4F1]: Anna, don't play hero! Retreat!
Anna Sanchez (OF-1) [RapRespPinnacle]: Move back. That's an order, cadet.
It'd be pretty funny in a crisis situation if Sandra tried to pull rank though.

-Type Zeros approach-
Sandra: Anna, we've got to run!
Anna: Nope, can't do that.
Sandra: That's an order as Flight Leader!
Anna: Sandra, pls.
Actually, I find it more likely to happen the other way around. Anna trying to pull rank in order to get her flight out of harm's way. We have a hot blooded MC, a childhood friend that will follow him, and a superhuman that we know nothing about. I trust in Sandra and Shuri to know better than getting the flight killed, but there is no way Shuri is going to abandone Sandra, and if the rest of the flight agrees that a dangerous action is the right thing to do, the noble thing to do, then they could also sway Sandra. Considering how protective Anna is of her flight and her trauma about not being able to protect people, then she could end up ordering the rest to retreat.
...which is probably a dick move and could throw into desarray the flight hyerarchy and harm the trust our flightmates have in us, so if possibly I would like to keep that option as a last resource.
We were originally here to learn the basic academics stuff, right? Then how come every class we have had has nothing to do with that? And what is there for us to learn, considering we are hooked straight to a computer we already got science, math, reading, really the only thing for us to brush up on is history and we should be able to do that rather fast.
RAPid RESPonse Pinnacle.

Rapid Response Squad "Pinnacle". Anna's old squad.

I feel like it's less of her old squad (cause she had none) and more of where they put her for future emergencies.
So, it's a fancy way of saying "oh, look, an undefeatable alien creature of immense size and unparalleled power. Throw Anna at it."

Also, I find the idea of Anna being just offscreen, doing awesome stuff, to be utterly hilarious. And you just know that someone on fauxchan would notice (cause thinking way to much about shows is exactly the sort of thing that we do here), draw the correct conclusions from them, and be promptly ignored due to mountains of breadchan memes.

And I know how to win this now: create our own harem ! With blackjack and hookers!
All we need are pairing names!
Anna/The letter S
Who else...?
We were originally here to learn the basic academics stuff, right? Then how come every class we have had has nothing to do with that? And what is there for us to learn, considering we are hooked straight to a computer we already got science, math, reading, really the only thing for us to brush up on is history and we should be able to do that rather fast.

Basic teamwork, basic friendship, and basic sanity. Some things power can't provide. For everything else, there's Durga.
We were originally here to learn the basic academics stuff, right? Then how come every class we have had has nothing to do with that? And what is there for us to learn, considering we are hooked straight to a computer we already got science, math, reading, really the only thing for us to brush up on is history and we should be able to do that rather fast.
It's like the UN doesn't even understand we can download all the information on 'normalcy' we could possibly need off the internet!
Basic teamwork, basic friendship, and basic sanity. Some things power can't provide. For everything else, there's Durga.
But that (except maybe Sanity) wasn't the origional reason we were here. We basically shoved our way into the normal curriculum and the MC's flight. If we just did what we were originally we officially came here to do, we wouldn't have don't any of that.
"I'm not taking in the normal curriculum," you respond, "Accelerated course, academic only."
It could also be that one of the reasons we are in the academy is that we are minors and the UN has well declared policies against child soldiers. First years start normally at 16 years old, so the acelerated course could mean it lasts 2 years instead of 3.