The Firstiest of First
In that Universe, the SB/SV is practically head over heel on Bread-chan as not only she's an Ace pilot, she's also one with sheer amount of Dakka.

In that Universe, the SB/SV is practically head over heel on Bread-chan as not only she's an Ace pilot, she's also one with sheer amount of Dakka.
We get it, you don't like Worm. Can you stop finding excuses to complain about it? This thread has nothing to do with it.Ugh. If it's by Wildbow, then yes, Anna would dislike this person.
So @Avalanche, do you have a specific time period that PVC airs (mid-2000s, early-2010s, etc.)?
Everyone else: how would faux-SB/SV react to PVC?
The same way that the real one is, except maybe just slightly worse because they're seeing from Koujirou's PoV and not ours? The concept is pretty good, and the show is apparently financed by Gilgamesh himself, but probably the main sticking point would be just how well it's been executed. The characters actually act like real people, cliches are averted multiple times (See both Anna tsun-blocking and not signing up for that tournament, despite being a main side character), and there is Sufficient Foreshadowing.Ugh. If it's by Wildbow, then yes, Anna would dislike this person.
So @Avalanche, do you have a specific time period that PVC airs (mid-2000s, early-2010s, etc.)?
Everyone else: how would faux-SB/SV react to PVC?
Fimbulvetr Type Zero Subjugation Squadron yeah. A bunch of the Three Hundred including no few Instructors would find excuses to come and watch if you practice Wave Force to see if they can Eureka part of the process.iirc, the term supposed to be 'name of the unit' Actual.
So, is Fimbulvetr Actual the leader of the Fimbulvetr Unit?
No idea, whenever the harem tropes have proliferated enough to have become trite to a notable percentage of the anime watching community I guess.So @Avalanche, do you have a specific time period that PVC airs (mid-2000s, early-2010s, etc.)?
Once Anna's backstory was revealed, they would probably unanimously declare her best-girl.Ugh. If it's by Wildbow, then yes, Anna would dislike this person.
So @Avalanche, do you have a specific time period that PVC airs (mid-2000s, early-2010s, etc.)?
Everyone else: how would faux-SB/SV react to PVC?
Well, Fimbulvetr Actual is correctly named then. One out of two ain't bad.
The concept is pretty good, and the show is apparently financed by Gilgamesh himself, but probably the main sticking point would be just how well it's been executed.
How many of those would be in the Twenty?A bunch of the Three Hundred including no few Instructors would find excuses to come and watch if you practice Wave Force to see if they can Eureka part of the process.
The thing is due to the pervasiveness of Worm on SB/SV I did end up getting into it for a while. Hell I had ideas for a story of my own. I preferred the lighter fanfics though, and how people tended to try and shoehorn memetic Taylor into everything irks me, not to mention I disagree with some of Wildbow's themes. Now I'm mostly ambivalent toward it.We get it, you don't like Worm. Can you stop finding excuses to complain about it? This thread has nothing to do with it.
Well it's still too early in the series/quest to really say how popular we'd get.Eh, protagonist bias. There would be Anna fans, of course, and given her level of dakka and general themes, she would be more popular on SV/SB than in general, but with her limited screentime, I doubt it would be as overwhelming as some make it sound.
Aye, I usually write such sections with a table open to reference. It doesn't come to mind naturally for me though so yeah, mistakes.Radio speak = meaning
Over = 'I have finished what I was saying and await your response.'
Out = 'I have finished what I was saying and do not expect a response.'
----- Actual = 'I am the leader of this unit, and I am speaking to you.'
----- Romeo = 'I am the radio technician, and I am speaking to you.'
Repeat = 'Fire again on last given target.'
I say again/Say again = 'I am repeating what I just said for clarity./I did not understand your last transmission, please say it again.'
Copy all, roger, wilco = 'I received your message, understood it, and am moving to comply.'
Rock 4-1R: Break, break, break, Dustoff 4, Dustoff 4 this is Rock 4-1 Romeo requesting MEDEVAC, over.
Dustoff 4: Rock 4-1 this is Dustoff 4, go ahead, over.
Rock 4-1R: Roger, Line 1 NV1243568790. Line 2 123.4. Line 3 Tree Alfa, Two Bravo, Fife Charlie. Line 4 Two Delta. Line 5 Fife Alfa, Fife Bravo. Line 6 X-ray, Break.
Rock 4-1R: Line 7 Charlie. Line 8 Fife Alfa, Fife Charlie. Line 9 none. How copy, over?
Dustoff 4: Solid copy Rock 4-1. MEDEVAC is in route callsign Big Bird. ETA 20 mikes, Dustoff 4, out.
Rock 4-1R: All transmissions on the frequency stop, I have an urgent message. Medical ATC, I am part of unit Rock 4-1 and am requesting medical evacuation from the field.
Dustoff 4: Rock 4-1, I am medical ATC, tell me what's wrong.
Rock 4-1R: Okay, these are my coordinates, this is the frequency my unit is on. I have 3 soldiers in urgent condition, 2 in need of surgery, 5 are priority. I need to ventilators on the vehicle(s) sent. Five of my injured can walk, five of my injured need to be carried. Armed enemy units are still in the area. I am pausing for other urgent messages and will resume shortly.
Rock 4-1R: I will be marking the landing zone with colored smoke. I have five injured US military, and five injury non-US military. There is no sign of CBRN.
Dustoff: I understand everything you sent. Vehicles are on the way. Their name is Big Bird and they will use your frequency given. Expect them in 20 minutes, goodbye.
