The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As a Prince is Born)
SV's Questing Fanatic
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- California USA
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- He
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As a Prince is Born)
King Viserys:D100 => 50
And when it was all over, Viserys held his son in his arms and watched the little baby wiggle around for but the briefest moments. He looked into the deep purple eyes of the boy and felt so much joy and pain on his face, that nothing could cause him to be happy.
Yet as he looked on he noticed something that unsettled him.
Prince Baelon:D100 => 23
(Trait Roll):D20 => 1
The little boy was crying, but not in a way that sounded normal. His voice was quiet and shrill.
And dare he thought… weak.
But he may not know the signs of the mind. And Viserys Targaryen did not know his son… was damaged from his birth.
Baelon has gained the Trait Sociopath due to his complicated and difficult birth…
He may have survived, but the birth damaged him in ways that no one can possibly fix.
Or comprehend
Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 79
The Sea Snake smiled, and for a brief moment, he looked at the map, and then at the White Wyrm. "Tell me everything that I need to know, and you will get your payment."
"You already know what it is you want, Sea Snake. You only wish to see that it is known to all now." She replied as she sat, waiting for the gold to change hands. But soon it did, and the Sea Snake nodded.
"Your enemies are disunited. The Dornish see their position weakened by foreign wars, and the Three Daughters need to have dornish support if they are to survive the War to come. They have invested heavily in their fleets, and their dragon-killing capabilities." She then slides over a map. "All their fortifications are built into natural positions, so they cannot be melted by dragon fire, and the men have trained to hide in caves to not get caught out in the open when the Dragons come."
The Sea Snake nodded. "And?"
"They have gained an ally within Volantis, a mercenary king who believes that Westeros is a threat to the known world."
"Who is that man?"
"They call him the Demon Head. The Undying." She paused as she leaned in closer. "The Shadow. Ra's Al Ghul."
"How can we get Dorne to break ranks?" Corlys asked.
"The Three Daughters of Dorne still live in exile. Find them… before the Demon Head finds them, and you will have your keys to Dorne."
Reward: Information on the allies of the Triarchy, and the situation that is there.
Prince Daemon:D100 => 100
Rhea Royce:D100 => 2
Baela: D100 => 46
Rhaena:D100 => 58
Rhae smiled at her husband and daughters as she cupped their cheeks. It was a painless way to go, as she looked at them all.
She had made her choice, to no longer suffer. To no longer be afraid to let go.
Her girls were too young to understand. That was fine, But Daemon… he understood. And he didn't want to lose her. Selfish as he was, he wasn't ready. Not yet.
Not ever.
"Daemon." She said his name as she made him look at him, with a smile on her face, as tears fell from the Rogue Prince. "Please listen to what I have to say."
"Do not lose hope in life when I am gone. You have a son who loves you, and daughters who need you for when I am gone. You will wish for your anger to consume you, to destroy yourself to see me again. But I ask you not to. Because that is not what I want."
"Be happy with what you have, and do the things you know you need to do." she replied as she smiled.
"Be the Hero I know you can be. For all of us."
And Rhae Royce closed her eyes for the final time and met the Stranger as a dear friend.
Rhae Royce has died. But not before giving her husband the will to live without her. And her daughters have the strength to carry on their own legacy.
Daemon gains bonuses when at war.
Daemon will gain a massive bonus when with you.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 90
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 86
Lady Laena VelaryonD100 => 78
The Valyreon Family has gathered again to race. But this time, they did so as a funding project for the King's Tower that he wishes to build in the center of the City. In Memory of Queen Aemma.
It was a smashing success, and the Queen who never was… may forever be called: The Dragon Queen.
Aegor Rivers:D100 => 95
Maelor:D100 => 99
Maegor:D100 => 73
The THree River Brothers have been training. And it seems that all three have taken to the Sword well.
Maegor was the less capable of his brothers, but it seems he has learned well.
But the standout among them was insanely talented… dare someone would say supernatural talented Maelor River. They say the boy beat Harold Westerling… well it was actually a draw, but a teenager managed to beat a seasoned Lord Commander without much effort.
To say nothing about when Aegor took command and showed he was also a beast.
Valaar:D100 => 86
Valaar twitched as he quietly examined the ship, and then felt all the splinters of his fingers.
Then he smiled as he showed his fellow captives an iron nail. "The only thing you have to break is your chains."
And throughout the great slave markets os Lys, Freed slaves took up arms, and escaped onto hundreds of waiting ships.
All Ships flying a Gray Three-Headed Dragon.
Reward: Father is becoming a man who is fucking the Three Daughters with freeing slaves, wrecking convoys, and genuinely being a pirate.
Visanya:D100 => 71
"Melios, you are hereby stripped of your rank, and banished to the Wall!" Viserys ordered.
Melios could only weep as he was carried away.
Visanya was not a vindictive woman… but she knew that justice was served.
Aegon:D100 => 97
Jaehaerys:D100 => 94
Viserys:D100 => 95
For Viserys the Younger, he agreed with his King.
Dragons were not something that could be controlled. It was an illusion.
Yet when he felt the bond to his… there was something more, that only Lucien knew.
True bonds were impossible.
Yet he felt the whisper of a Dragon.
And so did his brothers.
Maester Vaegon:D100 => 72
He rode quietly to King's Landing.
The Candle had shown him the Monster of the North.
Not the White Walkers, but the most dangerous man… who went by many names. Many faces.
Many… impossible adventures.
Galerion the GReat, Sassor the Silent, and even the Legendary Titan of Braavos who founded the city for escaped slaves.
