And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Of remembered Virtues
Omake: Of remembered Virtues.

She couldn't believe it was happening again, not so soon after her mother departed her aunt now decided to accept the Stranger's grace forcing her once more to say a farewell for the last time. Of course she had said her goodbyes before Aunt Rhae took the milk of poppy but seeing her laid in a coffin, surrounded by flowers illuminated only by the Sept candles felt wrong.

The worst of it were the Twins cries, not understanding why their mother had to leave asking if she wasn't happy after all. In the end they cried until exhaustion and had to be taken to their rooms to rest for the journey to Runestone where the burial will take place. Her heart ached at the sight, knowing how damn well how it hurts to lose a mother.

Which left her, Lucien and Uncle Daemon in the Sept besides the spetons, the vigil ending an hour ago, the coffin soon to be sealed for the journey. Looking at Uncle Daemon's face she had the impression he wanted to have a private chat with Lucien, so she left the two alone together to mourn.

Lucien was even more devastated than her, seeing how close he was with Lady Rhae... He lost his mother Princess Gael to the Blackwater Bay, almost lost Visanya to a curse and now this...

Walking in the hallways her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a pair of unexpected voices.

"Quickly! I am sure they are almost leaving! "

" I am not running in the Sept, Myranda!"

Sure enough, approaching from the entrance, where two of her Ladies in Waiting, carrying what appeared to be a massive shield to Rhaenyra's immense confusion.

" You are not running in the Sept, Lady Jocelyn, however surely King Landing heard the two of you shouting for the heavens."

To be fair the two of them looked to be abashed and frightened at getting caught by surprise, but Rhaenyra needed answers and what they are doing carrying a huge shield to the Sept at this late hour.

"Well then, what's this commotion all about?"

Jocelyn, still a bit flushed at getting caught, answered, fidgeting a bit with the shield " Well you see... Myranda was saying how some of her ancestors were buried with their favourite horses... Then it led to how some of the Mormont women were buried with their weapons in honor of their warrior status.."

"What Jocelyn its trying to explain - interrupted Myranda" I just thought while Lady Rhae never raised the sword she was always coming to her beloved people defence, hence the shield for her burial like a true warrior."

Rhaenyra blinked, examinating the shield.

It was made of bronze, runes craved into its borders like the Royce banner, in its center arranged into cardinal positions where 4 dragons flying : A red on in the north, a pale green on the left, pink on the right and a grey in the south.

"Of course, only if your uncle allows it "

Rhaenyra, smiled a little remembering her Aunt bravery " I am sure he would allow it,"

Notes: Rest in Peace Rhae...
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A little Prince Bed Time Stories part 1!
Omake: A little Prince Bed Time Stories part 1!

Myranda's Storytelling: Tales of the Witchblade.

Once upon a time there was a lake, its surface was crystal clear and its water a deep sea blue but no living thing drank from there for it was a salt water lake instead of fresh water.

But such detail wasn't important for the man fighting in there, as blood spilled and corpses rotted on the ground just as the man's dying were not of interest for the lake.

No, the important thing came after that.

Some time later a young maiden walked through the place, her gaze unfocused, lost as if trying to find something desperately yet failing.

Her face started to clear as tears fell from her checks, and dirty again from snot on her nose. So she went to the lake to clear her face completely but her eyes only got more irritated because of the salt water and as if a dam broke the girl started to cry in earnest, knees hitting the ground and dress getting wet.

That interested the Lake, for all the time its been there it had felt it all, the taste of rain and blood, it never tasted tears, something salty and sweet so similar to its own waters yet not it at the same time. So its surface rippled and a voice called from its deeps.
And the girl answered.

Here the tales diverge, some say that from the lake rose a Salt Shore Witch, with hair of seaweed and cloak of whale skin, others that the girl saw her own reflection strangely distorted by the ripples.

However all of them agree on that in the end the maiden pulled a dagger from the lake, a queer thing with the blade resembling a white salt rock and the handle made from bone all of it for the revenge on the King.

You see little Prince, the King at the time was waging a war not for glory, gold, conquest or even justice or meaneless hate. None of it, he simply liked to fight the rush of danger and blood filled his heart with joy like none could quell and for a man that had such simple needs the realm also bleed from within for he was no mere man but a King, or so it was what the people said.

So the girl went for her quest of revenge, carrying the witchblade. It took her time and skill to get close to her target but revenge was night.

