And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Shame to hear. Nothing wrong with wanting purpose. Just making dumb decisions.

Well Lucien was able to help Daemon so who knows? Maybe Lucien can help Cole be a True knight? Never too late to change
Let's just say if you somehow help Cole? Crazy shit might happen. And not the good kind of shit.
Lucien: You have the skill Ser Cole. Now just need the true honor of being a knight. I believe in you.

Cole:.....I'm gonna make him king One Day
Yeah if he pulls off a palace coup to crown us, we'll just say fick no and crown someone else.

Remember this is not going to end with us wearing the crown of the iron throne.
How's Saera doing being queen of volantis? How does the triarchy view Volantis under the rule of a Dragonlady, even if she doesn't have dragons?
The free cities do not like that and will punish her severely.
Where in the world is Maelor Rivers?
He's doing things.

And not very good things for the matter.
Let's just say if you somehow help Cole? Crazy shit might happen. And not the good kind of shit.
Like actually make him a decent person? Damn. Now I'm curious.

Yeah if he pulls off a palace coup to crown us, we'll just say fick no and crown someone else.

Remember this is not going to end with us wearing the crown of the iron throne.
Not with that attitude Lucien won't!! :V

More seriously would take lot of certain people dying and/or claims ahead of Lucien going mad mad. So yeah not expecting it other than being King consort at most.

This just in Alicent Hightower been trying to setup a meeting between herself and the Silent Dragon. Will it happen? Find out after our latest story of Laenor Velaryon on He go for his own team, all at Redkeeps Rumors!!
Like actually make him a decent person? Damn. Now I'm curious.
You manage to do that I'll have to make someone else an asshole.

And you won't like who i choose.
More seriously would take lot of certain people dying and/or claims ahead of Lucien going mad mad. So yeah not expecting it other than being King consort at most.
Yeah but remember we're looking pretty basted and dragonpilled by everyone else.
This just in Alicent Hightower been trying to setup a meeting between herself and the Silent Dragon. Will it happen? Find out after our latest story of Laenor Velaryon on He go for his own team, all at Redkeeps Rumors!!
Daemon: I'm just here for the popcorn.
Redkeep Rumors AU, Transcript of The Grand Tourney interviews.
Redkeep Rumors AU, Transcript of The Grand Tourney interviews.

[Start of recording interviewer Robbard Lewen* is sitting across from Ser Otto Hightower, the recording takes place on the first day of The Grand Tourney]

R - "This is Robbard Lewen reporting live at the site of The Grand Tourney, as you well now viewers the tourney was called by the king ostensibly to call together the many houses of the seven kingdoms and show the wealth of the crown, but is there more to the rumor of behind the scenes activities? More on that later, for now we have with us The Lord of Hightower himself, Otto Hightower, how are you today my lord?"

O - "I'm doing well Robbard, and please The Lord of Hightower is my brother, call me Otto."

R - "By all means Otto, now tell us, the Tourney here and all these very important people, it cant just be for the crowd can it?"

O - "Come now Robbard you know the King loves his people! This whole event is to bring us together after that dreadful winter and I have it on great authority that entire Tourney will be nothing more than a delight for everyone involved."

R - "Well if that's the case what about the recent rumors? The ones about the red ma-"

O - "It is the official policy of his majesty's government that there is no such thing as a 'Red mage', no matter what certain detractors might say."

R - "You mean Prince Daemon and Lucien the Silent?"

O - "...I will make no comment on the Rouge Prince and his mute."

R - "But Otto-"

O - "This line of inquiry is done, I hope you enjoy the festivities." (Otto Hightower leaves)

R - "Well viewers that was rather disappointing. However despite this setback we will be here all week, reporting on anything and everything we can find. Are the rumors of Princess of Dragonstone's escapades true? Is the Red mage real? Is the Silent Dragon a Essosi spice merchant is disguise? All these and more at Redke-"

[An explosion rattles the tent, before the broadcast is cut someone can be heard yelling "Fuck you Targaryen bastards!", end of recording]

(*Robbard Lewen is a character I made up, no relation to any other character named Lewen)
(A short little write-in that was genuinely fun to write and has no chance of being canon to the quest so I made it an AU, Writing Otto doing an interview where he gets a little flustered was great, I just hope that this isn't foreshadowing anything)
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You manage to do that I'll have to make someone else an asshole.

