And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As a Prince is Born)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As a Prince is Born)

King Viserys:D100 => 50

And when it was all over, Viserys held his son in his arms and watched the little baby wiggle around for but the briefest moments. He looked into the deep purple eyes of the boy and felt so much joy and pain on his face, that nothing could cause him to be happy.

Yet as he looked on he noticed something that unsettled him.

Prince Baelon:D100 => 23
(Trait Roll):D20 => 1

The little boy was crying, but not in a way that sounded normal. His voice was quiet and shrill.

And dare he thought… weak.

But he may not know the signs of the mind. And Viserys Targaryen did not know his son… was damaged from his birth.

Baelon has gained the Trait Sociopath due to his complicated and difficult birth…

He may have survived, but the birth damaged him in ways that no one can possibly fix.

Or comprehend

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 79

The Sea Snake smiled, and for a brief moment, he looked at the map, and then at the White Wyrm. "Tell me everything that I need to know, and you will get your payment."

"You already know what it is you want, Sea Snake. You only wish to see that it is known to all now." She replied as she sat, waiting for the gold to change hands. But soon it did, and the Sea Snake nodded.

"Your enemies are disunited. The Dornish see their position weakened by foreign wars, and the Three Daughters need to have dornish support if they are to survive the War to come. They have invested heavily in their fleets, and their dragon-killing capabilities." She then slides over a map. "All their fortifications are built into natural positions, so they cannot be melted by dragon fire, and the men have trained to hide in caves to not get caught out in the open when the Dragons come."

The Sea Snake nodded. "And?"

"They have gained an ally within Volantis, a mercenary king who believes that Westeros is a threat to the known world."

"Who is that man?"

"They call him the Demon Head. The Undying." She paused as she leaned in closer. "The Shadow. Ra's Al Ghul."

"How can we get Dorne to break ranks?" Corlys asked.

"The Three Daughters of Dorne still live in exile. Find them… before the Demon Head finds them, and you will have your keys to Dorne."

Reward: Information on the allies of the Triarchy, and the situation that is there.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 100
Rhea Royce:D100 => 2
Baela: D100 => 46
Rhaena:D100 => 58

Rhae smiled at her husband and daughters as she cupped their cheeks. It was a painless way to go, as she looked at them all.

She had made her choice, to no longer suffer. To no longer be afraid to let go.

Her girls were too young to understand. That was fine, But Daemon… he understood. And he didn't want to lose her. Selfish as he was, he wasn't ready. Not yet.

Not ever.

"Daemon." She said his name as she made him look at him, with a smile on her face, as tears fell from the Rogue Prince. "Please listen to what I have to say."

"Do not lose hope in life when I am gone. You have a son who loves you, and daughters who need you for when I am gone. You will wish for your anger to consume you, to destroy yourself to see me again. But I ask you not to. Because that is not what I want."

"Be happy with what you have, and do the things you know you need to do." she replied as she smiled.

"Be the Hero I know you can be. For all of us."

And Rhae Royce closed her eyes for the final time and met the Stranger as a dear friend.


Rhae Royce has died. But not before giving her husband the will to live without her. And her daughters have the strength to carry on their own legacy.

Daemon gains bonuses when at war.

Daemon will gain a massive bonus when with you.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 90
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 86
Lady Laena VelaryonD100 => 78

The Valyreon Family has gathered again to race. But this time, they did so as a funding project for the King's Tower that he wishes to build in the center of the City. In Memory of Queen Aemma.

It was a smashing success, and the Queen who never was… may forever be called: The Dragon Queen.

Aegor Rivers:D100 => 95
Maelor:D100 => 99
Maegor:D100 => 73

The THree River Brothers have been training. And it seems that all three have taken to the Sword well.

Maegor was the less capable of his brothers, but it seems he has learned well.

But the standout among them was insanely talented… dare someone would say supernatural talented Maelor River. They say the boy beat Harold Westerling… well it was actually a draw, but a teenager managed to beat a seasoned Lord Commander without much effort.

To say nothing about when Aegor took command and showed he was also a beast.

Valaar:D100 => 86

Valaar twitched as he quietly examined the ship, and then felt all the splinters of his fingers.

Then he smiled as he showed his fellow captives an iron nail. "The only thing you have to break is your chains."

And throughout the great slave markets os Lys, Freed slaves took up arms, and escaped onto hundreds of waiting ships.

All Ships flying a Gray Three-Headed Dragon.

Reward: Father is becoming a man who is fucking the Three Daughters with freeing slaves, wrecking convoys, and genuinely being a pirate.

Visanya:D100 => 71

"Melios, you are hereby stripped of your rank, and banished to the Wall!" Viserys ordered.

Melios could only weep as he was carried away.

Visanya was not a vindictive woman… but she knew that justice was served.

Aegon:D100 => 97
Jaehaerys:D100 => 94
Viserys:D100 => 95

For Viserys the Younger, he agreed with his King.

Dragons were not something that could be controlled. It was an illusion.

Yet when he felt the bond to his… there was something more, that only Lucien knew.

True bonds were impossible.

Yet he felt the whisper of a Dragon.

And so did his brothers.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 72

He rode quietly to King's Landing.

The Candle had shown him the Monster of the North.

Not the White Walkers, but the most dangerous man… who went by many names. Many faces.

Many… impossible adventures.

Galerion the GReat, Sassor the Silent, and even the Legendary Titan of Braavos who founded the city for escaped slaves.

But all had one name.

One phrase is broken… and always returned.

And In the End, All Men Might Die
And In the End, All Men Might Die

Aemma's Funeral was a very quiet one, with only Viserys' family and the court in attendance. It was almost mythical the way the wind stopped blowing as the body was placed in the countryside, and overlooking the sea. How her body was softly placed onto the pyre that was there.

The Crying Babe, Baelon crying and weeping for something he could never truly have. Viserys were silent.

There was only silence as the Dragons danced above. Not in combat, but in mourning, flying overhead like it was a ritual that none could truly see.