The King only saw a maiden not beautiful and neither ugly, she had a strange aura that drew the eye in, a fragility of the heart that in turn made the others weak and that's all that she needed, to catch his attention and lure him into a secluded room.

The dagger was plunged right into his heart bypassing meat and bone like air as the King's vision darkened the only thing he saw as the maiden's empty eyes staring at him like all the corpses he left on the battlefield.

However when morning once came, the King woke up there with not a sign, not even a scar of the dagger in his heart. Dismissing it as a nightmare he continued in his war campaign as before.

Time passed, and for a moment everything was just like before for the King but soon it was clear that something was wrong, first was his hunger and thirst. No longer could he drink or eat, being more simple he lost completely his desire for sustenance.

It was unnatural, people whispered how could the man continue without food or drink? But even without it he continued health as ever, calling it a sign that the gods favored him. Next it was his need for sleep, and so it went.

Little by little the King lost what made one a person, it was said that in his last night he couldn't feel the wind on his face neither see the moon in the sky however he would still charge blindy in the battlefield like a enraged bull with a supernatural skill, for the last thing he could feel was the siren call of the battlefield.

By the sword he lived, and by the sword he died, in one of the bloodiest wars ever seen.

The place was littered with the dead, people amounted on top of each other in a rot so big they melded together forming a big rotting blanked across the land. They tried for days to find their King's corpse and found it they did and more, in the center of the carnage and on his hand was a sword.

A queer thing it was, with the blade being made of an white crystal almost like a rock salt, its handle made of bone and when it cut even when the wound was healed the person would forever feel the pain. Without sheat, the sword would slowly bleed saltwater, like tears dropped in a lake.

For instead of the endless joy of the battle, the King was forever doomed to feel the pain of those he harmed.

And thus it ends the Tale of the Witchblade, after passing through many warriors hands it got lost in time. Some say the Lake claimed it again, to expand its waters and claim the continent as its own, other that its last wielder was Brandon of the Bloody Blade who passed it to his son Brandon the Builder who used its frozen waters to make the barebones of the Wall, the sword secretly hidden in the crypts of Winterfell waiting for its next punishment.

Notes: I wanted to make a cute scene with Baby Baelon and people telling stories and playing with him, instead this was born. I hope at least the randomeness of it all was enjoyable? Tell me if I managed to get the fairytale feeling right.
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Omake: A farewell for now.
Omake: A farewell for now.

Alicent stared at the dagger in her hands then back to the Ladies circling her at the table. All of the original six were there, Lady Caliadne and Rhyelle busy with their own projects while Jocelyn trained in the courtyard intent on following Rhaenyra to the battlefield.

"Is this really necessary?"

"You are going to war Alicent" said Galena while she cut a fruit " And war can be unpredictable as a storm"

"So is Rhaenyra and she is going to the frontlines"

"Rhaenyra has a dragon" spoke Myranda followed by the others.

"Also Ser Harwin"

"Ser Darklyn"


" And Caliadne as her personal healer" finished Vanessa, putting her hands together as if proving a point.

"I have my brother-"

"Who is a squire of only thirteen" interrupted Galena, stabbing once again a piece of fruit, " But that is not the point."

"The point is that we want you to return safe and sound," spoke Minisa, cleaning her mouth with a napkin " Giving you a dagger so you can protect yourself if, and only if something happens may be a way to make you return to us safe then so be it."

Alicent played with the sheathed dagger on her hands, she didn't know much about blade craftsmanship however it was clear that the girls took care choosing it and in a way she was touched of how worried they were in regards to her safety.

" It would be rude to refuse such thoughtful gift "

The ladies around her brightened in relief, Emma smiled standing out of the chair putting her hands on her waist.

"Now for the real gift!!!"


The Wendwater was quick on her feet and quickly pulled on the table a thick and beautiful book right in front of Alicent's seat, no title was on the cover but with just a look one could see how luxurious it was with pages gilded with gold.

" Open it !"

Curious she opened the book, revealing the front page and its title:

A compilation of the Princess Consort Alicent Tagaryen nee Hightower favorite tales

By her Lady Friends

Lady Vanessa Bracken
Lady Galena Harlaw
Lady Lorena Celtigar
Lady Myranda Ryswell
Lady Minisa Crane
Lady Emma Wendwater

"This…" Alicent said while leafing through the book, with how thick it was it must have taken a long time for it to get ready, it certainly wasn't a last minute gift. Carefully she saw how some of the calligraphy was mismatched and completely familiar at the same time.