Undecided on this point. Will think further on this matter should it occur.
It's Pact.... What 'verse is this? Is it from Pact, by Wildbow? Or is it something I've never heard of before?
I didn't like Worm that much either, but I really enjoyed Pact. (Seriously, how the hell do the Astrologer's powers work anyway?) Part of it is that Blake is willing to admit his faults or mistakes and seek forgiveness. The escalation doesn't get out of hand.Ugh. If it's by Wildbow, then yes, Anna would dislike this person.
The concept is pretty good, and the show is apparently financed by Gilgamesh himself, but probably the main sticking point would be just how well it's been executed.
You just made me imagine Gilgamesh in full golden regalia ranting at the producers about how modern anime don't even begin to compare with the Original Anime made back in Uruk (where the concept of Anime was first created, then stolen by the people that would eventually migrate to Japan) and how he would spare no expenses in making something actually worth watching.
Only on a meta-level, what with the Unlimited Budget Works/ Gate of Bucks-ylon that the pseudo-studio has going on.
Who knows, there could even be rumours about a military organization funding the anime because "REASONS!" and "RESEARCH!" and "MORALE!" Or some crazy shite like that.Only on a meta-level, what with the Unlimited Budget Works/ Gate of Bucks-ylon that the pseudo-studio has going on.
This is legit-ly awesome, thanks for the lesson!Radio speak = meaning
Over = 'I have finished what I was saying and await your response.'
Out = 'I have finished what I was saying and do not expect a response.'
----- Actual = 'I am the leader of this unit, and I am speaking to you.'
----- Romeo = 'I am the radio technician, and I am speaking to you.'
Repeat = 'Fire again on last given target.'
I say again/Say again = 'I am repeating what I just said for clarity./I did not understand your last transmission, please say it again.'
Copy all, roger, wilco = 'I received your message, understood it, and am moving to comply.'
Rock 4-1R: Break, break, break, Dustoff 4, Dustoff 4 this is Rock 4-1 Romeo requesting MEDEVAC, over.
Dustoff 4: Rock 4-1 this is Dustoff 4, go ahead, over.
Rock 4-1R: Roger, Line 1 NV1243568790. Line 2 123.4. Line 3 Tree Alfa, Two Bravo, Fife Charlie. Line 4 Two Delta. Line 5 Fife Alfa, Fife Bravo. Line 6 X-ray, Break.
Rock 4-1R: Line 7 Charlie. Line 8 Fife Alfa, Fife Charlie. Line 9 none. How copy, over?
Dustoff 4: Solid copy Rock 4-1. MEDEVAC is in route callsign Big Bird. ETA 20 mikes, Dustoff 4, out.
Rock 4-1R: All transmissions on the frequency stop, I have an urgent message. Medical ATC, I am part of unit Rock 4-1 and am requesting medical evacuation from the field.
Dustoff 4: Rock 4-1, I am medical ATC, tell me what's wrong.
Rock 4-1R: Okay, these are my coordinates, this is the frequency my unit is on. I have 3 soldiers in urgent condition, 2 in need of surgery, 5 are priority. I need to ventilators on the vehicle(s) sent. Five of my injured can walk, five of my injured need to be carried. Armed enemy units are still in the area. I am pausing for other urgent messages and will resume shortly.
Rock 4-1R: I will be marking the landing zone with colored smoke. I have five injured US military, and five injury non-US military. There is no sign of CBRN.
Dustoff: I understand everything you sent. Vehicles are on the way. Their name is Big Bird and they will use your frequency given. Expect them in 20 minutes, goodbye.
Alternatively:"Valkyrie Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou, this is Kalgoorlie ATC, you are entering restricted air space. Return to your designated flightpath immediately."
"Coroner Actual, this is Fimbulvetr Actual, relaying for Kalgoorlie ATC. Postpone testing, friendly air traffic in box C12, bearing directly towards you."
Or something like this anyway.
Most likely though:
"Explain your purpose for leaving the Arcology."
"Cause I'm curious."
"Passing your explanation forwards to Instructor Leonhart."
"Nononono! I don't need to leave the Arcology any longer."
And then It becomes a running joke with the writers that Anna is almost always just out of frame, in the next room over/etc doing something far more interesting than the rest of the main cast.I just realised another way to be mysterious but foreshadowed: that game of tag was short enough that it could be a backdrop. 10 seconds for alert audience members to read a billboard with the rules, I think 22 seconds for the game, 2 or 3 seconds for the results to list off and get cut before they show Anna but after they get to Shuri. It gets shown through a random window that the main cast randomly walks past during a conversation, just unannounced and in the background. If you want to be really sneaky, they're doing some soul searching about combat and stuff, and they all glance at the game for a few seconds as they walk past the window.
She doesn't even look at it. If we go with the leakage being animated it'd look like she stared at it and it ground itself.Koujirou and Setsuna walking by the club rooms catching up while Anna pounds the shit out of a lump of dough through across the hall.
That sounds like a Chuck Norris joke. Anna does not punch dough, she looks at it and it punches itself.She doesn't even look at it. If we go with the leakage being animated it'd look like she stared at it and it ground itself.
Koujirou and Setsuna walking by the club rooms catching up while Anna pounds the shit out of a lump of dough through across the hall.
Shuri and Sandra talking about something and hear a loud thump. Above them is Anna dazed on the ground covered in pillows and blankets.
Setsuna and Koujirou goofing off while in the background are 10 cadets GTFOing cause Anna is practicing wave force, cue sim crash.