Name: Vanessa Bracken
Appearance: Red curly hair, brown eyes
Alias: "The Red Mule" by Myranda Ryswell
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
- The Ruby of the Riverlands - Specific title within the courtiers.
Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written)
Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.
Honest to a Fault: You say what you think and while others dislike you for it, some are like you for it (-10 for rolls when you need to lie but in reverse you gain + 10 to rolls when you need people to believe you: Oaths,advice or testimony.)
Tall: You tower over your peers, sometimes even the male ones (- 10 to stealth rolls, can be passed down to your children)
Pretty: While you might be not beautiful, you can't be called plain either (+ 5 to diplomacy tools)
Brazen as a Bracken: When many have their will broken you continue as someone worthy of your House words : Undauted, we march! (+10 to rolls where something may happen to break you emotionally, you instead carry on.)
Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)
Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)
Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)
Court intrigue (Trained): You may not like it but your Mother made sure you at least knew the basics of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)
Keep's Management (Master) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 30 to managing a keeps affairs)
Heraldy (Skilled): You learned about the Sigils, Names, Words of the many Noble Houses of Westeros (+ 20 to Identifying a House and Managing a event with numerous Houses)
An eye for Talent [General] (Skilled): After helping organize many events with a large amount of people, you learned how to appraise which person would be suitable for what position; (When searching a person to fulfill a particular position gain + 20 to the rolls)
Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)
Blood of the First Man: Although the Brackens long since conversed to the Faith of the Seven, their blood still flows in you.
Stubborn: Once you take a stance it's rather difficult for you to change, kind of like a mule..(People gain a -5 malus in diplomacy rolls when trying to convice you to change your stance.)
Advisor - Your counsel is sought out for those in need of your advice (Gain or give + 5 when people purposely ask for your advice over specific matters)