" Someone had to stop you from taking the whole library when you left," Galena said, giving a smirk.

"It was supposed to be your wedding gift but we couldn't finish it in time" Lorena trailed. " It didn't help that none of us knew how to draw."

" It also doesn't hurt that it is thick enough to block one sword strike… My hands will be hurting until I am an old crone" whined Myranda as she left her seat walking towards Alicent.

"So did you like it? It's rude to refuse a gift you know" Minisa's words flew out of her mouth in a sing song tune like a cat that caught the canary.

"I… Loved it, thank you very much" Alicent hugged the book to her chest, her heart felt full as she looked at the Ladies smiling for a moment until she saw the dagger on the table. Its handle shining in the sunlight.

She hoped her decision wasn't a mistake.
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They called it Tabasco
They called it Tabasco
With the war all but started and the money flowing from coffers to the waiting hands of soldiers, Lucien had a thought, he didn't know much at all about the Stepstones beyond a map and a list of names. What were its people like, how did they treat, and as a middling idea, what did they eat?

To this end he called upon the knowledge of traders, Maesters, and some of his fathers lesser known acquaintances to show him not just the Stepstones from a Dragons eye view but also the culture of its people. In the span of weeks he learns of their songs and dances, for they are very communal. He learns of there way of treating with fellows and outsiders, their prayers and how they differ from they customs of both Westeros and Essos. But where Lucien truly finds passion is the food of the stepstones.

First come the Maesters, men of age and books ad scarcely set foot in the region and had spent most of their time pouring over old tomes and older records from years before. From them he finds recipes and accounts of tastes and colors, of the ingredients used and people involved. Lucien learned that most food on the stepstones comes from the sea, by way of fishmongers and captains who control the ports of the cities, and that the fish in the southern narrow sea are found in such variety that it would put even the esteemed fishermen of Pyke to shame.

Then come the traders, man and women who ply the sea-lanes and make a living taking goods and people across the Narrow Sea. These trade captains offer a font of information that, while not as academic as the Maesters, is very human in its approach. They tell stories of the fishermen using family owned ships to brave storm laden seas to pull their hauls to shore. So imaginative are their accounts that Lucien can almost smell the cooking fish, near taste the plants and spices they describe, and from this he hears the name of a particular spice called "Tabasco Sauce".

Finally now come the friends of his father, men and women called Pirates and smugglers. They've taken their time in coming to the mustering but when they heard of The Princes interest, they brought something important indeed, they had brought real food from the Stepstones. Great fish called Gulpers who span the length of a man, smaller fish called mist jumpers with wings that they might catch the bugs that skim the water in the morning, and a great hold of spices taken from a ancient farm, by gold or force they would not betray, and amazingly the practice to cook the food itself.

With some convincing, and no small amount of Westerland Wine, the Smugglers of the Narrow Sea agreed to make a dish, on the condition that Lucien would try every dish presented. Lucien, being the amicable and erudite prince that he is, agreed. They cook for the better part of a day, commandeering near the entirety of the keeps kitchen, from which can be heard curses and viscous fighting the entire time, and expel most of the servants from their path. For hours on end they labor before showing for dinner the feat they had made for the assembled dragon riders, captains, and nobles of note.

The main dish is a set of Gulpers the size of boars, ringed with leaf's and strange herbs, and paired with a white plant called "Cauliflower" which bulbs like certain mushrooms. The side dishes are threefold and made in abundance, first is a plate of the Mist Jumpers cut of their wings and then again into pieces to be placed upon sticks interspersed with various greens and smattered with a sauce, second is a plate of crab legs pulled from an exceptionably large thing called a "Salt Spider" which is second only in size to bear Islands "Bear Crabs", third and finally is a dish served with small plucked shrimp, finely chomped greens, and a kind of pressed and chopped grain called "noodles", the captains insisted it is a Valyrian invention and needed to be served to the Dragonriders.