Except for you of course. It was only you who saw it. Grey Ghost and Syrax were kindred, and dare you to say, bound together in that same dance as they landed. They understood each other. And so did Rhaenyra, as she held your hand as you watched them eye the body of the Queen.

Waiting for the orders that were to come.

Viserys couldn't look. He couldn't give the order.

It was instead left to Rhaenyra. "Dracarys." She said, nearly choking on her words.

And the dragons obeyed, as they let loose a stream of flames that lit the pyre. And then she was gone.

Naught but ash.

And dare you to say, so was the king in a way.

"That is all we need to do, secure the Stepstones. Let us earn glory ourselves." Corlys said as he poured more wine.

You were growing tired of the posturing, of the speeches and the many many… travels you made over the past few months with Corlys to gather more men to the cause.

Yet it seems that it has finally borne fruit.

Tens of thousands of men were ready, waiting, and preparing to join this conquest.

And they were ready to fight for gold, glory, and honor.

For the Rogue Prince, the Sea Snake, and the Silent Dragon.

You have 5000 BP

Unit Cost:
Raised Peasants: 1 BP
Armed Peasants: 2 BP
Men At Arms: 3 BP
Veteran Men At Arms: 4 BP
Green Knights: 5 BP
Skilled Knights: 10 BP
IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP
Vale Knight Retinue: 15 BP
Northman Pikes: 10 BP
Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP
Westerland Men At Arms: 25 BP
Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP
Catapult and Crews: 50 BP
Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP
Legendary Mercenary Company: 2000 BP

(Note: Each unit, except for Peasants, are varied in size., and the full complement and forces will be numbered after this turn.

[]Place Army composition here.

What Skills do you learn/Train:
(You have six choices)
[]Write in Skills here.

AN: Enjoy And vote in plan format please!
The War Begins
The War Begins:

Train Skill: Sword and Shield Rolled:D100 + 100 => 182

Sword and Shield (Legendary): You are trained in knightly combat, with a sword and shield. You are one of the greatest Warriors in Recent History. (+50 when using a sword and shield.)

Train Skill: Dragon Command Rolled:D100 + 100 => 175

Dragon Commanding (Master): Your skill at riding has made you such a force that you can command the battlelines and other dragon riders, even in the air. (+30 to all martial rolls when commanding other dragon riders. A lot less chance for friendly fire.)

Learn Skill: Singing Rolled:D100 + 100 => 197

Singing(Legendary) Your voice is perfect pitch. Men are stopped by your voice, and women cry tears as they hear it. They hear something ethereal, and not of this world. Some say even Dragons stop and listen when you sing. (+50 to singing rolls. Dragons who can hear you, come to you out of instinct, and are immediately calmed by your voice.)

Learn Skill: Harp Rolled:D100 + 100 => 195

Harp (Legendary): You know how to wield the harp in such a way that even your enemies can be stopped, and death himself will stop to listen to you (+50 to using the Harp. Unknown Effect.)

Learn Skill: Self Control Rolled:D100 + 100 => 166

Self Control (Skilled) You know how to control yourself, and make things better, and see how to make things better for yourself. (-20 to lower Interrupts. If the interrupt fails, will not have the interrupt stop you.)

Learn Skill: Dance Rolled:D100 + 100 => 119

Dancing: (Skilled): You are a good dancer and always know how to make your partner feel good about themselves. (+20 to dancing rolls)

The Sea Snake was not surprised by Daemon's outburst. "We will not spend resources to… acquire the Martell bitches!" Daemon slammed his hand down onto the table.

"This is not a suggestion." Corlys stated. "We cannot allow the Dornish to augment the forces of the Triarchy. We do not have the forces to fight two fronts."

"And allowing them to live?" Daemon asked. "Why not just destroy them, like everything else they touch."

"Because Dorne is still in tatters, and they do not accept the Daynes as their overlords." Corlys replied. "They are being propped up by a Forign power. All we need to do is show them the rightful Princess of Dorne, and there will be banners flocking to their cause."

"Yet they lost it." Rhaenyra stated. "Why would they have anyone flocking to them?" She asked.

"It is quite simple." Corlys said. "If the Daynes can take control of Dorn, then who else may try to cement their own claims. Dorne will fragment and fight amongst themselves until they are destroyed or they are forged in fire, and unified again."

"And do we care?" Daemon asked. "Let them burn."

"Quite simple Daemon." Corlys replied. "Viserys will try to unify the Seven Kingdoms… and for that, he needs a puppet in Dorne."

That made Daemon frown. "Using us without our knowledge?"

"Clearly." Corlys replied. "Otherwise you may not have approved of this invasion."

That made Daemon quiet. "Where are they?" You asked.

"Slaver's Bay. They were sold into slavery." Corlys replied.

"Why not let them rot?" Daemon stated.

"Because it is wrong!" Your father raised his voice as he looked at Daemon. "Slavery is an evil that should be destroyed. And no one should suffer from it."

Daemon had a smirk. "And why should I care?"

Then Corlys stood. "We are not here to discuss morality." He was clearly disturbed by Daemon's willingness to just let them stay there. "We are going to be rescuing them for our own interests. That is final."

Daemon then gave a mocking bow. "Than shall i take my-"

Corlys was having none of it. "Shut up Daemon." He snapped. "This venture was als your plan and idea, and these men will die for you. You will understand what needs to be done, for your legacy and life are not the only thing you will forfeit."

Daemon nodded. Than for a moment, he looked to the Sea Snake. "Who should we send?"

"Lucien has the second largest dragon, and he has skills that may impress the Masters of the bay." Corlys replied. "But we may need him when our invasion begins."

"Who else?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Aegor. He is quick, sure tempered, fast, and he is an unknown quantity that the Masters will not be able to truly understand until it's too late."

Clever, but there was also the problem of Aegor himself. He was your friend, but something felt off about him. Not in a disloyal way, but in how he tries to turn himself into a hero. Every single time.

"Let Lucien Decide?" Daemon stated.

What do you do?:

[]Go: You will go to Slaver's Bay, and you will save the Princesses.

[]Stay: Let Aegor go, he will be the one who will save those Girls.