And you won't like who i choose.
Rhaenyra? Daemon? The random baker around the corner? :V

Daemon: I'm just here for the popcorn.

In other news, there has been sightings of the Rogue Prince with a certain Lady Mysaria. He cheating on his lady wife Rhae? Find out next time along with the possible cheating the Sea Snake is doing on his wife with a lady in his own lands, on RedKeep Rumors!!
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Is mushroom around? Wonder how he and septon eustace would view lucien in a hypothetical account. Mushroom implying he and Rhaenyra or laena were sleeping together maybe. Eustace decrying us as an evil heretic that caused the Dance.
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Yes. In fact he's been a Lucien Stan ever since we joined court.

Turns out cripples bastards and broken things have a common understanding to help out.
Mushroom implying he and Rhaenyra or laena were sleeping together maybe.
Mushroom would say we were fucking everything that moves.

And he would not even be wrong. We're a chick magnet of the hugest order and most older ladies think will grow into a handsome man.

Hell Corlys and Valaar have a bet on who he will bed first. Rhaenyra or Laena.

Or a random kings landing whore.
Eustace decrying us as an evil heretic that caused the Dance
You know he would say that but the problem is:

He has no leg to stand on, given the faiths… antagonization of us and the religious minority we are apart of
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Yes. In fact he's been a Lucien Stan ever since we joined court.

Turns out cripples bastards and broken things have a common understanding to help out.

Oh god I love it. Need to see a interaction between them. Possibly even have him be Lucien spy master.

Mushroom would say we were fucking everything that moves.

And he would not even be wrong. We're a chick magnet of the hugest order and most older ladies think will grow into a handsome man.

Hell Corlys and Valaar have a bet on who he will bed first. Rhaenyra or Laena.

Or a random kings landing whore.

Lucien is the strong silent type. The lady's love that kinda of stuff. Helps that Lucien is handsome and actually a decent person.

Watch it be neither Rhaenyra or Laena let alone get together with them. Maybe a dark horse joins the race and wins.
Remember this is not going to end with us wearing the crown of the iron throne.
TBH seeing how fucking devastating the Dance Was in canon and how many Targaryen died, I could see us pulling an "Aegon the Unlikely" and being crowned king because everyone else is either dead, crazy, or in Kindergarten...
Lucien is the strong silent type. The lady's love that kinda of stuff. Helps that Lucien is handsome and actually a decent person.
Yeah, even if we manage to recover the voice we should keep the silent part... Then we can surprise them when they realize that we can talk all along (Like Silent Bob).

Even then we should probably try to learn any combination of music, dance, and poetry... Then we will be totally irresistible.
Mushroom would say we were fucking everything that moves.

And he would not even be wrong. We're a chick magnet of the hugest order and most older ladies think will grow into a handsome man.
Lucien the Silent... A man with a Heart of Gold, and a Cock of Valiryan Steel...
Hell Corlys and Valaar have a bet on who he will bed first. Rhaenyra or Laena.

Or a random kings landing whore.
What is the bet?

Lord Corlys: "If Lucien beds Laena you will win a three days advantage before I chase after you to cut your thumbs"

But jokes aside, at this point I could see Corlys pushing for a match between Laena and Lucien, it would strengthen the bonds between the Velaryons and Targaryen and the Velaryions would win a damn good captain and Dragon Rider...
You know he would say that but the problem is:

He has no leg to stand on, given the faiths… antagonization of us and the religious minority we are apart of
Well, let´s hope we have an adventure soon that would allow us to neuter the Faith for another 100 years
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Oh god I love it. Need to see a interaction between them. Possibly even have him be Lucien spy master.
Well we are in the city and will be at court, the fool will be easily be avalible.
TBH seeing how fucking devastating the Dance Was in canon and how many Targaryen died, I could see us pulling an "Aegon the Unlikely" and being crowned king because everyone else is either dead, crazy, or in Kindergarten
We'll most likely be declared Lord Protector, but no, I am not making you king like Last quest.

don't want to repeat myself. Plus there is plenty of other ways we can do things here.
Yeah, even if we manage to recover the voice we should keep the silent part... Then we can surprise them when they realize that we can talk all along (Like Silent Bob).
Really, once we regain the ability to talk, I want to freek people out by just talking, and making everyone think our silence is entirely because of our dragon. Who is notoriously silent.
Even then we should probably try to learn any combination of music, dance, and poetry... Then we will be totally irresistible
Well you have a chance to do such a thing later. Especially because we may be a fixture at court.
Lucien the Silent... A man with a Heart of Gold, and a Cock of Valiryan Steel...
Tyrion would worship the ground the man walks.
What is the bet?