The night went well and all attendees enjoy the food presented, commenting frequently on its exotic nature and surprising taste. The Northmen and Valemen particularly enjoy the crab, most of them have seen the coast and have fed on smaller crabs before, just as the Westermen and lesser lords greatly enjoy the Gulper, likening it to game beasts and the hunts of their childhood. But when Lucien tasted the sauce of the Mist jumper dish he stopped, for he had never tasted its like before, he asks the nearest captain what had gone into the dish and when told he latched onto the singular ingredient "Tabasco sauce", in a later journal he describes "...An explosion of flavor and taste..." and said " was as if I had tasted for the first time in my life, as like the dishes from childhood memory made by my mother...". So began the Targaryen addiction to Tabasco, a sauce from the Stepstones on the eve of war.

-an expert from "Dragon-fire dishes, a cookbook from the Narrow Sea"

(AN: Not my best work I'll admit, but I was inspired by @Fanhunter696 , I wrote what is basically that really long first section of a cookbook that we all skip, because goddamn people I just want the food, and made up animals to go along with it, "Gulpers" are just big ass Groupers, think 4-5 feet, "Mist jumpers" are flying fish with a little more meat, "Salt Spiders" are European spider crabs, and "Bear crabs" are snow crabs. Lucien is a Targaryen and I like to think sometimes Targaryen blood madness shows in non-destructive ways sometimes and in this case its a dude that tastes Tabasco sauce for the first time ever and develops a potentially unhealthy obsession, hope y'all enjoyed)
Omake: The Princes of Ashes and Snow.
Omake: The Princes of Ashes and Snow.

Daemon left the War Room going to Caraxes, letting Aegor and Lucien decide among themselves who would save the Dornish Whores.

The cool air helped him calm down a bit and think of Viserys' plan of his merit, conquering Dorne would be an achievement that even the Conqueror failed to do, putting him among one the greatest Kings, no, the de facto King of Westeros.

Yet all that thinking was for naught when he arrived close to Caraxes, seeing once again the marks left behind by the Scorpion Bolts. Like he was possessed Daemon started to feel ropes chafing against his skin but if he turned to look there would be nothing, instead the Rogue started to examine his dragon scales, the thought of flying abandoned.

Caraxes had suffered some heavy damage, falling over the dunes making a cloud of sand that blinded the entirety of the people in there. At that moment Daemon was sure Caraxes had died, there was no doubt about it with more than 10 bolts piercing him.

He was wrong.

The beast reminded everyone why he was called the Blood Wyrm, managing to cross Dorne with many of the bolts still craved on its back and wings damaged, the damn Dragon managed to come home without any sort of help, alone.

Unlike you,
whispered Daemon's mind.

It was funny in a fairytale sort of way, his family always warned him of his ways and how it could lead to his doom.

"There is a fire inside of you Daemon and it can be of great help, but you must harness it, '' said his Grandfather in one of those rare times he talked to him " Because if you do not, I fear that instead it may take you as the fuel leaving only ashes".

How much of a fool he had been for not listening? Yet how could he have listened? Little Daemon, always a bit too fierce, a little too rambunctious, a tad too loud.

Even as a child he could read between the lines, he wasn't a little bit rather he was too much for anyone, too troublesome for a second son.

Except for Viserys, he never left.

But all others did and as quick they were to go they were quick to return when they wanted something from him.

So he learned to play the game in his own tune, appearing when he shouldn't and going on his own way when they are certain he would fold.
He always returned to Viserys.

Until they took that away from him too with that marriage. It was a disaster in the beginning, and it would likely remain if not for Lucien. That innocent child who needed him in a way not even Viserys had, and brought him so much joy along the years.

Brought him to Rhae, quick witted Rhae free as the wind. Why did she have to leave this soon? When he finally found a place where he could just stay? Did he kill so many men that the gods are willing to punish an innocent woman so they could affect him, to leave a child without their mother? Was he a little too much again for even the gods? Did he break an oath? Kinslaying? Break the guest right?


It's going to be alright Daemon.

How? How it's going to be alright when he failed her, failed his own daughters, failed Lucien not once but twice in the North and with Visanya curse… And it wasn't that a twist, the ones in danger were his sister and nephews?

Sure Lucien grew to become a wonderful man, but what is a man to a woman touch? The Dornish could make their poisons as sweet as honey and their Princess were ruthless as shifting sand and tricky as their mountains. A little show of weakness, a chink in the armor… And he could end like own mother, Gael.

Like me.

Gael… how much time passed when he last thought of her? Seduced by a bard only to be abandoned by the scumbag later.

When I grow up I will travel a lot just like you.