If Yes: Who do you have Join you?:
(Choose 2)
[]Ser Steffon Darklyn
[]Ser Laenor
[]Lord Ragnar Farwynd
[]Ser Gaemon Westerling
[]Lord Edwyle Frey
[]Ser Gerold Royce
[]Lady Lara Lannister
[]Ser Tytos Crackhall
[]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"
[]Lord Vaemond Velaryon

AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format if you are voting yes.
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The Masters of the World 1
The Masters of the World 1:

Maegor shivered as he climbed off the Grey Ghost, trying his best to remain stoic, despite his uncomfortable situation, looking at the great beast that had carried him on for so long on his back, while his own dragon remained so painstakingly behind. You understood the feeling that the dragon felt, far too well.

You looked at the dragon that was close by, a dragon of Black and yellow scales like a bee that produced honey, or a wasp or hornet. In fact, that was where it found its name… by those that did not think it a dragon. A Dragon was not a bee, nor was it a hornet.

Yet in your respect, you also allowed yourself to feel pity for the boy, whom you helped off the saddle of the Grey Ghost, and watched him run towards his boned creature.

Groku, the tiny thing was barely taller than a dog and had been clinging to the back of the Grey Ghost for much of the trip, sometimes even stealing a fish or two when the ghost went diving above the ocean to get something to eat, as you rested on the islands just beyond the magics of Valyria.

Just beyond the terror that lay just beyond the Smoking sea. You were lucky that both Dragons seemed to understand just how dangerous the place was. Just how dangerous the feeling that you all felt was.

Valyria was dead. And you would not die today trying to see its ruins and sights.

Yet even then, the older man was dismissive but clearly focused on what needed to be done.

"That boy doesn't seem to understand what he is doing." Edwyle said as he stood behind you, speaking in his nasally, but controlled voice, as he watched the dragon wrap around the child, enjoying the company its rider had, as well as, as you learned from Daemon, grow more comfortable with the rider's temperament.

But ever clinical, Edwyle did not see the need for that, not now, not in this place. He himself was cold, and no longer adoring his heavy cloak with Frey Towers, he shivered in the cold winter air. "He's going to get us killed."

He wasn't. And a small dragon he may have, but it was a dragon nonetheless. Your hand went closer to the whistle that you had gotten from the dragon keepers. The whistle to call the dragons. "He's far too protective of it. He doesn't understand what he may need to do to keep himself safe."

You scowled at the blunt and dismissive observation of the Frey, instead asking. "Then what should he have done? Leave his dragon alone?"

"Dragons are a beast to be controlled, he will not be like that if he coddles it like a pet." he replied with a tone that sounded condescending.

You frowned. "Have you ever ridden a dragon?"

Edwyle knew what was coming. "Everyone of you riders seems to think they are pets. Only Daemon truly knows what these beasts are." You narrowed your eyes at him. "They are weapons to be used and controlled."

You were reminded of Viserys saying that controlling Dragons was an impossibility. That there were things in this world that no man should control.

You disagreed. "Perhaps, to some, but not to me. Or to him."

A moment later, the young Dragon and his rider were back, standing on the sands and rocky mountainside, as they looked out. "Are we close to Astapor?" He asked as he walked over to the large saddlebag of the Dragon, grabbing his sword.

"Yes." You replied. "We will walk the rest of the way on foot."

Mejor did not seem enthusiastic about that statement. "But why?"

Edwyle agreed. "I must say that I am agreeing with the boy. We have come this far on dragon back, and they will have seen us on the patrol ships, as you were flying quite low, and you made no effort to hide us above the clouds."

That allowed you to look at the Grey Ghost, and smile, rubbing his neck as he made a purring sound, letting out a puff of smoke in elation as you removed scales that were chafing against the Saddle and the chains. "Grey Ghost needs to rest, we've been flying for a fortnight, with hardly any break for him to eat." As you pulled another scale out there was a yelp from Maegor, whose dragon jumped onto the Grey Ghost, before perching itself onto his head. "And an Angry Dragon is not one we can control."

Grey Ghost was annoyed and looked at you.

"No, do not eat Groku." You ordered, and the Grey Ghost seemed utterly incensed that you were not allowing him to discipline the tiny dragon.

Or eat him.

Edwyle rolled his eyes at the subject before he began to think. "The Astapori do not like dragon lords or dragons. They see them as nothing more than bringers of the End times, as they were when the Harpies still roamed the world." He seemed to think more as he nodded. "Quite smart actually, to leave the Dragons here for now. Allows us to work more quietly, or better yet, hide out true advantage."

You nodded. "Anything else? Should we know more about Astapor before we stride in with Dragons, demanding princesses?"

"It would be wise if we spoke only Valyrian. Westerosi Common is more likely to get us enslaved than it is to keep us safe." He replied as he pulled out his sword from the Ghost's giant saddlebag, and then a hood and cloak… and pieces of his plate mail. "A sellsword protecting Valyrian merchants will raise fewer suspicions."

"You know how to speak Valyrian?" You asked Maegor, who nodded.

"Yes, but…" He paused as he tried to think of his words. "Why shouldn't we just announce ourselves and demand they release the princesses?" Maegor asked as he caught the cloak Edwyle gave him.

"Cause that will get them killed, and we are on a rescue mission my young Maegor." He replied as the Frey took a deep breath, realizing that he was speaking to a child. And that his annoyance was temporary at best. "Can't save the princess if they are dead."

He nodded and strapped the sword to his side, and put on the cloak and hood. "This is comfy, where did you get these?" He asked.

"Daemon knows a tailor on the Street of silk who makes him fine cloaks for when he wants to be discreet." You said. You loved his little hoods and cloaks he wore trying to make himself look mysterious and dangerous. It was laughable… but somehow he always seemed to pull it off, to make himself look more threatening than he did. "He owed me a few favors, so he made some for me."

As you looked at the Ghost, and Groku, you whistled and managed to get both the dragons' attention. "Do not come." You then showed them the whistle. "Until you hear this."

