And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

[X]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

*Lucien kicks open the prison door*

Do we? Lucien hasn't really shown hatred for the Martells in General so far the way @Magoose wrote him, just for the ones who personally hurt him and his Family.
Lucien's only focused on rescuing them right now because right now, he's just witnessed Ra's Start the Second Age of Heroes, and another age of magic for his nefarious purposes.

And that means that bad shit is about to happen all around the world that only a few people are able to deal with.
As for the Update: GREAT Job, Guys! *slow clap* In your desire to show off instead of focusing on what we came here for, you gave the immortal Asshole who wants us dead everything he wanted. Well done! *sarcasm*
He did not want you dead.

If he wanted you dead, he would have tried to kill you, instead of taking a drop of blood.

And I would have made you battle him.
If Ra wanted Lucien dead he would be dead, a single drop of blood is easier to get while people are unconscious and killing them even more so. And he could used Maegor blood too, now we have a weapon to beat the massive number of ghosts that would have awakened even if we didn't pick the Ra option, instead we would be stuck with no weapon and three defenceless girls who cant even run against a horde of ghosts.
He could have taken it from the Martells who are also kings blood

No, he needed a Targaryen one in particular, and it would not have mattered if it was Aegor, Maegor, or us...

There is also something I want you to remember.

D100 + 100 => 197

This is the after effects of this little thing Ra's has done.

Those are very beneficial to us.

For the short term that is.
We don't know that. Unless @Magoose confirms otherwise, maybe the other Options would've resulted in him not getting any King's Blood.
If you weren't the one who went in, he would have just stolen blood from Maegor...

Or the Martells.

See how he got it would not be the issue.

It would be how powerful the shock to the rest of the world would be.

And the only person whose blood is more powerful than ours, is Daemon, Viserys, the Starks, Lannisters, Arryns, and the Baratheons.

When I say that the second age of magic has started, I meant it.
Plus both Lucien and Maegor have grandfather who were Kings, so both same degree of King blood in there.
Correct, we had some powerful blood running through our veins.
Our companions can take care of themselves, Edwyle has his guile and Maegor is a murder blender, and let's avoid burning the city while our companions and objetive are still there

Though, granted, we'll probably never know that for sure. Still doesn't change the fact that, with the choice we took, it was apparently guaranteed.
No it was not. The Magoose dice give and they take.
*Lucien kicks open the prison door*

Well we are strong enough to be a terminator... so there is that.
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Oh no... I reread the passage... Dont tell me that Ra Al Ghul took them to another location while we were out. I remember that in the previous chap he said clearly "prepare them for transport..."
Honestly, at this point, stop it with the predictions. You are only making it worse.

D100 + 100 => 197

This is the after effects of this little thing Ra's has done.

Those are very beneficial to us.

For the short term that is.
All this really does in confirming to me that we never should've gone on this trip, that Ra's has gotten everything he wanted and more with zero negative consequences for himself and us going was not only a waste of time, but made our Enemies stronger and everything just infinitely worse in the long run.

*sigh* Sorry, I had a bad day and am back on the doom and gloom-train. Maybe I should just step back for today...
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All this really does in confirming to me that we never should've gone on this trip, that Ra's has gotten everything he wanted and more with zero negative consequences for himself and us going was not only a waste of time, but made our Enemies stronger and everything just infinitely worse in the long run.

*sigh* Sorry, I had a bad day and am back on the doom and gloom-train. Maybe I should just step back for today...
Don't worry.

We have Daemon... That's all we need to fuck them up.
Honestly, at this point, stop it with the predictions. You are only making it worse.

All this really does in confirming to me that we never should've gone on this trip, that Ra's has gotten everything he wanted and more with zero negative consequences for himself and us going was not only a waste of time, but made our Enemies stronger and everything just infinitely worse in the long run.

*sigh* Sorry, I had a bad day and am back on the doom and gloom-train. Maybe I should just step back for today...
Nothing's shot quite yet, after all we do still have the war to fight. Ra's is a masterful planner and likely had multiple opportunities planned to take "Kings blood" whether we or Aegor came to Astapor. Now though we have a weapon and the chance at getting what we came for, and moving from there. Besides, he'll get his in time, it is known.
Don't worry.

We have Daemon... That's all we need to fuck them up.
I don't see it.

I'm sorry, I really am, but what I'm seeing here is an enemy we apparently can't outsmart and can't outfight who has now gotten all that he wanted and more, thus getting even more powerful and basically handing him the 'I win!'-Button.

Like, maybe if we had seen him struggle with any part of his plan, even if it was just at fighting us, I'd have more hope, but from the way he was written and things progressed, he just seems completely invincible.
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Nothing's shot quite yet, after all we do still have the war to fight. Ra's is a masterful planner and likely had multiple opportunities planned to take "Kings blood" whether we or Aegor came to Astapor. Now though we have a weapon and the chance at getting what we came for, and moving from there. Besides, he'll get his in time, it is known.
Besides, he is a bit stupid...