And what will you do?

I will sing! Like a bird!

Do you even have a song memorized yet?

I do! Mama taught me, it's called…

Daemon heard familiar footsteps as Caraxes huffed, warning of someone approaching from behind. The old beast had only grown more protective of Daemon after the incident.

Lucien walked to him, no doubt to inform him of his decision, the Rogue paid him no mind, continuing to see if there's anything stuck in the Blood Wyrm scales waiting for the right moment to strike.

The boy stopped to observe, sensing his mood after the meeting.

Time to make the first move.

"Ghost of a Rose" Daemon said, still facing his dragon with the back turned to Lucien.

" Who?"

" The song, I guess you didn't learn it after serenading Rhaenyra and Alicent for so many nights." The Rogue said, finally facing his son. " What a shame, I guess I will have to teach you."

Lucien, far accustomed to his antatics smiled "Oh you singing? Are sure? I think Caraxes would be far more suited for such a task."

Daemon cracked a smile ready to reply.

Trust Lucien Daemon, he always manages to bring out the best in you even when you don't see your own good.

And last, take care of him and the girls.

He would do it Rhae, no Dornishwomen would touch a single strand of Targaryen hair ever again even if it meant going against his brother's wishes

Notes: I probably didn't manage to do justice to Daemon in this omake but I tried. Also I think even if he managed to recover well there's simple moments where trauma and bad thoughts come back to life and the revelation of Viserys utilizing him without informing him out of it and Rhae death unbalanced him in this scene. So if Daemon seems angst here it's because of that.

Also the song is Ghost of a Rose by Blackmore Night. Btw in case it wasnt clear the song part is Daemon remembering a conversation with Gael.
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A day for prayers.
Omake: A day for prayers.

Lorena Celtigar rubbed her eyes, feeling tired at being awake at such an early hour. The other girls were lucky that the Septons would be only holding the prayers for Princess Rhaenyra's child later, but the Valaryan costume was to pray for the newborn's safety at sunrise.

Still she was happy, if anything went wrong in Alicent or Rhaenyra pregnancy they would be here at sunset instead, waking up early was a price she would gladly pay for her friends safety.

Ahead of her, Lady Visanya went up the steps of the Temple, followed by her children. The doors were already open in preparation for the event. Behind them a small stream of people followed, Lorena could recognize most of them by name, of all years she spent at the Temple, either praying and doing charity work.

The building itself wasn't big or luxurious as the Sept of Kings Landing, yet it was theirs all the same. The benches were sturdy enough to last a good few years and were enough in number that everyone could take a seat, small statues of dragons were carved on its walls and ceilings, the recent addition of the huge stained glass window in the back now gave the much needed light for the ambience without fire wich in the summer heat was a blessing.

In front of the Altars she could see the Stormsingers organizing everything, in particular Elder Velesya, an old priestess with gray hair who generally was in charge of prayers regarding Tessarion, Meleys and Shyrkos was commanding today's event.

From afar Lorena could still see the old burn scar on the woman's cheek, which she learned was from an accident from lighting the fire for cooking pot in her childhood, Elder Visanya would almost die from the poor treated wound if a stormsinger didn't stop to heal her, thus inspiring her to take the faith even in a place that they were minority or so said the priestess.

Greeting her fellow sisters and brothers in faith as she walked, Lorena seated beside what she thought was Little Viserys by the color of clothings. One could never be fully sure with the triplets, they liked to put on shows with Mushroom and have people bet which one was which, gaining a not small amount of coin.

"Good Morning Lady Celtigar!"

"Good Morning, Ser Gregor."

Sitting at her side was one of Lucien's friends from the city watch. Gregor, called the Halfman due to his dwarf status and of the few friends she made that shared her faith in this city, aside from Lady Visanya.

Lorena offered her hand to him for the incoming prayers and he swiftly took it, taking the hidden coins in her closed palm. She had betted on the babies being both girls, but alas she had lost and Gregor made her 15 dragons poorer, sometimes she thought Gregor was blessed by one of the gods with how much he won in bets… Or he was receiving information in advance somehow.

The sound of drums interrupted her thoughts, Elder Velesya was in the front ready to begin the prayers.

" Brothers and Sisters! Today we gather around to celebrate not only the Fourteen Blessed Prince Lucien Targaryen with a child but two! So today we thank the gods for their gift! "

And in unison they answered.
"Blessed by the Flame!"