Both dragons seemed to understand your statement, as you then turned back and grabbed your sword and shield. "Come on. To Astapor."

All you could see, besides the Pyramids, were the slaves that were wandering the city, carrying out their master's will. All had collars, whips, and chains.

And it sickened you.

Deception: D100 + 50 => 118

But it seems that no one noticed you. And the forged papers that were provided by your father were perfect.

Enough to get an audience with the Great masters themselves.

What Part should you play?:

[]The Pirate Lord

[]The Warlord

[]The Corsair King's Brother

[]Write in

What Tale do you Spin as to why you are here?:
[]Write in

AN: Enjoy.
The Masters of the World 2
The Masters of the World 2:

The Corsair King's Brother
-[X] "The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty! The last Free princess's of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city. My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, a boyhood dream you understand, and with him is abound himself to have heard of these. I am here to acquire these princesses for my brother. I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."

You cleared your throat and allowed yourself to feel so much in so little time. Confidence, grandeur…

Arrogance. They were all things that were not, by your nature, something you had in abundance. No, at least not now. Instead, you had only what you had, which was yourself. Your word, and your balls.

Well, that and your incredible sex drive and imagination for where to have such adventures. Being able to fuck two beautiful women on the back of a moving dragon was more orgasmic than anything you have ever done before. Or since. Nothing could compare. Nothing.

Yet as you stood before these cunts that called themselves masters, who have never been more than slaves to their own livelihood, you put on a smile. You put on a mask of joy, cruelty and indifference. Not a very hard one to put on, yet all the same, you were quietly preparing it. Even Maegor seemed uncomfortable in it, as he tried to mirror you.

"The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty!" Your words felt hollow and sick. Your tone is delightful and cheery, like true scum of the bottom of the 14 hells.

You stepped forward and waved your arms, smiling. "The last Free princesses of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city." With those words, you captivated the attention of the Great Masters, who smiled in delight as they seemed to speak among themselves as you walked forward, as you scanned the room. They were not here.

You needed to find them. Or have them brought to you.

"My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, in his bed… a boyhood dream you must understand, and with him is abound himself to have heard of these." You paused as you thought of the next words.They noticed, yet you had them, and with the final line, you smiled.

"I am here to acquire these princesses for my brother. I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."

At that, you bowed. THe part over, the crowd captivated. Yet there was no applause. It was all over now. You could leave, with-

Detection: D100 + 50 => 69 vs D100 + 100 => 164

Until you heard a single clap. "My my, what a show!" The voice spoke in Westerosi common, though it had no accent, and not a discernible dialect. It was like the man knew what to say to confuse the ear… to confuse you. "Tell me Prince… Did you rehearse this, or did you make it up on the spot? If so, you are a greater actor than even I."

You then turned, looking at the shadows behind the great masters… and then saw the bearded man. He was a man that did not look like he hailed from any region of Essos… Or even beyond. He was a man who seemed forever lost and forever drenched in the shadows.

His hair was silver and grey, he looked like an old man, and yet he was not. He moved like an assassin, and a killer… no far worse than that. A Shadow.

"What is the meaning of this?" You played it cool, trying your best to deflect. "Who-"

"Ah, but then you realize you have made a mistake, young Lucien." He walked forward, in front of the great masters. "There is no Daemon to save you here."

Blades were drawn, and as quick as moonlight, the Shadow placed a blade to your throat. "Do not kill them. I need them alive." He then pressed it closer. "Drop your sword. Now. Or I will make you silent again. And it will be far more painful than losing a voice to fear."

Your blade dropped. "Throw them into the slave cell, and prepare for transport. I want them all ready for transport." He ordered. "But first, we must celebrate our new relationship, Great Master… Soon westerosi slaves will flow back into your ports. And you will have new markets like the days of the Empire." He said quietly as he turned back to you. "And you Prince… you shall see me again."

Then the world went dark.

As you awoke, what do you see?:

[]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.

[]The Companions: You looked at them as MAegor tried to slip free from his binds. Edwyle seemed to be working on a much better plan, studying the stonework. "We're underground Lucien, so we cannot call the Dragons. But there is a weakness of these tunnels that we can exploit."

[]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"

[]The Shadows daughter: It took everything you had to come to, and push her away as she began to strip you. "Dammit, the dosage was too small." She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."

AN: Enjoy.
The Masters of the World 3
The Masters of the World 3:
The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"

You stirred, feeling the cold sands below you, the grains causing you to cough as you saw the flames burning above you. You could see the cage that was above you, with high wooden walls and high metal bars that were above you.

As you moved, pushing your body up, you could hear the Shadow clap from above, and look at you with clear glee in his eyes. "Well Prince, surviving is always the first most brutal step in how the world will change."

You coughed as you glared at him. "The bloody hell you want?" You demanded as you looked at the blade and shield that were resting in the middle of the arena. The blade was sharp and the shield was Ironwood… Forester ironwood shields were the greatest in the world, even the Braavosi wished to have the great ironwood for their ships. But they would never get enough, not with the prices that the Foresters charged for wood, as they were always greedily holding their secrets and ironwood seeds.

The man nodded as he continued laughing. "Isn't it obvious, prince? I wish to see you as a warrior before I see how you truly are as a man."

Then you saw… no felt the shadows move, and you rolled, dodging a blade that nearly took your head off, the dagger sailing over your head as you rolled.

The shield straps slide onto your arm and you twirled the blade in your hand as you made sure it was strapped tight.

There were four shadows that were in this place with you, and you could not see them.

Yet even without sight, you could only focus on your other senses.

Three on one: D100 + 100 => 189 vs D100 + 50 => 77

You could hear their footsteps, and their gliding steps across the sand.

The first tried to strike you're exposed left, but you countered, your acrobatic movement and shield block caught the first shadow's arm, allowing you to control their movements. You could see the eyes through the darkness. Eyes that were without pain, fear, or even surprise. Just a wish for death.

For you, and all they saw.

But then you moved the shadow around, throwing the shadow towards the other, the body sailing through the air with strength and force of your effort.

Then the shadows were only one, as they were staggered and surprised by your display of cunning and brutality.