Lord Corlys: "If Lucien beds Laena you will win a three days advantage before I chase after you to cut your thumbs"
Nope, Corlys would have to admit that Lucien is the better Dragon rider. Both on a dragon and on a "Dragon"
But jokes aside, at this point I could see Corlys pushing for a match between Laena and Lucien, it would strengthen the bonds between the Velaryons and Targaryen and the Velaryions would win a damn good captain and Dragon Rider...
He is trying.

And by god, is our dad saying no for the most heartwarming reasons.
Well, let´s hope we have an adventure soon that would allow us to neuter the Faith for another 100 years
DOn't worry, we won't even need to do that.

After all, the Faith just needs to be reminded who wears the crown and who kicked their asses.
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 18, 2022 at 3:03 PM, finished with 64 posts and 20 votes.
The Tournament 1
The Tournament 1:

Be a Mystery Knight: You are skilled enough to be a mystery knight, even though you knew… people would notice. But you didn't care. You were putting a target on your back. For a good cause.

Daemon was not pleased as you looked and was ready with your armor. It was heavy, yes, and you were damn sure you could not see that well through the helmet, but you were clearly well put together, and in armor, most people couldn't tell you were a child.

Save for Daemon, who was rather angry at the whole affair. "The idea is to blend in." He said as you stayed mounted on your horse, holding the reins tightly. "Once the joust begins, you won't be in control of the situation. Men get angered when they lose, and they may fight you on the ground."

You nodded, but let yourself let out a breath. He was right of course. You should have put more thought into this. You were going to be in a melee or joust. And men were known, especially in these times of peace… To battle far more into death. It was like the Northern melees where fear and rivalries gave way to blood and violence.

But you said, and signed nothing.

You needed to find the Mage, but there was no way to really know who or what he was. All you knew was that he is in the city right now. And while Daemon was investigating, you needed to throw the scent off of him. And while there were better plans.

You had different ideas of what would be better.

But you didn't have much time. There was only something worse at play, and you needed to save your mother.

So mystery knight from Dragonstone was good enough for now.

Grey Ghost was sad he could not join you, and you knew you felt the same way. There was nothing you wanted more than to keep him by your side.

But to remain hidden, you did exactly what you needed to do.

Keep yourself hidden.

As you arrived, you remained silent as you rode towards the lists.

"Who are you?" The Keeper said. "And what is your List?"

What is your Fake identity name?:
[]Write in

What do you choose to partake in:

[]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.

[]The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.

An: enjoy.
[X]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.

I'll leave the name up to you guys.
[X] Lucien, Giga-Chad Supreme
-[X] "The Gull Knight"
-[X]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.

Let's play to Lucien's strengths, we're a damn fine swordsman and a decent jouster so that's a given choice, as for the name I'm thinking we fuck with Daemon a little bit, show off the humor we've worked so hard for. Good rolls are good rolls.
So Uh... Fuck.

Maelor Rivers:

Welp, it seems that its time for things to get mad with Magoose dice.
[X] Lucien the Knight
-[X] "The Knight of Love and Peace"
[X]The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.
[X] Lucien the Knight

Well this is the one in which we have more chances of attracting the Mage.

Let's play to Lucien's strengths, we're a damn fine swordsman and a decent jouster so that's a given choice, as for the name I'm thinking we fuck with Daemon a little bit, show off the humor we've worked so hard for. Good rolls are good rolls.
We are also at excellent horse rider and jouster (we have +20 in both skills just 10 points less than sword and shield) hell we probably are a better jouster because I am pretty sure that we will combine both...
[X]Plan: A Silent Joust
-[X] The Gull Knight
-[X] The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.

I think we should Joust. We're pretty good at that, too. Plus, the whole point of this is to lure in the Blood Mage and if he might not even show up if we do Melee...

[X] Lucien the Knight
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Well, The Gull Knight is less of a mouthful than The Knight of Love and Peace, so switching the vote...

[X]Plan: A Silent Joust

But why a seagull? There are plenty of other magestic birds that are not as fucking annoying as seagulls (after living in a coastal city for several months I developed a certain distaste for seagulls)