"Now we begin!"

" Oh goddess you that has lifted us towards the sky,
Take us under your wing, forever free in the wind
Oh god, you that have made the heavenly fire
Light our way around the night and day…. "

And such it went, until the sun tinted the sky with its light and then it was time for the main event.

Elder Velesya gestured towards the Altars with each of the gods behind her, stooding in a perfect circle. "Now I call the family to pray and make the newborns receive the blessings from the Fourteen."

Lady Visenya stood, the triplets with her. Lorena and Gregor also followed, since Lucien didn't have enough relatives for the ritual it was alright for a friend to participate although in her case she was doing it for Alicent and Rhaenyra. Still even with them helping Lucien's family they were only 6, enough for only half of the 14 so the rest of the priest filled in.

Each one took a candle for each baby, white for the girl and red for the boy all of it being the exact same length and placed it at the feet of one particular god. From what she could see Lady Visanya being a healer had chosen Tessarion, the triplets split and Gregor was in front of Vermithor statue.

"Now light the candles!'

The ritual was twofold, the candle represented the newborn life and by putting it on a god altar was to put its life under their protection but also it served as a form of divination. Being all the same length the candles should burn at the same speed but some went out faster than the others. The first candle to go out would indicates a form of weakness, doom or tragedy depending on which god feet they were, in reverse the last candle to go out indicated the newborn strength or fortune according to the god.

Thus the reason why they needed candles of different colors and a signal to lit them at the same time.

Lorena had chosen the goddess Tyraxes, hoping the children would grow with wisdom and if war came they would be skilled warriors and strategists like their father but above all she prayed for a peaceful life for her friends' children.

As the candles burned, Lorena could only hope her prayers were answered for everyone sake.

Notes: So what you guys think? I wanted to give more light to the Old Valaryan Faitfull and their rituals, not sure if I managed to do it right tho. The reason they pray for the newborn at sunrise its because its the beggning of the day or in this case a new cycle to Honor Shrykos as a goddess of beggnings and ward the night as long one can.
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Profit and Faith
Profit and Faith
It had started at a state dinner, of all things, our new king had invited us to eat with the more important lords and ladies of west on the eve of "our grand adventure" as he had so colorfully called it. That I was fool enough to join the venture is strange enough, but that I had been talked into cooking for dragonriders? Simply providence. I can imagine that I might still be living as a smuggler if I hadn't joined, if I hadn't cooked at that dinner, I wouldn't have ever seen what dragons truly were.

That's what brought me out here, through exploits in the war and good cooking I have been given a title, land, and charge. The island isn't so bad, the previous rulers had all died or fled during the opening battles of the war. Those that remain are the islands permanent inhabitants, farmers of some of the only arable land in the Stepstones and fishers on the coast, all good people really. They even took the renaming well, turns out "Torturers Deep" never really resonated with anyone, and seems to have taken to "Port Tabasco" rather well, though not without some amusement.

I have to admit, running the place is difficult, though the Maester I have on hand tells me it'll get easier when the bulk of the Dragonseed arrive, something along the lines of more people to tax and have build things and form proper guilds, though I'm not sure how managing more people will be easier than what I'm currently doing. Though It's not without its upsides, having more people of the the faith will be nice, It might mean more meetings with the Stormsinger Lorena! She's been such a great help in helping me keep in good spirits since I found my faith, and in writing to the other Stormsingers about setting up a proper church to the Fourteen when the others arrive. They're talking about setting up a nice portion of land to build it, and with all the planning for expansion I can only imagine all the gold that Port Tabasco will bring in. Though I have been thinking, why should the church rely on dues alone? If Prince Lucien's response to my gumbo is any indication then having a growing section dedicated to the churches use might pull in more gold all the same.

-An excerpt from Lord Davion Tabasco's personal Journal after arriving to Port Tabasco and planning various contruction projects regarding the city, the soon to be church to the Fourteen, and the docks.
Omake: Temples and Castles
Omake: Temples and Castles

Lorena silently rejoiced when the ship approached the small port.

After the news of Lady Visanya being kidnapped by slavers, she was afraid of taking the same route. If someone wasn't afraid of attacking the mother of the Dragon Prince and the wife of the Pirate King, what about a small ship full of dragonseeds and a daughter of House Celtigar?

Yet they finished the journey without a single incident.

