And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

TBH, when it is too evident that Nyra and Alicent are pregnant we either send them back to KL or both Viserys and Visenya will try to geld us...
Well maybe not KL... But we probobly will send them back to Dragonstone, where both of them will be able to join us sooner... then later.

As for our mom... she will literally force herself through a warzone to kill us if we decide to do something that stupid.

Although if Rhaenyra decides to be stupid and just... you know, stays to fight on dragon back...That's a problem we will have to deal with.
And also the children of that Misteryous Martell that we need for our future conquest.
Martell's. There are three children we need to find.
So... Will Lucien perceive they are pregnant in time?
I dont know, I'll roll for that when the time comes.
So... Will Lucien perceive they are pregnant in time? Because traveling pregant could be dangerous and if its too late Dragons arent going to be an alternative and ship travels may take too long.
Well, Laena had no problems riding Vaghar while she was heavily pregnant...

So... that may not be that much of a problem, at least carrying them to safety in dragonback part, convince them to leave could be more difficult.
I dont know, I'll roll for that when the time comes.
Well, hiding a pregnancy beyond the first trimester is quite difficult, especially when we are seeing both everyday and they and Lucien keeps fucking like rabbits...
Although if Rhaenyra decides to be stupid and just... you know, stays to fight on dragon back...That's a problem we will have to deal with.
Well, as bad as it sounds when the moment comes we will have to trust in our looks (and their ludicrous diplomacy bonus) to convince her to leave an active warzone...
As for our mom... she will literally force herself through a warzone to kill us if we decide to do something that stupid.
And Viserys will be right behind her carrying Blackfyre...

Martell's. There are three children we need to find.
Well, are they all girls?

Because our brothers are still single...
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Well, Laena had no problems riding Vaghar while she was heavily pregnant...

So... that may not be that much of a problem.

But the question is they know that? Visanya is good healer but even she cant predidct what happens to a preagnant womens body while flying since less than 1 percent of the population can have that experience and who knows what texts happened to survive the doom.

Well, are they all girls?

And how old are they? Because so is Aegor and co.
But the question is they know that? Visanya is good healer but even she cant predidct what happens to a preagnant womens body while flying since less than 1 percent of the population can have that experience and who knows what texts happened to survive the doom
Well, the stress that the child would suffer while his mother rides a dragon wouldn't be that different to riding a horse (which can be done relatively safely), The main risk would be falling from your dragon, and that is certain death wether you are pregnant or not
Well, the stress that the child would suffer while his mother rides a dragon wouldn't be that different to riding a horse (which can be done relatively safely), The main risk would be falling from your dragon, and that is certain death wether you are pregnant or not
Also there is going to be some magic bullshit going around so… they may have some extra protection.
So everyone... I might as well show you how the Pregnancy Rolls Are:

D100 => 100
D1000 => 725

D100 => 76
D1000 => 776

So it seems that there are kids.

And while they won't have twins... or multiples, they will be having kids.

Well Rhaenyra kid is gonna be awesome if that Nat100 is anything to go by.

Alicent didn't roll a nat100 but rolled higher on the other dice. Might not mean anything but hey still a kid.

They only having one kid? Oh and their gender is also gonna be important.
Omake: A farewell for now.
Omake: A farewell for now.

Alicent stared at the dagger in her hands then back to the Ladies circling her at the table. All of the original six were there, Lady Caliadne and Rhyelle busy with their own projects while Jocelyn trained in the courtyard intent on following Rhaenyra to the battlefield.

"Is this really necessary?"

"You are going to war Alicent" said Galena while she cut a fruit " And war can be unpredictable as a storm"

"So is Rhaenyra and she is going to the frontlines"

"Rhaenyra has a dragon" spoke Myranda followed by the others.

"Also Ser Harwin"

"Ser Darklyn"


" And Caliadne as her personal healer" finished Vanessa, putting her hands together as if proving a point.

"I have my brother-"

"Who is a squire of only thirteen" interrupted Galena, stabbing once again a piece of fruit, " But that is not the point."

"The point is that we want you to return safe and sound," spoke Minisa, cleaning her mouth with a napkin " Giving you a dagger so you can protect yourself if, and only if something happens may be a way to make you return to us safe then so be it."

