And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

So no need of singing?
No they just dealt with the idiots who thought it was a good idea to kill then.
What would have been Lucien´s choice of a song to call Grey Ghost and Unleash hell in Astapor
If he had his lute?

The only thing they fear is you!
Well, I'm eager to see what the little one's got. Maybe he'll even earn Grey Ghost's respect.
Oh he did not get the Ghosts respect… he's too small for that.

But he has earned the right to ride on his head.

A rare honor for none hatchlings that weren't from the clutch that the dragons sired.
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coming up on the next threadmark of "And what a dance it was"

*Crashes through a burning wall*
Lucien: "Ladies... I have come to save you!"
Martell girls: "Oh thank the go- YOU'RE A TARGARYEN!!!"
Lucien: "Correction, I'm a Targaryen with a dragon."
Martell girls: "That doesn't narrow it down you shirtless weirdo!"


Grey Ghost: *Groku put him down that ain't food!*
Groku: *Fuck you ghost, your not my dad!*
Grey Ghost: *For the last time I am supposed to be making sure your not getting into any trouble, now put the assassin down, the chainmail will give you indigestion, now give it!*
Groku: *Can't have any fun, why can't you be like Mee-maw Vhagar?*
Grey Ghost: *You know damn well Vhagar doesn't know where she is half the ti- AH, STOP TRYING TO STAB ME YOU LITTLE HUMAN BASTARD*
The Master of the World Finale
The Master of the World Finale:

Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

You looked at the city going to the fourteen hells and realized that you were probably going the wrong bloody way. You were no fool. The princesses were the keys to Dorne, and that meant the Shadow, and his minions were going to be seizing them away like they were hoards of Dragon protected gold,

Meaning the Port was the most important, and possibly the only option, as you heard screams of Dragon shouting through the dying city as the entire chorus of the simple, and elegant screams and cries of the Ghost echoed across the mountainside, into the city itself.

And the shadow of the Dragons flew overhead.

As you held your sword out, the entire city, the monsters and the slaves, the masters and the corpses, doubtfully seemed to be without end. The Living among the Dead… the Dead among the living.

All would be dying soon, as Astapor fell apart.

There was so much that bombarded your senses as you noticed some type of fire being unleashed from above.

With Edwyle Frey and Maegor sliding down the pyramid.

You watched in horror and lept into action as you blew your whistle. "

The Dragon's Call: Automatically passed due to Dragon Whistle

"GREY GHOST! CATCH THEM!" You ordered as you began running towards, where you believed, their bodies would soon hit the ground.

Then a grey flash of your dragon sailing over the city.

And the two figures jumping away from the Pyramid. The Red Pyramid was almost an afterthought as the two figures landed, one on the tail of your dragon, holding on for dear life… The other, the child, being somehow, glided towards the ground by a tiny, yet determined Dragon…

Before the child was safely put onto the back of the Large Dragon's head, the Frey was tossed into the air, flailing about, until he landed on the saddle of your dragon.

Both are utterly horrified, and lucky to be alive.

You blew the whistle again. "Get to the Port!" You ordered as you ran towards the edge of the high walls of the protective barrier of the Red Pyramid.

And to say you judged it perfectly was an understatement.

The Dragon dived and gilded just below you, allowing you to jump perfectly onto the saddle of your dragon, while Edwyle was trying his best to hold on.

"How did you get out?!" You asked as you took the reins and the young child on top of your dragon's head was pointing at the port.

"I see them, lead ship!" Maegor shouted as he, recklessly, slid down your dragon's neck as Grey Ghost began to climb. "Lead ship, with the Skeleton Banner."

The Lost Legion. The last mercenary company that fought with the Valyrian tactics of old.

Edwyle took a moment to breathe before he answered your question. "They had pitched in our cell and wildfire." He stated. "Thankfully, there was a crack in the wall that led to the outside, we just needed to put some of that in and blow it up."

"They had wildfire and you're still alive?" You asked.