Praised by the Lord of the Waves, gently in his mercies and ever furious in his punishment.

"Beautiful isn't it my child?" said Elder Monterys, taking in the sights of the island while his wrinkled hands clutched the dragon pendant on his neck.

Another of the reasons Lorena was so eager to arrive was because of the elderly Stormsinger. When they were discussing who would come to the Stepstones in the initial batch, the man made a question of going even in his old age and fragile health.

Few in the congregation could have denied the elder when they remembered his tearful eyes at the proclamation of Exceptionalism Doctrine by King Viserys. As such she spent the entire journey praying for his health but her concerns were for naught. Instead of worsening, Elder Monterys seemed better and younger each day spent on the sea.

"Yes Elder, it's a beautiful island indeed." In the beginning Lorena was a bit skeptical of a place previously named Torturer's Deep but the island was lush with plants and its waters were a crystalline blue instead of the dull gray from the North like Myranda described.

As for the actual holdings…

The building that was intended to be the Temple had seen better days to not say it unkindly, even someone not familiar with architecture could see that some of the walls would need repair or be outright torn down. Two things however stood as to why the building was chosen for the Temple.

One was the location, being close enough to the sea but not too close when the tide advanced. Although the Temples attended all of the gods, being an island and a presumed important point for sea trade, Caraxes was expected to be one of the most celebrated ones followed by Vermax and then most gods related to daily affairs.

The next one was the belltower. It wasn't very high but it was in good state and would serve to call the masses for the daily prayers and events. All in all, with her family donation and the gold collected along the years by the Temple of Kingslanding, transforming this place into a sacred Temple worthy of its name would take some time and hardwork but very possible.

"And to think it wasn't on the continent where we would be free but instead a tiny group of islands between the lands…" spoke Elder Monterys, on the balcony of the belltower, eyes still focused on the horizon.

"Sometimes I wondered if Aegon truly conquered Westeros or if he was tamed by it instead" he continued, turning to look her in the face. " A hundred years and how much of our blood speaks Valaryan? Know our prayers and traditions? How long our memory was slowly erased until the only thing that remained was our eyes and hair… Forgive me, my child, it seems I got lost in some silly thoughts again."

"Nonsense Elder, your words bring much wisdom to this one." And it truly did, Lorena had her father's eyes but her hair was the same color of her mother's, even her own name wasn't a Valaryan one being one of the Andal Ancestry. Would she even be considered kin by her ancestors?

Smiling at her words, he offered his hand and together they went downstairs back to the main building where an unknown men waited for them.

He looked like a dornishman, of average height and build. The most striking thing on him was the patterned cloth around his forehead as a bandanna and a single gold earring.

"You" he said pointing to the two Stormsingers, making them stop in the beginning of the stairs.

"You must be the Stormsingers that the Maester warned me about." He said coming closer, smiling and offering his hand to them.

Unlikely she expected, Elder Monterlys surged forward taking the hand offered " And you must be Lord Tabasco, our host so I hope?"

Tabasco? The Lord of the Island? She read from Alicent letters the man seemed to be of the loyal sort but she didn't mention he was a dornish… What an unexpected development, she was there when the Princesses departed for their homeland and now she leaves King's Landing she encounters one of their countrymen.

"Apologies Father and Sister, I was supposed to meet you at the docks but something unexpected came up."

"Don't worry young man, me and Sister Lorena were just taking a look at our future Temple, one of the locals was kind enough to guide us"

Prompted by the Elder words, Lord Tabasco turned his gaze from him to her. His gaze lingered for a few seconds not exactly on her face, intrigued but quickly going back into a smile again.

Lorena properly curtsied not forgetting her manners but after so many years among friends and fellow faithful she felt a bit out of practice talking to a complete stranger.

"Your rooms in my Keep are already prepared if you follow me."

"Then please lead the way, My Lord. I am afraid my knees aren't what they used to be."

With that they walked out of the building, making way to the Keep. Along the way Lorena realized what Lord Tabasco seemed so intrigued about : Her single iron earring gifted by Galena in the shape of the legendary Sea Dragon Nagga. Indeed it would stand out by the general preference of Stormsingers for the winged Dragons ridden by the Targaryens.

She adopted it since she held Caraxes dear in particular, being raised in the coast of Blackwater.



A sudden gust of wind came forward with such strength that it almost took down Elder Monterlys had Lord Tasbaco not held him in time.