But all had one name.
One phrase is broken… and always returned.
King Viserys:D100 => 50
And when it was all over, Viserys held his son in his arms and watched the little baby wiggle around for but the briefest moments. He looked into the deep purple eyes of the boy and felt so much joy and pain on his face, that nothing could cause him to be happy.
Yet as he looked on he noticed something that unsettled him.
Prince Baelon:D100 => 23
(Trait Roll):D20 => 1
The little boy was crying, but not in a way that sounded normal. His voice was quiet and shrill.
And dare he thought… weak.
But he may not know the signs of the mind. And Viserys Targaryen did not know his son… was damaged from his birth.
Baelon has gained the Trait Sociopath due to his complicated and difficult birth…
He may have survived, but the birth damaged him in ways that no one can possibly fix.
Or comprehend
Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 79
The Sea Snake smiled, and for a brief moment, he looked at the map, and then at the White Wyrm. "Tell me everything that I need to know, and you will get your payment."
"You already know what it is you want, Sea Snake. You only wish to see that it is known to all now." She replied as she sat, waiting for the gold to change hands. But soon it did, and the Sea Snake nodded.
"Your enemies are disunited. The Dornish see their position weakened by foreign wars, and the Three Daughters need to have dornish support if they are to survive the War to come. They have invested heavily in their fleets, and their dragon-killing capabilities." She then slides over a map. "All their fortifications are built into natural positions, so they cannot be melted by dragon fire, and the men have trained to hide in caves to not get caught out in the open when the Dragons come."
The Sea Snake nodded. "And?"
"They have gained an ally within Volantis, a mercenary king who believes that Westeros is a threat to the known world."
"Who is that man?"
"They call him the Demon Head. The Undying." She paused as she leaned in closer. "The Shadow. Ra's Al Ghul."
"How can we get Dorne to break ranks?" Corlys asked.
"The Three Daughters of Dorne still live in exile. Find them… before the Demon Head finds them, and you will have your keys to Dorne."
Reward: Information on the allies of the Triarchy, and the situation that is there.
Prince Daemon:D100 => 100
Rhea Royce:D100 => 2
Baela: D100 => 46
Rhaena:D100 => 58
Rhae smiled at her husband and daughters as she cupped their cheeks. It was a painless way to go, as she looked at them all.
She had made her choice, to no longer suffer. To no longer be afraid to let go.
Her girls were too young to understand. That was fine, But Daemon… he understood. And he didn't want to lose her. Selfish as he was, he wasn't ready. Not yet.
Not ever.
"Daemon." She said his name as she made him look at him, with a smile on her face, as tears fell from the Rogue Prince. "Please listen to what I have to say."
"Do not lose hope in life when I am gone. You have a son who loves you, and daughters who need you for when I am gone. You will wish for your anger to consume you, to destroy yourself to see me again. But I ask you not to. Because that is not what I want."
"Be happy with what you have, and do the things you know you need to do." she replied as she smiled.
"Be the Hero I know you can be. For all of us."
And Rhae Royce closed her eyes for the final time and met the Stranger as a dear friend.
Rhae Royce has died. But not before giving her husband the will to live without her. And her daughters have the strength to carry on their own legacy.
Daemon gains bonuses when at war.
Daemon will gain a massive bonus when with you.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 90
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 86
Lady Laena VelaryonD100 => 78
The Valyreon Family has gathered again to race. But this time, they did so as a funding project for the King's Tower that he wishes to build in the center of the City. In Memory of Queen Aemma.
It was a smashing success, and the Queen who never was… may forever be called: The Dragon Queen.
Aegor Rivers:D100 => 95
Maelor:D100 => 99
Maegor:D100 => 73
The THree River Brothers have been training. And it seems that all three have taken to the Sword well.
Maegor was the less capable of his brothers, but it seems he has learned well.
But the standout among them was insanely talented… dare someone would say supernatural talented Maelor River. They say the boy beat Harold Westerling… well it was actually a draw, but a teenager managed to beat a seasoned Lord Commander without much effort.
To say nothing about when Aegor took command and showed he was also a beast.
Valaar:D100 => 86
Valaar twitched as he quietly examined the ship, and then felt all the splinters of his fingers.
Then he smiled as he showed his fellow captives an iron nail. "The only thing you have to break is your chains."
And throughout the great slave markets os Lys, Freed slaves took up arms, and escaped onto hundreds of waiting ships.
All Ships flying a Gray Three-Headed Dragon.
Reward: Father is becoming a man who is fucking the Three Daughters with freeing slaves, wrecking convoys, and genuinely being a pirate.
Visanya:D100 => 71
"Melios, you are hereby stripped of your rank, and banished to the Wall!" Viserys ordered.
Melios could only weep as he was carried away.
Visanya was not a vindictive woman… but she knew that justice was served.
Aegon:D100 => 97
Jaehaerys:D100 => 94
Viserys:D100 => 95
For Viserys the Younger, he agreed with his King.
Dragons were not something that could be controlled. It was an illusion.
Yet when he felt the bond to his… there was something more, that only Lucien knew.
True bonds were impossible.
Yet he felt the whisper of a Dragon.
And so did his brothers.
Maester Vaegon:D100 => 72
He rode quietly to King's Landing.
The Candle had shown him the Monster of the North.
Not the White Walkers, but the most dangerous man… who went by many names. Many faces.
Many… impossible adventures.
Galerion the GReat, Sassor the Silent, and even the Legendary Titan of Braavos who founded the city for escaped slaves.
But all had one name.
One phrase is broken… and always returned.