It was like carving a cake. The shadow, try as she might attack you, to break through your weaknesses and your defenses, and give you a cut to destroy you.

But instead, you only used her strikes against you.

The first hit your shield. Then there was a moment of stunned… everything.

You then took a moment to strike, not even allowing her to recover.

And you removed her head with a strike of your sword, like you were, indeed cutting through cake.
The Grey Ghost stirred, feeling his rider in danger. Yet he could not be there now. He was too far away.
You then faced the shadows.
So he only did the one thing he could do, in a world that was soon losing its power.
And you could see fear.
He did the one thing any creature would do.
Sense it…
It remembered the power of the past.
Smell it.
And roared. And let it out.
Then you felt everything light up, as brazers and torches illuminated the room. And you saw the great Shadow smile, as he sat. "My Prince, without even a single drop of blood. Quite a shame."
Yet it was too late
He then took a moment to nod to his assassins, and then you felt a tiny prick. A poke… from a needle.

A single drop of your blood went down your cheek. "You may wonder what it is I wish to see from this, the stinking, shithole of a city, decadent and broken from centuries…" he paused as the needle returned to his hand, thrown from behind. "You see, in the ancient times, when the Ghiscari still had their slave empires, they built hundreds of thousands of catacombs. And tunnels to put their dead in." He then twirled it around, the single drop not even moving as he did so, with such precision, that it made you feel nauseous and afraid. "King's blood… magic blood. Many names for the same thing. Properties that can do wonders for the world. You see Prince, you are a very important piece in a puzzle that you will never understand. You may think that Dragons make you powerful, and they are powerful beasts…"

He then tossed the needle down. "But you will never know just how powerful you are."

The entire world began to rumble, as he laughed. "The Dead remember. They have long memories." He then stepped into the shadows. "Astapor, as we planned, will fall, and that will serve our purposes."

"What the hell are you!" You demanded.

"Well Prince, if you must know… We are the ones who remember what the Targaryens did to us. What they did to Valyria. And our place in the world. We Remember. Even when you do not." He said as he seemingly vanished into the shadows. "But fear not. You will serve a worthy cause, in life, and in death."

Your hand touches your cheek, and you put your blood on your sword.
Remember something… Your blood is the blood of the Dragon.
And your blade caught fire.

And you began to run.
D100 + 100 => 197
(This is a good thing)
The Surface was pandemonium. As you looked around you could see the dead rise among the living, the slaves that were killed… and those that tried to fight back were cut down.

What do you do?:

[]Find Maegor and Edwyle: You need to find your companions, quickly, before the city is engulfed in whatever the hell is going on here.

[]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

[]Call the Dragons: It would be quite a moment, but you breathed in and began to sing.
Last edited:
The Master of the World Finale
The Master of the World Finale:

Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

You looked at the city going to the fourteen hells and realized that you were probably going the wrong bloody way. You were no fool. The princesses were the keys to Dorne, and that meant the Shadow, and his minions were going to be seizing them away like they were hoards of Dragon protected gold,

Meaning the Port was the most important, and possibly the only option, as you heard screams of Dragon shouting through the dying city as the entire chorus of the simple, and elegant screams and cries of the Ghost echoed across the mountainside, into the city itself.

And the shadow of the Dragons flew overhead.

As you held your sword out, the entire city, the monsters and the slaves, the masters and the corpses, doubtfully seemed to be without end. The Living among the Dead… the Dead among the living.

All would be dying soon, as Astapor fell apart.

There was so much that bombarded your senses as you noticed some type of fire being unleashed from above.

With Edwyle Frey and Maegor sliding down the pyramid.

You watched in horror and lept into action as you blew your whistle. "

The Dragon's Call: Automatically passed due to Dragon Whistle

"GREY GHOST! CATCH THEM!" You ordered as you began running towards, where you believed, their bodies would soon hit the ground.

Then a grey flash of your dragon sailing over the city.

And the two figures jumping away from the Pyramid. The Red Pyramid was almost an afterthought as the two figures landed, one on the tail of your dragon, holding on for dear life… The other, the child, being somehow, glided towards the ground by a tiny, yet determined Dragon…

Before the child was safely put onto the back of the Large Dragon's head, the Frey was tossed into the air, flailing about, until he landed on the saddle of your dragon.

Both are utterly horrified, and lucky to be alive.

You blew the whistle again. "Get to the Port!" You ordered as you ran towards the edge of the high walls of the protective barrier of the Red Pyramid.

And to say you judged it perfectly was an understatement.

The Dragon dived and gilded just below you, allowing you to jump perfectly onto the saddle of your dragon, while Edwyle was trying his best to hold on.

"How did you get out?!" You asked as you took the reins and the young child on top of your dragon's head was pointing at the port.

"I see them, lead ship!" Maegor shouted as he, recklessly, slid down your dragon's neck as Grey Ghost began to climb. "Lead ship, with the Skeleton Banner."

The Lost Legion. The last mercenary company that fought with the Valyrian tactics of old.

Edwyle took a moment to breathe before he answered your question. "They had pitched in our cell and wildfire." He stated. "Thankfully, there was a crack in the wall that led to the outside, we just needed to put some of that in and blow it up."

"They had wildfire and you're still alive?" You asked.

"Just enough to not kill us, I assure you," Edwyle stated as he handed over a sword. "Borrowed it from the lads who were guarding us. Hope you like it?"

It was a scimitar, a pentose or Volantine made of fine quality steel. But it was no long sword. Nor did you have a shield. "And the Dragons?"

"Maegor gave a call they could hear when we were in our cell… Then… well… They came."

Maegor coughed. "Come on!" He said as he had scaled the Grey Ghost, and you dived towards the lead ship.

As you reached it, Maegor lept off the dragon, sliding down the sail and stabbing it with his sword, and reaching the deck with no difficulty.

"Fucking hell," Edwyle said as he looked at Maegor getting to work. "The fuck is he?"

"Aegor's brother, your turn!" You smiled as the Frey swore.