"What in the world? It's a storm coming?"

Lord Tabasco turned to answer but was interrupted by a impossible sky for in the middle of the day everything turned into night, a pillar of light appeared in one of the islands blinding everyone for a moment and with a blink everything was back to normal but in the place of the pillar of light was a castle of huge proportions, its white walls a stark contrast to the smoke of vulcan.

"It is a miracle of the gods!" shouted Elder Monterys and this time he fell down on his knees on purpose, tears gathering on his eyes.

Lorena glanced at Lord Tabasco, who was transfixed looking at the Miraculous Castle. "It's Sunstone…"

She fell on her knees and started to pray with Elder Monterlys, Lord Tabasco seemed a bit confused but took her offered hand.

Lorena would never regret her decision to join the Stormsingers, rather this was a sign she was on the right path, her ancestor may have been alive to see an Empire fall but how many could have helped build a new one?

Another tiny thought gnawed at her head in a moment, would Rhaenyra and Alicent object to a visit?
Omake: Minisa Side Quest: Madness Descent.
Omake: Minisa Side Quest: Madness Descent.

I can remember perfectly well the moment when I met my wife Minisa, in fact I have it written in the very pages of this journal.

Unlike most people thought, I didn't meet her in the ballroom of Kings Landing where she often dazzled people with her dancing grace or not even observing the cranes she was so fond of in the Red Rose Lake that was her home.

In fact when I met her, she almost scared me away with her scowl.

It was the day of the Smith. The craftsmen, smiths, painters, sculptors, mummers and bards showed their talent on the streets of King's Landing or a few fortunate in front of the King himself.

The best of the lot was exposed in a hallway in the Red Keep. And that was where I first saw Minisa, standing in front of the painting of Prince Lucien's family together with his two wives.

Wearing such a heavy expression while she inspectioned the artwork would normally make me wary of approaching her yet a sense of curiosity took me that day.

What would make such Beauty stare in contempt the image of the Royal Family? Jealously? A Love gone wrong? A family grudge?

When I asked her so, Minisa smiled and asked in turn "What do you see?"

I saw a beautiful man worthy of the Prince image described in the songs, with two equally beautiful women by his side (the Sacrilage to the Seven not being commented) and I told her so.

" Equally beautiful… That's the problem, pray tell me Ser you have never meet the Prince, have you?"

And this was the benning of unkownly courting my wife Minisa, after some time I forgot about the matter only for it haunt me and Minisa in the future.

It started with a single innocent letter from one of the Princess's If It was Hightower or The Realm Delight It no longer important. All of it said was that the Sunstone construction was complete and they would furnish the place soon.

Sweet Minisa thought of giving a gift to her long time friends by commisionating a painting.

That was when disaster struck.

It was easy for her to arrange for a master to do such work given how she often assisted the Late Queen Aemma with her artistic pursuits.

Yet the it didn't take long for her insastifaction with master work to show. And as such she summoned other masters for the said painting.

And again all of them failed to meet her standarts.

At that point rumours started to fly, some of the artists fiercely recused Minisa requests other came on their own accord to Greyshield island as some way to improve their own standing by being the one to complete Minisa requests. Others took wind of the tale and soon started playing theater, making satirical drawings of Prince Lucien each one uglier than the last.

It was a short time for the Reach start to being flooded with works of Prince Lucien image by fake coins, sculptures, paintings, tapestries, songs and tales alluding to it, all of it because Minisa maintaned her high standarts.

I would have put a stop to it hadnt the number of people and artists brought with them a good number of coins to Greyshield. Some nobles even traveled to the island to see the plays and artwork, the merchants were not left behind and short after they moved in as well.

Minisa althought unhappy because they couldnt paint the one work she desired was glad she managed to help with Greyshield income with her blunder rather than hinder It… In some ways she became more determined than ever.

" None can capture Prince Lucien etheral beauty right, If a master cant do the job then only a Legendary Painter may do so "

And thus is how we ended in a remote village searching for the said man, a man of valaryan ancestry said to hail from Lys. A Maestro Marcelo, who was responsible for sculpting the famous Weeping Lady in the center of the city.

I only hope he can meet her demands and if not Minisa promised she would give up her research and focus on other matters.

Journal of Lord Jon Greyshield of Greyshield.

Notes: Not my best work but I done it!
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