"Just enough to not kill us, I assure you," Edwyle stated as he handed over a sword. "Borrowed it from the lads who were guarding us. Hope you like it?"

It was a scimitar, a pentose or Volantine made of fine quality steel. But it was no long sword. Nor did you have a shield. "And the Dragons?"

"Maegor gave a call they could hear when we were in our cell… Then… well… They came."

Maegor coughed. "Come on!" He said as he had scaled the Grey Ghost, and you dived towards the lead ship.

As you reached it, Maegor lept off the dragon, sliding down the sail and stabbing it with his sword, and reaching the deck with no difficulty.

"Fucking hell," Edwyle said as he looked at Maegor getting to work. "The fuck is he?"

"Aegor's brother, your turn!" You smiled as the Frey swore.

"Wait Lucien, SHIIIIT!" He hit the sails of the ship, sliding down and stabbing it with his blade. Not nearly as acrobatic or even prepared as the young Dragon rider, but you were sure he was okay.

Perhaps save maybe a cracked rib or two.

Of four. He had recovered well enough.

You just needed to isolate this ship from the rest of the fleet.

Maegor and Edwyle Save the Princesses:D100 + 50 => 137
Keeping them Away:D100 + 50 => 123

It was less than a moment before dragon fire made all ships trying to get close have second thoughts, as you saw Ra's Try to prepare a heavy crossbow to shoot you down. Yet you covered your head close to the saddle to avoid suffering a grievous and horrible fate.

And try as they may, Dragonfire could stop anything. Even the determined efforts of dangerous men.

And MAegor, and to a lesser extent, Edwyle had rescued the princesses.

Much to their surprise.

"<Groku!!>" The boy shouted. "<Rescue!>"

You frowned. Really, was he really going to try to?

Then you saw the dragon perched on his shoulder, and you realized what he was doing.

That bloody kid was showboating, now was not the bloody time.

You rolled your eyes as you took a moment to feel Grey Ghost's mutual frustration.

Time to end this blasted fool, and escape while you were still alive.

Grey Ghost was as annoyed as you were, and when he landed on the ship, there was enough force to rock all the still-alive occupants to the railing and soak them with seawater.

"Get on you blasted fools if you want to see another sunrise!" You demanded.

All three girls were varying ages, but the youngest was only a toddler, maybe three if you had to guess, mesmerized by the large and small beast in front of her. With Raven hair as black as the night, eyes of copper or brown, in this light, and darkened skin that gave the Rhoynor their name.

But the second oldest was Maegor's age, gawking at the small beast and the boy who commanded it. "Your… Targaryens?"

"Yes. And if you want to live." Edwyle coughed as he offered his hand. "It would be wise to join us."

The eldest looked at her two sisters, and then at the belts they wore. "We get these damn things off, soon." She said, not caring about what was happening, as you saw the ballistas preparing.

"Any time would be lovely!" You demanded, and all were broken from the stupor of surprise. And they climbed on, holding onto each other, as they tried to fit into your saddle.

You went further down the back of the Grey Ghost with Maegor and remembered your training with Daemon to ride him bareback. "Fly Grey Ghost! Fly HOME!"

Escape:D100 + 50 => 105 vs D100 + 50 => 84

It was only luck or fate that you escaped, a bolt sailing past your head.

And you were free.

Reward: The City of Astapor has fallen to the Undead and the Slave Uprising that has followed it. While the Undead is gone, the Freed Unsullied remain. And they have chosen freedom over slavery.

The Princesses of Dorne, Elia, Arianne, and Nymeria, have been rescued by the Mission of Lucien Targaryen, Edwyle Frey, and Meagor.

The Shadow is set back, his plans failed.

Plans in motion have been continued…

Dorne has heard the news. And they are preparing for civil war.

Meanwhile: The Grey Ghost and Groku have bonded slightly… and they will not try to eat each other.

AN: Enjoy.
All in all a successful side quest! The unsullied control the city and the Ghiscari dead are returned to their tombs, while Ra's Al Ghul may have gotten kings blood we have secured our original objective in securing the princesses for future politicking.