"Wait Lucien, SHIIIIT!" He hit the sails of the ship, sliding down and stabbing it with his blade. Not nearly as acrobatic or even prepared as the young Dragon rider, but you were sure he was okay.

Perhaps save maybe a cracked rib or two.

Of four. He had recovered well enough.

You just needed to isolate this ship from the rest of the fleet.

Maegor and Edwyle Save the Princesses:D100 + 50 => 137
Keeping them Away:D100 + 50 => 123

It was less than a moment before dragon fire made all ships trying to get close have second thoughts, as you saw Ra's Try to prepare a heavy crossbow to shoot you down. Yet you covered your head close to the saddle to avoid suffering a grievous and horrible fate.

And try as they may, Dragonfire could stop anything. Even the determined efforts of dangerous men.

And MAegor, and to a lesser extent, Edwyle had rescued the princesses.

Much to their surprise.

"<Groku!!>" The boy shouted. "<Rescue!>"

You frowned. Really, was he really going to try to?

Then you saw the dragon perched on his shoulder, and you realized what he was doing.

That bloody kid was showboating, now was not the bloody time.

You rolled your eyes as you took a moment to feel Grey Ghost's mutual frustration.

Time to end this blasted fool, and escape while you were still alive.

Grey Ghost was as annoyed as you were, and when he landed on the ship, there was enough force to rock all the still-alive occupants to the railing and soak them with seawater.

"Get on you blasted fools if you want to see another sunrise!" You demanded.

All three girls were varying ages, but the youngest was only a toddler, maybe three if you had to guess, mesmerized by the large and small beast in front of her. With Raven hair as black as the night, eyes of copper or brown, in this light, and darkened skin that gave the Rhoynor their name.

But the second oldest was Maegor's age, gawking at the small beast and the boy who commanded it. "Your… Targaryens?"

"Yes. And if you want to live." Edwyle coughed as he offered his hand. "It would be wise to join us."

The eldest looked at her two sisters, and then at the belts they wore. "We get these damn things off, soon." She said, not caring about what was happening, as you saw the ballistas preparing.

"Any time would be lovely!" You demanded, and all were broken from the stupor of surprise. And they climbed on, holding onto each other, as they tried to fit into your saddle.

You went further down the back of the Grey Ghost with Maegor and remembered your training with Daemon to ride him bareback. "Fly Grey Ghost! Fly HOME!"

Escape:D100 + 50 => 105 vs D100 + 50 => 84

It was only luck or fate that you escaped, a bolt sailing past your head.

And you were free.

Reward: The City of Astapor has fallen to the Undead and the Slave Uprising that has followed it. While the Undead is gone, the Freed Unsullied remain. And they have chosen freedom over slavery.

The Princesses of Dorne, Elia, Arianne, and Nymeria, have been rescued by the Mission of Lucien Targaryen, Edwyle Frey, and Meagor.

The Shadow is set back, his plans failed.

Plans in motion have been continued…

Dorne has heard the news. And they are preparing for civil war.

Meanwhile: The Grey Ghost and Groku have bonded slightly… and they will not try to eat each other.

AN: Enjoy.
The Army of the Stepstones Rumor mill 1
The Army of the Stepstones Rumor mill 1

(Viserys POV)
King Viserys was eager with the messages that were soon to arrive. For months you had been trapped with the many joyless matters of state, even more with the very real weight off your shoulders—the weight of your succession. You could focus more of your energies, when not caring for Baelon, towards your wishes and dreams. Otto was an immense help with those matters, and while you did not have Lucien commanding the City Watch, you were confident that the excellent subordinates, what Ser Wendwater called the Lads… were keeping the city well and safe.

Enough to where you did not need to spend your nights escaping the red Keep and battling the scum of the city.

The other Lords of the Small council did not have the same enthusiasm. Even if it was you wishing for the news of the Stepstones.

"Must we postpone the matters of state for missives that may not arrive today?" Lord Beesbury questioned as he drank more wine. "The Stepstones Campaign has been nothing short of a repudiation of your rule, and your foreign policy goals of neutrality in the East?" He questioned. "The Triarchy, Tariffs ludicrous and brilliantly forced on Westerosi shipping notwithstanding, have only seen coffers increase as we have increased our interests in the other, Northern Free Cities." He took a moment to breathe, and he put his hands down with a sigh. "We are playing a game we have been winning for years, your grace." He was stopped by another voice. That of your Lord's Hand.

A silent nod that had been learned over a decade of rule.

You wanted to change the subject now, to your daughter, brother, and cousin.

"Your words have been taken under advisement, Lord Beesbury." He stated as the Maester, Orweyle, walked into the room, carrying scores of Parchment.

"Messages your Grace, from the Stepstones, From Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, and Lord Corlys." He stated.

"Not a word from Prince Lucien?" He asked.

"He has been taken abed your grace, his adventure to Astapor has exhausted him." Orweyle stated.

"More like he has been exhausted by your daughter and her friend." Lord Strong jokes and everyone laughed at that. Though it was quiet, Lord Strong realized he may have gone too far.

As much as you try to avoid the subject of your daughter's very public sex life… It was never enough. At least she was staying with her husband when doing things of that nature.

It was one of the rare moments that made you think back to your own mother… the same words father used to describe her before he died, right after Rhaenyra was born. "Fiery, passionate, with two loves. Flying and fucking. If the gods are kind, she will be exactly like her, and more."

It seems your daughter had taken far more from your mother than you cared to admit. And you had allowed her to become a wild child.

"What did Lord Corlys report?" He asked.

Orweyle took a moment to read the message, before passing them to Otto. "He has reported the loss of fifty Triarchy battle Galleys are at the bottom of the Narrow Sea, with twenty more captured by Ironborn Reavers, who have claimed them as war loot."

You frowned. Giving Greyjoy anything was always a risk, but you had expected that much from the Farwynd boy and his crews. He was loyal. "And?"

"The Triarchy's naval strength has been sapped. Myr and Tyrosh are under a heavy blockade, and any ship leaving the ports is set to the torch, or captured." He replied.