Alicent played with the sheathed dagger on her hands, she didn't know much about blade craftsmanship however it was clear that the girls took care choosing it and in a way she was touched of how worried they were in regards to her safety.

" It would be rude to refuse such thoughtful gift "

The ladies around her brightened in relief, Emma smiled standing out of the chair putting her hands on her waist.

"Now for the real gift!!!"


The Wendwater was quick on her feet and quickly pulled on the table a thick and beautiful book right in front of Alicent's seat, no title was on the cover but with just a look one could see how luxurious it was with pages gilded with gold.

" Open it !"

Curious she opened the book, revealing the front page and its title:

A compilation of the Princess Consort Alicent Tagaryen nee Hightower favorite tales

By her Lady Friends

Lady Vanessa Bracken
Lady Galena Harlaw
Lady Lorena Celtigar
Lady Myranda Ryswell
Lady Minisa Crane
Lady Emma Wendwater

"This…" Alicent said while leafing through the book, with how thick it was it must have taken a long time for it to get ready, it certainly wasn't a last minute gift. Carefully she saw how some of the calligraphy was mismatched and completely familiar at the same time.

" Someone had to stop you from taking the whole library when you left," Galena said, giving a smirk.

"It was supposed to be your wedding gift but we couldn't finish it in time" Lorena trailed. " It didn't help that none of us knew how to draw."

" It also doesn't hurt that it is thick enough to block one sword strike… My hands will be hurting until I am an old crone" whined Myranda as she left her seat walking towards Alicent.

"So did you like it? It's rude to refuse a gift you know" Minisa's words flew out of her mouth in a sing song tune like a cat that caught the canary.

"I… Loved it, thank you very much" Alicent hugged the book to her chest, her heart felt full as she looked at the Ladies smiling for a moment until she saw the dagger on the table. Its handle shining in the sunlight.

She hoped her decision wasn't a mistake.
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I cant wait for when we start building the real Port Tabasco, the amount of confusion with the name will make everyone spin.. Also House Targaryen of Port Tabasco has a nice ring to it.

By the way, how is inherance is going to work? Like since Nyra is the first wife her children will inherent the main seat even if they are born later? Or its the boy that is born first? Or we are pulling a chinese drama with Lucien that will decide who gets what?
I can't wait for when we start building the real Port Tabasco, the amount of confusion with the name will make everyone spin.. Also House Targaryen of Port Tabasco has a nice ring to it.
Well, now we need an omake of Lucien eating some mysterious Dornish Sauce, loving the hell out of it, and getting the name of said sauce burnt in his memory :V.

By the way, how is inherance is going to work? Like since Nyra is the first wife her children will inherit the main seat even if they are born later? Or its the boy that is born first? Or we are pulling a chinese drama with Lucien will decide who gets what?
Well, it is going to be a mess no matter what... We can always cut our losses and go for an Ottoman style of inheritance :V
They called it Tabasco
They called it Tabasco
With the war all but started and the money flowing from coffers to the waiting hands of soldiers, Lucien had a thought, he didn't know much at all about the Stepstones beyond a map and a list of names. What were its people like, how did they treat, and as a middling idea, what did they eat?

To this end he called upon the knowledge of traders, Maesters, and some of his fathers lesser known acquaintances to show him not just the Stepstones from a Dragons eye view but also the culture of its people. In the span of weeks he learns of their songs and dances, for they are very communal. He learns of there way of treating with fellows and outsiders, their prayers and how they differ from they customs of both Westeros and Essos. But where Lucien truly finds passion is the food of the stepstones.

First come the Maesters, men of age and books ad scarcely set foot in the region and had spent most of their time pouring over old tomes and older records from years before. From them he finds recipes and accounts of tastes and colors, of the ingredients used and people involved. Lucien learned that most food on the stepstones comes from the sea, by way of fishmongers and captains who control the ports of the cities, and that the fish in the southern narrow sea are found in such variety that it would put even the esteemed fishermen of Pyke to shame.

Then come the traders, man and women who ply the sea-lanes and make a living taking goods and people across the Narrow Sea. These trade captains offer a font of information that, while not as academic as the Maesters, is very human in its approach. They tell stories of the fishermen using family owned ships to brave storm laden seas to pull their hauls to shore. So imaginative are their accounts that Lucien can almost smell the cooking fish, near taste the plants and spices they describe, and from this he hears the name of a particular spice called "Tabasco Sauce".