And we our blood can make swords catch fire apparently, we should remember that one.

Now we need only return to see what has become of our grand host in its endeavors.
I think we still have that unkown effect when our blood touchs a dragon, do we set the dragon on fire?
Hmm… I'm not saying that Groku is a good magic testbed buuuut…

No but seriously we should slap some blood on Grey Ghost at some point just to see what happens, preferably while we're not riding him.
I'm gonna take a wild dumb guess that dropping our blood on our dragon will allow us to speak High Valyrian with each other. Dragon's noise will sound like actual High Valyrian words to Lucien (Us).
Reward: The City of Astapor has fallen to the Undead and the Slave Uprising that has followed it. While the Undead is gone, the Freed Unsullied remain. And they have chosen freedom over slavery.
Well good to hear, are they going to expand that freedom to the other cities?
The Princesses of Dorne, Elia, Arianne, and Nymeria, have been rescued by the Mission of Lucien Targaryen, Edwyle Frey, and Meagor.
Good the main objetive was accomplished and it seems that we it took less than a week to do so, so plenty of people for us to burn in the Stepstones...

And by the way, where are we dropping the princesses @Magoose? King's Landing, Dragonstone, Driftmark?

And I thought that the younger princess was 6 not 3...
They are all in the range of 6-14
The Shadow is set back, his plans failed.

Plans in motion have been continued…
Well, that is the problem with these fuckers who pull their Xanatos Gambit so well.

Dorne has heard the news. And they are preparing for civil war.
This is basically our only point of failure, if we could have managed to buy them quietly we could have revealed them at a more convenient time...

And I wonder... Who is going to marry the elder one when the time comes (to pull a Daeron the good 100 years in avant)?

Viserys and Daemon are out of the picture, neither our siblings nor Aegor and Co are not technically Targaryen, Lucien is already married (and in the limit of what the Faith would allow), and Baelon is just a baby (Although he may marry the little one)...

If we open the marriage beyond the Targaryens the best match would probably be Laenor...
And I wonder... Who is going to marry the elder one when the time comes (to pull a Daeron the good 100 years in avant)?

Probably no one, remember they are in civil war, the best move for them is to marry their strongest supporter in Dorne. Then when the time comes one of the child marries one of the Targs.

After all marrying a foragneir in the middle of a civil war only makes more people flock to the Dayne.

Edit: like @Fanhunter696 said I agree that the youngest one has the best chances of marrying a Targ ( Baelon, or one of Lucien children either by Rhaenyra/ Alicent (Reach and Dorne borders better secured? / Laena is unlikely because she is still 9 )
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It's funny to think about really, all these years and wars we've fought, and now we're putting them back in Dorne. I know its for our own political aims but it reminds me of Austria-Hungary and The Ottomans during the first world war, age old enemies fight back to back. Crazy how things work out.
Probably no one, remember they are in civil war, the best move for them is to marry their strongest supporter in Dorne. Then when the time comes one of the child marries one of the Targs.

After all marrying a foragneir in the middle of a civil war only makes more people flock to the Dayne.
Well, not immeditelly, but they can get engaged now in exchange for support from the Crown to get Dorne back in Martell´s hands, and marry once Dorne is won and stable...
Laena is unlikely because she is still 9
I think that Laena is 12 already (at east according to the HOTD chronology), but I see your point.
It's funny to think about really, all these years and wars we've fought, and now we're putting them back in Dorne. I know its for our own political aims but it reminds me of Austria-Hungary and The Ottomans during the first world war, age old enemies fight back to back. Crazy how things work out.
Well, politics makes strange bedfellows and all that...
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Unless you know, Aegor is granted the Targ name... Or another name. However since he already has a Lady Love with his naruto personality I don't think he would marry just for politics.

By the way @Magoose, I know that you said Aegor tries to get away from his grandfather image but does he follows the Gods of Old Valarya?

Edit: I really thought It was Black Aly but she is younger than Sam who is now 8 so...
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