"It seems the Sea Snake has not lost a step when it comes to sailing and city blockades?" Lord Strong stated. "How long until he turns his ships on other lords? How many have they lost?"

"Ten longships, but their numbers have been replenished." The Maester replied.

That made the Maester close his first letter and report before he looked at the next one. "From Prince Daemon."

He slid it over again, to Otto, before the hand slid it over to you.

The Message was short, curt, and to the point, as always.

"Half the Stepstones have fallen and are cut off from their master. They are under siege with weak garrisons and no supplies. The War in the Northern Stepstones will be over in months, maybe less.


You chuckled. "How many castles were being besieged in the northern Stepstones Maester when the Free cities last tried to take the Stepstones?"

"Only two your Grace, and they were beaten back by the Pirate Lords." He stated. "That was before the prince Admiral expelled the Pirate Courts, and forced them into exile."

You smiled. "And how many of those same lords are under a common cause to us?"

Otto was the one who answered. "Your Grace, I must continue to protest that hiring these pirate captains and fleets will only embolden them once the Triarchy is defeated, they may turn against you."

You smiled. "Oh I believe they will see profit in a continued partnership, I am well told that the gold we paid them was more than enough to sway them for life."

At that, you looked at the letter from Rhaenyra. You then noticed it was scrapped, scribbled, and not unlike your daughter's hand. "What is this?" you asked.

Maester Orwyle took a moment to think… before he choked. "The… translated Valyrian trade speak reads… "I am fucking Lucien three times a day and four times a night with Alicent by my side, and winning honors as a dragon rider like old Valyria of old, and you will soon be a grandfather."

Your face became red, and you placed your hands on your face.

You needed to teach your daughter the simple words you learned with Daemon.

Though Daemon failed to learn it.

Having restraint.

"Congratulations your Grace." Otto replied with a small smile on his face. He was going to be professional, yes, but this news was utterly… not what you expected. Much less from a vulgar bastard tongue that she tried to code it in.

You needed to go be alone and think. "I think we are ending this meeting early. This news is overwhelming."

By the Love of the Gods… You needed a bath to get the image of her being fucked by Lucien and Alicent out of your head.

And you left, a skip in your step, as you prepared to write replies.

AN: Enjoy.
The War of the Stepstones
The War:

The crashing waves woke you, and your eyes fluttered open as you noticed the two women holding you. Why was it always the festivities that you wake up from that reminded you of all the troubles that you were soon to go through?

Or worse yet, still needed to go through itself. Both were showing signs of your little dragons growing in their bellies, and both were happily and eagerly reminding you every night that they enjoyed every moment of it.

Which was rather strange considering their hesitation, before they became a child.

You guessed that motherhood and pregnancy do that to a woman you suppose. You would never know how they feel, even when you asked they seemed hushed and quiet as if they were trying to voice telling you things.

You looked back to the Grey Ghost watching over you, his wing and smoky breath keeping you warm. "Thanks, old friend." you whispered to your dragon, who only gave a wink of his eye, before closing them to go back to sleep.

Or at least pretend to, as Rhaenyra rolled on top of you, a smile on her face. "Good morning." She placed your hands on her pregnant belly. "It seems your dragon loves the ride we have… Care for another ride, my husband?"

You shook your head. "I think we've had enough for today." You said as you placed your forehead on her own. "Daemon needs to hear about what happened in Astapor again. He still doesn't believe me."

It was Alicent's turn to speak, and she was less than happy. "Because setting a sword on fire with your blood isn't something that is really new or proves anything. The Red Priests have been known to do several tricks like that for centuries."

"But they have the training, I did it without any." You replied as you sat up. "It's not the same."

"A Warlord hunting us for blood is certainly something we cannot ignore," Rhaenyra replied. "But that is something that we do not need to worry about."

Right now at least. Were words that were unspoken.

"I'm going to Daemon." You said as you looked at the pants and shirt that were laying on your dragon's outstretched wing.

You then looked at Grey Ghost. "You enjoy this!" You shouted.

The Ghost's eyes were open, and you swore you saw him smile. Or whatever a Dragon did to smile.

Daemon was not happy with the current stage of the siege. "They refused? We destroyed their Ballista and their catapults, their grain storage has been put to the torch, and they refuse to surrender?"

"They're more afraid of their masters than your dragon," Valaar stated as he smoked more from his pipe. "That is what slave soldiers are."

"Slave soldiers are inadequate and unreliable." Daemon replied. "What of the officers, shall we target them instead."

Your father took a moment to breathe, and then put out the pipe as he saw you. "Seems the young are finally ready to get off the dragon?"

Daemon did not seem pleased. "Why are you late?"

"Happy wife, happy life. I'd rather not have Grey Ghost and Syrax fight each other because she was angry." You replied.

Daemon nodded not in approval but understanding. "With Astapor falling to Free men, the ability for the Triarchy to replace their slave soldiers is greatly decreased." You then paused. "Daemon we need to talk about-"

"Yes, the Shadow is a blood mage wishing for king's blood, I heard it, we just need to beat the Triarchy before we can do anything about it. Separating our focus for a wild dragon chase is not going to help us in any regard when victory is at hand."

You frowned. "Daemon, that man is dangerous!"

"So am I." Daemon replied, with an almost feral smile on his face. He wanted this man to come after him. You only feared that the Shadow would go after Rhaenyra.

What do you do now for the Campaign?:

[]Sun Stone's Volcanic Power: You have been tasked to go to Sun Stone and take the Island. The good news, you have Grey Ghost. Bad news, you only have 500 men. But these men were of the Company of the Rose, and Captain General Stark was among them.

[]The Pirate King and his Court: You looked at your father's Pirate Lord's, and realized that they were all fucking insane. "Father, how did you become Pirate King again?" "I invoked your name and that you would kill them all if they refused." "Fuck you."

[]The Lady Dragons: Raiding the Enemy's caravans. That was what Syrax and Grey Ghost would be fine at. It was less dangerous, and it would cause the cities to lose their food supply. It would also give you a chance to speak to her. And find out how much she hides with sex and dragon riding.