Finally now come the friends of his father, men and women called Pirates and smugglers. They've taken their time in coming to the mustering but when they heard of The Princes interest, they brought something important indeed, they had brought real food from the Stepstones. Great fish called Gulpers who span the length of a man, smaller fish called mist jumpers with wings that they might catch the bugs that skim the water in the morning, and a great hold of spices taken from a ancient farm, by gold or force they would not betray, and amazingly the practice to cook the food itself.

With some convincing, and no small amount of Westerland Wine, the Smugglers of the Narrow Sea agreed to make a dish, on the condition that Lucien would try every dish presented. Lucien, being the amicable and erudite prince that he is, agreed. They cook for the better part of a day, commandeering near the entirety of the keeps kitchen, from which can be heard curses and viscous fighting the entire time, and expel most of the servants from their path. For hours on end they labor before showing for dinner the feat they had made for the assembled dragon riders, captains, and nobles of note.

The main dish is a set of Gulpers the size of boars, ringed with leaf's and strange herbs, and paired with a white plant called "Cauliflower" which bulbs like certain mushrooms. The side dishes are threefold and made in abundance, first is a plate of the Mist Jumpers cut of their wings and then again into pieces to be placed upon sticks interspersed with various greens and smattered with a sauce, second is a plate of crab legs pulled from an exceptionably large thing called a "Salt Spider" which is second only in size to bear Islands "Bear Crabs", third and finally is a dish served with small plucked shrimp, finely chomped greens, and a kind of pressed and chopped grain called "noodles", the captains insisted it is a Valyrian invention and needed to be served to the Dragonriders.

The night went well and all attendees enjoy the food presented, commenting frequently on its exotic nature and surprising taste. The Northmen and Valemen particularly enjoy the crab, most of them have seen the coast and have fed on smaller crabs before, just as the Westermen and lesser lords greatly enjoy the Gulper, likening it to game beasts and the hunts of their childhood. But when Lucien tasted the sauce of the Mist jumper dish he stopped, for he had never tasted its like before, he asks the nearest captain what had gone into the dish and when told he latched onto the singular ingredient "Tabasco sauce", in a later journal he describes "...An explosion of flavor and taste..." and said " was as if I had tasted for the first time in my life, as like the dishes from childhood memory made by my mother...". So began the Targaryen addiction to Tabasco, a sauce from the Stepstones on the eve of war.

-an expert from "Dragon-fire dishes, a cookbook from the Narrow Sea"

(AN: Not my best work I'll admit, but I was inspired by @Fanhunter696 , I wrote what is basically that really long first section of a cookbook that we all skip, because goddamn people I just want the food, and made up animals to go along with it, "Gulpers" are just big ass Groupers, think 4-5 feet, "Mist jumpers" are flying fish with a little more meat, "Salt Spiders" are European spider crabs, and "Bear crabs" are snow crabs. Lucien is a Targaryen and I like to think sometimes Targaryen blood madness shows in non-destructive ways sometimes and in this case its a dude that tastes Tabasco sauce for the first time ever and develops a potentially unhealthy obsession, hope y'all enjoyed)
Tabasco sauce for the first time ever and develops a potentially unhealthy obsession, hope y'all enjoyed)

I loved it, Lucien having an Tabasco obsession it's just so funny, it's just sauce but it's the sauce for Lucien not other sauce could ever compare.

A Millenium later his face will be stamped on every Tabasco sauce bottle, his bloodline continued being super rich because of his secret Tabasco sauce receipe.
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I loved it, Lucien having an Tabasco obsession it's just so funny, it's just sauce but it's the sauce for Lucien not other sauce could ever compare.
I figure Westerosi food is a little bland for lack of a better term, here and there you might find a pocket of spice and juicy meat but by in large its going to be peasant diets, burnt fish, dry chicken, and if you're rich then you can get pig that actually has moisture. so Lucien has been eating a lot of beef and pork recently and less seafood, and when get gets the chance to eat something closer to home he jumps, only to taste something entirely new and not at all fucking dry, he bites too much and it burns his mouth and sears his throat but by the fourteen it tastes so good! Maybe in the future he'll have a personal herb garden with peppers as the centerpiece.