And if and when he decides to go after us next time...
I don't see it.

I'm sorry, I really am, but what I'm seeing here is an enemy we apparently can't outsmart and can't outfight who has now gotten all that he wanted and more, thus getting even more powerful nad basically handing him the 'I win!'-Button.
I am not a bad QM who fucks you over.

Merely create possibilities.

You lost a single battle.

Now win the war... that you already have an advantage in.
Like, maybe if we had seen him struggle with any part of his plan, even if it was just at fighting us, I'd have more hope, but from the way he was written and things progressed, he just seems completely invincible.
Wait until the next update. YOu'll see some very good catharsis.

Maegor you fucking chad. :V
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*sigh* I'm really sorry for being such a pessimist, but from the way Ra's was written and how his plan just went off without a hitch, he just seems completely invincible.
I know this is probably just because of my flawed and incomplete perspective as a player and thus completely my own fault, but it's how I feel right now.
Lucien's only focused on rescuing them right now because right now, he's just witnessed Ra's Start the Second Age of Heroes, and another age of magic for his nefarious purposes.

And that means that bad shit is about to happen all around the world that only a few people are able to deal with.
I am surprised that Lucien is not worried even a little bit about the original mission...
He could have taken it from the Martells who are also kings blood

No, he needed a Targaryen one in particular, and it would not have mattered if it was Aegor, Maegor, or us...

There is also something I want you to remember.

D100 + 100 => 197

This is the after effects of this little thing Ra's has done.

Those are very beneficial to us.

For the short term that is.
Short term being the crucial part... Magic being a sword without a hilt is a great metaphor, or like Sir Terry Pratchett said "trying to beat mice to death with a rattlesnake"
If you weren't the one who went in, he would have just stolen blood from Maegor...

Or the Martells.

See how he got it would not be the issue.

It would be how powerful the shock to the rest of the world would be.

And the only person whose blood is more powerful than ours, is Daemon, Viserys, the Starks, Lannisters, Arryns, and the Baratheons.

When I say that the second age of magic has started, I meant it.
To be fair, that is quite a long list of people with a blood more powerful than Lucien... I find it funny you have not mentioned Gael, with our mom being also the grandaughter of Jaeharys and the magic overdose that she had due to the circumstances of her birth, I think she could have the most powerful blood of them all (and now Melissandre has her...)
Well, I was mostly basing that in the bullshit rolls that Aegor and his siblings got during the last rumor mill, and how lord Frey seemed to have improvised a way of escaping a subterranean prison on the fly...
All this really does in confirming to me that we never should've gone on this trip, that Ra's has gotten everything he wanted and more with zero negative consequences for himself and us going was not only a waste of time, but made our Enemies stronger and everything just infinitely worse in the long run.

*sigh* Sorry, I had a bad day and am back on the doom and gloom-train. Maybe I should just step back for today...
Well, I think that this proves that more people should have voted for the Mundane Thingy rather than the Magic Thingy, especially seeing that the magic of ASAIF is always of the "Power at a Terrible Price" kind and whose diverse flavor includes human sacrifices, blood curses, shadow demon babies, pacts with demons, necromancy...
Wait until the next update. YOu'll see some very good catharsis.

Maegor you fucking chad. :V
So the next update is going to be the Stepstones situation? Dammit, I hate cliffhangers...

But he did do something awesome.
He got Posing up to Legendary and he IS the JoJo reference?
am surprised that Lucien is not worried even a little bit about the original mission
Right now he's a little bit more worried about surviving and getting his mission done.

Can't say it's a failure if things go tits up and you complete the job.
Short term being the crucial part... Magic being a sword without a hilt is a great metaphor, or like Sir Terry Pratchett said "trying to beat mice to death with a rattlesnake
All I will say is this:

Things are going to get good and fast.

For you at least.
To be fair, that is quite a long list of people with a blood more powerful than Lucien... I find it funny you have not mentioned Gael, with our mom being also the grandaughter of Jaeharys and the magic overdose that she had due to the circumstances of her birth, I think she could have the most powerful blood of them all (and now Melissandre has her
Gael is special for different reasons.
Well, I was mostly basing that in the bullshit rolls that Aegor and his siblings got during the last rumor mill, and how lord Frey seemed to have improvised a way of escaping a subterranean prison on the fly
Lord Frey is an engineer.

Never fuck with an engineer.
So why did he join? Since he has the title of Lord he already is the Lord of the Crossing or is the heir, in the last RM Riverlands seems to be doing quite well economicaly, and he isnt a warrior like the rest of the people there (it seems so at least).
He pulled a Daemon to get away from his responsibility's!