And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Well good to hear, are they going to expand that freedom to the other cities?
They might try to, they might now but I bet dollars to pessos that we have slaves running to astapor for freedom, and the world slave market is utterly fucked.
And by the way, where are we dropping the princesses @Magoose? King's Landing, Dragonstone, Driftmark?
Most likely Kings Labding
And I thought that the younger princess was 6 not 3.
I retconed for story purposes.
And I wonder... Who is going to marry the elder one when the time comes (to pull a Daeron the good 100 years in avant)?
… who knows.
"They might be fucking assholes, BUT THEIR OUR ASSHOLES"
-Viserys Targaryen, apparently
Say what you want about Westerosi, but they hate outsiders more then they hate eachother.
In one hand Viserys gets his title of one greatest kings of Westeros... We have to give him a personal title. In another, one more Kingdom to the chaos of the Dance.
Fun times.
As voyage of the Dawn Treader says, dragons love the taste of dragons. It's just a way of saying hello. (Jk)

But it is nice to see the chapter going well.
Tell that to the boys of daemon and company.

Fucking things up is a hobby of theirs it seems.
In one hand Viserys gets his title of one greatest kings of Westeros... We have to give him a personal title. In another, one more Kingdom to the chaos of the Dance.
Well, taking into account that the Dance is inevitable I am pretty sure that the historians will put him in second place... But when the first place is for The Old King, second place aint half bad.
They might try to, they might now but I bet dollars to pessos that we have slaves running to astapor for freedom, and the world slave market is utterly fucked.
Especially when the slaves that rebelled are from the city specialized in creating "best infantry of the world", if Yunkai whose main export were bed slaves would have been taken by the slaves things would have been different.
I will only show you all what the army did… but I did roll for everyone
So no Rumor Mill for the next update... Are we going to have an Interlude to see the result of the battle or Lucien will arrive in time to see the results?
Really? I thougt the name was Bloodstone, no Sunstone.

But after seeing the location of the Stepstones in the map... I wonder if we would make Tyrosh a visit, they still have Daemon´s sword in their possesion, and addind a well developed island to the set would be good for business...
Just how impactful was the slave revolt on the broader Essosi political scene?
It has caused an economic down turn that has crashed half the economies in Essos?
HAHA, It's almost like relying on slave labor to maintain a series of jumped up free city knock offs and trade ports was a bad idea! Take that L you slaver scumbags, I hope the Dothraki use you for target practice. The Unsullied are based as fuck for doing this. Breaking the chains? Incredible. Crashing a number of the wealthiest economies in the narrow sea? Fucking beautiful.
HAHA, It's almost like relying on slave labor to maintain a series of jumped up free city knock offs and trade ports was a bad idea! Take that L you slaver scumbags, I hope the Dothraki use you for target practice. The Unsullied are based as fuck for doing this. Breaking the chains? Incredible. Crashing a number of the wealthiest economies in the narrow sea? Fucking beautiful.
Well, another conssequence of the disruption of the Save Trade is that Braavos, as the only Free City who did not practice slavery will become significantly more powerful due to the weakening of its direc competitors... When our children are born and/or marry Laena I wouldn´t be surprised if the Sealord would give us some gifts.

Another thing is that if the free cities are weakened we may be able to conquer Tyros and incorporate it to our new "Kingdom of the Stepstones"
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Well, another conssequence of the disruption of the Save Trade is that Braavos, as the only Free City who did not practice slavery will become significantly more powerful due to the weakening of its direc competitors... When our children are born and/or marry Laena I wouldn´t be surprised if the Sealord would give us some gifts.

Another thing is that if the free cities are weakened we may be able to coqnuer Tyros and incorporate it to our new "Kingdom of the Stepstones"
A Braavosi Water Dancer to train our kids in combat, now where have I heard that before?