After reading chaosbrain's omake what would happen if shy girl Anna found -5 DURGA/ANNA? the world setting would be +/-1 if only so DURGA's capabilities won't go to waste while still being positive enough for silly hijinks to happen.

And as we are comming up with pairing names i sugested : sword and shield
After reading chaosbrain's omake what would happen if shy girl Anna found -5 DURGA/ANNA? the world setting would be +/-1 if only so DURGA's capabilities won't go to waste while still being positive enough for silly hijinks to happen.

And as we are comming up with pairing names i sugested : sword and shield
I am actually thinking up a semi-sequel to my snip, it might be up in a few hours.
Anna/Anna/Anna/Anna: A horrible nightmare. Or extremely pleasant dream. Take your pick.

Anna/Durga/Shandra: Fluffy pillow and blankie!

I fully support this cuddly ship. Even if Anna might not even-oh, hell.
@Avalanche, has Anna had...the talk?
...Murder mode to record messages? Wut?
Not the message recording. These.
Some hesitantly, some reluctantly, a full thirteen hands rose into the air. You did not even consider raising your own, you understood what the Instructor was doing.

And you hate it.

"Hey uh, Anna," Setsuna begins awkwardly as the three of you take off, "Did I pass?"

"I aborted the test," you respond.

Little white lies…

Would you have put yourself between an Antagonist force and an Arcology, even if were one that you had no hope of stopping?
-nothing is unstoppable, nothing is unbreakable, there are no absolutes-

Would you do so if that meant that others would die with you?

…You don't know.

Would the UN have come to help your town earlier if they knew it existed?

You flinch slightly at that thought. The UN Air Force clearly valued the lives of the two dozen Pakistani Valkyrie cadets above that of the several thousand civilians in the Mombasa Arcology they had exchanged their lives for. Your town was a small settlement of only eight thousand people, would the UN have committed to a breakthrough and rescue operation if the Alaskan offensive had not received the green light?

You don't know, maybe something to ask the Instructors about.

"Seeing other people is nice," you respond, "The theory classes are nice, the practical classes aren't much use, but I like them. It's interesting to see other cadets adapt to their Valkyrie Cores. Some electives are nice."

"Prac classes not cutting it for you, yeah that makes sense," nods Meyer, "Anything in particular you feel would improve them for you specifically?"

Remove the safeties. Real Antagonists to kill.

You give the matter some thought. How could you put into words the difference of the real battlefield and the simulated one? The difference in pressure, the difference in stakes, the difference of knowing that it was the nebulous intelligence behind the Antagonists who were deploying rather than an Instructor or human computer who likely was not going to make an impossible scenario? The constraints of being unable to use half of the techniques that you knew?
Yes. No damage to CNS. No damage to vital organs. Damage concentrated to extremities. Limbs, dermis, minor skeletal distortion. Damage is contained.

You fall silent, resigned. If he won't accept your apology, then there was nothing more that you could do.
Suspicion. Condemnation. Blame. Attacks.

Yeah, so it does not seem to me to be the frame. Might be, But I won't be surprised if it's not.

@Avalanche: Typos:
Anna, shifts slightly and her thrust direction changes, but cannons rounds and a particle beam, this time barely dodged, prevents her from backing off.
Nix the comma after Anna.
What need was is there when she has skill so prescient, so overwhelming, that it is transcendent?
"This is probably as close as I can get, Koji!
Your vision darkens and you can't breathe-
Setsuna launches a series of guided cannon rounds to attempt direct hits, then gives up with a huff of disgust as Anna pivots and races out of the round's target cone,
I identify most strongly with lesbian woman in fiction so that is my favorite style of romance. I don't guess a story always needs a romance though.

Kojirou and Anna. Mostly a try for the colours.

Not entirely satisfied with Anna, but oh, well. (and she has a ponytail becuase despite her profile image, an update says she has one (she probably looks like her profil image from the front))
I know is quest is a harem anime setting but a military uniform having a skirt that short bugs me.

Just a rl personal thought, the pic matches the setting well and they are both well drawn.