Of remembered Virtues
Omake: Of remembered Virtues.
She couldn't believe it was happening again, not so soon after her mother departed her aunt now decided to accept the Stranger's grace forcing her once more to say a farewell for the last time. Of course she had said her goodbyes before Aunt Rhae took the milk of poppy but seeing her laid in a coffin, surrounded by flowers illuminated only by the Sept candles felt wrong.
The worst of it were the Twins cries, not understanding why their mother had to leave asking if she wasn't happy after all. In the end they cried until exhaustion and had to be taken to their rooms to rest for the journey to Runestone where the burial will take place. Her heart ached at the sight, knowing how damn well how it hurts to lose a mother.
Which left her, Lucien and Uncle Daemon in the Sept besides the spetons, the vigil ending an hour ago, the coffin soon to be sealed for the journey. Looking at Uncle Daemon's face she had the impression he wanted to have a private chat with Lucien, so she left the two alone together to mourn.
Lucien was even more devastated than her, seeing how close he was with Lady Rhae... He lost his mother Princess Gael to the Blackwater Bay, almost lost Visanya to a curse and now this...
Walking in the hallways her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a pair of unexpected voices.
"Quickly! I am sure they are almost leaving! "
" I am not running in the Sept, Myranda!"
Sure enough, approaching from the entrance, where two of her Ladies in Waiting, carrying what appeared to be a massive shield to Rhaenyra's immense confusion.
" You are not running in the Sept, Lady Jocelyn, however surely King Landing heard the two of you shouting for the heavens."
To be fair the two of them looked to be abashed and frightened at getting caught by surprise, but Rhaenyra needed answers and what they are doing carrying a huge shield to the Sept at this late hour.
"Well then, what's this commotion all about?"
Jocelyn, still a bit flushed at getting caught, answered, fidgeting a bit with the shield " Well you see... Myranda was saying how some of her ancestors were buried with their favourite horses... Then it led to how some of the Mormont women were buried with their weapons in honor of their warrior status.."
"What Jocelyn its trying to explain - interrupted Myranda" I just thought while Lady Rhae never raised the sword she was always coming to her beloved people defence, hence the shield for her burial like a true warrior."
Rhaenyra blinked, examinating the shield.
It was made of bronze, runes craved into its borders like the Royce banner, in its center arranged into cardinal positions where 4 dragons flying : A red on in the north, a pale green on the left, pink on the right and a grey in the south.
"Of course, only if your uncle allows it "
Rhaenyra, smiled a little remembering her Aunt bravery " I am sure he would allow it,"
Notes: Rest in Peace Rhae...
She couldn't believe it was happening again, not so soon after her mother departed her aunt now decided to accept the Stranger's grace forcing her once more to say a farewell for the last time. Of course she had said her goodbyes before Aunt Rhae took the milk of poppy but seeing her laid in a coffin, surrounded by flowers illuminated only by the Sept candles felt wrong.
The worst of it were the Twins cries, not understanding why their mother had to leave asking if she wasn't happy after all. In the end they cried until exhaustion and had to be taken to their rooms to rest for the journey to Runestone where the burial will take place. Her heart ached at the sight, knowing how damn well how it hurts to lose a mother.
Which left her, Lucien and Uncle Daemon in the Sept besides the spetons, the vigil ending an hour ago, the coffin soon to be sealed for the journey. Looking at Uncle Daemon's face she had the impression he wanted to have a private chat with Lucien, so she left the two alone together to mourn.
Lucien was even more devastated than her, seeing how close he was with Lady Rhae... He lost his mother Princess Gael to the Blackwater Bay, almost lost Visanya to a curse and now this...
Walking in the hallways her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a pair of unexpected voices.
"Quickly! I am sure they are almost leaving! "
" I am not running in the Sept, Myranda!"
Sure enough, approaching from the entrance, where two of her Ladies in Waiting, carrying what appeared to be a massive shield to Rhaenyra's immense confusion.
" You are not running in the Sept, Lady Jocelyn, however surely King Landing heard the two of you shouting for the heavens."
To be fair the two of them looked to be abashed and frightened at getting caught by surprise, but Rhaenyra needed answers and what they are doing carrying a huge shield to the Sept at this late hour.
"Well then, what's this commotion all about?"
Jocelyn, still a bit flushed at getting caught, answered, fidgeting a bit with the shield " Well you see... Myranda was saying how some of her ancestors were buried with their favourite horses... Then it led to how some of the Mormont women were buried with their weapons in honor of their warrior status.."
"What Jocelyn its trying to explain - interrupted Myranda" I just thought while Lady Rhae never raised the sword she was always coming to her beloved people defence, hence the shield for her burial like a true warrior."
Rhaenyra blinked, examinating the shield.
It was made of bronze, runes craved into its borders like the Royce banner, in its center arranged into cardinal positions where 4 dragons flying : A red on in the north, a pale green on the left, pink on the right and a grey in the south.
"Of course, only if your uncle allows it "
Rhaenyra, smiled a little remembering her Aunt bravery " I am sure he would allow it,"
Notes: Rest in Peace Rhae...
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