[]The Rogue's Gambit: "How many men are in that army Daemon?" "20,000" "And two dragon riders are enough to kill them all?" "Yes."

AN: Enjoy.
The Rogue Gambit
The Rogue Gambit:

You looked at the great host that had been gathered in and whistled slowly. "They evacuated their entire army from every city and hid in the disputed lands, even after the raids we committed on their caravans"

"Best place to hide it." Daemon replied as he sat down, The Blood Wyrm resting his head beside him as he puffed smoke and little embers of flames out on the dirt, and they were sucked or even snatched away by Daemon's hand, as he gripped the embers to feel something of their heat. "Only place for them to hide. They remain in the cities, they will starve, try to run the blockade, Corlys will sink them. All they can do is hide in this place."

You frowned, feeling much of the energy that he had towards the enemy. "Daemon." You said his name, but instead of it bringing you comfort, seeing his purple eyes, it instead showed you something… far worse. There was something missing in the glint of his eyes. There was no mercy in them. No compassion or…

No, they were there… those were your eyes as you saw them reflected in his own. "There are over twenty thousand men there." He stated as if answering what you know.

"I know."

"Are you having second thoughts?" He asked.

Then you felt… FIRE burns in your body. You could feel the Grey Ghost looking at them all with something that you never thought you would ever feel. Malice. Anger, hatred… and something more that you could not understand… Fear. "Are you?" You asked.

The Rogue Prince stood tall, even if he did not reach your height. "Never. But stick to the plan." He said.

"I'm going." You stated. "You watch me."

"That wasnt-" Daemon protested.

"I know." You said. But Grey Ghost's power seemed to flow within you as an ebb and flow of fire and energy.

But Daemon did not protest any longer, for he felt it too.

And before you left, you walked over to The Grey Ghost, and cut your hand open. "My friend… take this, and guide me. Take this blood and protect me."

As you rubbed your blood on his ashen gray scales, you could see his eyes brighten. His scales harden…

And his fire goes from hot orange and red… to sky blue.

Dragon Powerup:D100 + 50 => 150

Reward: The Grey Ghost has been given a power-up by your blood, and your energies have intertwined for the remainder of the war. His fire will be so hot that it will melt… anything, and turn this field into glass.

As you have gained more of the Grey Ghosts Power, you are much tougher, and your body will heal much faster, as well as you being granted immunity, for a time, from fire.

You walked forward with the Rainbow color that signifies peace in Westeros. And for your purposes, it would be enough.

The entire army was watching with fear as you walked towards them, placing the banner down onto the dirt as you watched their commanders gather, gathering the courage to meet you.

Then scarred, and angered, Crabfeeder walked forward, his ravaged face afflicted with Greyscales. It was like staring at a broken statue that was covered with human skin. He was placing the mask on his face, to hide his eyes. "<Dragon.>" He swore in his tongue, yet you understood that much. "Come to surrender?" His Valyrian was good… just not good enough.

"I am here to demand yours." You replied with all frankness and seriousness. You then pointed to his host. "This is all you have, Crabfeeder." You smirked at the twitch of the prince's Admiral's mouth. "For all your tactics, you have found yourself considerably outplayed by a much smaller and motley group of people, who truly decided to take this out of the opportunity." Your smile rose as his subordinates and Magistrates watched him twitch even more, from immovable stone fingers. "The Brethren Court has reestablished itself under a Westerosi banner, and sailed the Stepstones again. Westerosi Galley's blockade your ships, my agents have destroyed and liberated Astapor, and your hope for reinforcements from the Unsullied is entirely forgotten, as those same Unsullied now fight for themselves."

"Yet you are here alone." The Crabfeeder stated.

"Am I?" You asked before you pointed to the sword by the Crab Feeders' side. "Valyrian Steel… If I were a less educated man, I would have thought that was the Blade of Dark Sister… The sister Blade of Blackfyre." You looked into his grey eyes. "Am I right?"

With speed, you took the blade and sang.

Fire breather
Winged leader
But two heads To a third sing
From my voice: The fires have spoken
And the price has been paid
With blood magic
With words of flame
With clear eyes
To bind the three
To you I sing As one we gather
And with three heads
We shall fly as we were destined Beautifully,

The Attack:D100 + 200 => 295

"Dragon!" One shouted before you stabbed the Crabfeeder in the neck.

No one saw it coming. But as the Grey Ghost dived low. You jumped onto the back of your dragon, Dark Sister in hand, and held on, while letting the blue fire do the rest.

A moment later, behind you, the Blood Wrym and Daemon came behind, mopping up any that were still standing.

And soon nothing would be left.

The Army of the Triarchy, the Magistrates.

The officers, everyone… was gone, naught ash.

The Second field of Fire had occurred.

And a new age had begun in Essos.

Reward: The Army of the Triarchy has been destroyed.

Only the fortresses on the Stepstones remain.

And any additional spoils you wish to take from them.

The War was winding down.

And soon there would be peace.

And you would finally have time to speak to those you love to, or those you wish to speak more to?

Choose 6

[]Prince Daemon Targaryen
[]Corlys the Sea Snake
[]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
[]Lady Alicent Hightower
[]Ser Steffon Darklyn
[]Harrold "Harry" Darklyn
[]Amos "The Ash" Bracken
[]Lord Samwell Blackwood
[]Gwayne Hightower
[]Lord Ragnar Farwynd
[]Ser Gaemon Westerling
[]Lord Edwyle Frey
[]Ser Gerold Royce
[]Lady Lara Lannister
[]Ser Tytos Crackhall
[]Captain General Brandon "The Jolly" Stark
[]Lord Vaemon Velaryon
[]Ser Laenor Velaryon
[]Ser Aegor the Black
[]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"
[]Pirate Lady Elizabeth Seaswan
[]Pirate Lord Spack Jarrow
[]Pirate Lord Aegon "The Scrambled Egg"
[]Calico Synthia Woodward
[]Pirate Lord Ace "The Monkey"
[]Pirate King Valaar Vaeltigar

AN: enjoy.

The Magoose Dice everyone.