Not only did they not know about her past, I find it hard to blame them for something we voted for.
That said, I agree that Koji needed more character development too. Hopefully he can acquire that via his increased screen-time.
Indeed, the chemical basis for the difference between introverts and extroverts is mostly that introverts are at a higher level of background mental stimulation, and are thus easier to burn out.
Avalanche/SV OTP.
I think that's giving him a little too much credit when it comes to Setsuna. He is still a harem protag after all.
The rookies did not know about her past, the other two did. Also it still not excuses not involving her in planing and decision making and just telling her after the fact.
... Seemed... Not Cliched, but something like that with both Being SuperPowerful B-Destroyer Survivor and being unable to learn(narrow distance) even though years of training/etc.
He/she is an Ace but doesn't have any special powers like Anna does. The way Gatorade beat B-class treats was with a lot of help ( No Wave Motion Gun or any special ability most menbers of the Elites don't alredy have) Not to mention how long it takes to upgrade a frame and the fact she probably has never switched frames because that would mean a long time not being as effective as she can be.
So you have a horror/combat survivor that has a lot of downtime due to how long it takes the frame to upgrade and the fact that the brass noticed said survivor was being suicidal.
So yeah, she (statistically is more likely our older broken Ace is a she) has not the growth potential Anna and the protagonist have.
She helped to beat B class treats, she lost a lot of people, but she lacks Anna powers and is broken due to losing everything several times.
Plus she fakes being okay, the brass had her doing talks and encouraging kids to enlist, her doing tours and giving talks to cadets.
Also, I am thinking maybe her frame started as an old model and despite all the upgrades and synchronization, is just not as invasive as Durga is.
Meaning she has no one to suppress her memories.
Mmm, maybe I could write an Omake? Have her meet Anna?
I mean, not everyone gets to be an Ace by talent or special powers or insane training, just surving long enough and helping to beat powerful treats also counts.
Also the fact our Pilot "Pagliacci" has never changed frames, just keep upgrading, it means she would have reached a big syncronity by surviving together for so long.