Non-cannon Omake: The Realm Delight no Longer.
Rhaenyra still couldnt understand how this happened.
One moment she was the Realm Delight and now...
She looked over the balcony towards everyone gaze was drawn to, her cousin Prince Lucien stood tall among the crowd in the gardens, the moon seemed to shroud him with its light giving a even more etheral feeling to his appearence. Rhaenyra could almost imagine his eyes a rare dark purple seen in the few times when the red of the sunset mixed with the dark blue of the evening.
She slumped her shouders in a manner that her mother would undoubtly scoulded her.
How could this had happened?
One moment she was the most beautiful maiden of all the realms, earning the title of the Realm Delight that was bestowed to her by her Uncle Daemon then one day...
"It seems to me that I was wrong dear niece! Lucien may have as well stolen your title of Realm Delight!"
She had looked the portraits of his mother, Princess Gael and sure she was pretty in the typical way most of the Royal House were but nothing special, his father was the same.
Was the rumor spread by the High Septon right? Was Lucien bathing with the blood of innocent maidens and consuming their flesh???
The yell took the Princess out of her stupor, glancing at the doorway her friend Alicent waited for her, with a tired expression.
"Dont tell me you are still sore about what your uncle crowing your cousin as the Queen of Love and Beauty in a jest?"
"What?! No, of course."
In fact she was upset, since her Uncle made her the joke of the entire realm when she as his closest female relative present at the tourney wasnt crowed as people expected her to be.
"Come now, Rhaenyra before your father starts to ask around where you are and realize you arent in the ballrom"
"Please Alicent, dont tell me I am seated besides Lucien."
Alicent only gave her a brief smile, walking ahead of her.
"Its unbecoming of a Princess to be jealous of her cousin"